10.You Who Have Failed Will Be A Blessing - Zac Poonen

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you so now we come to our last session and I was thinking how should we conclude this messages the missing messages in Christendom I want to speak a little bit about the New Covenant and especially to those who feel they have failed in many areas of their lives in the things that they have heard in these days there can be a feeling well I've made such a mess of my life I've done so many things wrong I never submitted to discipline before I was 35 years old I wasted my life I didn't bring up my children right some of them are not converted because of that I did this wrong I did that wrong particularly those of us who are older and then some of you who are young people may say boy I wish I had known all this and listened a little more to my parents I messed up my life is there hope for me and the devil is quick to say no there is no hope for you you are useless you you blown it man the opportunity you had is gone you know if that's all we have to say from this pulpit then I'd say the gospel is a pathetic gospel but it isn't the gospel gives hope to every single man who is living in woman and child as long as there's life there's hope and no matter how much of a mess you've made of your life in any area I can say to you in Jesus name that God can make a new heavens and a new earth out of that rotten earth that you read in Genesis 1 was without shape without form void the Bible begins with an earth that has made a mess of itself that's how the Bible begins isn't that great the Bible doesn't begin with the perfect earth except in verse 1 worst one is a perfect earth and worse two is the earth that's made a mess of itself and we read there the Spirit of God brooded the word is brooded and brooded is the picture of a mother hen putting its wings around the little chicks brooding predicting the Spirit of God is pictured like a mother in the very first paragraph of Scripture because God is a father and a mother and the Spirit of God brood it means like a mother hen jesus said to Jerusalem how often I would have gathered you like a hen gathered its chicks under its wings so God is brooding over little helpless chicks that are unable to stand on their own feet and unable to walk and readily pray for vultures and eagles that will come and pick them up and the mother hen is there the Holy Spirit is there to protect us and what we read in the first chapter of the Bible is that God can take that shapeless empty dark earth and produce something so beautiful that even when he examines it he says on the last day the sixth day it's very good now the question is whether you have faith for it when you look at the wrong things you did in your life and we all have done wrong things first of all we must believe that if we confess our sins the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all our sins and then devil may tell us well there's certain big ones what about those big terrible things where you hurt other people too you know Paul murdered some Christians can you imagine how he felt when he was having in a meeting and that man's mother is sitting there and he knows he murdered that woman's son in imagine how he felt when he stood in the pulpit did he feel oh I can't say anything I would go and sit down now in his days of ignorance he murdered that poor mother's child that mother is without a son now because this guy preacher murdered him but he did it in his days of ignorance and he believed in the blood of Jesus Christ who have cleansed it so thoroughly that it today he could stand up and speak as though he had never murdered anybody that is faith faith is to believe the Word of God when it says that the blood of Christ Romans 5:9 has justified you it means that it is just as if justified means just as if you had never sinned in your whole life you know how I stand here today I believe I speak with authority because I believe in God's eyes I have never sinned for 67 years that's what gives me boldness you think I've never seen you may think I've seen God considers me as not having sinned because I believe in the blood of Jesus Christ I honor that blood you may not honor that blood so much too bad for you I honor it I believe exactly what God says about the blood of Christ some of you you think you're humble when you say oh I'm such a sinner you're not a humble you're just an unbeliever you're a man who's dishonouring God because God says something the blood of Christ has cleansed you and you say no no it hasn't you're a liar calling God a liar stop calling God a liar even if you want to be miserable go and be miserable but stop calling God a liar and saying the blood of Jesus Christ is not cleansed since that you have confessed at least stop doing that if you want to live your miserable life go and live your miserable life but stop calling God a liar your life will be supremely happy when you say that God speaks the truth when he says he loves me he loves me when he says that my sins are all for they're all forgiving his the people who keep on saying the devil is speaking the truth God is a liar the devil is speaking the truth God is a liar they are the people who are miserable they deserve to be miserable they deserve to go to hell for glorifying the devil after all that Jesus did for them on the cross they still call the devil truthful when he tells them oh you're a terrible sinner oh you have committed