DON'T GO IN THE WATER | Little Nightmares - The Depths DLC

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*wa-pssh!* Top o' the Mornin' to ya, laddies! My name is JackSepticeye and welcome back to Little Nightmares! Not big ones. They're not that big. They're just itsy-bitsy, tiny, little nightmares. So the game has a new DLC. We finished the game before. We played Six's story and we went through all of that. But now there's new stuff coming out. There should be a new DLC in here, in the midst of everything. If we go all the way back... Yeah! So this is the main campaign up here, but now we go down here, which is cool because the name of this DLC is called "The Depths." "Your progress in current chapter will be reset. Are you sure?" Yes. Because I want to play as this boy. This one- this is actually a boy this time. They even made it a point to make it very apparent that it was a boy this time. They said they know that Six was ambiguous, but that this is actually a boy. I think that' what I read on their, um... stuff. And he's called the Runaway Kid. *creepy ambient sound grows* Oh, god. Oh god, Oh My god! No! *BGM silences, boy gasps* Oh, no. Don't like that. Not a fan of the grabbies underwater. So I'm on of the kids..., that Six saw when I was running around. I wonder, will we see Six, then, in any of this? God, it's fucking dark in here, bro! *strange sounds in background* There's the old familiar sounds. And I don't know who, like... Oh, yeah! You can see him chasing someone! I didn't see who it was. It's very dark and my lights are very bright in here. Okay, it's just a random child. It's not Six. Oh, that's fucked up. I hate him. Mr. Tickles, I hate him. He's gross. He freaks me out. Oh, that child's gonna die, arent' they? So I'm hoping that we get some more info on the ma in this one. The ma and pa. Kay. It's a boat. Got a lot of handprints all over it. Can't make out what the pictures are. There's a picture of Six under my feet. Controller, can you calm down? My controller's been vibrating this entire time. Oh, I wonder if we get to see some little runny dudes? And I don't have a lighter anymore, either. I do have something on my foot. Okay. *insect-like chittering noise* Oh, what was that? Ew, what's under this? There's lots of eyes everywhere. Ew! What is that? Oh god, the eye's looking at me. There's a child hidden down there. Do you see them next to the box? Don't run out, child. you're gonna die. This place fucking sucks. Can I go down and help them? I can fall and break all of my shit. Hmm. Where am I? Oh, I wake up right here. Oh, I can't go that way, anyway. Can't I just climb down the fricking front of that thing? This is where I was before. Ooh, I don't like it... Nuh, I don't like it. Okay. Go. Oh, go. Oh, I'm so fucked. I'm so fucked. I can't go anywhere. Oh, I can! Oh, no, now they ran out without me. I need friends! Okay, blind spot, blind spot. That's very good.That's very good, that's clever. This is clever. I like this. Don't get caught. Where'd they go? Hello? Friends? And this is, like, 'cause when your were Six, you didn't really know what was going on at the start. But now you know what this place is. So it's really creepy that you're one of the kids that could be eaten. At any moment. I don't trust these fucking doors. Just kidding. I trust them. It's way too fucking quiet in here. So I've been in all this place, right? When I was Six? Not six years old. Six the character. This is near where I started off- ohh..... Don't like that. Oh! Hi! Are you escaping? I wanna fucking escape, as well! Let me come! Can you not grab this? There you go. Thank you. Oh please, Papa, let me escape. Oh, please. I would ever so much like that. There we go. (irritated) Climb up! Holding right is to climb? Why? Oh shit, oh shit. Where are you going? *thud* How did I fall off? I didn't even move! (laughs) Okay. Cool. Ah, come on, man. Really? What's the button to like, climb down things? Whatever. It's whatever. I'm gonna be faster this time. I'm gonna catch you! I'm gonna catch- She's- she's leaving without me. Again. Don't you want friends? I want friends. Okay, can you- There we go! I was holding right trigger last time! Maybe I'll let go of it momentarily. There's a light up there? Whatever. Let's just get out of here. This place sucks. And the people on the place suck. Can't see down the hole, but sure. Whee! Oh, no... Oh, fuck you. You're not gonna do what I think you're gonna do, are you? Oh, shit. Okay, go. Go. Oh, there's gonna be a water monster, isn't there? Ew, I don't like that. So it wasn't just a dream I was having. It was a premonition. Can I pull one of you over? No? Maybe this one. It has a handle. Yeah. If I'd stayed in that water, would something come up and grab me? 