Don't Underestimate Any Good Deed! Powerful Khutba Nouman Ali Khan

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I know Salam or equal avocado alhamdulillah alhamdulillah he shall kill you Judy Minelli Adam was I only knew him in Avalon while mostly just subliminal Adam will get over the island Adam finish guru who ll Masotti become - guru who Island neon mono salli ala rasoolillah chram the Sheriff Elijah me well kita Billiton al-kitab in welcome welcome ala nabina will heart and say ye d whether the Adam led Bashara be here ASAP no Miriam water I Liberty he Brahim o alehissalaam in a conifer ohkawa a debate Allah Hill Muharram for sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ala at where he hide in oman alladhina barakallahu be him Capitan NASA Lara Berman Himalayan hamdulillah Allah the Lamia test invalid and well America la mouche a deacon fill milk well a miracle lahu waliyan minute worldly work a built a cappella well hamdulillah under the Angela ID Hill kitab of allah miyan dahua ja well hamdulillah Aladin a mother who and Astorino who won a Starfury when it mean we hear anatomical valley when I ought to be him in jewelry unforeseen a woman say Yadier Molina when I hit la fa la la la la la Madrid fan AHA diella when ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah when ashhadu anna muhammadan Abdullah he wore a solo of sallallahu taala bill who de medina luck the old hero who Aladeen equally rockefeller he shahida for sallallahu alayhi wa seldom at a Stephen Catherine kathira from Ahmedabad in the hostel Haditha key table rawhide already had you Muhammad in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Nakula subhanahu wa'ta'ala Fickett i will carry mother Nakula erodibility min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem what the kathira mean al-kitab Loredana common bar de manikin go Ferran has had an idea enthusiam embodiment abelian allahumma Huck Fah foo was for who at IIT Allahu be Umrah he inna llaha kulli shayin Qadir rocky masala were at Osaka Houma Tokido mullion fascicle menhaden togedu who and ala inna llaha be mature madrone Basir Robuchon is Audrey Wilson liamri looked at Amanda Cerny of inaudible item e in today's hope inshallah Utada i'd like to share with you some reflections from to ayat of the Quran the belong to so little Baqarah ayah number 108 and 109 and I'll start with the latter ayah and then go back to iron number 108 to illustrate something Allah Azza WA JAL says well he Mosul Ottawa at Osaka and I think everybody here in the audience has at least heard that phrase once before established the prayer and give zakah it's very common Walmart Okada mullah unfussy come in Hyden togedu who and Allah and whatever good you do whatever whatever investment you make for yourselves of any kind of good deed that you do her end Allah you're going to find it with Allah none of your good deeds are going to go to waste and Allah have you got Hamid when I will see no doubt Allah is in full view of everything that you're doing now that seems like a pretty general and universal statement you could actually just you know talk to any Muslim about the importance of establishing the prayer and giving zakah and doing good deeds and having hope that Allah Azza WA JAL will count those deeds towards something meaningful and we pray that Allah does that for all of us all of our deeds that are good and small and overlook our mistakes you know big mistakes and small mistakes on the day of judgment but it's remarkable where this ayah occurs and this is part of the beauty of the Quran everything innocent a particular place and if you don't appreciate where this ayah occurs and what was Allah actually talking about already he was actually this is in the middle of a another hot spot basically Allah is giving us a set of lessons and part of those lessons is establishing prayer and giving zakat then it gives it a new wisdom a new dimension that you otherwise would never know you wouldn't even know that this is actually teaching you something much more than if you just looked at the ayah entirely on its own so what is a lot talking about before he's actually talking about a very big problem that exists in the medina in the city of medina for the Muslims at the time Allah says what the Cathedral minute al-kitab low ero do nakum embody imanakum cofilin a huge population no small number from among the people of the book really intensely would love something they love that low ero Doudna coming back the Imani kumki foreign if only there was some way that they'll be able to turn you back after your face after you've become believers into COFA inter disbelievers they are extremely frustrated meaning the tribes of the Christians and the Jews that are in the city of Medina and because of because this is Surat al-baqarah there's more of an emphasis on the Jewish tribes because that's the primary conversation in so little Bakura Allah is highlighting a feeling that these people have deep inside of themselves because so many of their own members of their own congregations have now taken Shahada now there are companions of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam their loyalties have shifted and this burns them on the inside they desire somehow they can get their people back it actually reminds me of a documentary I saw not too long ago turning Muslim in Texas and it was that's almost ten years old the documentary now and it was a preacher whose son became Muslim and they interviewed him and his wife and they asked him you know what do you think about your son having become Muslim I pray for him every day and one day he's going to become uh he's going to come back to Jesus and when he does he's going to be an