Donald Trump's interview with Channel 4 News

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Fifth Avenue on a day so hot the Pavements are melting I'm on my way to see an iconic American the man is a towering ego presiding over his business Empire from a tower where you literally cannot avoid bumping into his name at the bookstore there only sell one author amongst the many TOS this is my personal favorite my treat today I get to spend quality time with the man behind the brand and below the hair I read somewhere that you don't like shaking people's hands because you're afraid of germs well not afraid of germs Matt I don't think it's a great custom uh it's been proven as you know a person has a cold a horrible cold and they shake your hand all of a sudden two days later you have a cold you say I wonder how that happened uh it's not a great thing but I do it which is good because if you want to run for president as you might well do then shaking hands is kind of part of the job isn't it so if I shook your hand again no fear no fear no it's not a fear you would do that very quickly though that was a quick withdrawal it's not a fear thing but as you know science has proven me right correct me if I'm wrong you were flirting with a presidential campaign in the year 2000 and then again in 2011 why did you bottle out well not so much in 2000 I did look at it recently prior to the last election I had tremendous poll numbers and still have tremendous poll numbers I thought that maybe Mitt Romney would win he didn't do so well he didn't resonate he's a nice man a fine man but he didn't resonate and it was a little bit of a tough thing for me I would I really would have loved to have thought about running but I wonder whether Someone Like You is actually ill equipped for politics because having run stuff having been in charge having been able to say You're Fired you can't deal with the kind of grubby compromises the politics demor well and you may be right I mean to be honest with you you may be right and then again you may be very wrong I mean I see the way some politicians run things and it's horrible but what makes you think that you can do a better job especially when you seem to have quite a thin skin you get very upset when people make fun of you well no I don't get upset Donald Trump is here tonight the White House correspondence dinner in 2011 Donald Trump had fought a bitter campaign demanding to see the president's birth certificate because he doubted that he'd been born in the US and thus even qualified for running the country that night the president got his own back no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the Donald and that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter like did we fake the moon landing I was at the White House correspondence dinner in 2011 when you were the but of President Obama's jokes and it was very funny but you weren't laughing you were sitting there scowling you couldn't take the joke okay no no you're wrong about that I loved it I absolutely you're wrong I had 5 excuse me I had 5 I didn't know how to act do I smile do I laugh what am I supposed to do I had every camera in the world on me at the time and I said to my wife I tapped her on the knee and I said Do you believe it this entire speech is about me I can't believe it I loved it free publicity I loved it I actually loved it so not perhaps that's a bigger problem okay that could be a problem okay now you love uh calling a spade a spade and I just want to run a couple of quotes that your quotes passed you and and what you think of them now so about Edward Snowden the man who's currently residing in Moscow airport I think you tweeted last week he is a traitor and then you added and there is still such a thing as an execution well what you have ex what you have in the old days when the United States was a strong country which it isn't right now but if a person was a traitor and if you could prove that person was a traitor that person would be given the death penalty you understand are you saying that he should be given the death penalty well as far as I'm concerned he's a traitor now are you say the Moray of our country have changed and our country is not a strong country like it was and we deal with traitors a lot differently now we deal with Traders where sometimes a Trader becomes a hero I say he's a Trader he's made our life extremely difficult in terms of our relationships with other countries and uh I would say you deal with him very harshly absolutely um if he gets asylum in Vladimir Putin's Russia right and if you were president Trump what would you do about I wouldn't tell you that because I wouldn't want to play my cards in front of you because right now I'm not and I wouldn't want to play my cards in front of you now I do have something I own the Miss Universe missusa Miss Universe contest and it's the big pageant it's the largest pageant in the world exclud interestingly well interestingly that's going to Moscow on November 9th right okay so you have a wonderful representative from Great Britain and I also tweeted that I wonder whether or not Snowden will be there so this isn't yeah exactly so this isn't gunship diplomacy this is um this is kind of miswell diplomacy that you're advocating if we had the proper leadership bikini diplomacy if we had the proper leadership Russia would immediately hand Snowden back to us so you think that if you were president and you bang the table or snapped your fingers and said Vladimir Putin hand that you know that Edward Snowden back to me he would just do that I think I would get him back very quick yes I think that Putin would give him back yes seriously yeah I think if I wanted him back he would come back he would be back and I believe that Putin would give him back let's talk about China briefly China is one of your bug Bears the China us relationship is perhaps the most important if somewhat vexed bilateral relationship between two countries in the world you said that global warming was made up by the Chinese for the Chinese in order to make us manufacturing less competitive that was that's bonkers that was said sarcastically it was said as a joke to create a point so when you said in 2010 that you welcomed a trade war with China was that a joke as well no that's not a joke no uh and welcome welcome is a very strong no I don't think it's a tragedy China has been eating our lunch China has taken the United States for a ride like nobody other than perhaps OPEC has done but Donald they're not just eating your lunch they're paying for your lunch they are your banker and you don't a fight with your you don't understand economics China is taking advantage of this country like nobody has ever taken advantage of the United States and you look at what's going on in this country we are not making our product now China and other countries are making our product but I mean we live of Chinese manufacturing whether we like it or not that's because when you say we you are stupid you're stupid you call me a bad Economist I'm stupid you're going to do I've been very civil to you're not a good Economist no you haven't you're not a good Economist at all uh you don't understand business and you don't understand what I'm saying with China you think it's a joke it's not a joke so I'm fir you're not fired you're not fired what keeps you up at night I sleep well I mean I sleep really well hair it's fine it's so looks goodine okay so I've got a ball patch developing in the back here fine you look fine you know I'm want to talk about my my ball patch here just for a second I've got this ball patch here can you see it little bit okay what do I do about it I would just leave it I think it's fine sure I'm going to look like a monk a little bit back there too your hair has never looked better so why not grasp the nettle Donald Trump and announce in this interview that you will run for the White House in 2016 well that would be very that would make a lot of people happy I can tell you and probably some people not so happy Donald Trump may I yes you may thank you thank you very much you take care of yourself so president Trump sounds far-fetched but there's one rule I've learned covering America Never Say Never Ever
Channel: Channel 4 News
Views: 50,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: donald trump interview, channel 4 news, donald trump, trump interview, birther, trump, president trump, hair, trump hair, trump china, trump funny, trump putin, trump russia, trump uk interview, trump vs obama, obama, snowden, edward snowden, russia, putin, china, global warming
Id: MWAvJepn40o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2013
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