Leadership Thoughts with Tim Somers | LEADERSHIP COLLECTIVE

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foreign [Applause] how you feeling you feeling good you all right you awake I mean we could just take a nap if you want it makes it a little easier for me you know what I'm saying it makes it easy for me um awesome who do we have in the room we got we got youth Pastors in a roommate if you're youth pastor fantastic give it up for them because they're amazing uh youth leaders youth leaders yeah we love you too amazing any senior Pastors in here cool let's talk about them then um [Music] just kidding um man I'm so grateful for for for this house and uh grateful for an opportunity uh like this these are some of my favorite rooms uh to speak um to I consider it a high honor scripture says that you'll be held accountable for the things that you say and the things that you don't say and um I just considered a huge huge honor because um this is the room right here that is guiding the Next Generation and um you know he talked about it earlier my son is here he's 16 years old and how many of you have a uh kid in your youth Ministries anyone anyone have that um you can attest to this that is different when they get into your youth ministry because now you're a dad and their youth pastor you know you're like having to change the hats and um you think like all right I'm done with youth ministry and then your kid gets in it you're like crap all right another seven years here we go no one else is doing it it's gonna be me um but I've uh um been in youth ministry now for for 14 years um I've got four kids a four or a 16 year old a six-year-old a two-year-old and then I just had well my wife did but our first girl she's five months thank you she is beautiful she is amazing um and uh and so I'm a full-fledged Dad okay full-fledged dad and uh what I really believe is is um the the calling on on my life is the local church uh when I was 15 years old I came to an event like this and I heard um the Lord's voice tell me three words the local church that's what you're going to give your life to and I didn't know what that meant at the at the time I just thought like all right I'll show up every week cool um and I try to run away from it tried to pursue music and as I was driving out in a U-Haul from my house the Lord said you better stop and turn back around um and go to Bible School and I did it that's like really the first time that I actually probably obeyed god um was that was that moment but I'm glad that I did it and I don't know what your story may be maybe you're kind of just doing Ministry just because it's like it looked cool on Instagram or something um or maybe you grew up in Ministry your your parents are um pastors uh it it doesn't really matter at the end of the day you're here look at your neighbor and say you're here you're here and I believe that God wants to do something um uh today even in a moment like this where I'm gonna talk for about 30 minutes and then we'll kind of do a little bit of a q a I always like hate like this is my first first time speaking here and I always hate the guys that like come in and then they like teach but then they don't like give like a q a but that's just like my preference I'm not talking about anyone because I haven't heard anyone say anything yet um but that's just my preference um because I'm like I don't know your ministry I don't know where you're at I don't know how big it is I don't know how small it is I don't know how many leaders you got I don't know the struggles that you're dealing with um but if I can give an opportunity for us to just ask questions um I'm going to so that I can help like give that pinpointed answer does that make sense that's when I learned the most like I don't know if y'all ever did like I'm old school um I went to uh seeds Conference Church on the Move Tulsa no one okay Jose Kellogg knows all right um uh with the season and okay me and Joseph were talking about it I was like I was at this conference a decade ago and I could tell you the very cetos in it was in like the the back I mean it was filled to the brim and I just was like oh my gosh this is amazing if only every Wednesday night looked like this I would love it more um but anytime that you're able to ask questions and get some real answers I'm like okay that's helpful that's that's gonna add another year to Ministry for me okay thank you it's that's real that's genuine that's authentic so we'll have an opportunity to do that but this is what I want to do for the next few moments I want to talk about top shelf leadership top shelf leadership anytime you think about anything whether it's Sports I mean you could put Ministry in there which is kind of sad but everyone wants to be at the top everyone wants to get to the top right like even think about it like like we preach about getting to the top of the mountain it's like I'm waiting for the mountains I don't want no valleys but I'm waiting for the mountains you know I want to be at the top I want to say top okay I got to make sure you're awake all right top top shelf leadership what is this what does this even begin to mean when I think about people who are giants in Ministry I think of people like Joseph Kellogg is the first one that ever hired me got me into uh Ministry took a risk on me and um but it wasn't just that um you're talking 20 plus years of ministry faithful to his wife faithful to his kids faithful to his pastors faithful to the students he's still the one that's like in the tunnels before the football team