The Munafiqs (hypocrites) - Nouman Ali Khan

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Souma bond yahoooo subhanahu wa'ta'ala Fekete al-karim Botanicula arulu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim vaca dhalika ja alna come on metal wisata Lita Kuno shuhada Alana's way Acuna rasoolallah comes aji de la maza Anelka volatility kuntala her inland Adama magnet a beer or a salami Mahankali brother attaboy we're incarnate lockaby rotten illa allatheena Hatala Oh McConnell ah Julio bie menachem inna llaha Vanessa Laura off Rahim publishes lizard really Emory Walloon rock that Imelda sunny F Kahoot Coley Amina rabbil alameen Paloma thabbitna in del Monte villa ilaha illallah Muhammad al-amin alladhina amanu aminu Solly had what I was a will Huck what I was always sober in Surat al-baqarah there are many subjects and in the beginning of the surah allah azza wajal describes three kinds of people he begins with people who believe in the unseen and ladina you mean honorable rape Oh yogi munis Allah those who believe then immediately he switches over to those who have disbelieved in Allah Dena kafir ozawa alayhim and Artem amlong from their home like me noon then he turns to the third category of people first the believers then the disbelievers and in the third case Allah talks about the people who say that they believe what a home be meaning and they not they're not believers at all Allah is talking about the munna fiyaquun' the hypocrites and while the conversation in surat al-baqara right in the beginning about the people who believe is very brief and the conversation about the disbelievers is very brief the conversation about the munafiq hoon is twice as long and allah azza wajal gives multiple examples to explain the concept of navab this was important because the Muslims had now moved to Medina baqara is a Madani surah and one of the earliest modern asuras revealed and the muslims were now going to face a new problem not just an enemy from the outside also an enemy from the inside from within and that is going to be the Mona fiyaquun' so extra detail needs to be discussed about this problem but interestingly enough right after Allah describes this problem not too much later Allah Azza WA JAL describes with a whole story of these three kinds of people believers disbelievers and whanau fiyaquun' they come from one origin they come from adam alayhis-salam so the story of adam alayhis-salam is mentioned and that is very powerful because at the end of the day all human beings they are equal all human beings are equal they're all children of adam alayhis-salam and then they make the choice to either become believers or or become disbelievers or become one affic and that's what makes them unequal but as far as Allah created them he created them equally but it's also remarkable that after the story of adam alayhis-salam is done allah azza wajal dedicated the longest passages of the quran directly to bani israel ya bani israeel of kuru near materiality an ant walaikum very long passes a huge dedication in surat al-baqara dedicated just a bani israel and if you study the ayat of baqara that have to do with bani israeel you will notice one thing you go back to the beginning of the surah there were those who believe those who disbelieve and those who say they believe but they don't really believe they say but they don't really believe the mana fiyaquun' and when you study banasura in in surat al-baqara you will find that they claim that they believe but they don't really act on it which means the entire discussion about bani israeel is actually a tough seer of navarre it's an explanation of hypocrisy in other words that is the big subject and the ayat are not just given so that the muslims who are living in medina can look at the jews and say huh look at what allah said about you but actually so the muslims can understand that could be us dil KO matin kadha la la Hanukkah Sabbath voila con maka septum whatõs Aluna and Meccano i am alone that is a nation they're gone they earned what they earned you will earn what you're going to earn your turn now your turn now so we're being told about vanilla bean so we can learn and stay away from the disease of 'no fog of hypocrisy but at the same time allah is talking to banu israel and you all know man but all of your familiar the the jews of medina the majority of them they rejected rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa send them for one reason he was not from among them he was not from among them they thought that they were a better race they had to flee land Allah says how can football - Kamala al-amin he did give them preference over all the other nations but they got disqualified and they did not get disqualified because they're not a good race or they have genetic problems they got disqualified because they had the choice to live with Iman but they chose to live with me and so Allah disqualified them Allah removed them but before he removes them moving along in surat al-baqara allah azza wajal starts talking about ibraheem alehissalaam this is not an accident Allah talks about ibraheem alehissalaam after he's done with bani israeel why because Banu ISA even said we cannot accept this prophet he is not from Banu Israel he's not one of us and Allah is reminding them that is freh el whose other name is yaqoob has a father whose name is is hot and he has a father whose name is ibraheem and rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is actually a son of ibraheem so when you say he's not from our family you are wrong because you are children of ibrahim and he is also a child of ibraheem sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then they are reminded that you people take so much pride in ibraheem