Purify Your Faith - Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

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roba chakras Audrey we're silly Emily Vowell occasionally Sarnia holy allahumma thabbitna and El Monte villa ilaha illallah wallahu modular mean alladhina amanu aminu folly hot water so we'll talk whatever so before i meani rabbul aalameen the ayat I'm about to share with you and some reflections from them belong to the beginning of surat al-ankabut the 29th surah of the Quran it was revealed by most accounts almost at the end of the period of Makkah for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when the animosity towards the muslims was so intensified that there were even schemes and plots not only the torture and you know hurt muslims but also kill the messenger of allah salallahu alaihe salam so things had gotten pretty bad by that point and pretty much the only outlet left pretty soon was going to be Hydra which is an my grading from the city of Makkah to the city of Medina which is why in this remarkable surah allows though it actually gives him towards Hydra he doesn't say directly because it's a covert operation if he says it directly then the co father going to know that the Muslims are planning on leaving town and they're going to kill them before they get a chance to leave so what Allah does in the surah pretty interestingly is he first described for example you know one Narada in Salam leaving his people he's being told to leave by way of the ark you know and then loot on a Salam he says Indy Muhajiroun a lot of B Saye Dean I'm making head over to my lab he's going to guide me and then by the end of the surah allah says don't argue with the people of the book except in a better way well the people of the book are not in Makkah where are they they're in Medina so it's already mentally preparing the Muslims without directly telling them that you're you know migrating so that it's exposed to the kuffar also but they're also being told like things are getting too tough for you now here it's time for you to move about the beginning of this surah however there's a mental preparation for tough times when Muslims are persecuted when Muslims are being you know are not just criticized but actually becoming a target for no other reason that they're Muslims in that context Allah gave these Ayyad an imam will quote to retouch beautiful words he said that even though is a Calot desolately has a suburb even though it came in the context of all Sahaba being tortured and beat up and they were disheartened because the only reason were being tortured and the only reason we were being picked on and the only reason were being made fun of in societies because we're Muslim what what crime have we done why isn't Allah helping us why isn't he changing our situation when some of those people expressed those kinds of feelings Allah Azza WA JAL revealed the ayat that I'm about to share with you but he says even though they came in that particular event from o'duden who have appeared on the almighty muhammadin wa ala aalihi wasallam that the verdict in these ayat and the principles of these ayat are going to live forever for the o muhammad sallallahu wasallam because the legacy of this Ummah is always going to be that the Iman that we have the gifts that we have been given of la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not a cheap gift you don't just get to have it and you don't have to pay its price so in your personal life there will be trials and difficulties and even as an Ummah we're going to suffer trials and difficulties to see how what pain are we willing to go through to still hold on to this to still not let go and that's actually one of the ways we have to understand difficulty in life difficulties that Allah gives to the Muslims so a believer in his life or to us as nation entire countries of Muslims going through trial and difficulty is Allah as a way of seeing seeing who wants to hold on to their Iman in the hardest of times because in those kinds of times for people that whose Iman can shake what happens how did Allah let this happen to me what did I do to deserve this I don't want anything to do with Allah I prayed to him I make dog to him i worshiped him and look at what happened with my family look at what happened with me I don't want to pray anymore and that reaction is actually that's exactly the test that allows that wasn't gave who is going to hold onto their Iman no matter what and who's going to still remain hopeful with Allah no matter what who's going this is what why it's called belief in the unseen it's not just Allah who than the unseen sometimes I love mercies in the unseen sometimes a lot justice is in the unseen sometimes I love plan is in the unseen so much of what he does is in the wave what you see in front of you is injustice it's unfair it's you know it's even even cruel and you look at it and you say how can this be I can't appreciate a God who apparently let's get you know let's let people get away with all these crimes but behind the scenes is actually where our real faces we don't believe in what we see we actually by the very definition and Nevena vanunu believe we believe in what we cannot see we believe in what we don't understand you know that's in the hands of allah and human beings will never have access to it well makan allahu la pelea come out alive allah will not be one to inform you what's happening behind the scenes Allah doesn't owe you an explanation of what's really going on the actual plan before I get to these are just to help you understand we recites to look at gas every Friday and part of social chaos is the story of the journey of Masada he said I'm at the end of the surah and in that story allows that wasn't described three different situations which don't make any sense if you look at it these people that are fishermen they have a boat this is the only way these young men make money and you know cuz it goes there and he just pokes a hole in the boat and he just destroys the boat and these