run out right okay so when I say top shelf leadership I'm not talking about the fancy ones I'm not talking about all the ones that got all the lights and all the stuff and it's like they got all the money and they're doing all these things I'm talking about I I'm helping you redefine top right now okay I think about people like that and you could probably come up with some names right now like these are some Giants in the faith and if I'm honest with you um it's getting rarer and rarer by the week fall After Fall let their fall let their fall Let Them Fall you know what's sad about that is that now everything that they've done it's so hard to look past their fall and go but look what God did right and we know that is like we know that as Christians like man we can't judge it by this mistake or all this kind of but man oh man the reputation as the big sea church um we have we have a reputation to renew quickly very quickly and if you don't think you have a part to play in that you're very wrong you have a massive part to play an end so when I think about top shelf leadership I think about people who embody truth who embody ownership and who embody productivity truth ownership and productivity and those are the three things I'm going to talk about for the next few moments truth ownership and productivity let's let's talk about truth real quick Mark 1 9-13 this is what it says and I think they may have it on the screen they might not and that's totally fine if they don't it doesn't matter oh my God they're amazing at that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John and the Jordan just as Jesus was coming up out of the water he saw heaven being torn open in the spirit descending on him like a dove and a voice Came From Heaven you are my son whom I'm love and with you I am well pleased at once the spirit sent him out into the Wilderness and he was in the wilderness for 40 days being tempted everyone say tempted come on say tempted being tempted by Satan in fact in the message translation it actually says being tested by Satan this is interesting isn't it being tested by Satan the reason why I think it's interesting is because tested in this scripture tested in this specific passage actually means to prove and to purify someone to see if they're ready for the next task at hand thank you to prove and to purify someone to see if they're ready for the next task at hand okay youth pastor everything that you're going through right now that feels like a test it's to prove to you and to purify you for the next task at hand I love when you pastors come to me or leaders come to me and they're like man I just feel this I just feel tested am I good then you about to be blessed what you mean yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cause when you tested there's something about to happen in your ministry there's something about to happen for you individually God is wanting to do something and it's just you know just proving to you and purifying you to make sure that you're ready for the next task at hand I I think this is um really interesting because when you talk about the idea of Truth um every single one of us needs to understand are wise like why do we do what we do like why are you actually in this room because you bought a ticket okay right your wife's got to go a lot deeper than that you know like what's your why people okay well people suck so right not all peers and it ain't always easy right I love people but people are messy I am messy oh my God it's goodness the the the the the stories that Joseph Kellogg could talk about leading me oh you reap what you sow right and I'm reaping what I sowed within it and and and people are are are are are very messy and we all know that um but when I ask you your why I want you to dig down real deep like why are you really here what was that moment what was what was that thing said what what what happened to help you really go you know what I'm gonna give my life to this thing i i i i i no no matter what happens I'm giving my life to this thing right this is interesting because depending on how deep your why is determines the capacity of your calling okay when people say that you don't choose the capacity in which you're called you haven't read the Bible you know that you choose the capacity in which you're called just look at Moses he got to choose whether he went to the promised land or not that was not God's intention he may knew that it was going to happen but that was not God's intention Moses chose it so too many times we will walk into rooms like this and get upset or get bent or get just a little jaded because we don't have fill in the blank but you choose at the same in the same breath you choose that the capacity in which you're called right people don't like to hear that because now it puts it back on them it's a lot easier to give an excuse like well we just ain't got the resources bro we can't reach teenagers you know how many free things are out there right but work ethic ain't free right but we're like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh but that's me no no no no no no no no yeah it it's it's you it's your team it's your leadership it's what you're thinking about are you eating sleeping dreaming breathing Ministry or is it just a paycheck or is it just a opportunistic dream or is it just like huh check check off the box I feel good about myself now right if we're not careful this is this is something that we can do but you've got to find that why and you gotta you gotta dig down deep your why needs to be so deep