Reacting To Crazy Magic Tricks

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9:45 was amazing. I doubled over in laughter lol

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 18 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/KidMowgli ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 20 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"I thought you 'fielder' then you 'lubeder'" - felt like this one flew under the radar but I got a good laugh out of it (21:30)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/astute_potato ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 20 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I LOVE these episodes. I was kinda bummed by the title that it would just be a hacky video of them watching other YouTube magic clips. Suppose itโ€™s just them trying to game the algorithm though.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Terrible_Tutor ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 20 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Almost had a stroke in this one ๐Ÿคฃ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/existingbike ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 20 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

They were cheeky today! โ€œGive it a Gandalf!โ€

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/prismabird ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 20 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

So, a quick synopsis could be "Link sucks ropes through Rhett's tube full of blow juice."

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ElectricPeterTork ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 20 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

โ€œfor the amount of time it was in your mouth it sure got saturatedโ€

โ€œyeah i know manโ€ฆ i think half of it was your blow juiceโ€

โ€œno, you were suckin, i wasnโ€™t blowing, i was just holding the pipe man!โ€

โ€œoh yeahโ€

โ€œif i was blowing and you were suckin, youโ€™d be dead nowโ€

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/helios-hex ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 21 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Iink: "It's a magicians condom" Rhett: "Actually it's more like a dental dam" Stevie without missing a beat "yes"

