At the hotel ! Elsa & Anna toddlers are on vacation - fun activities - Barbie dolls #hotel

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is so excited yeah we're here to check in I need to speak to the lady oh okay okay guys look at this hotel it has a little snowflake with it I say I know you're excited but just look it has so many gems I know right yeah and look it's called Jewel Hotel see that sign over there yup exactly yeah hello there we're here to check in for our stay at the hotel well hello everyone wow what a big and beautiful family you have well welcome to the jewel Hotel thank you very much let's see can I have a name please um Elsa and Anna okay yep I see you there I see that you're gonna have room number 249 it's a sweet room did you hear that guys we're gonna have a sweet room with lots of candies that's what it means yes sweet sweet wait actually mommy what does it mean yeah oh silly girls you would like it to be all sweet right sugar everywhere walls made of sugar right yeah yeah and chocolate beds and marshmallow pillows yeah wait so what does it really mean though oh girls well it just means it's a really big room it has many sections like two bedrooms because we're a big family and it's not spelled the same way it's spelled s-u-i-t-e oh okay but then we spelled s-w-e-e-t that's how you spell sweet yeah that's for candy and chocolate okay well anyway come on yeah I'm gonna go come on let's go here is your sweet room key so I gave you two just in case 249. oh thank you very much Excuse Me Miss oh yes sweetie um so so do you see those gems over there are those Wheels oh no sweetie they're not real but that big one this is a big purple one that's a real crystal whoa can I touch it yes but just a little bit be careful whoa it's so cool okay snowflake let's not touch everything oh let's go to our room okay okay just wanted to let you know that breakfast is between 7 to 10 am and then there's also some dinner between five and eight pm enjoy your stay Thank You Ma'am yeah thank you hello this is Jewel Hotel how may I help you yeah of course is anybody looking no I really want to get a gym I want to get this pink one yeah okay wow indeed it is a gem Hotel a jewel Hotel everything is so sparkly and there really are gems all around look at the beds and everything okay so I think this is your section girls because see I think they put some kid chairs for you and then your beds are somewhere else in these Mustang hours the door is right here to our side of the room okay that's my bed right here Daddy [Music] yup and my bed is the other one yes it's not cool snowflake no this is mine mine bed I will sleep sleep here it's for dads no this is for a little tiny girls oh kids we were just joking all right well feel free to unpack we'll be on this side of the room seeing our space okay we'll be here wow wow wow I just still can't believe this hotel is just so sparkly and rainbow I know right it's a dream come true this is definitely our style look gems on the wall glitter carpets oh look at that yep and look even these these tables are shiny uh-huh and the chairs are adorable yeah it's awesome oh and look let's take a look at the bedroom area oh this bed looks comfy I want to sleep here and I'll sleep here yeah and look even the lamp has gems on it whoa Elsia are you okay yeah I just had a little tickle on my throat just gotta get it out oh well I hope that you don't get sick during vacation oh no I'll be fine it's just I don't know maybe I talk too much and I got too excited all right so I was gonna say look at the pillows oh yeah oh these sequins they're so pretty yeah it's flip sequence see hmm I think I'll keep it half in half pink and silver I should hide it right here under here I'll do mine like that too beautiful ah hey snowflake what's your favorite part about the room yeah um snowflake we asked you what your favorite part was why didn't you answer wait wait huh what oh oh um um um I I think I like all the Sparkles especially on this table and that and I know yeah just on this table why do you look so nervous when you say that oh no it's it's just because I was really excited that we're here and and yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's strange the way you say it all right let's unpack yep we'll put our clothes somewhere so oh these are our pajamas let's put them on the bed foreign our stuffies of course my bunny and my bird and then here are some of our toys and then these are our accessories these also go on our bed because they are sleeping masks they're the same I'll just put yours here and you and then put this on my bed all right take this to the hotel bathroom later so we'll keep these here these are our bathroom bags I'll actually put the headphones in my camera here first because these are the most important things that need to be here camera you can put the sunscreen here nice and yeah you can put yours on the other side headphones tablet camera done bags can stay in here until we need them let's put this big big luggage somewhere good here let's put it in the back of this chair that seems like a good spot all right we're all done unpacking are you ready snowflake yeah I'm taking this last thing out all right sounds good then after put your luggage there okay my little watermelon toy you know I can close my luggage happy vacation come on I'm gonna go jump [Applause] and let alone it's not safe as well oh yeah true okay perfect our lesson oh and by the way all this excitement has made us hungry where we want some delicious food yeah that's why I came here I came to tell you that we ordered food and it's gonna come soon oh okay thanks but please no more jumping on the bed all right okay okay yeah did you girls unpack yeah well we knocked the things down right now so it's okay but that will be taken care of okay yeah good job food will be coming soon look at my new toy thank you very much cool this is everything oh wait gosh this is one for your girls she's talking to the room service person drinks over there okay the food is here oh thanks for the tip all right have a nice night bye bye girls food is here yes I'm coming with the tray okay let's prepare the table for mommy wait wait wait wait don't don't move it because because we don't need the table why I mean of course we do no no because because we can just eat on the floor okay I like something okay well but why don't you want to use it I thought you liked this table because we don't wanna like spill food on this nice sparkly table see oh well I'm pretty sure the food will have us oh food yes there could you please clear that little table well snowflake doesn't want to use it for some reason why not we can just eat on that tray right no of course not how can you all three eat from this