ICE castle ! Elsa and Anna toddlers - Big surprise

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almost ready and relaxing [Music] well olaf i hope you enjoy the treats i baked you pretty good thanks no problem olaf oh and girls don't forget you still have homework to do for tomorrow but i just wanted to play with olaf you can play with him after you're done your homework there will still be time okay well can i just eat some cake and cookies first well yes that's why they were there don't eat too much though my mommy's cookies are the best these chairs feel cold and so is the table oh yes because elsa made them with her ice powers they're made out of ice so cool here you go anya i cut a slice for you to eat mmm yummy on a nice icy plate and elsa you made this cake and you're not getting a slice oh yes i almost forgot to try my own cake here you go sis thanks anna i think i'm full that was really good i'm so full too and all the cookies are gone wow olaf and you ate all your treats yeah they were delicious mommy can i please have another snack um i would like to stay at the table more elsia i know your games you just want to stay longer so you don't do homework right um no i mean i just want to stay at the table yeah with olaf yeah right tonya yeah yeah yeah me too i want to stay here with olaf and just you know just stay here yeah let's play i'm sorry olaf but they just have some homework to do but they'll be done pretty quick and then you can play with them okay okay can i just stay one more minute come on elsia how was one more minute gonna help maybe one more second elsia one second is over and if you finish fast then you'll get more time to play come on okay all right and you too anya okay let's go yep it's been a long time since i've went up these ice stairs yup because we've missed the ice castle so much yep the stairs are cool they're made of ice all right come here elsa i see you over there i see you too i love elsa's ice castle look elsia your family pictures yup there's me my mommy and daddy and my mommy in her ice dress well our homework tables right there let's go and here's our toy closet and here we go all right so for my homework i have to write a mini story whoa that sounds fun all right here's my notebook oh yeah i just i just remembered for my homework i need to make a little video video whoa i never did that honey it's so weird because now we each have different homework because we each have different classes yeah i know it's so weird we're not in the same class choose a color blue all right so now what should i write my mini story about well i like a deer so i should make it about deer once upon a time all right mommy i need to borrow your laptop i i need it for my homework anna's laptop is charging but i can give you mine coming up to you right now here you go thank you i need it for a little video oh that's cool all right don't spin and drop it anya be careful with mommy's laptop i will be careful don't worry go to camera mode there we go i see my face alright i think i should arrange my hair is my bow staying good yup perfect but what should i say wait i forgot what i should do actually oh yeah oh yeah yeah you need to say some things about you got it all right but what should i say but but elsia do you know what i should say just say what you just have to say what your teacher told you to do about you right yeah i need to do things about me to just tell about myself and stuff but but i don't know what to say okay i know what to say i can start with my name and i can start with my favorite food yes it all right let's see so far so good let me read it once again once upon a time there was there was a deer that got hurt and one day a bunny saw it all right now flip to the next page you'll see it's going pretty fast but i don't want her to finish before me because i want to play with olaf first well i better start all right here i go there's the record button pause elsia um i need you to to be quiet because i'm starting over in here okay just think in your head and just don't look at me are you looking at me i'm not looking silly just start already are you sure anya just start i promise i'm not looking come on okay here i go three two one record um hey everyone my name is um benjamin no no my name isn't benjamin what am i doing okay pause my name is anya okay three two one hello everybody my name is anita no not anita why do i keep saying anytime benjamin what is this okay here i go three two one hello everybody my name is anya and these are the things about me i my favorite food is pizza and and my favorite dessert is ice cream pause it oh i just paused it and i did pretty good so far all right i think i can do the rest now all right and pause elsia is she looking wait what was i gonna say but why did you even have to look at me you got distracted i know i got distracted okay i'm just gonna look straight into the computer's camera three two one go again hello every every every what am i saying again again again next okay i can do this three two one hey everybody my name is anya and these are the things about me my favorite food is pizza nice and cheesy and my favorite dessert is my favorite dessert is um lettuce no not lettuce this is okay this is this is just not gonna work pause i just can't do it right wait maybe if i film it somewhere else it will help me yes i'll do that i think i should go to the piano room yep you better not drop that laptop on ya i will be careful elsia all right here's the piano room put it on top of the piano oops don't fall wait a second this is the piano seat that elsia puts put slime on when she was doing the slime joke in the castle ugh that was so funny the piano i think i still remember how to play i don't know how to play but i'm just going to play some notes and high notes [Music] what is that noise anya is that you what's going on wait do you hear that yeah those are piano keys it's anna what's going on it sounds like someone is playing the piano hey is that anya is she already done her homework i'll go check be right back up the ice stairs here's the piano room so [Music] it's anya anya what are you doing at the piano did you already finish your homework [Music] oh oh mommy hi why is your laptop over here um because i wanted to film my video here because i was getting too distracted in the other room so wait you have to play the piano on your video oh uh no so you got distracted oh wait i didn't even realize this yes i did get distracted so i guess maybe i shouldn't do it here it's just so fun to play the piano well anya do you need any help with it because it feels like you're having a hard time yes i'm i'm having a hard time it's just that i keep looking at lci i keep messing up my name it's hard and i kind of don't even know what to say well you need to go somewhere with no distractions so over there elsia was a distraction now the piano is a distraction you can go up in the bedroom oh yes it's nice and quiet there yep i'll help you thank you okay let's go upstairs let's go here we are oh it's elsa's queen chair oh elsa's creature i'm always so amazed at what my sister can do out of ice yep it's so cool wait on yeah you're getting distracted again oh oh yes yes back to my homework mommy where did i go i don't know peekaboo so are you gonna sit on the bed yep on the bed and there's