COMPLETE SUPPORT GUIDE FOR EVERY CHARACTER (with Timestamps) - Best Builds & More! | Genshin Impact

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hey what's up guys welcome to my support bible you might have clicked on this video not knowing what to expect but basically i'm going to be going over the best build the optimal builds like weapons artifacts stats uh talents all that stuff even what level you should get every single support character in genji impact now i have done extensive research and so has my friend zf77 who made a spreadsheet helped me a lot with this check out his channel so overall we did a lot of research but it is prone to changes like um i don't mean every character so i did a lot of research i talked two mains of every character but maybe something will change in the future maybe we'll find out that a weapon that i didn't think of is actually better so be sure to check the pinned comment in case anything changes i'll be sure to update this guide because i don't want to misinform anyone it's one of my biggest fears on youtube so yeah i don't know how long this video is going to be uh i hope it's not too long it's really going to be detailed on every character and there should be every character in the timestamp so you can skip to whichever one you want and this is going to be a support bible so i'm not going to be talking about like how to dps with characters so when i talk about beto uh yes you can build their dps yes you can build their support but i'm going to be focusing on how to use the character as a support how you should be leveling them uh gearing them all that stuff i really hope this video is enjoyable i stream every night on twitch follow me if you want that being said guys let's get right into it the first thing we need to talk about is some general information that applies to every character so generally you want to be leveling most characters to level 60 out of 70. now what does level 6070 mean it means that you get them to level 60 but then you send them uh you know past 60 which unlocks as you guys probably know their second talent so you get your first talent by uh sending a character to level 20 out of 40. so you send them once and then after that your other talent will be locked until you send them 260 out of 70. now usually for a support character it's not worth leveling them up all the way to 70. like getting xp past 60 usually uh is irrelevant and doesn't make a big deal but for some characters it does so i will be kind of uh specifying when you should level a character past 60 70 for example albedo uh who scales very well on base defense might want to level further so basically for most characters it's 60 out of 70 and you can assume that's what you'd want and i will be sure to tell you guys if you want more or less or whatever another important thing is for a character using as a support a burst support healer whatever you don't want to be leveling their normal attacks right like if you're not dpsing with them you're not normal attacking with them charge attacking there's no reason to level this talent so just maximizing your e and your q is usually what you want to do on these characters lastly i just want to say i try to give you guys the best builds what i think is optimal and what i've found to be optimal but yeah that being said uh we're going to get into specific characters now and we're going to try to organize this per element so it'll be like a nemo and then geo and then you know one element at the time and then the main character will be at the end and other characters that i don't talk about i'll specify like dps characters at the very end let's get right into it for sucrose there are two ways to build her and go check out my sucrose guide if you want more information but in general verdes inventor is a set that you need on her regardless of how you build her but when i say there's two different ways to build her that's because you can either build her as an elemental mastery bot who just serves as a someone to use swirl to proc the verdessen effect and then give elemental mastery to whoever you swap into right to other characters um because of her passive right uh if you guys don't know she does give a lot of elemental mastery so uh you can stack elemental mastery on your on literally everything that's what i do but if you do care about your sucrose's damage you can actually run a nemo percent on the goblet right right right right right anima damage bonus and you can run crit or attack on the circlit uh but i tend to run her as an elemental mastery bot for your talents once again it depends if you want damage or you're literally just using her for the verdessen effect and elemental mastery as a low investment support if you do want damage be sure to maximize your q and your e generally speaking sacrificial fragments is just the best book on earth it's so good skyward atlas can be a good option for damage and thrilling tails can be good for literally just buffing your raw damage on your other character like if you're going for a big hit or something but in general sacrificial fragments especially with refinement is your best book and a good free-to-play option is the mapamari for venti you obviously want the iridescent vendor set because it's genuinely just like one of the best sets in the game you really want it on your nemo supports and you want to build him like a burst support because of how much damage his ultimate deals how much damage does his talents deal in general so for the sans attack percent is ideal i know elemental mastery and energy recharge can be viable but overall for damage attack percent