Top 10 WORST Products for RVers! (Absolute Garbage)

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piece of garbage stupid popping napkin so after four years of  living the rv life we have had a few epiphanies   along the way and we've learned some things now  i am not just talking about what happens if you   leave your black tank valve open or if you forget  to bring your awning in during a rainstorm and   i'm not going to tell you either which of those we  learned the hard way this video is going to be all   about what not to buy now there's a ton of videos  out there including some that we've done that tell   you great products for rv life things that really  help but this one no this one's different this   one's going to be products that we bought that  did not work like this is actually we bought it   it didn't work out in real life people sounded  good in theory did not pan out it ended up in the   garbage or in the donation pile so in this video  you're going to want to take notes pay attention   because we're going to save you some money so  before we jump in to these products i do want   to let you know that this video is sponsored by  ag1 by athletic greens and i am super excited   to share a little bit later more about that  but let's jump in with product number one product number one that did not pan out that  actually ended up going in the garbage was   one of these water pressure regulators that is  non-adjustable now in my opinion this really   should just be called a water restrictor  because that's pretty much all that it does   you hook it up at your campground and it  restricts the water flow coming into your rv   but now here's the caveat you do need  a water pressure regulator because   you don't want to damage the water lines  inside of your rv or have your rv flooded   so you need something to dial that water pressure  back but this isn't it opt for the adjustable   water pressure regulator and we'll have a  link to the one we use from amazon below   number two product that did not pan out at all  and let me tell you this was a major disaster   that happened so early on in the formation of  this channel we had a company that i'm not going   to name reach out to us and offer to send us  one of those large screen room gazebo type of   tents now we thought that this was the best  thing ever hey a free screen room tent of   course send it on over we'd love to be able  to use that and potentially put it in a video   let me tell you what it literally took us  over four hours to figure out the setup of   this particular one and then we figured out  that actually some of the polls had been   put in backwards and that's why we couldn't  get it to even set up in the first place so   finally after getting it set up we're thinking  nice we can use this we can eat outside   yeah wrong the first very small gusts and i will  say small gust we were not in a place like kansas   where the wind blows forever and ever small gust  of wind came up it literally lifted off and blew   into the campsite across from us and we were  absolutely mortified so we went and re-retrieved   it we brought it back and we staked it down better  this time we put stakes in every single place that   you could put a stake in this particular tent and  let me tell you what two hours later it blew again   and this time when it blew the actual pieces of  fabric that had the eyelets for the stakes to go   through ripped out of the tent and so the stakes  were still in the ground along with the pieces   of fabric that we had them staked through in the  tent in the other campsite that thing got folded   up put away it got put in the garbage we decided  no more with that particular style of tent now   you'll have to leave us a comment below let us  know if you do use one what have you found works   to actually secure it all of that stuff but for us  we're done we're out no more screen tents for us   so product number three that was literally a  waste of money was a cover that goes over your   rv now i'm talking about the types of covers  that you would put over your rv if you put   it into storage now when we first started  living the rv lifestyle we were not full-time   and we actually would put our rv into a storage  situation during the winter months and so we   wanted to protect it i mean this is our new baby  so we bought this nice huge large fancy cover   to put over it during those winter months to  protect it well let me tell you what we went   out to just go check on the rv one month  make sure that everything was working well   that thing was shredded and it was lying on the  ground because the minute the wind picked up   it didn't hold up and we have heard stories  upon stories of the same thing happening with   other rvers so you'll have to let us know in the  comments below have you had the same experience   with covers that go over your rv when it's in  a storage situation or have you found one that   actually has held up for us literally a waste of  money it was shredded it went into the garbage number four are these plastic style leveling  blocks now for us we actually have thrown away   several of these we still keep these around really  more as like an absolute emergency situation but   these are already mangled we threw away the  ones that were even more mangled because for us   especially in a heavier class a diesel