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/uyb50487 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 21 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The more decoy items the better it is. They should give them the items for two tricks at once and they have to figure out both the tricks.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GravityTortoise ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 20 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- Will magic without instructions be a wonder or a blunder? - Let's talk about that. (dynamic music) Good mythical morning. - Today we are demystifying more magic tricks with zero instruction. - That's right. We've got our special magician outfits on, not vampires. Magicians, very clearly, by the way. And a very special Robert the Mythical Party Magician is back in the building! - What up! (everyone clapping) There it is. The poses. - You gotta have, if I don't have the costume, I've gotta have the poses. - Love it! - Yeah, I didn't bring my flannel. Dang it! - Glad to have you back, Robert. All right, let's see if we can bring home another magical win. Somehow we did it last time. Through magic. - Yeah, that's right. - It's time for: We're Making Magic Without a Single Direction. Yes, you could say we're masters of deception... Well, go on, say it. - We're still waiting. All right, we're gonna be given a set of items needed to pull off a magic trick, and we'll try our best to figure out how to use them to make magic happen. There's also gonna be a decoy item or two thrown in the mix in order to try and throw us off. We'll start out with 50 points. If we get stuck during a round, we can ask for lifelines, that cost points. - All right, we're gonna have 10 minutes to figure out each of these tricks. And if we still haven't gotten it when the time is up, that will mean an additional point deduction of up to five points at Stevie's discretion. At the end of each round, don't worry, Robert's gonna show us how it's done. - Yeah, and Robert, just to remind the people of your expertise, could you just do a little trick for us? - Oh, of course, of course. If you take your pinkie, all pinkies are attachable, detachable like that. So if you wanted to you could just save it for later. - I mean, he makes it look so effortless. - It's 'cause I didn't do one of those. That's what you need after, after every trick. - If we still have at least 30 points at the end of this thing, we get to pick a prize from a magical box of mystery, like at the dentist. - Ah, let's get started. (dynamic music) - [Stevie] Okay guys, you are going to use some combination of the items in front of you to perform your first magic trick. Your lifelines are as follows. One, I can tell you which item is the decoy. And by the way, there are two decoys for each round this time. For one point each. I can tell you the unofficial name of the trick for two points. Or/and you can ask Mythical Party Magician Robert one yes or no question for three points. Now, I'm gonna put 10 minutes on the clock. That's all the time you have. And it begins now. - So you can get rid of one decoy item, but you don't get rid of both of them. This is just for hydration. - One at a time. That's water but it's-- - No, no, it's Gatorade. - It's bluish. - It might be Powerade. - I think it's just liquid. Yeah, taste it. That's a, that's a good start. - It's Powerade. You need it, you need it, now do this trick, man, just get a little hydrated. You need electrolytes. - Okay. All right, we have a balloon. Why are you putting out over there? - Because I know we don't need it. - [Link] Yeah, but bring it back. We have a tray, I'm gonna put it on the tray. - [Rhett] Is the tray part of it? - 'Cause a tray catches the water. We have a really long needle. It's got an eye. Scoop, scoop, scoop. And it'll go right through you if you don't watch out. And we have a real hard boiled egg. You see that? - Okay, so we only, we have four items. - This is real. - Which means we only need two of these items. I mean, the only trick I can see happening in this world is something with this balloon and this needle. That's a trick. - [Link] Does the egg float or sink? - I don't need these gloves. Can they be the decoy items? - Yeah, I... Robert, what's the point in gloves, Robert? - Is this your yes or no question, or are you just asking me in general? - Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. So this is a special balloon. - That if you puncture it slowly enough, it will not burst. - No, I'm almost positive it's still gonna burst. But I'm saying... - Let's try it. - This is a magic balloon. Like when was the last time you just saw somebody with just a translucent white balloon? Like what party is that gonna be for? - Yeah, blow that puppy up. So we're saying, if these two are duds. - I mean, if you puncture that it's gonna pop. - [Link] I think you're gonna have to tie it. - You want me to tie it? - [Link] And that's not easy. - No, why don't you just do it to yourself? Because I don't trust your accuracy with that needle. - You hold it, hold it over there. It's gotta be taut. - Let me see, I'll do the puncturing. - Well, I'm holding it though. - I'm not holding it, I'm not holding it. - Why are you so afraid? Want me to put it against your face? - Because you're very dangerous to yourself and others. - Fine, do it. Oh! You didn't even try! You wanna remove an item? - Go as slow as you want to. - No, no, I don't. - Watch, I'll go so slow. Just so slow. - Wet it first. - It's just gonna go right through. - Lube it first. Okay, I give up, - We can get rid of the eggs and the Gatorade. We don't even need to know that that's what it is. - [Link] Stevie, we'd like to remove an item. - [Stevie] You may get rid of the hard-boiled egg. - Okay. - Okay, that's one of them. - Well, but it's in the water. So, for another point, can we get rid of the