amazing a dynamic preacher that's what the mother said and she said it would have been easier if he just told us he's gay yeah that's what she said they'd prefer that as abominable as that it to the Christians it's not like it's acceptable to the Christians but having their son become a Muslim that was a much bigger problem so there is this huge huge problem and by the way you'll find the sentiment not just limited to here but you'll find it across families where people take Shahada there you know I know I have many friends who become Muslim and their families were not religious they were Hindu but not religious Hindus they were Buddhists but not practicing Buddhists they were Christian but not practicing Christians but as soon as this boy becomes Muslim all of a sudden they're crucifixes all over the house all of a sudden they're getting up early to go to church on Sunday all of a sudden like their religious sentiments Park because we have to fight this you know so you have the sentiment particularly about who the Jewish tribes of Medina who are losing their congregation to rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam now let's talk a dig a little deeper this is not just talking about any jews or any christians actually the criticism if you've been following the arguments of salute al baqarah is their leadership Astana maja hood it's the rabbi's they're the knowledgeable among them and the knowledgeable among them are particularly upset that their congregation is dwindling their numbers are going down somebody else is taking their numbers if you keep following the arguments of the Quran about these people this group of people they were religious and by the way before Muslims the the Islam before us is the Islam that was given to moosa aleihsalaam the Sharia that was given to moosa a.s at all so the Jewish tribes are basically what is left of Islam centuries later so we don't just think of them as another religion we actually think of them as a deteriorated version of Islam don't think of them as another religion as a matter of fact there's a reason also loss of life Saddam was given the instruction to pray in the same direction as them and fast on the same days as them because we're not supposed to think of them as a separate entity in the same surah there's no other nation Allah does this with in the same sort of LSSI you had Medina Omalu before he does that he says ya Bani is so ie he addresses them directly you know he does that over and over and over again as a matter of fact there is no yeah you had Medina Cafaro in the Quran that's direct it's cool yeah you have caffeine on the direct address is actually to the believers and you'll find it also with the people of the book yeah when he is right in there is one eye you had latina cuff a bullet at a little young but if you study its context even that's talking about the alkyne I start talking about Allah dressing them on this day Latta that until yo minima to zona malcontent Dharma noon that's in the Alcala but the point I'm trying to make is their rabbis I want you to understand what happens to a Muslim community because that's what they were a Muslim community that becomes corrupted and deteriorated what happens is their own AMA Dara nama they basically became businessman yes Tirana be ayat allah he thommanon kalila they sell di art out for a small game that's the criticism that's given of them and these people they don't think of their congregation as a following that they are responsible for they want the best things for them they want to help their families they want to get their young boys married they want to get their you know their marriage problems sorted out etc except this is not their concern their concern is the donor base comes from these people and when they come when they have a problem they're going to come to me for a fatwa and I'm going to charge them a fee to give my flat wha and if my donor base becomes less who's going to come and who's going to donate for my my upkeep so when these people are going off to the Prophet there's a lot of checks leaving there's a lot of paycheck weekly weekly donations leaving out of the hall this is a big problem we can't have this this is unacceptable and so they saw this as a serious problem it hurt their bottom line it was actually a matter of this straight business for them no straight business has had them in hang the unfussy him son a jealousy that emanated deep from within themselves there's another thing here that we have to understand about the corrupted religious psychology of those people these were a qualified rabbis they studied many many years to become what they became and here comes this man Mohammed if not the la sal allahu alayhi wasalam no Sammy Allah so Allah we call him the Messenger of Allah they don't and the first thing they look at him is like this car him he can't even read actually they considered the word on me or what we commonly translated as unlettered as an insult and that's what they called him how is he going to be what are his qualifications to lead a congregation why aren't people leaving me I have all these ages odds interr odds in Talmud I have all these credentials I'm Adam I give these photos and they're leaving me and going to him this is ridiculous how can that be in other words that you know when you study the Deen of Allah and the Sharia of busan Islam was also the Deen of Allah but when you sincerely study the Deen of Allah you're supposed to become more humble the more you study Islam the more it should remind you of what it means to be awed and what what lost places is rub and the more you recognize that the lower you become because there's no lower job than knobbed right so the more