DON'T LET GRANNY BABYSIT YOUR KIDS! + Grandpa is a FGTeeV Fan! (Granny Chapter 2 Update)

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wait wait what mangas let's have a playdate shut the door let me get the crowbar ly let me get the crowbar yo what's up MC team is this your boy Itsuki be daddy in today something cray-cray happen a grand a night it's a huge update granny and Grandpa they're not babysitters there's some new items and a whole bunch of other stuff and let's get into it with both of them now I told you in the last video that we're gonna try to escape with both granny and Grandpa and I did stay to the end of the video to see that day one all right now before we get started let's just creep on upstairs cuz I got something to show ya this is one of the new items commissioned granny now here huh Wow whoo okay nobody here all right ready look at this oh my goodness this is a radio let's see what happens when we press it I would like the radio to turn off turn it off Rose this song is Li you never heard this song before no I'm sorry I'm sorry auntie TV but let's do let's get back to this all right what is that noise hello Oh what are you doing bro sure not yet do poo what's that noise this TV microphone actually plays Granny's house though right Shawn you want to know what else plays Granny's house listen playing it without me this is this is my first time seeing it I knew about it my first time seeing it you saw chicken wings hey it opened up pear trees why it happened are you spoiling it for me okay I'm gonna be I'm strictly on the quest for anything new oh my gosh this is off to a bad start beef day sideways butt cheek AB okey I don't need a pokey yeah drop it post knackered oodles of munchkin noodles please don't see me baby Nina taco loco day four and I'm not even trying to play I said I went to practice vote whoa Oh Gramps is sleeping no play it with the fdtv microphone in store soon okay ready stop oh my goodness did you know about this oh my goodness y'all in drina's Bobby is here who's in there Oh oh my goodness there son wait no die just ring something what would I do damn what is this is this a crank wheel way I could just do this by hand no you're gonna need something I need a wrench dude we gotta get the wrench we got a ranch a baby in a ratty Oh what else Okin good do lose that spider that's the baby here what what was that you did you see that did you see that Oh I got weight to just close the door what's a torque raining ah do chill I would've stepped in there oh that's why the baby don't go that's actually kind of like I got a call somebody about that no can't you find me I'm neither not an actual phone hello fireman neighbor there's two babysitter's that put a baby like in a really bad situation new can you help call call my mom okay he was just telling me what's good bro and they got me at the grand booth anyways that wasn't actually helpful call my mom you were a day five back outside we don't have any more days to figure this out but I'm guessing we need to somehow shut this we need you wait we need to find like a board maybe it's just not here right now what we just run ready oh boy Oh No Oh No yeah okay day one there's always something you got to do now all right no it's good luck you always got to start the first day off with playing this song [Music] Joe stepped up little man is like his pops you're a boss bro yo y'all pound day right there girl let me tell you something Shaun was like your dad I want to make a song as a guy I put on a beat put on the headphones put him in front of the mic and he did this in one take oh you heard that no that's the baby right what is ringing you only don't know it's like there's an invisible bet all the baby must be ringing the bell you hear that who's playing that grandpa grandpa likes my music I knew you was a fanboy yo that we grandma's a subscriber dude yeah that's actually kind of live it make your present dude up on the ridge thank you right here please don't be outside granny this is a hiding spot let's find out hi this is the strapping okay I think he's Elsa you saw him oh I just want to see what this wrench does here we go baby I bet you the baby came out of a can because they're tall like me look watch I get cut off on the camera see oh my goodness I got them tripping on my iPhone I know don't you don't down now really you just may be one Dunkin Donuts because you like cracking duck down now you got this sword whoa what just happened go up quick I bet you we shut that door so that the squid can't come in what do you think we did we shut the door it's like all dried up now baby Mina's probably won't come out Oh we're the baby I don't even know if it to him oh it's right there I think it can attack me Google has detection seriously where they can detect if you're sad and if you cry in the video they might flag the video Google's like Big Brother up in here anyways know where a crowbar is so that's good so I guess baby just knocks you out for a little bit doesn't kill you know I bet the baby already lay white just one time you might be right like oh grandpa please don't be a granny right here I don't know but I'm going for it I'm going forward I'm going for it protect the veins in the neck imagination so flippin cute bro well I wish I was you and I was a kid I was bullied in school and I don't think anyone like me as a kid I don't think no white like me as a teenager and everybody likes me a student Oh enough depressing stories let's just go see the world's watch babysitter's out wow racist both of the grumps do we undo it I just