that no matter what happens in your life no no matter what you go through no matter the depression no matter how the enemy attacks you all the tragedy and despair you still stay grounded I know pastors are supposed to say I don't know what you've been through but you can do it no what I'm saying is you have to have a why deep enough that no matter what happens you'll stay grounded because if you don't we will watch the continual fall of pastors the continual fall of the Next Generation right and the only reason why it's not because God ain't speaking it ain't that it's not because the Bible isn't truth right it's because we ain't got deep wise We Ain't Got Deep wise we've got to have a deep why and one of the one of the things that you can kind of like um um help you figure out your why obviously is the truth and we know from Pastor Josh this morning talking about the Bible the the word of God and we know that we we've got a Biblical worldview right we believe in the Trinity we believe that Jesus died and Rose from the grave and can I get amen's okay y'all scaring me okay so we know that so this is what you have to ask yourself are you putting that truth over an Empire when you think about truth are you putting truth over Empire like Empire what you mean Empire okay it's about what he's building not what you're building it's about what he sees not what you see what he sees not what you see God give us your eyes that we would see things the way that you see them not the way that we see them I see 15 people in a room he sees 15 futures okay right it uh this is the concept like we've got to reject the Empire and embrace the kingdom Empires are things that you build kingdoms are things that he builds right truth over Empire if it's easy for us to do this if we believe the scripture that his ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts right his ways are higher than our ways his thoughts are higher than our thoughts okay if I actually believe that scripture and it's not just a cute little thing that I can remember his thoughts are higher than our thoughts why do I keep going to podcasts over the Bible no but I don't okay let me see your phone y'all just got nervous that was a nervous laugh no it's on my phone too like I'm like oh my gosh it was on YouTube two hours today watching podcasts because Tim Ross is freaking brilliant Charles Metcalf oh my God that was amazing then I go look at the Bible and I app and I'm like oh oh [Applause] if I'm honest with you I don't think I don't think we'll see amazing things until that makes us sick I've been praying to God help me get sick over stuff like that I I I'd rather it's relevant man it's so easy bro like I ain't gonna read it and I can see it and it's just oh my gosh truth over Empire right his thoughts his thoughts but what are his thoughts for us another thing that we've got to do is we've got to have truth over entertainment um are you trying to make something go viral or someone go eternal guys I have to ask myself this question all the time especially I got like a whole social media team I got like five guys and I'm like oh my God it didn't pop off bro it's because you posted it at the wrong time why right I'm like what are you doing dude this is easy man this is something I gotta ask myself all the time and then I'll just walk by that teenager that's just like crying at a rhythm night just like weeping because of the song and I'll be like get that get that our songs are so good they were making teenagers cry the spirit of God is moving right guys like are you serious like okay like I know you dreamed of stuff like this is amazing dream of writing songs you dream of releasing albums you dream of full rooms you dream of people just raising their hands and yeah you're dreaming okay okay cool great great great but that kid needs prayer that kid needs a moment where you just say I believe in you you're going to be okay everything's gonna be fine I know home life sucks but don't worry you can stay here an extra hour so we're I know we're gonna wrestle with both I'm not saying that I don't I just told you that I do I know we're gonna wrestle with both until we start moving in the direction where that is overtaking our life more than this is overtaking our life oh we're gonna be in some deep trouble right truth over entertainment this is when you start like if you get in staff meetings and the question every single Thursday morning is all right so what's the next best thing right what's the next best thing and I get it I love Innovation I'm all about Innovation okay I love it pioneering let's do it we can do something that no one else has done at least in the church world but we'll get credit for it so here we go let's do it fact of the matter is is that Innovation is temporary but you know what's not values values are timeless right so so this is something that wrecked me because I leave I I lead creative teams and this is something that oh we had to really get in our spirit because creative Ministry you're like yo we got to innovate I'm like look look at what Rihanna did in the Super Bowl how can we do it um you're doing all kinds of stuff but then you're like but is it a value is it a value I am all for it I've done a floating stage before okay so bump You Rihanna I got it all right I've done it okay but is there value to it is it going to connect to a value we've got to connect to that so we started changing our whole entire uh content plan because we were doing all these things that were like exciting viral type things cool cool and I was like