Giving God Our Best | நமது மேன்மையானதைத் தேவனுக்கு அர்ப்பணித்தல் | Zac Poonen | Tamil

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we were thinking how God honors those who honor him David Tamayo nominally kind of particular in beRecruited since it to cantando and how we should not be confessing the sins of other people but our own sin yeah putting am utterly appalled Erica Tamil nobody upon him would have done allocator vendor been money in Porto do you know who is the first person called a righteous person in the New Testament who the airport named Neil Iman in remove the law of the occiput termination yard in Ramallah Nima Josie Josie why was he called a righteous man in your say poor needy monitoring avatars are very interesting to see that are they part mother hosts Farsi America why does the New Testament begin with describing a righteous man and his one good quality in the air pardon in by the Hornet Iman I already end Allah or Acuna in whether they are materially turned to Matthew chapter one matéo one dramatic are a theoretical name verse 18 we read that Mary the mother of Jesus was with child through the Holy Spirit now I'm fine otama cinema Matteo anomaly got today was he grown yes you entire yeah Maria your say poke anemic you Patrick Hale I would put over money out personally cut for the unlike interpreted it now in the history of the world nobody has conceived of the Holy Spirit and they would like a Sarah threatened a word or important perceptive Ian only and avi on overall cap only if Jesus had to be born as a sinless person no sin in his flesh yes and he conceived by the Holy Spirit yes father mooladhara my mom Stella for me in lava or nearly never productive and a medicinal our perceptive Ian over all done our carpet oh boy - bracha maryam but nobody knew that because such a thing has never happened in the history of the world oh no like I said it through the lane they wish to monitor they were in a neighbor of the pretty gnarly yard come here the theory of late even Joseph could not believe that his wife was conceived by the Holy Spirit you all see if I'm good at early yeah Mon Ami what's the table er no I'll probably cut for the unalienable ER the other don't know whenever a man is engaged to a woman a per the law would have money in a company showroom on a second and it's a tenement a poor girl before the marriage he hears that she has become pregnant cinematic monogamy and then achieve put a pen cap or the idea at all indicate a portal he cancels the marriage and it's Ramona theater to say the old one and people ask him why did you cancel the marriage he and England at Ramona thing and you don't have to say the utility on a girl cake party he said no fault of mine you know yet our older male that girl went and became pregnant and there's three in Palolo terribly on a lower karpova they are you Italian that is what all human beings will say if they turn over a monochrome salon but Joseph did not say that on a yo co-operative Lane it says in verse 19 but Tom Adama Solomon he was a righteous man you say for need Iman I am done and he did not want to disgrace Mary so he wanted to put her away secretly honey I won't want to put them on a little humble but I got CA my hour later later yo Sonny IL done what a wonderful example for us know Athena Ramayana or madhuri partner do you think that somebody had done something wrong yo whatever that word is Haley would totally agree you may not even be right is Ariana in normal protocol um you may have got a wrong impression Ning al Kelly whatever she might Oracle Cambrian supposing Joseph had gone around saying oh Mary just became pregnant you're safe food colouring like recently Marie are care for the uterine saline their Paranal and afterwards he discovers it is from the Holy Spirit other caparica pursuit the Aviano rally car po di la verdad he would have felt that he had gone wrong telling such false stories every boy Annika Dean on in our little party lieutenant it's only you wonder why I wanna tell another way to the probably you had that experience of speaking about somebody and then ask him afterwards discovering not true Ningaloo pretty but Darwin will again put together whatever I could single Tauranga Kavya para pu t really other Cooper is three original sonic Ariana the umeå poignant how can you take it all back now it has spread so much single sudden Acharya mana do I take like a part of you tell you put it up really through the morning and put accompany him so the best thing is to follow Joseph Harvey settled Acharya musée Pippin but Rosalie what is that Athena don't disgrace that other person but trend number a of Amana product are therefore you put the matter of aside secretly like a CMR head-on they worship me in elaborate alluding and the Lord will call you also righteous man or a righteous woman they when I am or an evil lair money venereal Amman and she literally walk because that is so different from the attitude in the world you know Nene really caught him Aditya someone as I recovery see Joseph was willing to take the blame your staple and their party a tornado to go lay our why have you brought I have done why have you broken up this engagement in in the HTM not to say apart over to thing you say I don't want to say anything you say - reward Rima and then it says Artem over to the additionally people will say ah what a bad man he is oh yeah i'm solo solo harder he gives the promise to a woman and then breaks it hey pallie Armani Cody initially Walker core devotee / the walkie em Ricky running this is okay let me take the blame but let me not disgrace sorry any two points on a limb for while a are they done irritable rain on a non on this three I wanna put them on that is the type of person God chose to be Mary's husband Maria only a canola Eirik um buddy he put he put a number eight on they went Erendira thought if you were living in Nazareth brother would God have chosen you to be Mary's husband suppose in a ningún oscillate to relieve and result Dave and Mariana con una pelea para do you have this nature not to disgrace other people mutter all a I'm gonna put the coriander than or a small military record ah right in the beginning of Genesis you read about ham disgraced his father come ah the amo today was he chrome I went today to open a hormonal solution I really did about what his father Noah did was wrong lying naked after getting drunk what if they would take very very good it could have anything later one of my particular than novices at our done but what is then he was lying inside his tent only a lien now and thunder Deku darlin apart he was not running around naked around the town I wanna walk near one of my hair but unless it through whatever Lee in his own tent he was lying naked Saturday Sunday could are at the culligan one of my particular that is not such a big crime other were very accoutrement left why this ham have to go and tell other people another bathroom to come but early points 11 do you know what happened in another three month he was cursed haven't Savita Patton and his children workers only pulliam's a peekaboo target and Shem and Japheth the other sons of Noah went backwards and put a sheet on top of their father mutter I know one day play will same Yahweh our Father a part of the body for we have reported on the target why is that story written small incident like that written in the beginning of the virus in now somehow I'm here now where the thin arm but the layer the particular girl and they were blessed our last radhika put up and their children were blessed or a polygamous with a capital that is why jesus came from the line of Shem i went down same buddy and the co throttle is on that these are lessons that we must learn even a trickle have any apartment in the beginning of the old testament in the beginning of the New Testament are the arm of throne ero methyl am sorry buddy I'd partner about the names Eddie for the airport not about the name sorry God honors those who don't disgrace others but cover their naked mutter only I want to put the other buddy over and everyone at the Moodle cootie over they have an academy opium