Grands 2019 - 5/7 - All double dutch freestyles

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Jr am j RN c 2019 we've got Lily Hannah and Isabel jump company USA create multiples to start bottle doubles the rope showing up super nice on this floor - very technical Oh fun transition is interesting turning on that power of skills nice back extension oh good recovery super hard to get out of misses like that or near misses like that during the wheel nice just spinning around good caught it on the foot press the handstand hold it under the Frog they're really digging this wheel a little little miss there it's coming back though again a skill like that would count more in presentation they switch slid pulling both ropes on there with each jump there oh that was going to be a 6-under little Miss on it pretty solid though yeah absolutely nice you're very happy with it and they should be got a lot of the big tricks there so as we're getting into double outs we have to keep in mind that it is not just the jumper that is going to be doing the tricks hmm throughout these routines if you're paying careful attention to the Turner's you'll find that the Turner's jobs are arguably harder than the jumpers for the most part they're mixing in these skills while trying to watch the jumper and getting the ropes to go around them yeah I'll tell the Turner's out there I mean most of us are turning and jumping but if you are a good Turner we love you we appreciate you ain't that the truth we also see these routines a lot of wheel knocking on the door so right now the terms are actually turning backward press the handstand another going forward into a wheel helicopter release Oh almost missed good job the wheel we were talking about trying to get the handle back in their hand you can see there we go back in the hand perfect back handspring nice hopfrog oh and they pulled her on backward oh that was nice she went into a bridge and kept turning I've never seen that before we neither that was a handle switch in there watching the Turner's again scooping everyone straight into double dutch nicely done Thanks the ropes are going around a total of four times actually done hahaha so excited about that what is that drop called at the end call it a death drop a death drop shout out to Michael leaper great job girls that was a great routine we saw a lot of awesome turning action exactly what I was just talking about you can't just watch the jumper in these routines yeah watching SS freestyle is not background viewing you need to be present all of your attention or you will miss something all right some more young comets changed his mind about what's broken once but he's ready to go it was very high suicide powerful start little freeze alright nice cross jump through straight into that frog pulling it on the opposite rope on the way down nice hit those multiples really nicely some flashy movement right into this combo Oh with the back jumps get up and a Kip oh yeah a little-little messy on the recovery they're great assistive flip straight into the ropes oh love that Thanks very strong all the way around it's gone around the world saying earlier if you're watching double dutch you have to be present if you are jumping double-dutch boy do you have to be present a lot of the communication is nonverbal too and I'm not even sure what people are saying but if you're if you're present and you're paying attention you can figure out what the other Turner wants you to do what the other jumper wants you to do obviously you can talk to each other but you don't always had that's something that just grows from practice yeah the more you practice with your team the more of those subtle clues that you can just like pick up on without any verbal yes a lot of the great double dutch three and four persons have been groups that have jumped together for a long time which actually makes me think about if you have a favorite double dutch three-person team i would love to hear about that we'd love to hear about that I already know mine we'll have two of them one is Nick Jeff and Katrina razzmatazz 9.8 at a national championship which which is unheard of I've got HD high flyers we'll talk more about favorite double dutch routines if you have a favorite double dutch routine from over the years please let us know now I did see some requests earlier to show off some of the HD high flyers and here they are nice HD high flyers out of Pennsylvania it's good switch there these ropes look really in Tony yeah I like that the middle black is almost invisible on these multiple that's cool it's a really neat effect actually they're turning backward now Oh get that communication back on track and a switch to the wheel some clean footwork you see on the left side that yeah they were doing some handle switching there good frogs good low turning the ropes are not bouncing it one bit all right nice real quick shout out to Amy Witzel and Alison white if you guys are listening to my favorite HD high flyers of all time yeah I remember working with you guys at some camps always so great with the rope manipulation just really really easy to teach into coach all right great job HD high flyers coming up next is going to be a hop skip jump once again with Aaliyah Kennedy and Erica as we've said already hop skip jump has been killing it this competition Oh started off a little bit too far back in the ropes it looks like got to stay centered ropes are showing up nicely those are some difficult multiples good they're really isolating one rope at a time it shows a lot of advance control nice hand hop there's wrong race-mixing some double unders in there meaning that their jumpers getting up really high on these gymnastic skills clean entrance we're gonna in some breakdance