the unpardonable sin do you know how many people in the world I meet different place oh brother Jacques I feel I've committed the unpardonable sin who told them that the devil they keep on believing the devil and they reject what God's Word says well they deserve to be miserable until they will humble themselves and say God is speaking the truth and the devil's a liar that's all you got to say I'll tell you something if you don't learn anything else in this conference just learn this that God speaks the truth and the devil's a liar I've told the devil numerous times you're a liar you were defeated by my Savior on the cross you can't touch me in the early days used to harass me so many times because I didn't know my my authority I even felt his physical pressure once about 30 40 years ago but now he's scared of me because I became spiritual no because I just started believe in God he'll be scared of you the devil be scared of you believe God he doesn't want people to believe God we live by faith not by gritting our teeth and determining now what about if you sinned this morning will the blood of Christ cleanse you when does it cleanse you after you spend one week and remorse if we confess our sins and we spend one week and remorse he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins where is that don't add to Scripture when the Bible says when you add to Scripture you call God a liar there's a verse in Proverbs said don't call God a liar I say that to you because you'd say you're a liar so it's very simple really faith is the secret you know one day some of you who may not listen to me I hope you'll all listen to me but if somebody sitting here who still will not listen after all that I've said that God can make a wonderful thing out of your the mess you made of your life you you may be like that earth in Genesis 1:2 shapeless empty dark good for nothing and I tell you in Jesus name Genesis 1 tells you you can end up as very good and you don't believe it okay what can I do I can't catch you by the neck and make you believe him and Almighty God won't do that God doesn't even stop people from going to hell but he tells you you have the opportunity to believe right now I mean if you trust God I can tell you in Jesus name you will be healthy and spirit soul and body because your mind affects your body I know the days when I didn't have fit I was sick some of you don't know before we started the church when my wife and I used to live in well or and it was not a good place for me to travel from so we prayed shall we go to Madras or Bangalore and we knew more people in Madras so we considered the two possibilities and God very clearly led us to Bangalore we came here to Bangalore in April 1972 and we thought we would work among students because that's where I was I was working among students I had no interest in building the church or anything I never knew anything about building the church so I thought we'd work among students but there was not much opportunity to work among students in Bangalore we had this home that God gave us amazingly and oh I was sick with asthma every night particularly in the month of July August September I'd sit up wheeze and wheeze and wheeze I couldn't sleep I had to sit up in a chair people told me thank Bangalore is the worst place in India for asthma sufferers you better move out of the city and we had just moved here and my wife was a doctor but she couldn't help me what can you do for a man who's got asthma i sat there and used to get these pumps where you spray something into your mouth so you get a little relief to breathe for some time and the effect of that wears out again you're wheezing and you can hear the sound of the wheezing and I thought I live for the next years like this never able to sleep at night pumping my mouth and sit like this and like this and like this and like this I decided to trust God God fill me with the Holy Spirit and healed me completely I can go out today in the winter driving a scooter without even a jacket come home I'm alright I'm wise I don't try to expose myself I mean if I go around breathing animal dander and house dust they still get sneezing and little watering in my eyes but I can sleep perfectly at night I can sleep in a car I can sleep in a bus I can sleep in a train in a plane I can sleep in any bed in any part of the world I can sleep on the floor today no problem you know faith makes a difference I'll tell you that you wouldn't believe that you trust God and say Lord I want to glorify you you don't want me to be sick and be a burden to other people no I want to be healthy in Jesus name Jesus died for me my spirit soul and body it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 may God it's a beautiful verse 1 Thessalonians 5:23 it says may the God of peace sanctify you entirely 1 Thessalonians 5:23 and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete without blame and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ that means till the coming of Christ God is going to preserve he's not saying you preserve yourself I can't the God of peace will preserve my spirit soul and body until the coming of Christ and it's the God of peace again who crushes Satan under my feet Romans 16:20 and who preserves my body I have discovered one thing one of the great things that delivered me from ozma was coming to rest in my mind I had so many tensions I had to cast them on the Lord and say Lord I'm not fit to carry any burdens