'Cause it is called "The Depths." So that would make sense. Also, this boat, or this whatever the fuck it is is taking on a lot of water. We hit an iceberg or something? I don't know. All I know is I. Want. Off. I want off, Mr. Bones Wild Ride. There we go. Want to look around and see if there's any little runny dudes around. I loved those guys last time. Little mushroom tips? They were cute! The girl didn't come this way, did she? Yes! Flashlight! Oh wait. Is that hers? Ooh... The last time, we had a lighter, and now we have a flashlight. Oh, this is worse! Oh, this is way creepier. Ah! Ew, ew, ew, ew. Fucking leeches! Gross... Ah, go away! No! Ooh, fucking freaky! I don't like it. Parkour! Parkour! Yes! Run, little boy! Run, little boy! Please? Oh, Jesus. Oh, I hate it. Oh, it's so gross! Okay. Now we're jumping back... Are you ready? Yes, you're ready. Are they following me up? *loud, echoing creaking sound* Those are not nice sounds. Oh fuck. Oh get out. Get out. Get out. This has trouble written all over it. Can I go over there? Oh fuck. Oh, I'm so gonna die. Testing the waters! No? Oh, now you're just fucking with me. (nervous panting and laughing) Hhhnnnggg, I'm very uncomfortable. *wood creaking and Jack groaning* Nice. (Russian accent) I'm super strong. Be cool if you just a hand come up and grab it. I mean. "Cool." Cool for horror, bad for me. Eugh. Freaky dolls. I wanna get out of the water as soon as I possibly can. This has Bad News Bears written all over this shit. Oh, it's so bad! *ambient sounds* Oh, it's so bad! *sounds get louder* Oh, no, what do I do? Just keep fucking going, boy! *monster growling* No no no no no! Oh, I see the hand! (distressed whimpering) Oh, fucking nightmares. Little ones. But also big ones. *shudders* It gives you that fucking shiver up your back. It was like when I played Inside. And it had the creature in that, as well. Like the little mermaid girls. That was also a big fucking nope-erino. It sucks that you put your light away every single time I climb something. Whoa. Can I fall down here? Are you gonna die if I fall? No. Okay. Good. Just stay away from the water. EEWWW! It's all bunged up with leeches! Maybe if I throw. Urgh! *leeches "screaming" and slithering* Nope. Oh, nope, nope, nope. Really don't like that. They're so fucking squirmy and weird! Get out. Are the able to follow me? I really hope not. *chittering sounds* Eww..... No, thanks. Oh get the fuck out of the water. This is like when you watch Jaws for the first time back when it came out. Like. Watching Jaws now is like, whatever. It's like, cool shark movie. But back then, it was like, oh god no. The water. Never going back in the water again. *Jack straining* Can't move it. Unless I can push. *Jack straining* No. Okay. There's another switch over there. This is already creepier. Than the original playthrough. Nice. Now we have power! Thataboy! Thataboy. Oh, did you have to fill it? Did you? Did you have to do it? Is that something that you had to do? Okay, I'm jumping in. Where am I? Hello? Oh, there I am. I got fucking stuck in shit. Oh, controller, stop vibrating, please. There's nothing even chasing me right now. And you're making me all paranoid. Get out. Get out. Shake it off. Come back tomorrow. Pffffft. The less time you spend in water, the better for me. What? What? Can I go through? I can't do anything. Oh! That was blocked off. My bad. Oh, I'm hearing a heartbeat. Oh, fuck Okay, we're going into the depths. It's gonna be fucked up. But pray for me. Hup! Ooh. Ohh. Ohh! It's got big, long hair and weird head! Ooh, ooh, ooh. Are you the sister of Mr. Fister? Mr. Tickles? Is that a thing I can stand on over there? I think that's a fucking red herring over there. No! Fuck! Oh you son of a bitch! Oh, that's good, but fucking terrible. Oh you son of a dick. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no! *loud roaring* Gah, fuck! *pffffft* Don't like it. Don't like it. Makes me feel uncomfortable. Makes me feel like there's someone going, like that, to my back constantly. Okay. Let's do this. Wonder if it's... if there's something to do with like, being knocked off. If I get them to do that, does that kind of stall them a small bit? Oh, shit. That doesn't fucking stop anything. Oh crap. What do I do, man? Just gonna wait and see. Oh, that didn't slow progress. That didn't slow progress at all! Am I supposed to get out of the water, push something along, and then jump onto it? Get off, jump on, that kind of thing? Nope. Can't do that. Holding the trigger to grab stuff... Oh, wait. Oh, fuck! Whoa, shit! Okay, that worked. That worked. I don't really know what I did. I think I just went on one side and the went the other side, and I just had enough time to do it then. Oh god. Okay. Let's be smart about this. Fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck! *roaring grows* Oh fuck. Oh fuck! Come on, man! *irritated sigh* Don't start me back at the start of that. You're gonna do that, aren't you? Oh, thank god. 