don't forget that are they mother than what I went down let's develop that habit in the parakeet in Nam weaker than a year particular and get rid of this satanic habit of accusing others mutt roll a coup dramatic arrest Authority and the park Athena whatever let's keep this in mind God honors those who honor him they went um a kind of particularly kind of particular order but the effort they made nobody monolithic along and just like God has been good to us we must be good to others yeah but if they were number two in a lower are they nominal of every currency God knows all the secrets since you did in your life only a white will they say they like I see a power I'm not over an aircraft but isn't it a good thing he doesn't tell anybody about it on an equal to the yonathan amount of solid repose in Allah Allah he has covered it cleansed it and he says I won't even remember it how are they a moody are they calling me money through none of a make you more timeless holy crap if God has been like that to you why can't you be like that to others day 100 relay operator power given to the Quran under Sun on en metrology opportunity to karate you know sometimes on a few occasions we have had to put some people out of the church for some serious sin silly putting a power lokahi sea Lorraine Nam soppec put on baka veneer in the day even in Bangalore CFC Bengal or CFC civilian could have pretty slurry worrying about there is not many just two or three you're not the only one on a garland but I have never told the their sin to anybody oh no I already have power going on yaar - Allah willing all the people in the church don't know separate over here in our company early there is no need for you to know how they will guarantee our similarly surrender Saluda main it's quite serious that's why we had to put him out of the church other series on Acharya Maha Sabha muta normally I don't look at it but if you trust us elders you that is enough there's no need for you to know the details Oh prior company angle median England um because the National other Pozo Mahavira in the park I went down and those brothers who left know that I never told anybody you know but if some back up or down the saw goes awry I will say then the cotija poverty Nani article 11 but the more will get video so they have gone around telling lies he puts on a novel a necessarily a where is the one of Hui Papa garage that brother Jack did not like us and that is why he put us out or something like that so Razak overlooking a particularly are measuring Lisa be able to put em back you talk so I thought I tell them I mean on our like master Cellini you can tell a lie if you want I'm gonna cure him on a single poly cylinder when I fear God and on their make a byproduct and even though you tell a lie I still will not reveal to others your same name their poison Buddha I'm gonna power the maternal comin back of Elena Kamaka martini because I fear God you know they would go by pretty girl I don't want to disgrace you know know me I don't want to put the remodeling I have learned from scripture how God honors those who don't disgrace other people matter only I want to put all over Italy daven gonna burn a garage anybody in on where the throwing the cutter contain God has been good to me I want to be good to other people they look animatronic and Al Araf miracle why do you forget how good god has been to you they 111 are here in that at the end you know no secrets in a mother would agree if you can help people help them generally we see your monitor know to be single don't disgrace them on the our team I don't want to put it there when Tom if you see the nakedness of somebody go and take a sheet backward or you hear about it go and take a sheet and cover it yah yah yah one of the pertaining I'll kill you put a legal order or we had to go to the pit knock another they wouldn't leave their judgment to God and then yeah they would look a little bit like that we can protect our church in the corner nobody is sobbing in our path of our company if you have if there isn't problem like that go and tell the elders but nobody else ever do a series on approach and you look you understand our legal group were written am what my soul angle very artful Livia elder must know what is going on right not only gonna be in the tower not only won't occur in Baraboo poor I event I'll give you one example what was our colony 1 Corinthians chapter 1 wonder coordinator on dramedy God 1 Corinthians chapter 1 I wonder if only our own dramedy Garo the Corinthian church was a place where Paul had been staying for one and a half years wonder a on to Goliath thank you in the Hobbiton put in the sobbing God asked him to stay there David II how are you a thank you to body i katakana you know Paul was thinking of leaving but God asked him to stay how will every other narrative at the 400 every remain all of them and I get thank you to come buddy I saw the graph see I'll show you that first of all in acts 18 Athena will be opposed well apparently I can't be green that Paul went to Corinth we read in the first verse one drama Srinivasa Graham Powell coding the paternity Wanda a personal pilot donor he preached verse 4 in the synagogue I'm gay they wanna attend a Samba both he's not into Celine Oliver Saturday was verse 6 they resisted and blaspheme and all that upon him okay Laura re-edited dude - yeah and was he chrome he said I am fed up with all of you I'm going to the Gentiles now none he the Moodle apologize a little to Pokhara in our own asana and he was going to leave corinth couldn't depart on table - poem reaiiy our program but the Lord said to him they were never a part it or not don't be afraid by pravy don't go away from Corinth what are they would they put up whatever now stay here and keep on speaking me yeah you're the new woody I'm saying I am with you not what I reply no man will attack you in the water money donate talk immediately because I have many people in this city in the pertaineth ileana you're in a car you know Corona in this photograph if you go away who will bring them to me Nimoy $8 on everything like window Rudy are so Paul said okay Lord I'll stay whole sort of it I said he already Nanak yet but he didn't want to stay on allow hunger family you know we don't like to stay in a place where people are always opposing us and criticizing and you push the part around I mean is it the container my curry silicone Terry could overrule a non Thank You Beverly but the Lord told stay on towers on Anita thank you and he stayed there verse 11 for one year and six months teaching the Word of God why not I was something I was sick you know moreover some Amara mathema monkey thing he never was sunny operatically oh boy is someone equal to that is how he built the church operate on over on disobey Katrina but a few years later salandrich already did there was so much confusion in that church under severe blow up Europe conquered everybody was just speaking in tongues and creating confusion over money about CAPC what about money content that they were so excited about that gift under what they could tame a girl was somebody not they were spiritually babies but they were speaking in turns our lobby could be a career-ending lion or neighbor she basically just like a lot of people who speak in tongues today in Turkey Monica Ronnie watch the episode a polar they think you are spiritual but their babies our lava cream in any good hunting is done and not only that they were fighting and quarreling with each other on a Sunday but neither company they were taking each other to court whatever I come under theoretical run that all turned on his secret sins follow me the monitoring a powerful god of sexual sin polyol someone I want to power and hunt up another and they were jealous of each other whatever about the poor Omega target and there was one god-fearing lady in this church under sobbing like they Monica byproduct Korea was three it's not even a brother to his sister savathun good unless ago three she was concerned about it under saga Ricky they could eat a lump or bond I think she must have gone to the elders and say brothers