I cast them all upon you and as I consciously cast them and kept them on the Lord and refused to take any burdens on my mind peace came into my heart and mind and that brought healing there's a very close connection between peace in the mind and healing in the body because mind and body are connected you know people who are always worried get ulcers in their stomach how is that it's got nothing to do with the food it's his constant worry and anxiety ask God to preserve you the God of peace you know heaven is full of peace he wants you to have peace he knows that we live in a world where there's anxiety and so many things to worry about particularly when something's happen in our family you see how can we not worry about but your worry doesn't solve the problem don't you realize that and don't you realize that 99% of the things you worry about will never happen have you noticed that 99% of the things you worry about never happened I remember the I'll never forget one brother from Kerala was speaking at one of our conferences here in Bangalore and he told a story he told a story of a mother looking at her little two-year-old girl playing in the on the ground and she was so worried and somebody else why you worried and she said I'm wondering when my little girl grows up and gets married how her mother-in-law will treat her I'll never forget that when this two-year-old grows up how will her mother-in-law treat her after she gets mad I'm sure she grew up in a very happy marriage but this mother was worried worried worried she probably got ulcers in her stomach too absolutely unnecessary 99% of things people worry about it's not doesn't don't happen leave it with the Lord cast your burden upon the Lord the Bible says roll it on the Lord and say Lord it's too much for me to carry I will not carry it now don't misunderstand me I'm not saying this is the reason for all the sicknesses in the world it's not there are many people born blind people who have polio people have so many sicknesses it's not because of sin John chapter 5 tells us a man was lame 38 years and Jesus told him it's because of your sin he told him that he said don't sin again otherwise something worse than this will happen to you but in John chapter 9 there was a man who was born blind as the disciple said whose sin was this Jesus said this is nobody sin not his nor the father's so I see there are John 5 type of sicknesses and John 9 type of sicknesses John 5 is sickness caused by sin John 9 is sicknesses which have got nothing to do with sin because we live in a world which is cursed you may get the flu you may get a fever I may get it to me nothing to do with sin it's just that we live in the world if a thorn pokes your foot it doesn't mean you have sin it just means you're living a world in a world under the curse when you perspire it's not because of sin it's because we are living in a world under the curse when we die it's because we live in a world under the curse so I'm not saying that every sickness is due to that but what I say is let's eliminate the sicknesses that are due to not trusting God to preserve me spirit soul and body at least we would have eliminated even if it's only 10% of the sicknesses let's eliminate those 10% that's all I'm saying so he doesn't matter what mess you're made of your life in the past I want you dear brothers and sisters will you trust God with me today that God will make a new beginning in your life today say that to the Lord in your heart Lord I'm really trusting you today you're going to make a new beginning in my life there are areas in my life I'm defeated but you're going to help me there are sicknesses I have which I want to be healed from there are tensions and anxieties I don't know how to get rid of them Lord I hear this but I don't know how to cast them on you please help me even that you can ask the Lord what I really don't know what this business is of casting anxiety upon you I try to cast it on you it comes back to me Lord help me I don't seem to understand this ask God say Lord I don't know it's like a child says mummy I can't do this multiplication I don't know how to do it I don't think I'll ever get it right I did 25 Psalms and every one of them is wrong is listen my son don't don't give up I did a hundred sons and got it wrong before I got it right so you're okay just work on it work on it and one day your son so excited mommy I get all my sons right now and one of these days you'll understand what it is to cast your burden on the Lord don't give up don't give up cast your burden upon the Lord trust him I used to hear this as a young man this type of things and I try to do it it didn't work till one day I discovered you know it's like victory over sin you battle it and you say this is God's will for me I'm gonna get it I'm gonna get it I'm gonna get it I don't care how long it takes that's how Jesus taught us to pray in fact that's one of the marks of faith let's turn to Luke chapter 18 Luke chapter 18 he speaks about faith and faith is one of the great things in the New Testament Luke chapter 18 he says he concludes with this phrase were saved when the Son of Man comes will he find faith on the earth what is the mark of faith you read in the previous verses a poor Widow who was being oppressed by the devil Oh presto presto presto president she came to a judge and said to the judge verse 3 give me legal protection from my enemy my rights are being violated protect me and the judge didn't