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hi this is Dennis and Bambi and we're from Sweden and we are homestead homies and we're watching off-grid with Doug and Stacey yeah hey guys I'm digging these intros thanks a lot for sending them in and helping us out and really I think it really is cool to see all the different people from all around the world that are homestead homeys so I'm checking on a few of the animals and I think Stacey is making something inside so we'll go and check it out alright are you guys ready today we are going to be making a three ingredient flatbread I love sweet potatoes we grow live sweet potatoes here we live on sweet potatoes and I make them for lots of stuff so I will link that above about our sweet potato harvest this past year but sweet potatoes are just the best so they're so healthy for you with vibrant colors just remember look at the colors of your food that's where you're going to get the most nutrients from so what I did was I boiled three big sweet potatoes earlier today and I want to keep them warm when I do this you don't want to use a cool sweet potato I think the texture is easier to do when you use the warmer sweet potatoes so these are still warm I'm going to use these other two later on I'm going to put them maybe make some mashed sweet potatoes or maybe use some in a salad later so I'm going to use the one sweet potato and all you need is it's one cup of your flour - 1 cup of your sweet potato very simple so what I want to talk about real quick is first of all I need a pan to put my stuff in and I don't need that yet hold on okay so here's my ball so I'm going to use 1 cup of and this is sprouted wheat flour so my suggestion to anything is if you have your wheat berries and you sprout your berries dry them and grind them and make your flour that is your best if you're not doing that you can definitely buy sprouted wheat flour at the grocery store so I would highly recommend that the other flours that are very good and more digestible that don't have as much gluten are you're like einkorn your ancient grains and also like cow Moos which is a trademark name for corazon wheat I really like the core Zen week because there it keeps there they're like a DNA pretty much it hasn't changed in thousands of years and it's more easy to digest and there isn't as much gluten so those are really good flowers to pick from I usually if I don't grind my own then I always buy my frog leaf flower so all it is is one cup of the sprouted wheat flour 2 1 of sweet potatoes easy easy and then I'm going to go ahead and use about 1/2 a teaspoon of false in that too and I'm going to measure I never measure very much so you guys know that then I'm going to mix this all up now the thing is is with the when you're mixing this up the sweet potato is kind of sticky so the consistency of your flour you don't want it to be real sticky because if it is then it won't work as well so you want it to be kind of mushy now I'm going to in a second go in put my hands into this now if it is too messy you're going to add more flour going to mix it all up now when you're doing this make sure you have a little extra flour because I'm going to go ahead and flour my counter top to when I roll this out I don't really do a lot of breath Doug and I don't if I do breads are always sprouted sprouted grains and when we do do it you know I don't want it you don't want to just like anything else people talk about you know everything in moderation you don't want to make bread your staple I don't have anything against grains if they're prepared the right way if you soak your grains we did a video on that I'll link that above to you just want to make sure that they're prepared you don't want to have you know Brad's and things for breakfast lunch and dinner you want a well-balanced diet so when you are eating in day to day life just make sure that you're getting you know foods that are good for your body lots of you know leafy greens you're getting your nuts and your seeds you know you're getting some fruit so I don't believe you should be eating a lot of fruit because they do say a lot of sugars in them but just make sure that you're getting a well-rounded meal and don't eat bread all your meals because it won't be good for your digestion in your body okay so here we go is all this in a beautiful color you can turn out this really pretty now another thing is let's say you don't have any sweet potatoes you might want to go ahead and use a can of pumpkin you can use butternut squash is really good too because it's a sweeter kind of squash I've done this with like potato sweet potato puree before I've done it with the pumpkin puree okay so I went in floured my counter a little bit I'm going to put this down I'm going to kind of make it look like a little log or so and then let me give you guys a little tip I never really liked using rolling pin I would never use it that much so I had seen someone use a kind of like a little dowel rod so I went ahead and had done one of our old broom handle a wooden one I went him had it cut it and it rolls so wonderfully so you're going to