Don't Be A Campground Idiot! MUST Know UNWRITTEN Rules Of RV Camping

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So have you ever found yourself in a situation  where maybe you've been invited to a family dinner   or you've participated in an event that was  a culture outside of what you were used to   and you made a major mistake because you  didn't understand the unwritten rules of   that particular culture in today's video we're  going to talk about the unwritten unspoken rules   about rv culture and some important things  that you need to know so stay tuned so when you   first check into a campground every single  campground is going to have their own list of   rules that are actually written down for you so  a part of that check-in process they're going to   give you a campground map they're also going to  give you a sheet of the rules of the campground   a lot of these will contain the information  like the quiet hours that are in the campground   if there are any rules regarding leashes with  pets which most of those are pretty standard   the things that you would kind of expect they're  all written down but there are a lot of unwritten   unspoken rules about staying in an rv  campground so we're going to give you 10   things that you absolutely need to know so  that you don't become a campground idiot   and make your neighbors upset with you  [Music] where's that dumpster again ah   over there i'll just walk  through that site [Music] oh hey [Music] So rule number one is you do not want  to walk through an occupied campsite so if   somebody is parked in that campsite don't walk  through their site don't cut through that site   even if that means it's faster to maybe  get to the laundry room or the bathhouse   by cutting through that site think of it as if  it was somebody's front yard because for the time   that they're camped there that really is their  front yard and same as you wouldn't cut through   somebody's yard in a neighborhood you don't want  to do that in the RV campground either now if   you have an unoccupied site you can go ahead and  walk through that nobody is occupying that that's   not somebody's front yard for that time being but  when there's an RV stay out of the sight [Music]   oh this is stinking whoa whoa whoa so rule number two is about  sewer hoses and the appropriate way to   handle your sewer hose so of course you're  hooked into the sewer at the campsite but   when you're done and you're ready to leave how  you clean up your sewer hose is important do   not do things like lay sewer hoses across picnic  tables or hold the sewer hose up to a water spigot   to rinse it out have a separate hose that you can  use to flush out that sewer hose into the sewer   receptacle and then put it away don't put your  sewer hose anywhere it shouldn't be [Music] oh hey there um i noticed you're having a little  bit of a problem kind of pulling into your rv site   actually i'm good i got it i've  done this a couple times before   are you sure i mean you are a female and all um  yeah i might be a girl but it doesn't mean i don't   know what i'm doing so rule number three has to  do with when you see people arrive to a campsite   do not jump in and try to help them or try to  give them pointers on getting into their campsite   or backing in to their campsite lots of rvs will  handle differently people that are driving these   are used to it and if you see somebody that just  is repeatedly having a problem that's when it's   okay to maybe politely ask hey would you like  any help and if they say yes then offer to help   but just don't jump in and try to start pointing  out where they should be going [Music] [Applause]   so rule number four is to remember that the fire  pit is not a trash can now if you have a campfire   and you choose to put things in there that are  going to incinerate and burn up that's fine   but when you go to check out double check  that there's nothing that is unburned   in that fire pit that is trash nobody  wants to pull into that campsite after   you and have a bunch of trash in the fire  pit when they want to enjoy a nice campfire hey can you keep it down over there [Music] what I can't hear you so rule number five is to remember what those  quiet hours are and to be respectful of those   quiet hours now there are a lot of families that  are out here on a full-time basis there are a   lot of people that work on the road like travel  nurses or other people that travel and work and   they need their rest and so just be aware that  even though you might be on vacation it might be   your time to just chill out and relax be mindful  of what those quiet hours are turn down the music   once that it's those quiet hours and also just  be aware of the volume of things like outside   tvs and speakers even during the daytime hours  rv walls are fairly thin and noise carries very   very easily so you just want to make sure that  your noise is kind of contained to your campsite   and not disturbing those that are next  to you before we get to rule number six   and the rest of the rules i wanted to take a quick  minute to thank the sponsor of today's video but   i'm super excited about this sponsor because it is  a brand new platform that has just launched called   rv now rv is a way that you can check campground  availability at multiple campgrounds using   one website when planning out our summer travels  i would have to visit multiple websites or make   multiple phone calls to just check on availability  to potentially book that particular campground rv   can check multiple sites at one time including  koa reserve america and they also   have a sold out site feature where you can set  up a search for a campground that is currently   not available and it will book it for you  automatically if it becomes available even   while you sleep there are campground cancellations  all of the time and unlike other services that   just send you an alert if there's a cancellation  rv will actually book it for you automatically so   you don't have to worry about trying to book that  the minute you get the alert i cannot tell you how   many searches i've set up on other platforms for  the state parks and the florida keys only to get   an alert when i'm not near my phone and then come  to find it already booked by the time that i can   jump online rv never charges any booking fees  at all and they actually store your membership   information like your koa number or your good sam  membership number in the platform so they can