Level Up Fast! Genshin Impact - How I Got AR 30 In 2 Days Or Less

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No thx, I'm not going to spend 24 hours of my life trying to get as much EXP as i can and become a no life.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Shimuza 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
what's up guys it's your boy damon and welcome back to another kinshin impact video in today's video guys um i made a promise on stream that i would uh i would basically explain to everybody the process that i use um to basically level up my adventure rake as fast as possible uh for those of you guys who are new to the channel um i basically hit adventure rank 30 um in less than two days uh they launched we've crushed it i've crushed it pretty much every beta except for the ones that i just went easy on i was top ranked on the closed beta test two uh top ranked player in the world along with this other guy fab master and he shouts out to my guys uh we crushed it and so it's been a consistent thing uh where people have been consistently asking me like hey d um what's your process and how do you do it why are we spending as much time as you but you're getting so many more levels than we are so in today's video i wanted to take the time and share with you my in process so i'll be talking uh from a how i think standpoint instead of but you should do this or you should do that standpoint right so i'll just talk to you guys about like my whole thought process how i think about the game at what levels am i thinking about what and how do i approach this uh so you guys can maximize and take what you guys like and of course discard what you don't but obviously the goal of this is to improve the quality uh of your play experience so whether you're filthy casual or super try hard uh you guys can improve your leveling process consistently so anyway without further ado let's go ahead and dive in so let's go ahead and start a monster uh monster is like obviously where everybody starts so when the game starts out literally i'm not thinking about anything i'm going through the game i'm following the quest until i get to level seven like oh that's all i care about i'm doing the story i'm not in the world trying to do anything extra just yet because i can't really do anything extra because the map isn't open yet until i get the quests um and i unlock the wind from the map so when i come to the game i get into monstat the first thing that i do after i get to level seven i have kaia amber and lisa and my team is i you know clear the skies or whatever i do my summons and then i come down and i talk to katherine uh the reason why i talked to katherine is because she's going to give me my adventures ring book right and this adventure ranked book is pretty much your guideline it's like your adventuring bible it's going to tell you all the stuff that you need to do it's going to give you a ton of quests a ton of xp uh all the way you know in chapter format so literally i just use this as a reference point i always always always always always check this book to see if there's anything that i can do while i'm doing something else uh the secret to how i uh operate when i'm trying to get my adventure rank up as fast as i can is trying to put myself in a position where i can win in more ways than one like winning more ways than one means you win period if if you set the cards up or you set the game up so you can only win in one way you're slowing yourself down so what i mean by that is if your objective is to only get chest or to only get way points or to only get oculus then you're pretty much cutting yourself off at the kneecap and you're moving uh you know a quarter of the speed that you could be moving if you were doing basically or setting yourself up in a way that you can win in more ways than one like i said so after this point i get my adventuring book and what this is going to do is this is going to put me in a position to do some quests so at this point i'm doing story quests right plus adventuring book uh or if i'm really really close to level eight uh what i'm going to then do is i'm just going to go do some ley lines like at this point i don't really care like what the ley line rewards are because uh for those of you guys who are unaware of this ley line loot scales with your world rank so the higher your world rank is once you guys are world running five six seven ten whatever um the amount of rewards that you get in terms of actual loot like character xp cards under gold not xp itself will go up so the xp will stay the same though consistently um then like in the beginning so because of that in the beginning i'm just doing them so i can get xp as fast as i can when i get level eight so in conjunction with that i'm opening chess i'm going around i'm activating waypoints that are within the vicinity so let's say for example i have this lay line up here this let's say this is my first leg line i'm gonna run up here i'm going to activate this this this i'm going to activate anything that's in the area that's on my way while i'm on my way to my lay line i'm also looking for any chest or any animoculus that are in the area for those of you guys who are unfamiliar with animoculus or g oculus um there's this thing called a statue of the gods of statue of the seven camera i can't remember this thing so statue of the seven yes so what this is is basically there's these little crystals that go on the map and on the