is definitely the way to go with an animal damage bonus on the goblet and crit on the circlet the reason i run him as a burst support is because of how much damage his alt deals it's just so much guys if you have venti you already know he does a ton of damage because of that you want to be leveling both of his skills i would say prioritize his q but his e is also worth to level one thing i want to say however is if you can get energy recharge on a sub stat that is very very good for venti uh it's something you should be looking for alongside your crit and your attack for weapons venti has a ton of good options and is actually very free to play friendly because of how good favoni's warbo is for him since he will be critting a lot best free to play option definitely for bonus warbo if not stringless is insane on him verdes and hunt can be good too and skyward harp is usually the best if you do have it jean is a character i don't have but i have done research on how to build her and she is absolutely insane if you are willing to invest into her as a matter of fact she does very well with investment which is why a lot of people early game are underwhelmed by her and think she's not that great but late game especially in abyss she shines really well because she can heal a bunch she can be in a nemo support abuse fall damage use iridescent veneer and she deals a nice amount of burst damage on top of that she has a cleanse which is especially useful in abyss it cleanses like debuffs and it's just very very nice for jean uh you can keep her level 6 out of 70 if you want but levels actually matter for her for like fall damage abuse and just for the way she works and just in general like getting her to level 80 out of 80 if you have enough resources to is worthwhile you do want to level her talents especially her elemental burst because of just all the ridiculous amounts of scaling that do go up every time you level it her burst is very very good definitely prioritize this artifact set wise i always recommend the four piece verdessen fender you could do like no bless if you already have another an emo support or something but i really think four piece verdessen vendor is insanely broken so running that on gene is a good idea with low investment in the early game attack percent on your artifacts can be smart but in the late game what you want is a more damage focused build so on the goblet you want a nemo damage bonus and crit on the circlet and for your sans i've seen energy recharge and i've seen attack resent personally from what i've seen energy recharge seems to be better but i can't test it because i don't have g for your weapon you'd want something with energy recharge so skyward blade is probably the way to go if you have it uh if not there are some other pretty good options with energy recharge especially festering desire which is a free option if you did the event uh it is a free-to-play friendly weapon but all the er swords like fivonius sac sword are all pretty good and the flute can actually work well on uh jean as well running ning as a support can actually be quite efficient despite her role as a dps used by most but um there are actually two ways to build her as a support so you can either run her a high investment burst support route which is what i use when i run her as a support i run her in a quick swap team which means i'm going to press my q my e and swap right and then for that you'd want to petra to no bless and you want to maximize you actually want to really invest into her so you want to maximize everything attack geo goblet and uh crit on the circlet and for your weapon any five star catalyst is really good on her i use skyward atlas with it can be good solar pearl if you have it and for a free to play option mapamari is pretty good now if you're running a low investment ning build you can actually go for the four piece petra to give a 35 damage bonus uh to the crystal you pick up right so let's say you make a hydro uh crystal you can pick it up on your ning then swap to your child and he'll deal i will have a 35 damage bonus which is very nice so you can run her like that uh and if you're doing that you actually don't need to invest a lot of resources into your ninguang so you can just run a thrilling tails if you want to so low investment you don't need talents but as a burst support you definitely want to maximize your q get that as high level as you can and then your jeep screen is also pretty nice so your burst and your skill are both uh stuff you should upgrade and obviously we're not talking about dpsing so uh normal attacks aren't really a factor so for zhong li um there's actually a few ways to build them but i'd say the best the most optimal way to build rongi is as a burst support who relies on his ultimate's damage now i've seen people around him as a shield bot and if you do need a shield and like you're struggling with abyss you're taking too much damage whatever you can build hp on them but i think the best way to build them is a burst support with attack on the sands geo damage on the goblet and crit damage on the circuit or crit rate obviously now energy recharge and crit are all really good substance same with hp like hp on them is good because it buffs your shield and gives you some all damage but the scaling for your alt on attack is much better than on hp so um only build hp if you just want him as a shield bot as i said but overall uh attack and crit are what you're looking for now because of that you want to be maxing his elemental burst as high as you can because it does deal a ton a ton of damage one of wrongly's biggest weaknesses