by the way if you speak to rabbis and i have the two prophets that they take a lot of pride in they talk a lot about these two prophets they talk about ibraheem alehissalaam and they talk about musa alayhi salam and they say horrible things about them but still these are the two prophets they call them these are the two main prophets of Judaism even today even today so now allah azzawajal takes them back to ibraheem are they Selam and then tells them if that them the Brahim alehissalaam is the one who built the Kaaba where if your father brahim will cover in the middle wait what is mylène but before I go further I want to tell you why I'm walking you through all of Surat al-baqarah I don't want to give you in this hot ba a summary of Salutin baqara that is not my intention my intention today is share to share with you just one thing just one thing one piece of one ayah in the Quran and I began with it Allah Azza WA Jalla said huaca de la caja alaikum o matin wa sahlan Lita kunisada Ilana's y Acuna rasoolallah comes ajita this is the part that I really want to talk to you about but in order to understand this ayah and to appreciate the power of this ayah you have to know what came before you have to know that this is part of a long hot ba this is part of a conversation that was revealed by allah subhana wa ta'ala then you appreciate the power of those words so now the banu asturian said we don't want to be Muslim bootable is this Islam never heard of it and allah azzawajal revealed in surat al-baqara i'm kuntum Shahada in Hedorah Yaakov and mouth were you around when Jakub was about to die Jakub alayhis-salam his other name is Israel and he is called Ali Bonnie he when he was speaking to his sons who are the sons of ya'qub we called them the sons of Israel the twelve sons of ya'qub are now the twelve tribes of Israel and he spoke to them and he asked them who are you going to worship after I'm dead and you know what they said at the end of their answer now I want you to just understand what is happening yeah I know his Salam is about to die his twelve sons are standing around and he's giving them advice and he's asking them what will you be after I'm gone and they turned back to him and they say why no lahu Muslim oon we are Muslim for Allah Allah only we are Muslims the twelve sons of Istra even said that they are Muslims that they're Muslims and the Jews at the time of Medina say what is this Islam what do you mean Muslim never heard of it and Allah tells them your father's father's father you call yourselves the sons of israeel your own father taught you to be muslims you forgot you forgot already and he only learned that lesson from his father who learned it from his father who is ibraheem alehissalaam who himself made dua and said Robin a vagina Muslim a ELAC woman Doria Tina uma tan Muslim a 10 lakh he made odd that all of his children should be Muslim why are you afraid of the word Islam this is what Allah is telling Banu Israel but Banu Israel don't want to accept this messenger so now the next subject in the surah is actually the change of the qibla the Qibla changed from al-masjid al-aqsa tell Kaabah the next subject after that is actually going to be about Ramadan fasting is coming but you know why I chose this ayah allah azzawajal listed the mistakes of banu israel and he told them how they showed NIF ark after the fact after the they were hypocrites one time hypocrites another time hypocrites another time they say with their mouth that they believe but it doesn't mean anything it doesn't mean anything you know I'm a Nabi mountains Allah elena iook for una be muara who they said it whatever we believe are we thank you we already have Iman Allah says no you don't you do not Fatima talked to Luna am BIA Allah him in Kabul in kuntum mu'minin' why would you kill prophets if you're believers Allah questions their Iman now allah azzawajal is basically telling us that that nation who allah chose and he gave them preference and he gave them special status he said this twice one evil to Kamala al-amin Allah mentions Ana in the ayah in knee for Balto and not twice over with tokete this is special in the Quran Allah gave them special status as an Ummah but why did he give them the status there are so many nations in the world there the Chinese there the Africans there's the the rest of the Asians there's the Europeans why did he choose banana eel why did he give them special preference we already learned all human beings are equal allah azza wajal gave them this preference because please listen to this carefully he gave them this this preference this honor because they were supposed to show the rest of the world what does a nation look like when it Oh basil ah every other nation obeys their greed they obey power they obey a king they obey some some ship but this nation will be amazing in dunya and builder akhirah because they obey Allah logical womenfolk to him women that er Julie him if they had only established a lot if they had only done that they would have eaten from the sky Allah would have provided them risk from above and from under their feet Allah says this dunya would have been amazing for them and they would have had akhirah they could have shown the world what a successful nation looks like under the shade of Allah under the guidance of Allah but they failed they failed now when the rasul of allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam was given better when he was made a messenger in the beginning many of you know he used to fast the same days as the jews he used to fast the same days as the Sharia of musa alayhi salam he used to pray in the same direction that they pray he used to pray toward al-masjid al-aqsa allah azza wajal now says ibraheem alehissalaam