Elsa and Anna toddlers help at the rainbow hair salon

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can we help with the hair salon yes of course i've got some hair to dye today good morning amaya good morning stephanie today they'll be helping me to do your hair you ready wow my hair being done by these two little princesses perfect i'm so excited wonderful wonderful now take a seat and elsie and donnie will help alright i'm going to supervise over here to make sure they do everything right and nothing goes wrong i'm going to sit down like this and put my hair over here like this perfect i'm ready now to dye your hair elsia anya yes who wants to go first can i go first please all right elsia all right so first of all i think we have to take off your pigtail right yes we do good job we have to take off the pigtails so the hair is loose and ready all right let me take it off whoa your hair without a pigtail is a real mess i know we have to fix it don't worry elsa's here for the job all right thanks first of all what color do you want you choose i really don't know but i hope me and my twin will have different colors i'm here because i want people to be able to you know tell the difference more than just our voice or what we wear or style you know oh yeah all right so i'm thinking oh i really want to dye your hair blue so do you want blue hair yes please all right to the blue hair it is also do you want a bit of purple in your hair oh don't mind if i do alright so let's take the blue first because the blue is the most important and all right so i will put some water in here [Music] whoa the water so fresh now that the water's put on and your hair is wet you can leave for one second all right i'll leave for one second good now we have to empty this and as we have it wet now we have to put the blue liquid now we have no water in the sink so now what we have to do is i think we take this liquid and put it in is it right amaya very right just be careful not to touch your eyes or mouth once you put the liquid in and wash your hands before you touch your mouth and nose gonna open it up whoa it's so cool let's put it in the sink amazing now that we've got the liquid we have to get two blue bags right yes blue i think this is blue uh-huh this is the blue one so now we have to drop two packets in yep and then you have to mix it with the magical mixing spoon and then you have to apply it onto the hair with this all right all right so here we have the rainbow activator we have to take it and snip snip snip a bit of that do like this to make sure we don't cut any of the activator now we have to add in this packet right here all of it all of it all of it i think that's enough and now the second one we have to do the same thing so snippety snippety snip now we have to add in this packet right here all of it all of it all of it i think that's enough and now the second one we have to do the same thing so snippety snippety snip plop it all in again like this now with a special spoon we mix mix mix until we have a foamy substance whoa and look it it's looking so cool super awesome looks like we've got the dye ready it's so awesome and so foamy i didn't know hair dye was foamy and now looks like we have to scoop it in to this bowl and once we've got it in the bowl we can apply it to the hair all right let's take this and start scooping it up and putting it inside of the bowl all right now we have the awesome hair dye in here in this little bowl which i scooped up now miss you can go back all right we'll put my hair in here make sure i don't get it dirty all right put the shower over here and now we can start applying we take this and we start just painting the hair like this whoa do you want all your hair painted yes i want it almost all painted thank you very much all right let's paint your hair okay all right it looks like your hair is done right there all right now we have to let it set for a bit and while we let it set i would like to ask you a simple question what question would you like glitter hair gel or not i would i would like glitter hair gel thanks then we will add the glitter hair gel later now what we have to do is we have to get the shower again and we have to clean clean clean because when you're done with the soap well the little hair um paints thing you have to get the shower and clean whoa so much water yep like that we can put some water on the hair and there we go all right it looks like i'm done washing your hair oh no what happened to elsia it didn't work oh no no no what what do you mean it didn't work oh no please don't oh no my my hair ah oh now i have to go to the party in 10 minutes and look how my hair looks it's not even painted ah look at my hair it looks like a like a like a zombie i look like a zombie this is a scam how dare you oh no what that's so weird the product works perfectly on my hair look i did this with a product right here see these these over here these are done with the product i don't understand how it doesn't work on you well maybe it doesn't work on all the hairs oh yeah definitely i'm sorry i i didn't