Dollar Mocap Best Motion Capture Without Suit One Camera for UE5.3

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how's it going everybody welcome back to the channel in this video we're going to talk about dollar mocap this is an app that's going to allow you to do facial and body motion capture sometimes at the same time uh without the need of any motion capture suit with just one camera you don't need an iPhone it can be an Android phone it can be any webcam any camera and you can do it live for V tubing or you can just do a video if you want to just have that animation inside and real and I'm going to show you how to do it and I'm going to show how it works with a metahuman so let's get started okay now let's take a look on how this works as you can see I have uh my metah human here on screen and he is in a bit of a different pose is in t POS and this is part of how the dollar Map moap works um let's go into the content and you can see down here I have two folders one named dollar and one named dollar medum if you go into this one you can find one blueprint that you will need it's the dollar receiver so the way this works is whenever you have the program up if you have it in the same computer the receiver will act like if you've done any map you've always had a receiver or if you use roko you have the wireless uh router this will be kind of like your router in that case it's it's very similar to what LifeLink does it's just not LifeLink you have your own blueprint right here which makes it very easy to work with it can be a little bit different if you have it on different computers if you have in different actors but for a single character single actor coming out of uh either dollar uh mono or dollar Eggo it works with this just throwing the receiver on the environment now let's talk about what happened to the metahuman we go into the metahuman blueprint you're going to see that uh um let's put in viewport I have a couple different things here cuz for this to activate it you got to go into class settings and you have to have this uh blueprint which comes in one of the folders and you also have to add the animation blueprint which is this one right here this is what actually gives it the toost and it's going to give it all the things that it need to work now when it comes to the face is uh a little bit more complex and it's something that you have to do um but they do have a good tutorial which I'll link down in the description below which includes um how to do this it's very easy it's just time consuming you just add some notes Here add this notes and just load each one of the controllers and just link it to the other one then you're done and you can just export this blueprint to other projects and you don't have to do it again so it's actually pretty easy to work with what you're seeing right here is the interface of dollar mono dollar mono is the one that's it's going to get you facial and body motion capture at the same time this is the one that I would actually recommend if you are doing B tubing because you can run it and you can just start recording uh the best thing is this all comes from One camera so you don't need to have like one for the face and one for the body it all comes from One camera and you can decide here where you want um your motion capture to be so this one right here is if you're sitting on a desk which is a usual V tuing setting and this one is jumping so this is if you are doing any action that is different um in height so you're coming up the ground something like that this one is a standing one these last two as recommended on the website they're also the ones that you want to use if you want to um come forward or backwards to the camera just taken into account that when your body disappears from the camera there may be some um difference in the animation it's not going to be as accurate so you always want to be have your body fully in camera now I'm going to leave this one at the desk um there's this one is just a toggle facial uh Mo up here if you want it or not and this one is to calibrate this button also allows you to record it records vhvs I just find the vhvs have a little bit of a complicated setting just to bring it into unreal so I'm not even going to touch that then you have your settings where if you are doing different targets you can set it up here when it comes to Unreal all you have to do is check the UI stream I didn't even change this number it's just a default number um with my contact at the company that does this is that if you're going to do more than one character or if you're going to do ego and mono at the same time then you will need to change these numbers now down here you have sensitivity and tolerance the more sensitive it it is the higher processing power it's going to be using um I like to leave it here if you go with super sensitive uh I feel that it creates some jittering because I from what I've heard it starts to look at every single frame and starts to kind of like accommodate that skeleton to every single frames and it has trouble so this is kind of like the sweet spot for me so I'm just going to leave it at that let's first triy it with a video so all we have to do is go here into source and we go to video file and as you can see here's a video which is the same video that you saw from the intro as you can see it's only animating the top portion of the face I'm sorry of the body and it's also animating the face as well as you can see this is the same thing that I showcase um last week on on Twitter if you come from Twitter by the way you should follow me there too now because I have unreal on then I can stream it down to unreal one of the things that I think it's a little bit detrimental in this application is the fact that you cannot pause the video so you have to kind of time it whenever you want to record it and it could be a bit of a hassle if you're doing it with video but again those are problems that could be taken care of in in the coming future but for now it doesn't have a pause or play the video that you loaded in so let's go here into unreal and we're going to throw in the dollar receiver over on our scene we're going to go back to our metahuman and as you can see our dollar receiver pops up and our metahuman is not doing anything yet because we have to start playing or simulating I always like to do it at simulating and as you can see the Met human is animating fine now it's only animating the body as you can see even though I have facial animation here I just put them side by side and as you can see it's I'm animating and it's animating the fingers pretty well it was a little bit of a hitch because it's trying to load the video again but as you can see if you're seeing it in real time both at the same time working pretty well now let's look at how to load this with the face I'm going to go into the face of my metahuman and it's using the Anam blueprint that doesn't have the face changes so I'm just going to throw in uh sorry not throw in but add this one right here and we're going to load this okay once we press play you can see that metahuman is actually not only doing the