yeah but there's no there's no value to it there's virality but no value I'm like it doesn't teach me like this so who cares doesn't matter and what about helping them learn scripture okay so one thing that we did um I'm just telling you all of our mistakes so um my whole goal too In This Moment is to like break the myth of Elevation Church that we have a silver bullet to figure fix everything okay um because we have our problems too uh you laugh too hard for that how much do you know how much do you know values are Timeless I would I would then begin to ask your teams like does creativity serve your content or just content serve your creativity okay it's a great question to to ask preachers um in the room this is a question that I'd ask you is your last message coming from what you read in the word of God or the last thing that made you frustrated God we need preachers to stop talking about their frustrations with the Next Generation you have a mic for 20 minutes [Music] or you probably just go 20. but um I'm just playing I'm playing just want to see if this is home or not I'm sorry see the daggers in the eyes right now I'm just playing like like you know what I'm saying like like for real though why are we so frustrated yeah we should be like the enemy's winning crap it's not their fault it's our fault we're not saying anything we're not posting anything we're like hey Jesus loves you man but you know what you gotta stop having sex with your girlfriend done alter calls yeah I know I know and you're like oh look Revival no that's called Shame and I get it I get like the like I get it I get I get I get it I get it I get it I had to stop preaching for a couple of months because I was just like frustrated they could tell and I was like yeah I'm losing them I'm losing because I'm just frustrated I'm just frustrated and and the whole point of youth ministry is to instill belief in them that's why they keep coming back they feel believed in belief is the greatest gift that you could ever give anyone and we've got to give that gift freely every single week every single meeting every single moment the next thing would be truth over ego I won't stay here long but you just gotta remember you're not the hero you're the guide and and and we know this that great leaders take the blame and give the credit and the more that you can do that the better I always tell my team and I'll tell them straight up and you'll learn about this probably you're probably already learning that man elevation this dude is intense well our our leadership is intense uh because we're trying we're like we're not really um uh we don't like to apologize for things like we we hold really tightly to our values and what we believe in and we believe in the word of God um through and through and you know so some things that we'll say is we'll say like people need space I know what you're thinking like yes rest margin Hallelujah no space means star of Pride and cease ego you need to starve your pride and you need to cease ego and when you see it give them space those moments where you know you're developing someone and you're like man should I give them this opportunity you see pride and ego no that's the answer no no no you should learn how to stack chairs for six months straight perfectly you should learn how to clean up you should learn how to take kids home every night you should learn how to to be the first one there and the last one to leave no like you should like everyone should not none of this culture getting into the church where we're like wow come on we need to just take care of everyone and we don't need to hurt their feelings and oh my goodness okay so you're just saying no for them and then you're just prolonging the enemies tactics so now when they're 33 having kids right I'm like no one is experiencing the likes it used to be squash Pride but then I was like oh you know I gotta be careful right it's like people would always say like bro you need to be sat on and I'm like what do you mean like bro you are prideful you just need to be sat on like just squish that Pride completely out of you right and this is a daily thing right I pray that I never get above I was working here and Tyler is hosting me right here I looked at that kid and I said I am so sorry for asking this like I never do this I hate I'm so sorry is there anyway I just haven't seen it yet is there any way I can get a Red Bull and and he's like yeah man don't don't even worry about it you're fine like it's cool it's cool and I said no no look your job is not to host me my job is to serve you but we get it backwards all the time because we refuse to starve the pride we refuse to see seagull we would rather actually have that I want to be served I just wish they would ask me to come preach so you know I can do this and do that and walk around and you know I was oh yeah yeah I get behind the little what do they call those stanchions get behind the stanchions yeah no one get close to me you know I'm like Dave we're not careful if underneath everything we are not uh dying to ourselves daily we're gonna be in a lot of trouble we're going to be in a lot of trouble we're seeing it already If we're honest but we're going to be in a lot of in a lot of trouble okay so that that's a lot on Truth the next two go pretty um pretty fast ownership everyone say ownership okay Matthew 13 44-46 it says the Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which a man found everyone say found and then covered up everyone say covered up then in his Joy he goes and sells all that he has