some things are wrong here what are you gonna do something about any partners have already moved a little a boy you love how are you laughing on the one look at the sagas are already out there you'll see him what do you mind okay to the partner can a sister go to the elders of the church and say something or a cigar no sabe more than a POI da da da de Sala Lama yeah first of all she should tell her husband but it cannot address Olivia - I don't know this sister's husband may not have been a believer perhaps early the saga gonna be air con over with was young in normal under Kalama then she has to go to the elders and say Oh Briana Upolu theorem Sullivan but the elders could not do anything no problem don't say I'm early so what did she do I mean that's how I didn't say no she said okay there is one brother I can write to I can write to the Apostle who stayed here for enough years and planted this church but is it there is a podium at the arm de la Paz lon wonder a word unlocking a thank you this hobby would walk in on our carry the groceries so we need in 1 Corinthians chapter 1 forgive me I wonder if Ernie remember one dramedy octave as he grows in verse 11 Bonerama slow I have been informed concerning you my brethren by Chloe's family that there are quarrels among you come below cool am here eunuch lyrically Andre Chloe all it guitar occasional disregard Paul must have asked Chloe shall I tell them that you wrote to me Oh here to the partners how worried about the ning anion again chilly now solar tomorrow yeah Cody ensure I'm not afraid are you contain a family what a wonderful testimony in there would are put them on oversight that she did not go around gossiping to everybody but she wrote to Paul thus ago that he I'm gonna wreck of a thorough regal power in Lama Loudred employee slowly quantity really put on good III only on all day everybody little caddy they really not what is the result of one god-fearing sister honoring God by not backbiting and gossiping but writing to the Apostle what is the only by-product or es3 the curriculum but rather than a police eloquent the priority Rommel are they a person a powerful naraka is not do you know what is the result I read even a via pre-recorded Rima 1 Corinthians the whole letter won't record in the under than a vulnerable critical have you been blessed by 1 Corinthians wonder currently have never seen earlier so that your particular you know it is the only letter where there's a complete description of the qualities of love in chapter 13 theory my honeymoon drama think are wonderfully early unpin real boon are these single America every capital who do we have to thank for that sister Chloe European Armenian a European and a self they were never the target suppose any cool area and this is the only letter in the New Testament that describes all the gifts of the Spirit in Chapter 12 IV in Warangal guru William le Capitan or a guru poonam narubu in the wonderful gear done and explains the breaking of bread in chapter 11 up company could reasonably Cathy imposing explains why women should rail their head in Chapter 11 my Ramanathan a I saw a little mukada to cold amendment but I could eat them whether they were able many many other wonderful things about how we should deal with when we are unmarried and married in Chapter 7 here I'm adding our through minerals through my motherly putting out of the women by the equally namaste you know which many wonderful chapters are me on our upper the one idea how we can discipline a man in the church we should who is sinning sub-array pausing in a money than goober to throw them but they could've him on the other girl that I was in Chapter five I'm done with University and how because he was disciplined he came back to the church we read in second Corinthians but it's a nobody not even to Mohammed Saab equally I'm honored to be worried where they could assume I don't I go to their level so if there was no 1 Corinthians there'd be no so 2 Corinthians I am a wonder go in the under wonder he lay additionally didn't go to gonna be late and second Corinthians we read wonderful verses like my grace is sufficient for you in clearer way you want to pull them in get them out put them on a walking Lane Amida you don't go dear I've asked you know who do you have to thank for that verse in the vasana Caligari our reckoning Alan de xalapa girl sister Chloe sorry Chloe are you when I go to heaven not part of the co-operative I want to meet sister Chloe nan sister Chloe Elena Parker I want to shake her hand and say sister thank you so much I like Kylie hudecki salary and we can under in the Salah book that you were not a gossip going around talking to others you were not a gossip but another day or a per hungary three nights ago three but you humbly wrote a letter to Paul are we are handing a public orchid is originated because of that two letters came in the Bible which are blessed me so much as an image the market basically hereand in Yoruba girl I think about Holly also politically you think God does not use sisters in the church savile a David saw it only fine but if they would lay antenna guerrilla two letters in the Bible came because one sister god-fearing sister had a concern they able to buy a product Korea War saga Audrey Harrison you know what is saga Mitama have a little here and everyone can adapt a trick a lot of people give credit to Paul for those letters they don't know moonlit arnica an undergrad he was like the tree however multiple root to a sister Chloe another way it's a very Chloe are sometimes we don't realize that so let's imagine I'm a pretty one over the lake if you are one god-fearing person you can have such an influence in the church they able to get by procore Nia would is follow the regional average civilian the lava Kaito Nestle waka ceremony honored God by not going around speaking here and there among impure III Amin they are worried my member to speak to those who have responsibility or pool Oliver a pair second once done that didn't you say they will talk leave it with them our listener they've been doing it leave it to them to decide what to do are they good tea in a tea no ma I really didn't want to commend him and buddy our little labor touring or I don't think Khloe kept on pestering Paul what are you gonna do about it what are you gonna do about it Chloe I'll throw me threw me Paul looking a boy how do they in a night shift were there I didn't in a night shift that innocent a he nothing wanna burn easily I've left it with Paul now it is between him and God so Eddie nissan altima how would a car available to attain in yoga room senior there was so this such a small little verse that teaches us the root of these two letters firing ulcerative asana in the year on de nuke already wearing a recur than body and then we have an example of a sister who honored God day when I gonna put up the Kuti over the sagas gonna be a mother you know me give a signal never forget that what it Oliver the market one sister honored God and we got two letters in the Bible or is original you little bugger most believers haven't even noticed it I think it was Swahili correctly coleauxv la she doesn't get any honor with most Christians I think many of you also may not have noticed it on their sovereign gonna get get certain economic ridicule a holiday prom gonna come recounted but in the day the Lord comes she'll be honored whatever only gonna pursue one so that is an example for us how one person can have a tremendous influence on hundreds of thousands of people have been blessed by those two letters no particular kana I reckon economic girl in the end available in Lhasa the capital are headed our way a wooden number nor a you know whatever talked over living Imbrium in becoming yeah II think what is that sister decide under South America I will not gossip to anybody no no martín there are problems in this church but I cannot sort it out myself scientist happily approximately Erica's onsager the Analia the personally killed nobody other so I will write to some godly brother and ask him to sort it out OGG availability our bodies 30cm buddy I could carry and