built the Kaaba wha-hey summa tomb for Lu Wu Zhu Hakam shutaura wherever you are turn your faces in the direction of the Kaaba now you have to turn towards Allah house the kaaba now ibraheem built this house in other words the capital of islam the capital a limit on islam the capital of islam used to be jerusalem then the capital of islam became makkah so it is as though a lot oak the honor away from banu israel and he gave the honor to one who is my island as specifically if newest marine rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but honor is still within the family of Ibrahim Ibrahim alehissalaam was honored by profits from Banu Israel and he is honored from the prophecy of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam now when the capital changes that means one nation is fired one nation is finished it's time for the next nation rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to fast the same days as them but allah revealed to him shahru ramadana alladhi unzila fihi quran now you have to fast in Ramadan the days of fasting are different then they used to believe that the Torah is only for them they don't give that way with the Torah to some other people there is only for them because they are the best people Allah Azza WA Jalla says hotel in mass who then Lena's not little out of not little Arab not liquorice not Lea Holly attrib no no Lynn us you used to think that you are special and this message will stay with you but the nation that will not have new facts this nation this is going to take the Quran and give it to all human beings what I am trying to tell you is officially you know when some a new nation is formed they have a new constitution they have a new capital they have a new celebration they have an Independence Day they have these things when a new nation is formed in Surat al-baqarah a new Ummah is formed this Ummah waka Dalek agenda come on matin masata and its new capital is the Kaaba and its new celebration is Ramadan and its new constitution is the Quran they are a new Ummah all together and they are going to be different from the last one because the last one had the disease of navarre and went because they had that disease they were fired now it's our turn but when Allah gave us this honor when Allah gave us this honor he also said something very scary he said in Tata well oh yes dubbed alumina liriko somalia Kuno AM Telecom if you people turn away I will replace he will replace you with someone other than you and they will not be like you they will not be like you will luck and replace you too we think a Lonnie's us to have Islam on this earth Allah can remove every single one of us and Islam will still be there Allah will bring the people that used to be Christians and used to be Hindus and used to be Buddhists and used to be atheists and they will carry la ilaha ilallah and he can remove us we are not special we are given a chance to do work you know I like to compare this when I teach this ayah to my students I like to give them the lesson that when somebody gets a job if you get a really good job you're very proud that you got a good job they give you a special ID this they give you a nice office with a beautiful view and you're very happy with your job but every day you sit there in your office and you make fun of every everybody else who doesn't have the job look at all those people they don't have my job you don't do any work you just sit in your office and when somebody says what do you know well I got a great job you know what in about two weeks you are going to be fired you are not going to have that job because you love showing people that you have this title but you don't do anything you don't actually do the work yes having a job is honorable it's something to be proud of but if all you have is pride but you don't do any work then the employer will fire you and replace you and someone who will actually do the work you understand what I'm saying to you this omma is not just we get to say that we're a Muslim and it's a free ticket it's not like that we have been given a responsibility and Allah spent a lot of time in Surat al-baqarah describing that there used to be a nation they used to think they are so special they used to think that Allah has given them special favour Allah will never replace them and then Allah replaced them and they said what mala home and capability my Latika no alaihe what happened to these people they won't went away from their qibla how come there's a new capital they were in shock so don't be shocked if allah azzawajal does well he does well then Taji dolly son Nutella eat abdillah you are not going to find a change in the way Allah does things Allah has a formula of justice and he does that for all nations and we will not be the exception so now I want to highlight something to you that maybe hits a little closer to home Ramadan I told you is our independence month we don't just have Independence Day we have independence month that's what we have this is when we celebrate becoming an Ummah this is not just a month when we think about fasting and reciting Quran actually this is the month that we remind ourselves that Allah made us an umma but why did he make us an Ummah he says in the same Iowa kadali kanakam matin but he says wa sahlan what happened and he did not say wa see cotton or muta was sita tan he said what's happened those of you that are familiar with arabic and mashallah there are a lot of you here today that are familiar with arabic what's up is a mustard and when you give us mustard as Asifa when you take the infinitive and you put it as an adjective it is actually the highest form of mobile are available in other words Allah is saying when somebody tries to ask the question what does