ICE SCREAM 3: The End! Baby Rod's Mom is EVIL NUN! (FGTeeV Pt. 2 Funny Gameplay Glitches / SKIT)

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ah yes look how chubby freak I wanna help you choose the best tasting ice creams okay okay let's do it it's gotta be rich and creamy high in sugar 200 calories 300 oh this one 500 calories Oh extra lactose who added sugars take this why are you helping me well it's simple I want to get you nice and chunky so I can keep you as my fat little prisoner well not too chunky cuz I gotta keep you in the freezer and it's not a walk-in kind fatty pants hey where you going now running for your life in the star what's up GT you're asleep lean ice cream do ya Gary yes but we're gonna beat it this time can I um the items we now have diversion with the hydraulic jack as an item because we were missing it in our last game play yeah go check it right here our pants are saying are you sure - yeah buddies we are twinsies buddies so let's get out of this room [Laughter] knocking come in I'll be hearing oh my gosh it's like your rod wants to get me come get me this eye rod oh he can't get me this is crazy I'm glitching the game already he over to do it then he ran away rod open a door good what is he doing come on watch I get me come on you can't get me oh my goodness did I can't I'm so good at glitzy games we'll grab a slingshot we put the slingshot in - he's in the truck come on ah my give ear me Dodos yeah alright go Waldo did you see that yeah do we on the TV no no hold on we were like on the wall or something oh right there no I didn't notice that I Arad is after me but it's all good because y'all we can still get this live but we had to is he coming no man I told you dunk and then just okay jump so like this and then crouch and then now go quickly oh gosh she's gonna get me this right right behind me Sookie bye-bye Harlem shake hi yes I'm gonna throw this down there bye-bye gun duck down and now hold it yeah and that's how I get in and now go yeah go genius in here believe was the fishing rod and the shovel we did not get in there's a shuffle and there's a fishing rod alright get both of them oh you want me to do it and then just draw it can we come in here no rod scary they're rolling up chummy he got my plan there did the holy man oh my upsetting star is coming what kind of wibbly-wobbly does that to a to a senior citizen like myself I made a dog but you're gonna hatch an egg that there's a dog inside of the egg yeah okay and there's the dog oh my gosh not this no not it I wonder how he get the guns back we're gonna go to the train will go get the lift what's he what I didn't even noticed that that's so cool awesome ooh what is that I didn't notice that last time all right hold on we got a high hydraulic jack we've been looking for this item I tell you okay oh goodness gracious I just borrow it buddy kay I'll bring it back I'm stuck oh now we're going back to the shopping center we've got the jack number don't worry Lori chase I do remember right there right there yeah go for you got skills oh gosh sure Oh God okay hurry wait yeah oh yeah you should look to see if he's solo you should me okay yeah it's fine you do it you got this you guys okay hello he's not there okay cool okay cool so now let's see what does that do Oh oh my gosh we can ride it but by dog - oh my gosh ah does he see me yeah he does right you can take it the shovel suck in the door what can we get it yes we can get it through it yes it's down there throw it down there we got the shovel throw the shovel it's time to for real for real fish fish fish fish for real for real yes wait what how how do I get Oh get a fish dig yes run dude Rob's gonna be behind this I caught a fish this is gonna be for the croc where's the fish that I hope the fish is just like in my pocket I'm gonna grab the bike okay drop the bike right there okay quickly quickly right oh gosh rod wait just give me a sec I need to just press this button a couple more times rod just stay there Rock stop tur you're not playing fair right okay quickly brick is he stuck i glitched um yes why yes I don't know I'm just pressing stuff come on one more black breast boom there we go what no toy plugs at me Bob no more no more no more all right last button ready say stop it go wait wait is he coming ah sure sure I told you you're no longer FG TV Shaun you have to find another gaming channel to play with here's me yeah I know Mei now your buddy yung mulah fine I don't even care I care though a little bit dumb sir four three two where's the last one what go nighty night while I ride the bike ebike ready go oh goodness how good it's gonna be my skills I'm actually not driving that bad we got this I kind of know the route cuz I've done it on foot okay this is gonna be a tough one because of the little tiny little turn area no no go go go go no no get up you but go hop off just go touch it with my with myself back up back up nice so lost it no you bad me alright we're going again we've got it this time it's so distracting they see my face in a mall that's why we can't do this 25 seconds left yes right here now we're now we're now we're 13 there it is no no 11 10 yes 9 8 where's the last one where is it where is okay at least gotta jump off and see where it it's right there I missed it yeah you know we get run