book   those sites automatically for you and you're  still getting the discounts that you should be   with those memberships for a limited  time you can get a 30-day free trial as   part of rv's grand opening launch just visit forward slash rv and the   link will be in the description below okay  now for rule number six [Applause] [Music] oh here's an empty campsite well i'll  just park right here this works so   rule number six is do not park in an open campsite  now you never know when somebody might be coming   and actually checking in late or after hours you  never know if somebody has a rig like a class b   or a drivable rv and they don't have a tow car  and maybe they've just left the campsite for   the day to check something out or go to the  grocery store and they're on their way back   you don't want to park in that campsite and  have somebody come in need it and your car   is there just make sure that if you do need  extra parking or if your vehicle won't fit   on your site most campgrounds do have some sort  of overflow parking or designated parking area   now that also goes for guests if you have  guests that are visiting make sure that   they are either parked on your site or parked  in a designated spot not an empty site [Music]   so rule number seven is to make sure that you turn  off those headlights when you're pulling in after   dark now you have to remember an rv campground  is very different from a traditional neighborhood   to where when you pull your vehicle in chances  are your headlights are shining into somebody   else's living room and you don't want to do that  or worse yet their bedroom so as you're pulling   in just turn off those headlights make sure that  you're not shining those into somebody else's rig   if you need to use your parking lights  for some extra guidance do that instead   but be respectful of your neighbors [Music] hey  don't forget the bikes so rule number eight has   to do with early departures or late arrivals  so if you are leaving early you've got a long   travel day in front of you we get that in fact  we've been there and had to leave early if we're   going to get to the place that we're going  before it's dark outside but you want to be   aware of the noise level that you are creating as  you are getting ready to pull out of the campsite   things like closing storage bay doors or closing  the door of your rv can make a lot of noise and   also yelling back and forth to your partner as  you're trying to maybe spot them when they're   pulling out things of that nature can really be  disturbing to your neighbors and you don't want   to be a bad camper so just be aware of the noise  level if you're leaving early especially those   that tend to pull out seven eight in the morning  not everybody in an rv campground wants to get up   that early be considerate of your neighbors  when you're making those noises now if you're   arriving late to a campsite same thing watch  those headlights watch that noise level we have   a diesel pusher so one thing we're always trying  to make sure that we do is shut off our engine as   quickly as possible if we are pulling in somewhere  late as to not disturb those that are next to us [Music] pardon me do you have any grape upon but  of course [Music] rule number nine is to remember   that kids are going to be kids and allow them to  be kids now a lot of those that are full-time on   the road with families the last thing that you  want to do is keep your kids cooped up inside of   your rv they need to get out they need to play  and there's going to be some noise level that   comes with that now we're not talking about out  of control damaging property types of behaviors   we're just talking about typical kid behaviors  remember that children are not mini adults they   don't have fully developed brain power to be able  to make good critical thinking skills all the time   there's going to be some slip ups there's going  to be some mistakes allow for that to happen and   we can all grow as families together as part  of this rv community [Music] so rule number 10   is to make sure that your rv porch light or your  awning lights any lights on the exterior of your   rv are not shining directly into your neighbor's  rv at night and to make sure that you turn those   off after you go to bed there's really no need  to leave those bright lights on all night long   most people if they want some sort of ambient  lighting will have a rope light that goes around   the base of the rv or something of that nature but  those lights can actually shine pretty bright into   your neighbor a lot of campsites are fairly close  together so you want to be courteous you do not   want to have upset neighbors that got no sleep  because your porch light was shining into their   bedroom all night long there's a lot of  families that actually are so as you're   pulling in once that you know where you need  to be make sure that according to the dreams where you need to be anyway so rule number  seven is to make sure that you turn off of   your headlights off of i can't think  this is like tap dancing and chewing   gum and everything else okay and help i don't  like where this is going let me just do that   rv campground like they're riding their bikes  or their scooters where is that dumpster again so you'll have to let us know if there are any  unspoken rules that you have learned that we've   missed in this video drop a comment below let us  know but not just us the RV community at large   always reads these comments so here's a great  way for you guys the rv community to jump in   in to share with others so I'm going to put  a video right up here with some rv hacks   that I know that you're going to absolutely love   if we don't see you out on the road or around  the campground we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Grateful Glamper
Views: 1,735,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rvlife, rvliving, gratefulglamper, rv life, rv living, grateful glamper, campground etiquette, campsite etiquette, rv newbie, full time rv, full time rv living, rv life hacks, rv living with kids, rv living full time, rv mistakes, rv tips and tricks, how to rv, rv hookup, rv black tank flush, rv set up at campground, rv teardown, rv lifestyle, rv, rv camping, campground, rv life vlog, rvers, rving, how to rv full time, how to rv camp, how to rv dump station, rv hacks
Id: _XRufyL0Ckk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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