Don't Waste the Waiting | Sadie Robertson | LOVE IS RED 2019

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[Applause] don't let the bed y'all he's so great to be with y'all in there y'all having fun at this conference good well I feel super welcome here so I'm coming here all the way from Israel which is absolutely amazing and when I got here my bag did not get here with me so shout out to the coolest pastor Aaron where you at pastor Aaron for the coolest clothes I'm telling you way cuter than the outfit I have planned anyways but I'm so excited to be here and also my Bible unfortunately is with it but how many of you are thankful for modern-day technology and got the word that's right we can thank Apple and the Bible app so I'm excited I feel like I've been praying for this conference for so many months I've been so excited because I love whatever I'm gonna crowdy people who are all kind of like the same age and we can all just kind of talk about God for just like the good god that he is and coming here today actually and being able to worship with y'all I'm excited cuz I know we're on the same page we understand that we serve a good God who is worthy of our praise and worthy of our worship and I feel like I'm a really good company so a few months ago I'm actually at a coffee shop anybody heard of milk and honey oh yeah for real yeah that is my favorite latte in the world coconut latte totally not what I'm here to talk about but literally the best latte ever I'm at milk and honey and I'm just kind of chilling with Lainey she's my best friend we're talking about Jesus we're talking about life talking about how good this latte is and next thing I know this guy who's probably about 20 ish comes up to me and he's like Sadie I need to ask you something but I don't want you to give me the same answer that every other pastors given me so I just hope that you have something for me I'm like okay like no pressure and he's like I'm like what's going on he's like here's the thing super frustrated with God I like grew up in this big family lots of siblings and I did everything right and my siblings they didn't do everything right they kind of lived a wild life but yet they're getting everything they wanted in life they got to go to the colors they wanted to go to they got to get the job that they wanted and they are thriving and I'm sitting here and I did everything right and I followed all the rules and I didn't get into the college I wanted to get into and I didn't get the job that I wanted and I don't go to church anymore because I'm just mad at God for doing this to me and I don't understand why he would do this am i okay I hear you that that is frustrating and he said and everybody else has told me this answer and it's really bothering me they say you're just in a season of waiting and he's like what does that mean a season of waiting and you know the thing is to be honest how many of you have felt or even use the term I'm in a season of waiting right probably most of the I've said that before I'm gonna see you soon wait I'm just waiting you know just waiting on God to do this thing I'm asking for my life and I feel like we say that a lot and we've been there a lot but yet sometimes in that waiting period we tend to waste the waiting hiro-san and so I want to talk to y'all today about not wasting the waiting because I feel like there's so much in the waiting that we could actually be doing and that God's actually working on and sometimes we miss it because we're too frustrated at the fact that we're waiting you hear me okay how do you feel it right now because I can raise my hand of this - that you are actually waiting on God to answer you on a certain thing yeah for sure like most of us because we're praying we're asking we're believing and that's totally great that's totally good I'm not hating on the waiting season I'm in oh I am asking for God for stuff right now in my life that I'm waiting on but I still feel like we don't have to waste the waiting and so me and this guy we talked about it that day about what we can do in the waiting that would it feel like we're just kind of dragging our feet so I want to start by reading second Chronicles Chapter seven somebody say where's that at Old Testament help you out a little bit so I'm gonna kind of give you a back story about second chronicles what we're talking about here is this is Solomon's life so the end of first Chronicles David has just passed away and David is the father of Solomon and so Solomon is now the leader the king of Israel and what he's doing is he's building up the temple so he has thousands and thousands of people who just helped him build out this temple and many of you know the story Solomon asked for God to give him wisdom that's already happened by the time that we're gonna start reading and he has just built this incredible temple and now before the temple wants us off he wants to dedicate the temple to God and so we pick up right after Solomon says this huge prayer to the Lord he literally is praying over the temple he's like God hear me when I pray for this because this is what we want our temple to be like hear me when I pray for this because this is the kind of people we want to be like hear me when I pray against this because this is what we're asking for and so he says this prayer he literally in the version I'm reading from ask God to hear him 11 times so Solomon is like really wanting an answer here he's like here may God when I'm