25 Phrases to Sound Professional in English! #Spon #professionalenglish

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hi everybody and welcome back to Love English I'm Sabrah your British University English teacher now have you ever felt at work or in an academic context that you didn't quite know the right thing to say that someone else jumped in and said a smarter response than you or said the words that you wanted to say you just didn't know how to put them together? Or you say something and it doesn't sound as professional or as smart as you would like it to has this ever happened to you? Now if this is a problem that you can relate to then this video is definitely going to help you because we are looking at 25 phrases to sound more professional in English and you can use these in a work setting or in an academic setting a lot of them however are much more useful for a spoken context. If you are new to our channel guys then make sure that you do subscribe hit the red button and click the notification bell so you don't miss a love English lessons now guys if you're looking for a more longer-term investment in improving your professional English then we have something interesting to tell you about Magoosh online English teaching school really specialise in helping students develop their professional English their pronunciation their confidence and their vocabulary as well as many other things now one of the ways in which they do this is by creating very tailored plans for each student so they will really spend time trying to understand the areas in which you need improvement listening to the things which you feel you need improvement and then they will create lesson plans according to that they also keep a very close eye on your progress by tracking your progress every five weeks so every five weeks there is a little review where they will see how they think you are getting on and then from there they will decide the plan for the next five weeks so it's very very structured and very tailored to your specific needs another thing that really makes them stand out is the level of professionalism and experience of their teachers they only hire teachers which have got five years or more teaching experience which is fantastic so they've really spent time crafting the art of teaching also their teachers have experienced teaching at home in their home country and abroad so they've developed a wide skill set finally they only employ teachers with a degree or a master's degree so they really are the next level of professionalism when it comes to teachers now if this has caught your attention and you would like to improve your professional English with Magoosh then they have kindly given us a fantastic discount to offer to our audience so just for love English viewers and it is 25% off any kind of course package that you purchase which is a quarter so very very generous 25% of any course package now to get this the discount code is snl25 and the link is down in the description box below so the phrases in the first section are on describing situations and beginning meetings so number one is we've got lots of ground to cover so let's make a start we've got lots of ground to cover so let's make a start I could actually use this to begin a video basically it means we've got lots to talk about we've got lots to do so let's get going it sounds a bit more professional than saying that we've got lots of ground to cover so let's make a start you can practice each phrase along with me guys so that you're ready to use them in your presentation or your meeting or whatever situation number two is state of the art describing something as state of the art so this is an adjective phrase and basically this means that something is at the forefront of innovation it's something which is very new and modern and it's a very flattering way to describe something so if you say to your colleagues well our tracking system is state-of-the-art this makes it sound very impressive like it's one of the newest things available on the market so think about it guys when could you describe something as state of the art and this way you'll make it sound more exciting and professional number three is to break the mould to break the mould if we say that something has broken the mould we mean it's actually broken new ground in some ways it's departed from the old way of doing something or from current research or current ways of thinking and it is doing something new or using new techniques so if we say their method with teaching English really breaks the mould it means they're doing something very new with teaching English they're using new techniques methods departing from old and more traditional methods right in the next section guys we're looking at points where we're going to see more or where we want to introduce a new point so number four is turning our attention to or to turn your attention to or I would like to turn your attention to or attention can now be turned to which makes it more academic so you can use that last one in essays and things like that and this just means now we're moving to this topic number five is I'd like to expand on I'd like to expand on and this means here I'm going to say more I'd like to develop this point further so I could say I'd like to expand on love English's plans to teach more people around the world English I'd like to expand on love English's plans to teach more people around the world English number six is very similar it is let me elaborate further or to elaborate further or just to elaborate and basically this again means I'm going to tell you more details and going to say more very very useful and much better than using phrases like moreover furthermore and things like that they can get a bit boring and a bit repetitive ok guys the phrases in the next section are all used for when you want to say more or you want to refer back to a specific point so number seven is this relates to what I was saying earlier this relates to what I was saying earlier and this means this is connected to a previous point or this is connected to something I was saying before but it just sounds more professional than saying as I said before or going back to what I said before it sounds much more professional to say this relates to what I was saying earlier or this relates to what we mentioned earlier number eight is similar it is to revisit the aforementioned topic or to revisit the aforementioned statements points whatever this is a much more professional way of saying let's refer back to we can say let's revisit the aforementioned topic or to revisit the aforementioned points regarding this sounds