Don't store the WRONG FOODS for emergencies!

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foreign [Music] so [Music] hello hey stacy hey how are you doing good um i'm sorry to bother you by the way i'm sure you're busy oh you know you can call me anytime [Music] well you know i was wondering because with all of the unrest and uncertainty in the country right now in the whole world i was thinking about starting a stockpile of foods for like long-term storage you're a smart girl and for your family too so i don't know if you wouldn't mind i'd love to pick your brain on what some basic items my family could start getting in bulk oh my gosh for sure yeah i can um definitely i know who knows what the gas prices and everything going on in the world if you're even going to be able to find a lot of the stuff at the grocery store so now would be the time to definitely do that um what i'm going to do is i will give you let's see i could give you like 100 but i'll give you probably 10 my top 10 picks that i would have that i think could give you a good start and then you can kind of build from there how'd that die oh that sounds perfect okay thank you all right like magic i'm teleported down into our root cellar where i'm storing a lot of our prepping type foods and the first one that i wanted to talk about today is rice now i'm going to specifically talk about long long term storage of rice because rice can go up to 30 years if it's kept properly of course when we're storing these things you want to keep them away from light you want to keep them away from moisture and oxygen and of course pests so you want to keep it in a controlled environment where it is not too hot not too cold and you want to just make sure that is in something that will be it'll be protected from now before i get to where i want to show you how i store my rice i want to talk about the rices that are probably going to be the best for you to store the white rices are going to store the longest okay when you have the brown rices they don't store as long because if the brand part it has been exposed the top part has been taken off so you have that oil and it could go rancid very quickly so generally brown rices have a much shorter shelf life you know probably under a year or so so the white rices are going to last the longest probably the best ones to get are going to be basmati like this one and you have to also look at your rices where they're from generally from the himalayas you're going to get them where they're the heavy metals aren't quite as is high as well as in california a lot of those rice's there don't have as high of heavy metals so the two best ones that i i really like are the basmati and the jasmine rices now how you store them is crucial so come on down here i'll show you it's very important when you're storing your your foods that you're storing them in a five gallon bucket or it can be a smaller bucket um or in glass jars now with the five gallon buckets you want to make sure since you're putting food in them that they are food grade buckets now if you do want to use like those home depot buckets or the lowe's buckets those will be fine if you're going to use these things called mylar bath so if you do use a mylar bag let's say i have a bunch of rice and i'm going to put them in the mylar bag you're just going to put them inside of the bag here and then when it's in the bag you're going to iron this shut but before you do that you're going to need to put something called oxygen absorbers in there and right now these are in a bag because if i take them out so i don't want to store my oxygen absorbers just out like this because then they're going to be useless so what's going to happen is when i put them in the mylar bag i put whatever i'm putting in here so my rice is going in here i'm going to put my oxygen absorbers in there i'm going to iron this shut and this is going to be shelf stable so some of you might choose just to put everything in mylar bags now not all lids are created equal either when you're storing your rice so i'm in the process of changing over all my lids to these lids called gamma lids they're pretty cool so let me show you how they work so all you do is you're going to get the ring it goes it fits on any bucket and then you snap them on like so so it's on there really really good and then what you're going to do [Music] look how easy that is and then when you want to get in it you just open it so this is good like even upstairs like in our home in my pantry like if i have any flour or anything i can go ahead and i have easy access i can get in and out of it very quickly and these are wonderful i know a lot of people when we were just down in florida they were talking about you know people are having hurricanes and floods so these were really good you know things were getting wet and nothing even got in and ruined their food so look into the gamble and the last thing i want to talk to you about when you're storing your rice or different things like that is when you put them and stack them don't go any higher than three i have three here and depending how heavy of the things that you're putting here like if i had honey and i was storing honey is very very dense and very heavy i probably would not do three stacks of honey because it was really high i have little blocks down there make sure they're elevated off of the ground a few inches and then that way the temperature will be more consistent now the consensus is when you are trying to decide how much food you're going to need especially the grains and this is