knowledge you and I gain it's actually supposed to make us more down-to-earth but unfortunately for these people their knowledge of the Deen of Allah made them feel like they're somehow superior to everybody else even The Messenger of Allah Allah Allah Allah so this is a serious problem this is a very serious problem and so there's this jealousy in them how come people are come and listening to him they're not coming in listening to me anymore and there's even a bigger problem why can't they accept the prophet sallallaahu Allison as a matter of fact Oakland will tell us that the most knowledgeable among them knew the messenger of allah and the new islam and the new the quran like they would know their own children yeah if una hookah Maya D funa nah they'd recognize him that they recognize their own kids but why not accept them why not accept you know even though Quran actually questions the the optimism of some of the Companions look these people not a lot these people know ng they should be first in line to take the Shahada but Allah corrects that and says I thought Moroni you mean willecombe you're really hopeful they're gonna accept what you're saying well why not because if we accept what he's saying all of my years of credentials and all of my degrees where people come to me and ask me for my foot wha now if I go to him I'm accepting that when if anybody ever comes to me I'm gonna say allahu ala moana Sulu who are them go to him I don't know I can't say anything anymore all my credentials are gone they don't mean anything in front of the rasul of allah salallahu i they use i love you know so then what am i just another person is that what i'm going to do just sit among the rest of these people so there's this hasit that is emanating inside of themselves and they now have whatever plans they can hatch to try to bring people back from Islam by the Imani kumki far and after your Iman they want to bring you back into the file some things I want to share with you about the language of this ayah before we go on is that you know Allah mentioned the word Imani come not bad and a lentil nada Iman you come the mustard the noun is used and what that means in simple English for the rest of us is that Allah is saying that your faith is firm they can do nothing to shatter your faith and that's why the word low is used also low actually is used when you you wish something would happen but you know it can't happen it's impossible is that kind of a monster Halon a Starman low right when we need something can't possibly happen then you see the word low low we all do not remember the Iman you can go far and means they could wish all they want that they could take your iman away and make you go far again they are incapable of it what we running from that we are learning that no matter what propaganda these people did it wouldn't actually ever take away the Eman of any single believer among the Muslim community the only thing that can hurt the Eman of a believer is that actually they have something missing in their own Iman once their Iman is complete once their you man is set right once that base is settled then you can't shake it if there's something missing in that Iman yes it can be shaken you see so the problem is never going to be from the outside that somebody can destroy your faith the problem is always going to be from first from the inside if this foundation isn't there you know so now let's fast-forward to our times before we finish this ayah why am i sharing this ayah with you I'm sharing this ayah with you because a lot of young people are really frustrated about what's happening about Islam nowadays there's propaganda against Islam there are people who hate Islam they make videos about Islam they have political campaigns against Muslims they target Muslims they demonize Muslims they write book against them articles against them videos against and blogs against them news reports against them oh my god they hate us so much and then they make videos on YouTube things like you know if you watch this you ten minutes and you won't be Muslim anymore and some seventeen year old this is all yeah I'm gonna watch it I'll show you and ten minutes later he's like really wow I didn't know that and he's getting all messed up and so because I get emails from all over the world I got even emails like brother do you know what the Christians are doing do you know what the Jews are doing do you know this video they made you know this website they made you know this vlog they made oh my god they're going to destroy Islam you don't they made a fake Quran they did this they did and there's no end to what they've made and they continue to make I'll you know I live in the US as many of you know I live in the Bible Belt 90% of the radio stations when you tune in the radio FM radio back back home 90% of the Christian talk radio right or country music at least where I come from well the Christian talk radio most of the time they're actually not even talking about Christianity they're talking about the Sharia law or they're talking about the Prophet Mohammed that's what they're talking about they're attacking it constantly constantly constantly I listen to this stuff every morning that's what I listen to you know and they have their so-called experts on the south and then it's not a solid shallow attack they're pretty sophisticated in their attack but you know what you gets you start getting worried man I better call them I'm gonna respond to some of what they're saying I better take care of this because you know we have to stand up for our Deen we can't just take the stuff lying down hassle them in Indian Fouzia member nimita by an alarm will Huck it is emanating from the jealousy