'Cause that was one of my main complaints with the original game. Was that the checkpoints were horrible. What? Now you're over here!? Get out, get out, get out, get out! Oh Jesus Christ. *roaring grows* Get out, get out, get out, get out! *deep breathing* Fuck this. This is horrible! My poor little heart! Is it grabbing it? Oh, there's a fucking hand in it. Hup! Oh god, I thought I was supposed to grab that! I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I can't get out. Ah, man. *roaring grows* Urrgh. I'm all sweaty. I don't know how long this DLC's gonna be, either. Okay. Fuck you, game. I can't see if it was actually grabbing the bottom of this. I think it is. That's creepy. Okay, maybe if I keep you here? That wasn't enough to grab it, either! And now I can't get out. What's the point, then? You fucking CAN grab the thing! Why weren't you grabbing it before, then? Oh, why? Why? (singing) Why, Delilah? Hup! Okay, we're okay. Okay, throw a fish tail. It's gonna go for that, right? You went for that. Now I go this way. Oh, bolt it! Oh, be like Usain, and get the fuck out of Dodge! Okay. Safe. You better start me here, game. (laughs) Can I fall into this? No? Nothing in that? Okay. Got it. Whatever. I'ma throw a shoe. There we go. I threw the shoe. Now I'm gonna pass the game because I threw the shoe. *Jack straining* Hup! Oh, nicely done, my boy. Can't reach the door. Can I? Or is the door just open? Oh. Go go go go go. Hup! Yes! Shit. Not yes. Very not yes. Oh, he's not in here. Okay. What? Why are you just jumping off things? Jesus. Freaking me out, boy. This is good. I like this. When it's fully cleared of water, I like this. Oh, what's in the jar? There's a jar there and it's moving. And everything's tied down. Like you knew this place was gonna fill with water. I don't trust it. I don't trust it. You're not super hungry, are you? Oh, it's a fucking leech! *leech chitters* Eewwww, no... Okay, it's a slow leech. Okay, I got the key. I got the key. Run The key's not that heavy. Even though it's like, the size of you, so... I mean, whatever. There you go. There you go. There you go. Get away from the fucking leech. Can I close the door? Oh. Thank God. A bit of security goes a long way. Okay. Electricidad. Does that mean I can go now, 'cause the electicity's not in the water? I hope so. I'l be able to push you in. As like a... a platform. *straining* That I can manage to... ...get across on. That's not enough. Wait. Dude's not gonna be in here, is he? No. It's too... it's too shallow. ...he says as hands come up from the depths and grab me by the little legs. Oh, do I have to do this again? Ohh, shit. Was I supposed to push you across that? When the water was up? Let me see. Okay, I can't do this. Um... I think I might have messed it up. The water doesn't come up that high now. Okay, let me see. Okay, no. No, I'm not. I'm supposed to just... Okay. I'm supposed to just make platforms because- ah, will you touch the button? 'Cause the electricity will get me otherwise. So I have to space these out perfectly. To where I can get to both. Is that perfectly? I don't know. I don't trust this. Can you- ugh... Just turn it that way. Perfect. Perfect! That's the one. That's how we do it. (singing) This is how we do it~ Now push de button. God, that's hard to judge. Hup! Hup! Nice! Vell done. Ohh... that doesn't look good. Okay, yeah. When it comes to like, giant holes in the floor, or- Oh, he's weird! Eeewwwww, it's like an old man face! Get out get out get out get out get out... Hup! Get out get out get out get out... Oh, shit. I have to go that way. Okay. Okay. I see it. Yeah, I see ya. I saw ya. Oh, I saw it. Get out! Oh, fuck you. Urgh! Go get that. Go get that and also, fuck you. Huehuehue. Can I make those? Hup! Yes! That's the shit. Oh... Oh... I'm never gonna make that, am I? (nervous laugh) I'm not gonna have enough time to get across there. (whimpering) Hnnn- FUCK. Almost! I feel like the game should have given me that. Throw the fucking flashlight! It's not helping us. Hmm. I don't see any benefit to being able to be up here. Oh, maybe that. I'll get a longer leap. Ah, sure, he's fucking right there! Get up get up get up! Sons of bitches. Sons of bitches. Can I go over there? Nope! That was a mistake! Mistakes were fucking made! Okay. Maybe not. *gurgling/growling sounds* Hup! (nervous laughter) Where am I going? Where's next on my