got to air my dirty laundry so I did it um no but seriously though in life you know I'm saying like you you just gotta I'm trying to get I'm trying to be motivational I'm trying to be motivation to try to be motivational y'all has ever dealing with like a bully situation for first you should tell somebody not try to keep it to yourself because you're not really proven wait you calling that my one is out he just said no no hang up hang up we got like oh my gosh don't push me to the great scream there's it Oh no get me problems try be motivational the goofed up and so you just got a shot turn the light back on you step back Oh Chuck you turn the light on shine do motivational speak now who just got motivational squeaks if somebody's bullying you you should tell somebody about it your parents at least another friend like if your parents don't care go tell your friend ask your friend and tell those parents or go to you can go talk to somebody in school if you older you talk to somebody at church they got hot lines understand bro if you can use that to make you stronger like what I did I'm saying the sky is the limit Shawn left the room sorry guys maybe another day for the motivational speech but just remember that you are a beautiful person and no matter what nobody say it just matter what you think about yourself and if you got good thoughts about yourself you set birth you said let's get back to the game play alright here we go it's Chun donkey did he not see me for don't know I don't want to have a battle I want to play the game so Shawn King you not no no stop stop stop wait what is that oh this wasn't here before was it meat I was just thinking that you're smart dude for an 18 year old you are a genius what should we do just drop it for her on the ground is she ringing the bell to get Grandma and Grandpa to come give her food so when you hear the bell they're on their way I think to come Feder no yeah look see oh yeah look she eat eat some yeah we have the food great we do have the food so I'm thinking that's what we do if we drop it we go get the crowbar you down to try yeah well guess what I know it's right hey listen this is drunk drop break I dropped it where is it right there go go right there you saw that that trick me that's my phone can you grab it it's my reminding to punch granny and a little busted little faith the last day how bad is wheeze yeah how bad is we yeah why you agreeing with me you should be like you're not that bad daddy where to meet where dummy me she ate it yeah I got a run really quick and just go and try to get the crow great come come yeah I don't even kid come knock me out okay I'm a wake up I'm sleepy pop sleepy doodoo come on come on come on sleep it I'm waking back up I'm gonna go up anyway I'm trapped wait there Deniz go granny gonna be right here and no she's gonna be going for here boom got the crowbar let me get the crowbar Li's let me get the crowbar you got a crowbar why can't I get a crowbar you have to get your crowbar and just beat up this iPad oh I broke my screen no Kenji Kenji okay don't Sean please [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] I love you so funny brother keys like oh my this is silly you're the best bro you know I saw somebody online say that's your TV's so annoying you doesn't even focus on goods they always get distracted and they talk bro that's what this channel is we have fun ok we're not sending we don't got nothing to prove about gaming to nobody you come here because you like to see us like look this is my daughter right here she got me come here lucky how was something like she got me she got me a Starbucks and a drink oh you so you didn't get me anything thanks thanks can I show you something real quick listen real quick no so lame anyways thank you for getting Shawn food done she's skipping school yeah that's right school you heard it we're skipping ok we ain't breaking no laws she's sick prove it please you eat my eggs oh yeah look here oh my goodness why they keep doing that lol oh you spitting it out bro there's a red pepper 444 years old oh no not yet they patched it so now you can't you can't stand in there George we're gonna hide in there look boom and just duck down granny can't see you I don't know if that'll work though that would be really cool though of you if step oh that's right duck down there's a supper in my chest that's so creepy the corner no back here oh I got to be honest I don't know why this is so hard I was gonna wait to the end of the video to show you but it really was nothing that great so I'll just show you right now I beat it on granny and Grandpa Moe was just straight focused no gameplay because he when I got to talk to the camera if I got to be really really interesting which usually is pretty much every single video I've ever done it's really hard to also focus on the game at the same time and so but look it is I love his chatter so much I beat it bro that might be record time bro I don't even know but I beat it granny and Grandpa I said piece of them fools oh no there's both of them shoes you can try to see me all you want bro but the fact of the matter is you ain't got the phalanges or the metatarsals to cut up to my cadence seen on sand all right we got this we got this it's all good cuz grandpa's who I want because frankly and you might be asking who's frankly nobody duh he's the brother of Bruce Lee seriously bro you must not be a kung fu master the check oh yo put another whoop someone who is doofy yeah Wow lollipop in a jig that's pretty brilliant right guys thumbs up for life hops in the