DON'T Be an RV IDIOT! 6 Must-Know Fixes For Common Problems

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in this video, we're going to talk about six  of the most common things that happen with RVs   and how to repair them now this is a video  you are going to want to watch to the end   because chances are you're going to save a butt  load of money can I say butt load on YouTube   You're Gonna Save a buttload of money by not  having to call out an RV Tech because you're   going to be able to troubleshoot some of these  common things yourself so stay tuned [Music] how's   your book my gosh I can't put this book down  it's so good what are you reading again Twilight   oh yeah I read that hook that was pretty good  it's so good hey what happened to the lights   good question did you check those batteries  before that we left on this boondocking trip you didn't did you they're probably dead way to  go so number one on the list is a dead battery   now this can happen often with RVs just because  people do forget to shut off their main battery   disconnect when they are either storing their RV  or not in their RV for a long period of time the   other thing that can really sometimes just  be forgotten and neglected is basic battery   maintenance so making sure that if you do need to  do things like add water clean corrosion off of   battery cables and even check your batteries from  time to time to make sure that they are topped   off that they are putting the amount of voltage  that they need to put out a lot of rvers become   stranded due to a dead battery now one of the  things that you can do in this particular scenario   is if it's a drivable RV you could potentially  jump start it off of a another vehicle or off of   a battery pack also sometimes drivable RVs have  a way that you can bypass one set of batteries   because you've got different batteries for the  engine versus the coach so that's something you   can check into your owner's manual for but  a little bit of prevention goes a long way   with this one by just checking your batteries  before you even go off on the trip [Music] there's a puddle on the floor  it wasn't me Alaska what oh crap there's a leak in the roof that puddle  was not from Alaska there's definitely a leak in   the roof so number two on the list is roof leaks  and water leaks now these are unfortunately very   common issues in RVs and they can be prevented  with just a little bit of Maintenance so making   sure that you are maintaining the seals that  are on your roof maintaining the seals that   are on your slides that's going to go a long  way in preventing these now what if you have   a water leak that pops up well you need to check  all of those seals make sure that everything is   sealed or you can opt for a spray-on roof  which also helps and most of them carry a   lifetime warranty that's what we did with our  RV and I'll put a link right up above here   for a full video on what we ended up doing to  prevent water leaks in our RV thank you [Music]   oh Ben we have a major problem the toilet is  clogged uh actually I've got something I've got   to do over there so the number three most common  problem that people have with RVs is actually a   clogged toilet now this can happen for a number of  reasons one of the most common is just not enough   water that can be in here well that doesn't  really help you if you have a clogged toilet   and then what do you do at that particular point  that you've got a clog this is where our friends   over at unique camping and Marine have got some  great products one of them being this new product   called clear it now this you put down your black  tank and it will unclog your black tank there's   instructions on the bottle of exactly how that it  works and the steps that you need to take but this   is kind of almost like a miracle in a bottle  to be able to unclog those black tank clogs   now let's talk real fast about black tank smells  and then how to even prevent the clogs in the   first place so if you're maintaining your  black tank properly you're not gonna have   the clogs and that is to make sure that you  use something like this which is called flush   it which is going to help to make sure that  you don't have any solids that are building   up whether that is from waste or whether  that's from even toilet paper so using a   product like this periodically is going to help  maintain that black tank so that you don't have   clogs in the first place there's actually  going to be a link in the description below   for 15 off all of the lineup of products from  our friends over at unique camping and Marine very much [Music] gold so the number four common problem that  a lot of people run into with their RVs is   having no hot water the last thing that you  want to have happen to you when you've come   back to the RV from a long day of exploring and  you just want a nice warm shower is to discover   that your hot water heater is not working so  what do you do in this particular scenario well   there are several troubleshooting tips that you  can take in most likely this is probably one of   the culprits one check and make sure that your  hot water heater is full of water so in other   words make sure that the bypass valves that  are used when the RV is in winterization mode   that those aren't shut off prohibiting water  from getting into the hot water heater the   other thing is if you're using propane to heat  your water make sure that your propane tank is   full that you're not out of propane and if the  flame is still not lighting and you know you're   full of propane try using another appliance  that is is using propane to make sure that   everything's working okay with the system so  turn on the propane stove if you have one or   maybe switch the fridge over to propane if  it runs on propane lastly try shutting the   propane completely off and then turning it back  on and even going through that cycle a couple   of times if necessary I know that sounds really  strange but that can actually be really helpful   lastly if