Move Downspout Drainage - Flexible Gutter Drain Pipe

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hey guys a stock and today we're gonna talk about moving downspouts or the water flow from downspouts from your house and your gutters and because it causes damage to your lawn so hold on one sec hey guys there's all kinds of permanent solutions that you can excavate and put underground for downspouts and I'll show you one of those on my neighbor's house but hey let's face it we all don't have time for that or we keep putting it off we need a temporary solution so here's what I want you to do I want you to move I want you to examine your house and I want you to examine the yard and watch during rains which we got a huge rain period coming through here it can really damage the soil on your yard and you really need to kind of redirect it if you can or if need be so I'm gonna walk you through today some of the stuff that I do temporarily a product I'll put a link down below for Amazon or Lowe's or whatever but I really want you to get a tremendous amount of water that comes off these roofs it goes down these downspouts and it really can erode the soil the organic matter inside of your lawn so you need to examine that and see if you need to move it so hold on let's go to this video I got a couple different clips for you hey guys one of the few days I don't have a hat on you know why there's no sunshine and it's raining if you watch any of my recent videos you'll know that we're facing we went from 21 days of drought and now the 10-day forecast has us with rain and thunderstorms for the next ten days or something so let me walk over to the neighbor's house I'm gonna show you something so we're in the process of saving this yard this yard was horrible last year this was infested with weeds this was a had no Bermuda growing on it and I want you to look at our what our rehab has done back here and I need to cut it she's away for a couple weeks taking care of it for but I've worked with this lawn for the past Oh six to eight weeks and really am happy with the way that this has actually come out so you can see we went from bear we went from all weeds and nothing to great Bermuda but I want you to look at something real quick came over here and we're receding a bit but see that little see that little area right there kind of yellow it out well yeah it's probably some construction debris under there but what else is there all right our downspout so this is a problem that we're gonna have so her downspout water every single time it rains is coming down here and look at the thin grass root so it comes down it's follow the path of least resistance so look what we're doing so what I like to do is I like to change the flow of water if I'm seeing problem areas this isn't too bad because it's all downhill and it's running down here but I'm going over to my yard and show you some problem areas that I had to fix so I'm walking over here real quick if you haven't pushed that little red button over there let says subscribe push that subscribe button tons of videos coming out so one thing you need to do is you need to look at the roof and you need to see if there's an area of roof like this so if you look at that I have that whole roof section over here and I have this whole roof section here and where does all that water go that water goes to one downspout and that one downspout was pouring down here when we bought the place and was going right here and this was always a problem area this place would be absolutely flooded the water would run off here we'd have those wave lines in here that the grass clippings would form wave lines and this area was really really weak matter of fact it's actually depressed down there so solution here is a temporary easy solution temporary easy solution unscrew your downspout here cut it off and cut it off about 1824 inches and I'm gonna put a link to these things you can get these at Lowe's or Home Depot different colors I prefer the brown because they blend in and I actually put a screw in the side there to hold it there because it will fall down what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to get this in high and I'm gonna come back and build something better here but you can see that I've run it all the way behind my bushes so you see that so I've taken this water and I'm moving that water all the way way down there almost what 25 feet of travel at least so what's going all the way behind these bushes and I noticed that the water from I noticed the water from this downspout actually travels well out the garage up by the garage comes down here and goes out the driveway down here so you can see I've got that one downspout sitting right next to it so you can see that big line down there so they essentially now both of these drain out here and come down the driveway now I've got some video I'm gonna put up and this video is of a heavy pretty heavy downpour of the rain coming out of these things and the amount of water bottom that comes out that was going across my lawn so that's one solution solution number one we got somewhere there's a good example of it a pretty good downfall we just had that's a lot of water coming it's all going down they really end all right so let me show you another solution now this is again this is temporary I'm probably gonna come back here I'm probably gonna come back here and dig some three inch PVC into these areas but again temporarily you can see that downspout was flooding all these plants in here so I took those and temporarily I'm running out here I need to get one more for here and I'm gonna push that water out this way so here was a problem this water this pipe right here the sunbrella alright so this pipe here just had a turn on it and was coming out here and you can see that it kept washing out my repair marks and it would actually make a rut right down here and it would go down next to the pool and that whole area would fill up so here's all I'm doing with this water I actually put one on I'm directing it out this way now so instead of it coming this way I'm pushing it this way to go out more towards there this downspout over here this downspout over here was coming down here and going down this drainage area so now what I've done I got to get a couple more I took the downspout extension so I'm gonna run them and I'm gonna cast this out this one's gonna now go down over here and go out through the fence that way so what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to lessen the water we do have a French drain down here in the lawn there's a French drain down there but I'm trying to reduce the amount of water that goes down there I have another downspout on this side that I've redirected you guys so I want to show you more of a permanent solution so I went over to Barb's house when they built this house when they laid down the patio they were actually kind of smart and they actually put in a drainage pipe I don't know I think this was done at the time of construction so this pipe travels under the cement and travels all the way back to the yard and let me show you where comes and that's where it comes out and you can see the washout over here so we really need to extend that out towards the woods more but you can see how far away that is that's a long run there and then you can also see here's the patio back here you can also see down here you can see there's another corner over here someone need to get a weed eater but there's another sunken one over here too so pretty smart to actually recess these things while you're doing construction someone got smart and that one goes I think all the way over there somewhere so basically what I'm saying to you is start by looking at your roof or store when it rains look at your look at the amount of water volume that's coming out of your downspouts evaluate that and evaluate where it's going look at the ground look at the grass and look at the soil that's near those downspouts see if there's a way that you can that you can redirect it now I will tell you of course now water needs to travel downhill so if you need to cut one of these pipes cut one of the pipes if you want to use a regular downspout pipe you can use regular downspout if you want to get to submerge a three-inch I believe it's three inch PVC that you can get and put it underground you can dig it underground or do a temporary solution like I did right now with all this rain coming the temporary solution which is get these little portable things and they're not that expensive but that will save your lawn I'm telling you right now that'll save your lawn but you need to direct that water away from certain areas number one you need to direct it away from your house you need direct away from your house but you also need to direct it away from washout areas on your lawn so just think about that guys just a little tip dot how you do it [Music]
Channel: How To with Doc
Views: 247,819
Rating: 4.534492 out of 5
Keywords: downspout flooding, move downspout drainage, downspout drainage, downspout drain, roof drain, gutter downspout drainage, downspout drainage system, landscape drainage, flexible gutter extenders, flexible gutter drain, flexible gutter extension tube, flexible gutter pipe
Id: g4YhPGwuDy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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