drink wait it is time to stun that little baby oh this might be like a violation of some sort of I don't care about that this might be a violation of some sort of like rights or something yeah oh no yeah no I shouldn't do it though because the babies across seas huh we got to get our little passports first oh wait I didn't get the key from Gramps oh my goodness did I see it I'm a doof bro I meant to get the key imma grab me back granny bracket ow oh snap on the grand is here I'm a grad is here i'ma shoot this letter in the derriere that's my turn that way rocking me right there what's the granny old booty sticking through the wall granny lovely let's hear it and choo-choo my bad bro I forgot to do this before give me yo key bro wait give me yo no hi let her go past let it go past letter capacitor go fast oh my gosh no don't you drop down you do not smell me ya know you don't know you don't okay I actually I know now go weapon key she's gonna hey yeah on a shotgun oh yeah yeah let's do that it's got a shoddy it's that's a TV daddy let's just pop that little baby we can somewhere guys I'm sorry it took so long and sorry that just felt wrong no this just don't that just felt really really wrong so we're dropping yes okay got my wrench everybody's gone I literally just like the whole family Lee oh my goodness is like a rogue it's like a bear rug it's just it don't feel right something is wrong with this yes everything oh my gosh can I blow it up like a balloon oh my goodness bro oh my goodness no is Billy [Music] my goodness y'all wait what I don't need a bow will I don't even think about that I was just trying to show y'all everything that's doing this update cause I've escaped so many times I feel like I don't need to escape again there's nothing left to prove to you guys I can do it but now I did all of that just for her boat will you made me harm an innocent little baby creature she's never gonna ring the bell I have to at least ring the bell okay her ghost shall live on forever they probably won't come out flip wait what's actually gonna happen I want them to come out be like oh goodness oh goodness [Laughter] Gina baby who you probably supposed to be babysitting it's just chillin on the floor look like a Bears game carpet looking like a dear pal oh my gosh I just want to shout out my boys rig live us up how you doing strakes she don't even care that's the worst granny ever Lee I thought she was mean to me like I survived escaping Granny's house baby need a taco baby Nina not so much you hear that it's playing again so that means grandpa that's kind of kudo I mean not the song we all know that right because if you think about like the Bell is cool because you know that like within 30 seconds or something granny's at that side of the house when you hear the song playing you know grandpa I just pressed it cuz he's the biggest fan ever true and so you know that he's upstairs so it kind of gives you okay oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I should just scare like hey come on Sean back yeah a cup of noodles like how you say this like why do I have to give it my all oh no I just shot my both shots oh gosh she doesn't see me she doesn't see me oh my gosh grandpa's not that chunky now she's coming now she's coming she come mystical mystic gonna she comes she comes she coming to get me Oh poke okay now she's gonna go there it's the last day see I'm not really trying to escape I just want to show you guys what's new and I feel like I've done that but is it is it like am I being like a sore loser not a sore loser am I being like not a good sport if I don't escape but I don't really want to see I just want to show you what was good but I guess fine I'll escape all right time to escape I guys know we did it guys thank you so much for watching this video I hope that you enjoyed it Tasha I'm trying to pretend that I'm using old escape footage Pro chefs are to be you cleared your schedule yeah oh great let's check you guys later we got merged on the website shop that up to TV desk got collectible figurines and Game Stop Smith's UK Amazon target Hot Topic shot that up GT a microphone coming out babble beans fart gun grannies merged two new shirts on the store and I'm strong too high five bro give it up for us if y'all like us and if you don't what is something's wrong with you I think I'm kind of all gamed out right now because like I've been yelling some once I have a headache play game for fun but that way I could be like oh well this is cool and I have to be like a FG TV shopping network just want to share with you some new products we have your first up we got this brand new face TV if that's too large we also have here this made me excited to find a little dirty little Shawn little taste little sexy little my kathandol mom got some big big it so it's what she wants all Cho oughta make a choice one Amal yo the brought my believe we proud will be available at these locations Freddy your humongous when I get out of here over there destroy every little butt face little far for Newton Duty waffle
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 33,516,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fgteev, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteev gaming, fgteev minecraft, fgteev roblox, fgteev hello neighbor, family gaming, gameplay, skit, funny, comedy, ape chase, fgteev ape chase, granny, granny chapter 2 fgteev, grannys house fgteev song chapter two, granny chapter 2 escape
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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