moves there we go oh good say and they made it little click on those ropes but they pulled out of it we're seeing those waves that's gonna help out that presentation score around the world I like that yeah there's a handle switch there again gotta watch those Turner's nice sequence all right pretty salary job girls is that the one miss at the beginning yeah that's the only one yeah good job and again so young they have so much time to develop in the sport but the fact that they have such great chemistry already just amazing something to look forward to seeing them shows about putting in the time yeah practicing oh great okay coming up hot shots Tennessee this was a great routine from prelims we actually posted this to the stories on a mjf Jacob Olivia and Delaney I think it was completely clean and yeah it was pretty good so that is coming up next yes here we go [Music] [Music] nice musicality they're also really good turning there we are isolating one rope at a time mixing it up and hand off whoa hey the turns are jumping yeah some pop ups in that wheel with the power super grade so far nice to the beat no it was really good little touches like that all right getting it to multiple sequence now I miss there they're gonna reset nice assisted aerial turning during this is the aerial is good Oh quick little repositioning hi leapfrog some more handoff oh yes interacting with the Turner there and multiple to finish it off all right good job just those two misses another bummed about that they've definitely had some really solid stuff at the beginning of that routine it's a really intricate turning mix with those power skills yeah again in this event it's gonna come down to who can be the cleanest multiples is always such a hard thing to get clean with the ropes moving so fast and especially when you start adding in those crosses it's really really easy for the ropes to hit each other moving right along yeah this group Lauren Ellie Kayla I'm not sure if I saw this in prelims but I I know it's gonna be solid it's just got to be clean just take your time [Music] oh there we saw today the ropes went around her six times and that one jump great Turner involvement that rotating awesome Annie this aerial crosses oh and a hip-hop double down I hope it whoa very technical skills there push up into a bridge that's cool release right into this wheel with both handles 200 was really clean oh nice double that's real it's a lot going on everyone's day for us right now a roundup of the pop in the middle nice double down oh finish at the end yeah so much cool stuff in that routine yeah Misha the beginning may be a little sloppy at the end but very solid a lot of cool stuff some of the strongest turning skills we've seen today I think that was the first six under every song yeah we saw an attempt earlier and it did not land yeah sixes are great um what is the most under eye I don't know if I saw it but I've heard that at 11-under was completed okay Nick Woodard if you're listening you could probably back me up because I think it was Adam paying or if there was anybody else who could have potentially done it would have been you 11 is such an odd number it's weird does that means you'd have to do like the alternative turn around and turn both close together yeah no I think they were going for a 12 I want to say they're going for a 12 I hope I'm not making that up yeah if you're listening and you know what that was yeah Adam paying shots Adam paying and Nick Woodard to the highest jumping athletes we've ever seen all right here's these young comets again Adam Brandon and Lindsey see what they can do here musicality there we saw some turning with crosses there whoa was that a release yeah that's quick is it like oh oh here is that air yeah there's a six but they would they were going sideways and there's a 600 nice jump through on that pop-up some crosses in there on the quads yeah a lot of good stuff under the leg passes with the records ts very hard with evening back with it to make it fit with ropes that long a back wrist yes or no joke so that was cool really hard multiples turning during those hey super impressive skills right there another pop almost caught good save there hit this and yeah hold the phone that was really good that double on the hop frog yeah straight into another pop yeah he was still very upright young comets we see you that was super great great routine nice work that was clean right yeah okay Wow so is that the first clean we're checking bounce the first clean Bella super completely clean think we've seen maybe one miss in other routines that's gonna score pretty well score very well might have been one of the harder routines taught today as well okay I just heard from Nick he has never heard of an 11 happening but apparently Jeff Moss says they did a nine one time we have seen Nick Jeff and I believe Katrina hit eights before the in competition and I don't know if I've seen other people headaches and competition before oh yeah nine that's ridiculous one of my favorite routines from the habit music musicality plays a big role in this routine as well I need you to hit this they performed this routine last year at Worlds and didn't quite hit it elbow Frog oh my goodness gracious so one handed it to a two-handed hop next pause to the music assistant Ariel come on oh good save good save ha ha I'm so nervous right now Oh some great turning pop it on the back and off into the wheel good let's go guys leap frogging wheel isn't nice back tuck they're some of the most beautiful press to handstand probably ever oh yeah no mistakes an interesting cross on the right there I don't even understand what that is but I love it flip looks like they're gonna hit this hall come on come on come on finish strong jump