Ballet show ! Elsa & Anna are ballerinas - Barbie - nice dresses - dancing

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[Music] see girls now because you didn't finish your breakfast fast enough we're here two minutes late oh oh we're sorry but where do we sit oh right over there oh hi girls hey come sit with us you're not too late so excited to watch our moms our moms have worked so hard in ballet practice and now they're performing this afternoon yeah i can't believe it i'm so excited but a bit nervous but we worked hard elsa where are they all right ladies it looks like everyone's here except for elsa and anna where could oh oh hey ladies instructor stella i'm so sorry we're just a few minutes late oh it's it's understandable it's fine just a few minutes but not at their performance all right yes we understand we'll be here all right we'll just have a seat because i'll give an announcement all right oh belle i really like your hair it's so luscious and pretty oh thank you elsa i just curled it this morning and ready for the performance well thank you for coming and as you know this is the last practice session before the performance this afternoon are you girls excited oh yeah you bet we are we're so ready to perform glad to hear that well let's make this last practice session perfect and then at the performance i'll see you there all dressed up yes we're excited too yes go mommy no my mommy no mine girls it's fine because all of our mommies are working together don't worry all right i want everyone at the bar and to start the daily warm-up let's go we're all lined up okay perfect so we can start first position we're in first now second position we're in the position and now go to third position go to third position please perfect huh that looks pretty easy i bet i could do it go to fourth no one yeah if you try it yourself it'll be super hard you have to have lots of leg strength fourth fourth wow i think this position looks the most elegant yeah i love it especially if they're sparkly dresses imagine the performance outfits okay and then the last one fifth position wonderful wonderful nice form now let's practice some of your dance moves oh but you forgot we need to do the splits in leg stretching oh yeah silly me that's right i guess i was just thinking about the performance a lot i'm glad that we know how to do the splits like our mommies now stretch stretch are you excited for the performance cinderella oh yes i'm a bit nervous because it's my first time but i think it'll be fun yep me too i did ballet performances before wow look at that they're so flexible nice warming up and then after this you're gonna practice some of your parts that you're gonna dance in the show yep i can't wait me neither i also have a part of twirling so can't wait to practice it one last time i wonder what part my mom is gonna have i hope that she's the star of the show um jasmine i think my mom's gonna be the star not yours what about my mom what about mine oh girls just don't start this again and you know what all of our moms are stars time to practice your part first stop in line bell come on over here coming all right let's see it i'll tell you if there's anything that you need to improve let's go music on [Music] go bell you're doing good yes i got my twirl right [Music] thanks belle yes she did so good next up rapunzel perfect rapunzel cinderella you're up yes whoa cinderella that was so good thank you did i do good yes you did very good cinderella jasmine [Music] perfect with the rhythm of the music that's right [Music] nice little leap now pirouette please watch out you can trip on your sash oh thanks for letting me know maybe i should just leave it over here all right now let me finish that pirouette stretch position and yes i got it nice job jasmine next up anna oh my mom mommy go go go mommy show them anya calm down it's not even the performance yet and they need to focus oops better be quiet go mommy shania split oh that wasn't so bad and jump and jump and jump [Music] yes mommy yes mommy shh remember anya awesome job anna an awesome job everybody and now elsa come in come on mommy come on come on go go go um elsia and now you're the one who's being loud well i don't have to keep quiet cause it's my mom now you understand how i feel all right let's just be quiet and watch [Music] the hard move yes and keep your head back elsa oh yeah yes and now the footwork [Music] lovely that's very nice and delicate all right you did great elsa all right so that first round was perfect now we're just gonna try to expand upon that and do the second movements second movements but aren't they going to perform now well they need to practice a lot but girls to be honest i'm kind of getting bored same rapunzee i thought i was the only one nope seems like we are pretty bored but you do know that our mommies they get to wear very special outfits in the performance and the dressing room is right in the next room how about we go check it out yeah we shouldn't because i don't know oh come on belle don't you want to see the dresses yes yes i want to let's go let's go are you sure this is the right way yes whoa wow this surely is the room look at all these beautiful performance dresses wow rapunzel i bet that your mom's gonna wear this girls come on oh we're here indeed wow look at this one my mom is surely gonna wear this it's so nice and pink and yellow well i love this one it's just so beautiful i can't help it look even more and more puffy gowns here whoa mommy would love this slicey dress and cinderella this one oh what about this dress look at this dress girls what are you doing here oh whoa i didn't even notice you oh are you part of the show oh well actually i was here to surprise your moms oh what do you mean surprise oh well i see you girls don't understand who i am i'm one of the most famous ballerinas my name is angelina nice to meet you whoa [Music] whoa so you're a real professional ballerina and you're going to big shows yup that's right and your moms don't know that i'm here i was just preparing to go out to them that's so awesome oh can we be in on the surprise okay oh yes this is awesome they're almost finished their practice and then i'm coming whoa but wait a second why were you girls in here well we got bored and we wanted to go check out these dresses and maybe can