pusher  it's just too heavy to support the weight for   these types of plastic leveling blocks now a  smaller travel trailer maybe this would work but   really best solution is go ahead and opt for the  rv snap pads those do a great job of helping you   level out or if you really need it just carry some  wood blocks with you you can go down to home depot   you can even get it cut there as  far as the wood goes super cheap   super easy and you don't have to worry about it  getting mangled like these so before i talk about   number five on our list i do want to take a quick  minute to share about a product that we are loving   called ag-1 by athletic greens now youtubers kara  and nate are some of our favorite people to watch   and we first learned about ag-1 from some of their  videos when living this travel lifestyle it can be   hard to get all the nutrients our bodies really  need especially when we want to try new foods in   new places and not everything we eat is always  the healthiest since we've added drinking ag-1   to our morning routine and since ag-1 has  75 vitamins minerals and whole food source   ingredients ag-1 is the quickest easiest  and tastiest healthy habit to fill those   nutritional gaps in our diets and anything quick  and easy is totally my friend now i know we are   getting the nutrients we need even if we don't  end up eating the healthiest of meals that day   it's super easy just one scoop eight ounces  of water and that is it and let's face it   especially on travel days even though we  try to eat healthy it doesn't always happen   drinking ag-1 by athletic greens is great peace  of mind for me is both a mom and a wife that   our whole family is getting the nutrients that we  need to stay healthy and active while living this   lifestyle the ingredients are super high quality  and they reformulate as needed based on research   since we love the energy boost immune support and  gut health we're getting from ag-1 we think adding   drinking ag-1 into your daily routine is a  no-brainer you can use the link below athletic forward slash grateful which we'll have  in the description box below you'll get a one-year   supply of the immune supporting vitamin d3k2  and 5 travel packs free with your first purchase   ag-1 is the quickest and easiest and tastiest  healthy habit to fill those nutritional gaps   so number five on the list that totally ended  up being something that we got rid of said this   is just not meant for us piece of junk was the  propane stove now here's the deal cooking with   gas inside of a typical sticks and bricks house  not so bad cooking with gas in an rv i rarely ever   use the oven and i actually figured out that the  convection oven did a better job of baking things   than the actual propane oven did anyway so number  one it took up a ton of space number two it used   propane which of course is getting more expensive  and it can just be a potential fire hazard in the   rv kitchen anyway so we got rid of the propane  stove installed an induction cooktop instead and   it gave us so much more storage underneath where  that stove used to be so one of the things to   consider as you're living rv life is potentially  just ditching that propane stove all together   so number six on the list of things to not waste  your money on are cheap sewer hoses now this   particular one by rhino we've been using for quite  a while and let me tell you the difference between   some of the cheap ones and some like this now this  one from rhino it expands and it contracts but   unlike the cheap ones that don't stay contracted  this actually stays contracted so you can have   different lengths of sewer hoses depending upon  if your sewer hookup is way far away from your   rv or if it's closer to your rv and you don't have  this big mess of a sewer hose snaking everywhere   because you can kind of sort of change the length  based on what you need in the moment so this does   cost a few more dollars but it's well worth it  don't cheap out when it comes to your sewer hose number seven is cheap holding tank treatments now   we have made the switch over to the products from  unique camping plus marine but let me tell you   in the beginning we just went and got  whatever they had on the shelf at Walmart and   we had black tank smells we had gray tank smells  pretty much had it all and the other thing   that we learned is a lot of these really cheap  inexpensive holding tank treatments number one   aren't effective at really keeping the smells  away but number two some of them actually contain   harmful chemicals that you really shouldn't  be putting in any sort of sewer or septic   system do yourself a favor get a high quality  tank treatment like this one from unique camping   plus marine now we actually have partnered with  unique camping plus marine and they do offer a   15 discount to our viewers so they will be a link  in the description box below with that 15 discount so number eight is actually these foam  mattress toppers now when we first got our RV   the bed was horrible and we've talked  to so many of you out there that have   the same type of sentiments that when you  first got your RV the mattress was awful and so   this is the solution that a lot of us go for  and this is one we tried let me just tell you   doesn't work went into the trash this is actually  one that we have for a