over or dah I don't think so I'm not taking a chance last time I try to run over him with the car we die try this again what stop picking your butt I let's do this come on gotta go slow we gotta focus we gotta focus I need to feel I can't help you with that it's this way see at least I know my way this time come on eleven yes I don't need that bike anymore there you have your where's my gift oh the wooden red horse oh look at this poor army is a question yes Ron am i dead no you're not dead you'll be back to life see I'm turning ice-cream on in this on my phone because I have everything unlock like all the hints can you can we see the hints W dot and I like you doing to do it so II know it's right there is a glare see anybody yes I did I got it open okay quickly okay I don't in here we're only here for this about those he probably sees me shoes got it we just gotta get out of here he doesn't see me okay we're good oh goodness Fiat got you goose wait what happens if we shoe run inside the truck does he end up coming with us shoot him okay rods in the truck no no rod come for a ride with us let's go to the circus dude is he's still gonna be in the truck with us no oh thank goodness are you flirting with granny over there [Laughter] mommy's here granny's that your mommy's your granny give your granny oh you asked me asking for a slice of that blueberry pie kathiria's I'm gonna pop him ready gonna fight pop boom I'm gonna throw that down while he's inside of the guy stuck in the ground you're not oh he's so nice that's nice of you now gonna skip the shoes shoes Oh God oh gosh ride you're supposed to be stuck in the cement we don't have time give us the key really quick like it thank you now it's very convenient Oh Huey quick grab the horse throw this horse Raimi's stuck in the psycho baby we got Liz last time but wasn't there isn't Charlie here yeah what the boss wait I think it's up there yeah yeah I see a box right there all right how do we get to oh goodness hey Charlie is this you yeah you Charlie quick we need the hint hold it rod capture Liz second answer okay then what first third first first third follow me to rods van let's go yes he's like scratching his butt and digging the grass I'm gonna find some gold in it I'm gonna find some gold in it there do we glitch there knowing here Oh see I told you anything Charlie let's go you're so slow me and Charlie are going to the van you stay there and get your steps on you what's your Fitbit I'm gonna be skinny I will sure don't wiggle it's this way dude what would you shoot man was exercising oh my I'm so glad you did that because now we get to see what a psycho baby rod really is he's got such cool dance moves how do you know how to dance like that ain't you Dan again no let's just get out of you don't we want to win know whose team are you on wad what is this sure run yeah oh my gosh let's cruise off chubby Charlie hurry up good boy let's get out of here though wait is this true rod used to be in the creepy nuns school which one of you nuts had a baby I'm pretty sure that's against the rules a miracle yeah that's how you keep your job falling a miracle then I was creepy yeah I didn't notice it Oh Charlie what he's literally blocking everything oh goodness Charlie I throw stuff in the truck and then he's blocking it wait i wronged you was us did Charlie divorce us I hope so I don't ever want to see that guy ever again hello mr. ice cream I hate rod he's got a fat body I'm glad I'm not his mom or his dad because he saw annoying there's a last life Sean I can tell the bunch you want to try chubby buns yeah okay go I don't hear right right where's the fishing rod dirty God why you think you're I cuz I want to go see the croc where's the food dish right here in so now do I have there like fish in my inventory no we did I just not get it I'm gonna go back we do wait where's my where's my fishing rod know where my fishing rod go did we leave it behind okay ladies and gentlemen we have an issue rod what did you do it my fishing rod oh wait aha zap them wait what's happening I'm pressing the zapper zap zap zap look the zapper is not working I can't even lose I can't even let it go I'm literally pressing drop ha ha now's not the time to show you guys wait what what in the world is going on let's just get out of here ma go back your shopping center no now I'm missing the fishing rod and the zapper oh I don't know what is the holy essence I can't even pick that up you see I'm not going crazy I have the fishing rod in my hand drop it drop it drop it drop it his have any look drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop janta i don't even why me now he's not even getting me I'm gonna just stop playing right here because mr. rod just all up in my grill Charlie this is all your fault you've ruined my life I'm gonna keep you trapped in here coz I don't want you to beat me it is approximately 1 a.m. I was determined to finish this game decided to keep playing finally got the fish working I go and feed the alligator of fish but then I shocked the alligator before he could eat the fish and the alligator never woke up rod came in and he's crying ok I allocate kuraki and the Fisher's have said to who's gonna eat me now five fish later and I got no special key to get two golden revolvers well that yielded the crocodile