whatever he decides I'll accept it how about a nutty no Monica ravine on a telegram that is the example of a sister who honors God they every gonna put the pony over the salinity of Madhuri nominee and God used her to bless millions of people around the world in two thousand years through those two light amount o'clock a million immaculee also radhika madeira day one of the cutting line bridge aircraft so there is an example how little things we can do to honor God God will honor us I'll give a non they only gonna put the pronoun Maria gonna pour number number di and I'm seeing a good a seriously recurringly now park Roma the Dominican Romano the whole Bible is full of examples like mommy the corner with are known in all I haven't record there are also examples of people who did not honor God they own economic or a a model in a way that they take on a particular for example Old Testament funny at partly the Old Testament begins with Genesis and finishes with melaka prayer part is audiometry Arabic Maliki available even I gotta go and we see one thing there Anya what regarding us at the beginning and the end of the Old Testament but here partner amo what do you ear under let me mark wrong those who honored God those who did not honor God day one ain't gonna burn a girly they own a gonna burn a girly who the masked girl turn with me to Genesis chapter four are the non commenting ROI in order what I say in the article record audio non-comedy gonna see whenever we are grateful to God yeah per the law Nam David I could not even like Rama we like to bring something as an as a gift to him directly working with yahoo owner equal dorababu bro you know just like if a doctor has done a very expensive surgery on you and charged you nothing for it saying I'll do it for you free or a murderer hungry or I get that caca or when a we are in there I think upon him celebrity on over RVCC say they would take the cost is 1 K 1 tau or one camera would that way to grow you will be so thankful to him you take some fruit or something to his house mingle our cutting in mind under lower if you'd allow Britta cap over the particle accelerator that is how we come to God he put it down everything ever grown see compared to God we are all beggars they would hope it about who the nominee we are pitch a chorale what can we give him how many think until only giving what He has given us harada-san upon to sell ammonium you cannot give him anything that he has not given you a verdict are the one dreaming loudly come to salah maria if your little children want to bring you a birthday gift for airplane Brendan making with the a condo in terminal they have to ask you for the money please give me money to bring you again upon the Casa pouring upon I give to my daughter and silly home button up monitor mind awake you flying another fungus that is how we give gifts to God every time I'm the only welcome to a Kodachrome there is nothing we have that we have produced ourselves that we can give to God now look record company economy will put the upon equity a war reporter lamellae some people think oh I've made such a big sacrifice I've given to God no I'm good yeah company they own like a break or three clear miss miss Allegra I gave 5000 rupees now yeah I don't know bike or tail disregard whose money yard a para you took it from your father and you gave it back to a pounding later to continue or they could offer greater you didn't produce it here so mingle on me I don't actively you could have been born with brain damage you'd never have earned one rupee in your life more I see the more Indian Engel work labor under and all the booby leopard and Alou by goat animal are let's summarize the data Maria don't ever think that your cleverness and all that produced and here you put this a little done the product a lump-sum budgeted over column a never now if God has given you the ability elder brothers to preach God's Word hope or like you molecule a reward a Priscilla Kakori or the Treme courtrand al don't be proud of that are they good tipper me Raven now who gave you that ability under throw me I'm looking forward to the yard God they haven't done I know in my own case God has given me that ability to speak his word he LM going lately gradually they don't know what the preceding pod recovered on the war take your time I can make God's words simple it's because God gave me that ability I cannot take credit for it day one determine the ammonia core 200 in a life where there was not a team who merely like you want to bode came together the other pattern on one body particular moody others I could have been born with brain damage or it was like a stupid person I would never have been able to do God's fourteen any pollen on curriculum under the moonlight : are gonna parent them their climb up on under my city and none of us can take credit for anything are we in the or a car either car home namitha way yeah oh yeah not pretty irritable LaBrie I not say we make some big sacrifice for God they only cannot period Yaga I'm sayin even if I give God a hundred thousand rupees it is money he gave me no damn Roubaix and on before the telemarketer ooh bye Danny even if I give ten rupees that's what he gave me but through why our guru by Donna if I serve him with my health that health is what he gave me INRI are occasionally aware if you're not Williams his erotic came over courtesan we can't take credit for anything I'm going either cousin Nam not paid here to Calabria if any of you think that you can take some credit for some sacrifice you have made for the church Sabich y'all get none what is yoga they say the degree another can iconic made when too many are they mean on and you sit down in your room and you think oh what a lot of sacrifices I have made for the church well I really we've gotta be careful with Iago say the decree not in any contribute Ilana I'm not like these other lazy elders who don't do anything I am a hard-working elder damned Akane any may say yeah the super you probably pulling on Elaine not they won't take Karina my pre all support I could your movement n equal to appeal I want to tell you to your face you're the biggest fool in CFC non-solar ma see you see little / you put the Engel that you're the biggest fool of all a lot a couple of Ningaloo Tina you think it is your ability and your cleverness that you did it through me rudia the sama given in India you're just like a child to go to the father and say daddy please give me some help and money so I can give some gift to you haha none making with the Eco to come buddy yaki and a car okay the Americana theme putting on operas and women they want equal to the cocaine the Bible says what have you got that you did not receive me in any one if I wonder if they particularly can you think of one thing in your life that you did not receive never become the petrol pool of the world will not it the any part come buddy ma have you got a good family now put America on a happy marriage don't look down on some other family who's got a difficult marriage what is custom on but Sir you listen when I work if I'm to go technically over a broom but they are kuma any Park event now some people do that say let up they say get up my marriage is so happy that's because God gave you a good wife yeah nobody knowledge that mystifies that poor brother who's got a very difficult wife that's tomorrow most amount of money particularly on that I bomb on a cigar on a party out of my inner right now never do that what it gonna bratayley are your children following the Lord I'm gonna kill the only people better go to a political arm you despise somebody else whose children have a word matter only a plague already the people you meet are late literally out for my who gave you the grace to bring up your children in a godly way Maria Polly like there but you love wisely I want to be a coup d'etat God daven don't be proud of it are they could to put me whatever your pride will destroy you where they appear me when I read through them and it will destroy your children they play Lea mother anything oh I've seen it happen now let me record a part directly I have seen people