Don’t Judge, Spread Salam - Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

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Robitaille Sadri were silly Emery Wagner dr. Millis any of the ho Tony Lamas a bit nur and El Monte B la ilaha illallah allahu ala inna al-ladhina amanu aminu study hard whatever so we'll have what I was over me near balad I mean from abroad salute Anissa is one of the longer Melanie surah of the Quran it's the fourth surah of the Quran in it Allah Azza WA JAL deals with a lot of problems and one of the most complicated problems in the entire medinan life of the Prophet elicits wa salam is the problem of dealing with the munafiq wound with the hypocrites and there are over 60 ayat of the soul are continuously dealing with that problem there are other issues mentioned in this surah but this is one of the most complicated of them and while dealing with this problem a large it expresses many of the most tough toughest injunctions in iaat against this group of people may Allah not make us from them Allah so vigil for example mentions in del munafiqeen offender killed as Philemon and now that hypocrites there's no doubt about it are going to be in the lowest level of the fire the lowest the worst part of the fire as allah azzawajal talks about munafa kun and how angry he is at them of course the expectation might be from you and me that we are supposed to be angry at them as well and that's the first thing that I'd like to correct Allah Azza WA JAL anger is something only he has a right to have I don't have a right to be angry at someone if allies angry at them there's a difference between what how we're supposed to feel and what Allah as the widgeon has the right to express so for example just to make this point easy for you and I to understand rasool ullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam invited a group of Christians from Madrid who came to visit and wanted to see if he's really a prophet they didn't have hotels back in the day so they stayed in al-masjid an-nabawi these Christians were actually very well versed in their religion they were knowledgeable people of Christianity and they worshipped holidays Iran and they had no other place to go worship Jesus so guess where they worship to a Saudi Saddam inside al-masjid al-nabawi and this is in the time that they're here to discuss things with Rasulullah Siloam and during this time the ayat of Surat Maryam some of the later I artists with Maryam are discussed and IATA enron come and actually some of the IATA suit maryam had already come down in which allah says wahdahu allah then nakum shay and it then they said that allah azzawajal al rahman has taken a son and you've said something disgusting monstrous monstrous how could you say such a thing some of the most some of the angriest ayat of the Quran are about people who claim that Allah has taken a son it's very offensive to Allah that someone says this yet for his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam clearly he's not angry at these people they're in a rush in the never way they're doing their worship there and why is that how come allies angry and his messenger is not angry salallahu alaihe salam to help you understand this i'll give you another example before we come to the muna fiyaquun' i have children one of them is in trouble I'm yelling at one of them I yell at one of my children and while I'm yelling at one of them I'm yelling at my eldest daughter the youngest son comes and says yeah I'm angry too all of a sudden I won't be angry at my daughter I'll be angry at this little guy why are you angry that's not your place I'm in a position to be angry I'm the authority in the house when I have a right to be angry that's my my place you have no place to take my position you see and if he turns on us as well since you were angry I thought I should be angry too it's stepping out of his role it's an act of stepping out of one's role we have to understand that the anger of Allah belongs to him it belongs to him and he will deal with his slaves however he wants but that's not our job our job is not to express the anger of Allah against other people so when you hear IATA battle munafiqeen and you would think that we should become extremely angry at the munafiqeen because a large angry at them we should be angry at them this is something his messenger salallahu alaihe salam was taught very clearly to distinguish the leader of the munafiqeen of the live in a way who caused many problems to rasul allah sallallahu assalam the worst of the word first of the worst he dies and when he dies also Lula himself sallalahu Morales annum leads the Janaza prayer he led the prayer the ayat of the Quran came later are not Oh Sandi Holloman madam in Houma Haddad don't become a de cobre don't pray on them don't even stand on his grave but the ayah did not come before he prayed the heart came after he prayed if Allah wanted him not to make Janaza prayer over him what would Allah I've done reveal the eye out beforehand and there's no problem but Allah Azza WA JAL waited for him to lead that prayer why because only Allah can know who the munafa kun are and even in the most obvious of cases you and I can't just point at someone say clearly this is a moon effect clearly this is someone who doesn't really have Iman Iman like in a fog particularly hypocrisy is a disease that lies deep inside the heart fecal ooby him Madeleine in their hearts there's a disease the heart is a place that you and I don't have access to we barely have access to our own hearts we barely have a good analysis of where we stand how are you and I supposed to judge the heart of someone else all you can judge and all I can see is behavior all we can see is what is on the outside and we can never see what's going on on the inside and the outside and the inside are not always connected to each other sometimes things are not what they appear they don't things don't seem as they are even in the even in the later seal of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam they were told that even if you if you were to attack the city of Makkah Boyolali joly muke me noon what is how me not them Telemundo our believing men and women you can't even know them you have you had no idea who they are in other words Allah is saying even in the city of Makkah after three battles have taken place there are people who may quietly have taken Shahada they don't look