is that he uh doesn't generate particles very quickly unless you run with other geo characters so in a geo quick swap team or with ning slash albedo he can be very very powerful because he can spam his ultimate non-stop so in those types of teams you don't really need energy recharge so the best fears are stuff with crit rate or crit damage like deathmatch blacklift pole or jade spear if you have it and all five star spears are good now if you don't have another geo with him you might want more energy recharge you might need it so a prototype star glitter as a free-to-play weapon can be very very good favorites lance is also a great option if you need energy recharge for albedo there are actually two different ways to build them and both are very good one one requires more investment than the other but both are very good late game and are just great options so i'm gonna talk about both of them in detail so in my albedo guide i kind of random as a burst support but i did pin a comment saying you can build them defense if you want to now that's because you can either run him as a burst support that focuses on his q or a defense support that focuses on his e presses e lets it do a bunch of damage over time and doesn't really care about his ultimate since his uh the animation is so long you just deal a bunch of damage from the defense scaling on your passive elemental skill and that's kind of how you play them you run them with hardwinger of dawn you leave the e out and that's it the other way of playing them is to run as a burst support who will spam his e for the attack scaling and he will use his ultimate for this huge huge burst now theory crafters are still debating which one's better and i've seen heated arguments so instead of commenting on it i'm just gonna show you guys how you can build both and you guys can choose to build them the way you want personally i enjoy dealing a lot of damage in one hit i like seeing huge bursts so iron has a burst support but the defense build is also great and requires less investment so for a burst support build you'd want tuna bless with two petra for sure because you get 20 percent uh burst damage and you get 15 geo damage bonus which is very nice for this build you would prioritize attack and crit which means you have attack percent on the sands geo damage bonus on the goblet and crit damage or crit rate on the circulate for the burst build obviously you would max your burst e you should level as well because it's very nice but especially your burst now if you do run them as a defense sort of support there are actually a lot of good artifacts you can run a four piece petra to just be a pure support for your main dps you'll pick up the crystal give it give damage bonus to them and just deal a ton of damage over time with your defensive uh your defensive scaling on your e just passively another really good option and especially good in the early game because of how cheap it is is actually a two-piece defender's will two pieces of this gives you 30 defense which is actually pretty huge for albedo and you can run a two-piece defender's will with a two-piece um sorry where is it to be petra and that's just a ton of damage passively on your e for this build you would want defense on the sands geo damage on the goblet as well but for the circuit you can either have crit like rate or damage or you could also have defense on the circuit uh and i've heard that both are good and defense might actually be slightly better for this build so uh yeah weapon wise for a burst support you want energy recharge festering desire is really good on albedo um but you could just run anything that has uh energy recharge like even favoni sword is very good and i've heard that late game aquila is actually just a ton of damage because of the high base attack and the passive um and i tend to use skyward blade on them now hardbringer of dawn is the best three-star option but is also just the best option period for the defense build now for the burst build uh from the calcs that i've seen it seems that other weapons can outscale it and the energy recharge is better for the late game but hardware of dawn for the defense build is the best one overall because of the high crit damage and crit rate you get uh just by refining it as a three star which is very very easy but do know that it as a burst support you want to be ulting pretty much on cooldown so it might be like a quick swap team or just a team that generates a ton of particles also for a defense albedo leveling him up all the way like actually to 8080 or 90 out of 90 can actually be beneficial because it increases your base defense and since you don't have like a feather for defense getting base defense is actually pretty significant for a defense build let's quickly talk about noel uh i think you should run a white blind honor if you have it i don't because i don't have any claymore prototypes right now but the white blind is definitely something you should run if you if you are running her uh if you need a three star option the white iron greatsword which i cannot seem to find there it is uh can be good but definitely go for the white blind if you can get it i'd say four piece petra is the way to go just because the 35 damage bonus of the crystal you pick up on her uh and then you know you swap your main dps can be very very good you can also run four maidens if you want more healing on her because i know noel's healing especially early game can be sort of underwhelming at least for me it was because i didn't invest into her much um so you can run maidens on her but i personally like to use petro when