EASY DIY Underground Buried Downspout System 10 Minute FULL Tutorial - Skill Level 1 Minimum Tools

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as a diy-er the first thing you want to establish is what size gutter downspouts do you have on your home if you take a dollar bill and you cover your gutter downspout if the dollar bill covers it that means you have a two by three downspout now the other size that's really popular in the USA is a three by four downspout and the dollar bill won't be wide enough and it'll fit inside it that's how you determine whether you have a two by three or a three by four gutter downspout now here's a vented clean out and you can see by the size of it it's quite large and it makes it really hard to install we went ahead and we designed a vented clean out that slips on a two by three or if you have a three by four you can buy the clean out for the 3x4 now we're going to show you the easiest way to install an underground buried downspout system you don't have to rent a side cutter you don't have to have a back hole you don't need a mini skid loader you don't need plywood and you do not need a crew of six men we're going to show you with a narrow shovel and a hacksaw how easy it is to do an underground buried downspout system there's not a residential downspout in the USA that overwhelms a three inch pipe we're going to run a three inch pipe so we can go right over top of the sprinkler system we don't want to have to relocate all the sprinkler lines it's unnecessary a three inch line is plenty the four inch pipe came out before the three inch in the corrugated pipe Market decades before there was a three inch pipe there was a four inch pipe so it became industry standards now that we have a three inch pipe and corrugated it is the ideal pipe for underground buried downspout systems you want to have an inline catch Basin a pop-up emitter and about 24 to 25 feet of three inch pipe this is the ideal DIY kit this is a professional grade heavy duty DIY kit purpose built for the homeowner you have your inline catch Basin with a sump bottom you have your pop-up everything's already set up to connect and just snap easy no tools required to the corrugated pipe we're going to give dozens helpful tips so don't skip around you're not going to want to miss any of these details make sure to use a really narrow shovel there's no need for a wide shovel you're going to disturb too much of your Turf again you're going to be going right through the utilities right through the irrigation lines nice narrow shovel and a shallow dig is all that's required you don't have to turn this into something more try to get one percent slope if you can it's not a big deal if you're flat for like five or ten feet through a certain section as long as it's not negative pitch which means you're going uphill you want water to be running downhill and again it's okay to be flat through a certain section if you want to know how to measure for slope I'm going to put in the description how to measure slope for under five dollars I did a video a while back on that one of the many advantages to corrugated pipe is you can weave through all the obstacles you can dip turn Serpentine pivot you can navigate around all the different obstacles in your yard along with utilities and an underground sprinkler system with ease without glue without tape without any fittings just one piece from the gutter downspout to the inline catch Basin and we're going to show you every detail to that now we went ahead and we already put on the vented clean out you can see how nice this is we want to leave just enough room from the ground so that we can connect the corrugated pipe and then do what we call a you know refer to as a sweeping 90. you want a nice soft 90s kind of a sweepy 90. you can see how easy this connects to the corrugated pipe everything was built that way this was a purpose built for Di wires so that it was super easy no screwdrivers needed we wanted to minimize the tools all you need is a hacksaw to cut the pipe when needed and we'll show you that here in a second everything is a quick connect and once it's connected it will not come apart it's a barbed connection I love this there's no fittings at all it's just one piece of pipe that means it can't come apart you can never have failure it connects right here and then the entire underground run is one piece there's no fittings no connections there can be no leaks and a lot of times when Ground settles and especially in the north when there's freezing thaw and the ground moves you can end up with pipe coming apart or right over top of the sprinkler system no issues there we got our one percent slope just one continuous run now make sure you do pick up a hacksaw if you do not own one it just makes this job so much easier now we just wanted to show you a four inch pipe next to the three inch pipe we keep telling you how it's 60 percent more labor 60 percent more excavation not to mention all the hassle and moving sprinkler lines you can see how this four inch pipe don't fit through here you could see just the amount of work it would take to dig this trench down bigger and go through those sprinkler lines have to reroute them to make that four inch line fit we're going to pull the three inch line up out of the trench and we're gonna put the four inch line in just to prove a point you can see how the four inch line is right at grass level and of course the sprinkler lines are going to have to be rerouted they're going to have to be moved there's no way this four inch line could be installed without major excavation and you're going to have to do modifications to your irrigation system not to mention you're going to get into utilities you can see the top of the pipes right at grade level that is no good so we pulled that up and out of there and then we're going to show you how deep the three inch pipe is in