everyone says sells okay and then he buys the field everyone say buys okay first off just from that Parable that's just one verse okay the first part says the Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in the field what does that mean good stuff is beneath the surface of the dirt so you're gonna get messy this is gonna happen but that's the whole part and that's the whole point of ownership the the third thing when I said which a man found and then he covered up and then he sells all the things that that he has here's what you need to know studer students leaders and parents will not buy into it if you don't sell out to it it's not gonna happen this is a part of ownership you have to sell out to it he's like what do you mean sell out to what okay let me give you six things you should sell out to you need to sell out to your standards standards reflect significance okay this is what I mean when I say we do not apologize for our for our standards okay there's an intense leadership in the house that uh that I am under right we will not um um settle uh when it comes to Excellence right we're always going to be um excellent one thing that we say is development is our own responsibility your growth is your own responsibility do not come to me and be like but you're my pastor so develop me no that's that's that's not what they're called to do they're called to Pastor you that's a guide not a developer right okay so you have to develop yourself that is what great leadership that is what great ownership does okay the next thing you have to sell out to is strategy this is really really important especially if you're coming here and you're like we're going to change everything because of what we saw okay I've done it a hundred times you got to sell out the strategy you can have an excellent strategy but still lack commitment okay let me tell you the most brilliant strategy in the world when it comes to Ministry okay it's the one you do all the way that's the right strategy it's not Wednesdays or Sundays it's not monthly or weekly um it's not e-groups or events it's the one you do all the way wholeheartedly 100 percent the next thing you sell it to is your strengths everyone say strengths okay this like what are you good at because you're not good at everything right but what are you good at find those things that you're really good at ask your spouse they should be able to be honest with you they might not be so if it not okay get get those people that will be honest with you you know the people that you know like like they're waiting for you to ask and [Music] go ask them go ask them if you actually want to sell out to it go ask them what's it like being on the other side of me what's it like being on the other side of me and they will tell you and you go thank you and walk away right but even with like selling out to your to your strengths the part of that is emitting weaknesses right but when you admit your weakness that allows God to actually use you that's amazing that's fine that's okay that's a good thing but develop those strengths the next thing is you sell out to your sphere your sphere okay what do I mean by this the phrase somebody oughta or somebody should is the graveyard of vision yeah somebody ought to fix that well I don't know who it was but somebody should talk to him about it that's the graveyard of vision that's it so if you're saying that and you're under a pastor please stop or if you are a leader and you're underneath the youth pastor please stop that's not going to help maybe you're saying it under your vision right you got to stop that's the graveyard somebody ought to somebody no you why not you why not you because if we neglect the idea that we're an owner we ignore our calling as a leader okay this is another thing you've gotta gotta remember that the circle of concern is always bigger than the circle of control what do I mean by that if you're so focused on what you're concerned about right like we could let me say it like this too many times we get so focused on what we're concerned about that we actually lose control of what we have like yeah but what about I'm like what can you affect of that these two things okay cool do those two things it's like I don't know how many we got 400 people on our staff and my gosh oh my goodness the amount of people that would come to me like oh my God man I just wish they would fix this these are staff members we pay these people right these are not volunteers okay it's okay I talk like this all the time I don't even matter if you're recording um people are like really yeah we do like what do you what do you I don't really know well you can affect your attitude you can affect your attitude and I'm gonna be honest with you you're probably not gonna make it if you're already bitter two months in so work on the attitude we'll find it I would love to help you but I'm just letting you know that's gonna have to be a part of your development here's the deal like we can kind of scoff at stuff like that with that little moment that'll that little rant I just had we'll scoff at that ah yeah that's his church okay okay because remember what I said at the beginning you choose the capacity in which you're called and let me tell you something if you have a bad attitude you're anywhere and I want the church to go I love what Pastor Josh was talking about Unity I do a whole part two on that attitude it's uh laughs right that's there's a Biblical thing about positivity right not not being ignorant but speaking life positivity what what about that right