they have inside of themselves even after the truth has become clear now what is the benefit of a lot telling us even after the truths become clear for the people who have that kind of blind hatred towards Aslam clarifying to them the truth of Islam is not going to change anything because it's not like they're doing all of this because they're not clear about Islam they're actually doing all of this because of jealousy despite the fact that many of them are clear about Islam that's not the problem now the problem for me and you is that for a lot of young people we have to respond to the profile there to take care of this what are we what are we you get why is describing this is a big problem we need to react why don't we do something about this brother so I say okay let's let's Allah tell us what we should do because he's the one who introduced us to this problem it's pretty intense problem and the Sahaba are aware of this problem it's a very serious problem to ask their enemies of Islam that time they're enemies of the Living Messenger of Allah son the long line even among their in their midst in their midst this is a serious serious issue what are we supposed to do let's let Allah tell us in that same ayah the next words fire foo was far hot ayat e Allah who be hungry he oh forget it forgive them oh pardon this and what's far turn the page what they say in Punjabi mighty power Gandhi kwaini I do there's no problem overlooked ignore it it's not worth it that's not my words that's a laws words let let them mark let them say whatever they want farfel las Rahul until when are we going to listen to them like that forever brother we shouldn't respond hidayet the Allah will be hungry until Allah bruh his own decision but brother they have so much money they're spending so much you know they have so much power there are politicians behind them there are media machinery behind them there are millions and billions of dollars behind them what about that and Allah responds himself and he says in the law I love Whitney shayyin qadir Allah is no doubt in complete control over everything why are you so worried about their media power or their financial power or their political power Allah is not undermining that the scheming exists Allah is not you know making us blind to the fact that they don't have this kind of hatred he's not making us blind to any of that what Allah is also teaching us how you're supposed to respond you're supposed to show fortitude you're supposed to be focused on something much more important you know there are some young people they spend a lot of time on YouTube or Facebook or for Islam of course you know so they'll watch a video and then they'll somebody will you know curse the haughty Eve on the bottom you Muslims or this this this is and this guy will feel necessary to respond to them oh yeah well you kafan we're gonna get you one day and and then then there's like hey endless numbers of pages of back and forth because some Muslim kid thinks he's standing up for a song just read one ayah farfel was Fajo hitachi allahu bre in a lahar that could leash Anka dear brother what are we supposed to do just forgive do nothing okay let's read the next ayah well he knows a lot about the zakah no no you should do something do i establish the prayer instead of sitting at some hookah shop until 3:00 in the morning discussing what to cough are doing and then waking up for fire at 11:00 a.m. and then strolling over for jumar i have you know halfway through the khutba instead of that how about you work on if a pea masala how about you work on that a little bit well at Osaka how could you work on the way you make your money because the guy is not just about giving money you can't give money if you don't have money and you can't give clean money if you don't have clean money so if you're making your money through questionable means then you're not establishing just saying if you know it al-zacar just that phrase alone is actually cleaning up of the Muslim economy the entire Muslim economy every penny of you know every pal that comes into your pocket should actually be permissible if you're going to talk about giving zakat why don't you work on that well Kimo salata whatõs is a kind by the way this is the starting point or just salat in zakat right there's another hood Bob watch us a lot on zakat what else are we supposed to do now understand this there are people who say that the Kafar have such an elaborate plan to destroy Islam we need to do something big to respond to them and somebody says how about we teach children how to recite the Quran how will we teach our young people what the zeal of the messenger is some Allah who are they said I'm how about we take care of our neighbors how about we introduce people to the message of Islam with kindness how do we know brother what's that gonna do look go far or such a big problem you need to take care of a big problem these little things they're not gonna make a difference what are you just gonna build my kids you're just gonna run schools you're just gonna teach children what's that gonna solve so you know what people do they say the problem is so big so we need to think about doing big things and if you're doing something less than that if you're just you know in a small circle teaching some young people or you're just getting some kids off the street and just saying hey guys instead of going out and watching a movie why don't you want to just meet you at the Masjid we'll just chat about whatever and we'll go out for some coffee later you're just doing that your work is worthless because you know the Kufa are still there and they're billions of dollars are still there so it doesn't count for anything and