people are not their boat is no good now they can't make their income anymore I was like what do you just do I came to learn about Allah from you I was instructed that you're gonna bring me closer and you're going around committing crime he kills the board if that wasn't bad enough he kills a boy next and it's that you know and then later on finally he does something good he builds a wall but they're starving and he's like you these people don't even host you they're not even kind fine they're not hospitable people at least if you did to this labor for them in the city you should get paid for it so none of these scenarios make sense and what does Allah do what's the point of these stories even though that's not my hood but today the point of those stories is there's the scene world and then there's a curtain from Allah and behind the scenes is the unseen plan those of you that are from the tech industry there's the front end of the software and there's a code in the backend but there's the source code behind it okay now what Allah does in the surah is he lifts the curtain just a little bit and he gives Masoli saddam a glint through his it you know of things he couldn't bear he saw things that were wrong he couldn't tolerate them and he says I'll explain to you now what was really going on behind the scenes in other words that's a lot way of telling us sometimes we see reality that we don't like that we think is unfair that is just absolutely wrong but we still don't understand that Allah has a plan that allows justice is bigger than what we can see now coming to these ayah they begin with Alif LAAM Meem and I was intrigued by that for a long time because there are many rulers in the Quran that begin with Haru smoke itas ha neun gasps hiya I inside you know Alif LAAM Meem for the leaf la meme brah Alif LAAM Meem meat itself you know Palestine etc etc you'll notice that pretty much all of those who are with two exceptions all of those who let's begin with the mention of some something about the revelation of Allah Alif LAAM Meem Zanic al-kitab odary messy Alif LAAM Meem allahu la la hey la hey la sala allah al-kitab paja Manzana alayka al-kitab anushka harmoo transy luminal illogical hockey everytime you have these rules following the peru following these letters that we don't know the meaning of only Allah knows Allah says something about his revelation and the two exceptions are actually anchor boot and room because here you find Alif LAAM Meem AAHA see Banias there's no mention of the book now and social room I live a little I mean holy battle room alright bukit art and holy battle room the rome was dominated as intriguing maybe we'll talk about you know only battle room another time but for now today i want to share with you what might be one of the benefits there comes from this unique exception in the quran it may be a mas way of telling us that the purpose one of the one of the main lessons of the book one of the main teachings of quran itself is to understand how you're supposed to react when you're in a trial like in a sense you know the quran has many things the quran has many many many lessons and it clarifies many many realities but if in one sense you were to be asked what is the essence practically for me if i was to really internalize the quran what would that practically mean for me what it would mean is that i understand that when trials happen they happen because i have Iman I have to pay the price of Iman there are going to be difficulties in my life there's going to be challenges they're going to be challenges that come to me at the hands of my loved ones and come that's from the inside or within the Oh myself there will be people that give us problems and then there will be people from the outside the enemy that will give us problem and both of them are in a sense a lot testing us the the grit and the strength of our faith so what is the statement of the lummox 'his even a Sioux and Utah who and Yahoo lumina have people assumed that they're just going to be left alone just because they said we've believed that's the statement have people assume that they will be left alone just because they said that they've believed well homeless ternoon and they're not going to be put to the test they're not going to be thoroughly tested interestingly you could say you've done own they'll they'll be tested but the word used in the ayah is you stallone and the word you've tunnel comes from the arabic verb Catena fathanah is use or fitna is used in arabic originally when you have gold that has impurity and unlike you know if you have clothing that has impurity you can wash it and the impurity comes off if you have a you know furniture that has an impurity you can just brush it off but if gold has impurity you can't just brush it off you have to melt the gold at very very high temperatures you have to burn this gold and put it under excruciating Heat and only then will the impurities come out that's the only way to purify gold it's an intense process so the gold it tests its purity is tested by way of very intense heat and that's when the impurities burn off the use of that word suggests something you think you're just going to have faith and you just declared that you're Muslim and you're not going to be put through intense wheat you're not going to be burned like gold is burned and by the way in just saying that a lot of beautiful way of telling us that we are like gold to him that the believer is valuable to him that you are being put through a hard task because you're just that valuable you're just that much worth to Allah you know sometimes people think because they're going through a hard time that they are worthless to Allah Allah doesn't care about me that's why I'm going through these things if Allah cared about me would have been taking much more care of me it's the opposite scenario now it is because you are so valuable to Allah that you must be cleansed this way well home now afternoon and then almost as well as patandjill daddy remain calm much before we tested people