praying for all of these things and we're gonna pick up right after this amazing prayer 2nd chronicles 7 verse 1 says when Solomon finished praying fire flashed down from heaven and burnt up the burnt offerings and sacrifices and the glorious presence of the Lord filled the temple the priests could not even enter the temple the Lord because the glorious presence of the Lord filled it when all the people of Israel saw the fire coming down in the glorious presence of the Lord filling the temple they fell face down on the ground they worshiped God and they said he is good his faithful love endures for ever we're gonna jump to verse 6 then the priests took their assigned positions and so did the Levites who were singing his faithful love endures forever they accompanied the singing with the music from the instruments King David made for praising the Lord across from the Levites the priests blew the trumpet while all of Israel's stood first eight for the next seven days Solomon in all of Israel celebrated the festivals of the shelter's a large congregation had gathered from as far as up probably gonna mess this up libo habeas I don't know in the north and the brook of Egypt in the south on the eighth day they had a closing ceremony for they had celebrated the dedicated of the altar for seven days in the festival shelters for seven days then at the end of a two-week celebration Solomon sent the people home they were all joyful they were glad because God had been so good David and Solomon and the people of Israel verse 11 says so Solomon finished the temple the Lord as well as the royal palace he completed everything he had planned in his construction in the temple of the palace in verse 12 then one night the Lord appeared to Solomon and said I have heard your prayer so I said take note something kind of interesting in this story with Solomon verse 1 where you kind of see that the glory of the Lord fills the temple and then from that point on until verse 11 they have a party literally two weeks long a full-on celebration they are worshiping they are dancing they got the trumpets from David they are player they are full-on celebration because the Lord just filled the temple they are done with it they're awesome they're super excited they go home their joy for they're glad but did you notice that not until verse 12 God directly answered the prayer that Solomon prayed for so what I'm trying to say is in the waiting time they celebrated in the waiting time they worshiped in the waiting time they brought their offering in the waiting time together as a community came together and praise God saying you are good you are faithful before God even responded just because the presence of the Lord was there just because they knew he was good they knew he was faithful before he even responded I love that I you know my word for this year was celebrate and I thought that was kind of a funny word to choose and some people roasted me for that and I was like cool but I just I love to celebrate and the reason they thought it was funny is they're like city you celebrate everything like you celebrate st. Patrick's Day and I'm like yeah I get my green like I love celebrate I love a good party I love the olive to make a parting there's nothing a party about like I love celebration I love laughing I let my friends celebrate good times come on but cut that thank you okay so uh in here I love to celebrate but I've learned a lot about celebration but I actually didn't really understand before because like I said I will celebrate when there's something to celebrate like I want to celebrate when my friends are together I'm gonna celebrate the good times I'm gonna celebrate when everything's going good but how many of you know it's really hard to celebrate when nothing's really going right it's really hard to celebrate when you are dragging your feet and nothing's really coming the right way but Philippians 4:4 taught me a lot about celebration it says rejoice in the Lord I'll say it again rejoice but in the message translation it says celebrate all day every day I mean revel in the Lord do you know that word revel means to be noisy about your celebrations all day every day what does that even look like you know what does it look like to celebrate all day every day loudly for Jesus even when you're waiting even when you're worried even when it's hard it looks like these people looks like these people that they could celebrate because they understood that the presence of God was with them and even though they haven't directly God didn't directly respond to them they still knew he was good even though God didn't directly respond to them yet they still knew he was working even though he didn't directly answer and say I hear you when you pray for this they felt the presence of God and that was enough for them to worship and I think we can learn a lot from that so I'm nice to look at three things I'm gonna make three points that we can really focus on in the waiting so that way when you're in the season of waiting you can be lightweight boom boom boom I'm celebrating first thing is I think I have the point on the board yep focus on the relationship so what does this look like well basically I wanted make this point because I think sometimes we kind of get a little twisted in the way that we are choosing to time our celebration that makes sense and what I mean by that is this sometimes we are like you know what I'm gonna ask you God for something and then