tray yeah we need a table for it come on I'll just clear everything don't move it okay snowflake I just know you don't want to ruin it but we need to no no no no no no no nothing it just made watermelon toy huh I'm pretty sure that's a gem snow it's a little shiny to me it's not a gem it's not it's not a gym no see of course it is we see it clean right in front of our eyes um let's get this straight let me see that snowflake did you steal that from the reception yeah it looks like it's from there yeah yeah that's not nice snowflake we have to go down and you have to apologize to the lady for doing this what's this about a gem I hear over here oh well snowflake she stole a gem from the reception oh snowflake is that right [Music] we wanted to keep it oh she stole a jam yeah that's not nice snowflake that's stealing that's very bad we have to bring it back and apologize yep that's what I told her okay but can I hold it from on the way don't drop it though okay okay let's settle this quickly snowflake come with me downstairs okay okay let's go do it now okay hope you learned your lesson yeah the food smells delicious yeah even the tray is pink and look it's a cute addition that they added the bow on a pineapple yeah I know it is cute that was absolutely delicious yep and snowflake you took the gem back that's good girls did you finish eating did you like it yeah it was really good yeah I loved it okay well I just found out about something super fun the receptionist called me oh what oh fun fun we're up for fun she said in the lobby there's some fun activities for kids do you want to go find out and see what they are of course yes let's go yeah all right let's go down to the reception I wanted to explore this this new hotel anyway so we'll go first one thing on vacation let's go [Music] whoa I'm guessing these are the activities I wonder what it is oh is this like sand oh and what are those are those water beads oh they look like it they look so much fun you bet those are water beads and we have this giant container here you can spill them in and you can play in them do whatever you want really and in that purple sand over there guess what there are gems so we have to kind of like a dig for them yep dig for them and guess what you can keep the ones you find snowflake did you hear that you can keep the gems now this slime because we will each have our little compartment wait can I take my shoes off yeah I'm pretty sure I think that's what you're supposed to do thank you ma'am this is a really cool thing for kids to do well you're welcome if you need help I'll be right here okay thanks dig this feels so cool on my feet indeed it does yeah we gotta dig I'm digging like like um like Tracy yeah Tracy yeah Tracy the dog digging in our sand tick tick we can do it come on now I'm starting to think they're off the bottom so whoever gets their fastest oh I found one like Elsia got one look at that white one it's Diamond whoa I got this big Ruby yeah put them over here oh pink pink pink oh oh no it's okay I'll get it later okay I got Emerald I got a blue heart one pretty this is so fun I got another green one it's a heart it's an orange one guys look at this pink one it's okay just just keep moving okay red look at this shape guys look at all my gems well look at all of our jams I can't believe we get to keep all these yeah I think that's all in mine mine is plain I can just play in it I feel I feel some in mind though I'm not done oh this one let me take a gem with me hello and let me check anything else really dig deep um no that's all for me you what about you Elsia yup I'm done too ah but now I just want to enjoy yeah let's put some sand back in there and look at our gem collection let's put the gems on us these are all mine I'll put some on you on y'all actually I think this one was yours we look so gemtastic yeah love it gross we have so many gems I know girls don't you want to try the water bead activity oh yes yes these are big jugs I'll pour them in for you okay oh just look at this size turquoise color that looks so amazing remember when you were when you were little girls you used to love to play with these yeah yes they're bouncing well you don't remember snowflake because you weren't even born yeah well now you get to see how they feel yeah they're really squishy and so satisfying listen guys oh listen wow big rain ball pink pink pink pink pink pink at first I need to go slow because they're bouncing they sure are perfect gives me so many memories blue purple pink oh guys listen and these indeed look like gems too I remember the feeling of these they make me so relaxed and ready for this vacation YouTube it's raining hey guys look at me I'm doing pirouettes in the Orbeez oh yup we're seeing Elsia [Music] pink purple wait let's all do it together three two one pink pink sorry guys I went ahead okay ready pink purple blue blue purple pink now they mix the bit guys yeah whoa I love these gel beads yeah I know yeah I could just relax in them forever [Music] girls I'm sorry to stop the fun but it's getting late and it's time to go to bed but I'm sure there'll be many more fun activities like this yeah yeah it is only like the day we arrived here can we do this tomorrow okay if it's still here this vacation's only getting started come on okay all right we'll go yeah I think I said we can't go tonight good night yep we're here to say good night to the girls Adrian oh girls why are you wearing eye masks well because they are new and fun and we wanted to use them good idea man well you're prepared and everything oh oh it went flying down oh whoa I guess the elastic on it just flew off there you go okay so all ready for bed okay see you tomorrow on the first day of vacation whenever I say that it makes me just excited and do that Anya good night Mommy all right let's go Adrian good night I'll see ya night Anya hey guys I'm supposed to sleep with you here oh well no can do snowflake because there isn't another bed in this room I think you have to go sleep with Mommy and Daddy okay oh I guess I'll see you in the morning yeah and you'll still have a jewel-tastic room so don't worry okay hey snowflake she's right yep you're gonna sleep with Mommy and Daddy in the room right over here okay great night good night girls good night everyone for more videos go to our Channel And subscribe [Music]
Channel: Come Play With Me
Views: 21,760,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elsa, Anna, frozen, dolls, toys, play, children, kids, hotel, vacation, elsya, elsia, ania, toddlers, anya, annia, come play with me, unpack, bags, suitcase, dinner, barbie, water beads, sand playing
Id: t5haEm2PZR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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