through some really hard multiples to finish it oh my goodness a lot of hands in the air right now I know what just happened that that is the jump rope that we need to see Wow Carolina jump rope just brought the house down Wow oh my goodness I'm sorry for screaming at you right now but I am so excited literally on the edge of our seats watching that and they just hit it hit it turn mic volume down after that whoa gosh wow I'm like shaking a little bit that was so good so glad they hit it super happy for them I know they've been working on that one for a long time like I said that routine was competed at world's last year and they just put another year of work into it and it paid off yeah it's really rare that you see someone hit in prelims and then hit again in grands and they just did that whoo okay another great routine coming up yeah these guys were nice in prelims Spencer Renee and Grayson all right let's go just keep it clean nice Oh down to a slit like that a lot that's um really fast turning to strong aerial very clean hood oh nice that was evil yeah little bit backward whoa Wow okay oh alright super skippers kick I get a little tangled up there quick miss but they're right back into it those are releasing their front flips hand hop back tuck and hop down to push-up good one-handed push-up up to frog really nice that one miss in there but a great routine that was some of the craziness multiples I've seen that a long time Renee one of the three Ellis sisters who are competing here actually one of four Ellis siblings that jump rope great routine just that one miss all righty was at the end of our double dutch singles that was the end of double dutch singles so yeah we're gonna be heading into double dutch paris freestyle there's two Turner's two jumpers a lot of really cool stuff you can do in this event a lot of great opportunities for interaction most double dutch pairs routines you'll probably see some variation of a subway subway is one jump are gonna push up going one way another jump ring to push up and we're a split sometimes going the other way and they go underneath [Music] oh good save got a little off there but some great turning there you can see how they reach down for that scoop on the Frog awesome movement guys hand half on the wheel I went for the high five and missed it looks like it's gonna be a stack that's right that subway there's the subway so he was on this elbow and that one guy is gotta good work on that subway little catch right at the end it looks like all right nice job guys Devin how do you feel about waves in routines pretty hot topic right now pretty heated discussion around waves and waves yeah I'm not sure I'm a fan really I am a huge fan not just of waves in general but thumbs up points the whole the whole nine yards I think that they add another level to like of like confidence here team yeah I've seen certain people pull them off I you have pulled it off I've seen you pull that off you just don't want to do it too much I think maybe you know once it's okay right but yeah let us know how you feel you send me a text or you can respond to our Instagram stories how do you feel about waves , skippers young comets up against a Fiat Egon SIA and Emmy [Music] had a double wave there miss on those switching places frogs that's a really intricate will turn out the ropes there miss on the multiples there's multiples are tough it's hard to get two people that jump at the exact same height and the ropes are generally longer to fit two people making it harder to pull the ropes around multiple times in one jump another catch so you think get out of it into a wheel switch alright flips weight okay great with that split subway great way to end it alright had some good stuff in there just too many misses I think yeah but it's tricky to recover from those misses also with four people because now it's just more people you need to communicate where you're gonna come back in on yeah I think going back to your topic about the waves and routines to points and all that I think it is best when it doesn't take away from the trick that you're doing if it is showing more attention to something that like might not get picked up on like the fact that you only are holding one handle or something like that true that is when it is necessary maybe but I think there is a way that you can do it that distracts and takes away from harder parts of the routine maybe don't wave while somebody's doing a back tuck exact you are the eyes on the back tuck right all right on the floor now we have Albuquerque air jump rope out of Albuquerque New Mexico Brennan Charlie Eliana and Savannah great communication you can hear them talking to each other footwork a little miss there but the getting right back into it a real job oh no that's where that communication plays a role the tricky move right there they were isolating one of the ropes pulling it out without messing up the other one some vegetables oh and interesting yeah way to get into that wheel spins in their wheel good job girls though we had asked about favorite double dutch routines earlier we got a message from Isaiah out of Trinidad and he says his favorite double dutch would be crow from airborne with Seth and Porter and I believe the third is Bailey I want to say that step quarter and Bailey super strong young up-and-coming jumpers to our I mean they're not up-and-coming anymore they are fully here they're here they've made it safe to say yeah that's a great routine oh we got some messages from our fans out there talking about waving okay no waving oh yeah they said the judges want to see interactions but waving sometimes doesn't feel like you know it doesn't feel real like it's not like an interaction it's so and it doesn't add anything to the