depending on your response is gonna determine how I feel about our relationship and I don't really think God works like that I actually think a relationship comes first and in the waiting you work on that relationship you get to know God for just being God you get to know God for the character of who he is you get to know that you know that you know that he's good and that his faithful love endures forever and then from that from knowing the character of who he is then you can even like by his grace be worthy to come to the throne and ask for something and I think that sometimes we just get that flip it's almost like when you're little like you're a little kid at Christmas it's like no seven-year-old is like I cannot wait for Christmas time to spend it with my family and sit around the table and sing Christmas carols it's gonna be so fun just getting quality time like no when you're seven you're like if Santa don't bring me that Easy Bake Oven I told him about then I don't even know me and said I gotta be cool no more like you just kind of think like you know what and you can't even focus on anything you're just so anxious about December the 25th the morning of and you're like I told Santa I want to Easy Bake Oven and if it's not there December 25th and I don't believe in Santa anymore don't we do that and sometimes we do that with God only I told God I wanted that and if he doesn't do that for me right now then I'm not gonna believe in him just like that guy he's like I told God I wanted to go to this school I told God I wanted this job and he's not doing that so I don't believe in him and I told that guy this this day and I'll say it to you and I told us that this is gonna be hard to hear but the job that you want and the school that you want was never a promise of God now there are promises of God that you're gonna be able to hang on to but the job and the specific school is not one of them so that leads us to our next point don't forget about what you already have don't forget about what you already have but the presence of God being with you my friends and I we have this saying and it kind of goes like this like isn't it crazy that and anytime we say isn't it crazy that we normally follow it with like a true underplayed fact about life and they're always kind of stupid but they're real like this like I'm trying to think of things my friends say they're like isn't it crazy that contacts are like little glasses for your eyes and it always is said in this accent like wow and we all go woah that's crazy it's like one time they're like is it crazy that coffee is like being water and we're like whoa that's amazing this is like my favorite whatever they're like isn't it crazy it's not friends you guys y'all yeah isn't it crazy that your finger is like a little arm attached to your big arm she just no no you don't look shoulder elbow hand that's crazy and like we all freaked out like that's insane and they're all things that like you kinda can just lightly look at and you kinda can just like no it's like this underplayed fact about life that we don't freak out about but we should because that's crazy and yeah as I was thinking about this I was like why is that come off so crazy to us one of things that we know well there's a difference between knowing something and realizing something so to know something that means to be familiar with something but to realize something that means to fulfill it so sometimes I think because we know something so well we don't actually realize how crazy it is and I think that we do that with the Bible sometimes like John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that if we would just believe in him we wouldn't perish and have eternal life like that is crazy and you might know that because you've heard that and you're familiar with that but do you realize how crazy that is that we get to step into like it says in Romans that there is no hide Lord death so angel nor demon there is nothing in this world that could be able to separate you from God's great love like that is crazy and you know that but do you realize that because if you can realize it if you can fulfill it you're not gonna feel so alone anymore you're not gonna feel so insecure anymore you're not gonna feel so afraid anymore because you know that you know that you know that God's great love is never gonna be separated from you so if you can realize it it's gonna change your life you might know that it says that the Sun sets you free then you are free indeed you might know that but if you aren't living in freedom then you might not have realized it yet because there's something to fulfill in these scriptures and all of that all of those things those are promises those are things you can hang on to in the waiting and say even though God has it directly answer my request to be in this College to be to get this job I know that he is a good guy and then my relationship with him will not waver because these are the promises of him nothing can separate me I am free all of those things he gave his son for me when you realize that makes the waiting a whole lot better it gives you a reason to celebrate in the waiting now the last thing is the waiting can be fun alright now I get this I kind of separated this is faith United gets noisy here's the thing the G is silent but I thought about if we can get past the fact that the G and not the silent then we should be able to get past this am i right so just ignore the G is not even a