it's a good this is this a good start okay oh that time is going so fast I like y'all It Feels Like Home you're smiling at least no one's left okay then you have to sell out to your season everything that flows in the next season will be from what I sell out to in this one um that concept of you reap what you sow is never more prominent than in leadership you reap what you sow if you're experiencing things that you don't like just think about five years ago because you are probably doing that with someone else it's the craziest thing the things that I'm like yeah okay you want to know why I could talk about attitude because I had an attitude right then you got to sell out to sacrifice we have lost something when we see what we do as a bother rather than an honor Matthew 28 you know the little headers that they put in the Bible they call it a header oh no we're going with the header it sounds smart like I got a master's degree or something Matthew 28 the header you know what it says the Great Commission Luke 24 you know you know Matthew Mark Luke and John they're all kind of the same story different perspectives okay Luke 24 same thing but they don't call it the Great Commission you know what they call it the great blessing if we don't see what we do as a blessing and we just see it as a mission we've got to see everything that we do all the crappy meetings how many times have I said crap son like eight sorry we've got to see everything all those meetings that we have with parents as a blessing that hard meeting that you got to have with that transgender kid because he don't know what he wants to do or what she wants to do blessing blessing blessing and then people will ask how do you recruit so many leaders because I help them understand that the commission is a blessing it's not just work it's not just a grind it's not just we're gonna make it it's a blessing it's a blessing and sometimes you have to fake it till you make it how have you been doing this longer than 20 years anyone doing it longer than 20 years come on you can raise your hand it's amazing it's amazing you you ain't you ain't getting there unless you're able to tell yourself yeah it's a blessing this is a blessing this is a blessing okay so that's ownership the last one productivity Luke 13 6-9 it says then he told this Parable a man had a fig tree growing in his Vineyard this is one of my favorites and when he and he and he went to look for fruit on on it but did not find any so I said to the man who took care of the vineyard for three years now I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any cut it down why should it use up the soil sir the man replied leave it alone for one more year this is going to help someone and I'll dig around it and fertilize it if it bears fruit next year fine if not then cut it down this is what I got from it if it doesn't grow it's got to go it's a great way some of y'all just look at that as like numbers hey if you ain't growing you my gotta go if it doesn't grow it's got to go so some questions that you can ask yourself as you're trying to figure out if it's growing is is it not how are you measuring it like look at this tree was he measuring him by the fruit obviously yes we know that but he might have been measuring like other people might have been measuring it by the shade some people might have looked at that tree and measured it by the height you got to ask yourself how are you measuring your ministry how are you measuring it another question did I evaluate it this is when he says uh why should it use up the soil did are you evaluating everything that you're doing people like yeah we're evaluating Wednesdays and Sundays no no no okay cool yes do that but also um let's evaluate your time as the leader let's evaluate the time as the coordinator and let's see where you put in a lot of your time you got to begin to evaluate some things um the the next thing I would ask is um uh what fertilizers have I used right this is in verse eight it says I'll dig around it and fertilize it fertilize it fertilize it okay fertilize it have you done that I think this is really really interesting because in essence fertilizing could be like oh uh let me say it like this eight weeks ago I became the next-gen pastor at Elevation Church service kids ministry youth ministry and college Ministry the first thing that I did and I just the first thing that I did was I started serving in kids ministry that's called fertilizing I've never served in kids ministry in my life y'all man puppets are a real thing and they geek out over them is crazy but I started it was crazy because I started doing it and and then all of a sudden my team started doing it that's a fertilizer right it's like little shots of adrenaline right this is this is very important Isaiah 48 17. it says thus says the Lord your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel I am the Lord your God I usually don't do this except that elevation but I'm gonna I'm gonna do it I am the Lord your God who teaches you to profit who leads you in the way you should go prophet in this scripture don't get too quick don't don't worry it's okay teaches you to profit oh my God we're talking about money teach you to profit prophet in this scripture actually means to progress or to produce fruit and then the next thing that he does is he gives a directional promise he says who leads you in the way you should go how much patience should you have with something that is unprofitable and unfruitful that would be the question that I would end today with how much patience