Doll bath time ! Elsa & Anna toddlers - bubble fun

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] all right done cleaning our rooms all good Elsia yep I was just arranging my bear and yes now we're done cleaning our room oh and what did you want to say well I was waiting until we finished cleaning now I'm excited that I had this cool idea that we can wash our baby dolls but like not playing washing with actual water our adults do need a good wash anyway you mean these ones well I absolutely love your idea and wait a second their bodies as you can see they're kind of spongy and soft I think they're meant to be washed in water well what do you know that's a great idea but we need to ask permission first oh yeah right well we can call her and I think that she will let us because we finished our school work we ate lunch yeah Mommy Mommy we need you oh can you come here for a second yes you too Mommy it's me Anya we need both of you yes girls good news or bad news well good news Well if if you agree that is we wanted to wash our baby dolls and we were thinking in the real bathtubs what do you think well girls I don't see why not you've been good girls lately yeah and we even said that we did our homework we did we ate lunch right so that should be okay Anna what do you think well I think so too I agree so can you help us get all the baths set up that's also why we wanted you to come here sure girls let's do it all right baby Cinderella can't wait to give you five and all right baby Aurora you are my doll and she's my doll let's go to the baths now we can act like moms let me get the water running I know which bath you are going in Aurora the pink one because it matches your outfit in mine blue of course and I'm gonna turn on this one it's getting filled it's getting filled it's getting fit oh man he's gonna be like moms now I like taking care of baby dolls yeah I know which is more places see it baby Aurora yeah you're gonna go in the water yeah I'll check the temperature after some mommy's adding bubbles this is my favorite part of bubble baths hmm I see it flowing up house oh did you hear that Mommy we want bubbles too yes coming right up more and more and more Anya and her baby have more bubbles Come on Mommy more okay coming with more okay girls I think you have enough bubbles yes we sure do have fun washing your baby dolls and make sure you don't spill too much water we'll try not to and thank you for trusting us Mommy we're so excited have fun and when you go in all right well you girls are just babies so we're gonna put you in gently all right just wait all right Anya and how does the water feel it it's warm it is warm well I'm glad you like it baby all right just rest in the water you too baby Aurora roll up my sleeve so they don't get wet shampoo conditioner oh and some soap these cute little pineapple soap bottles shampoo and conditioner oh oh man wait what but how could we not have any more I just saw it here silly I was just there see you can share with me oh I was so distracted on my baby you know yeah babies first all right so you can wash first your baby's body and I'll do prepare nothing spilled should be enough and Aurora I know that you still want to play in the bubbles but sorry we need to wash [Music] all right gave me your little arms there we go in our little tummy let's get you all fresh and clean all right and your legs good girl you're doing great okay I can't see Elsia watch the dolls are made for water so when you squeeze them water comes out they're kind of like sponges I like that same here shampoo screw it open it smells like roses that means your hair will smell like roses little Cinderella let's grab scrap scrub when you grab your hair will go long long and beautiful your body really quick [Music] foreign now I know how it feels like when Mommy washes us we're the moms now now let me turn you around um bubbles bubbly bubbly bubbles please so ride on you know wash wash wash wash wash you'll be as clean as a whistle and now neck arms your face just a little don't worry I won't get in your eyes no don't worry and done you know what would make the babies have more fun what well rubber ducks yes over here over here pink duck pink duck oh no no no no no no what what what there's another duck right there for you no no no cause I actually want it though and well didn't I get here first Elsia not this again with I actually want it and I and I got here first you know what I got here firsthand besides this pink duck matches with my bathtub and my baby but I'm pretty sure it was me Anya Elsia don't start this again well you're starting it if you say this you know so just give it to me we'll be done Elsia you are just talking too much okay just stop I got it first first first first first first first Anya see all you're saying is Anya because you do not have anything else to say because you know that I am right you know what just stop singing what's this it's not a singing competition oh and look see the babies are crying because you aren't giving me that duck and we started arguing so come on on you let's just have fun please oh well Sita come on you know very well that they are plastic babies and they do not cry well they're real to me but anyway anyway I know a way that we can have fun okay so maybe we can just take turns please please well I do want to get on us playing so yeah I agree all right fair and square all right and it's always good to have a yellow ducky the best one just the normal color oh baby Cinderella look what I have for you little duck oops oops and look you can even play with it like this and then if you squeeze it water okay enjoy oh look she likes it [Music] pull up cute little pink duck that was right on your belly playing water splashing water so cool and fresh swimming duck swimming duck swimming duck ducky quack quack quack quack quack quack ducky swimming swim and swim swimming all day long mine too is swimming like a beautiful yellow duck mine is actually better because it's the original best color yellow it shows the best lemony color fluffy little duck walk in the water especially just splash with the bubbles my baby likes playing with it now I see that you're that you lucky you are duck better elsita well yeah guess I do like my duck better now okay but now I kind of want yours can we switch um well we did say we were gonna switch but kidding Elsia I know that you love this duck you know I love mine don't worry ah well oh glad that you're joking time to dry out the house house oh I want oh this one this black one and flowers oh yeah be more gentle look look we are all so excited now look pilot towels now we got a full them all oh man come on oopsies sorry Noble sorry will not do it now you have to clean it up all by yourself okay yeah I guess that's what I deserve oh yeah come on I'm just kidding we are best cousins you know of course I will help you it's always nice to help someone this one's for my baby and I will choose this one for my baby for you Aurora towel for you Cinderelly all right so then you'll stay right there oh oops let's arrange the rest of the towels before mommy comes and sees oh yeah got it and these last ones whoop in mine fresh cool blue I like this color let's put the towels nicely on the floor I like being a mom I want to be a mom too when I grow up spread it out nice and cozy for our babies to go in and you little missy you are so clean but let me rinse you off one last time get all the soap off oh we yes and you're ready all right now stay right there and I'll wrap you up and there you go nice and cozy oh you wrapped her so nicely I don't want to do the same well yeah cause mommy told us that when we were little babies she wrapped us up like this at their baths all right let me take my towel [Music] um see if I can wrap it like Elsia did once you off squeeze all that oh all right come on out go and fold all right LCS so I followed your steps and look at mine oh yeah it looks pretty similar to mine great job I like it oh and now let's take our babies to our rooms oh nope your towel so they don't get cold oh look at them they look like little bundles of Joy that's cute since we're not sleeping right now how about we let our little baby sleep in our beds good idea yup good idea love that they do need a nap anyway you can sleep right here oh wait let's get them all dry first blankets ready to tuck them in pull up my blanket down and put the babies in the comfy beds but let's dry them off just a little bit more first your little hair yeah I know we're going to bed soon don't worry don't cry you'll get a nap all right good night little Aurora I mean not night after whatever just a nap oh you look so cute all wrapped up yep I know you're sleepy that's why I'm tucking you in right now it's in warm girls did you finish playing no no no no no mommy see look our babies are sleeping oh we gotta just talk a little bit quieter we didn't know I'm sorry nope that's okay we just didn't talk quieter so did you have fun today girls sure did and you know what we actually realized that we want to be moms when we grow up because it's so much fun to care for babies yeah for more videos go to our Channel And subscribe [Music] foreign
Channel: Come Play With Me
Views: 13,595,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elsa, Anna, frozen, dolls, toys, play, children, kids, bath time, elsya, elsia, ania, toddlers, anya, annia, come play with me, soap, shampoo, towels, water fun, soap foam, barbie, bubbles
Id: M9sRe5DWLcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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