routine that's true okay next up we have this is extreme air from New Hampshire actually really excited for this routine Emma especially is a great great super motivational hard worker other three jumpers I just met recently but they seem to be a great team good multiples doing some footwork great great communication miss right there I'll see how they recover helicopter switch into okay they got it back I almost missed there oh that was cool kind of left the rope on the ground and scoop the other person oh no got a rope drop and the ropes got really tangled okay we got out of it or back products knowing him from alternating sides can make it trickier to turn so really important to stay centered in the ropes all right good job girls now lately I've seen them a lot on social media and I know that on YouTube they have a vlog going on for various competitions and various jump rope experiences and it's something that I would recommend checking out if you search Emma tremble up on YouTube you can find that yeah Emma it's one of the hardest-working jumpers I think I've ever met vanch our group is still really young they've got some time to you know grow in and sort of develop into you know their roles in that group but yeah super hard workers awesome we've seen this hop skip jump group many times throughout today that's right they killed that prelims so they aren't themselves the plenty of spots here at Grand Nationals got a little tangled nice switching places on the Shabbat there's that subway some strong charring skills there is that quick recovery synchronize slips in the wheel while turning and jumping very impressive all right let's jump all right that's subway again showing up that is a major skill with some pretty major history I'm gonna get kicked out of the sport if I do not get these names right but I want to say that very first subway oh man okay Chris Holmes darica steps to Marcus Epps and son win please let that be right if you're listening and you know for sure you can either back me up and say that's correct or tell me I need to leave jump rope forever because that's something everybody should know and also super interesting the first subway was done with four people it was one person going under three people in the in push ups everyone's in a push up you had three people just stacked next to each other and one person going underneath it's been you know countless variations over the years people doing splits with it people stacking it you know higher a higher level at the Grand Central Station got the ultimate subway ultimate remix all kinds of good stuff and there's still new ones coming out all right got Shannon Anna Rebecca and Megan the HDI Flyers a very strong start with the multiple in their wheel with four people that can be tricky getting that timing just right you see how close they have to stay in order for the people on the outside to jump as well those are some backward multiples see them isolating one rope at a time and definitely be different difficult skill to pull off alright nice job so far got one Turner completely backwards turning backwards look at that for working all of them turns back around into a cross and this and here's the subway oh oh nice there's another subway variation missed on the exit from it have some great ideas and hop it on the back more tricky turning skills Oh a great player at the end some good stuff in there couple misses all right coming up next is going to be from Tennessee B hotshots we have Jacob Delaney Sarah and Olivia nope we are doing jump company USA before that if Cecilia Isabel Abigail and Hannah I just got a message from Katie Eisenhart Katie you are amazing I don't know why you're not here you should be here in person but thank you for watching and her favorite double dutch fours got a couple Brian Nick LJ and I we think Chad was the fourth and then also some Erwin with Shane's lawn mower was just ridiculous yeah we've seen some really great double dutch pairs over the years all right let's go jump company switching spots on that frogs is a pretty tricky skill some really nice turning oh yeah look at all the partner interaction those handles are touching the floor on that turning frogs down the line great they nailed it so now you can see they're turning backward once again for these multiples very nice switch back to Ford finished out these muggles oh just caught the feet there Oh a really big release I really liked how that turned out that was an interesting switch in that wheel during the Frog nice a lot of movement there a lot of handoffs all right nice job are we think that double dutch for that Katie was talking about is Brian Nick LJ and Robbie or it may have been Brian Nick's is Evan Chad in either case both of them were amazing a lot of these routines are up on YouTube you can just search for world jump rope search for a double dutch you can search we'd jump rope true true lots of videos from competitions there there will be plenty of videos from this competitions I believe we will have videos of this livestream that we will share in the future using ante up so make sure you're falling at am jrf on instagram make sure you have us on facebook added all right now it's the hotshots we've got Jacob Delaney Sarah and Olivia I think we saw this same group for 4% team freestyle single rope team free stuff nice destroy you're right on the bead and this subway yeah you're both facing the same way except Beyonce is always a good song choice oh that's some really fast switching to get out the way there and that trick is really tricky oh those leap frogs were and other jumpers already in the ropes can be hard because you can't adjust for the person jumping over you now another subway sort of the standard one just have to whip that a little