Donald Trump 'This Week' Interview

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every August the Iowa State Fair features pork tenderloins deep-fried Twinkies a whole bunch of ambitious politicians with the white house in their sights forget that it's three years before the next election it's never too early presidential hopefuls are out in force across the Hawkeye State this weekend John Karl is there for us this morning good morning John good morning George we even ran into Donald Trump out here he gave a speech warning Republicans that passing immigration reform would be a death wish for the Republican Party he says that he might run that has some people out here raising their eyebrows others just rolling their eyes first of all could you be taken seriously as a presidential candidate well I think that I've built a great great company I know that I've built a great company with a tremendous net worth and beaten a lot of people that are very smart and that's really what the country needs what do you say to those who say that a possible Trump candidacy is a joke that this is a publicity stunt this is a way to get more attention for yourself well you know interestingly I filed applications less time and I actually filed my net worth because I'm a private person so nobody knows and people were really shocked at the number and now the numbers a lot bigger than it was how strong the company is how much cash the whole thing I mean it's a beautiful company it's a company like this country should look so what is the number what are you worth now probably over ten billion dollars and if you were to run for president how much would you be willing to spend on your campaign well if I made a decision I'd spend a lot but a modern presidential campaign can be you know half a billion dollars it can't be one more ya know I'd be willing to spend that kind of I did it I'd spend whatever it took I want to get your assessment on the field okay you just give me kind of the first word that pops to mind yeah Marco Rubio immigration Rand Paul interesting Paul Ryan well you know he I really like him a lot but you really have to look at what he says about the Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid is a tough it's a tough road he's got to hoe in my opinion but I do like so let's say Medicare Chris Christie well a wonderful person he's a wonderful guy Kruse Obamacare he really is fighting on trying to stop this absolute disaster for the United States called Obamacare Donald Trump smart you said a lot of things over the years that people say just make you not serious one of the big things is is on the birth certificate so what I'd like to do why does that make me not serious I mean I think that resonated with a lot of people you don't still question that he was born the United States do you I have no idea even at this point there well I don't know was it a birth certificate you tell me you know some people say that was not his birth certificate I'm saying I don't know nobody knows and you don't know either Jonathan you're a smart guy you don't know we I'm pretty convinced it was a pretty ah pretty pretty no no you said totally honest without question that is more than anything you said you're pretty convinced okay so let's just see what happens over time but it's not my issue John okay lemme ask you I don't see right now is much different wait a minute my issue is economic our country is being ripped apart by China and many other countries that's my issue but on this issue people you just said you're pretty sure and I've just you're pretty sure that's not acceptable because you know you can't be pretty sure you have to be a hundred percent sure I'm a hundred percent sure I don't know why well let me ask you this Ted Cruz born in Canada you know the eligible to be President knighted stays well if he was born in Canada perhaps not but I'm not sure where he was born it-it's not know he's definitely born in Canada okay well then you'll have to ask him that question but perhaps not Ted Cruz's mother was an American citizen he was an American look that'll be ironed out I don't know the circumstances I heard somebody told me he was born in Canada that's really his thing is he played golf with John Boehner I did the big question coming up now is will the House Republicans pass a funding bill for the government that includes funding for Obamacare should they well that is a big question I do think this the budget should be funded but I don't think that Obama care should be funded and the Republicans are in many ways their own worst enemy I happen to be a Republican but if they get together and if they were unified I think they could do some very serious damage to getting rid of Obamacare which is a very positive thing for the country now you know Hillary Clinton I do how tough is she gonna be to beat if she's the Democratic not think she'll be very tough so what do they need to do to beat Hillary Clinton or whoever the Democratic nominee they need to pick the right candidate now Mitt Romney was in theory everything should have been good but it didn't work he didn't resonate and by the way wonderful guy didn't resonate they have to pick the right candidate the Iowa caucus are two and a half years away but already this place is crawling with possible presidential candidates just this weekend we've seen Ted Cruz course Donald Trump Rick Santorum and even Claire McCaskill was out here on behalf of Hillary Clinton so George if you're here in Iowa the looks like the 2016 presidential campaign is already well underway to began okay Chango
Channel: ABC News
Views: 56,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: This Week, George Stephanopoulos, Jonathan Karl, Donald Trump, 2016, Iowa, Republican, president, birther, Donald Trump net worth, Donald Trump lyrics, Donald Trump twitter, Donald Trumpmac miller, Donald Trump caterpillar, Donald Trump jr, Donald Trump quotes, Donald Trump biography, Donald Trump mp3, Donald Trump wiki
Id: FC_wapgQLxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2013
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