ben wyatt but make it EXTREMELY wholesome | Parks and Recreation | Comedy Bites

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can't you just give Ben a key to the city here now in your office where no one will know your shame sorry babe no worries don't worry if people found out I gave Wyatt the key to the city I would never get reelected so no what are you doing there Wyatt I'm feeding your eagle he's starving it's it's bronze babe why the eagle we should go oh hey there I got you uh some waffles here courtesy of JJ's Diner and chicken soup courtesy of me I'll take the waffles thank you so how did the rest of the meeting go um well you said you needed 80 total businesses to participate yeah yeah we have 110. and Counting so uh nice work Leslie nice work to you too oh uh left the chicken soup there just in case it's a old Family Recipe it's not a big deal but thank you for that okay oh I cannot wait for Leslie to see this surprise I am so prepared I watched Enchanted three times to get all the details right and then another two times because that movie is amazing oh it really is hello oh hey Leslie uh you want to go grab lunch together uh I'm out front super casual office I'm I'm out saving the merger can oh yeah yeah yeah yeah no worries okay great I'll see you at dinner I love you boy well it's not too late to cancel the waffle buffet or the Hillary impersonator but a lot of these deposits were non-refundable hey Larry you up for a boys day out in a horse-drawn carriage sure what the heck well thus begins our Enchanted Adventure God that movie really was amazing you know what doesn't get enough credit in that movie this music good sir from the movie that is definitely from the movie I'm sorry truth is they didn't ask me to introduce you I asked them if I could do it I was going to talk about how I owe you so much and I used to buy me through all my failures and I stood by you through all your terrible outfits but when I got up there I got pretty emotional to make it up to you I'd like to read you the speech now I've known a lot of ballers in my day but no man balls harder than the man I'm about to bring up he's kind he's intelligent he's the person I'm deeply proud to call my friend it's pretty good speech I mean it was it was a little sappy Maybe I think I liked it kidney stone yep big sucker too we're gonna have to keep him here until it passes Leslie and Dr clipperton wow man I I'm so glad you guys are meeting it's like Worlds Collide you know I love it I want candy what is he on morphine that's good stuff Leslie come here do you have any idea how beautiful you are I'm serious you're like a flower or no like a snug bug or like a a snugger doodle or something like that we should just you know life we have a ceremony we need to be at in two hours is there anything that we can do sorry Ice Town you're not going anywhere for at least a day okay well I'll call Mayor Stice and we'll reschedule the ceremony no this town expects me to wuss out I'm making that speech and I'm simply going to explain to the crowd that love is everywhere and they have to surrender to the flow of the universe you know Price is Right is on I think oh you remember staying home sick from school watching the prices right oh God excuse me hi everything okay you want me to come back to the hospital I'm good at goody you just do your thing baby Smurf I mean I wish you were here it seems pretty fun and festive Town mascot is here Fred the sled they only bring for special occasions can't believe they're doing all this for me the universe is love and sure my husband made an honest mistake 20 years ago but it was very meaningful that you were gonna hi Leslie to forgive him if it's so meaningful to him then where is he he is in the hospital sir he has a calcified Rock Lodge in his penis so I know we agreed on no gifts but I did get you a gift a bunch of them actually I was going to surprise you with them yesterday but they never reached you oh my Heaven God oh you planned all of this for me an enchanted Carriage this is amazing oh and your scrapbook instincts are really good I mean this is a little rough but you have a lot of talent here I can't believe I actually defeated Leslie Knope at a gift exchange yes hey you want to see me I did think back Dr butt I mean why did you throw this in I just got off the phone with our old boss from Indianapolis and apparently there may be some sort of a budget problem in Eagleton he asked if maybe you and I wouldn't have a look U.N Butch counted in the Sundance Kid together again [Music] I don't know I've been acting really weird lately and um I really like you what I'm about to say is going to contradict the idea that I really like you know just open the box please stop bringing out the box okay Leslie you're being really nice and what I'm about to say is gonna make you hate me okay then I'll just open the box for you wow you knew I figured it out a while ago I'm sorry I should have told you I knew but I just I wanted this to last as long as possible we have to break up why why do we have to break up well lastly everything you've accomplished you have earned and you have worked for I don't want anyone to think that you got where you are today by Sleeping with your boss but I really like sleeping with my boss yeah yeah okay look I can make this really easy for you um it's not you it's me I'm not ready for a commitment I just don't like you anymore and no it's hard to hear that but you're boring and frankly you disgust me how did you figure it out let's see there was a dude in the ladies Yacht Club yeah but I covered that pretty well also you've been making campaign speeches in your sleep granted you always do that but they got really specific and moving did I have a good opening line that was simple but I liked it well my boyfriend might not be moving back for a while so I have to back out just wanted to look at it one more time you know I can't give you your deposit back I know and there's a 300 all right Martha I get it actually is there a way I could put down like a hey hey you were coming back here huh oh my God what are you doing I'm thinking about my future I am deeply ridiculously in love with you and above everything else I just I I want to be with you forever so Leslie Knope wait wait okay just I need to remember this sure give me a second hold on I need another second please I need to remember every little thing about how perfect my life is right now at this exact moment okay are you good yeah okay I'm good Leslie nope yes marry me oh yeah okay
Channel: Comedy Bites
Views: 83,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ben wyatt best of, best ben wyatt moments, ben wyatt parks and rec, ben wyatt human disaster, ben wyatt claymation, ben wyatt game of thrones, ben proposes to leslie, ben and jerry parks and rec, auditing bros parks and rec, ben and tom crying, ben and chris handshake, ben and april friendship, best of ben and april parks and rec, best of ben and leslie, ben and leslie best moments, parks and rec funniest moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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