attacking rod I dug up some dirt with the shovel I got the key house tree I got the blue horse put the blue horse in got the firecrackers I then blew up the cabin access at the Metro I switched the tracks to numbers 2 6 4 to avoid being hit by an oncoming train to get the green horse I went and put the green horse and where it had to go but then I tried to leave to go back to Metro for the shoes and hat but there rod was duck in the truck and it was glitched and so I went up behind him smell his butt and all that and I still made out of there quietly okay it was a cool little glitch I got Charlie and the Yeller horse and I saw the cutscene about the nun mom Madeleine and gave me a recipe for disaster type stuff cuz I don't know I don't think I was paying attention to that before and then there's one more horse left and so I went and did the bike race and boom got that horse here we are yeah I don't think it would be fair to complete this ending without Sean and the problem is he's sleeping right now he fell asleep while we were chilling here trying to play just so you can hear his commentary hey dude you're up do you want to like see this no wait and like his eyes are open which is kind of creepy I'll just kind of put this screen here so we can watch it together next stop camping this is exciting huh Sean he said yeah I think there's the treehouse this is the last thing we need before we get the key it's the last color and we have all four of four colors and then st. John oh gosh you're so good at commentary look at that ladies gentlemen we just got the cage key make sure rod is not here I've got the cage key gotta make sure rod is nowhere nearby I don't see him chase is laughing at something funny I'm not quite sure what go into neighborhood we are escaping ice-cream three Lujan is cool right hey we've come on all together hi-yah who'd you we are a great team oh hi kid oh no wait wait we will anyway what's happening no way no water what dog dude a little what does what kind of shenanigans carp loopy plops is this what was the potion wait where we I'm alive wait what's this potion secret ingredient wait oh my gosh I have to go inside what what what I got out the truck and now Ron is taking off on my friends oh my goodness don't drink it do we don't know what that is game completed to be continued oh my goodness that potion plus the milk and eggs and the blender is gonna make something crazy like we're gonna it's gonna be like a monster rod that was insane right Shawn did you just say no you're very talkative today can I have a chance how about now okay thank you Wow guy doesn't stop talking I don't know why he's just staring at that potion lace is this bubblegum juice no okay J it's not it's a potion from an evil nut named adalynn who's probably not even his mom but could be because he doesn't have one all right keep it down now Shawn there's people sleeping in the house you're back it's actually the next morning there's still something to show you dude go to the kitchen and check out the items what's it gonna be what it's a potion that's J oh goodness today's gonna make all three items or four come together it's ice cream what kind of ice cream oh it's ice cream that makes you chubby this is what the big companies do to the food supply in America oh my goodness chubby J dude you're chubby J hey J day now you gotta get out wait we here make yet anymore nope oh man do we dare go outside though oh goodness what a beautiful child come here I have a gift for you he's in the truck normally he's not in the truck oh goodness where's your mommy this you know not real life okay I think you have to go see him oh what a beautiful child come here you just got caught you know what that means ice cream is officially over there's no more kids to kidnap but do you know what's happening ice cream for what no may show you yeah oh they're at the campsite right yeah and now what do you think what happened everything yeah it's over gravy Lyla waiting time is over do you know he will finally return done is son Ronnie Shawn yes so ice cream for is the nun and rod alright guys that is it for this video thanks for watching remember we love y'all we thank y'all for pressing the subscribe button and the bail notification button follow me on tik-tok at funnel vision follow me on instagram at funnel vision fam we'll see you guys later next time peace up our list follow me I got some chunky snacks for us to share no wait why should push me no no what's up I just teleported into the front of Rods van yeah that is cool it will treasure chest what is that
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 29,577,460
Rating: 4.6772938 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay skit, ice scream skit, evil nun ice scream 3, rods mom evil nun, ice scream 3 ending, ice scream secret ending, fgteev ice scream, ice scream man game, ice scream 3, ice scream gameplay, fgteev, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteev gaming, fgteev roblox, fgteev hello neighbor, skit, funny, fgteev scary games, fgteev ice scream 2, ice scream 1 fgteev, ice scream ending, ice scream crocodile, scary games 2020, new scary gameplay, fgteev new video, fgteev minecraft
Id: dgPU6sFtphM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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