Pat Robertson's Exclusive Interview with Donald Trump

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what's a pleasure now to introduce a man who is in the news almost all the time Donald Trump not only it's so good to have you with us thank you for being here thank you so so great to be with you there's something that I've seen but you don't get a press on when you built a great skyscraper in New York you had the first woman I guess we see a building supervisor was she an engineer what was well I had the first woman supervisor and I was very proud of that you're right I don't get very much credit for it but they don't like to mention that but I've had many many women in top positions and I'm very proud of it and I think I was sort of one of the first certainly very early on and I'm you know it's something that is so great and they did such a great job I've built a million square feet of buildings and stuff this is a big task I mean all those trays yeah but she managed all of those and there was a long time ago don't forget today you'll have women in charge and they do a fantastic job I have women today you were the first I think I was the first certainly of a major building in New York City absolutely I want to ask you this do you expect to have women in your cabinet and in key positions in your administration oh absolutely with that question you know I probably have 50 percent maybe even more than that right now in executive positions at the Trump Organization and we're a very big company very very successful and they do a fantastic job and but I have a tremendous number of women working for me at top levels they talk about you know she's interesting the Clinton Foundation I understand there's a disparity and pay between women and men you're going to make sure that women get paid for equal work with men you're going to not be any question the federal government that this equality right well I do that and frankly I have women I have the opposite problem sometimes I have women being paid more than men I have problem with the men where they're saying the women are making more money than we are so yeah it just works out well and and they have been so incredible so what do you something when you pick employees what would qualify for energy I look for honesty you know about honesty sure I look for but you know they need that energy without energy it just doesn't seem to work to me yeah I just see that you need that Drive whatever it is you certainly need knowledge I love education when you can get it but I've had people without great education that have done a great job also but you and I think there's a certain instinct that some people have you know you have that ability whether it's business where I'm involved or hitting a baseball or playing sports you know there's some people just with a certain ability if you can find that person it's a very special thing you did a program apprentice the one of your famous lines was you're fired you know I think it's important in business to hire the best people and train them well but also when people aren't cutting it you do them favor to let them go it's true it's so so true oftentimes they won't do a good job because they don't like what they're doing or they don't have the aptitude or ability and honestly you they never love when you let them go you understand that it's funny I've had people with me for ten years and I paid them well and everything else and you can fire them easily meaning nice and easy or a little bit rougher or even quite rough it doesn't matter they wake up the next morning they've been fired and generally speaking they're not too happy in other words they'll see you'll mention the name Trump or whatever perhaps in your case pad but they'll mention the name and they'll say oh he fired me could you still known to them for firing rap so it's sort of an interesting thing but often times when somebody's not doing the job the best thing you can do not only for yourself but for them yeah is to tell them to go find something they like more well in the veterans administration they didn't serve the needs of veterans and a lot of those guys got got bonuses right oh it's that's a quote of the worst run enterprises you take a look what's happening with the veterans is so sad and we're working with the veterans very closely we have tremendous veteran support I don't know if you know even the polls are showing us you know way way way ahead with the veterans we're going to work with a veterans you wouldn't hesitate though maybe if those people are not serving the veterans have they been cheating in line to fire them can you do that on the civil service rules or well in Phoenix the answer is in theory you can't but I'd do it anyway in Phoenix they have people who got caught stealing yeah and they couldn't fire them okay they're going through a process right now so I think it's terrible look the rules have to be changed the whole government is change become so bureaucratic but there's a good example the Veterans Administration is so poorly run what we ran with us it'll actually change the civil service laws in some fashion so that you reward nobility and punish you insufficient activity you know but that'll happen Pat that'll have I might say I was reading an article in The Wall Street Journal I think the reporter was Kimberly Strassman and she said Donald Trump knows more about constitutional law than Hillary Clinton how come what's the deal well I think that's right there was actually a very complimentary article I appreciated but it's true well you have to I mean when you're doing business very interesting when you do as much business as I have you sort of learn really a lot about a lot and if you don't know things you're not going to be doing that as you said you built a million feet when you do that kind of work you get to know everybody you get to know from the Foundation's to the plumbers to the sheetrock right to the carpenters you know the whole thing I mean you get to know a lot but yeah I think she's probably right about that well you know but Hillary made statements in that debate concerning the Supreme Court she was asked what is the Supreme Court she said well it's it's an organization representing the whole nation and their principal tasks and I'm putting words in her mouth I'm paraphrasing is to look after the little guys that's not what the Constitution says what's right oh you have I thought I gave a good answer and we talked about religious liberty yeah we talked about Second Amendment meaning I talked about and I thought Hillary did very poorly in that debate I thought it was not a good she isn't I went to Yale Law School ahead of them but she went to Yale Law School and the Heller decision for example she wants to overturn Heller and she said Heller had to do with keeping guns away from little toddlers right that's nonsense right absolutely