point but it got me too noisy so we're gonna talk about how you can actually have fun in the waiting first of all you got to have faith if you have faith a lot more things can be fun in the waiting if you have faith I'm gonna talk about what faith is faith Hebrews 11:1 talks about faith being the confidence and the things unseen and the assurance let me read it exactly because you know I want to give you this exactly how it is this is one of those life reverses that you want to hold on to faith is the confidence and what we hope for and the assurance about what we cannot see faith is a confidence in what we hope for and the assurance and what we can not see in Hebrews 11 it starts out the whole chapter like that and then it goes through this long list of like the heroes of faith right I'm sure you've heard of it you probably read it it's all these like epic heroic stories of the Bible you know sometimes we look at that and I think in our minds we think man I want to be a hero of the Bible I want to be a hero in life and what we think needs to happen for us to be a hero is we need to do like these heroic things it's like we need God to answer this request because if we can get him to answer that request then we can be a hero of the Bible but no the only thing that separates you from the hero of the Bible is faith because it's the heroes of faith it's not about if God answers this or if you get that or if you do this amazing things it's just about do you have faith and if you have faith and God sends you somewhere or tells you something whether it is to the stage in front of millions of people or Africa in a hut with a village and you obey that that is what makes you a hero because it's Kingdom minded thinking not worldly status you know it's a total difference in the to total difference in the two if you can just have faith and surrender the idea of your own goal your own dream your own heroic app and just say god I'm just gotta have faith to believe that whatever you say is not only good enough it is the perfect thing for my life and it is gonna bless more people than anything I could have thought of matters and matters to get that idea in our mind there's another verse Luke 1:37 talks about faith and it talks about how there is nothing that is impossible for God and there never will be now there's a key word in that sentence for God there's a lot of things that are impossible for us but there is nothing that's impossible for God and so in order to get that verse and the benefits of that verse you have to partner with God and you have to have faith it matters you gotta have faith you gotta have faith to keep going I love how solemn in his life I love how he stood before the whole Assembly of Israel and he prayed the prayer how many of you might be afraid sometimes to pray a specific prayer in front of a group of people yeah it's scary sometimes that even takes faith sometimes but I want to tell you something that it's really important and I'm glad I heard this you don't have to try to save God's reputation because I think sometimes we think we're not gonna pray such a bold prayer in front of people because what if it doesn't happen what if God doesn't provide then does it make God look bad you cannot make God look bad he is holy holy holy the Angels say a day and night you cannot make him look bad so pray the prayer be bold have faith I know it's easier said than done somebody says something to me one time that changed my life and the way that I pray and look at things he said Sadie you just need to ask God to give you the faith to believe I was like ask God for the faith and it shook me and it convicted me because I thought how am I supposed to come to God and ask God for faith because to me I thought that is the one thing that I can do like God can give me peace God can give me joy God can give me all these things he's done everything for me he sent his son and I can't even give him faith like I thought that was like my job I had to somehow just have all this faith in all this hope and just believe and not got nothing and even the Apostles you read in the New Testament ask God to increase their faith even they did we can actually do that God actually wants to help you with even that he's like look I want to do all these things and all these things I know are so hard to believe because they are so much bigger than you could even hope for think of our imagined that's why I want to give you the faith to believe so if you're struggling faith ask God to give you the faith that's not too far out that's not crazy I love that Solomon did that in front of all those people because it also gets to our next point which is the next part of fun which is unity your unity can be so fun unity I believe is the heart Jesus in John 17 Jesus is last prayer and you got to think about Jesus prayed it mattered he prayed for unity that we would be united with the Father so it matters it matters to him it should matter to us and I love in Matthew it talks about where two or three are gathered there he is how many of you believe that do you believe he's here today because we gather in his name he's here and so this matters because think about when Solomon and all those people they were all together and it wasn't like I said first hold hadn't come yet God hadn't directly responded yet but because they gathered and they worship in his name his presence filled the temple and they just had a party it was fun gather with people believe with people