list of fucking (suddenly louder) horrible nightmares? Oh, I really wish you swam faster. Really wish you did a lot of things. Okay. Okay. Are these bodies? (whimpering) So unnerving! *growling grows* Get up, get up. Get up! What!? That was legitimate bullshit. I teleported into the fucking hand. Ugh... Whatever. I'm trying to like you, game, but you're making it very fucking hard. Okay. (sigh) Careful. Easy. Easy. Easy does it. Why'd I think I could come out the end of that fucking place? Oh, boy. Oh, Jesus. I didn't- Why!? Why!? Fuck me! (stressed laugh) I have no idea why they jumped off again. I didn't even press the jump button. Oh god. Can you not climb up? Really? Why am I even able to be here? Oh god, what do I do? I can't do anything. I can't go up. I'm hitting all the buttons I can. Oh, jeez. Oh god, oh god, fucking freaky weirdo. I'm guessing that's why I fell off, then. Oh! Can I push this toilet? I can get into the toilet. I can get into the sink. Wash yourself. Have a nice time. Why did it go that way? Ugh, is this full of poop? Okay, I can't move it. Okay. I'm just doing this. Is he in here? Do I go this way? Do I go a different way? Okay, there's a handle. Okay. Oh, shit. Is that- is that just gone, then? Oh, wait. No, there's a drain mechanism. I was thinking that game wouldn't be THAT fucking mean. Lose pieces. Okay. We do this. Oh, shit. Do I have to throw it onto this? Hrgh-up! Well, that doesn't go very far. Hrgh-up! Yeah! And then I can move you. I got this. But this is not good for stress. My heart's pounding this entire time. Hold it. Little more. Little- Is that as far- Oh, there's a fucking tin can. Pick up the tin can. Fuck the tin can. Tin can's a piece of shit. I don't like that tin can guy. Okay. This is legitimately as far as I can bring it. Climb that ladder and do all of this again. Ah, Jesus. At least I'm away from that other fuckface now. I would have been so mad if I threw that in again. (laughs) Nice. Are you gonna be timed? Oh, you sure are. 'Cause why the fuck not. So I need to do this. Can I move you while there's water? Ugh... Push the button. Push the button. Push this across and make a platform to run across because swimming slows me down. Pretty sure. Now I'm stuck. Grab it. Grab- Can you... grab it? Well, this seems like an oversight. Grab it! There we go. Jesus. Do like this. That's about halfway. It's good enough for me that I don't want to dick with it again. Because I have a feeling that I'll mess it up and then everything will be ruined. And then I'll be sad. That's gonna be a tight squeeze. Hup! Hup! And I... go! Just start me outside the door. Just start me inside that room. I got there. Oh my fucking god... I have to do it ALL again!? All right. Round two. Round two. Yes yes yes yes... Okay, we finally fucking did it. We're through Hup! Oh, don't fall in down there. That would be the bad. Oh! Oh god. Oh god. Ew! Ew! Ew, he's weird! He's sitting in a chair! Don't you have fucking better to do, dude? Uh-oh Uh-oh. (singing) I'm going under~ Hurgh! (singing) Drowning you~ Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit... This whole fucking section is "oh shit" moments. Go. Go. Go. (sighs) Every time I get out of the water, I'm happy. Oh, it's TV! Like the TV Mr. Tickles had. Okay. What does that help with? No idea, but I'm fucking going. Uh-oh... Where? Where? Where? Where? Where do I go? Where do I go? *roaring grows* I'm confused! I'm lost! *strained groan* Shit. I thought when I jumped down there, there would somewhere to go on the right, but I couldn't see anything. Okay, this light turns on for some reason. Ah! So I can swing on it. Your poor fucking hands. You must be roasted. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh, mistakes were fucking made that day! Pfffffffttt.... Get out. Get out. Get out!! *strained* I hate it! Go go go go go! Go go go! Yah! Oh, you're gonna get it, boy. Oh shit. Oh shit. He's gonna pull the whole thing down. He's gonna electrocute himself! Yah! Gonna fucking electrocute me, as well. Where was I supposed to go? Probably up onto the light. But I didn't know how I got there. Oh, boy. I sure do love repeating sections! Hurgh! Hup! Nice. Now hold on as long as you can this time. Oh, he's so freaky. You can't get me. I'm up here and I'm alone. Forever. Okay, down I come! Gerominos! Hup! Boy, why do you have to be such a slow little piece of shit? Why can't you just, like, swim like fucking Michael Phelps or something? Oh, I can just push it in. Oh! Oh, you gonna fucking fry, piggy! Yeah! Ooh, he got fucked. Yes. Haha! Shit. (laughs) I was supposed to use you to get out. I straight fucked him, yo. Now what? There's no like, runny dudes and there's no statues and