like Muslims they don't pray they don't do anything yet but their heart has la ilaha illaallah in it already only Allah knows them long time the moment there was no way for you to know them you can't even pass judgment on that so now with that premise what I wanted to share with you is one ayah of Salutin Nyssa and in this ayah Allah Azza WA JAL is Deen dealing with a very serious military situation the Muslims are travelling at this time they're already in a state of war with the people of Makkah and they are in danger of being attacked when they travel in the middle of the desert it's not a secure area because you are in a state of war you can be attacked at any time so when you're travelling in the desert and you see somebody coming from a distance you don't know if that's an enemy or a friend you don't know so Allah gives precautionary measures to the Muslims when they travel how should you deal with this situation when somebody's coming what should you do he says Subhanahu WA Ta'ala I you Han Latina Avenue is adopt infeasible Allah he Futaba y'know those of you who have Iman when you are going out in the path of Allah meaning when you're going to go out into the battle or go somewhere other other instruction that Allah as messenger has given you settle on audience Adam and you see somebody coming clarify make things clear Fattah Bayon in other words if you see someone coming maybe you should go take the side get a better view don't go ahead on you don't know what you're walking into take precaution and make sure things become clear if it's too close for comfort you came around one mountainside they came around the other mountainside you're right in front of each other and they see you all of a sudden now what are you supposed to do Allah Azza WA JAL gives one instruction by the way this could be a matter of life and death as you can tell this can be a matter of life and death if you make the wrong judgement and let this guy pass he turns around and stabs you in the back you could be killed the instruction Allah gives to the Muslims is incredible he says well at acuña levan alka alaykum assalamu last time what mean I don't say about anyone who throws Salam in your direction I'll call alaykum assalam he doesn't say well at a cannoli menu salamu alaikum don't say about the one who says Salam do you know anybody who even throws Salam in your direction let's stop we know you're not a believer the thing is when you and I pass by each other on the street sometimes I don't know if you're about Semin I'm Muslim we don't know you pass by you experimental EGS serological the other person says wa alaikum Salam now you know that they're Muslim but you and I know that there are levels of our faith there's Islam there's Iman there's a son Islam is at least this person has accepted Shahada Iman is something inside the heart the strongest of believers have Iman Dermott min in this ayah you and I were expecting Allah to say that when someone says Salam to you you should know that they are Muslim Allah is saying when someone says Salam to you don't you dare say that they are not mock min lest a mock minun now that's remarkable because now I'm not just thinking of this person who passed by me as a Muslim I'm thinking of them as a sincere believer with no possibility of hypocrisy inside them there's no possibility of 'no fact inside this person and the only proof I have that I have no right to judge their hypocrisy is that they said assalamu alaikom what I could to lie you what a cat that's it that's according to Quran and that's in a life-and-death situation at that in that situation you could get killed for getting this wrong you could say I mean he said Salaam but I'm not sure Allah says doesn't doesn't matter essentially even if you lose your life in this way it's okay but don't lose it judging somebody else's iman is a bigger ring danger to you that will ruin your dunya and your Alcala like elsewhere he says until until see become marathon be ready al that an ugliness and a contamination will hit you and you won't even know because you attacked another Muslim you attacked another believer now this was in the state of battle let me finish the ayah and then share a couple of quick lessons with you Tabu tahuna Arobin hated dunya see the ayah began feasible illa llah left unfeasible in de you went out in the path of Allah that's what Allah said when you go out in the path of Allah you'll run into someone they might say Salam to you that's good enough for you that's what it was but halfway through the ayah Allah says the only time you will pass this kind of judgment and say no no as Salam is not good enough is when that that journey that was supposed to be feasible in LA has now turned into you pursuing worldly life you're now you're no longer pursuing a Las Dean you're pursuing worldly life meaning the intention of that journey has now don't ruin that don't ruin the intention of your journey don't ruin you something you knew feasible a lie and turn identity of Tahu najara Delhi at dunya for in the Lima sonamoo kathira allah has many treasures don't become materialistic don't become worldly you know in the most immediate sense it means somebody says salami says yeah right I don't think you're Muslim and you kill him and take a stuff anyway that's what the immediate senses but even in the larger senses we'll see this has timeless lessons in it for us Kidada cocoon tome in Kabul all this is one ayah he says kavanah cocoon tome in kabul this is how you used to be before you used to be skeptical doubtful unsure about people judgmental of people easy to attack them question their character question what's going on inside of them this is how you used to be in the state of jahiliya I'm in Kabul much before not now you have Quran now you have Iman now you can't be this way anymore and then this is famine allahu i alaikum Allah has done a huge favor on you what's the favor Allah has done on you in this ayah Allah hasn't just guided you to Islam in this ayah Allah has given you the gift of brotherhood among each other that is the basis of which is assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa laqad oh that's the basis of it that's a huge gift of Allah that Allah imposes on us Aman allahu wa alaykom Futaba yan but still make sure now that you know that Salam is the giveaway that you shouldn't pass judgment other than that however still be careful don't just assume futaba