right she was giving that answer and I'm sending them saying what's going on look Hillary I don't want to say overrated why should I say anybody's overrated but Hillary would do a poor job as president if you look at the job she's done for our country if you look at the Middle East and the disaster that is if you look at New York State where she was a senator and she was going to bring jobs back to upstate New York take a look at what happened it was a disaster which you know Heller the the DC law said only people with permits can have guns permits are hard to get even if you have a permit and you have a gun in your house you have to disassemble it so if a woman's got a gun and a burglar comes in she's got to go and take it all the sorting I mean it makes women terribly vulnerable but she gave the wrong answer and I think I straightened the answer out yes she gave the wrong answer and she wasn't called for it but that's happened a lot well if you're president we're talking about guns and you know Supreme Court so that Heller decision was won and the law the Second Amendment they talked about a well origin ordered militia and then they talked about the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be a curtailed so hell are basically said this has to do with the First Amendment I mean the Second Amendment freedom to own guns personally a lot of those judges thought it would had to do with the militia right well it's true and actually judge Scalia is the one that was so involved and I don't know if it was his last decision it was one of his latter decisions but you know where I'm going to replace as you know and I've been very strong he was sort of a role model from the standpoint of what I'm looking to do and he is replacing our judges and one of the important things I think about when we think in terms of the Supreme Court pad that is such an important element of this election yes has this president whoever it may be hopefully it'll be me is going to be replace to three could even before mm-hmm and we could even before Supreme Court judges I mean perhaps more than anyone David heard this in air can be five you sitting in Gettysburg today that you would appoint from that list is that right Federalist Society vetted very carefully great scholars pro-life very very fine people second amendment and you know I think a very good list we have a list of twenty judges and all been vetted by Federalist Society and I think yeah it's gotten great it's gotten great marks well something else that Hillary did she took the radical feminist view in relations of abortion and she didn't back off one iota in that debate not one and you call her on partial-birth abortion when she said it's not as bad as you said but the truth is it's worse than probably worse it's probably what cording to her wasn't bad at all I mean it wasn't even like a little bit bit the the actual partial birth is the the baby is about two-thirds already born in the birth canal the doctor turns it around to get his head punches the back of its skull and then evacuates the brain it is the most barbaric vague and to defend that and say that's a woman's right and I said it very strongly a lot of people in I must say I've been called by a lot of pastors I've been called by priests thanking me because they said they've never heard anyone explain it quite the way I he's minded and you know I'm I'm very happy about what the hell we can get the word out she defended that barbaric practice of partial birth and then she defended Planned Parenthood 500 million plus dollars it's terrible well according to the rules of Hillary you can take the baby at nine months and you can imagine what you have to do to that baby to get it out and you can take that baby at nine months and you can abort mm-hmm and a day prior to birth you could take the baby and I said it's unacceptable that's not a Finkle aside in fact a lot of people even on the other side of that issue agreed with me on that well I think the majority of people now at least fetal viability beyond that the majority of women do not stand for abortion on demand up to that point they say oh I'm pro-choice you have said you're pro-life you're ashamedly pro-life I'm pro-life and I'll tell you I see more and more people going that route and you see it too you know when you talked about as an example other things where they become less and less popular or more popular the whole pro-life movement is becoming more and more politically popular in terms of politically popular which actually surprises people through and you're seeing it too I think but it's become more and more standard politically and I think that's a great thing you know Hillary is is is playing - women are are you seeing any shift of women toward you in relation to these issues because I would think that the average woman loves children I have I have 14 grandchildren I've going I've got nine great-grandchildren I love those children and to think that you'd want to slaughter those children it must the average woman is is compassionate loving well I'll let you know on November 8th the evening of November 8th all right and we'll see how does it but I think we did very well in the debate we've gotten great marks with a lot of people said most people said we won that debate pretty easily it may be one of the reasons we wanted was pro-life I think so goodvery he was so well positioned that most people I'm talking about they don't talk about what you do and that was the first question it's very interesting that was the first question of the evening now let's talk about your growth plan are you going grow the economy you said I think about 12 taxes were a million jobs you laid out today and Gettysburg your plan you want to give us two or three points of what you're going to do well one of the things we're going to do is first of all I have to say we have to negotiate renegotiate trade agreement yes an afternoon these trade agreements are just sucking the jobs right out of our country in Virginia and every other place and they're just taking our jobs so we have to renegotiate trade agreements and if we can't make the right deal we're going to end it and will I want to be free trade I'm a hundred percent free trade but these deals are horrible what's going on now they want to do TPP trans-pacific partnership which is going to be another disaster all standard equipment all standard and that will have something goes from the gold standard to then she heard me talking about it and now she goes against it but if she ever once you'd sign it in a heartbeat she'd sign it in a minute we're going to be substantially cutting taxes not only for the middle class but for business we're bringing it down from thirty five percent to fifteen percent and that will be such an unbelievable because our businesses that are leaving this country because taxes are too well they can't compete it