i do run noel for noel you should have defense on your sands defense on your goblet and uh ideally healing bonus on your circlet just to maximize your healing a bit now running her is a support not a dps you the only talent you care about is your e because your q will increase your dps when you level it as you guys can see but it does not actually increase uh her healing or anything like that her e however will increase her healing and uh like her shield which is what you're focusing on for for a support noel which is why i would recommend prioritizing this talent now i covered ganyu in my last two videos but she is amazing at everything she does great at dpsing great at supporting so for a support gone you you want tuna bless to blizzard's trader because of the raw amount of damage she deals if you guys don't know her e and her q do insane amounts of damage especially her uh her q her elemental burst against multiple targets this does insane amounts of damage especially when paired with someone like venti so because of that two pieces of blast two-piece blizzard strayer definitely the way to go you want to build it like a normal burst support uh whereas you want attack percent on the sands crowded bonus on the goblet and a crit on the circuit crit being crit rate or crit damage obviously now sometimes she might need energy recharge but you can go for that on a sub stat and if you're running your support running something like a fevonius warbo is actually really really good on her it's definitely the best free to play option and it's just a great option in general because you don't need to prioritize energy recharge as much you can build more damage all that stuff and since you will be procking this effect literally any time it's up because of how much your crit uh because how much crit you'll have on her and how your alt hits a bunch of times so it will crit your e even hits twice so yeah basically it just gives you a bunch of particles which is very nice there are many other good options though verdescent and blacklift can be good because they give you crit stringless is amazing it's actually what i tend to use on her and the best bow for her for support is skyward heart for sure if you do have it for kia you'd run them as a burst support where you're going to be having an energy recharge on your sword if possible for your artifacts you'd want a four piece and a blessed oblige on them and for artifacts you can build them like any burst support so attack percent on the sands um cryo damage goblet or you know elemental damage goblet and uh crit rate or crit damage on the circuit now i've made many videos on ko dps which is why i level his normal attacks but for a support be sure to level his e and his q especially and not really worry about his normal attacks because as i said he's a support so you're not gonna be attacking on him also keep in mind that the the scaling on his burst is actually very high it's it's comparable to gone use because it's 97 per hit um at level four by the way like it definitely goes up and it hits multiple multiple times now keep in mind this is good to level for a burst support you can also use them purely for reactions and not care about his damage that works too you can keep them low investment and just use them as like a mouth support um but yeah so for chong young if you just want them as like a really low investment cryo support then literally all you need is to keep them level 20 you don't need to get this other talent but you can get them level six out of 70 obviously if you do actually like them and want to use them because and you can level his burst to level six because obviously leveling them up lets you get more talents and gives you this passive so there's a few ways to build them uh low investment support for nobless is good and probably the way to go but if you're running them as a burst support if you do invest into them then there's actually better sets you'd want the two-piece noblest with either two-piece wonders for a melt support because the elemental mastery is very nice and uh my friend shadowblood did the numbers so you know check him out if you want to because he knows much more on chongyan than i do uh and if not two-piece cryo is also a very good option two-piece cryo with two-piece no nobles of course in order to make him an effective burst support you'd probably want attack percent on the sands i've heard energy is viable but personally attack percent with crowd damage goblet and a crit on the circlet is what you'd want to go for if you're running him as a pure burst support for your weapon you'd want to prioritize uh energy recharge so skyward pride if you have it is very very good uh for support cheongyan favoni's greatsword and sacrificial greatsword are also uh two energy recharge claymores that are very good on china for chi-chi i just want to emphasize how important her second talent is so be sure to get this as soon as possible also the scaling on her burst is absolutely insane and her e everything about her e goes up when you level it so these are two talents that you do like to level um for her weapon you want something with energy recharge i usually put sacrificial sword on her it's definitely the best uh because of how long the cooldown on your e is so having it twice is very very nice for your artifacts it gets a bit complicated because there's many ways to use chichi for a low investment healer if you really just want healing maidens can be fine but i don't think maidens is optimal on chichi if you want a runner like that and use it as like an e healer build sure do that have fun it's fine but i