how does a lot respond to this attitude by the way these people who say we have to have big plans let me tell you something about them because I've gone through these phases in my early years these these people will talk about big things forever and practically they will do nothing practically they will do nothing they will sit there and talk about how the Kafar are doing this or that or the other how we need to do this or that or the other but sitting there on the ground nothing actually changes 10 years ago by 15 years go by and then they get frustrated we've been talking about this for so long nothing has changed we need to take more drastic measures and then they do insane things then they do things you couldn't imagine like what kind of person would do this now on that what's a large response Allah want you to do what does Allah want me to do what was a low on every young man and women in this community to do he says what about to cut demo the anfusakum' men hiding whatever you invest and I'm using the word invest on purpose the Kadeem is used you know in archaic English translations they translate whatever you send forth for yourselves which I don't think anybody here understands sending forward for yourself basically means investing when you put money in a business then you don't get the money back right away you'll get it later on meaning you sent it ahead a few years later it'll come back to you Allah is actually telling us to invest in ourselves not just in terms of the al Qaeda which is obvious but even in terms of dunya there are things you need to improve about yourself and you will see the gains of that later on in life you know so where do I begin ok I want to I want to learn Quran I want to learn tuxedo why don't you start memorizing put on no no tell me how do I learn everything about Arabic ok well why don't you start with memorizing the Quran a little bit no no let's give me something more elaborate I need something more exotic you need to invest in yourself you need to put some time in for yourself and when you do that and Allah says the unphysical min hiding of this Minister Tun award what that means is any kind of good don't underestimate the good that people do in a community don't underestimate the good that you're capable of and Allah has this minutes very it's a huge mercy from Allah because the good that you're capable of I'm not capable of and the good that I'm capable of you're not capable of the opportunities of Allah gave you he did not give me and the opportunities Allah gave me did not give you every one of us has a different set of opportunities a different set of challenges and we have to make the most out of whatever life Allah has given us and find a way of doing some kind of good for ourselves and for other people and if you can focus yourself on doing something good and you that you will find with Allah that you do who and Allah inna llaha be my maluna we'll see it's such a fun what an eloquent conclusion no doubt Allah is in full view especially of what you do this Bananarama Luna you know is makanda what's called mockery for esta sauce it's exclusivity in other words especially the things that you people do Allah is watching carefully Allah has full view especially what you Muslims do you Muslims are so obsessed about what the Kofun are doing what the al-khattab are doing what their propaganda is what their attacks are you're so obsessed with them and you have no concern about what you're doing and Allah says I do not concern myself with what they are doing I am concerned with what you're doing in the lobby madonna luna will see no doubt allah is in full view in regards to what you people do the crux of this Hopa is that on the one hand the the quran actually makes us very clear about what's going on in the world around us but on the other hand allah azza wajal also gives us profound solutions profound solutions not simplistic solutions when people become concerned about making themselves better making their families better making their communities better making their families stronger and I want to emphasize this this this point for you know especially Muslim communities in the West in the United States in Europe anywhere we have the institution of the Masjid and the Murshid is predominantly attended by men that's the reality of the Masjid today it's predominantly attended by men but if you look at the world outside the world outside is actually attacking the institution of family itself families are being ruined marriages are being ruined parents don't know how to raise kids anymore parents don't know even how to talk to their kids when when a child becomes you know a teenager and starts acting up a little bit parents have no concept no idea how to deal with this kid what do we do who do we talk to where do we get help they don't know who their friends are husband and wife have a problem they can't talk to anybody the problem keeps getting worse and worse and worse and the husband goes to goes to work and you know the secretary starts looking more and more beautiful and that's what's happening this is the fitna that's growing but we have Masada that are full for Salah the Masjid is supposed to be a place where families find refuge the entire family when have support children have support men have support the mustard is supposed to be a place where the family becomes a stronger institution and the family the family is what makes the must shed better and the mustard is what makes the family better these two entities actually have to work with it they need each other they need each other because families need the support of other families where do you think good families are going to meet each other they're going