water? - [Stevie] Yeah, if you wanna spend another point, you can also get rid of the Gatorade. - (laughing) Okay, all right. - You know what? I got egg all over my face. I've been nothing but wrong. - Okay. - Go for it, Rhett. - I believe that, I mean, obviously the trick is the one that you've seen. Which is, oh, I'm making it look like I'm piercing this balloon, but I'm not. - You want me to tie it? - And I think they do something by going into the... - Into the nipple, into the navel? Just try it though. Just like slowly. (air whooshing) Go quick. Go quick but slow. - Oh yeah, that's it. (all laughing) I think we have to ask, is there anything special about the needle and the balloon? Like, is there anything like, is this balloon a trick balloon? - Does the tip of the needle actually touch the balloon at any point? - That's a good one. - Does the tip of the needle actually touch the balloon at any point? - Yes. - See. - Did that get you further? - It could touch it here. The part that's not holding air. See, I think if you just go slow enough. You know what? - Maybe there's glue on the end of it. - I know what it is. This, the part right here-- - Has the stuff that keeps it together. - Yes. - That's what it is. I can see it now that I see it. So you need to go slow, but you gotta get right on it. - I'm right on the nipple. - Get right on that. - [Link] I'm shaking. - This is it, this is it. 'Cause it's got glue like built into the end. It's a trick balloon. - No, I think it's just the rubber is-- - No man. - [Link] The rubber is mushier. - It's a trick balloon, man. You can't just get a balloon from like Party City and do this trick. And it's just gonna give, it'll just give, you can just do it. Just push it through. Just push it through. - I'm pushing. - [Rhett] Yeah, that's it. - I need you. I need you. - So asking-- - I need you to help. - Is this a trick balloon actually would've gotten us to the answer. - It's not, I swear it's not a trick balloon. It's just how balloons work. - [Stevie] I'll give this to you for free. It's not a trick balloon. (Rhett laughing) - [Rhett] I think maybe that's just the trick right there. - I can see it. - That's pretty cool, what happening. - I can see it about to puncture. I'm twisting it. - So you do that, and then you ask somebody, and you say. - Less than 30 seconds. - Stop pulling. Why are you pulling? - I'll give you this one for free. Is that the pointy end of the needle? (crew laughing) - Yeah. - Okay. - You wouldn't think it is. - [Stevie] 10 Seconds. - There's not enough air in the balloon. - More air! - [Stevie] Five, four, three, two, one. - Do it, yeah! - Time. - Yes, we did it, we did it, we did it, we did it! Now pull it out. - I just punctured my hand. - Now pull it out. - [Stevie] Okay, I'm gonna give you a, uh oh, nevermind. I was gonna give you a few more seconds to fully complete the trick because you didn't quite fully complete it. - There's a hole there. - [Stevie] Robert, you wanna take this one? - Absolutely. We take the needle. And it goes through. - [Link] That was faster. - All the way through the balloon. That is the magic trick. Now you, you have to be very careful 'cause it's a needle, so. - We did half the magic trick. - Yeah, I mean. - You did half. You were right there. - So you can keep going through the top for the same reason you can go through the nipple. - Correct. The reason it works is because it is the thickest on the latex at the top and the bottom. - The whole balloon is a tube. - The nipple and the navel. It's just, it stretches everywhere, but the least on the nipple. - Blow another one and let's do it. - Yes, and kind of once you go through, it starts to go a little bit faster. But the second you do that, you would then go... - Just like this. - [Robert] Just like that. It's not dangerous at all. - It took forever for us to figure out something that I said right at the beginning we should do. Just saying. - [Stevie] But you guys did a great job. So I'm just gonna subtract one point. I think you almost had it. - Just one point? Okay. - Now what we can reset emotionally. (dynamic music) Okay, look what I found. There's a Sprite. - Empty. - But there's something interesting about it. - [Rhett] It was emptied by a beaver. - There's a big old hole at the back bottom, which I bet you're not supposed to see. We also have this long tube. - Which fits perfectly into the hole. - Oh, is that... - Actually, this is a-- - A Sprite pipe. - It's a, yeah, a Sprite pipe. - Give it a little Gandalf. - Okay. - Here's a string. - The string can also go directly into the hole. - Oh yeah. Well that's tempting. Oh look, it's dancing around it. - What if you sucked on the bottom of the hole? - I gladly would. - Could you suck it? (Link choking) (crew laughing) - I've seen a-- - I thought that was the final moments of your life. - I've seen a dog poop one of these out before. - And I was laughing. - And we have-- - How did that go so fast? - A wrinkly $1 bill. 'Cause I'm a sucker for magic. - Okay, man. - This is thoroughly wet now. - The whole thing. How far did it get back? Did it get to the uvula? - It actually wrapped around my tongue a little bit. It was weird. - Good. Man, there's so many tricks that can happen with this. We gotta get rid of an item. - This would go in there, right? That's how you deposit your money at the bank. Thank you. - Let's lose an item. What's a decoy item? - [Stevie] Yeah, you don't need that dollar bill. - It's gone. - All right. - It's only another point to get rid of the other thing. - I think this is a decoy. I think all drinks are decoys for magicians. - You know what I think it is? - For the amount of time it was in your mouth, it sure got saturated. - Yeah, I know, man. I think half a was your blow juice and the other half was mine. - No, you were sucking. I wasn't blowing, I was just holding the pipe, man. - Oh yeah. See, but there's a... - If I was blowing and you were sucking, you'd be dead now. - But this is like a magical camera trick. Like a TikTok trick. It would just be, I'll be holding this. