Mistakes to Never Make While Setting Up an RV (Costly & Stressful)

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So in this video, we are going to talk  about some common mistakes that we have   seen people make now we've been on the road  for just over 5 years now and in hundreds of   campsites and campgrounds we've seen some pretty  big doozies we want to help you avoid those same   mistakes because you don't want a stressful  camping trip so let's get started with number one all right so the first mistake that a  lot of people make in fact we've made it   ourselves is not reading the campground  rules and regulations now there's a lot   of important information that's there  things like quiet hours other important   things to know probably the biggest  mistake where we didn't read the rules definitely say I've never had this  happen before been at campgrounds that had   you know different breed restrictions and didn't  allow certain type of paths but never been to a   campground where they did not allow pets so  I'm going to take him outside the campground   to go to the bathroom we're going to go potty  and and then I'm going to bring him back come   on dad I need a pee we ended up at a campground  that didn't allow pets with our dog pretty big mistake so mistake number two that a ton of  RVers make both new and old is when parking   in the campsite not properly positioning your RV  in that campsite and not properly positioning can   lead to things like difficulty reaching the  hookups you're encroaching on your neighbor's   campsite or there's something else that it can  lead to which is a little bit later in this video all right so mistake number three that a lot  of people make is failing to properly level their   RV at a campsite now this can lead to all sorts  of issues probably the biggest one is if your   RV's not properly level your fridge cooling can  be affected as far as if it can properly cool or   not the other thing too is just comfort you don't  want to be rolling out of bed in the middle of the   night or feel like you're sliding off of your bed  I don't think the RV's level I keep rolling over   it's just like this is getting ridiculous so this  is where we love using the level mate Pro is we're   actually positioning our RV we can see if maybe  one part of that campsite is more leveled towards   the front or at the back of the campsite so it  decreases the need for the use of the levelers and   then we can use our levelers more as stabilizers  versus actually trying to use them to keep the RV level so the next huge mistake that we have  seen a ton of rvers make and when I say a ton   like literally almost every single time that we go  to a campground we see somebody making this huge   mistake and this is really a safety issue honestly  when it comes down to it but that is is especially   on motorized RVs the sights are very unlevel at  least the site we're in it's like sloped when   they level it out maybe the camp site's really  unlevel and wheels are off of the ground there's   no way this RV is going to get 100% level so the  rear wheels are off the ground actually so you   never want to have your wheels off of the ground  for lots of different reasons safety being one   of them so if you're ever in a situation where  for some reason the only way to get your RV to   a comfortable place when it's level means having a  wheel off of the ground you want to be able to put   something underneath that so it's not just in the  air but it's actually resting on something solid   so whether you need to put blocks or something  underneath it don't have your wheels up in the air all right so now mistake number five  that a ton of people make is actually not   considering the clearance you need for things  like RV slide-outs now we actually had this   happen happen at a campground where we really  didn't take into consideration what we needed   for clearance once that our RV had dropped  down off of the air suspension and we had a   really close Miss so after you've got your RV  in the campsite it's positioned you want to   make sure that you've got the clearance you  need before you start putting those slides out so now mistake number six is  actually a mistake we made very   early on I'm kind of like ashamed to admit  that but that is not using one of these   surge protectors for electrical hookups  Campground electricity can actually be   very unstable and you want to make sure  your RV is protected so do yourself a   favor invest in a good surge protector  we'll have a link below for the one we like so the next mistake that we see a lot of  people make is actually inproper sewer hookups and   connections now here's where things can go really  really wrong really really fast if you don't have   those connections secure and properly installed  and the last thing that you want to have on your   camping trip is a poopsie trust me it's stressful  so now push down on that and then yep now speaking   of these sewer connections this is where we love  using the products from our friends over at unique   camping in Marine which is the sponsor of this  video now the last thing you want to struggle   with on your camping trip black tank smells  clogged black tanks all of the above and that   is why we love using the RV digested plus because  just one pod is all that it takes to help keep our   black tank clean smellf free and prevent any sort  of buildup at all so we have partnered with unique   for a 15% off discount for our viewers it'll be  in the description below and a huge thanks to   Unique camping and Marine for their continued  support of our Channel and sponsoring this video now the next mistake a lot of people make  is actually not either checking what the water   pressure is at the water spigot or using a  water pressure regulator so you can do this   a couple of different ways you can invest in  just one of the tools that will let you know   what the water pressure is but if it's high you  just need a water pressure regulator anyway so   what we actually use is an adjustable water  pressure regulator we can adjust the pressure   to what we want it which is what I really like  because what you don't want too high of pressure   to cause potential flooding and damage in your  RV we also don't want super low water pressure either so now number nine is a huge mistake and  you'll have to let us know if you've actually seen   somebody make this mistake but that is actually  forgetting to disconnect before departure now   I think we've all probably seen that time where  people forget to pull the gas pump out of their   car before they leave it happens all the time  people drive off from gas stations forgetting the   nozzle and part of the hose are still attached to  their gas tank it's kind of like that except for   this would be even bigger mistake so Before you  depart do a quick little walk around your RV make   sure that everything is disconnected and ready  to go before you pull out of the [Music] campsite   so number 10 huge mistake that we see people  make is neglecting campsite cleanliness and   also Campground etiquette so don't think that  your fire pit is a burn pit it's not designed   to burn trash it's designed for a campfire when  you go to check out double check that there's   nothing that is unburned in that fire pit that  is trash nobody wants to pull into that campsite   after you and have a bunch of trash in the fire  pit don't trash your campsite don't throw trash   in your fire pit there's actually also a lot  of other things that you should know regarding   Campground etiquette some unspoken rules so to  speak and I'm going to leave those right up here   if we don't see you out on the road or around  the campground we'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Grateful Glamper
Views: 231,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rvlife, rvliving, gratefulglamper, rv life, rv living, grateful glamper, rv living full time, rv living for beginners, rv newbie mistakes, rv mistakes, rv living tips, rv mistakes to avoid, rv sewer hose, rv campsite setup, rv mistakes youtube, how to set up rv at campsite, rv black tank mistakes, rv beginner, rv newbie setup checklist, rv camping for newbies, rv essentials for newbies, rv tips for beginners, class a rv campsite setup, setting up rv at campsite, rv set up
Id: BfbmAyqh8K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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