what i want to start with is about the grains because you know they're going to kind of fill you up a little bit more with rice when you look at rice they say anywhere between 25 pounds to 60 pounds per person of rice and i guess it depends on how much rice you like for like a year overall they say you need about 300 pounds of great different kinds of grains if it's barley if it's you know spelt if it's wheat berries if it's quinoa you know just think about the different grains but i like rice because it lasts the longest my other one would be oats good organic oats buying in bulk is crucial try to buy 25 50 pound bags it will be a little you know less expensive if you're able to do that and then that way you can be way ahead of the game i'm going to go right into the next one so we just talked about the grains our rice and our oats so the next one are going to be wheat berries i have some things over here stored in jars glass jars are going to be great in the food grade buckets so these are camus berries which is a type of ancient grain this is what you make flour from how many of you guys knew that so they look like little pieces of rice and it's actual berry and what happens is you go ahead and you grind this up and that turns into the flour that you get unfortunately when you go to the store and you buy flour okay and it's been ground up you know within a few hours it's going to lose a lot of its nutritional value and it's sitting there for days and days and days and pretty soon it's just kind of more of an empty food so if you get your grains in this form the whole form and then before you use it you go ahead and you grind it a lot of people use your vitamix you can do a hand grinder that way it's going to keep all of its nutrition because everything is inside of here and the air doesn't oxidize it when you want to store something your wheat berries are going to last a very very long time so you can make some homemade breads with them and use them in your day-to-day life and you'll get a lot of use and it will last for a very long time the next one is peanut butter make sure it's organic because you know regular peanut butter that you get the shell of the peanut is very porous and they use a very high pesticide load so it's crucial if you guys are going to do peanut butter that you get organic peanut butter and for some of you guys who are peanut butter aficionados i love this valencia peanut butter they have trader joe's if you have a trader joe's around because it is so so good it has the best flavor so i get a lot of this i think this is a great kind of prep that you can do to add because it is very filling you're going to get nutrition from it and it tastes good and you can do a lot with it all right so organic peanut butter oh i think i got a big one and the next one on our list of your survival foods that you need to stock in your pantry are your canned fishes especially sardines sardines mackerel anchovies those things some tuna butuna is a little high if you eat it all the time and your heavy metals sardines are going to be your go-to it is like one of the top i would say like top like 10 healthiest foods in the whole world it is so nutrient dense loaded in omega fatty acids it's an amazing food it has a very long shelf life and if you're trying to stock your pantry and feed yourself and have nutritious foods to keep you healthy and strong and have a lot of energy it's one of my top ones in my list sardines next food is raisins raisins are an amazing they're power packed full of vitamins and minerals and they're full of fiber too so they're filling you're going to get a lot of nutrition out of just something little and to always think a lot of these foods if things get bad and you need to start bartering for things all these things that i've been talking about will be really good for that so raisins or any other type of dried you know fruits you know if you have like um you know apples or apricots or dates they'll all be good but raisins are a good one the next thing we should all have for our preps you're gonna sprout so i have broccoli seeds i have zesty sprouting mix because you know let's say it's winter time and there's no greens around you can't go to the store you can't get salad you can't grow you can't grow any vegetables in the garden what are you guys going to do well you can sprout you don't need sun to sprout you just need a jar just like this [Applause] with a little water and then pretty soon these are going to grow in four or five days and they're going to turn into like a little superhero these young sprouts are going to give you anywhere from 10 to like 100 times more nutritional value than the actual grown plant like if i was doing broccoli and growing a whole broccoli head so you're going to get a lot of nutrition out of them so let's say you're not able to get you know all these wonderful vitamins that we're used to getting sprouting is going to give you all of that and you only need a little bit you know like a handful and you're going to get a ton of vitamins and then that way you know you'll be set especially like in the winter months moving on now we have raw apple cider vinegar vinegar is going to last a very very very long time unopened you know if you're going to buy it at the store or if you're making it you can make it from scratch if you if you're getting apples or sample season but vinegar is something that's going to help your food have flavor let's say you have to forage and you're going to use dandelion greens or you're finding greens out in nature or you know you're growing