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's it. (Link mumbling) This is it. This is the trick. You've got it figured out. We don't need the string. This is an internet magician trick. - Oh look, it's a pipe. Which you didn't know that. - This is internet magician trick. So you gotta-- - [Stevie] I mean, guys, you're... - That's it. - [Stevie] You're doing it in a way that is unique to you. - Yeah, the face he's making. - [Stevie] But I'm gonna give it to you. Robert, do you want to show 'em, you know, the real way? - The normal person way. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - The normal person way. - It's right under your arm, then you have a little bit more control of it. You could probably turn it if you wanted to. - [Link] Whoa! - [Robert] You could turn it that way. - Now do that while choking on string. - As long as you don't get your blow juice in my mouth, I'll be okay. - Is it legitimate magic if you have to be lined up with a camera? - Yeah, it's TikTok magic. - It is a different category of magic that has evolved in the last 10, 15 years. Which was really fun and creative to kind of see what they're doing. - It's like a Sprite massage. I mean, what's it called? What are we calling it? - [Stevie] The unofficial name is, how can it be? - How can it be. (Stevie chuckling) (dynamic music) We wanna make sure that you do not miss out on one of the most unique collectible items we created for the society to date. Our original comic book, "Blood Oath: Rhett and Link Versus the Global Lovemaking Crisis." - That's right. He said the global lovemaking crisis. - This is only available to third degree members of the Mythical Society. And you know what? There's two covers. You don't know which one you're gonna get. Same story, two different covers. But you gotta join third degree monthly by January 31st, or third degree quarterly or annual by March 31st to get your copy. Okay? - This is a creative labor of love and a collaboration between us and Fantoons. We came up with a really fun story, kinda wild, kinda over the top, a little sexy. And it was illustrated masterfully by the team at Fantoons. So you're gonna want this. - for the details. - Forever. Throw that over there safely. All right, what do we have here for our final round? We have a piggy bank. We have one quarter. We have a rubber band. Oh, how are we gonna get that out? We have a glass. We have a floppy rubber square. - Is that rubber? This feels like it's definitely necessary. This is for the trick. This is too much utility. - It's too much specificity. - Just rubber squares. - We have some, a glue stick. - Rubber band. And the quarter. Okay. - Now we can use all of our lifelines and still win. We can win even if we don't get this right, we can have 30 points. - We can't let that happen though. We gotta get the trick right to win. I wouldn't feel right about that. - If we use all the lifelines in order to win, we have to get it right in your opinion, Stevie. - [Stevie] Yes. - Okay, well, first before you-- - Let's predict. - I feel like the piggy bank is definitely not needed. - Me too. - I feel like this has got something to do with it. - Can we get rid of the piggy bank for a point? - [Stevie] Yeah, get rid of that piggy bank. - I just felt like it... - This is what's gonna happen. I'm gonna press down on the quarter, I'm gonna do something like that, and then the quarter's gonna end up inside the glass. - Can we get rid of the glue stick? I agree. - [Stevie] Yep, get rid of it. - Ha, you can't trick the tricksters. You can't, you can try. - I just don't think people would, I can't see magicians using. I mean, you work with glue sticks much, Robert? - Not on the table, but yes. - Oh, you do? - Magic is just arts and crafts sometimes. - I would've expected there to be two quarters. So there's one that pops down in there at some point. - And that sound is what you want. - You want the sound. - Let's just try it. - Maybe if you just push hard enough. - Yeah, be magical about it. - Now, as you can see, I have a glass with a rubber square on the top. You gotta give people-- - They call this a magician's condom. - I think it's more of a dental dam, but. - [Stevie] Yes. (all laughing) - So I mean, what are you gonna do? - There's, you can't, it can't be done. I mean. - All right, what's the name of this trick. - [Stevie] Currency through. - Yeah, so, we learned nothing that we didn't already know. It's the currency is going through the rubber. - [Rhett] Is there anything special about this rubber? - [Link] There's nothing to cut the rubber with except maybe your teeth. - Ah, I think the piggy bank was a suggestion for a slit that we need to put into it. - A slit. - Do we have more rubbers? - [Robert] How are you gonna put a slit in it? - With my teeth, you're the one who said it. I think you can get it tight enough. - This is part of the trick. You gotta make this part of the trick. How are you gonna explain this to the audience? - I'm not. - You got to. - There's a tiny little hole. The kids can't see it. - Pay no attention to myself chewing on this rubber. - At the place where I do my magic, there's like a barrier between me and the children. - And it's like, watch my partner, say, watch my partner while you be chewing on this. Just say, watch my magical partner who has a secondary. - Watch my partner. - Yeah, yeah. Magic it up. - Watch my partner while I chew on this dental dam, kids. - As you can see, pigs do fly. Woo, did you see that? And then... (coin jingling) Woo. Back to you partner. - I'm done. - Okay, see, that is how you do it, right? We're like Siskel and Ebert, man. - Thanks partner. Okay, stay behind the barrier, Johnny. - What's Johnny coming for you for? - I don't know. He's