there's none of that kind of stuff. Okay, I have the... (laughs) The light to my face to be like... "A long time ago, in a spooky castle..." Telling ghost stories. I think we might be near the end of this one. *rat squeaks* Ew, ew, ew, ew! Is that it? Oh shit. Hey, there's Six! And me in the bottom right. *creepy music box song plays* Oh... This is where Six started, right? When you play the main game? *music box continues* So that's DLC #1 down. *BGM fades to silence* I can't remember what the name of the next one is. "The Hideaway" is what the next DLC is called. So that's- they haven't named the third one. I think there's three DLC's in the... ...the maw expansion. The Secrets of the Maw, I think is what the name of the whole expansion is actually called. So that was the first one. "The Depths." And we got a new character. Actually two new characters. I guess. We got the Runaway Kid and we got, um... Freaky-deaky old deep-down-in-the-depths, Mr.-Tickles's-older-brother guy. Who was fucking... That was WAY more creepy than Mr. Tickles ever was. Because he was like, walking around, he was creepy and everything, and the long arms... But when you don't see the creature coming, that's what's really messed up. And stuff from the water that's always just... Ugh! When you're just about to get out of the water. It was the same when I played Inside. Man. That was good. Not great. I like... I like this game. I like the world. I like the style. I like the sound effects. I like a lot about it. I like more than I dislike. The things I dislike are the controls. The controls are awful. And they were in the first one. Um... 'Cause they're so clunky. They're so inconsistent when you're jumping towards something. Sometimes you grab, sometimes you just leap off stuff. Sometimes you're trying to climb up on something, and it doesn't let you. And then other times, it does. Like when I was trying to climb onto the sack. For some reason it wouldn't grab, and then all of a sudden, it grabbed it the next time because I had it... ...slightly lower or slightly higher or I had it just in the right place. There's times when the guy grabbed me and I teleported. So it feels like it's a bit unfair. And it's a bit... ...tedious to try and do things, and to save system is really bothersome as well. When you... 'Cause it's not the type of game that's challenging that you have to like, finish certain sections, and then if you fail, you go back and your skills come into play again to pass that section again. Because it's so inconsistent, having a poor save system as well as inconsistent controls... ...leads to a lot of frustration. Because then you have to do big chunks of sections again that were already frustrating to do the first time. So... If they just tightened up those little things, then the game would be outstanding. But there's just that tiny little piece that's holding it back from greatness. Don't get me wrong. Still love the game. I still really, really like again, the premise of all this. And I love playing it, and I like where the story's going. I like the characters. I like the environments. Really, really enjoy it. It's just those small little bits that I feel like if they just changed that, then the game would be almost flawless. But for now... Thank you- Oh wait wait wait... I don't know when the next DLC is coming out. Oh wait, it's November. I do remember seeing that. So we don't have definitive dates yet, but it'll be in November. So for those asking for more Little Nightmares after this, we won't be able to play it until November again. So... That's a long time away, so please be patient. But for now... Thank you guys so much for watching this episode! If you liked it... Punch that like button in the face LIKE A BOSS! And high fives all around. Wa-pssh! Wa-pssh! But thank you guys and I will see all you dudes... ...IN THE NEXT VIDEO! *outro music* Just don't go in the water again... Mr. Bumtickler will be there!
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,217,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, little nightmares, little nightmares game, little nightmares gameplay, little nightmares walkthrough, playthrough, lets play, let's play, jacksepticeye little nightmares, PC version, Steam, gameplay full game, full playthrough, horror, scary, scary game, scares, reaction, jumpscares, ending, explanation, chef, DLC, water monster, secrets of the maw, the depths, little nightmares DLC gameplay, full DLC, full walkthrough, full dlc walkthrough, runaway kid, water creature
Id: T-sYKk6L2Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 42sec (2682 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2017
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