the exact same trench laying on top of the sprinkler system with no modifications and you can see I got pretty big hands I'm going to show you yeah we're definitely a few inches under that turf grass super easy narrow shovel hacksaw that's all you need now the inline catch Basin I usually like to see the inline catch base and put it around seven feet ten feet no more than that you want to catch all the shingle gravel shingle gravel's coming off the roof you want it to be pushed into your inline catch Basin if you have a shingled roof you got to have one it also helps if you've got tree seeds and tree Buds and you end up with a lot of little debris like that that goes through the leaffilter leaf filter is just for a really big debris like leaves and little twigs and sticks that come off the roof you can see how easy it is to pack all the dirt in around this pipe now another thing to note you're going to need most of the dirt that you excavated out unlike a four inch line where you're going to end up with several wheelbarrows worth of dirt that you're going to find a place for you're going to have to get rid of those spoils a four inch pipe this displaces way too much area now check out how quick and easy this connects we came up with this coupler it takes you from three inch corrugated to a pop-up to your catch Basin we made that coupler just so that we can have kits like this for the diy-er we wanted to use more three inch pipe and the industry didn't have the parts so we're making the parts ourselves you can see we drilled a few holes in the bottom of the pop-up that's so after there's a rain and you're done moving all the bulk water away from your house if there's any water sitting in that little elbow it can just leech away into the subsoil we're gonna put a riser on the inline catch Basin and that's because we're going to raise the grade right here because the generator pad has been undermining through some erosion we'll show you how we're going to do that we'll explain that as well we also want to show you the height in which we set the pop-up emitter make sure it's not at Turf level or grade level you want it to be below the grass you want it to be a dirt level that way the lawnmower doesn't break the pop-up emitter this is the proper way of installing underground buried downspout system to a pop-up emitter you can see again it's not flat and it's not at Turf level you don't want it with the grass blades you want it level with the dirt down at the roots now keep in mind when you remove your sod you want to cut two lines parallel with one another and then you take your shovel and you just cut like 18 inch chunks if you will and then you go ahead and you get under it and you just put those little divots to the side now look how easy that goes together just like a puzzle now just like I told you the three inch line is not going to leave you with a lot of extra dirt this is only a half wheelbarrow dirt and we got the line fully installed now we're going to use that dirt right here where there was some erosion and it started to expose the underneath of the generator pad that's why we put a riser on the inline catch Basin I'm going to take this half wheelbarrow dirt go ahead and build that area up a little bit that's it that is it we just got rid of all the spoils if this would have been a four inch line there would have been four or five of those wheelbarrows to get rid of and I don't even know what you do with that if you're a homeowner with a car or a minivan all right so let's go through the system and some final details that you need to note you can see right here we went over the electrical that feeds the generator went under that gas line and there's also utilities run into the house on the side here there was all the Mechanicals we have the gas meter we have the electric meter didn't have to worry about it we weren't digging that deep we were staying shallow right there's a inline catch Basin with the Riser we raise the grade right there you can see we put the turf back together and we're right down at the pop-up emitter now we did have to trim some of the gutter downspout so that we would get the perfect height off of the ground so that we can do that sweeping 90 with the three inch pipe use the hacksaw for that as well again that's the only tool you need that in a narrow shovel now notice how far down the gutter downspout look at that see where that's at that's perfect make sure it doesn't stick down below the top portion of the door here if as long as you're not below that you're fine so that'll help you to determine the right height for that now remember you can remove the center of that screen so that you can flush the shingle gravel down to the inline catch Basin a lot of shingle gravel is just going to fall through this grate we wanted this great to be coarse we didn't want it to be fine because it'll plug it'll plug with tree Buds and all kinds of pollen let all that little stuff just flush through the system it's not going to be a problem we just want to catch the big stuff super easy door to work super easy just to check this in the fall clean it out once in a while of leaves you don't have to get on a ladder if you found this video helpful give us a thumbs up it supports the channel I'm your host Robert Sherwood and until the next video
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Keywords: downspout installation, How to bury downspouts, buried downspouts, roof runoff, roof runoff system, gutter drainage, gutter system, underground downspouts, bury gutters underground, Yard Drainage Contractor, french drain pipe, perforated drain tile, drainage trench, yard drain, yard drains, yard water solutions, Baughman Tile Company, underground downspouts clogged, pvc downspout underground, pvc downspout
Id: 99ObWnBqsjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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