Do's and Don'ts - Downspout Drain

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hey good afternoon chuck here with apple drains today we are going to do some repair work uh we gave this estimate last week we're going to go ahead and get started on this it's late afternoon it's been raining all day and rather cold here in florida let's take a look at what we're going to do so if you remember that estimate what we're going to do is we've got a discharge point here and it's a catch basin and it's just full of water but we're going to go ahead and clean and repair this drain and you can see it's been raining hard water's been coming all out from the yard it's really wet but i have a feeling the line's broken right here and where they've brought this downspout extension into whatever kind of pipe is here probably a really poor connection and it's just it's just backed up completely if you can see how wet it is back here extremely wet look at this supposedly a french drain there but we've got two more downspouts one here and one back here and again you can see all the water just everywhere through here entire the entire yard is just totally saturated with water okay so we've got some water running and yeah pretty good pressure looks like it's taking water pretty good you look down in there taking water let's see what's happening out here as we come out looking for any kind of movement here in the catch basin here in this swampy area nothing yet we're coming out here to the street where we have our 1065 and what we're going to do is send that cable down through this line from this catch basin all the way back to the back see the flow so we do have a pretty good flow coming out i see it but the french drain loses water as well as collects it so they've run their downspouts through that french drain and this is one of the reasons that you don't want to do that is because it leaks water back here is losing water and i see some movement so actually i think their main the main line here is in good working order but the french drains not functioning so we're going to explore some of that dig some of this up and take a look [Music] so as he runs that cable down through the line here as we reach up into this area i should be able to hear it and like i said i'm pretty sure we're going to find some problems right here where however they connected this downspout extension to this main line down here and because there's really not any type of fitting for that so i'm really curious whoever installed this we want to see what they did here [Music] so we found the line right here what we're doing we're just going to explore it a little bit to see what kind of connection looks like they've got four inch corrugated coming somewhere from over here and it's tying into four inch corrugated so we're gonna find a four inch t here somewhere at this point and the cable came right to here we pulled it back a little bit so real quick note you know chuck's going to be taking over here in orlando here real soon we found the t right here now we just need to expose it both directions this way and we'll see what's what kind of things going on there but looks like they've got some some type of fabric around that pipe so if we explore it both directions about a shovel back about a shovel back and we can really see what kind of material this is what kind of pipe it is this is always the fun part when you're doing a cleaning repair is to explore you know because you don't know what somebody else did underground and you have no idea where they ran their pipe what material they've used you don't know so it's an exploratory surgery it's really what it's like like i said this is the fun part even though it's a little bit of labor you know you're finding out what's going on underground and seeing what they did you know what these people do when they installed this and why isn't this system working properly a lot of roots off of this behind grass here in florida this this stuff puts off tremendous root systems for a grass you'd just be shocked how much root system there is the fabric doesn't stop anything from roots all it's doing is allowing the water to enter into the system and here in florida you can see it's all sand we must wrap those systems completely if you're going to run a french drain in the sand it definitely needs to be wrapped just a sock with yep it's just a sock with gravel around it okay let's let's expose this t and start following it back so i'm gonna have chuck pull these pavers out of the way because somewhere that white downspout uh whatever you wanna call it extension they've tied it into four inch corrugated i would bet you they just slipped it inside they may have duct taped it but that is not the way to do this and it will leak every time and this much sinking of the pavers you can see there's a real problem right there so if we look carefully we can really see what they did here this is a tee and they've wrapped that tight all them got duct tape around these sides but this is not easy flow this is just a pipe with sock around it and you can see all the water it's not collecting that water because it's running uphill it's running uphill so that tells me the whole line is probably running uphill and it probably needs to be replaced so i know it's hard to see but this is a great example of fabric wrapped around a perforated pipe that fabric is just coated with mud the silt it won't allow that water to get into the system fast enough so it pulls up in the yard so if we just come straight down through here with pulling the pavers we can easily scrape this off we just need to find out where this connects to the corrugated and check and see what they did there because i'm sure that that's why that all these pavers have dropped off it always helps if you just stack up your bricks and papers off to the side but yeah you can see right away you see where the lines already busted right here and if we just swallow this off here in just a second we're gonna see that that definitely oh i can see it it's right here yeah you can see where they just slid this inside of that pipe and taped it up but yeah when it's broken like this this line's got a belly in it and that's the big problem right there so as chuck exposes this i'm going to go get the homeowner and we're going to show them what needs to be done here and basically we need to replace at least replace these downspout drain lines coming down and tie them correctly into this four inch pipe over here so we're just going to pull this old pipe out of here and we need the hacksaw we're going to cut that off we're going to leave it connected and cut that off right there on the corrugated and we're going to run pvc with an adapter from pvc to corrugated from the downspout over to this area here this is john he's the homeowner and what