bit faster to get under that Kip all right let's finish it strong oh I just need now throwing the partner up and landing in that stack it could be a really hard one there's a lot of trust involved with those little stack tricks okay you're just letting your feet fall you know parallel with the floor so please catch me you're right otherwise it's gonna hurt your knees a whole Hut especially that one when you're relying on the push of your partner and then also the catch we've got two more double dutch prayers freestyles coming up both really strong from prelims Carrie super skippers with Spencer Grayson Renee and Brooke and after that will be Carolina's jump rope with Graham Cynthia no and Mary either these two groups can hit maybe we just got another message about a favorite double dutch and this is actually one of my favorites as well it was Carter Zack Dani and Lucy at wjr 2017 I don't remember the exact score but I believe it was also a nine something oh wow routine oh I'll show to later today because it's a cool okay we're about to see it on the cool under right now person these four drank prelims were amazing let's do this let's get this bread back there's a subway with this place good it's not over yet nice Mary Hart I pulled that going both directions of the Frog nice multiple that we all whoa nice aerial it's really tricky to fit an aerial between two people like that yeah any worse form and somebody would've gotten kicked in the face oh wow front check entrances from both sides hop frogs Oh see if they try that again not sure how much more they have left yeah oh no really hard to recover from these misses four people all have to be on the same page on the right those little switch there will miss on the ending there but there's some neat stuff in that routine yeah really creative stuff okay our last one double dutch pairs freestyle of the day Graham Cynthia Noah and Mary Carolina jump rope once again returned to the stage remember guys if you were watching at home put something on your Instagram story let us know put something out there with the hashtag AMJ RNC for the American jumprope National Championship 2019 so hashtag AMJ RNC 2019 you can also tag a MJ up so we can see it you can put a message in there we'll probably read it right now live on the screen so make sure to share your little viewing party we saw an amazing three person from Graham Noah and Cynthia and we're gonna see what we hope is an amazing four person shopping to Rihanna nice hand hop in that wheel nice double they're more clean frogs while some Turner actions going on turning both ropes underneath of that flip Oh keep the ropes a little more separated to fit the jumpers they're cool hand offs oh how very like that split subway Graham frog back tuck right into a switch really just taking their time that's good not rushing oh okay I don't think that's what they meant here but yeah very nice I know they missed that one I'm prompt so it was good to see them hit it here alright great routine couple of misses you notice with the groups that have been together or who've been jumping for a while they really take their time out of misses then they don't they don't freak out they're not trying to rush back in because that can lead directly to another mess all right we've got two more events coming at you double-dutch triad freestyle and then triple unders that's right so double that's triad freestyle is actually when there are three jumpers in the ropes tends to be triad name so it ends up being five people in the double dutch this is another event that is newer to the competitive world of jump rope it's something that we have seen traditionally in big staff shows double dutch triads and even with four jumpers in the rope you know big double dutchess and we wanted a way to bring that to competition and encourage people to innovate now triad is a very fun event because this is where we start to see those big-ticket tricks where the routines are less flowy and more of this big trick and switch around get set up for your next big trick big trick switch around you know something like that I know one of the motivations behind wanting to have this be an event is big double Dutch's have traditionally been reserved for kind of like your elite top-level jumpers a lot of the older jumpers and we never really allowed the younger jumpers to try it out so this is a good way of them for them to try a event that's right yeah five people out there on the floor there they go oh we gotta keep it together Oh take that turning keep it slow keep it slow it's really hard turning for three different people and John the larger the ropes get the harder they are to control yes now all five jumpers are jumping in the ropes at the same time you gotta keep it together look pretty in sync there okay that was good little footwork sequence Oh stay together guys oh there we go all right okay great experience for these younger jumper is getting to be on the stage getting to do this routine I think we'll see as as this group gets older they're gonna start trying some some harder tricks also in a tryout so it takes more time to switch around and get these big tricks and the Triad event is actually longer than any other freestyle of em that is true do you know how long it is I believe normally it's 75 seconds but we go to a minute 30 for this one also Anita gable is my favorite over here bringing us snacks thank you if you don't know I needa has been doing so much work and it's all like pretty much behind the scenes a lot of times you know jobs like that are pretty thankless but we notice you we notice everything what you're doing we really appreciate it [Applause] Mike and I just made the fatal mistake of both of us biting a cookie at the same time we tried