map they look like these uh little diamonds but you can the dimes will be on the mini map and when you grab these things you can feed these things to the statue and the levels of the statue and give you some adventure rank so typically what i'm doing outside of this last you know test phase where i like just was like i don't want to deal with this ever again we are on the live server i'm just going to go get them all at once and then just be done with it uh what i would do before is i would just grab them as i was like doing stuff so again if i'm going to this ley line up here then i'm grabbing chests i'm grabbing an imoculus that i see in my vicinity not going out of my way per se but just moving in a straight line grabbing stuff along the way and then i get there i do it and then this will probably spawn over here spawn over there and then i'll just continue to do these to initially burn out my energy because i'm a super tryhard i will do full refreshes immediately i will refresh this until it's full because you get six refreshes a day until your limit is is reached i'll just bang that out and get a whole bunch of extra xp and try to get to 10 and or 12 as fast as i can once i get to 10 i unlock story quests again so i'm going to backtrack the monstat i'm going to pick up the story quest i'm going to continue to loot chess get way points pick up animoculus and then i'm going to do this until i get to 12. as soon as i get to 12 i'm going to do my dailies literally immediately i'm always thinking about uh okay how close am i to reset and reset is at around am pst so when i'm thinking about this i'm like okay how close am i to reset what can i get done before reset and when i look at that are my refreshes done did i do everything that i need to do and then can we move forward yes or no if the answer is yes then i just keep going and keep plugging and after i burn out all my energy or my resin from my refreshes then it's fair game then i can do whatever i want at that point so once you guys get to 12 or once i get to 12 that's pretty much my junction point um at this point now i'm looking for quests that i can do so if i got a head to dupa gorge then i'm looking at you know going to dot opera gorge to get my four star artifacts this is the time where i'm looking at opening luxury chests say at the at the temple or i'm heading up to the waterfall here to open up this luxury chest or i'm talking to the the young lady in the cathedral victoria to get a free four-star artifact but basically i'm trying to position myself to get gear because what i'm thinking about now is after i've done all of my initial summons because by now i'm level 12 i've done my 40 to 50 free summons if you guys are watching this video after lunchtime you guys might not have 50 free some 4253 summons uh but that's you know this is what i'm thinking about so let's say i pulled jean or let's say i pulled beto now i'm thinking about what equipment do i need and how can i still keep my ar up so let's say i'm focused on a four-star sword and i'm thinking about what materials do i need to enhance right so it looks like i need some mob materials and i need uh materials that i need to get from a dungeon right and then let's say i'm a look at my talents i'm thinking about okay beto what kind of talent books you know do you need right um and for those of you guys who don't know beto needs uh the teachings of gold right so just just an example uh normally i'm not thinking about like talents too much this early on because you can't even use talent books for like another 15 levels or whatever uh but that's just some of the consideration but most of the time it's mostly just weapons like what do i need for my enhanced materials and then i'm also thinking about attributes like what do i need for my ascension materials so for beetle's sake i would need the noctilus ore right and i know i need to kill bandits because i need the uh treasure hoarder insignia so understanding that and the bot that i need to kill the boss uh let's say if i'm using betel that's how i'm gonna set myself up i'm gonna set myself up in a way where i can go kill this boss as soon as i possibly can so what i'm doing is after i finish these quests uh i go do this quest because this is gonna give me a ton of xp here i get my free artifacts i'm gonna start plussing up my gear and when i look at my character here when i'm trying to get my ar up the reason why it's important to plus my gear up you know trying to get my adventure rank up is because the more stuff i can kill the faster i can kill them early on the better off i am and the easier it will be for me to get my adventure rank up period so when i'm looking at my artifacts i don't give no care no dams about what kind of artifact it is all i care about is that it's four star and it contributes to my maximum stats so what i mean by that is when i have my four star feather that typically i get from dotto gorge i'm just looking to max this and get this to plus 16 on my primary character as soon as possible i'm going to get this to 232 attack because that bonus attack is going to be great if i get lucky and i happen to pull a cup you know from victoria here that gives me attack percent which of course this one didn't give me attack percent this time it gave me crowd damage bonus but let's just say for instance the cup gives me uh attack percent if it gives me attack percent i'm definitely gonna plus it immediately if let's say if the feather is the only