my bunny i actually think it's better if i stand it's more comfortable okay three two one oh wait i have to delete everything first and delete all right here i go new video three two one hello everybody my name is anita ani anita on okay just focus on you just like your mommy said and delete that one all right now i can start focus go hello everybody my name is anya and these are the things about me video so my favorite food is pizza and my favorite dessert is cake and ice cream i love it so much and my favorite animals are probably cats dogs birds and pause it i did so good so far yep all right and now all i need to do is just unpause it and say a few more things all right i can do so i can do a second dance and go yup so i love all kinds of animals so cute but i think from all the animals i think i would have to pick cats because i i actually have a pet cat named smokey yeah so i have a cousin elsia and i always play with her and i always like to wear braids to school bows they're just my favorite things pause it okay i'm actually almost done wow i'm so proud of myself mommy i'm almost ready okay finish the rest of the video all right now let me think what i'm gonna say i think i know okay three two one and unpause so yes my favorite season is summer it's really fun and i love to read my favorite books i love to play it with slime i love to play games on my tablet watch tv i like to write and read books of course i love to read books and yep that was a few things about me i hope you enjoyed my video anya elsia i'm still recording oh no pause are you kidding me elsia and now i have to start all over what do you mean because i just finished my video finally and now you had to interrupt it not to start all over oh what do you mean oh you just moved my video i just want to see how you are going i wanted to see if you were still having trouble well no i wasn't you ruined it now what am i supposed to do i'm sorry come on me come here and see what happened start all over come come please i really don't like this why did you have to tell anna anya because you just ruined all my hard work and i tried so many times and i finally got it this time but you ruined it can't believe this oh boy something's going on again what's going on now anya you don't you even understand i was still recording and i was almost finishing my video after so many tries and elsia she interrupted my video right at the end when i was just about to finish and now i have to start all over mama anya anya you don't have to start over what do you mean well i can show you a trick i know my video will be lost no anya that's the thing the video will not be lost we're just gonna take out the bad part with elsia and then the rest of the video will still be there really yes see yes it's still there thank you so much no so now i don't have to start over yes look i just deleted that part and now you just have the good part with no lci in it okay yes thank you so much sorry to finish the video now so i just need to finish that one so you can just add on to it and then just press stop okay elsia i'm sorry i was so upset with you because i know that you didn't even mean it thanks for forgiving me yep best cousins always and i'm almost finished my story and then we can play with olaf all right then let me finish the video it's always nice when you're back olaf i missed you i miss you too and elsie and anya are going to be done soon then you'll get to play with them cool don't you think so too elsa are you sleepy are you tired um no not sleepy i just feel a little bit tired and a little bit like nausea maybe i ate too much cake maybe i shouldn't do that anymore i'll just go upstairs to rest on my bed ah just maybe a little rest in my bed will help ah this feels so relaxing the deer and the bonnie became friends the end you know what that means i'm finished my homework all right put the pencil back and close my composition notebook up and it's time to play with olaf yes yes oh but i better not see how anya is doing because i don't want to interrupt her video again i'm done my homework yes olaf i'm coming i'm coming so i hope you enjoyed my video and and wait it actually happened i finished my video yes perfect and now add that part in and i'm officially done time to go play with ola yes and finish my video elsia anya are you going to play with olaf yep we're done let's go let's go we are done our homework we're ready to play plane time yep i know let's slide on the ice i'm going under stands oh guys watch this anya push me push you but what do you mean just push me oh okay whoa yo girls i better move out of the way so you guys have some more space oh wait but anna yes do you know where my mommy is oh she went upstairs to rest because she said she wasn't feeling very well i wonder why oh but i think she'll be all right i have an idea what we can surprise olaf with ice from the freezer oh yes good idea let's go let's go let's go all right here's the freezer and there's today's cubes i'll get this ice cubes and i'll get the other one where are you guys olaf we have a surprise for you i love surprises come and see let me see ice cubes we didn't know that you guys love ice cubes thank you and thick and they can keep you cool see indeed i love gold before we can slide them slide them inside them excuse me oh oh laughs but let me see if i can sit on them let me see it's too cold for me but but you are a snowman so it isn't cold for you oh i love it i have an idea let's make an ice train you stay right in front of me all off okay all right let's go now back come here along slide apart slide apart oh it's so much fun in my mommy's ice castle especially with olaf guys anna elsia anya olaf guess what something really exciting is the exciting news that you feel better well i do feel a little bit better but there's also something else guess what everyone i'm gonna have another baby what what what it is real i'm not kidding guys it's actually true elsia you're gonna have a sister a brother really a sister or a brother yes a sister a brother oh wait can i feel the bump over there can i see it's just little right now you can't feel so much but i just i can feel it a bit i can't i can't wait to tell jack this this is just so amazing anya i'm gonna have a brother or sister i'm so excited that's such good news oh elsa this is wonderful whoa hannah i'm so happy for you i just can't believe it yeah me neither this is so exciting like i can't believe it yes i know i love you sis you too i was thinking hmm what if i had a sister and no it's not gonna happen but it actually happened like this is i just don't even know what to say about it so that's why you aren't feeling well yes that's true and we're gonna go to the doctor soon well not today in a few weeks or so yes i'm just so excited brother and sister elsia's gonna have a brother and sister this is just some fun news for more videos go to our channel and subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Come Play With Me
Views: 43,539,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elsa, Anna, frozen, dolls, toys, play, children, kids, ice, castle, palace, elsya, elsia, ania, toddlers, anya, annia, come play with me, big surprise, olaf
Id: EWT6BttlY5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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