while you're at this conference it's a great place to start praying together start believing together ask somebody before you leave what do you believe in for what are you waiting on let's pray into it let's believe for it don't be afraid don't think about what if it doesn't happen so her faith comes in have faith have hope pray for it believe for it together and then I love and first Thessalonians Paul and says keep encouraging each other keep building to keep building each other up just as in fact you are doing now this is actually kind of convicting me lately because Paul wrote it so boldly as if they're all doing this till they're all building each other up y'all are all encouraging each other that's awesome keep doing it I wonder if Paul wrote a letter to our church right now if you would phrase it like that you'd say justice you're already doing keep goading each other up keep encouraging each other OD say y'all should really start building each other up y'all should really start encouraging each other because y'all are not each other's enemy y'all have an enemy don't take each other out like well you need each other we need each other keep building each other up now in order to build each other up what has to go comparison well gotta go we can't have that we can't have that because if you're comparing yourself to one another then you're looking at each other your size each other up saying who's better at this who's worse at this you're looking each other with not the lens of Jesus have confidence and who you are how coffins what God is doing in your life so you can cheer on your sister you didn't cheer on your brother that you know man if she's doing an amazing thing if he's doing an amazing thing it doesn't make me doing a less thing it actually makes us all winning for the kingdom like totally restructure your mind to think that your brother and that your sister we're running the same race that's that kind of mindset again you can have a kingdom mindset you're not gonna be so disappointed when the worldly status isn't as good as the person beside you next thing we're talking noisy I love how noisy these people we're I mean yeah they were like doing the trumpet they were like worship in there being in a phrase they were singing they were like just totally going for it before God even answered their prayer I love it I can't sit on this a second ago we got a worship we got a praise we gotta be bold we got to pray out loud even before we get the direct answer because there's already enough in his presence to be worthy of praise is already enough I'm gonna read this verse y'all and it's in Romans chapter 12 11 through 12 says never be lazy but work and serve the Lord enthusiastically rejoice in our confident hope be patient in trouble and keep on praying anybody see that Michael Tighe video though because I don't know if any way saw it on his Instagram he's a pastor in Oklahoma but he goes key uh prayer it is like the thing that sticks with me forever I tried to read that verse and not do it like that and I was like keep on praying but like totally don't watch that sermon it's amazing but it says never be lazy work hard serve the Lord in thigh sickly rejoice on the confident hope be patient in trouble and keep on praying yeah sometimes I think the temptation in the waiting season like I said at the beginning is just to kind of drag your feet we're just kind of all walking around Oh what's Laura doing your life I'm in a season of waiting drinking our lattes I'm in a season of waiting just so he sees no waiting waiting on this and waiting on that waiting on this waiting on that we're just kind of walking around a bit never be lazy work hard serve the Lord in the time of trouble in the time of waiting don't be lazy with it what does that say to people who aren't Christians who look at Christians and they're walking around like this in their season awaiting acting like they don't have anything at all yet because we have a whole lot already so worship we have a whole lot already to not be lazy there's a whole lot of things to get done there's a whole lot of people to talk to and it doesn't have to be on a stage and it doesn't have to be in such exotic place and it doesn't have to be on some platform it can literally be at your school cafeteria it can literally be on the phone when you call a friend just say hey man I'm just been thinking about you I don't know I'm just praying for you what do you believe before what are you going through I mean it's just as simple as a conversation just don't be lazy in our faith don't be lazy in our person don't be lazy even in our expectation the excited be loud there's stuff to be loud about and then Psalms 30 11 says you have turned my mourning into dancing I love that verse I love love love that first something Jesus does for us something the Spirit of God does for us but I kind of want to talk about this because some of you may be thinking okay I know God does that but when is that gonna happen because that kind of feels like my verse 12 like maybe God's gonna turn my mourning into dancing when he responds to what I'm asking for I don't think that that's necessarily true I think God is gonna turn your mourning into dancing when you just rest in his presses when you just rest in the fruit of who he is joy is a fruit joy is something that he provides for your life joy is something that can be with you every single day of your life and that doesn't mean that there's not gonna