to chew as quickly as possible but now the HT high flyers have taken the stage with a big wide beginning pose two big ropes looks like another younger group t pose an excellent song choice always gets the crowd involved you'll probably be able to hear it through my mic lots lots they're not pretty strung this is called an eggbeater oh yeah they brought good they pulled the landing that's always harder than not pulling it and then they're going into the position then to double dutch good frog in looks like a waterfall bugs and 3k oh and there's the clapping stay together stay together Oh even the slightest miscommunication about when to stop a certain trick can causing this and the great ending pose alright some good stuff in there a couple misses but again just a really great experience for the younger jumpers to get to be on the stage and to get to be working on this this event this triad I don't think I jumped a big double-dutch probably until I was like 17 or 18 that was not it was not meant for me but some of the you know most fun routines I've ever done Oh Grand Central Station yeah that was a fun one myself and Nick Woodard and Jeff Moss and Billy Jackson and Lear icig did the very first Grand Central Station and the Turner's were Shane Windsor and Lisa brown some of the best turning I think that's ever happened in the history of the sport we've seen create turning before but that was a trick that we had never hit in in practice somebody correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think we ever hit that practice went out got it and although that is something I'd never recommend doing something on the stage that you had never hit before not great advice little the greatest feeling when that's the time you hit it the magic of staff shows for all of you out there who are interested in into getting into jump rope please please please check out workshops starting formation like these angles that is something that it's going to look really good from where the judges are sitting that's cool assisted when they got it nice very clean wheel some great turning it's a good set and drag going on you can hear them calling out oh the frog switches lemons yes good job incredible raagh lemons and me frog / - they got a stack let's get this nice good job some interesting turning they're all 5 topic over the same rope call us a rainbow flip vision everything anything like that this is a lovely triad regime yeah that's a really bold thing to do because you need all five people to move perfectly for this one to work if anybody gets too far off to the side backward small scores are not comment we in triad no multiples in general yeah you don't see a lot of that nice helicopter long ropes to to do a helicopter with okay nice yeah that one missing the popups again on a pretty challenging skill to do with that many people so I really like that triad yeah good stuff in there really highlighted the special parts of triad yeah nice job even with the the older jumpers who've been competing for a long time you don't often see a completely clean triad really hard to pull off so that was that was great alright it looks like we've got two more tryouts coming up next up is the HT high flyers Shannon Sarah Megan Hannah and Rebecca two more these routines and then we will be moving into triple unders got a bunch of unanswered questions sitting in my inbox right now we will get to those promise all right let's go again HD high fliers out of Pennsylvania these guys do have prelims that look like they had a ton of fun while doing this routine assisted front flip okay thanks Zack blue good almost had a little tricky with the ropes there okay backwards now good I almost had a little catch good recovery let's keep it going oh that's cool an interesting way to turn that that's riskier than it looks cuz in the ropes click at all and multiples didn't try out it's just so difficult oh cool caught the middle the rope went into a wheel whoa nice release liked it interesting way to turn that these are more of those ideas that can only really be explored in triad where the ropes are big enough for those tricks this girl's doing a great job so far let's keep it going oh here's a really ambitious switch yes they hit oh are they gonna get it yeah I believe that's a flight crew original or supposed for salt or salt re whoops oh [Applause] [Music] and they're celebrating all right forget what I just said that was a clean triad very rare to see that nice job I'm really happy for them but yeah that switch we just saw with all the movement I believe that was salt RA if not it may have been flight crew a lot of the same people groups both of which are not known for their competitive background but their their role in the performance number of world has been very huge yes salt re was on America's Best Dance Crew it made it through at least four rounds we saw a bunch of routines from them yeah just look up salt are a jump rope and flight crew is now amazing and doing all these performances with Cirque also blew up from TV they made it - oh yeah both have a very similar starting push all right this is our last triad Carrie super skippers don't think I saw this in prelims but just based on who we have on the floor there should be a really good routine again it's just can it be clean [Music] Oh gonna catch there okay they got out of it quick quick very quick for triad yeah cool song some Turner involvement that you saw on the left side very rare for even pairs double Lutz yeah this is really an event you need to take your time on well really cool subway variation nice and they got it a solid front in the middle of that they cleaned it up nicely oh good wheel switch that's some good communication out there making sure everyone's on the same