who for them too this is the old history of Allah does that you're not the first one to be tested and tried you're not the first one to be persecuted you're not the first one to go through a hard time this has been going on this is a photo of Allah well opposite Indonesian amine chameleon well Amanda La Jolla Gina Habba poo well a alum Anelka Devine and this is a love way of absolutely exposing this is how Allah will certainly get to see and expose who of you are actually truthful in your claim truthful in what claim that they believe easy to say la ilaha illallah easy to hold on to it in your heart when hard times come and that's not that's not the easy part and so then he will know who's truly lying you could still be saying that I had a line be lying you know this is the less way of testing us I chose to mention these ayat and I'm going to go on in childhood data from here too but I wanted to highlight them for a reason a lot of us feel the pressure of what's going on in society around us some of us every few minutes you get a new link to an article about how things are escalating in this way or that way or the other way towards Muslims towards immigrants or whatever and the escalate the escalation isn't just in a political sense in this country but there's a social escalation too there's a cultural escalation too right people may be making comments to your family in the mall now or you know at workplace people are saying things and harassment cases are happening and all this kind of stuff and in this environment it's very easy for people to start thinking though you know if I didn't look so Muslim or if I wasn't so visibly Muslim then maybe I wouldn't have such a hard time right and this this idea then their families discussing you know dad sitting down with the family and discussing look I know I know you've seen me with a beard for many years but I think it's time to you know use some jicama and just you know blend in a little better and you know I know you you know if you guys you a few girls if you my daughters when I take off the hijab it's okay right now we're in tough times we don't want to be persecuted etc these kinds of conversations are starting to happen you know and people are saying that we can't handle it we this is too much and a lot of response to all of that is all what do you what did you think you're not going to be tested you think people are just going to love you everywhere you go the most beloved of all people with whom allah salallahu allison and people absolutely hated him they hated him his character is the most beloved character you could possibly have his smile is infectious there are people that can't like help but be around him sallallahu alayhi Salaam you know and this man black metal Delilah mean people absolutely despised him curse them with the worst kind of person and that's that's before by the way that hatred of the Muslims came way before even we were told any of the instructions that we now make us visibly Muslim JimBob hasn't been revealed yet hijab hasn't been revealed yet none of these things were revealed it was just it was something else that was very offensive about Muslims they don't budge from their faith they don't budge from what's true and they speak out against injustice that's actually what was offensive to the Mukund Muslims didn't back off when when when an orphan was being pushed around the Muslims stood up and said you can't push around the orphan well arm came around and said you know fanatical Authority when people were being cheated in the marketplace Quran came out and said well Elizabeth of 15 Allah Xena dr. Allen a theist of food-wise a kylajo wasn't home your field but on came out and said you can't cheat people in business you can't scan people you can't push orphans around you can't be you know bury the baby girl alive well I started criticizing social evils that were happening in that time not and the victims of it were not Muslims the victims of it were everybody else that's what was offensive to them the Quran doesn't apologize for its message the Quran doesn't hide its message and its people once you accept Islam they'll say do you believe what the Quran says do you believe what you endorse these views oh uh no no not not totally you know this is what home Langston hoon I have tested a lot those people before and we can tell who tells the truth and who's a liar you have to stand by the word of the lights the only protection we have you think standing by the word of Allah is going to put us in trouble standing by the word of Allah is the only will ahead well I'm Teddy them in doing any muntaha you will not find any other protection other than double cola that's the only protection you have and then on the flip side there are those who are giving us who are persecuting us for no other reason that we believe you know what about those people about the Mamas has a hacienda de la luna say yeah Tania's vicuna ha Emmaus c'mon have those who commits him assumed that they got ahead of us you know Sadako who actually the Arabic language is when a criminal is running from a crime and the cops or the authorities or the business owner is trying to chase him but they got away and Allah says you think these people who are committing crimes got away from me you think they're too fast for me to catch my aku moon what a horrible decision they've made and I don't just want to limit this to people who persecute Muslims at a large scale but I also want you to understand that these ayats have implications in your personal life there are people that personally have persecuted you then I've tortured you that have slandered you they'd have sent horrible things about you you don't have to make dua against them you don't just know that unless they make soba nobody gets away with it from Allah you know your frustration at this time maybe how come this person got away with it how come they get to say these things and they still every everything's ok with them and it burns you inside that the person who hurts you is you know killing