should your pastor have with the youth pastor that's not fruitful how much patience should you have because in this Parable it went for three years and then he asked for another year I'm not saying there's a time okay but it is a great question to ask how patient should we be with this new strategy that we're starting how patient should we be with the attitudes on our team that we allow in how patient should be this is a great Parable for us to evaluate and assign some deadlines he assigned a deadline give it one more year and if it doesn't I'll cut it down too many of us refuse to cut anything down individually and as a Ministry God every single person in this room I pray that you would bless them I pray that you would show favor on their lives God I pray that you would bless their marriages their relationships with their kids I pray that you would give them um a refreshing Spirit God that you would rejuvenate them you would help them know that they are doing exactly what they need to be doing and Lord that you would you would strengthen them and confident give them that confidence that only you can provide give them that Supernatural peace as they walk some of these things out they begin to evaluate top shelf leadership we love you and we honor you in Jesus name we pray amen okay he told me earlier at 1 15 I gotta let you go because at 1 30 we're gonna do a thing but what if from 117 to 120 I took questions and I'll just go real fast because I promise you it and now I'm a liar if I don't yeah man we're good so are you sure is this Pentecostal you know so I know how we work I'm a G baby let's go oh yeah anyone who has you may not have questions and it can be about anything but we got three minutes to do it yep if you had like oh wow Mike if you had I'm gonna and I'm gonna answer quick so we get as many as possible if you had three things that you feel like gen Z wants to hear about what would they be access Authority and authenticity every student wants access every student wants Authority and every student wants authenticity now if you're talking about communicating like what subjects ah I don't know I don't know it's the same stuff 15 years ago don't let anyone tell you that it's different don't let anyone tell you that story that is one of the biggest myths in youth ministry oh this this generation is different no it's not the same stuff identity I'm preaching about identity for 14 years and and my youth pastor all he appreciate about identity now it's morphing into weirder things but it's the same thing because here's the deal it's the same devil yeah scripture says that the devil is not crafty he can't he ain't creative he does the same thing over and over okay next rocket oh okay yes I'm not a liar I answered two how do you bridge the gap between kids that grew up in church and then kids that are newly churched we see a lot of division happening because of judgment and different things like that how do you bridge that Gap you see a lot of judgment yeah from like the kids that grew up in church versus the kids that are newly [Laughter] [Music] you put the unchurched kids in the front I don't know what I can say you do it that's extreme okay I always I always say like this like like I hate when people like get exclusive we should be strictly inclusive okay however there is an art and if you really want to know there is an art to doing exclusivity in the correct way it there there is an art to it and it's slowly tiptoeing and that's what I mean like you find ways to just like do something a little extra for the unchurched and like you ain't gonna be like yeah we exclusive to them what's up yeah Church kid [Music] like that's it that's when it gets cultish right it's like oh okay this is weird right like because let me tell you something that is the Great Commission it's every single one of them but if you need a break off judgment as a leader you have to be the first one to go yeah yeah and tell you right now you do not make those church kids look like fools nope it's not about that it's just about celebrating these kids who are coming in and they won't they won't they won't shut up they don't know the the how to act you know they over there just make it out and vaping at the same time I remember the first time I preached it uh youth acts our Summer Camp Elevation and I look back in the back and it's three kids just vaping I'm like and Pastor Stephen furtick's Church fired you know the first thing I did I say hey you three I freaking love y'all y'all are amazing make sure you come back I want to talk with you out there I think y'all are so cool for real y'all are freaking awesome what's your names all right great fantastic for real I want to hang out I got something free for you and just kept going I didn't make any of these people feel bad they were like wait really ah cool they're like how'd you notice me I said you were vaping [Music] oh really were you mad I said yeah don't do it again okay cool cool still in the youth ministry today I ain't seen them Vape since not like that matters you know whatever but still needs to make sure today serving servant saying Hey to kids and you know what they reach kids that other kids can't reach that's what it's about that's what it's about thank y'all so much I appreciate it [Music]
Channel: Love Is Red Conference
Views: 312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nD7Fuq3fuBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 3sec (3123 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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