thing that i get that gives me flat attack or any type of attack at all then that's the only thing that i'm gonna plus 16. if i get anything else that's not attack percent if it's like hp or defense or any of that i'm just gonna throw it on i'm not even gonna bother with wasting resources the other thing that i'm gonna do is i'm gonna focus on my weapon so if i have a four-star weapon let's say because i got a free four-star one-handed sword um at level ten let's just pretend that you know it was a two-handed sword that i started with right um then i'm going to go ahead and plus the sword to 20 immediately right and that's what i'm going to do because what that's going to do is it's going to set me up and then once i have my gear plus then i'm going to go start you know knocking out little quests that i know are in the area that can give me immediate xp i'm opening chess i'm exploring again more animous and i'm going to do this until i get to 15. once i get to 15 15 is going to unlock my first ascension so when i unlock my first ascension i'm going to go ahead and get the materials finished getting the materials that i need uh to ascend my character at this point after my first initial ascension this is going to increase my power threshold and this is going to allow me to go further into the world before my world ranks up at rank 20. once i do that this is a continual ebb and flow i'm gonna head down to other spots i'm gonna get quests i'm gonna unlock waypoints i'm pretty much going to explore the entirety of the map at this point i'm gonna unlock pretty much everything except for this play through i didn't get all the waypoints but you guys get the idea i'm typically going to go through and get all of these waypoints this is also a point where i'm normally going to decide if i'm ready to go and take the take the plunge and get all of the animoculus or the deoculus to upgrade my archon statues because it's a great great source of xp but in between this i'm literally juggling okay unlocking waypoints getting chess finding all of the secrets doing the hidden quests right that you guys can find i'm thinking about heading down to gilly planes i'm thinking about heading to the top of queen young pete i'm thinking of heading to pretty much anywhere that has any type of unlockable or quest or artifact that i can find once i do that and i plus my gear up then i'm immediately going to start doing boss attempts if i've already done my refreshes and we're still on the same day then i'm just trying to do a boss attempt and or ley line uh when my enter when i have enough energy to do so if i don't have energy to do so then what i'm going to do is i'm just going to continue to explore open chest do the stuff that most people don't want to do because i know they just don't want to do it they're busy trying to figure out what they're going to do in between story quests so why they're trying to figure it out i'm just grinding right i'm getting chests i'm getting secrets i'm doing all the stuff that i need to do and then what happens is after i do that stuff um since i'm leveling up so quickly the story quests will become available and since i plus my gear up this is going to allow me to go through the through these uh places and through these story quests a lot easier than it would would have been if i didn't plus my gear and so like i like to stay on top of any side quests that i see um period and this is just something that i do throughout the day if you guys have watched me uh on the live streams and stuff um i i do the same thing every single time people are like yo what are you doing why are you only working on one character why are you only you know losing chests so why are you only doing dungeons or ley lines or whatever it's because the faster you are up in this game the faster you can get to more content and the faster you can just get stuff done so primarily on the first day of progress that's literally all that i'm doing after that once with this you know i pretty much repeat this process until i'm about level 20. once we start getting into 20 to 25 it's pretty much the same thing uh later in the 20s like your story quests are pretty much gonna carry you um all the way from you know 20 to 23-ish at which point you can get back to finding more animous or oculus and or chess or quests or whatever this is going to carry you to 25. 25 it's the same thing except the emphasis is going to start to be more and more on character prep instead of actual just doing stuff for xp now the reason i say that and this is why it's very beneficial if you guys are focusing on one or two characters is because now you're going to get to a point where you're going to need very specific materials and the amount of materials that you guys are going to need to enhance your equipment is going to continue to go up and up and up so now you're going to use your resin and your energy uh that you're getting let's say it's day two now and we have refreshes again and or you've decided to break into your items here let me show you the items that i'm talking about but if you decided to break into these items that i'm that i'm talking about these uh fragile resin here you guys can use utilize these as refreshes to uh give yourself extra energy to uh farm resources and materials that you guys will need for your progression overall as you go through the world um this is a great way uh to again give yourself a leg up if you need the materials uh again early on as if