can't compete they can't compete massive regulation cutting another problem you know one of the things that surprised me most in going around meeting big business owners small business owners if they had their choice between the tax cut and the regulation cut they would take the regulation that's how bad regulation is it must as a half a trillion to the drain Alico its know much more than that more than theirs so massive the amount of money that our that this country not even forget the money the jobs the businesses that we lose because of regulation and our businesses can't compete well why do they keep our they are so opposed to this it looks like it's common sense huh it's almost become an industry regulations become an Indian I mean one of the things that we have anywhere from three to five trillion dollars offshore outside of the country and companies that we have here can't get the money back they can't bring it back because of bureaucracy and because of the high tax and it's billions and it's really trillions of dollars it's at least it's probably at least three could be five American comics they've got to pay tax they go to the state tax sometimes city tax and all the other taxes to go along a course they can compete and on top of that they have a big bureaucracy we're even getting the paperwork done is almost impossible so we're gonna actually I understand he had about twenty six hundred regulations in the hopper that he's personally gonna put in before yeah through his term is that correct it's okay he'll do it with the executive order and I'll undo it with an executive order it's the only good thing about his executive orders you can undo them very rapidly so your plan is when you take office you undo those executive we have no choice look whether it's on the border or regulation we have no choice we have to the regulations are killing our businesses our businesses can't make it they can't expand you can't start new businesses today it's very hard to start a new business because of regulation so we have to we're going to cut the regulations down very substantial okay you need them for safety and you need them to a certain extent for the environment to a great extent certainly but we are so over regulated then our businesses can't compete although I started a few and I feel is really successful and and right now sarbanes-oxley makes it so difficult the average company wants to go to London or someplace with such new yours very tough New York has lost a lot of businesses because the losing it and we're losing it rapidly so has to happen in military matters has been proposed a no-fly zone over Aleppo and those beleaguered cities in Syria right and I don't know if Hillary is for it or not I think she said she may have been fairly she knows if she's foreign or not yeah look the whole thing with Syria is crazy Syria wants to fight Isis Russia is now a Syria Iran which we made a powerful nation country in a matter of moments I mean Iran was in big trouble with Kerry and Hillary we made them this oranda is one of the worst deals ever so they're powerful so then now with Syria we want to fight Isis but you're fighting Isis and you're fighting Syria and you're fighting Russia and you're fighting Iran we have people they don't know what they're doing and then we go into Mosul and we tell them we're going to go ataque Mosel for four months we've been saying we're going to attack so everybody in mozo that we wanted we need the leaders of Isis have gone yeah and you see what's going on you see how badly that fight is going they're using human shields they're all dug in whatwhat about the element of surprise will we go in and we do the job the right way but we've been hearing about Mosul now for months that we're going to attack and they've been plenty ready and it's turning out to be a very tough deal it's so sad the way our country is run it so said the decisions we make but there's a decision if you want to go into Mosul you don't tell people for four months now they're having a hard time and they're really dug in and the people that we wanted the leaders of Isis a God would you keep the same defense team in place who do you find that you've got other people in mind I think we put new people in but look I'm sure some of the generals are excellent I have over 200 generals and admirals endorsing me mm-hmm I'm sure some of the generals are excellent but I think they have very poor leadership and I think it's being run by Obama there's no question we've made some really serious matters you know apparently there was a great deal of deception there have been so many lies you know they Obama care if you like your doctor you can keep him if you like your health claim totalize and you mentioned one of the debates Gruber was laughing about the fact that he was lying with what he was doing but there have been lies in regard to the Iran nuclear deal one of his lies and everything having to do with Obama how about Jonathan Gruber the architect of Obamacare was laughing at how stupid the American people are for agreeing to this for doing this and that was a year ago two years ago and now he's gone Obamacare is a disaster rates are going up 60 70 80 % the deductibles are so high you can't use it it's it's a terrible thing we're going to repeal it and replace it by one last question I know you got to do a rally oh they've been so many lies accepting national security which is a totally different Bowl would you make a pledge not to lie to the American people as president oh I think it's a great pledge I think it's a great pledge and you know it's a pledge that I would like to make but I will say this some of the well maybe you just don't say anything as an example with Mosel with the way they've had course less national maybe and I know I understood and you said except for that just because you have to do sometimes what you have to do for the safety of our people in our nation sure but no you don't want to lie to the American people you know Obama lied about Obama care in many ways he lied frankly if he didn't like he could have never gotten it through because the Democrats went along because they actually believed him mm-hmm they're very unhappy with it Obama care is falling of its own weight but we're going to terminate it we're going to repeal it and replace it I appreciate so much your being here Donnell thank you thank you very much Bob thank you
Channel: CBN News
Views: 436,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5182916695001, Regent University, newsblockclip, gun rights, 2A, Veteran's Affairs, Pat Robertson, cbnnews, cbnnewsyoutube, News, Second Amendment, gun control, partial birth abortion, CBN News, election, newsblock, supreme court justices, veterans, 1a, pro-life, va, Antonin Scalia
Id: I0X4epmPrck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2016
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