Army Basic Training! What to pack??

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every single person that you see in basic is ugly hey y'all welcome back to my channel or welcome to my channel if this is your first time stopping by thank you my name is shay and we're going to be discussing the items that you all need to bring with you two basic combat training soldier what are you looking at nothing that's a song [Music] okay also i want to apologize in advance i know this is a military video sorry for all the hair makeup the day i planned on filming this video which was what you saw in the intro i ended up not having enough time and today i have time i'm trying to beat the sunlight so i can get natural lighting i don't want to wash my face and try to get into my uniform and all that stuff so i apologize in advance anyway let's get into okay also the first thing that you need to come with is a positive attitude and a positive mindset okay so you're gonna have days especially if you're coming like january february because it's it's gonna be cold you're gonna have days where you're like why did i join what was i thinking i don't want to be here okay you can you can do it i did it so i know you can do it um what you need to do is focus on the reason why you join in the first place okay and then meditate on that when you're having bad days because you're gonna have bad days it's it's just gonna happen okay so focus on that also um don't worry about any other meals and you know if you don't get involved in any petty drama don't worry about who looks good who everybody is ugly and basic training everybody every single person that you see in basic is ugly that's how you need to have your mind set up okay don't get caught trying to sleep around doing stuff that you know you should not be doing that's not what's important what's important is that you come here and you graduate and become a soldier so here i have my notebook um with some a list of items that i wrote down that you will need if you're coming to basic training soon whether you're about to ship out or you're just thinking about joining in the army and joining the army in general uh this will help you out so let's begin so the first topic we're gonna get into is clothes so when you all come i don't know why for some reason like people be trying to like stunt when they come to basic training you're not gonna wear any of these outfits that you bring that you bring the outfit that you have on you're gonna take it off pack it up and it's going to be locked away until you ship off to ait so what i would suggest is that you bring either go to walmart or look in your closet or something and bring three to four t-shirts okay a black one a gray one and a white one or two black ones a grey one and a white one just basic color t-shirts i suggest you get a pack of those and you bring two pair of pants in the event that um you're at 120 and it takes a couple of days for you all to get your pt uniform which is your workout uniform you wanna make sure you have a change of clothes okay so in addition to that your undergarments when you pack your underwear bring i would bring black you can bring black or white i don't advise you bring white i would suggest you bring all black undergarments okay to include your sports bras ladies so you can have black um white or tan like a neutral color so i suggest you bring black or tan make sure that you don't have any logos on your undergarments they need to be solid black solid tan no logos your socks as well i advise you bring two to three pair no logos black socks black or white most people like to wear black it just looks better with the pt uniform so next is hair and makeup so hair i'm speaking to both male and female so um females first if you are like natural or you have like ethnic hair i advise that you braid it up okay you can wear weave in basic training but i would not advise that you're going to be like in the woods and stuff and you're not going to be able to wash it and dry it in time so i advise that you just braid your hair up in some cornrows or something and wear it like that being the remainder of your training find somebody in your baby that can braid okay so i would not advise that you wear a sew-in or a wig or anything like that just get braids also um males i would also advise that you cut your hair okay you can't have ponytails or braids or anything like that in basic training they're going to shave your hair off so you just come with it already shaved it'll save you the trouble also if you have facial hair go ahead and dip that in the butt as well also females when you have your bun um those of you who will be wearing your hair and you pull it in the bun just make sure that um your hair towel your scrunchie matches your hair color okay you cannot have highlights and things like that you need to it needs to be a natural hair color so if your hair is black make sure you have a black scrunchie if you have blonde hair make sure that you bring a blonde scrunch okay females makeup i would personally just advise you not to bring the makeup okay you're not gonna be able to wear it during training when you get there it's going to be packed up and stored away with your personal items now i know on graduation day um you may be allowed to wear makeup depending on your drill sergeant however when i graduated like it's it's such a time crunch you don't really have time to do it like you want to so i try to do like my eyebrows they ended up looking messed up because i was rushing and stuff just don't i wouldn't advise you bring makeup i wouldn't advise you wear makeup there okay don't bring it do not come with false eyelashes on you cannot wear eyelash extensions in the military scratched it you cannot wear eyelash extensions in the army okay according to ar 670-1 eyelashes are not authorized unless medically prescribed okay unless you have a medical condition where you cannot grow eyelashes okay you are not allowed to wear them so do not come with false eyelash trust me i wear makeup okay and a lot of other drills aren't sort of makeup so i'm gonna know if you have um individuals okay so please do not be that female