balance look like what does justice look like you know balance is an idea it's not a concrete thing it's you can't look at a picture of balance balance is a concept justice is a concept you cannot visualize it but in the ayah it is as though Allah saying he made you an Ummah so when somebody tries to visualize balance and they try to visualize justice they will see you they will see the Muslim Ummah your you and I are supposed to be the definition of justice according to this ayah were supposed to be the definition of balance according to this ayah there were nations before us all they cared about was the spiritual the Christians very spiritual people there were nations before us all they cared about was the end just knowledge but newest why you cared a lot about other end they still do some other rabbis they study 20 hours a day even now 10 20 years in a row they study and study and study so one nation focused on the heart alkyl the other focused on a local and a linen and this nation Allah we shall combine both of those because we're right in the middle on matin Mesaba in surat al fatiha Ma said Alma do I lay him on one side of bar lean on the other who's in the middle a lousy rotten mustaqim on matin wisata we're supposed to be right in the middle we are supposed to be that people that exhibits balance but why Lita Cunha Shuhada Ananas so you can be a witness and make a case against all of humanity please listen to this carefully Allah Azza WA JAL he's telling us that you and I you and I are supposed to be evidence against all of humanity you know what that means that on day of judgment some Hindu some Buddhist some Christians some Jew some atheist he comes before Allah and he says I was not Muslim and Allah asks him why were you not Muslim you had Muslims around you didn't you see them didn't you see how balanced they are didn't you see how fair they are didn't you see how merciful they are didn't you see how good they are to their family didn't you see how good they are to each other didn't you see how they are good to Allah how they don't do any how they always speak the truth how they never take bribes how they're never corrupt how they never cut you off in traffic how they never use bad words didn't you see the balance people wasn't that enough proof for you and he might turn around and say actually I knew a lot of Muslims but that's not what they look like that's not what they look like they were the biggest cheaters they were the biggest liars there were the most corrupt people they were the ones that made fun of everybody else they were the ones forget about being nice to other people they weren't even nice to each other they were always fighting with each other I when I looked at Muslims I thought the last thing I ever want to be is Muslim because these people are crazy I don't want to be like them we are supposed to be a living example of Dawa before we even open our mouths the way we are is supposed to be that way the way we are this is a matinee certainly Ticuna Shuhada elena's and if we are not Shuhada Elena's way Acuna razuna la concha heeda the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be a witness against you in other words if people say we didn't see a good example in the muslims they were not a good example to us so why would we be interested in islam that on the day of judgment even the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam turns to this ummah and says they didn't do their job makalah rasulullah rabbinical meta hadoo Havel Khurana maggiorin they abandoned this Quran yara they left it abandoned they didn't live up to it we are in a very difficult position people whether you accept the position or not and this is another example I'll give you you know there are some animals Allah did not give them a big brain some animals have a very small brain like the ostrich has a very small brain when a lion comes after the ostrich you know what it does it sticks its head in the ground the lion is coming and it puts his head in the ground and you wonder what kind of a dumb animal it doesn't have the intelligence to run it just puts his head in the ground you know why because it's going to be killed but it says that's really scary I don't want to think about it so let me put my head in the ground I tell you I'm giving you this example I hope you understand why we have a responsibility to change we have a responsibility to show the entire world what the ummah ten wisata looks like and if we don't stand up to that responsibility then the Shahada of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam is coming Natacha Farah the Shahada there's two different things may Allah make all of us worthy of the shafa of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but you know the Quran on the one hand talks about the Shahada on the other hand it talks about the Shahada you know what caifa either gen'l'men kun Leo matin be Shaheed what Vica allahu la cañada allahu la vaca rasul kava-kava los was a solemn ass the Sahaba to recite the ayat of Surat Annisa when he got to the ayah where Allah says that I will bring you as a witness against these people these people is Sahaba the Muslims I will make you testify against them to see if they did their job Russell salem couldn't take it anymore I have to stand in court before Allah and testify and speak against them to check if they did their work or not and if he's so scared about the Sahaba we should be really scared and not stop sticking our head in the ground and pretending there's not a problem Ramadan is a time to become a new OMA again Ramadan is a time to fix ourselves if you have the habit of lying stop it now this is the time if you have the habit of speaking making fun of other Muslims stop it now if you