Donating $50,000 If You Beat Minecraft!

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this is a random minecraft twitch streamer and if he can be minecraft in the next hour i will donate him 50 000 oh my god start a new minecraft game if you beat it within the next hour i will donate fifty thousand dollars i sent a donation let's see what he says all right there's our donation look at his face look at the chat the chat's going nuts dude what look at him he doesn't even know what to do i can do that let's do it right now i'm shaking right now i feel nervous for this guy yeah that's enough money to buy this this five cars oh can i reset okay i told him no resetting i don't even know what this threat is here the strat is to win to be clear terrible seed he had such bad luck four minutes of the hour has already gone by i just sent another donation no pressure 50 000 isn't that much money love yeah it's it's not right i digging down oh my god imagine if he just died to that creeper i know six minutes he is ten percent of the way done there's our other donation i hope this doesn't distract you and lose you fifty thousand dollars seven seven i hope so too i hope so too come on chat let's see the seven yeah someone said cruel yeah we made it to the nether he's making pretty good pace honestly i just want to play that as safe as possible for those of you that don't speedrun minecraft much you get a bunch of gold you trade it with the bastion so you can get ender pearls do you like pancakes we need to know wait add some sevens what if i just do this let's see what happens he looks so annoyed every time i donate do you like pancakes we need to know 8.8 888 999. um yeah i love pancakes pancakes are great oh okay good it's working we're distracting him we tweeted out his stream and if you look he now has over 10 000 people watching oh my god we're trying to pile a bunch of pressure on him oh wow eleven and a half minutes oh he only has one hour even more pressure now with all these people in chat yeah we did it that's what we wanted yeah chris come here buddy hey what's up man for this next donation message chris say what you want was it in german why is that in german there you go thank you chris i didn't know that was gonna be my thing whoops all right we have pearls oh he's got some pearls yep they're the pearls can we get more piglets down here because they don't want to go outside there because they're all the hoglands do you think he's gonna win yeah he's one of the best in the community i see more pearls down there yes two stacks wait we just got a dm on twitch hi mr beast have a good day bye bye what if he fell yeah he's not going to fast bridge this one now he has to find a fortress pretty desperately bro there it is how is that in german well ignore that because snowden just subscribed it's way more important why is that in german why not oh why not why not i didn't know it was gonna yeah get out of here hey thanks for joining us thanks for joining me you can say whatever you want 10. that's it you're just gonna say 10. uh plus more plus some more plus some more there we go there we go wait why you typing actually okay 150. it's a very confusing sentence he's going to be so good oh my god someone donated it just goes [Music] guess save me 50 grand come on buddy it can oh my god he didn't even look at it to watch it die he was certain what is he trying to do he has to beat minecraft in under an hour for fifty thousand dollars [Music] did you not even know jayla just walked in he didn't even know when we were filming this is insane how far along is he is he doing good he's 20 minutes in he just needs to find a fortress and then get uh back look he's doing it all wrong he can't find the fortress though so if he doesn't fight a fortress he's screwed hey my beast put me in the vid you're in the vid what he's doing a fire resistance oh about to say he don't even know what's over there dude my mouth is also so dry my man pulled out the cup of water for today oh here it is he's probably so confused why we keep doing this we put 50 grand on the line he doesn't even respond to our gibberish that's my stub mr beast doing the most even on a monday all right where's he going he pearled there's no fortress he still hasn't found the fortress sometimes that's what does it do like he would have reset by now dang no there's another bastion oh oh yeah wish there was a fortress hey the beast can you buy me call of duty cold war that kid was asking you to buy them call of duty me he doesn't have that much time dude there's so many seats better than disneyland i know oh my god he has such a bad seed for this dude he'd probably have better odds if he just reset right now and got a better seat dude he's down bad for a fortress right now it's nowhere near where he is right now that's why he has to fast travel because he just found a bastion i wouldn't mind if you don't donate right now i would have no problem with that i think that's the first time i've ever heard someone say don't give me free money okay he has the soul speed so this is going to be fast travel no okay watch this about to be right here trust me oh he's bad oh guys three two one we are now at the halfway point you know what that means i gotta take my jacket off cause i'm hot okay halftime show i did it all right did he beat the game while i was gone yeah he just started a new one the fortress yeah this is this is the fortress he found it he just found a fortress okay so now if he kills some blaze and get some blades rods he'll have everything he needs to go to the end holy cow oh there's blaze right there i think yeah that's a spawner yeah yeah yeah all right oh no we got hit by a wither skeleton all right there's the blaze get the right oh come on dude you got three oh no he has to be so careful i should have played it on easy he's not playing easy whoops oh oh oh what if he jumped on that block oh my god he's two oh double he's so clutched yeah he might be able to pull it out how many rods does he have zero i think i don't think he's got one since he's at the fortress i think we should distract him yes uh uh uh we add some stuff inside some sevens i should probably keep track of how much i'm giving him while he's competing for 50 grand i might accidentally give him 50 grand and then another 50 grand later oh we got one okay you literally only got one rod off of like seven kills this is so intense fifty thousand dollars is on the line i'm just going out because i need food wait what was that that ran out of oh please kill him baby and now what all of you came for your favorite part of mr beast content boating riveting content sipping water i'm back what's going on i don't even know what's going on you need to throw another one oh still further how much times do you have left well you take that and you subtract it from an hour so how much time does he have you know what chris i think we should give you another donation i'm saying look out behind you i'm gonna give him a little prank he's gonna think somebody's behind him he's got 20 minutes and 30 seconds oh he's found it and he's got 14 eyes left all right he found the stronghold and he's digging down assuming he doesn't fall in lava oh why would you say that he's making pretty good pace you might have jinxed him oh wow he found it there's your joke chris look out behind you i can't afford to lose unfair hey this man is focused he's like i got 19 minutes to make 50 000 he's like screw you chris oh yeah get the beds get the beds you know why he's bringing the beds because if he gets tired trust me i'm an expert eighteen and a half minutes it's gotta be through there right he can't find it it's another library right yep oh no it's a library you can't find the portal it's gonna come down to the wires oh he's getting nervous a zombie dude if that zombie kills him kind of crit the zombies just attack it yeah he's wasting time all right there we go what if he had fallen in that lava that my heart stopped he has a little over 17 minutes left to kill the ender dragon for 50 000 he can do it oh he's got to make it both he doesn't have any string he used it all for wool oh no i forgot the bow oh oh no he meant to make a bow but here's where he used it earlier yeah he's got to use the bed straps oh he has so many beds he's good yeah but he's got like 17 minutes what if the dragon just never perched the next 15 minutes just cost him 15 grand that would be really bad come on birchberg's first perks perkins dude this is the slowest perch i've seen my entire life you got to feel like minecraft doesn't want you to win 50 grand at that point is that purchasing yeah okay he's doing it are you doing it yeah i mean he's got it let's make sure he doesn't light on fire there you go 44 minutes and 58 seconds is lower than one hour this man just won fifty thousand dollars what dude this is unreal right now what is going on you just won 50 grand we made it guys we did it the maximum donation is a thousand euros no wait it will let me donate the 50 grand well i guess we'll find somebody else don't worry i'm gonna get him his money and thank you for watching
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 16,209,141
Rating: 4.9572353 out of 5
Id: ZHxAkxGBUhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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