they're just having a good old time this is a consolation to those who are victims of any kind those who commit sins what do you think they got away no no no they've made a they made a horrible decision other places in the Quran Allah will describe what a horrible decision that looks like and I often give the example of it I won't go into the IATA themselves but I'll give you you know just the the image of it I may have described this to you before if you have a rabid dog or a wild dog and you tie it up if you have like a 1 foot leash just one foot the dark can't go more than one foot but if you give this dog a 200 foot leash it's a wild dog it's going to run as fast as it can can it and for a 199 feet this dog thinks is free but when it hits the 200-foot mark at the full at full speed what happens to it you see the choke is much stronger that was actually not a mercy on the dog that was a tougher punishment you know in pneumonia we do not only as SS men we only extend for them so they can earn more sins so they can dig their hole deeper so can they can suffer more pain you want to make trouble go ahead Allah will give you license make trouble dig your own hole deeper sama yeah cool then allows that which returns back to you and me this is very powerful lesson especially for people that are going through a difficult time a key problem for all of us when we go through a difficult time is that we have expectations from people we expect for example somebody has an abusive father and they say why can't my father be like every father should be somebody says why can't I be my husband be like a husband should be why can't my she's a mother she's supposed to be kind why isn't she kind she's a daughter she's supposed to be being wise and she obedient we always look at people and what they should be and that makes us angry because they're not what they should be and we keep getting more and more upset and we keep saying this should be different they should be different it should be different by the way the Book of Allah will tell you how people should be but we're human beings we're a human being and you cannot turn people into what you want them to be so the day will change when Allah puts that in their heart you and I can't change people even the people closest to us even the messenger was told this in Mecca nASA has demonic but you can't even change whoever you love people come and say hey what can I tell my husband what can I tell my father what can I tell my daughter what can I tell my brother that can help them change and the first thing that comes in my head is in the colostomy - love you don't just get to guide whoever you love you can give reminder for the kid in Nava attend Sakura provide if benefit will have reminder will have benefit in can hear before Toki and it could be she'll see also benefit there's certainly benefit in reminder and if the reminder will have an event if it's the possibility it's the plastic our job is just to remind but the problem is when you put expectations on people and they're just disappointed every time it only burns you more so what does a lot do in response he says Mun con IL duly Allah in agile allah-allah are whoever was hopeful who would they have hope for Hope with meeting with Allah then the meeting with allies coming because that's the one that will never disappoint that's the one that will never disappoint you look look even look at the situation of Quraysh the Arabs their biggest the biggest part of their identity was tribe their pride came from their tribe their sense of self came from their tribe their unity came from their tribe this was actually at the apex of their identity but when it came to Islam the Quraysh are willing to torture even of their own they're willing to persecute even of their own violating the principles of their own tribe that they would never ever do but they're willing to do it for the Muslims the Haram was considered a place that's Amman the Haram was a place where everybody safe people used to come from all over Arabia and worship their idols there this is one place that was kept safe and that's one of the reasons the Quraysh were respected and whoever comes they're safe the only people who were not safe at the helm is ooh the Muslims the Muslims could stand up and complain this is against the Quraysh Constitution this is a violation of our civil rights how can you do this to us we expect better from you or you can expect all you want you can expect all you want the people who are going to hate the believers just because they are believers have no Constitution they have no code they have no principles you can cry civil rights all you want they're not going to those people will do what they'll do that's that's the history of Islam that's their history even since the time of moosa alaih-is-salaam even since then moosa aleihsalaam was considered one of them he's actually one of them and he's because he was raised as a royal he was given granted that royal status under Pharaon and eventually even he's willing to bend his own constitution the loonie absolu so let me kill busan myself they don't kill their own but we'll make the exception for Muslims we'll make the exception we have to be we have to understand where to put the expectation I'm not saying we don't struggle for our right I'm not saying that but I want us to understand whether it's in our personal lives or as a society as a society we need to understand our primary hopes lie with Allah and if that is gone then nothing else will matter man canal Julia Allah say in Nigel Allah Hina us who ever wanted to be up was hopeful of meeting with Allah then certainly the meeting of with Allah is well on its way and Allah hears everything knows everything woman jihad and this is what I want to conclude with inshallah Romagna Hadassah in demarjay adoulin FCE inna llaha la manana on an island and whoever struggles whoever whoever makes efforts what is efforts doing here you see when Muslims are being persecuted they're on the defensive aren't a when we're being we're the