guest space in our   home base it's the only reason that we still  have this because it does not work in theory   on a really subpar mattress if  you were sleeping on it night in   and night out so just do yourself a favor make the  upgrade to a decent mattress and skip this junk all right number nine on the list is this pop  a napkin or really if it says pop anything   like this is just absolute 100 garbage in my  personal opinion now first of all it is just   laughable to me that i would mount this plastic  looking thing on my nice renovated cabinets now   but seriously people do you really need a napkin  tray mounted underneath of your cabinets you can   definitely put napkins and a napkin holder out on  the table personally i don't need more stuff in   my way i don't want to visually necessarily  see all of my napkins so anything like this   just think it through but this  definitely is not sticking around   all right number 10 on the list and this is a  bunch of stuff that we got rid of but that is   actually like regular dishes so like the corel  dishes these like ceramic style mugs now lots   of reasons why these went into the donation  bin number one is they're breakable anything   that you've got in these rv cabinets especially  on a travel day if you open this cabinet you've   probably experienced this if you're an rv or in  the avalanche of things that falls down on you so   i don't want anything breakable but two just  the noise that they can make in the cabinets   they're gonna clang around against things on those  travel days so regular dishes like ceramic mugs   bowls plates we completely ditched completely  got rid of and we went for better options   now what we did instead is we have these  stainless steel vacuum insulated coffee mugs   we also have these nice little tin experiences  over things mugs so these tin campfire ones are   definitely fun now these ones you can only get  when you sign up to be a grateful glamper in   cider at the 10 tier i'll put a link below we  don't talk a lot about our insiders group as of   lately but there's a lot of advantages to being  a grateful glamour insider with behind the scenes   footage that you get real time updates and really  cool mugs like this yep knees arm do i look fat   no here i would never like do it does this leg  look real do i look like i have thunder thighs because if the angle makes my thighs look  like thunder thighs we need to change it   you are trying to get me in trouble no I am  trying to make sure that the angle is correct you look great camera angles make a big difference  cameraman wonderful you look perfect just as you   are this is why you say how do I look from  this angle you look good from everything okay   no seriously though do I have thunder thighs no  okay all right are we ready yeah okay all right   so many there's like better cooking options I'm  trying to say how do I say that there are so many   better cooking options out there there's  so many better cooking that doesn't sound   right there are better cooking options out there  there are many better cookies many better they're   much much more better more better mo better  there's more better cooking options that's why   they say that they're so ah  like i'm at a loss for words and i'm not helping huh no  hold on there's so many options   there's so many stop it i said in my best cajun  accent okay you of all people should know this   don't just don't do that  don't do it no no no no no yeah business business do yourself a favor use  a high quality i was like trying to get this   and my hand wasn't finding it it's nice it  threw me off okay i'm gonna start that over   i need to get the hair out of my face but i  don't want to touch it with my sewer hose gloves it's in my mouth okay yes i'm sure it is okay   there will be there will be  there will be there will be what do i do with my hands so you'll have to  leave us a comment below and let us know what   products that you have purchased for rv life  that just did not pan out maybe they ended up   in the garbage or the donation bin we love  hearing from you guys in the rv community   but you also have a chance to share with others  in the community what not to waste their money on   by leaving your comments and suggestions below  this particular video don't forget to check   out the link below too to learn more about ag-1  by athletic greens we are absolutely loving it   and then we'll put a video right up here about  buy this not that which is a video that we did   that talks about some things that you should be  buying and some other things to stay away from   if we don't see you at the campground or out  on the road we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Grateful Glamper
Views: 521,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rvlife, rvliving, gratefulglamper, rv life, rv living, grateful glamper, rv accessories, rv gadgets, rv gear, rv must haves, rv newbi, kara and nate, water pressure regulator, pop up gazebo, snap pads, plastic leveling blocks, fifth wheel camper, rv lifestyle videos, rv lifestyle, rv safety, rv travel, rv gadgets and accessories, best rv accessories, rv cover, rv cooking, rv sewer hose, rv holding tank treatment, rv tank flush, rv tank, rv dishes, rv, kyd
Id: HsUvEpdbPj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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