take your little pieces here and I'm going to cut it and you know depends four or five little pieces like that and then I'm going to roll them up in a ball the depends on your plant thread if you want like little bitty ones like with little mini pita breads you can do this and then if you make them bigger like this this is going to make a much bigger flatbread so if you want to use it for like sandwiches you can cut these up if you make them bigger I usually like to make them a little bit bigger than smaller so that's why these are bigger but you can make them as little as you want okay so then I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to roll it out with my cool rolling pin just like this it rolls it out very very nicely make sure you do both sides keep keeping lots of flour on them roll it out just like that and then what I'm going to do is you need a couple tablespoons now you can use um avocado oil I'm going to use coconut oil see I like the way because the coconut oil is a little sweeter and then you can get that kind of taste with the sweet potato and I really like the taste of the sweet potato and the coconut oil together so that's what I'm going to use alright so that what I'm going to do is I'm going to heat up my oil and I'm going to put it in there for just just a couple minutes and I'll be right back and show you that all right so I heated up some oil you need about a couple tablespoons or so total and then I'm going to go ahead and put that in the pan right now my flatbread and I'm going to cook it so I'm going to put it in my pan and I'm going to let it cook you don't want any like a medium or so I'm going to let it cook for about two minutes and then I'm going to flip it over and let it cook a couple more minutes all right it's been a couple minutes so I'm going to go ahead and flip this this guy over like so and then I'm going to let it cook now you know a few more minutes until it gets a nice golden brown so maybe three four and then you'll start noticing it's going to start popping up in here too so just make sure you get all the corners lift up okay so time I'm picking it out then I just few minutes on one side and then a couple minutes on the other come and take this out and let me show you a tip over here okay so here's a hot tip off the presses don't throw out I know you might use your old t-shirts for rags and things but I use mine to keep my flatbread because it keeps it moister because you kind of want it I love the ways of taste because it's kind of it gives it a - II kind of texture and patient is wonderful so this will keep it moisture so I just put it in the t-shirts and I just layer them with the t-shirts so when done t-shirts get icky I go ahead I cut it up and I use them to store my flat brush alright so what I've done is I said one of the big ones in a head and I just cut them in half and I'm going to do some little ones too so you can the cool thing with this you can make them as big or small as you want you know once it's done and it's cooked you can even make them amusing the pizzas you can use them with hummus you can make sandwiches ISM I mean they're great I love these things and this one's my favorite cuz those super kinda gives it such a wonderful flavor okay so we finished making them this yielded because I use some of them and I cut them in half little balls so I think I got about eight of the little tortillas Duncan a virus eaten one and he doesn't get another one and then I can say deed and then I wrap them in the old t-shirts that I have and these work out so good so if you guys are doing it this is great and then you can put a lid on your container and put it somewhere and they will last quite a few days and they'll stay moist and then I have my extra sweet potatoes that we're going to have mesh sweet potatoes tonight but the one thing about flat breads and I really like is that it's something that's been around for thousands and thousands of years you know before they didn't help so so they used the fire and they use a rock from the fire and then that's what they would cook them on instead of the pan so it's something that's been around forever it's so easy to do you can utilize it use all different kind of flowers you can make them gluten-free with your gluten-free flours if you use chickpea flour you can use um almond flour coconut flours and it's really easy to do and they're so good kids love them adults love them everyone loves this type of bread you can do so much with it so we're I'm going to save these and we're going to have them over the next few days with our lunches in our dinner and I just invite you guys to check us out on Facebook Instagram and Twitter and this is Oscar which is a phenom safety I'll see you guys later
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 2,260,255
Rating: 4.853919 out of 5
Keywords: offgrid, off, the, grid, homesteading, homestead, minimalist, chickens, horse, sheep, how, to, cow, chicken, cooking, natural, holistic, garden, canning, fermenting
Id: WP4-TxVvlKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2017
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