know that i only had rainbow high customers so far i didn't think you know oh no i'm looking at my hair now i guess it only works on rainbow high dolls oh we have a different type of hair yeah well what about me look at my hair oh no oh look at my hair it's so weird i look like a spider i don't like it this is a scam i want my money back i want a refund all right all right so sorry uh just just wait a second while while i figure out how to help you ah you can't help me in any way oh now what do i do it's all dirty and like this and then i have to go to party and like my pigtail's not even done oh no what do we do now i don't know please help me i'll see you please this could be the end of my career all right don't worry um i think i have an idea you do yes what if you give her a refund and you maybe give her a makeup session you know kind of do her lipstick eyeshadow so they don't concentrate on her hair they concentrate on her face oh yeah good idea and don't make her pay for it because all that you need to do is be a good friend and you'll be a good person so then she'll be happy and you'll be happy all right okay yeah i give her a refund and give her a makeup session and a little spa session but she has to go in 10 minutes do it quick all right um ma'am i i have decided you've decided what you won't give me a refund huh you'll be evil no no no i've decided i will give you a refund a total refund and i will give you a free makeup session for free in 10 minutes huh you will really you sure yes i will don't worry don't worry i'll i'll help you all right can you do a pigtail too yeah don't don't worry i'll do it all okay i guess it's fine look at my hair make it short because i have to go to the party in 10 minutes all right yeah don't worry i'll make it short i'm truly very sorry about what happened i had no idea didn't work on you guys i'm sorry oh it's fine it's fine all right should i step into the other room yes please ma'am all right oh no now her twin will come i guess we'll give her some makeup too oh well now i have to clean this mess up oh what a mess what a mess all right here we are this is my makeup tables so i will help you choose what you want and you will be able to do you know whatever you want with this beautiful kit we've got some green perfume some nail polish some more pink perfume um some body lotion a candle essential oils oils for the hair there's lots of things because yeah it's very important to have your hair very well and i think here you can just you know put a bit of you know perfume and you look really pretty and you'll smell great too and over here we have everything for you know treatments like here we have earrings a nail clipper a watch some flowers you know to decorate this for the face um we also got a face mask over there um a bit of wet wipes over here we've got makeup removers a mirror a brush um a hair dryer and this to take off black dots and here is my makeup table my favorite of all here we've got a really pretty makeup palette we've got these little things to curve your eyelashes some hair cream uh you know nail polish lipstick more powder more powder some makeup brushes and all the makeup stuff i have over here it's very nice oh and i forgot to say as i'm very happy uh because you're happy i feel like you'll be happy as i'm a good friend i will give you something whatever you want your choice inside of this pretty bag and you will be able to have a gift oh thank you so much wow it's a lot of things i feel so glad you're welcome all right first of all if you can brush my hair and kind of put some lotion on it of course all right let's take our rainbow high comb and start brushing like this perfect wow look at my hair oh wow okay now it looks pretty can i get a makeup session now of course just sit down and i'll do it for you all right do you want me to use all of the products all of the products alright so let's start first i will take this palette over here we will open it up we will take a brush this one i think we will take the powder we will apply the powder on your cheeks ooh look how pretty your cheeks look now yeah wow i already had makeup but now they look even better wow now i will take this stunning eyes signature palette which is mine i will take this pretty pink shade and we will go over to your eyes and we will apply that shade right here and it's also glittery so now your eyes look glittery wow so amazing thank you very much now we will take these right here these are eyelash curves to curve your eyelashes perfect oh wow now let's left his lipstick right correct now we leave this and we take this lipstick right over here oh oh no i didn't know which part was the top clean up clean up we're gonna take this lipstick right here all right it's looking good yes looks wonderful all right so there we go now you look stunning wow i do oh wow you're right can i take perhaps a lipstick home of course here you go i'll just put in the bag for you i'm gonna close up the lipstick take your little back and i will put it in the bag like this alright there we go here you go miss thank you so much