just do not come with lashes on okay moving on to hygiene honestly i don't know why i feel like i really need to i do know why so hygiene so when you all bring um i would bring enough to last me about two weeks so you can bring all travel size um items okay so your shampoo your soap your lotion your toothpaste okay however when you bring soap and lotion make sure that it's unscented it is unscented if it is not unscented we're going to take it away from you and it'll be locked away you do not need to come with victoria's secret spray with the scented bath um shower gel and all of that bring some dove so unscented okay unscented lotion regular toothpaste um what else if you bring hair gel do not bring like some fruity smelling hair product just bring regular gel okay um anything that has a scent in it is going to be confiscated and it's going to be locked away with your personal items and you will not see them until you graduate and i'm talking to the males as well as far scent don't come in there with old spice and axe spray and all of that extra stuff we don't want to smell it just come in with some regular dove soap some regular deodorant just bring regular unscented hygiene items everybody also females um when it comes that time of the month i advise that you bring tampons and not pads so if you do not know how to use one start learning right now okay we're all adults here so if you don't know how to use one i advise you start learning right now it's not going to be comfortable i have it on a pad and you're out in the field and you don't know when you can use the rest i don't know what it is when soldiers come through basic training that they feel like they don't want to take a shower i don't know if it makes you feel like more of a soldier but that is not what's about to go down you will take a shower while you're in basic training every time we give you all a chance to take a shower you will take one nobody wants to be around a stinky person all day okay you're already gonna be out in the field you're gonna be training you're gonna be nasty and sweaty take a shower wash your clothes okay wash your clothes i know there are trainees who will put on the same uniform every single day and not wash your uniform wash your clothes and wash your body do not be nasty okay please do not be that please do not end up in my platoon and be nasty okay now as far as your records if you come and you're married okay bring your marriage certificate if you have children bring their birth certificate bring your uh social security card um your spouse is social make sure you know your spouse's social um security number as well bring a photo id what else is that right now yes so your birth certificate your children's birth certificates uh your marriage dirt your spouse's social your social security card any medical documents that you have okay any dental records that you have bring those any medication that you're on and and you have paperwork um for that medication bring that also for females if you are on birth control i advise that you go and ask for um a few months worth because you're going to be in basic training they're probably not going to give you more birth control than basic training so if you're taking birth control bring it let your drill start know they'll take that medication and lock it away and you'll be able to get it um when they call for people who are taking medication you'll take it during that time just make sure you bring it up they miss it as far as they also get with your recruiter if you're already seeing a recruiter to see what other um paperwork you might need to bring that i did not mention okay so for finances i advise that you bring at least 20 in cash you shouldn't need it but you never know what might happen um so keep that on you bring your atm card as well you will also receive something um called an eagle cash card when you get there so it's a card that you can use um when you all go to the shoppet to purchase um other your hygiene items and stuff like that okay so they'll give you a card to go purchase like your sports bras and your underwear any other items that you might need and it'll be on the eagle cash card this is your money this is not free money so when you join the army you start getting paid immediately it's going to be put on this card so don't go in there swiping by unnecessary stuff that you don't need okay get a watch i would get a watch um sports bras if you need them if you bring the colors um that i said in the beginning you shouldn't have to buy more sports bras but they may make you still buy three tan sports bras okay but you'll get you'll get a chance to buy those undergarments and any other hygiene items that you didn't bring that you may need off of that eagle cash car but that is your money okay please do not assume that this is free money this is your money um that you would get on your paycheck so be very wise about how you some of you have never had this much money at a time and you just kind of don't know what to do don't go in to shop it and spend your money on stupid stuff okay only get the things you need okay also that's all i can think of that i wrote down um in my notebook so if i missed something i'm sorry make sure you guys leave any questions comments or concerns down below in the comments section i wish uh anyone who is supposed to be coming to basic training soon the best of luck you can do it okay don't forget to like comment and subscribe and i'll see y'all in my next video what is you looking at nothing that's a song piece of fame beat your face
Channel: Shay Barnes
Views: 4,639
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Army, What to pack for basic training, Army packing list, Drill sergeant, Basic training, Shay Barnes, ShaTerrigra, Sha’Terrigra, ShaTerrigra Barnes, Barnes, COVID, TRAINING, BMT, BCT, Updated list, Packing list, Covid 19, Shay, Army basic training, Basic training army, Fort Jackson, Sc, Navy, Marines, Military, Military training, Covid, Basic during Covid, What to bring to basic training, Fort Jackson SC
Id: i1a_46iGZfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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