he's what what we've decided to do here is we're trying to save money that's a lot of what apple drains tries to do is save people money we want to go ahead and replace from here all the way back to the back downspout and john's agreed to that it does save quite a bit of money this is very costly and it's so sad that whoever put this in and you can see the water just looking at it it just never goes away and i'll actually let john tell you a little bit about it yeah so it you know when it was first installed for maybe like about a month maybe two months it seemed like it drained pretty fine but then after a while it just seemed like it took longer and longer for the water to sort of evaporate after it rained and now it kind of feels like there's just like a moat running you know throughout the side of my house and i'm always having to hop over all these wet spots just to toss out the garbage or to make my way back to the side of the house and it just it's getting harder and harder to actually just walk around my own property yeah it's just so wet all the time okay well we're gonna go ahead and replace this and then we'll talk to john after we're done so we're going to start by just cutting straight through the corrugated nice clean cut pull that out of the way i want to double check this make sure yeah good because i thought maybe they ran perforated but they did not next we're going to excavate from here back to the foundation wall we want to get this to come down and relatively flat to hook into this corrugated pipe so as we look we can see why they did what they did there is a water line here and they went right over top of it which is just too high we need to go underneath of that and again they've got a pretty good overpour right here but that's okay we'll make that work no problem so we're going to try to break some of this over pour off of there there's quite a bit but if we can get some of it to crack off of there that'll be great then we can bring that downspout straight down the wall see if you can break off some of this excess stucco as well right here just right at the downspout you have to really hit it perfect a little bit more and then straight down good that's good yeah see what's back here that looks like solid footer back there but it'll still work if we can knock off a little bit more of that we'll be able to run this pvc down through otherwise we're going to run corrugated [Music] so you can see chuck broke off that concrete and now from the downspout we can go straight down the wall and put our 90 and then go underneath of this water pipe looks like there's two pipes there by the way are there two pipes there too or just one there's definitely two might be three but yeah all we got to do is scrape this clean and we're almost ready to install some pipe so remember the secret to a professional install is that you want to go straight down the wall straight down the wall from this downspout that's perfect where he's got that right now we go straight down and then that line turns and runs out from the 90 over to where we're going to hook up to their existing pipe over there we may have to go all the way to the t but we'll check it out so here's our connection that we're going to use this has barbs and it'll snap into place inside the corrugated as well as into our solid 4 inch pvc so we need a measurement from right here to this 90. so let's go ahead and do that perfect now we need to get this pipe underneath of these pipes so a little tricky part right here is hooking up this 90. so if we get it on there and just twist and wiggle it it'll go right on there yeah back and forth up and down and just wiggle it so we need to make a measurement from this 90 and you can see how far it goes down into the fitting it goes way down into that fitting right almost exactly at the 90. from here all the way up to our spot adapter which is going to be up here and again it has to go inside this lip so i'm going to make that measurement so i'm making a cut right here just make a mark now i'm going to transfer that mark and we'll cut it right off okay so i'm going to go ahead and kind of twist this come over closer i'm going to kind of twist it to the side and just wiggle it all the way down to the bottom of that fitting then i'm just going to use a brick to tap it in and you can see it's a tight tight fitting we are all the way down there okay so i had to loosen up the downspout clamp to hold it to the wall to get this to fit properly and now we can get this guy on here perfect we'll go ahead and tighten that up do that here just a second okay so we've got the downspout secured just square it up a little bit and you can see we had to go down deep and go underneath of these water lines there's two of them right here and excuse me and they went over the top we had a real nice connection right here we made a real nice connection here to the corrugated now we can just cover it up so now we're just going to backfill and then we can set the papers in place once we get it back filled a little bit and as you heard john we're going to go ahead and replace this line we have to call in the utilities something that everyone should always remember to do before you actually do a major excavation [Music] okay so we're all done we're loading up the machine put our 1065 away and chuck is putting the pavers back over there and this job's complete for today at least they have some good drainage until we get back out here to replace it but we will be replacing this line with the new french drain so you can see their problem the biggest problem they had was that they somebody whoever installed this they used that downspout extension and it just totally collapsed didn't go underneath of the pipe and of course they just duct taped that into the corrugated but that's the biggest problem but take a look at our new channel and that's the rescue nursery where we go out and take all the shrubbery uh from the these older jobs we teach you how to divide them propagate them regrow them all done in the nursery and i just know you're gonna like this channel it's got time lapse and all the above hey this is chuck with apple drains reminding you that if you believe you can do something i guarantee you can do it have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Apple Drains
Views: 95,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: French Drain, Crawl Space, Exterior, Foundation, Waterproofing, Apple Drains, Gravel perforated pipe, yard drain, trench drain, sump pump, How to install a french french drain, how a french drain works, french drain tips, DIY, Florida, channel drain, pool patio drain, micro channel drain, how to replace micro channel drain, Charlotte NC
Id: uJtVfkPxBWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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