page for all this I think that was in a s from one of the Turner's Randolph tuck one-handed frog won him to push up more of that lemons action nice way to go nice work do you know the origin of lemons and like who did it and why it's called lemons I do not know the answer to either of those there may be some people listening if you are listening and you know where lemons came from why those of you that are wondering why we were talking about fruit lemons is actually the trick where you have three people on the ropes and in the same pattern as like braiding hair the people on the outside jump over into the middle and then jump over into the middle jump over into the middle yeah okay that's a great way to explain it because I would not have been able to do that yeah it's like braiding here so we saw that today with those push-ups right there and then we also saw a variation with frogs earlier it's very tricky stuff I'm gonna head on down already interviews and mike is gonna keep you entertained alright guys we've been having a great time with this live stream commentary I'm gonna while Devon is heading down for his interview I'm gonna take a look at some of these questions so we got who are some of your favorite pairs routines duo's over the years as from Nick Woodard I mean Nick and Jeff obviously that is a huge one Oh big fan of Shane and Kelsey but also Shane and Lee I don't think Kelsey and Lee ever jump together that was a great routine they see who else Kaylee and Josh EADS anything about that a little bit more but yeah let's see let's see yeah if you guys have any more questions just send those in it's been a blast so far comment commentating on this Devin is heading down for an interview right now and after that we will be heading into triple unders which is our last event of the day if you missed it earlier this is a qualifier for next year's World Championship so if you place first in any event here you'll be headed to the world championship in 2020 and now over to Devin who is gonna be interviewing Spencer - Tenley from Carrie YMCA super skippers all right hello everyone Devin again and I'm here with the jump Roper who is taller than me who are you Spencer Tenley this is Spencer and Spencer has been killing it so far he did great in the prelims and he's been doing great all day how many events did you do today triples will be my eighth event eight events that means he qualified in eight different events today that's awesome so I'm imagine you're pretty tired how many triples did you get in the prelims I got a hundred and forty-four did 144 consecutive triple unders do you have a goal for your triple endures now 150 all right at least it's higher than your last goal great so I will keep you here long I know you've got to go warm up what was your favourite event that you did today well I really loved 3-person that's my favorite event and then I loved the double dutch speeds as well anything double dutch anything double dutch alright well thanks so much for joining us you can go warm up for your triples and good luck out there all right coming up next we have Emma Trumbull Emma was competing how many beds did you do today just one today alright and how did you guys do for your double X pairs one miss is really good especially for an event like double edge pairs where it's very easy to mess up there's four people so Emma will you tell me a little bit about your videos what is the name of your YouTube channel Emma tremble alright so make sure that we're looking at Emma tremble on YouTube later you've been doing a lot of offices awesome stuff on Instagram what is your Instagram and the dot tremble TR um ble Emma posts a lot on their about general fitness tips about staying motivated throughout the year what's your biggest tip for jumpers here to stay motivated throughout the year remember how you feel right after competitions over when you're super motivated and take that and bring that to like September October when you're not really feeling motivated and I agree I think that is awesome advice I think one of the easiest ways to do that is to actually go back and watch videos of competitions and so once again I'll recommend watching Emma troubles videos from these events to keep that competition spirit going all year long what other jump rope videos do you like to go look at online I know you and I both watch a ton of number of videos what are some other accounts out there that you want to shout out I also agree looking at other styles of jump rope is super important the Canadian style I'm also a huge fan of the Japanese style if you look up there's a youtube account called double dutch TV big fan of that they're always posting competitions that are from Japan totally different style to what we have going on here today and then are there any other like solo jumper instagrams that you'd recommend yeah a quick shout out to Nate underscore kg he's got an awesome podcast going on with a lot of really informative things again a good way to stay motivated throughout the year is to keep listening to all these other jump ropers and their experiences so staying connected with the community is super important ok all right well thank you very much Emma you did great thanks for joining us today all right we're back Devin just finished up a couple of interviews looking through some of these messages I'm getting from you guys about favorite routines over the years I've got a message from Matt Leonard what's up Matt outstanding double dutch that recently caught my eye was
Channel: American Jump Rope Federation
Views: 18,580
Rating: 4.7826085 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 9sec (4089 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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