whose children have brought up in a very good way Natalie I wanna talk about the dinner party and they become proud of it are they good premiering on God's grace departs from their life how many award Cawood at them they could have a well are you probably be careful Dona might even whatever ability you have for a Guinness Ramadan whatever what you call sacrifice that you have made for God they only contain on Yaga morning in Little Italy are the otherwise all sorry you have not understood that it is all God's gift we already varmint melon even a gobbler cried honor God by saying lord I have really given nothing to you except what you have given me under a need for the matrimonial Amell we don't remain particularly under it it's what you think in your mind when a mother in a little umbrellas on I hope you realize always in your mind you probably I would let Elena but I have already given what he has given me hour and a quarter are they are they might have a non-core team I'm saying this for your own salvation place on that Chicago not any sort of rain then you will never compare yourself with other believers what it called a member named uh Travis was not who put the power terminal company a gasoline you remember the story with Jesus said about the people who came to work at the first hour of the day the non-linear moodle money near today really see memory I went there on the kebaya scenario burger and they were given one Denarius one wages water nerves Julio correctly ordinary for working for 12 hours from 6:00 in the morning to the 6:00 in the evening the ottoman even the Mali autumn anybody abundant money never really said and there were other people who came at the eleventh hour and worked only for one hour but no money really when they were in there have a legitimate American army you read that in Matthew 20 Matteo 20 you know how many are training or they go to a second hand the master gave them all so that one den area overlooking was a virgin area under Berta a demand for the people who work for 12 hours got angry I needed the money near of a legitimate government coverage Ellis for Army Corps target how can you make these junior brothers equal to us Malaya saw her laying look at some amok a pretty moving it on vlog do some of you elders feel like that how can you make these junior brothers who came last year equal to us who's been here for 25 years cinema probably put a negative light you know things aren't allowed on open wider crane yet no one's ever yeah the porn over shove another Norris ago the main and like a summer my cutie relay antenna gorilla you find God gives that young brother annoying thing which is superior to your annoying thing nobody obviously they totally made me I'll pick whatever jung eum's ago protocol a party laughs I want to tell you this seniority is in government service not in God's service never put on me a little seniority and brother are a song a valid article the earlier they were a valid Allah in the military and all they have seniority for promotion I don't know what today I'm our when I move but the Pope who may party our overcrowded in God's work there is no such thing as seniority that I came to CFC 30 years ago or 25 years ago put the Haunted Mumbai on COC q1 then Oliviero didn't wanna see me at the alarm that they really like young brother who came three years ago maybe more spiritual than you wound round it but I have wonder than and the valley below the normal ain't got no money are weaker I hear it a lot because he's got more humility and Oliver got a guitar made and so he's getting more grace I'll give you I think mother Mira and you can sit there saying I came at the first hour not without all money Natalie one day and it's only containing God's grace has gone away from you they'll take good away whenever I give it to them you may think you're a very important person now we came on a number I'm draining Alan equal to Kalam God doesn't think so they were happening over the lane maybe you have worked very hard you know those people who work for 12 hours they must have done a lot of work in that vineyard moneylender buddy made a very sizeable and the Rochester done a blow when I say three glom they could have told the master see this whole area we only did it 12 hours the rubali particle you pull away guru the Nagas done very seasoned out of that in the spherical arm what is this fellow done in one hour one small patch for money Natalie you wouldn't want that I would say that this room done yes you have done a lot of work in 20 30 years you know the move around a locket and God doesn't look at you like that not even a pre cannot attend a purpose because when God draws the line day one or record every model in the church sabila he doesn't put senior people one side and junior people the other side senior a poem Oh Nathan I want the junior McClure uber ominously are putting our very puzzling those have been in CFC more than 15 years those have been CLC less than 15 years finally on little magic Ibaka's seems lyrical overlap for you finally the choreo I really put him initially up Rio very poor the name that is how man divides if it's not money then period on God does like this they have any appreciate you know all the proud people this side all the humble people this may be alive in the fog of war occurred in the pocket and the humble people maybe somebody who came two years ago now I'm you know really pathol over and over Sigma becomes a proud people could be the people have been there 30 years Faramir only part before this happen God says I'm gonna honor all these humble people that are me on a buckle in Lord I'm not gonna put the poor again I'll give them grace Nevada up agree so remember it's got nothing to do with seniority ah go away seniority NBA for the the card is no partiality with God they burnt the departure bothame in LA if you are humble you must remain humble even after 50 years in England army illiterate under naima the Honda Valkyrie thumb target otherwise God's grace will go from you he never told they would accumulate algorithm honor God they own a government Engel honor God by acknowledging that everything you have is from him Ningaloo a particular cocoon drama but add in the one that is on anybody who con and honor him by saying Lord you can give a greater honor to a young brother I'm quite happy for that under a Wikipedia cannot they were alum under he was for sickening and putting a lot over a are they could hurt somebody we endure something that was the trouble with Saul he could not believe that God would honor a young boy like David samel a Polaroid ylm money the name even gone up on a body mentally solid nobody even other person I am 30 40 years older than David how cannot God honor him the hour they caught not good enough for the wise a period when they were a prick Davi they cut about nobody you know when David was around 20 years old now physics all was about 60 da be the kid over the way and I had come for the Soviet car was white because David became King when he was 30 Dobby did Papa Don died were they Raja wanna and if solid dream for 40 years then he died when he was 70 so I will not put on table or a Sunday so here is when today Marie they would have no if you are 60 years old homie locario the way I represent and you have served God for 30 years who put the Antikythera like rhodium say can you honor some young 20 year old fellow who's coming up in your church with great annoying thing what is Sabol a very appreciate the thought of what I could hear all the way in the wall even Economou nobody ma know it's very difficult got some it's very difficult for a 60 year old man to respect the 20 year old brother I do with the way they're gonna be over anything you do the way they'd never be able to Wally bunny I'm I'm nearly 74 years old and I a routine on Condor lock it up but I'm happy to honor younger brothers your routine all the way down autumn none well you got your good name you know it's like some good football player came into our team nobody yeah Anil Anil ed carpenter yeah we're gonna have to be done wondering rocket so what if he's younger than me however in