curious. Hold on, let me see if I can get the quarter through that. - We gotta have a yes or no question. - Johnny? Okay, does it require, yes or no question. Does it require actually breaking the membrane? - Is that the official question, you wanna talk about it? - [Both] Does it require breaking the membrane? - It does not require breaking it. - Dang it, Johnny. - I think we can ask another yes or no question. - [Stevie] Only get one. - You only get one. - [Stevie] But you know what, you know what? I'll give you a free hint. Push harder. - Ha! I think, first of all, make it tighter. This is, you gotta make it, it's hard to make it tight. - [Link] I'm gonna hold it tight. - We're partners, so. - That's pretty tight. - I think if you hold it really tight on the side. - Inspect the quarter, is this. You sir, we've never met before. Is this a real quarter? Yes. - And I think, don't push it the flat end. You've gotta put it in like a piggy bank. Hold the sides of the thing. - So you can see, can you see that this is indeed an actual rubber surface? Yes. - And it's special. - And then if I were to. - Yup. - I've seen David Blaine do this with his hand. Like seriously. I was this close to David Blaine and he put a freaking needle through his hand. - But it was a needle, it was a little different. He didn't put a quarter through his hand. Yep, yep, yep. Push harder, she says. - Oh. - Okay. - Johnny? - I think maybe you have to sharpen the quarter. Like while your partner is getting ready, you're sharpening the quarter with your teeth. - And then here you go. - As you can see, this is clearly a membrane that no man should be able to get through. - Johnny, your parents are super rich. It's your 13th birthday. And we've been paid to be here and to wow you with a quarter going through a membrane. - Okay, yeah. - One minute. - [Link] Don't cover it up with your hand, be proud of it. - Don't look away, Johnny. - Don't take a bathroom break now, Johnny. - Why is it scary? Why am I scared of this? - There's a life lesson in here, Johnny. - Johnny, sometimes it's hard to save your money. You have all the intentions of saving, but you just can't seem to let go of that money. 10%'s all you need and you'll be a trillionaire one day. - [Stevie] 15 Seconds. - Sometimes you just have to. (rubber squeaking) โ™ช Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. โ™ช - [Stevie] Five, four. - Sometimes you have to saw it. - [Stevie] Three, two. - How did you you even get through it at all? - One. - I can't get through. Oh, I made a little hole. Too late. - [Stevie] Okay, I mean, valiant effort. - That was tough. - [Stevie] But Robert, let's see how it's really done. - So, you were right. There's the quarter on top of the rubber, the latex right there. Exactly how you have it. You're putting too much pressure. You see, it's just one finger. - What! - And it goes in. You can see that there's no hole, no hole in that at all. Yet the quarter has disappeared. - But I think there was a hole. There was a slit. There was a piggy bank slit in the latex, was there not? - There's not. So one of my favorite things about this, this was invented by a magician named Lubor Fiedler many years ago. - Lubor Fiedler? - [Robert] Lubor Fiedler, I know. And he's gotta-- - I still don't understand. - [Robert] It's a wonderful principle he discovered. - I thought you feeled her then you lubed her. - A wonderful principle we discovered using rubber latex. If you take a coin. - [Rhett] It's already on the other side, isn't it? - It is, just like Stevie said. If you push the latex or the rubber will work its way around the quarter. - Oh! - Yeah, it's already on the other side. - And because it's, the silver of the quarter is so shiny it doesn't look like there's a real green tint to it. - Oh my goodness. - We've lost our rubber band, but. - [Rhett] Shiny. I mean look at that. - How satisfying. - Can you believe that? - Is this gonna be. - It's on the other side. - [Robert] It's incredible. It's such an interesting thing. - We're having trouble with the easy part. - [Robert] How that works, and I think it's a wonderful, beautiful principle of magic that you guys are experiencing. - Hey Johnny, you wanna save? Just a quarter a day keeps the IRS away. Whoa, that's still pretty impressive. - And as you can see, no piggy slit. - No piggy slit. Can you come up with another term? - But we lost, didn't we? - We didn't do it. - Let's see the mystery boxes to see what we could've won. We set the bar a little too high. So we could've chosen either one of these. But now we're not getting... - That's oatmeal in mine. There's oatmeal in mine. - Yeah, what is that? - Yeah, oatmeal. - It's Johnny vomit. That's what we were gonna win? - That's what we deserve. - All right. Big thank you to Robert the Party Magician, the magician party, both. Thank you for coming in today, man. If you'd like to add a little magic to your own life, you gotta follow Robert at RobRamMagic on Instagram, or visit his website Is that right? That's right. - That is correct. - Yeah. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - You just got oatmeal right there. - Hi, I'm Laney. - And I'm Molly. - And we're in Seattle, Washington. - And we're in a hot tub boat. (both laughing) - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - I mean, it is something to get excited about. I gotta tell ya, a hot tub boat. - Even that excited, I agree. - Click the top link to watch Robert teach us some slight of hand tricks in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Join third degree monthly by January 31st, or quarterly or annual by March 31st to get Mythical's first ever comic book. Visit for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,921,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: 3ZjiFQoLzUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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