bother she kept on going finally he said ok I'll do something and he gave him gave her protection and Jesus said did you listen to what the unrighteous judge said verse 6 and don't you think God will bring justice for you his elect who do what who cried to him day and night hmm that means I don't doesn't mean literally crying it means many times I go back to God and say Lord I'm not going to give you up give up on this I asked you for victory over sin I'm tell you I'm not going to give up if it takes 10 years or 20 years Lord I asked you for physical healing I'm not going to give up I'm going to ask you for it if it takes 10 years or 20 years I asked you to baptized me in the Holy Spirit and fire you I'm not going to give up God I'm not going to give up if you think I'm going to give up you're mistaken I'm not going to give up till I'm actually filled with the Holy Spirit and fire I know I have a tremendous problem understanding this baptism the Holy Spirit because I grew up in a denomination that told me that such things don't exist so it's a bigger battle for me or some of you may say I grew up in a denomination with they had all types of counterfeit experiences which helped nobody whatever your background is say Lord I want the real thing and I'm going to get it I'm not going to give up till you give it to me you're going to make me a useful servant of God in your church that is your will for me you're useful member of your body I'm not going to drift along like a passenger in the Train I'm going to start driving the train I'm going to help I'm going to be a blessing in the church I belong to you've got to speak positively because that is God's will for you when you do know to confess the truth means to say the same thing that God says if God says I will make your blessing you say that Lord I'm going to be a blessing because your word says that that's your will for me when it says in the Bible he will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire take that promise insane of course she's going to baptized me in the Holy Spirit and Fire you read a verse like we said earlier all your children will be discipled by the Lord great I have two children four children six children seven children eight children all of them are going to be discipled by the Lord and I'm going to do my part of course but I believe that it's faith that makes the difference if you trust him and say Lord it's going to happen you're going to do that in my life because your promise says so your word says so I'm going to claim that promise and I'm going to be true in my life go to some promise in the New Testament this Widow went on again and again and again and again and again and got it now are you being oppressed by the enemy like this Widow in some area in your life the devil's are pressing you with memories of your past failure depression because you've messed up your life anxious thoughts about your children or your family or kin or guilt about somebody whom you hurt and harmed you see how can I ever rectify that or maybe you're in such terrible debt you say well I don't know when in the world I'll ever be able to clear my debt I tell you the one message I get from the Gospels is God can solve every problem I love to tell people that God is always on your side against the devil I don't care if you're the biggest crook God is always on your side against the devil if you are proud he will resist you but he will never get on the side of the devil that's for sure God can never be on the same side as the devil God is always against the devil and wherever you are in between them it makes no difference God is still against the devil so if you ask God for help against the devil he's always on your side against the devil even when you made a mess of your life has the devil put something on you or your family do you think God will help you to get rid of it of course he will he's on your side trust him say Lord I believe that you're on my side against the devil don't glorify the devil by saying oh brother the devil is doing this to me he's doing that to me is harrassing me here is sharing that you know I met a pastor once who said oh brother Zack some years ago this neighbors of mine did some witchcraft on me and I was knocked out in bed for so many months I was lying in bed I said where was Jesus Christ all that time was he dead you know one of the most glorious truths in the Bible is that Jesus Christ is risen we are to be a living demonstration to the world around us that we have a living Savior not a dead one the other leaders of religions are dead and gone but we have a living Savior and my your life and my life must demonstrate to the world around us that we have a Christ who is the same yesterday today and forever if you want to have a favorite verse here it is Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever what he did for others he'll do for you he has not changed he is living like Paul says if Christ did not rise from the dead then 1 Corinthians 15 we are the most miserable people in the whole world you and I are just fooling ourselves if Christ did not rise from the dead all these wonderful teachings and all are useless if Christ did not rise from the dead the one thing that distinguish distinguishes Christianity from all the other religions in is that Christ rose from the dead he's living and even if you feel so weak that you say all brother I don't even have the faith to persist like that Widow ask God for