you guys are doing your ascension and you guys are unable to get the materials let's say you guys are unable to get the ball so you don't really quite understand the strategies yet uh you guys can offset this by utilizing uh my girl over here i talk about her a lot but marjorie over here in monstat you guys can talk to her because she sells a ton of materials that you have access to and if you guys are opening enough chests you guys should have more than enough sigils uh to buy you know whatever gems you guys need or whatever weapon crafting that you need as well on the flip side is if you have a weapon that doesn't use any of these materials uh then you guys can head over to leo which is down here to the south and uh you guys can go to their variation of that storekeeper which is right here and if you talk to her she sells the other uh weapon uh enhance materials there that you guys can buy but you guys will have to open a bunch of chests and leeway as well um after that guys it's pretty much a rinse repeat i'm looking like okay what bosses do i need you guys might have seen this in the stream for me today uh when i was looking i was like okay what bosses do i need what mass do i need i was like all right i need win boss and i need i need to kill the wind boss and i need to kill the ice boss right because i'm focusing on gene and i'm focusing on chi chi so i'm just going back and forth and these bosses respond every two minutes so in between story quests i'm doing these i'm doing my refreshes literally every single day all of them and then from there like if i have dead space that i'm doing uh you know chess i'm doing secrets if i need weapon ascension materials then i'll go do that or you know once you guys get into your higher 20s if you guys need talent materials then you guys need to stay on top of whatever character you're building uh so whether you guys are going to lyan chan over here uh to get talent materials or if you guys are going to be going over here to get talent materials either one uh you got to really pay attention to those because all of these are great sources for adventure rank xp but outside of that outside of that guys i mean that's pretty much it it's uh making sure i stay on top of my chest my my quest my weight points and all of my secrets and then always try to put myself in a way that i win in more ways than one so if i'm doing a dungeon or a boss making sure that those materials translate into progression so i'm continually making my character stronger as i continue to progress through the game because if you do one without the other let's say you're just getting adventure rank but you're not making your character stronger you're not setting yourself up to get resources you're not placing your equipment not ascending your characters uh you're just uh basically setting yourself up to fail because once your world ranks up then you won't be able to kill the the newly improved monster that's stronger than what they are so um that's pretty much it i mean it's really simple uh the challenge with this is um just getting in the grind mode uh to go get all the oculus to go get all of the chests to go find all the secrets to basically just explore the world and get off the beaten path to do the things that are necessary in order for you to rank up because in this game guys you guys can rank up just fine just doing the normal doing your dailies logging in every day just using the energy that's present but if you guys want to kill it if you guys want to level fast then you got to get off the beaten path and you got to go get into some stuff that most people are probably not either aware of or they they just don't want to go find all right and then and that's that's just that's it guys so if you guys are wondering like yo d what are you doing different how are you leveling um i'm just doing stuff that you guys may or may not be aware of or you know you guys might be underestimating how many chests how many secrets are in the world but there are literally thousands of chests in the world right well over a thousand chests in the world so a thousand by thirty let's say every test gave you you know 20 30 xp that's like 20 to 30 000 xp that you're literally just missing out on if you're just opening a chest here and there or you're just looking at the stuff that's right in front of you instead of like digging deep and trying to find all the secrets so um again i just wanted to take uh this little bit of time 20 minutes here uh or so to kind of share with you guys my thought process and how i look at this hopefully you guys were able to take something away from this because this is the process and the mindset that i take every time i jump into this every time i've been in any beta in this uh this is how i look at it and for those of you guys who've watched me on stream you guys have seen like i just it's like systematic i'm just like boom boom boom boom boom you guys like why are you doing this over and over again i'm like because it's efficient and this allows me to get adventure back xp quicker anyway guys uh if you guys got any questions comments concerns uh about my process definitely let me know in the comment box below and i'll be happy to assist and with that being said we will see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: Demone Kim
Views: 653,498
Rating: 4.8519502 out of 5
Id: 38cqxwzAsok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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