wow can we be friends oh sure yep if you want i will give you um my phone number so we can be friends and we can you know do cool stuff together sure yeah i'll contact you so thanks for the hair and like the makeup and like thanks for the lipstick you're really nice you sure you still want that refund i can still pay you whoa you still want to pay me yeah here it's for a good friend you know uh tip wow thanks for the tip no problem um all right so bye-bye going to the party i'm going to be the prettiest one there thanks to you oh not forget my bag thank you so much sorry for calling you a scammer oh it's all right anyways bye goodbye oh phew i fixed that oh i forgot her twin was coming hello can i get my hair painted oh my goodness i'm sorry but we just found out with your sister that it's some work on your type of hair so would you like you know a manicure or something oh sure like definitely then sit down all right so first i'll do the basic stuff like brush your hair a bit all right thanks there we go wow thanks it's very nice oh i had a bit of tangle in my hair because as you know it was a bit windy when i came here yep all right here we've got the brush we have brushed your hair now let's um oh right if you want you can take off some black dots with this oh yeah i have one here let me just wow it really does do it well yeah i know right thank you no problem all right so do you want some hair cream to make it luxurious and luscious yes please all right then let's take some cream and let's plop it on your hair wow thank you yep no problem now do you want to look yourself in the mirror yes please all right we're not done yet though wow i look so amazing and you're not done yet no nope not done all right so all right here we've got some lip gloss so are you ready to look awesome yes please put some lip gloss and make your lips a bit more purple i look beautiful yep and i'll also add some of the powder we gave your sister wow i do feel change in my face i feel fresh and improvised new wow yes you do feel new now oh i have an idea let's take the eyeshadow palette right here and take the salmon color right here and we're going to apply it wow it looks so pretty on me i know right i could do a bit more perfect oh let's do your mascara too or your eyeliner do you want mascara or eyeliner um eyeliner please some eyeliner thank you no problem there we go eyeliner whoa look at the desk we're gonna have to clean up over here all right let's put on some white powder because as we can see over here we have a little bit of powder it's a little pastel color powder wow i look so amazing i know right with my cosmetics you look great all right looks like you are finished i am oh my goodness really can i look myself in the mirror sure i look so pretty thank you so much oh wow i look so amazing i'm gonna go with my sister thanks should i pay you no it's fine this is free really furry oh my goodness you're the best person ever thank you i hope we can be friends sure all right bye i'm going to the party with my sister bye she's waiting in the car oh now i have to go quick bye bye wow i'm so happy look i didn't know making other people happy could make you happy but yeah cuz you girls have been so helpful you know what what what is it you girls are going to get a surprise really yes it's a gift from me as a friend not because you would win anything but you know because i kind of want to give you a gift thank you so much yeah all right so i will give you some five surprises to open wow thank you yeah don't worry it's all on me yeah yeah all right so you guys can go open your five surprises okay they're in the other room all right well i'm so excited thank you no problem i love making other people happy well as a good person i will give you two balls of five surprises thank you really yes here they come whoa wow it's toy mini brands so amazing wow i'm so happy yes and i hope you enjoy yeah i love it oh my goodness so cool all right now you may open yeah yeah can i start sure all right all right all right i will take my little ball as we can see here twenty mini brands and we have five in one which is so cool open open open this is easier and oh i cannot wait to see what's in here oh what do you think anya um we might get something like oh maybe a barbie toy or something like that or a doll or a dollhouse maybe oh not a doll house it won't fit silly maybe here we have our five surprise ball all white oh whoa look at that it's not a ball anymore all right let's start over here because i think i see the checklist so i think this is where we have to start oh there's no checklist oh but we did get a doll wow it's so pretty we got adora the explorer doll look how adorable that is just cute little dora the explorer explorer oh it's so cute i love it all right let's grab the second one oh yeah this one's a checklist oh what is this in here looks like we've got a rc mini meep wow you can actually open the box like this and take it but of course it has to keep shut oh look chinese please this last one is jen which means person and this one over here means me which is