we try one on i'm sorry to say girls but these outfits are for the performance this is not a dress up time yeah that's true we don't want to ruin them and we just wanted to see them anyway i can't wait until you go surprise them wow real ballet shoes these are so cool oh it's just like a platform maybe i can try them on i think they might be a little too big for me because they're for adults wow and some brushes there look on ya oh yeah with the ballerinas brush with these are professional brushes wow so cool oh it clips oh wow so pretty for the performances i didn't notice that dress it's the blue one i think jasmine's mom's gonna wear this so pretty oops i accidentally dropped it maybe i could just put it here or something i can see myself through the window i'm coming we can see each other see you see you see oh the clips anya was right they're so pretty and cool try this one honey what are you guys doing very nice dresses kids what are you doing oh oh you're messing up the room what evening oh no the dresses oh no oh i agreed you could see the dresses girls but not like this look even the brushes are on the floor oh we're so sorry and we actually didn't we actually didn't even notice i guess we were just so excited oh come on girls let's get this understand oh and can you help us with this dress i'll put the dress up let's go girls yep brush brushes here clips and not just the dress okay at least it wasn't so bad yes we're sorry we're just so excited actually i think they're ready now can we announce that there's a surprise coming their way well i guess if you really really want to yes you can yes thank you so much angelina let's go jasmine come on girls come on come on wait perfect i think we're done with the practice so i'll see you later in the afternoon wait but where are our kids oh yeah wait elsia she's not there and belle either and rapunzel we are here actually oh there you girls are where did you go we were hanging out in the dressing room because there's someone there who we want you to meet a little surprise guest come on out angelina angelina is it who i think it is yup indeed it's me angelina whoa i always wanted to meet you ever since i was younger i was always looking at how you danced nice to meet you cinderella so i came here because i heard that you all are performing later this afternoon oh yes that's right but now that you're here we're kind of nervous there's no need to be nervous i'm just here to watch i want to see how you dance and i just wanted to surprise you well actually i planned all this so angelina can come encourage you yep thank you for inviting me stella and nice to meet you all nice to meet you too pleasure so cool nice job at the practice ladies practice is over i'll see you at the performance in the afternoon yup and i will be there to encourage you see you later i'm so excited yeah let's go come on girls by the way what did you girls do in the dressing room i hope you didn't ruin any dresses did you well we got a little too overly excited and i knocked down a dress since some clips fell but no no it's okay it's okay because we got it all cleaned up and nothing was broken or damaged oh okay yes wait so are we gonna go to the hair salon yeah to get your hair done yep we're gonna go now actually yes let's go let's go will you help me set up for the performance yeah all right so come with me this way we did our nice warm up we stretched i love our hair oh ladies you're already dressed up we sure are the show's starting soon come on oh yes let's get our dresses come on anna which one is mine again oh yes this rosy pink one and i have this nice white dress all right let's go changing the changing room oh the lights got dark i think the show is starting soon yes i love my special outfit but now i just need my golden shoes i can't wait to wear them this is my first time lace them up now i go up over here twist twist and attach the second one lace it up perfect oh i forgot how puffy my skirt is it's going out like a flower see elsa i know what about mine oh it's so snowy and white i love it oh i need to get my ballet shoes on special bright pink to match with my dress slip them on and then my slice lace up and around i'm kind of nervous yeah this might be first i think it's me i like your dress what it's just like the routine right ladies ladies no need to be nervous we practice this a lot and even if you'd make a little mistake it's fun you just keep going and i love how everybody's dressed and ready thanks instructor stella for teaching us it's been really fun and i just can't wait to go yeah yeah you said it rapunzel it was really fun teaching you too ladies so ladies it's time i'm going to make an announcement stay here ladies and gentlemen welcome to the princess ballet studio performance [Applause] is everybody ready yes yes well then i hope you enjoy is that mommy oh gosh guys she's coming be quiet [Music] wow nice sleep mommy [Applause] [Music] yeah beautiful [Applause] [Music] do [Music] wow [Applause] [Applause] yes you're the best [Applause] did it my princesses yes yes we rocked it nice honey yeah good job ah ladies i'm so incredibly proud of you you worked so hard and it went amazing today thank you thank you so much we couldn't have done it without you stella you were an amazing instructor oh yeah oh thank you so much i watched the whole thing you made me proud it reminds me of my first performance you all did spectacular fantastic congrats amazing awesome good job so proud of you love it all right mommy oh girls mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy it looks kind of boring when you practice but when i see in the performance it's spectacular yeah yep but all those hours of practice lead to this wow yeah we're so proud of you [Music] [Applause] for more videos go to our channel and subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Come Play With Me
Views: 20,717,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elsa, Anna, frozen, dolls, toys, play, children, kids, ballet, show, performance, elsya, elsia, ania, toddlers, anya, annia, come play with me, barbie, dance, ballerina, practice, learn, twirl, spinning, toes, piano, split, leap, instructor, dress, clothes, princesses
Id: L4IjYL12zII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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