that what is it you can't go to God and ask for Lord I don't even seem to be able to persist lord help me he's a father who will help you he's not a director he's a father you can have a relationship with him that nobody had in the Old Testament times come to him with faith you're missing so much in your life it's all free if you come with faith and say Lord I'm not going to give up until you get give me this you know God will test you we read in the Old Testament in Genesis chapter 32 how God came in the form of an angel and struggled with Jacob because he wanted to bless him Genesis 32 verse 24 Jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him God came in the form of a man not physically in some type of vision and struggled with Jacob and you know God could have crushed Jacob with one blow but he allowed Jacob to struggle with him for a long time just to teach him a lesson Jacob you're struggling against me that's why I can't bless you just stop struggling man stop struggling just submit to my discipline submit to what I'm telling you to do but the struggle goes on and on and on and on and on finally he says okay I've got a break you he dislocates his tie and Jacob suddenly becomes weak and you know one of the wonderful truths in the Bible is when I'm weak then I am strong Jacob he was a strong man maybe 50 60 years old in those days 50 60 was very strong because they lived up to a hundred and eighty it was like a today's thirty year old man or 25 year old man imagine a 25 year old man was dislocated it was got to walk with a cane how would you feel if you were 25 years old and you had to walk with a cane that's what God did to Jacob and he said to him Jacob I have to break you okay I broken you verse 26 let me go the Sun is rising I have to go and Jacob says I will not let you go unless you bless me that's what God was waiting to hear from him do you think what God wanted to let him go he said I'll let you go to test him to see whether the fellow would let him go and sometimes God will test you you asked for something you didn't get it he you asked for it again you still didn't get it and God says let me go and you say what do you mean let you go I'm not going to let you go till you answer this prayer I've asked you for the baptism in the Holy Spirit I'm not going to let you go I asked you to give me victory over this habit of mine Lord I'm not going to let you go I asked you to heal me of this sickness I'm not going to let you go I asked you to make me a blessing in the church I'm not going to let you go I will not let you go unless you bless me my brother sister take that word with you take that word with you and use it regularly before God it's from Scripture I will not let you go unless you bless me do you believe God wants you to bless you of course he does Galatians 3:14 says the blessing of Abraham is not only for Jacob it's for me that he will make me a blessing to all the families of the earth God wants to make you a blessing to all the families of the earth by blessing you that means every family you touch will be blessed you know like I told you earlier I want everybody who come into mom to be blessed in some way some way they should be blessed they should be blessed spiritually they should be blessed materially they should be blessed physically whoever enters my home should be blessed and we should be a blessing to every family on the face of the earth I will not let you go and then one more thing I want you to see here God asked him what is your name do you know the meaning of Jacob deceiver what is your name Lord I'm a crook you know once upon a time is rostam what is your name oh I'm I'm Esau because he saw used to speak like that bluffer liar now God asks him what is your name just like Isaac asked him earlier now he speaks the truth I'm a deceiver you know God just wants you to be honest with him Lord I've been fooling people in the church that I'm a very spiritual man I'm not if they knew my private life if they knew my thought life they would know I'm an impure man I'll tell you the truth Lord what is your name impure man crook hypocrite Lord that's my name the Lord says your name will no longer be deceiver and great your name will no longer be hypocrite your name will no longer be impure man your name will be a prince of God what did he do to qualify for that honesty absolute honesty like the thief on the cross I deserve this oh you deserve it okay you deserve to be crucified is it well you'll be with me in paradise today paradise is made for honest people who will say I'm a deceiver I fooled everybody in the church I made them think I'm a very spiritual man and I only spoke like that but Lord you know I'm a crook I'm a deceiver I'm impure and the Lord says this is the day I was waiting for you're going to be different your name will be a prince of God because you have striven with God and you have prevailed when did he prevail all the time he was struggling with God he did not prevail when he was broken dislocated and God prevailed over him that's when he says now you have prevailed with God do you know when we prevail with God when we allow God to break us until then you're struggling struggling struggling that is why I say the most important lesson you need to learn in the Christian life is the lesson of brokenness you are a wonderful piece of bread but until he breaks you he cannot feed the 5,000 God gives thanks to you Jesus gave thanks for the bread 5,000 are still