have the habit of thinking of other people who are non-muslims you think of them as nudges and filth and they're just like animals then you are denying the ayah of allah azza wajal that says walaqad karramna bani adam' we honored all children of Adam today we have a problem there and I wanted to specifically in the last five minutes of this hopefu yes I have two minutes of this football I want to address the students here especially the students that are coming from all over the world masha'Allah may Allah protect you and preserve you but you know what all of us know this is not just in one country this is in every single country the Muslim countries we have racism one tribe one ethnicity one race does not like the other race even though they're all Muslim even though they're all Muslim they don't like each other in the office they don't like each other when they're sitting next to each other in the bus they don't like each other when they even go to the Machine like I don't want to sit next to that girl sit next to that guy over there and you are learning an example to live like one oh my at the university but when you go back home in your families you will find that kind of a Subbiah that kind of prejudice against other nations you will find in your own family among your own friends people who make fun of you know the Malaysian make fun of the Indonesian and the Indonesian women of the Malaysian and the one from the north will make fun of the one from the south and the one from the South hates the one from the north and the Bangladeshi hates the Pakistani and the Pakistani hates the Bangladeshi and the Indian and this and that and the Egyptian doesn't like the Algerian you know and the Moroccan doesn't like the Syrian this is ridiculous how is this Anoma what happened to OMA and what happened to the words of allah when Amazo just described banu israel who thought they were better than everybody else they were fired you are not qualified to be part of this on my if you have that attitude you guys use students the ones that are going to graduate from here it doesn't matter if you graduate in finance and economics or sharia or whatever else when you go back you have to show your own family your own neighborhood what does it mean to be a Noma and if we can't even do that within the OMA how will we be Shahadah Island Nass to show the rest of humanity what Islam is supposed to look like how are we going to do that this is the month of refreshing our commitment to allah as an ummah don't just think of this month as a month of recitation of quran it is a month of recitation of quran but it's also a month where we will change ourselves like the quran wants us to change will change the way we think will change the way we love and we will change the way we hate that is the intention we have to make let this book guide how you feel let this book you know dictate how you feel towards another person allah azza wajal him sends himself says women aya t he falafel Alsina t kumoi wanna come there's a last thing i'm sharing with you one of his great miracles is that your skin colors are different and your languages are different every single language is an ayah of Allah according to that ayah and you have to have respect for every ayah of Allah so the Muslims should have respect for every language and the Muslims should have respect for every color you don't look like look at a dark colored person and say look at these people I don't know why there's so many black people here while there's so many Indians here I don't know why there's so many Chinese here I don't know why these people these people come from you know you don't do that because they the unseen ax and the lor and the languages and the skin colors there are signs of Allah they are ayat of a line we have respect for them because Quran made us respect them this is what we believe in may allah azzawajal truly transformed this on my in the month of ramadan and make us a people that are committed to the book of allah not just in what we recite in the fact that we have to become matin wisata may Allah make us true to that name that honor that Allah has given us in this wonderful book and may allah azza qualify all of us for the shafa of his beloved messenger and accept all of our p.m. and all of our fasting in all of our ibadat and all of our Dory's barakallahu li walakum Coronel Hakim when a funny way ER Campbell IIT was decreed hakim al hamdu lillahi wa kafa was salat wa salam ala ad-din Asafa kozo-san allah of wallahi Muhammad Nabeel in Muhammad al-amin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in yaqula lahu Azza WA JAL Vicky turban cream van de Nicola arulu billahi min ash-shaitani rajeem in allaha wa ma la Akita who you saw Luna ala nabi ya ayyuhal Adina amanu sallu alayhi wa salamu Taslima allahumma salli ala muhammadin wa ala ala muhammad kamas Allah Allah Ibrahim mirada al Ibrahim Afellay Lamine in naka Hamidah Majid allahumma barik ala muhammadin wa ala ala muhammad , baraka rahim allah al Ibrahim Afellay al-amin in naka Hamidah Majid rubella or AHIMA Kamala it Takuma in llaha ya'muru bil oddly relation why et al kaba wa yanha ani l-fahsha'i wa l-munkari LED cruel aji akbar allahu allah ma mattis neroon Optimus Allah in the Salah I cannot alminia kitab among Kuta
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 173,474
Rating: 4.9235668 out of 5
Keywords: The Munafiqs (hypocrites), jummah khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan, Nouman Ali Khan, Munafiq, Hypocrisy (Quotation Subject), hypocrites, Munafiqs, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan, Friday Khutbah
Id: mNNmj8m2ZRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 30 2014
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