personally like other sets better and have tested them and think other sets are more optimal and i made a full chichi guide but basically even running a two-piece exile and like a 2p scholar literally just to maximize energy recharge can give you more value than maidens because chichi already heals so much she heals so much in fact that you don't need to build maidens on her you can run a two piece nobles with a two piece cryo set making her a burst support even though yes her q costs a lot of particles yes it's hard to get her q but having damage when you queue while still healing enough is better than not dealing damage and healing an excessive amount anyways i've been over this in my video uh if you want to run her full healer run literally attack percent on everything sure if you want to run her burst support for optimal end game build for like abyss and stuff then run her attack percent with crowd damage bonus and crit and literally focus on her burst uh but if not full attack max healing with like maidens can work if you just want to overheal for diona there are a few viable sets you can run four in a blast on her for the nice effect you can run for instructor even for the elemental mastery and just the bonus it gives your entire party two-piece maidens can also work i wouldn't really go for the four piece but two-piece with another two-piece like uh scholar exile something like that can be pretty good so overall i would recommend using her like bennett so what i would do is four piece no blast with energy recharge on the sands uh a hp percent goblet as i have on my bennett and a healing bonus circlet for your weapon you would want something with energy recharge so a sacrificial bow or a fevonius warbo can be a very very nice on her for her talents i'd say leveling her uh elemental burst is probably the the main one you should be leveling because it does increase your healing for official you're looking for a four-piece thundering fury usually you can run two thunder fury to glad as well and the stats you want are attack percent on your sands electro damage bonus on the goblet and crit on the circlet now for your weapon uh string list is usually the way to go harp is better if you have it stringless is the best four star and uh there are some decent free-to-play options like fivonius and even like bows with crit can be really nice but if you have string lists or harp definitely use those betto actually works very well as an electro burst support who focuses on her elemental burst so obviously you want to be maxing your burst as soon as possible and your e is also good to level up but mainly mainly your burst because of how it works it's just very nice on her so because you're trying to maximize your burst uh running two-piece necklace oblige with two-piece thunder fury can be very well can be ideal for beto and that's what i would recommend running uh two thunder fury to no blast with energy recharge on the sands ideally because you want to be spamming your elemental burst uh and then for the uh goblet you can run electro damage bonus obviously and crit on the circle for your weapon is the same as most support claymores you want energy recharge so felonious greatsword and sac sword are two good four-star options uh and if you have the skyward pride the five-star that is definitely the the way to go is definitely the best one for support beta so if you were to run lease as a support you definitely want her 60 out of 70 because her main benefit as a support is decreasing enemies defense uh when she uses lightning rows so because of that you not only one or six out of 70 but you also want to prioritize basically energy recharge because you're gonna be spamming her ultimate as often as possible so because of the all spam four and a bless is usually what you're going to want to go but energy recharge sets can actually be good too like scholar or like exile so usually if you're running her just for that defense reduction you'd run thrilling tales of dragon slayers on her if for some reason you wanted to deal damage occurring like atlas or even like with sith but uh usually you are running her for the defense reduction so you'd run throwing tails of dragon slayers with energy recharge on like whatever stats you can and for your goblet you can actually go for something like elemental mastery um or as i said if you want damage electro damage bonus but generally elemental mastery on the goblet and on the circlet for shrink true there's a few different ways to actually build them uh usually you can run two noble blasts with two hydro set since the hydro set is is just a good two piece for your sands you can actually run attack percent or energy recharge uh it depends on if you need energy recharge or how you're using them as a reaction support for the luke you might want er more uh whereas in general attack percent might be better especially if you have a sacrificial sword or enough uh energy generation and you can afford to run attack then definitely do it uh if not er can be fine hydro damage on the goblet and crit on the circuit being either crit rate or crit damage is the way to go the best weapon is definitely sacrificial sword i know some people like skyward blade better um and it's good like any energy recharge sword on him is good use whichever one you can get but i think sac sword overall is the best because you get two charges of your e more particles and just a ton of energy recharge talent-wise you want to both level your elemental skill and your elemental burst but especially your burst so definitely level your elemental burst up to as high as you can as soon as possible