a car Kalam why the quarry why you can score a goal for our team number Donnie key our goal put on what do you make can you look at it like that in the pond earning at bar come da da da I'm sorry to say there's so much of jealousy and strife even among our CFC believers nobody has CFC be suicidal luckily a rope inoculum marami we kind of put together the end this one look photos all over the tip you know you're not honoring God now I'm the only collaboratively you're proud of your seniority oh yeah see me Eric let me put a grater let's get rid of that this year in the versatile I don't know what it would've oh let's finish you that we have heard about it so long but we got to finish with it now now move on Delocated term in the on toward what are the immutable God is looking for those who will honor him that makeunder particulate even get equal to crab and the honors especially the humble prepare thermal only the ever gonna put in some of us were very humble when we came to the church first well Sammy whenever dissident army I didn't know one of the things I tell brothers in CFC is this in Bangalore been will let CFC Sola Cora ngati manawa i say brothers remember the first day you came to this church in english ah because the moodle gnarly any but first day with a little knowledge you were a good-for-nothing sinner named under compression on the Pahlavi and maybe just born again upwards on my own you knew nothing about the bible where they could 203 i knew nothing about the new covenant put the autumn break a quarter more evenly you knew nothing about a spirit filled life of eelinator you put the work into linden area then you came and sit in the back of the church savvy reppin all of the colonizer you were so thankful that you got a place in a good family put car in a career I'm going to the end reasoning logic and until all I mean now you've been here twenty thirty years you know put on the vlog I can get in the word agree and it too swollen your head you think you're such an important member non become weak even over on geometry and he will tell every you didn't think of the day you first came to this church sabi ko on the Moodle not any particle and always remain with that same hue that says I'm not a senior member no no / senior uncommonly I'm just an equally I'm a sinner saved by the grace of God they will accrue Banali at a chica put that bug and I'm very thankful I've got a place in this church yes I believe God I'm going to the other car number 99 is Oliver if we have more brothers like that we will have a wonderful church is a pond running an area holy rendang our paws Mauro - Savino maker and all the people at the fou came at the first hour if they are willing to humble themselves and be equal to the people who come at the eleventh hour we'll have a wonderful church with the long running nail today one that work alone mother not have money I wonder Lamont bra here in the they were naked Marino are put them on a Savino but there's so many older sisters who think they are so seen here and again why they within the supposed you live in rather non don't see they can't help the younger sisters because they come like some big matron in some hospital say la spotted a nurse sick melamed run and or through bargain hour late for a la I suppose it was never here are that's not the way to come what was it got pretty buddy Allah Jesus came underneath everybody de Vanille are come easy Laden clear not about that he was born in a cowshed so there might be underneath everybody in la hora computer guru maria automata thoroughly apparent that he came to wash people's feet luckily apothem like her Umbria Honda that is how we honor God return on turning on a man abide by humility terminal going down here you posing on steaming others as more important than ourselves son gallium mutter only idea made me not lucky and me and was if you want to honor God in your life who never taken up a time if you want God to honor you they won't a collaborative intima esteem others is more important than yourself humbly part in the metrology a main meal of luck in England turn with me to Genesis chapter 4 are the amnon Domini our theoretical home we read of two people who came with a gift to God and yet never at the day become of the order would never get out I told you when we bring a gift to God we are only bringing what he gave us the original Carnegie Condor over a quarter are the town I'm going to sell in Rome like if my ten-year-old wants to buy a birthday gift for me but the way they never in Iran welcome Eddie Huang ever comes to me and says daddy can you give me 25 rupees a fire like or he wrote a zero bi 30u line later than the Quran why you want it in the carbonic went up I want to get by a gift for you what are they giving up for it no I give him non-putting he goes and buys a gift Oh daddy here is a gift a father yet give now I know that is from my money Kanaka theory me my key go to Quran but I am so happy that he did that on Elysees there buddy not now whatever son doors opening but if he becomes proud I spent 25 rupees to get something for my daddy now pop Ananda you know that you know why cubed Y - initially I remember our Dharma thought that is how some foolish believers are brittle a booth universally to think I have done something for the Lord evening on when they say they would nene in aggregate do some of you feel like that will you what is that happening another gorilla what have you done for the Lord they were lookin NSA the table you could have been born like an idiot into the world now look at today I am tall upon a from the car you would have been able to do nothing wandering aimlessly through the kibriya God gave you intelligence booty good not here you help are okay they go to the ground God gave you wisdom Jana they go to the God protected you from accidents on the road solid and attack array we will look at them only father autograph and God preserved you never known a father who did something it was his gift neither would I say the regular additional already a what don't look down on others who cannot do what you do near let us say Allah they say you really are for my partner on top it says here that Cain and Abel brought up offering to God high in a mafia Monica Carnegie condone that and there was one big difference in their offering already a conical a Woodbury you tell someone do it says here in verse three hundred said I was sick you know Kane just brought an offering fine Carter Kane County Canada wasa chrome but evil it says brought the test of his flock canal Avalos turned a Mandalay surrender a condo on the I mean do you know the difference between an offering and the best you can bring yellow ricotta cake yum Haruka could es7 that Carnegie chaos dreama I'll give you an example not without a hologram supposing you are being invited for the wedding of some neighbor whom you just know for a few days what is a Nocturn Arabic Amana pocket they go to Italy Italian his son in this son is getting married oh my hello Larry get out you hardly know them for one way or another HM well anything you actually it is decent to take a wedding gift after operate through one of the form where they were a gift here to t12 powers it done now there you go yeah what how much will you spend on that gift on there maybe buddy eeeh what upon us a service a home you won't spend ten thousand rupees to get a gift for this neighbor we knew just few days what about our talkin about that everybody say no makeable you wanna come to cellula maximum you may find twenty thirty rupees you may get some gift and give it you know why I think of a jump on all other poor anyone you can take you up I could have been maybe fifty rupees Alan I am by the divine but supposing it is your son getting married what am I gonna Kate theorem Lamar than a vertical wall then what type of gift will you take I put them on my Honda key every time on I reckon with a good opinion what a difference yeah yeah so because you say your son is so precious to you in love with a man or whatever a reputable appeal all that you have earned in your life you want to give him somebody that somebody till