much better sounds much more professional number nine is this ties in with this ties in with which means this connects to or this is connected to so if we say the results from our findings tie in with what we saw in the customer feedback we mean that these two are related to each other they are connected okay guys in the next section we're looking at ways to emphasize a point so to show that this particular point is important though number ten is the significance of this is so for example you could say the significance of this statistic are that we are going to have to work doubly hard this year to get the same figures that we produced last year and basically it means the importance of this is this is what this indicates number eleven is often used by politicians and leaders and basically it is because it strongly draws the listener or the readers attention to something and it is the importance of this matter should not be underestimated the importance of this matter should not be underestimated and you could change this or the significance of this matter if you wished or the significance of this matter cannot be underestimated so there's a couple of different options here but basically it means don't underestimate the importance of this this is very important number twelve is this is a salient point or salient research or salient studies have shown so there's a few options on how we could use salient but basically it means that something stands out or is very notable so if we say salient studies we mean studies that have really stood out they are very something that has been really noticed by others probably some of the most respected as well so you could say salient research has shown the importance of good customer service okay guys the next section is phrases that we use when we are making decisions we are coming to a conclusion about something so number thirteen is we have come to the conclusion that the best course of action is so for example you could say we have come to the conclusion that the best course of action is to open up a new division to deal with this and this sounds a lot better than saying we're going to do this because this is the best that sounds really boring and definitely not professional much better to say we have come to the conclusion that the best course of action is blah blah blah number 15 is what somebody might say when they're still making a decision about something and it is we are still mulling over the options we are still mulling over the situation to mull over is to consider to think about so we are still mulling over the options number 16 is a simple one but it's quite enthusiastic you can say okay so the plan of action for today is blah blah blah which means what we're going to do today is and then you would say number 17 this is nice where you want to go over and clarify information before people start to act on it so sometimes as an employee you may also ask your boss for this so the phrase is so a quick recap of the plan is blah blah blah okay the next phrases are all used when we want to make reference to information so number 18 is based on our findings and this means whatever I'm going to say I based it on so I'm basing it around this finding so we might say based on our findings forty percent of the population is now learning English through YouTube based on our findings forty percent of the population are now learning English through YouTube number nineteen now there are a few options here because I'm going to give you a couple of synonyms because it's basically the same meaning we can just change the word so we could say according to or in accordance with or as specified by or as explained by these are all phrases that we use when we want to say this person has said this but we want to say it in a more professional way okay this last section of phrases is all about how to give your opinion or your assessment of something so what you think of it but you want to say this in a professional way so number 20 is to put it simply well you can also change this to simply put so if you want to clarify something at the end of the meeting if you want to summarize that you could say to put it simply we are going to have to work doubly hard to achieve the figures we made last year number 21 is that seems doable or that seems manageable and this just means okay this seems like something we can go ahead with, this seems manageable or it seems like something we can do but it's a phrase you'll hear a lot in offices in England we might say okay now that sounds that sounds doable that seems manageable number 22 is often used when we want to track progress on something so we want to see how something is going and it is let's reassess in due course or let's reassess the situation in due course so basically it means let's check on how things are going let's maybe have another look make a new decision in due course number 23 is a fantastic positive phrase it is it's a win-win it's a win-win and this means this particular situation or this outcome is good for everyone involved everybody wins number 24 is used when you are waiting for news or confirmation and you want to say this in a professional way it is we are still awaiting confirmation we are still awaiting confirmation number 25 guys the last one is often used when we want to conclude a meeting or when we want to finish a current conversation so we want to wrap up the current conversation or a current topic and talk about it another time it is let's reconvene about this tomorrow well let's reconvene about this this afternoon and guys we are going to reconvene in the next lesson we are going to reconvene with more things to help you with your English in the next lesson so guys we've come to the end of those 25 phrases to sound more professional in English as I said they can also be used in an academic setting don't forget to go and try Magoosh and get that 25 percent off that amazing offer so don't forget to go and try them guys and also please try and use any of the phrases that we looked at today in the comments below and I will check that for you I'll see you soon guys bye bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 36,774
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, 25 professional english phrases, speak english professionally, professional english vocabulary, 25 english phrases, professional english, business english, business english vocabulary, 25 academic english words, how to speak english professionally, professional english phrases, advanced english vocabulary, advanced english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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