be times that you're gonna be sad that doesn't mean that there's not gonna be times that you're gonna feel stuff because things are gonna hurt and situations are gonna happen and friendships are gonna leave that doesn't mean that those aren't things that have happened but there's gonna be an inner deep joy that's going to continue through those seasons of life it's just like in songs and it talks about you're gonna be like a tree planted by streams of living water your fruit you're not gonna your fruits not gonna fall off you can have that joy but like I said you don't always know when your verse 12 is coming and that is hard sometimes because you're really believing and you're really hoping but they can still be freedom there can still be joy and I'm gonna give you an example some girls that I experienced this with firsthand so this past fall I was preaching at a kind of morson I preach I was really just sitting and talking with these girl is from juvy and I would go to the juvy for seven weeks in a row we were doing this like kind of loosely Bible study on freedom and here's the thing about these girls in juvie they really don't know when their verse 12 is coming they're literally in a waiting season they're in a confined place where they have to be and they don't know when they're gonna get out of it and they don't really know when fruit true.this like freedom as far as like outside of the walls is coming they don't know and when we got there they didn't know Jesus and so we get there and I honestly just tagged along with the church I don't even know I wasn't planning on teaching or anything and I show up and all of these girls walk in and y'all I'm not gonna lie they're super intimidating they're kind of just walking in staring there's like staring at all of us I don't lie and so they all sit down and we're just kind of lame no doing this message on freedom somebody else's lady I was kind of observing and this woman comes up to me she's the pastor at the church and she goes Sadie I think that you have the anointing of a dance party I was like come again you know the anointing of wood is like the anointing of a dance party I'm like didn't even know that was a thing so don't know if it's thing but this is what she told me and I'm like okay thank you I've received that and she's like no no no look at your shirt it says dance party on that I'm like oh yeah okay dance party yeah and she's like okay go do it and I was like go do what it's like a dance party go start a dance party and I'm left looking at her and looking at the girls and I'm lying looking at me and I'm like you and me since I had this party in this room with them who can clearly dance better than me she's like yeah go do it you you totally this will be so blood no I haven't seen any of these girls crack a smile all day so I'm thinking like this is gonna be the most awkward thing of my whole life but she was like no and she goes on the mic she goes girls Sadie's gonna start a dance party for us and I'm like so awkward oh yeah so my friends and I also do this thing we're like if we get nervous we turn British I literally and I was like um so I just like get the mic and I'm like girls I'm just stalling by like throwing out words until the atmosphere and then I just stopped and I go okay y'all I'm just gonna be like so real with y'all y'all are so intimidating I start laughing and then they just kind of size me up and light no light really are like really intimidating me I'm like Fanning myself and I'm like and here's the thing though I'm like we just talked about cuz we just send the lesson and we did it on sons and daughters so we just talked about being sons and daughters and has sons and daughters we are not supposed to be intimidating we're supposed to be inviting we don't we're not supposed to look at our sister and make them feel awkward or make them feel uncomfortable or make them feel less than we're supposed to invite them in a room and make them feel like they're one of us and I said and so if I was gonna walk into a room of my old sisters and my old friends they don't probably just start dancing cuz I love to dance and I'm like so I'm just gonna dance I was like I go to join me y'all can join me if not then this is gonna be super awkward so great and so I kinda just stand there and I super awkwardly I'm pretty sure I probably do the sprinkler it's always my go-to I just fade it off and I'm like yeah probably did a little hey Charleston let's go like I was just like being like so weird and so goofy guys how to see someone them start to like kind of chuckle look at each other is this okay to laugh because this is funny so they kind of start laughing and then one girl thank you for saving me from my embarrassment she goes hey Sadie you know how to do the bunny hop y'all I'm gonna tell you I did not know I'd do the bunny hop no had ever heard of the bunny hop I said no girl I don't know how to do the bunny hop but I would love for you to show me how to do the bunny hop she comes up she's show me those like bunny hopping and we do this whole line dance well after we finished three more girls come up after we finished all of these girls by the end of that song I kid you not I have somebody here's my witness every single person in that juvie Center was all doing the bunny hop from the people at the church to every single girl in the ministry and I what freedom rise up in a room of girls who don't know when their freedoms coming I literally watched the