you know and then he says in the logic ila we madamluna Havilah allah has always known what you've been up to no doubt about it now what does this mean for you and me we live in a very interesting time where the Salah of a Muslim is not good enough Muslims that Salam to you and depending on how they're dressed depending on how they look depending on the size of their beard or they don't have a beard depending on their accent depending on the environment they come from or where they are you figure a foreman ethic this guy's so misguided some people will even say wa allakum assalaam but in their heart think this for Seoul so they're just food for hellfire but at least they think they're Muslim at least they think they're Muslim we've become so fragmented that we can't even help ourselves when somebody walks into the Masjid you have to you have to figure out which kind of misguidance they're on you don't just look at someone and they say Salam to you and you assume that they're a believer and as a result of their iman that and that iman that they share with you is a favour of allah and you according to this side we don't this thinking is gone this thinking is gone gone are the days where you and I can look at each other and the moment Salam comes out everything else is out the window falafel baina hulu become false bottom banana mati he won and he put a love between your hearts and you became brothers only by his favour that was good enough for you you know this is something that the Muslims don't realize when they are among other Muslims they take Islam and the Ummah for granted when you know I went to some towns in the United States where there are little to no Muslims I met a fellow not too long ago he's 45 years old 45 years he lived in Oklahoma and Oklahoma is not a lot of Muslims especially not forty five years ago and he would be in the grocery store somewhere and somebody would just you know kind of you know he'd he'd hear the voice that they may be reciting some Quran or something he'd just run over and say Salaam alaikum and then he'd say actually no I'm Jewish oh you were reciting Korat okay I didn't know and they'd run into some some somebody in a job somewhere and there's just pull over and say Salam alaykoum and if you get so excited that they saw another Muslim that somebody is there that shares that ilaha ilallah with them you don't know what that's like to not have another fellow Muslim around because hamdulillah you and I are around a lot of Muslims and a lot of the Muslims around you are very different from you they think differently from you they belong to a different school of thought than you do they dress differently from you they like different scholars than the scholars that you like they go to a different must than you they lie different organization than yours they belong to a different ethnicity than you but none of that is supposed to matter as a matter of fact none of that was even supposed to matter when your life is in danger our lives aren't even in danger and yet we make these distinctions where our salams to each other are not good enough our salaam is an indication that i have no longer the right to judge somebody else's iman advice is something else somebody's doing something wrong you can advise them you can tell them this is wrong and you know and in the most respectful of ways but that's not a judgment on their faith that's just the judgment of hey listen I think you spoke too loudly with that elder I don't think you should do that hey listen I think you're praying in the wrong direction I think it's this way you know some simple correction among each other it's not a judgment of Iman that's just what we owe each other anyway that's just naseeha but don't confuse that with passing you know blatant and extreme judgments on one another just based on appearances the Sahaba came in all shapes and sizes they look very very different they came from different tribes you know and this was not a reason for anyone to pass judgment on the other the last thing I share with you in light of this ayah is that if the opposite is the case if it is easy for us to pass judgment on each other and it is easy for us to not think of the Salaam as enough then a loss comment on us is that even though we may be looking like Muslims acting thinking what that we're acting like Muslims our pursuit is worldly top tahuna a doddle Hayati dunya you've become materialistic iman isn't that important to you dunya has become more important to you that's when it becomes easy for you to judge and separate yourselves and look down on other fellow Muslims may allah azza we shall make us of those who have true genuine love and respect for one another may Allah so it'll make us of those who really understand the words of our messenger sallallaahu my name's Adam when he says beautifully of show Salaam spread Salam because when you spread Salam in its genuine sense then what you've actually spread is Brotherhood what you've actually spread is unity among the Ummah and soft in their hearts to one another may Allah make our hearts that are those that are soft to one another and even when we correct each other we correct each other in the most loving respectful of ways barakallahu li walakum for Anna Hakim when a fine idea kamila at Buddakan hamdu lillahi wa kafa salat wa salam o allah i body he ladino stafa hoses an era of lolly him a hot item in the bin Mohammed al-ameen wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in yo Allah Azza WA JAL Vicki tell me he'll carry vada anahulu arrows voluminous eternal regime in a la Habana Akita who uses Luna alain de may-ya-yo her latina amanu sallu alayhi wa salamu Taslima allahumma salli ala muhammadin wa ala ala muhammad Kumasi later other brahim el Ibrahim Afellay al-amin in Nagahama do Majid allahumma barik ala muhammadin wa ala ala muhammad , Barack to Allah Rahim were a Libra haemophilia al-amin in the middle Majid rubella or AHIMA Camilla attack ala inna llaha ya'muru bil idly relation where eta is in Alba were in her and in fashion evil moon cup well addict allahu akbar allahu allah ma toaster on a chemist's Allah in the Salah Takada alminia kotoba mo kuta
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 117,843
Rating: 4.9492064 out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim
Id: bVlvjkgiWV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2016
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