to meet in the house of Allah this is enough this is a natural divine institution that brings people together for good intention this it'sit's a lot plan so when the mush masajid are abandoned or when children are unwelcome at a mush in or when there's no facilities for women at a mush they're just an afterthought you know more than half of our OMA and they're just there which find some closet for them you know when that happens then you know what happens the price is not paid at the Masjid the price is paid at the family because those women never got a proper education in their Dean so they don't know what it means to be a mother in Islam those kids never made good Muslim friends because the place where they could have made good Muslim friends would have been at the mush it they hung out a little bit I'm not saying you come here five days five five prayers a day that may not be possible for you but at least bring your kids for air shop okay if you can't bring them every day bring them two three times a week just bring a make your make your part of your child's memory the fact that they used to come to the mushroom this is actually something is not small it's very big you might think this is you and those of you that are working people you know this is not a small effort it takes effort to do this it takes effort to do this but you will find it with Allah this is an investment you're making for yourself and your family you know you see the monocot of it but these are the things we overlook because we're too busy talking about the attacks of the kabob the things that we have to take care of right now that are ruining us and our families we're not even addressing you know this is at the end of the day this is my message don't underestimate the good that you can do on a daily basis its value with Allah is huge we don't think you know we don't think it's anything well who are in the LA he'll think it's a huge thing with allah that is that you know if we can internalize enchilada will see good effects in our community will see good effects in our youth especially you know what we're going to see we're going to see these reports they have of young Muslims who become radicalized and become this or that well you know when you have a proper community structure when you see one young young man straying his other friends say hey bro are you going let's talk and they pull them back in because now you have a community of young guys and they're connected to a mother connected to scholars you know so you we can actually self police our own community right now because we're so disjointed we don't know what's going on in the mind of a teenager we don't know what they're going through we don't know what videos are watching or what's going on in their head because most of their discussions are online not with actually real people so I prayed that a large that helps you and me take this advice more seriously I pray that Allah is that what makes us concerned with things that actually matter and doesn't make us overwhelmed with the attacks and the plans and the schemes of those who seek to hurt Islam they are not our problem you know Hitachi Allahu VMD he until Allah comes with his decision Allah will deal with them we have to deal with what our problems are Milazzo which that make us truly self responsible responsible for ourselves in our communities and may allah azzawajal strengthen this community and every single family in this community may Allah bless the marriages in this community bust the parents in this community give them the ability to raise good righteous children ambassadors of Islam may Allah make you people a good model for Islam for the people all around you that they see you and through you they see the love the messenger of allah had some relatives in them for all of humanity let through you they see that this man was relatively light i mean because they are the only remnant the only trace left of rasulullah sallallahu our new son is in this Ummah that's all that's left so we were all worried we could they can't see it also the lie anymore they get to see you you know so may Allah really empower us to be able to do to carry this heavy responsibility barukh allah who develop companion Hakim when I finally we're coming ayat with the Kentucky alhamdulillah Kesava salat wa salam or anybody he latino stafa khususan ala of lodi mahatma Naveen Muhammad Amin WA ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in yahu Allah Azza WA JAL vegetable cream by the Nakula are all double elimination of regime in a la Habana a Catahoula Luna and Abby yeah you had latina amanu sallu alayhi wa salamu Taslima a lama salli ala muhammadin wa ala ala muhammad Kumasi later an Abraham when Ibrahim Afellay and Amin in the committee Majeed allahumma barik ala muhammadin wa ala ali muhammad canim dr. ibrahim what an early brahim a feeling i mean in the camino Majeed rabat allah or AHIMA kamala attack ala inna llaha ya'muru bil-adli sin where eta is in CORBA way and in fashion you will one cup one addict allahu akbar allahu allah ma matters learn okay nice Allah in the Salah al mini- mo Buddha you
Channel: European Institute of Islamic Sciences
Views: 191,245
Rating: 4.9253268 out of 5
Keywords: European Islamic Centre, European Institute of Islamic Sciences, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan Khutba, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan Jummah Khutba, NAK Latest, NAK 2015, Nouman Ali Khan 2015, Nouman Ali Khan (Person), EIC, EIIS, Extremism, islamophobia, attacks on islam, quran, good deeds, manchester, oldham, islam, muslim youth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2015
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