ones being criticized critique tortured in Makkah we're the ones on defense and a lot of saying don't worry those who are persecuting you I'll deal with them eventually don't you worry about that you just preach what your hopes in me that's what Allah is telling the Muslims but by the end of this ayah what does he say woman jihad AHA in them are you John he Julie Duffy who ever struggled only does so to their own benefit struggling is that defense struggling is what as often a live thing in times of persecution you must stand up for your religion and presented more with more aggressively more actively than you ever did before and that's the only way you will survive because you're only doing that for yourself when jihad referendum are you journey to your feet and you're not doing this for Allah that Allah will benefit in some way you're only doing this for yourself you want to be safe with a lot you want a less protection you want the angels to come and surround you and nothing to hurt you let me see you make struggle for Allah let me see you make efforts for Allah then the protection comes and then one that's what Allah says in Allah Halawa do not I'll I mean he doesn't need your struggle he doesn't need your efforts he is independent free of need from all nations and all peoples he doesn't need the nation in people you're the ones who need him you're the ones who need that struggle by the end of this passage Allah has given us the secret what does it take or Noma to protect itself in times of perfect persecution what it takes for them is true struggle for the sake of Allah not that they keep taking steps back but they start taking steps forward there's the wind blowing in your face pushing you back and you're struggling and pushing against that wind everybody else wants you to let go of your Islam and you're holding onto it even more everybody else wants their entire symposia and academic circles describing how we want to have a more civil Islam how we want to have a more you know come as far more palatable for the modern world and here the passages of the Quran that are problematic so let's remove those from this course and in the middle of all of that pressure we're going to have to be the ones that stand to move forward this way right now we are pushing back right now they make criticisms of the book of a line we say yeah why does the Quran say that how come it says how come it you know and we start doubting ourselves this is not how Allah will give protection to this Ummah when Allah when you take a step back when you start turning your back to the Dean what happens what happens a lesson in kata well no yes Tubb dil KO maan hai Jakub so Medina who knew em sonikku if you turn your back Allah will replace you with a nation other than yourself you are easily replaceable this is the other meaning of inna llaha Levani United Allah mean Allah is free of need he doesn't need any nation he doesn't need them he doesn't need the Pakistanis he doesn't need the Bangladeshi doesn't mean the Egyptians or the Palestinians he doesn't need to throw these when anybody turns back from a lesbian a low will person with somebody else next thing you know the Irish the Mexicans somebody else is replacement and that's not the first time this happened this is the third novel I examined before he's done it before this is the time to hold strong this is the time to show confidence in Islam this is the time to fear nobody but Allah when we put our hair this is the last thing I'll share with you when we put our head down in front of Allah in fear of Allah and humility to Allah you know what that means that we don't bow before anybody else now we're not afraid of anybody else now we're not we're not going to submit to anybody else we're I'm going to feel pressure by anybody else we don't accept the authority over us of anyone else nobody else will bully us nobody else will tell us what to do we don't fear consequences of anybody else the only here we have is that of Allah that's the point of follow that's the purpose of you standing in front of Allah like that and that's what this is a reminder I need a new deed in these times I pray that Allah Azza WA JAL instills in us a sense of confidence and strength in our faith I pray that Allah Azza WA JAL makes of those who turn back to a lion times of trial and understand that this is a price we must pay to hold on to our Iman I pray that Allah so we can make sense of those who truly make sincere efforts to bring more light to Islam to bring more light to the word of Allah in this society because of Allah Halim at this time when they say Islam is the problem the OMA knows very well or on Islam is the only solution it's the only good thing and Allah has charged us with that responsibility may Allah make us true ambassadors of this faith barakallahu li walakum tell Coronel Hakeem wanna fight an evil Yaakov Elias verdict Hakeem alhamdulillah he Baca follow salatu wa salam o allah a body he ladina fafa khususan ala body he Muhammad ibn Muhammad Amin Amin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in yaqula lahu Azza WA JAL Tiki Tavi Hakim bata an Akula audhu billahi min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem inna llaha la mala ek Tahu you Saluda ala nabi yeah you hundred inna amanu sallu alayhi wa salamu Taslima allahumma salli ala muhammadin wa ala ala muhammad hasaan later Eliab rahim while earlier Mahima fill al-amin inaka Hamidah Majeed allahumma barik ala muhammadin wa ala ala muhammad came a varactor ibrahim voila le brahim of allah ameen in the cami de Madrid Reba's Allah Mahima Kamala in Tripoli in the LA area Bulbul ogly beliefs and what eta is in CORBA Liana and in fact even one cup well as accrual logic akbar allahu allah ma tossed our own aloo masala in the Philosopher's Linea kitab-o-moosa
Channel: Bayyinah Institute
Views: 376,059
Rating: 4.9077864 out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim
Id: pWRDkgsBsGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2017
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