Don't SAY: I DON'T like it or I HATE it! Polite Advanced English Expressions. #linogda marathon

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Hi and welcome back to love English I'm Leila and today I want to help you sound well more native in English I also want to help you sound a little bit more polite and to do that I'll be explaining ten and different expressions that you can use instead of saying I like or I don't like now the great thing about these expressions is that they are commonly used in English very often it is not polite to say I don't like do you like the cooking no I don't like it English food well don't like it it really does sound quite rude so in order to sound a little bit more polite or just to broaden your vocabulary range these ten expressions are really going to supercharge your English making you sound native fluent and natural now the ten expressions I'm going to share with you are brilliant some of them are quite basic some of them a little bit more advanced but one of the most important things is to learn how to use them in the correct context in the right situations and the best way you could possibly do this is to practice with native speakers even better and native professional and language teacher and I have got just the thing for you lingo to have extended the deadline for sign up for their last ever language marathon that's right you've still got time to sign up until the 19th of September you can sign up whittling Gowda to join their language marisa lingo de are offering both the full marathon and the half marathon the full marathon is 30 lessons a month for three months and the half marathon is 15 lessons a month for three months during this three-month period you will significantly boost your fluency and be able to practice all these phrases that I am going to teach you if you are super committed and you attend every single class not missing one you will get 100% of you money back on the for Madison and 50% of your money back on the half-marathon this is an incredible opportunity to boost your fluency and learn and use a lot more phrases like I am going to teach you today now for more information on this click in the description box below or in the comment section but remember to read the Terms & Conditions very carefully this is the key to taking advantage of that money back offer within gotit you'll be having group sessions of up to five students that is a super small group you can learn of course English Spanish French and German and there's even business English classes available the marathon will start on the 23rd of September and end on the 21st of December just in time for Christmas once you sign up to the lingo de language mouth and you will be committed to pay in that subscription fee every month for 3 months when you sign up for the marathon make sure you use our special discount code talk 25 so after this lesson click the link in the description box and go through to check out more testimonials from previous lingo to students to see just how fast you can boost your fluency so of course when we are talking about disliking something hating something it really is too strong to use those expressions you could say I dislike or I'm disinterested in but this is rather strange it's a bit too formal and really not the way we naturally speak so to say that you are keen on a nice phrasal verb there I'm keen on swimming I'm keen on playing tennis I'm keen on fish and chips all I'm not really keen on football I'm not really keen on cooking this is a super common way of expressing you like or dislike for something and remember to pay attention to the structure there's a preposition there so you need to have a noun or a gerund that follows I'm keen on swimming I'm keen on football not really very keen on English food number 2 and this really is quite informal completely appropriate to use with friends to be into something I am really into Netflix at the moment I'm really into arts and crafts I've been doing a lot of it lately in the same way just adding not actually more commonly not really just for a more polite way of saying this I'm not really into Chinese food I'm not really into sports to be honest pay attention to my pronunciation there in too but when I speak naturally fast inter not really into that at the moment I'm not really into that number three using the expression crazy if you say I'm crazy about her I'm crazy about him it means you really really like them it's not that you're totally crazy it's just that you exceptionally like it it's just that you really like it so I'm crazy about teaching you guys English not really crazy about studying grammar again preposition gerund after it or and noun number four I am such a big fan of the color blue I'm such a big fan of Julia Roberts thinking of actors here are you such a big fan of love English to be a big fan of someone as fanatic is when you really like them you think they're amazing if you're a big fan of a sports person and actor an actress you would probably follow their career I'm a big fan of what music do I listen to I'm a big fan of pink again if you say I'm not really a big fan of you don't really like it again you're saying it in a positive negative way you're using a positive expression adding the negative not really to express it you're not so interested you don't like it that much now this expression is really just used for people if you say I've got a bit of a soft spot for him it doesn't necessarily mean that you're madly in love with that person but it does mean that you really like them you wouldn't really use this the negative form you wouldn't say I don't have a soft spot for him this is not really a common expression it's much more common to use it in the positive form I have a soft spot for him I really like him six seven and eight a little bit more formal number six is slightly more formal more polite could be used in more formal situations even business situations I'm fond of or I'm not fond of it means that you like or you dislike that's simple I'm really fond of her she is such a good friend I'm not really very fond of her she's a little bit rude and again fond of is with a noun or a gerund I'm fond of tennis I'm fond of playing board games again gerund or now I'm partial to you can use this expression it's less common it is more polite I'm partial to a gin and tonic in the evenings means I like to have a gin and tonic in the evenings occasionally not too often I'm an alcoholic but I'm partial to a gin and tonic again you wouldn't necessarily use this expression in the negative I'm not partial to you're probably saying oh I'm not really fond of drinking in the evenings but to say I'm partial to means that you like this you enjoy this activity or thing occasionally it's not really used to describe people you can't say I'm partial to him no you'd say I'm fond of him but I'm partial to doing something drinking something I'm partial to watching a game of football occasionally the best example is I'm partial to a little bit of chocolate now and then I like to have it occasionally not occasionally for me number eight is really really formal you might use it if you are speaking to your boss you could definitely use it if you're talking to the queen but I wouldn't really use it in my day-to-day English you might hear it in films or a meeting or some kind of situation that is quite formal it's not to my liking it's not to my liking or usually in the question form if you want to be very polite is it to your liking is your hotel room to your liking is your to your liking a good example of where this could be used in a hotel where someone is providing a service is your room to your liking is there anything else I can get you so that is really one of the few occasions you might hear that expression but when you say it's not really to my liking or you ask the question is it to your liking it would be a slightly more formal situation and you could use it in the negative as well it's not really to my liking I'm afraid 9 and 10 idioms guys and you know what one of these is gonna be I'll leave that one to last it doesn't take all my fancy that film just didn't take all my fancy in this case you're saying you don't like it it doesn't really took all my fancy in that film doesn't really took all my fancy Chinese doesn't really took all my fancy if you think about fancy it's often used when we're expressing a desire it could be for a person or often it's I fancy a burger every fancy some chocolate but if you say it doesn't take all my fancy it means you don't really want that you don't like it very much you could also use this in question form does it tickle your fantasy did it tickle your fancy did you enjoy it number 10 the idiom of all idioms so British quintessentially British you know what it is it's not my cup of tea it's not my cup of tea if something is not your cup of tea you don't like it it's not something that you enjoyed doing or that you liked at all it could be used for a situation a thing a person he's not really my cup of tea he's a little bit arrogant grammar is just not my cup of tea I do not enjoy studying it but of course if you do like something then you could use this expression in the positive it is my cup of tea in fact it's just my cup of tea it's perfect it's exactly what I like it's very well matched to my likes so there we go 10 amazing expressions to express likes and dislikes do not say I like or I don't like I like is boring I don't like can be rude I hate really rude don't say it don't forget comment below and let me know what is your cup of tea what are you keen on is the only thing that tickles your fancy tonight let me know use some of these expressions comment below and I will check them out or correct them if they need it thank you so much for watching bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 23,480
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, don't say i like it, don't say i don't like it, don't say i hate it, don't say, don't say in english, polite english expressions, stop saying, how to say, I like it, I don't like it, I hate it, advanced english expressions, rude english expressions, how to be polite in english
Id: H6xyIE6hDNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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