now marketing a curriculum and everybody and if you're a very rich man upon a karma you need are you may even give a house for as a gift to your son for his wedding only ammonia what you can opt a welcome of the output pin or a car or a super good why do you give such an expensive gift yeah known over a reputable minimal amount if you've gotta come out there you're showing you are so precious to me my son in majaniek every year a patrol in banal convocation the type of gift you give shows how much you value that person Nina give me the Mon at Carnegie working with the Ecuadorean belong in the Hawaiian Engel about a magic you know a car together we may be invited to ten different weddings but the Thea Samana theorem on Anglican are you a protocol on the type of gift you take to each wedding will depend on how much of a relationship with that person mingle over and about I'm gonna prepare what are we recover the end mother over okay Mia put a put a vacuum on the bank is saline with a pathology and rhythm why did Abel bring the best offering for God yeah habían they wanna kiss her on the carnegie control done cuz he valued god so much the only idea mom kind of money not and why is it came just bring pick up some grain and bring it as an offering them i'll find whatever the other when you're done eating I'm Priya go down there I can take a photograph that shows how little he valued God you have a brave up at they own a company not that they can't be killed there's something we can learn here know anything easy I wonder I gotta contain he doesn't say God punished Cain saying why you brought only so much yeah a rose on cooldowns I understand beyond our kinase Andy give early no yelling God loves a cheerful giver they would watch all my quoted periodically capture a free minecraft he doesn't punish us if you bring a small offering to her chin neck Carnegie come to order the number the mighty a one attendee for the lake but it says one thing I wonder I wonder cell operator it wears for non-commercial the Lord had regard for Abel and for his offering David I believe only a conical and verse 5 the Lord did not have regard for Cain or friend I was really kind amount Connie Kim Cattrall heavily so the Lord recognizes there is a difference between Cain's offering and Abel's offering I mean I've been with the iconic um kind of the iconic community as the Lord looks at all of us sitting and coca-cola or impossible and through a first standing here also nikola Engel another very important in one sense there is no partiality with God whatever the delays but now they live in a punch I bother mainly he loves us all week man army over a with a - secret he died Jesus died for all of us allarakha ha Miss America but an Al like it says here yes a la puerta Paula the Lord has regard for some people here in Jericho Boris little Damon angiogram and the Lord does not have regard for some people ha what is Hillary yeah nobody comin over I'm not saying he'll punish you I would only done departed soul ever like he did not punish Kim Chi never done DK like he punished came later for killing his brother not because of his contributing olivine all they went counting a guy named candy that he never got any punishment for bringing a cheap offering I know two column one multiple of the Carnegie condos every night and take a prevailing and you will not be punished if you bring a cheap offering to God I'm an Engel of definitely nada or poor electronically I condone darlin they are normally done decay matter but right in the beginning of the Bible it is written the Lord as a special regard for those who give him the best unless they were looking to surrender a critical look they were always a she thank you got at the range aircraft because that shows how much they value him and Allah who in the logo our a magic Roman very complicated like I told you the type of gift you give it a wedding shows how much you value that pronounce some of the polar or a man even a intelliwhite near see Carolyn but ok buddy I become very late tell they would have difference between the way you give to your son and to a stranger Cooper onion accompany no Cody I'm with y'all so many people give to God a gift like they give to a stranger on a girl or onion cookery awara the Impala wait they will have autographed by gift I am NOT talking about money only Carnegie and Ursula were then unethical this Allah willing it could be a life I don't know what yeah it could be our time nobody near Omaha our energy nobody Satya how much we do for the church sabi ko Brielle Sephora grow we may not give one rupee but there could be so much labor we give for this surely Sabich you order Bible - cumbria in eliminated Lamonica nothing why but I also put a cootie oral never idle there are some poor people who don't have much to give like the widow they can only put two paisa in the dev a people identify someone to me protocol ta days however saw a little cry and the Lord says that is more valuable to me then thousand rupees that Pharisee put on the Paris I put on my economy they were a representational young fellows not counting the money how about one of the any part of the lice counting do we value him so much how are ya sheikh mohammed ii como le i anybody thought our park rod do you feel oh I have sacrificed so much for God Oh Flo ammonia and ending in LA when I was born again 54 years ago I'm a believer on the world I decided from the beginning or emotionally I wonder if you wanna came God is going to have everything in my life and I can i one day own autonomy tear money thing I was already working and earning a very big salary as a naval officer not a copper daddy Arriaga are the amana's sambala one your name but I said Lord from this day onwards money will never be important for me up early in honor of the listener not every apartment but idea why I became one of the heavier colors and I can say before God money has never been important for me for 54 years I am Bernard now empathy non-countable Menachem said he Palm City now they were looking upon America I learned at the beginning of my Christian life liquor store inaudible Delano no wonder I gotta contain if I worship God I must have no interest in money Dorothy can I hear a Dolly Parton in Aikido karate money is an idol what I meant but we crack up just like all the idols many people in our country worship nobody a not Leone and already crippled air we could only pull away polymer we could I go what do you think of a Christian who comes here and praises Jesus and goes home and bows down to some either in game one day the devil ARR the third day suit will take a poem were they we could be putting a career or a christening and a period I realized that many Christians are like that Anagha concern I put it on nirakara Linden on another one day God is not first in their thinking already a Sindel a damn with Allah Allah healing if it is money money becomes important fundamental part of the human eye Margaret we all need money to take care of our family nobody could about the a paramedic we're gonna be Laura component Devi I also spent a lot of money taking care of my family educating my children and all that he read a play on a particular party picking buddy Yahoo in a rec room occurring like I wanted company Yahoo my think about porn America's a project I never did anything wrong to get money in my life are not fun at a particular target wouldn't our Iman same and I never worshipped it are they something in on Adia wanna go home early and I thought my children don't worship money in a politican on in vasilica retain or recall impunity because people were not given time on its own name so I'm not talking about money first of all I wasn't all that opponents are you talking about our attitude to God they wouldn't meeting I'm going to go to your mana Nelly Lord there's nobody more important than you in my life unloading they watch Elam wake up on a number a lay honoring I don't want to please my wife and displease you under a mana be a priority in our domain my wife is not my idol any money be an echo to become a male I will not bow down always to please her I mean on running