most awkward dead room all of a sudden have life in it have joy have freedom to this have a common a thing in common with each other when we couldn't be further from different all because we aligned on one thing that the same God is our Father and that there is freedom and there is joy and there is peace and there is friendship and relationship anywhere the presence of God is no matter how different you are no matter what life scenario you're in that you can worship that you can dance that you can be free just because this presence enters the room and so I want to encourage you no matter what you're waiting season looks like no matter how dead your dreams may feel right now no matter how awkward it's gonna feel to start dancing and start worshipping and start praising God and declaring that he is good and he is faithful before he even rectly answers you I want to encourage you to keep dancing to keep worshiping to keep praising because when you feel his presence it's going to change everything it's gonna change everything it's gonna give you a reason to celebrate it's gonna give you a reason to unite with other people it's gonna be give you a reason to have faith it's gonna be a reason for somebody to just keep going it's gonna give you a reason so I want to pray over y'all today before I end I just want to pray over some of you specifically we kind of just have been feeling that that tension in the way day because she's been kind of draggin your feet you've been really believing God for something and nothing's happening right now you're like man I want to take this word and I'm gonna do something with it but it's gonna take a complete my shift for me I want to pray for you am gonna believe for you too for the thing that you're waiting for because I want God to answer everything that's in your heart but I also know that he's so good that if his presence is with you and his provision over your life is gonna be exactly what you need and you're not gonna go without anything so if everybody would just bow their head close your eyes if there's anyone in this room just for that prayer that I said specifically you believing for something you're in this time of waiting and you just kind of need a little extra encouragement you just kind of need a little extra faith you need somebody to partner with you I just want you to raise your hand just so I know who I'm praying for amazing gosh hands literally all over the room so many of you in the same place in life so I'm about to start praying but I just want to encourage you just by getting to see this right and how there are a lot of you in this room start talking to each other because y'all can really use each other right now you can put your hands down it's gonna pray of you guys thank you so much for what you're doing in this place you got a thank you for what you've done at this conference I thank you for every single life that has been changed I thank you that you have changed the trajectory of people's life that have come to this conference this weekend God God I thank you that your word is active and alive and God I thank you that through its speaking your word people have felt their bones come alive they felt something activate in their spirit that they want to run with and God I pray that you give them the strength to run thought I pray that you give them the knowledge and the wisdom to be able to take in everything that was spoken over them this weekend god I thank you that what's happened in this place today it's not gonna be a spiritual high that's gonna run out next week god it's gonna be a spiritual awakening that's gonna change their life that's gonna go with them every day I thought I'd pray over these people today that I've raised their hand that just needs somebody to believe with them god I love and your word that it says if two or three can just agree on anything in Jesus name it will be done so god I believe with them and the things that they're asking for but God I also believe that you're so good that you're so faithful that your love and doors forever and that we have everything we need just by having you in our heart and got to pray that there's a deep understanding and a deep confidence in that god I pray Hebrews 10:35 / them so that they will not forget the confident trust that they have in you Lord for that will be richly rewarded God give them patience endurance now in this waiting time so that they will be able to test and approve what your will is over their life god I pray that there's a deep desire for the word that comes out of this place that people find themselves on their knees on their faces praying for this generation then people find themselves in the word learning what your scripture says so that they can declare it over their life God with so much lies that we see on our phones every day God would they just declare Scripture and truth over their life so they will be transformed into what you have for them god I pray freedom rises up as we worship I pray joy I pray peace for every fruit of who you are to be deeply rooted in their life so we love you we praise you thank you for this day for it is a day that you amen thank you so much everyone y'all have a great conference [Music] [Music]
Channel: Love Is Red Conference
Views: 1,028,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sadie Robertson, LIRconf, Love is Red
Id: PfWDIg-ylJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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