hungry God can bless you he blessed the bread the 5,000 are hungry but when he broke it everybody got fed God can bless you people around you are hungry but when he breaks you and if he if he can keep you broken God taught me that truth many years ago I'm very thankful it was one of the greatest truths I learned as a young man 24 years old as I was seeking God for the baptism in the Holy Spirit the Lord showed me the way of brokenness go down humble yourself when people speak evil of you don't retaliate and allow me to break you in all types of circumstances and I said sure Lord you can break me you can humble me you can do whatever you like you can humiliate me before anybody I couldn't care less I want you to break me and bless me do you know what happened when the alabaster box when the alabaster bottle was broken by that woman the whole house was filled with the order of the ointment if I had a big bottle of these expensive perfumes and I broke it here this whole house would be filled with that if I kept it in the bottom you wouldn't smell a thing I believe many of us Christians are like that we got the most powerful perfume inside us the aroma of Jesus Christ but it's all bottled in you just got to break it you want people to admire the bottle then the aroma will never go out that's a problem with a lot of people they want we want people to admire us what a beautiful bottle these perfume bottles come in different shapes you know what a lovely bottle is that only one no break it Lord break it and it says he blessed him there verse 29 last part I want that to be fulfilled in my life God blessed him there and he said I've seen God face to face and what is the result verse 31 the Sun began to rise on his life the darkness disappeared the Sun rose upon him it doesn't say the Sun rose on the earth the Sun rose upon him and the Sun will rise on you and on me and in the book of Hebrews chapter 11 till the end of Jacob's life we read this amazing thing you know Hebrews 11 where we read these amazing things 90 year old women got children like Sarah Moses split open the Red Sea Joshua pulled down the walls of Jericho Daniel shut the mouths of lions many others put enemies to flight by faith what is it written Joseph predicted that one day in the future God will take you back to Cain all types of wonderful things what is written about Jacob very interesting his name comes there by faith Jacob he worshiped verse 21 leaning upon his staff he was an old man much more than a hundred years old and he was leaning on the staff that he had for 5060 or many years what's so great about a man leaning upon his staff and he's that fit to be put in the same category as splitting the Red Sea and pulling down the walls of Jericho it's a greater miracle than all of that when a strong man like Jacob or like you or me is broken and that staff was reminding Jacob you're a nobody but Jacob if you lean upon me like you lean upon the staff you can go through life and be in Israel so this great Israel you know how he walked this Prince of God like this does he look like a prince of God leaning upon his staff the great Apostle Paul with a thorn in his flesh four feet 11 inches tall also Paul speaking to everybody do you believe that he was four feet 11 inches tall history tells us that he had a hooked nose he was bald he the mightiest apostle the world has seen he didn't look like a film star no God does not make his servants attractive to men he breaks them like Jacob he makes them lean upon him and makes them a blessing I'm telling you he wants to do that for you the great difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant is this in the Old Covenant you had to do it all by yourself they were all Commandments we get sick and tired of Commandments from childhood we got Commandments from our parents when we were teenagers our parents told us you shall not do this and you must do that and you must not do this you must do this God gave a law to Israel you must not do this you must do this you say when am I going to finish with the commandments then you come to the church and some churches you hear you must not do this and you must not dress like this and you must not wear that and you must do this so what am I going to be free from all this till we come to the New Covenant where God says I will do something in you will you let me do it Hebrews chapter 8 God has abolished the Old Covenant the days are coming Hebrews 8 verse 8 where God says I'll make a new covenant and I tell you this is the missing message in Christendom today that God will do so certainly missing in many of our churches we have tried for years to deliver people from legalism I'm sorry to say many of our elder brothers are still legalists they don't see it I see it crystal clear I try I've tried for years to help them to see it but many of them don't see they are so legalistic they are so hard on people so many demands a legalistic man has so many demands on others I was like that that's how I know I know everything about legalism because I was a thorough legalist myself I can give you all message on legalism because I went through it all myself I've given up giving it up I was a sinner but I'm not sitting now in areas where I have light I mean other areas where I don't have light but the same I was a legalist Paul was a legalist but he finished with it I've discovered that there is a better way than the way of the law and the Lord says I finished with that Old