amate if I have to displease God they own a Ducati and I'm already 14 we should please our husbands and wives I don't wanna me over pretty minor element of that that is a mark of love I'd been Ariana but not at the cost of displeasing God there were named Luca Brasi normally say Abel brought the best hobble Sun God you are everything to me under any rate I killed Amador even God had regard for his offering they were not a Carnegie ki our motherhood that's written at the beginning of the Bible if they read it in or about the rate of the particularly we also are grateful for all that God has done for us David nama come see they look nothing alike Abel knew nothing about Jesus dying on the cross obviously is in America the Lamb Tyrion we know all that now many la Madre all did not have the Holy Spirit God is given up our survival a nomogram I say Lord if that ignorant man Abel could give you the best what am I going to do Antonia Dominic Leone on the ababeel they will kiss around about that I could upon a missional not in the hundred cup agree I want to honor you by giving you the best in everything in my life you know I feel under limit Omega naught when I went to matter I will never complain saying here I'm too tired to serve God they were an aquarium say whether can I call a fire in the water column for example I will never complain saying oh I can't sit up so late serving God not the corium saving the number Tamar you know one it in a time country's recovery honest a la morte not never what economy even if I'm 100 years old Norway Donna I'm sorry God has to get the best from you and me I'm gonna throw the miracle they're willing to surrender the curriculum when we say we understand the New Covenant now I'm put the automatic everything econom indiscernible what did Jesus say yes in a salad wrap this cup is the New Covenant in my blood in any a the particular company a in the path or not the people that is the only time he spoke about the New Covenant security in the world sorry sheitel matter may our PC not a doctrine for him I report over as robust a summer let the New Covenant can be a doctrine for us which we are preaching to others now Monica processing it on the booze already Keanu depressing but for him it was his blood his life on a lower I put it there Madeline the food overdone really convert G when already headed up pour out his blood and say this is the new covenant in my blood nothing awesome put the wooden Ricky internal rather the a would trigger don't speak about it in some cheap way that you understood some doctrine that other churches don't know mattress sobbing look at three other Willis if you're not willing he couldn't literally mingle married in the water they proceeded you right now if you are not willing to give you a blood and your life and your energy for it you have not understood the neutral Suk tae ik geo anime could occur when a group of men in this role is a present maybe you understood it by hearing me so many times and you can breach it well I am what I anything like here in everything you condone Buddy Holly no crossing Kalam but for Jesus the New Covenant was his blood on a lacy a poor Martin loud earlier already not the Bible says the life of the flesh is in the blood mom sit in Leviticus lady around what the show when Jesus gave his blood he was giving his life I mean yes so Terminator they coded that additional already see only a court that is the New Covenant in the doctor and the one who is willing to give his entire life and energy and everything for God that person is understood the newcomer they wanna conquer the road es suck t-38 GBM somebody muru make okay yeah there so I want to ask you not only about to get great are you thankful to God for all that he's done for you never wanna see the LUP aerial accounting London lowlife Allah for forgiving your sin only money through crap bringing you into a wonderful church for the monastic you another crap how are you going to show your gratitude only inundated every country a particular bringing a small offering like Cain by any policy no Carnegie canola or saying Lord you take my life and ontology heretical whole my life and what came we're asking you to give up your job and go as a missionary in England really a Roger domicile UT or MHC really I'm asking you keep your job we're nearly rendered much say Lord my life is yours all I know really you know Maria all that I can do for you in one life I want to do under Roman killed in the would've article in alarm say yeah buddy buddy save it I don't want to have an attitude which says what is the minimum I have to do yeah only criminally go for a few meetings one conference so quantum count products other I don't want to go to the church to think of what I can get I want to go to the church to think of what I can give now in Sabich in the particular Lama drizzly any probably on terrain on in this humming you could agree and I'm not only talking about money not a theme salon I'm talking about our life God is not a beggar he doesn't want our money first nobody upon a material check our Allah you know why in all of our churches even in our conferences we don't go around collecting money nobody I saw a quarterly on a limb City conference in LM sorry end I'm Carnac a PI you know what they all say because jesus never did it when he had a meeting yeah no yes your president put a major opera I would say you like like 5,000 people who may felt our the idea in America were pressing it nah he never went under the bag how about up ie young anyway why it was really never late why yeah because he wanted to show God is not a beggar going around give me your money give me your money Oh politic what about wanted they could apply and it's only me Jericho could you check out at the one who comes to your gate with them with a bag by year to one dr what a anyone who comes to your door what able to muscle in a yard by a waiter's we check out of it God is not a beggar they want to check out unless we want to show that in our church nobody saw bin Laden on country key window that's why we don't go around passing a bag around argument Dunham Carnegie wasn't similar to a gap I you learn for the lame people who go around like that they make God into a beggar how could he say you know well they only a particular matter and they send letters cut it a clatter buho give us money give us money give us money I'm putting a lot on wouldn't I wouldn't it that's why we keep a box and say those who want to give give those who don't want to give down here now I'm gonna pretty young age everything wrong Yahoo end of order because God loves a cheerful Giver they will sell micro to the pyramid and you know you something mundane something like God asks us to give so that he can so that our attitude will be changed nobody I'm 1 upon me ma nobody can I may go to the Solomon I'm not because he needs money he kept on MTV under the polar online so dear brothers and sisters let's follow Abel now Marbella pin put it in everything Lord I want you to have my whole life under a lower to live in the guru cheering I want to die to myself and I say I think I'm a dick everybody everything I want to please you allow it when we appear but they weren't about that is the offering we are to give to God in the Carnegie genomics and that is how we honor him I put it on a more economical hot spring I'm Jimmy Cole its power before God you know Paulo telling I want to go our Father in LP Ravi help us never again to insult you by giving you cheap offerings under Oracle or will allow their work on Akiko to say all no Ramon in the given town that was to honor you Megan of integrity by giving you the best in our life in the work in self divert remain me under gray in the mother's name yes phenomena become visible
Channel: CFC India
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Keywords: zac poonen cfc Christian Fellowship Church Church Fellowship Christian Zac Poonen, Sermons, CFC
Id: tkRmGk4Kzn4
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Length: 60min 21sec (3621 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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