for a support barbara you actually don't need to invest too much into her uh the weapon you want on her is not witseth but thrilling tales of dragonflares definitely the best on her because it gives you hp and an amazing effect especially because you can refine it pretty easily even as a free-to-play player for barbara's artifacts she's actually one of the characters whom i recommend uh maiden beloved on now i don't really like the set but i think for barbara who's someone who actually just cares about healing really nothing else uh you can just get maidens on her so that her e heals you enough to stay alive uh and yeah like her maiden beloved is definitely good on her you can also run four-piece in the blessed bly honor which is very good and might actually be better so either four maidens or four in a blast uh they both can work on me on barbara for her sense you probably want energy recharge uh hp can work but once you stack too much hp like there's no real point anymore so i think energy recharge on the sands with an hp goblet and a healing bonus on the circuit would be uh the way to go her e and her q are both important to get because uh it just increases your healing by quite a lot i'd say that e increases it more overall but it depends how you play her for her talents her e will increase your healing a lot if you level it up and then her q is also nice to level to increase that healing uh so definitely get both of these up if you have the resources too now we're going to talk about mona who i unfortunately don't have i only have her on my free to play account funnily enough so the way you want to build her is a burst support which means two pieces of bus oblige with another two-piece set uh the best ones are wander's troop two-piece and heart of death dubies her best weapons uh well her best one for burst support is skyward atlas if you have it if not energy recharge ones like fuvonius codex can be very very good you can also run her four-piece nables oblige if you uh just want her as a general support but i like maximizing her burst uh just so that she can deal a ton of damage and then swap out statwise you want to prioritize energy recharge so you want that on the sand hydro damage bonus on the goblet and crit rate or damage on the circuit as far as her talons go uh you definitely want to prioritize her ultimate her stellar her burst it does so much damage it's literally insane how how much damage this burst deals so definitely prioritize this you can also level her elemental skill it doesn't hurt it gives you more damage it's nice but her burst is definitely the number one priority i wasn't sure whether or not i should cover child in this video since he's usually used as a dps but i think he can actually burst support quite well um like i i tend to use him in abyss with my deluge where i will mainly be depesing onto luke and then i'll swap the child and his ultimate will just deal like literally 100k and then i can swap off him so if you are running him as a burst support tuna blast with too heart of death should be the way to go uh just for you know raw burst damage and the way you want to build them is ideally attack on the sands hydro damage on the goblet and crit rate or crit damage on the circuit now for pure burst string list can actually offer you a ton of damage uh because you know of its amazing passive bows that give you crit are also very nice such as black cliff and bird ass and hunt and obviously uh if you have skyward harp skyward harp is amazing so for bedded you want to make sure you have a energy recharge sword ideally a sword with high base attack so if you need like a blacksmith weapon i would argue rancor is actually better than iron sting usually because you care more about the base attack than like the other stats that it gives you so following that logic three-star swords aren't recommended for bennett especially so ideally a four-star sword if you have it like five-star if you have it but if not a four-star sword with energy recharge uh and decently high base attack so fivoni's sword is very very good for him uh if not sac sword and festering desire both work and obviously uh five star stories are very nice aquila gives them a high base attack and skyward blade is usually the best overall because of high base attack and 55 uh energy recharge in order to build them as a pure healer support uh four piece no bless oblige is insane i've seen people run maidens on him but it's just it's usually sub-optimal poor personal blessing is very very good on him because your ultimate already does give a bunch of damage right uh and having that bonus damage from the blast is just more of it it's just really really good now since bennett is an old bot the stats you'd want are energy recharge hp and healing bonus this is just to maximize your healing uh i've seen people with philonous run like crit rate and stuff but generally it is uh er hp healing bonus and uh definitely maximize your talent your fantastic voyage the other two don't really matter uh as a support alright so for chen yen there are two different ways to play her either a defense just shield bot heat like support or a burst support now she's one of the characters that i personally don't enjoy playing so i haven't experimented much with her but i did my research and basically concluded the best builds for both ways of playing her so either you can run her full defense like literally full defense sans goblet and circlet for this build you don't really care about her damage but you care about maximizing her shield her utility as a support in which case you would level um you would level this