you cool there's lots of stuff and it's like a cute little robot intelligence lucky lucky lucky and we got oh that's so cool we got a pack of crayola watercolors i love arts and crafts and i love watercolors too wow so pretty there's like red orange yellow green blue and oh there's no blue there's purple let's see our next by surprise is oh oh the one that caught my attention a jojo siwa bow oh look how amazing it is and it's like with pastel colors oh i love it so much wow and in the back we have over here respectable cool wow i really like it i really like joe josie with stat style of putting like a bow on her pigtail i really like those has a bow yep all right and last five surprise see if we get lucky oh what's this oh wow we got our own mini five surprise unicorn squad wow that's so cool it's a mini five surprise inside of a five surprise that's so cute and so fun what about you anya what did you get well i guess i'll just have to wait and see whoa whoa it's leaving don't leave twirl twirl twirl twirl twirl along wow there's like a lot of strings oh no there's lots of stiff over here whoa whoa look it's like a snake a slithery snake of plastic yep it kind of looks like a beach ball from this perspective we're playing with a five surprise beach ball oh no oh no too close to the camera whoa whoa whoa wait there's a camera oh there's a camera oh hello i didn't realize you were here for my whole life did you film that time where i won in that in that basketball match at the last five seconds did you catch that maybe you did okay okay um i will open this guys i think the guys are watching me elsia what the guys are watching me it's true oh hello you i don't know your name well why why [Music] okay oh well we've got a camera so let's do a tutorial hello everyone welcome to anya opens awesome stuff nice name you should add that to your channel i know like anya opens awesome stuff so let's see what we've got in here guys this this is an unboxing video [Music] all right so let's unbox the first triangle watermelon shape let's just say watermelon shape oh looks like in here we've got a bunch of balloons i remember these they they were like all over the shops and like if you didn't have one of these you like needed to have one of these because yeah it was really fun oh there's something in here it's kind of like plasticky wow and here we have the um instructions you basically put the hose inside of the bunch of balloons it inflates all of them then you separate them so you have all of the bunch of balloons i've seen videos of people use it but i've never used it but i have to do it all right oh looks like in here we've got a we've got a hula hoop awesome and it's yellow ooh i love hula hoops they're very fun to play with and they make it a sport because you have to be very very very like they're concentrated oh looks like i also got something crayola ultra clean washable markers collar max i love crayola markers they're very nice and also you can clean them off and they're also very good to do lettering oh ultra clean washable markers so you can wash these off which is very amazing and very interesting and very good because i always get dirty so if i get dirty i can be clean all right let's see another one whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa open normally oh i got something like elsia i got a jojo siwa styling head i've always wanted a styling head you have it over here where you can just like kind of brush her hair and add a bow and it's very cute and amazing wow i really like this jojo siwa styling head wow and last but not least absolutely not least we have the checklist there's too many oh the ball is like rolling around no hey okay stay still please oof i know right the ball is going everywhere now mom elsia okay and then we've also got oh it's like a dinosaur that's so cool i love robotics they're so interesting like whoa it's falling look at that there's an actual meepa sword in there wow i've always loved technology because it's so interesting and i'm back with the ball i'm back it's not moving anywhere this time it's staying with me and it's staying with me elsie are you okay no this ball has to stay with me why five surprise why why i'm no sad i know balls can be difficult well circles in general yeah because look it's very pretty very nice i'm very grateful please don't leave really you know what this time i'm not going after it okay i am come back here okay it's back how poor you elsia i know right poor me really elsia calm down oh breathe in breathe out okay i'm fine again okay well i would like to say to everyone here hope you like this video bye oh no it's back guys help me guys guys guys you pick it up i'm not picking it up i'm sorry just i'll pick it up for you don't worry yeah oh come on oh i know right it's a nightmare i know bye well there goes elsia bye
Channel: Superdoll adventures
Views: 1,093,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elsa, elsa anna, anna and elsa toddlers
Id: VYBE8dQniq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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