finger motion but it's also doing facial motion captur now it's not up to the level of metahuman animator because metahuman animator is really something else and it takes a lot of processing but for real time and for things with video this is amazing I think this would probably require some cleanup but the cleanup would wouldn't even be that bad by the way every Moab requires cleanup just so you know now let's test this into a live setting okay now for the live setting as you can see I have my webcam is on this actually I'm using my phone as a webcam with this application uh there's tons of applications that you can do this one of the things I'm going to do is I'm going to put the mic all the way back here hopefully you can still hear me I think you can and then I'm going to take this out of frame and hopefully this won't crash so camera we have webcam here click okay all right now you can see uh and hopefully you can hear me this thing working and it works pretty good we're doing some live recording and this I think this app is perfect for B tubing so if you're doing some B tubing you don't have an iPhone and as you can see I'm not wearing anything I'm not wearing any motion capture this thing is capturing the fingers very well I'm very impressed with the finger capture for this now there are some limitations of course but it can do finger spread which I think is pretty interesting other than that um you can see that it it does things pretty well it's capturing my face even though my face is not right close and yeah there are some little inet it's not capturing things 100% but again I'm pretty sure this app is just going to get better and if you just want to do some B tuing start B tubing with metahumans with any characters that you want to have inside un rail uh like I've showed you before with metap pipe you pretty much can add any character that you want to unre engine with a metahuman rig so that way you can just do be tubing like everybody else as you can see it's very easy there's not much to it it works pretty well let's do let's do the Axe test let's do the ax let's see cuz the finger capture is so good I want to see what if it can get it ohuh funny enough it can it does pick up my left hand and it pick ups picks up my finger motion which is pretty impressive now the problem is if I actually start playing then you can see that it picks up the guitar as part of the rig like that's why it's it's doing some weird stuff with my fingers over here but so far this is very impressive maybe when this gets a little bit better I'll do I'll do an update and I'll do some playthrough with my guitar uh but yeah I can do cord shapes oh okay honestly I haven't tested this part before I'm just testing it right now and I was not expecting it to work this good very impressed okay this is this other app that I wanted to show you this is the ego or egal I don't know how to pronounce it whatever um this is mostly for facial capture as you can see I'm sorry I have my camera to one side but let's activate my metahuman and you can see that the facial motion captures pretty good it I think the facial motion capture for this part is it's a little bit better and like I said it's if you don't have an iPhone and you just want to do facial M cap this is way to do it and I think it's very inexpensive we're going to talk about the price in a little bit but as you can see it's not perfect it's not met human animator but it gets you there I'd say it gets you there at least 60% and as you can see you can just live stream maybe you have a idling animation and just want to live stream your like this you can just use this application they do have other applications one that works with by tracker one that works with the depth camera which unfortunately I can't test because I don't have that equipment but um I'm just bringing you this one so you guys can see that there are other methods that you can use to get motion capture if you don't have a motion capture suit or if you don't have an iPhone all right here we are on the website which I will leave links in the description down below you can try this app for for free here in the download for free um but you can also purchase cuz again this isn't free the download for free is just a trial so if you go to buy now you see that you have the various different setups you have the dollar mono it's a lifetime license mind you so that means no subscription which I think is pretty cool no subscriptions no tokens uh those are things that I I'm not too on board with there's also some upgrades over here if you do have that depth camera which again haven't tested cuz I don't have that equipment the dollar ego which is the offline license you don't even have to be online to test this out um it's just $19 so and I know people from all around the world watch me sometimes $19 could be steep but I think from all the applications that do this I think $19 is one of the most inexpensive ones and this is why I'm recommending it there's also going to be a coupon code below the that they have given me um so you guys can take advantage of that discount now I'm not sponsored by them per se they just send me the software I'm not getting paid to make this video they just say hey look at this try it out you want your audience to have a coupon call let us know I tested the software I think it's pretty good and I told him yeah let's get that discount for you guys it's down in the description down below so if you buy from them then you'll get some nice discount for uh purchasing these products and again there's no subscription from the look of it and that that's one of the things that I I think it's also very valuable for this service all right everybody that is it for this video if you'd like me to make more videos on this application please leave so in the comment section below and and I'll make more tutorials on how to set things up from scratch and everything today was just about demonstrating how everything works if you do get the app I would love to know how works for you how you're using the app uh just sound in the comments down below always leave a like uh for the YouTube algorithm goes a long way um there's also going to be more videos on replicant so please stay tuned for the next video cuz the replicant video is going to be very fun I also have some equipment that a company is sending me I I tease that on Twitter so you should follow me over there because I sometimes post uh information on Twitter that I don't post here on the channel make sure you follow me over there make sure you follow the Discord if you have any questions you want to give to the channel uh there's a patreon all the patreons are on screen right now and there's some PR for you if you join the patreon and um I'll see you in the next one
Channel: MR3D-Dev
Views: 2,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dollar mocap, dollar mono, dollar egao showcase, markerless mocap for unreal engine, motion caption witout a suit, facial mocap in unreal no iphone, Unreal Engine 5, UE 5.3
Id: 2n3Pmwpqzjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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