you're running electric for your hot  water heater just double check the fuses make   sure that the fuses look okay open up the area  where that the hot water heater controls are and   make sure that you're just not visually seeing  anything like loose wires disconnected wires   that sort of thing we've got a really great  resource on more troubleshooting tips for hot   water heaters that we're going to have at the end  of this video for you as well hot wait a minute then this is not working something's not very  cool here I'm so hot all right well let's   check and see what's going on here you know it's  probably it could be just you know filter issue,   oh I see what part of the problem is I  mean look at this filter I mean this is   dirty this definitely needs to be cleaned  oh my gosh and there's this in there what   the heck is this it's a beanie boo why is  Trinity's Beanie Boo in there and another,   not just one beanie boo but another one the  heck is this oh there's a wrench in there   what is a wrench doing up there no  wonder why there's no airflow [Music]   and wait there's more we've got um oh what is this and there's something moving up in there what  is that what a cat there's a cat in there what   were you doing in there how did you head out there  pick it up there not funny guys so the number five   common issues a lot of people have with their RVs  is with their air conditioning not cooling there's   some very basic steps that you can do on your own  to troubleshoot this and most likely be able to   repair the problem the number one is ACS require  airflow and if you have a clogged filter well   that's definitely going to prohibit the airflow  and restrict the airflow the other thing to double   check is make sure that your thermostat settings  are set on the correct settings that you have it   set to the AC setting not just the fan setting  and then lastly double check all of your fuses   and your Breakers we've paid some real stupid tax  over the years by calling an RV Tech out to look   at things on our RV that ended up just being a  blown fuse so double check all of those fuses   make sure that everything there is good and  chances are if you cover all of those bases   is most likely you'll be back Cooling in no time  so hot nice ice cold milk hit the spot right now   no one's watching me I think  cheery and the kids are outside why is the milk so warm that is nasty oh so number  six problem that a lot of people have and this is   the problem we've had in the past too is with  the refrigerator not cooling properly now there   are several things that can cause this but one of  the big culprits and we actually have experienced   this as well is that if your RV is not level this  thing's not going to operate properly a lot of   the absorption style refrigerators have a liquid  ammonia even the residential style refrigerators   still use a refrigerant that really requires the  refrigerator and the RV being level you're not   trying to operate this while your RV is parked at  an incline double check those fuses make sure that   everything there as well make sure that you have  good airflow on the back side of your refrigerator   especially on really warm days as the refrigerator  is trying to dispense the heat that is coming off   of the back side of the cooling unit it needs  to have good air flow to get it up and away   from the fridge so even things like installing  some fans on the exterior of the refrigerator   can help move that heat away and make this thing  nice and cold and cool again so now that tip we   promised you on troubleshooting your hot water  heater plus being able to troubleshoot a lot of   other things on your RV that could potentially  go wrong is to take the home study course from   our friends over at the National RV Training  Academy we personally have found this course   to be a great resource and it's really equipped  us to feel confident and be able to repair a lot   of things ourselves on the Fly it's literally  saved us hundreds of dollars versus having to   call out an RV Tech we are going to give you six  no hold on it looks like you're way taller than me   how's your day today no like did you ever  we're reading we're reading oh my God this   Twilight book is so good I cannot put this book  down it's great I'm enjoying reading RV hacks   uh I actually got something I got to do over  there oh crap there is a leak in the roof I   don't think this was Alaska uh honey I don't think  it was Alaska what we have here is an RV roof leak   if you're running Electric do you know  what Magic Mike the movie Magic Mike was to take no hold on so now  that tip we promise you on what is that not in trouble I'm not it  wasn't funny guys do you think that you   were in trouble yes you should never blame the dog   something happened like walks walks on the beach  on the beach with the dog parks dog park anyway we also wanted to let you know our experiences  over things shirts are in our store plus some   fun new shirt options hats mugs you're  going to want to check it out over at now I have a video  up here that if you thought this video   was great on being able to repair things  you want to check out this video up here   about things that could happen while you're  at the campground and speaking of which if   we don't see you around the campground or out  on the road we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Grateful Glamper
Views: 142,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rvlife, rvliving, gratefulglamper, rv life, rv living, grateful glamper, rv battery disconnect switch, rv batteries, rv roof repair, rv roof leak repair, clogged rv toilet, rv black tank flush, rv hot water heater, rv air conditioner, rv air conditioner not cooling, rv fridge not cooling, rv life full time, full time rv living, rv living with kids, rv living full time, rv newbie, rv mistakes, rv lifestyle, rv life for beginners, travel trailer, rv repair
Id: SRr5yt6-LoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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