How to Get Overpowered Artifacts: Genshin Impact Tips

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hey everyone mtash here and i wish future m tash could have told past mtash all about these artifacts because i made some dumb mistakes but i learned from them and now i'm sharing this info with you so that you can have the best artifacts in the game and honestly make them two three even four times better than they would have been now i want to explain this because on many of the artifacts that you're gonna get you're going to get wasted stats stats that don't really help you like defense which i did a whole video on how it's not really a good stat if you're looking to do the most damage possible and destroy enemies before they even hit you well you're gonna need to follow this guide it's gonna save your resources it's gonna save you time and it's actually a really simple system once you understand it so let's get started on how these artifacts work we'll talk about how to farm for artifacts after but this system can be used even when you're a low level if you're using blue gear and you want to start getting getting some bonuses for your character okay sound good let's do this alright so we're gonna start at the top here and we're going to look at a couple of upgraded items and i want to talk about the stats on it so with the gladiators nostalgia that i have here any of the five star items you can see are rolling with four stats on it already they're right there these are unupgraded and they still have four stats now four stats is the most that you can have on any artifact uh on this blue one you'd be able to upgrade and get four on this purple one i've got four you can't get higher than four but every four levels that you upgrade an artifact one of two things will happen number one if you upgrade an item to level four it will get another stat or if it's got full stats it will upgrade one of those stats and that happens every four levels now a blue artifact can only be leveled up to 12 so you could get essentially three extra stats on it or two and an upgrade depending on the blue and with a purple it upgrades to level 16. so you could max out the stats and then get a couple upgrades now with a five star you've got all the stats on there already so at level four at level eight 12 16 and at 20 you're gonna upgrade one of these stats as well as the base stat so that is where a lot of the value comes in but this video isn't about maxing out five starred artifacts because that's gonna take a lot of time this is about turning even your blue artifacts into god rolls it's about turning your purples into great dps boosting purples that are going to carry your team for a long long time until you can replace them so i'm going to show you an item here this item here it's not perfect but if we were to level it up to four which i'm gonna do i'm gonna get another stat all right so we're gonna enhance it to level four and you can see that it says adds one new bonus attribute so we're gonna enhance this and we're gonna see wow we actually got crit rate so this is a this is a situation where i actually got lucky uh this is what you would want to happen now the hp hp is always what you get on flowers there's nothing you can do about this one but these stats here are randomized now you could get two or three of them to pop up and it could be attack crit rate print damage right you could get elemental uh mastery there's multiple stats on there but when you're adding one in you don't know what it's going to be so what you would want to do is you'd want to pick an item that had hypothetically the attack the crit damage and the crit rate and then when you leveled it to four hopefully you got a good stat now in my case i had defense on here already not a great stat but it's not the end of the world but i ended up getting crit rate so now at level 8 one of these stats will get upgraded at level 12 another upgrade level 16 the final upgrade because it's a purple item and so it could roll defense all of the times and that would really really suck but it could also roll crit rate each time and so this exiles flower has actually turned out to be a pretty damn good item and something i would consider now i would say that the flower is one of the lower priorities because a lot of enemies aren't gonna want to hit you in this game you can do this process with even just like a blue so in this case i had hp i had attack and i rolled on and i got hp again so this one not great this one here i've got attack i've got crit damage and i've got attack again so i'm actually going to enhance this and we're going to see what we get but the idea here is you would roll to level four you'd level it up to four and see if you get a third good stat and then if you do that you would then go for the fourth and if you got all four of them then you would upgrade it to the max level and you'd probably use that on a character so we're gonna grab a couple items here and hope for the best hp now we got hp percentage that's not the worst but if you're looking for a god roll the absolute best artifacts this one would be probably dead in the water now if i leveled it up to eight and i ended up getting a good roll awesome that's great but unfortunately i'm probably going to disband this one i'm not going to use it i can use it for experience because you get like 85 or something like that 75 i don't know what it is you get that experience so if i go and fuse this into another thing you can see if i was to go into this one enhance it and i use one of these level four feathers where are you okay so if i was using this level four feather it is gonna go all the way to level three in one feather that one taking it to five so you're gonna get that experience back so it's not really the end of the world if you test these out now some of the blue and purple items are going to have one less stat and that means you're rolling the dice in extra time so even though this has attack and attack percentage you probably wouldn't want to try to do this one you could get really really lucky but you're missing you know a little bit too much information here and you're also not going to be upgrading these stats right because because the first few levels are just going to be adding a stat on they're not going to be leveling up so you would want to pick something that's got a couple on there so that you can hopefully get two new good stats and then an upgrade and it's even more important once you get into the purple items right if you've got purple items and you're trying to level these up you would want the three stats and you'd want all three of them to be good there are some purples right here like this is a purple it's only got two stats on here this is actually a bad purple now if you have you know attack and crit or something like that that's that's fine that's good but optimally you would want you know a couple good ones you'd want a couple stats that you like i mean this thing this thing's a piece of trash this one's absolutely piece of trash this one we've got