things you need something for a salad dressing that'll work great for that it's also good for other uses so let's say i use it as a hair rinse it makes my hair feel very soft so as a hair rinse for your hair care or if you're shaving you guys and girls you know if you're shaving it's good for a toner for your skin it also is great for stings and um bug bites it'll help get rid of that even itching from poison ivy will help from that so i like to get these things for prepping that you can have multiple uses for as well as if you have a little indigestion or an upset stomach having a spoonful of this and some water is awesome so this is something that is great to add to your stores and your preps i want to also make sure that my food is going to taste good and i would need a way to cook it so it's very important that you have some good self-stable oils so good saturated fats that will give you the nutrition and then it will last you know a long time on the shelf so my two i would pick would be like your virgin coconut oil along with ghee because ghee is very self stable but besides using it for your foods this is going to be used even if you have any like cuts or scratches you can put that on here because it does have antibacterial properties in it um it would be good for your skin you could use it in your hair same thing for the ghee i use this for my face and my skin and my body as a moisturizer so you know in this grid down situation or something happens you know this would be something that you can use and have for multiple uses [Applause] [Music] all right our next one is one that has been around since the beginning of time it's been used by man it's been used as money as currency to buy things with to barter with it is salt salt is the fruit of the earth right we need salt for a food to make it taste good it's loaded in wonderful minerals that your human body needs which is crucial to our health but make sure you're not doing refined salt like the iodized salt because that will not store very well you don't want any other ingredients in it any additives make sure it's a you know good sea salt i really like the real salt by redmond it's wonderful salt and i buy it in big bags and buy it in bulk this is one thing i would get extra of when i am prepping because you are going to go through a lot of salt if you are growing a garden and you're canning and you're preserving i ferment i use tons of salt for that if you're going to flavor your food like i say if you need to barter or do anything this is something where you really really definitely can't go wrong and salt is one thing that will last forever forever if it's stored correctly just make sure that you don't have moisture around and the light and the bugs and all that kind of stuff just make sure that it's in a nice airtight you know container and it will last you a very very long time your like your whole life but hopefully you'll use it before then go to off grid with and go to the shop tab and you can get involved just like i do cheers the last one is honey honey honey honey honey is something that will make your life sweeter and besides that it is natural it's not refined you're going to get wonderful enzymes for the body as well as helping you you know if you have burns or cuts minor abrasions and things it will help medicinally it helps if you have a cough or a sore throat so this is something that you can use for multiple things this is something that's going to give you some health and energy as well and i'm standing here in front of our beehive they're kind of sleeping right now because it's winter time but they'll be out buzzing around bringing me more of this don't just buy honey that's been pasteurized that you just got from these big box stores make sure that you're getting raw honey support your local bee farmers and get from them or some you know farmer's markets but make sure that you're stocking up on that honey because it is something that you can barter with this is one thing that will last forever as well just like the salt it's kept under good conditions away from moisture and all that too [Applause] hello hi again hey i just wanted to say thank you so much for your advice oh i'm so glad wow yeah that is so amazing i really appreciate it i think i know what i'm gonna go and start stocking up and being smart because you know who knows if you're gonna even be able to afford these things the grocery store and especially the things that i told you about are things that are gonna give you nutrition and you don't have to worry about them having lots of fillers and chemicals and toxins and gmos because a lot of those emergency foods that people order they do have a lot of those things in there i really appreciate it my husband will love the sardines well good good good because people freak out about those sardines a lot of the times and just make sure that they're either in olive oil or in you know like spring water you don't want anything with msg or anything like that in those so oh my gosh thank you that's such a great tip i think i know what i'm gonna go do right now oh are you gonna go shopping yep i'm gonna go shopping you can get your prepper pantry ready yep all right well you get shopping and i'll talk to you soon okay thanks stacy all right bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 211,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, cooking from scrtch, self sufficient, growing food, how to grow food
Id: 4nkwlcuhaSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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