Covenant I'm making a new covenant and the new come you know what the Old Covenant was the Ten Commandments thou shalt thou shalt not thou shalt thou shalt not thou shalt thou shalt not many a church you go to that's that's what you hear thou shalt thou shalt not why you like this while you're doing this why doing that without shalt thou shalt not thou shalt our people get sick and tired and I'm not surprised that young people go away from that from such a message if young people run away from my message I says something is wrong if they say church is boring something is wrong with your church church is not meant to be boring how is it those godless TV programmers produce a TV program which can entertain people for three hours who gave them that intelligence my Heavenly Father created them with the intelligence to produce a TV program at people gripped for three hours and you think my heavenly father will not give me the anointing of the Holy Spirit to hold people gripped he will if I have faith but if you think your heavenly Father will give ability to a godless TV programmer to produce program to drip for three hours and will only give you some boring sermon to keep people bored for three hours according to your faith be it unto you you will bore people till the end of your life but if you allow God to break you he can give you far more ability than that man is using his ability for the devil and I want to use it for the kingdom of God don't you think he'll give it to you we are so weak in faith we think God will help those godless people more than he'll help us to build his church impossible this is the work building the church which is God is more in most interested in he's not interested in those TV programs on science or animals or any such thing he's interest building the church but he wants people who will trust him who will allow him to break them like Jacob be one of them from today who will be free from legalism who would be free from making laws to other people and being hard on other people and holding grudges against other people it's sad when elder brothers are like that and the Lord says I will make a covenant with them in this covenant it is not thou shalt thou shalt not thou shalt thou shall not but what will it be verse 10 - verse 12 I will I will I will I will when you get time read the Ten Commandments in Exodus chapter 20 and compare it with a new covenant in Hebrews 8 10 - 12 you'll see one big difference the entire Ten Commandments is thou shalt thou shalt not that's all but the new covenant God says I will I will I will I will that's the difference in there it is man oh I can't do this I have to do this I can't do this I have to do this whole Lord I give up and the Lord says you give up you tried all night and you couldn't catch any fish have you learned your lesson many of us haven't learned it yet then you've got to wait a little but if you believe that no matter how hard you try no matter how much you grit your teeth you will not be able to accomplish the will of God in your life you come to God and say Lord I can't do it do it in me and the Lord says I will put my laws into your minds verse 10 I will write them on your heart I will make you do my will this is through the Holy Spirit I'll give you power within oh how sad it is that God's people have been led astray to think the Holy Spirit's power is only speaking in tongues and healing the sick much greater than all that he will give me power in my mind and my heart to walk in the way Jesus walked that's tremendous thing I can walk as Jesus walk because the same Holy Spirit that dwelt in him dwelt in me let me use an example supposing I've got a rotten old car that doesn't run too well I sort of struggle and struggle and struggle to keep it going on a scooter or whatever it is and I see another fellow driving a fantastic modern vehicle with very powerful power steering and latest engine some rolls-royce or mercedes-benz whatever is the latest best type of stuff and I say if that engine can be put into this car and if all that that equipment can be put into this car I don't care the shape of this car it will run just like that it's not the shape of the car is the engine and that's I say if that engine that powered Jesus life could be put into this rotten old car it'll produce the same result that's the Holy Spirit the same Holy Spirit that made Jesus overcome every temptation as a young man that anointed him to speak so powerfully that anointed him to do the will of God if that engine is put into me if that same Holy Spirit comes into me and takes control of my life I can do the things that Jesus did that means the will of God he doesn't mean you'll be able to preach like me but you'll be able to do the will of God in your life he doesn't mean I'll be able to raise the dead that may not be in God's will for my life I can do something that Jesus could not do I can make two believers one Jesus could not make even his twelve disciples any two of them one because they didn't have the Holy Spirit he said you will do greater things than me because I believe the Holy Spirit has now come the answer my brothers and sisters is in the Holy Spirit honor the Holy Spirit in your life seek him seek him don't go to this one extreme like some Christians have neglecting the baptism in the Holy Spirit in the part of the Holy Spirit and don't go to the other extreme where you think Holy Spirit is just emotion and speaking in tongues and healing