crit damage elemental mastery crit rate all good stats the defense sucks but you would not want to be leveling up stuff like this and i have leveled them up because i'm an idiot and i wanted some attack and they work in my set gear but screw the set gear screw the set bonuses at this point if you're getting rolls like this when you could have had rolls with a bunch of percentage crit and crit chance you're just throwing away damage you might be a little bit tankier but you need to be upgrading the items that already have good stats on it see a cup like this on venti this would be god ruled this would be absolute god world and we're going to enhance this one we're going to check because it's got animal damage we've got crit rate we've got crit damage we've got attack so this chalice is pretty much god rolled for someone like jean or venti we've got animal damage we've got crit rate we've got crit damage we've got attack and so for 5 000 mora this is 5 000 more down here and a couple artifacts we're going to be able to test and see if there's a god rule let's see what we got maybe lucky oh my god this is this is literally god roll this is literally a god rule we've got all damage and now we've got energy recharge to get the the q ability the elemental burst back so in a situation like this this is something you keep this is something you would level up this thing is insanity and it's really simple to test for it it's a very small cost and now we know for damn sure that if you're investing in this i'm gonna get better stats so i'm actually gonna do it i'm gonna i'm gonna enhance this thing because there's no way this isn't an upgrade we're gonna uh we're gonna just start adding in some materials we're gonna level it up and we're gonna see where this thing ends up this is perfect i'm glad i got this on camera for a video alright so now we got to level eight we got one of the upgrades on the other stats and you know whichever one gets picked it's valuable in this case we got a whole bunch more crit rate so i mean this is nutty but we got more crit damage always a good stat but you can see that if you're getting the bonuses to the actual damage stats and not some random hp or defense how much these can ramp up right i've got another level up still so i could hypothetically get 15 more crit damage instead of just four right the crit chance got doubled and if you hit the wrong stat when you're upgrading these you might end up with a very very subpar weapon depending on the luck even if you've got one bad stat on it hypothetically it could roll that stat every single time for the one that gets upgraded and then you have a fraction of the damage now if you do this on every single artifact holy cow all of a sudden you've got double the damage maybe even triple the damage from all of your artifacts and another flat boost to my attack we doubled the attack on the item we more than doubled the crit rate and we doubled the crit damage now if that's not incredible if that's not a showcase of how valuable this can be then i don't know what is i don't know what is this is now a massive upgrade i think on venti like this is like literally just a straight yeah look at this look at this this is fine like yo this is fine exiles goblet but compared to this are you kidding me this is gonna be way more damage switch that out we are absolutely gaming and the goal here would just be do that with each piece is your helmet okay i mean what is this why did i upgrade this i think i upgraded this for a bounty crit damage on top hp defense defense what is this this thing is trash i need to replace this immediately hell even this one's probably going to be better because it's got attack elemental mastery crit damage don't settle with these artifacts make sure you've got a good main stat and don't upgrade items that's got multiple stats that you don't want hunt around find one that looks promising test it out maybe i mean that's got healing so no but uh this is a really easy way to check and see if these items are gonna be top tier you know this one here probably worth it it's got some attack crit rate energy recharge those are all good stats anyways guys that's pretty much it for the stats side of it let's talk about actually farming for these artifacts now there are a lot of chests in game right all over this map there are chess there's thousands of chests and you're going to get some items from it and from the shrines that require those keys you're going to get some artifacts from it but one of the big ones is is from bosses so as you start fighting bosses they are going to start dropping artifacts you know gladiator set the berserker set um but there's also going to be the domains now i have a recommendation for you you're going to start getting artifacts while fighting some of the bosses and stuff and you're naturally going to get some upgrades as you play but i would focus 100 of your resin 100 of your time on other domains early on i would focus on getting weapons upgraded i would focus on ascending your character by fighting bosses i would focus on getting the talent books that you need and i would wait until all the way until ar 40. i know that sounds like a long time you probably want some good artifacts now but the ones you have are going to get you by and i know that you might see some of these artifacts and you're like damn physical damage up 25 that sounds amazing and it does absolutely but unfortunately until you get to ar 40 a lot of the drops that you're gonna get from this it's not worth the resin in my opinion you can get some purples absolutely but once you get to ar-40 you're getting a lot of purples like guaranteed purples and then you have chances of getting the golds now at ar-45 you're getting more increased chances but at ar-40 you can get a lot more artifacts and you're guaranteed to get a lot more purples and that's going to be kind of the first step up 40 to 45 ar is a long time to upgrade and maybe you do get some god rolled uh you know five star items but i wouldn't be hunting right now for this stuff because you can get by on blues but if your weapon is trash if your ascension level is trash if your talents are trash that's some really easy guaranteed damage instead of trying to gamble on artifacts and that's the way i view it with the weapons with the talents you know if you invest the time if you invest the resources you're going to get a bonus do the artifacts later min max later with those because they're just too rng there's too much luck involved that if you do get unlucky and you blow all your resources you might actually fall behind so there we go that's it thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video and i will see you soon my friends bye
Channel: Mtashed
Views: 1,193,965
Rating: 4.8503375 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact tricks, genshin impact tips, genshin impact more damage, genshin impact tier list, best artifacts genshin impact
Id: m749UsboKPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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