Artie Lange Gets Roasted By Don Rickles | Letterman

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our next guest a very funny man who wrote and  produced and stars in a new film entitled Artie   Lang's beer league it opened September 15th in  selected cities please say hello to Artie Lange   Artie welcome to the program good to have  you here this is uh this is not your first   film you've been in films before I've been  in a lot of movies actually they all sucked   which Which films would we have seen you  hopefully this will be my first good one   um I was actually in a movie the first movie I  was ever in was with a guy that uh I think you're   a fan of Norm Macdonald McDonald's very funny yeah  very very funny we did a buddy comedy called Dirty   work together and you know when you're getting  these movies you're real nervous well thank you [Applause] my God that was the worst Round of Applause in  the history of Show Business everything counts   though thank you um so you're just worried you're  gonna get fired that first week uh so uh the first   day of shooting we have to work with the great  Don Rickles tremendous okay just tremendous now   that's good and bad I'm happy to meet him but I'm  afraid I'm just gonna bust out laughing because   Don Rickles coincidentally enough plays a guy who  insults me and Norm it's typecasting and uh they   give Don a bunch of lines to learn and that's a  mistake you know he's a master at it so finally   he couldn't really remember the lies they say  Don look look at Norman already look at these   two schlubs and just insult them off the top of  your head so this is the first shot of the movie   and I got Don Rickles about to insult me so uh the  L action the great Bob Saget directed the movie Donna Donna just finished casino with Scorsese  he went up to Saget and he said Bob listen I   was talking to Martin Scorsese I said Marty Bob  Saget's directing the film The Man grabbed his   chest laughs [Laughter] that was good for sag  it's confidence so the first shot is a three   shot me norm and Rickles so I'm trying not to  laugh we play these idiot theater guys we work   in a movie theater and Rickles is our boss  so the yellow action Rickles comes up to me   I have no idea what he's going to say he gets  this far from my face and he goes look at you   look at you you baby gorilla laughing like like I mean it's Don Rickles calling  me a baby gorilla I throw up laughing almost and I   think I'll cut down you got to do it again we're  sorry you blew the tank I'm getting yelled at   Executives from MGM are looking at me looking  oh fire in this jerk you know and uh I go all   right how am I going to get through this they go  action he comes up to me and he goes look at you   look at you you baby gorilla and I laugh  again so uh this happens 20 straight times   I laugh every time I'm afraid I'm gonna get  fired they're paying him by the day so they   I think it was like 100 Grand a day so they had  to get them out of there so I'm wasting money   finally uh I get through the baby gorilla  part now I don't know what the second half   is going to be hasn't finished Consulting  me yet so they do or take I get through   baby gorilla and then he goes to me  he goes uh Baskin Robbins called me and said that you ate them  down to only five flavors you fat disgusting slob and then me and Norm  laugh again yeah that takes another 20 takes   we're gonna do it in sections so we get through  that and then and then when he says they I hit   them down only five flavors the next thing  he does is he puts his face right by my belly   and he goes having a good time in their  ice cream dancing around [Laughter]   genius he's a genius so uh so we couldn't stop  laughing he gets through that and then he gets   to Norm he has to insult Norm now Norm by  the way never didn't laugh if you rent the   movie Dirty Work Norman's laughing in the  zoo he's not a great actor like me Norway   we weren't exactly Newman in Redford you know  so uh then he gets Rickles gets the norm he's   laughing so they had to write him a line he goes  what are you laughing at because I called your   friend the fat pig and then Norm goes no I  was just laughing when you were talking to   his belly so while we're filming in the movie  he goes to Norm he goes how did you get a movie and Sackett goes Saga being a really director goes  cut Don you can't insult them as Norm Macdonald that's not going to work you know we can't put  it in the film his name is Mitch in the film   and salt Mitch so Rickles goes all right and  the next thing he goes he goes look at you he   goes he goes who wrote this script these jokes  are horrible cotton done and so the script we   can't use it so anyway it was 18 hours of  that the end of the day I went up to it so   Mr Rickles it was a pleasure working with you  and he looked at me and he said listen I was   watching you all day and listen let me tell  you something good luck working construction how's Howard Howard's doing good man we're  on satellite radio that's what I hear yeah   yeah do you see anything about that we're  allowed to curse on the radio it makes me   funny tell him I said hello let's show folks  a clip of Artie Lang's at beer league and   this is like guys in a big semi-professional  amateur softball league yeah very seriously   it's a rated R comedy about a softball  team in Jersey a beer league team and   um you ever played in one of these oh God yeah  that's why uh uh me and a guy who writes for   you Frank Sebastiano we wrote it together very  funny and uh he directed it and uh it's it's a   good old-fashioned rated R comedy we got some  topless broads and a bachelor party scene check   it out well we don't even need to show a clip now  I'm sorry all right selected cities uh September   15th Artie great pleasure to see you again I'm a  big fan I would love to thank you sir everybody [Music] actually [Music]
Channel: Letterman
Views: 152,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letterman, david letterman, dave letterman, interview, letterman interview, letterman official, letterman late show, letterman late night, late night, stupid pet tricks, stupid human tricks, top ten, late show, top ten list
Id: 8kPLUBM4Cvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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