no is to enable you to walk as Jesus walked the perfect example of the spiritual man is Jesus Christ he wants you to walk as he walked I will do it he says in you I will make you like that I will cause you here's this lovely verse which I pointed out to folks in CFC the other day in Ezekiel 36 let me show it to you it's a fantastic verse I have never found another verse like that in this connection anywhere in the Bible it's so clear verse 27 is equal 36 the prophecy about the future that when I put my spirit within you the Lord says I will cause you to walk in my statutes and you will be careful to observe my ordinances now notice the difference between saying you must walk in my statutes and you must be careful to observe my Commandments no no no that is Old Covenant you must be careful to walk in my commandments you must keep my Commandments no he says I will cause you you don't have to push the car this engine will take over this is the new covenant and you will be careful to keep my Commandments and you will live the life that I want you to live and I'll save you from all your sins what is that unclean filthy habit you have I will save you from it and worse 30 I will make you so fruitful that you will never again be a disgrace among the people of the world and when all that happens you will hang your head and say Oh God I lived such a filthy life verse 31 you will load yourself because of your sinful unbelieving ways and you'll give all the glory to God when he makes your life such a tremendous blessing to other people and he says I'm not doing this for your sake verse 32 I'm doing it because I want my name to be glorified through you my brothers and sisters God loves us immensely far far more than you realize is God's great love for you I like to picture you know when it says that God loves us like a mother Isaiah 49 15 a mother may forget her sucking child but I won't forget you I've sometimes seen you know women who never had children for a long time suddenly they get a baby oh it's like heaven for them and they cool with them and they speak the baby can't understand a thing but they speak as if the baby is understanding everything it's so precious to them and I say that's how God picks me up for weak looks like that baby helpless makes a mess of its pants all the time and cries and yells and but the mothers still so delighted and God says he picks me up like that and he knows that I'm going to mess up so many things in my life it doesn't make a difference to him he loves me and he coos at me and maybe I can't understand what he's saying but he's delighted in me I like I like these word pictures I don't know about you but these word pictures helped me because the Bible is full of them Jesus used it I like to think of them I like to meditate on them they are much better than a lot of TV programs you fellas watch I'll tell you to meditate on some of these things and see how much God delights in me and to rejoice in that and to share this wonderful truth with other people who are so miserable will you be a person like that from today onwards say Lord I want to rejoice in the fact that you love me I finished with being a legalist I want to love other people like you love me I want to be an encourager who goes around lifting out people's spirits God's been good to us these days I'm in let's give him thanks let's stand up it's a righteous thing to give thanks to God for all that he's done for us in these days and if you believe you deserve none of it then you will raise your voice louder than everybody else's let's lift up our hearts and our voices and your hands sisters are also permitted to raise their hands if you feel like it praise the Lord and thank you for all that he's done Thank You father praise you praise you praise you Jesus glory to your name hallelujah thank you Lord thank you Jesus thank you thank you Lord we praise you praise you or are just spirit now upon people Lord and heal the sick in Jesus name we bind Satan and all these activities on everyone here in Jesus name I command you Satan to take your hands off every one of God's children you've got no right to oppress any of them any more we rebuke you Jesus rebukes you we resist you and rebuke you in Jesus name Satan you were defeated on the cross you have no right to touch any of us anymore not in our mind not in our body we belong to Jesus our bodies are members of Christ our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and we believe that God will sanctify us entirely and preserve our spirit soul and body until the day Christ comes again and we believe Lord that you'll make us one body in the different churches to be a living demonstration you'll bring a revolution in our homes that our homes will be a testimony for you thank you father you'll help us to raise godly children you'll change the relationship of husband and wife to be glorious you're going to do wonderful things in the days to come we believe it nobody is a failure here everybody's going to be a success every single one here is going to be a success in the days to come in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord God is good all the time amen
Channel: CFC India
Views: 140,517
Rating: 4.7790833 out of 5
Keywords: Missing, Christianity, Blessing, Sermon, Poonen
Id: u2Izkem6R5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 22sec (3322 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2012
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