sweeping fervor her elemental skill as much as you can without really caring about the others like maybe your ultimate but mainly this because the only thing you care about is this defense scaling making her a pretty effective shield bot who also has a cleanse which is very very nice for abyss for this build you'd run a four piece no bless oblige because once again she's just a pure support who doesn't really care about like her damage now if you do choose the runner as a burst support you could run two pieces in a blast with another two piece like uh crimson witcher flames two piece which does give you some power damage bonus letting your burst do more damage if you were to do that you don't know how you'd run any burst support the sands you could either go energy recharge or attack i tend to believe energy recharge would be better pyro damage bonus on the goblet so that your burst actually deals damage and a crit rate or crit damage circuit for the second build you'd want to prioritize maxing your elemental burst for optimal damage weapon wise for defense build you can run something uh like the white blind if you can get it which is a you know craftable weapon this is a decent three star but i'd say go for white blind uh if you can for that build and if you're running reserve support energy recharge is really really what you want on a uh on a claymore so something like favonius something like sacrificial would be very good do you know that he has a very long cooldown so the sacrificial claymore is very very nice on her uh and also you can use the skyward one if you do have it for support changling there are a few different sets you could run four piece crimson which can work four piece no blast can work and tuna blast with two crimson can also work uh since her burst does a ton of damage so optimizing that burst is very nice for her usually you want to prioritize energy recharge on the sands a power damage bonus on the goblet as well as crit on the circuit so crit damage or crit rate for her weapon the best would be a skyward spine but if you don't have that dragon's bane can be good uh prototype star glitter which is the one from the blacksmith can be good and even something like deathmatch which gives you crit rate are all good options obviously i'm not mentioning crescent pike because this is only for dps strength for shangling's talents i would say level both but especially pyronato like pyronato is their main source of damage and it applies pyro very fast so i would recommend leveling powernato as much as you can and you can also level globa but it's not as important if you want to run amber as a support you should run the four-piece and bless oblige set um i've seen people run like two crimson tuna blasts or two crimson two glad for like a dps support amber but i think 400 blast is better as just a pure support you should go for energy recharge on the sands power damage bonus on the goblet obviously and crit on the circuit now you wouldn't want to prioritize leveling your q because this is basically why you're using her as a support to proc reactions and to deal damage from her fiery reign for her weapons are a few good ones stringless and skyward harp obviously are very very good on like any support archer verdes and hunt can be especially good because you can clump up enemies in your ultimate and you have crit rate so a lot of good options also fivonius warbow definitely really good especially if you're stacking crit on her and definitely the best free-to-play option so just a good bow overall uh i i like fevonius on amber cle's a special one uh who i don't have but she's a special one because you can't really use her as support until c2 when you do get a c2 she can't support to decrease enemies defense and then you can use her just for that also her c4 helps her supporting um but yeah so i feel like this section won't apply to most people so i'm just gonna make it very quick if you want to run her for defense reduction and you don't want to invest into her just use her for that you can run throwing tails and just slap on like a four piece of the bus or anything and not really care about her damage but if you do want to use it as like a burst support someone who actually deals damage and reduces defense especially if you have c4 or something you can just run as a pure burst support attack percent power damage and crit rate right sans uh goblet and circle it and you can run a two-piece crimson witch set with a two-piece uh glad and for catalyst you could use basically anything but i would go for sacrificial fragments or solar pearl or any of the five star ones like skyward atlas if you do have it alright let's talk about the main character now we'll start with an emo and then we'll go into geo for nemo obviously you want the verdes inventory set it's just so so good on any animo uh support and she can work as a good animal support if you don't have venti uh or sucrose because she's just pretty good at swirling and clumping enemies with her burst on your sands you definitely want energy recharge for her goblet you don't want anymore damage bonus and for her circuit you'd either want crit rate crit damage or even attack depending on her stats something to note with this character is that you don't really need to invest into her like as as an emo uh to make her useful you can keep her very very low level like 20 out of 40 because you're not really using her for her damage as a nemo uh you're mainly using her for the verdes inventory set just proc swirl and decrease elemental resistance of the opponent and that's basically all you need so overall you definitely want energy recharge on your weapon so once again sac sword festering desire and um fuvonius are all very good options for her talent-wise if you're keeping her low investment you don't need to level anything but if you do want to deal damage leveling gust surge is definitely a good idea geomc is a very underrated character who can be used with other geo characters as an alt battery she can be paired with strongly to solve energy recharge problems and can be used for her pretty high scalings as you guys can see therefore she can deal a lot of damage on a pretty low cooldown and her burst isn't bad either so you can either keep her very low investment and just spam her e as like an alt bot to generate particles for your geo characters or you can invest into her and make her deal damage with her e and her q and so i'm going to show you how to build her for both artifact-wise are a few different options i would recommend either the 4-piece petra if your main dps is elemental right so you could pick up the crystal on this character swap to them and they'll deal more damage of that element you can also run a four piece number less oblige as we've seen with like any support because it's just good more burst damage and especially the four piece which is more attack for everyone if you want a runner as a pure burst damage support you can run something like a two petro with another two piece like a tuna bless weapon wise i find festering desire to be really good on geomc if you are investing into her like if you don't level anything uh and yet festering the damage increase won't be that big but if you actually do invest into it the e bonus damage will be very very nice sacrificial sword is also great and probably the best as an alt battery if you're using her just for particles saxord definitely definitely the way to go but overall both these swords are great and favonius can work too and obviously if you do have skyward blade it's always good on uh on characters that need energy charge and if you invest in her be sure to level both of her abilities uh if not it's not that big of a deal but uh if you do want her to deal damage i would prioritize leveling e and then q very quickly i would like to talk about the other characters that i haven't mentioned thus far and why i'm not mentioning them uh just so you guys understand basically the characters i didn't cover are characters that can pretty much only be used as main dps like kaching who like the only time she would ever support is basically as a sub dps for child but even then you'd still just build her as a dps and i want this video to be a support bible so i'm only talking about how to build support characters characters like razer that are very selfish while they could technically like be used for the defense reduction aren't really support characters which is why i'm not covering them same thing with daluk who even if you are building him like as a support uh like you're running another dps with them like gone you you're still going to be building him as a dps you just swap them in and use your burst and stuff so yeah i tried to cover every character and the only ones that i didn't i think they're like three or four uh are characters who i consider to be strictly like dps characters i know i didn't really go in detail on sub stats you want on your characters so keep in mind usually subsets are just like the same as the main stats that you want like for burst supports i want crit damage and you know on their circuit or crit rate uh subsets are gonna be crit as well uh the only thing you might add is like more energy recharge um but apart from that it basically follows the same pattern and for other supports i just wanna alt spam you're gonna be prioritizing energy recharge on both the main stats and substats i know there's a pretty big chance that i forget some stuff i really try to do as much research as possible and fact check everything i say but there's so many characters in this game that like let's say i forget something i'll be sure to include it in a pinned comment so because i really don't want to misinform anyone i always have this fear of misinformation of misleading people so i give you guys what seems to be the best for everyone i really hope was helpful uh but if there is anything that changes anything new as i said i will update it uh in the pin comment so yeah i hope that helps you guys build every single support i'm sure this video was long it's it took a while to record honestly i usually don't ask for likes but this video took so long that if you enjoyed it definitely like comment all that stuff you know i appreciate it and most importantly follow me on twitter if you want because i do enjoy streaming and i stream most nights so it'd be cool to have you guys there i hope this video was informative i hope you guys enjoyed watching uh subscribe if you want to if you don't that's okay too and i'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Zy0x
Views: 777,670
Rating: 4.9553781 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, support guide, support guide genshin impact, support builds, guide, build, support bible, optimize, genshin impact 1.2, genshin impact ganyu, best builds, every character, xingqiu, jean, every support, support, zy0x, zyox, best build, geo, pyro, anemo, electro, genshin impact characters, genshin impact guide, tips, venti, noblesse oblie, best, artifacts, weapons, talents, best weapon, best artifacts, stats, crit rate, crit dmg, goblet, complete, jean guide, gear
Id: y9NHP1bxEo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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