Elsa and Anna toddlers slime in the pool

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hey guys yeah who wants to make a booger ball battle we do we do but where do we make the mixture in this very pool no yes okay look at that okay let's open it up whoa so we have the booger ball bottle awesome we've got the booger ball I don't know what this is thing we've got the coloring we can me make three types of like booger balls we can make red booger balls yellow booger ball and green booger balls and this is the booger bath that we're gonna be mixing with the booger ball chlorine yep I can't wait to make some growth booger balls okay let's make the mix we're gonna do it okay guys okay so first the booger bath let's open it up I think we need to get out to mix it properly it feels disgusting anyways yeah we're making boogers Oh Oh powder looks buggy Oh get it buggy food beautiful ah looks so sticky and gooey but it's still watery huh we'll have to put the coloring first I think yeah we agree okay time to put the green mixture in there all right just be careful okay take your time guys now we shake I think you have to mix it with this water I don't know that this looks gooey well time to squeeze there we go now what do we do okay now we wait a minute and we just shake shake shake shake shake anyways yeah it looks like snot I think we should put it in yeah let's put it in okay yeah now we have to throw it in perfect we made of our own burgerbob let's make more all right Chilton oh it's happening all right just squeeze the bottle you look how it moves all right I think it's time to throw it in the pool there we go you should call it the bugger pool you let's make more let's pour it in blah another bugger ball you all right grab a little and start to mixing all right so that is starting to look wrinkly so that's good hey you know wrinkles that's really good and we are starting with some booger balls you all righty it's time to put the booger ball in the water you okay got many bigger balls that's cool so let's put this booger ball in the water oh okay it looks disgusting you I dare you to go in the booger pool I'm going in really delicate heart I guess this is starting to have some wrinkles okay let's just cut it [Music] i under don't break the booger bogies please and don't touch that disgusting bugger stuffer this is a taste of your own medicine Oh boogers heal oh you got it this time Wow you got it more like oh we didn't fool me oh why did you do that [Music] but okay that hit me who was it Chelsea [Music] I was forced Who am I gonna throw this booger - I know okay the worst thing man this is the worst oh man I don't care oh man really you're supposed to hide from the boogers ha they're touching you well I'm brave enough to go and so okay I like burgers I like the experience of touching boogers mmm it's still burger richest burger I love my little boogers burger a I love my burgers I love me some burgers cuz they look so cool burgers burgers out for me I plan okay hundred dollars yeah Oh beautiful okay yes give me some boogers boogers like this you're all boogers boogers juicy squishy and I love you gasps my bucket all bougas yeah Chelsea you are cray-cray look at everything ah I do not like this look I know you like boogers but some of us hate boogers well you better enjoy the experience because it's gonna be you're gonna be here for your whole life my boogers Chelsea why do you like booger so much oh I only like fake ones not real ones duh oh yeah and these are toy boogers so you really don't care yeah and let my little buddies come on my little boobies come here come here what are you doing to me I I just like boogers so much ah I am out of there come on it's just a toy but a carrots a toy like the state of the pool ill cry baby yeah I pull this out of mine and it's giving me a beautiful Lugar massage look at this look at this booger on my face my face it looks so good compact mm-hmm this is cool this is really awesome look at so yeah don't get me wrong I hate the birds in real life but these are toy boogers so I loved the feeling of the toy boogers and they feel so good so look at this all of these boogers [Music] [Music] [Music] alright I'll try to get you out yes well no just call Ariela okay come here oh wow I think you're stuck alright I'll go call the police they're gonna come in the helicopter cause if not well they won't be able to take you out so yeah we're coming to the rescue don't worry Chelsea well how do you know my name well you are famous Barbie's daughter thanks don't ops fear the helicopter is here let's get her booger balls okay come on hold on to the rope I can't you have to put it where my arm is like here Oh No she's too stuck we need to help her in a different kind of way all right we have never done this before but we have to get down not worry I'm coming down thank you I'm gonna regret this with booger balls come on you're on okay I'm underneath it yeah all the booger balls underneath yes we're doing it you're out yes all right oh yeah that was hard well worth it cuz you are now rescued yeah there's booger balls in my eyes and my mouth all right team load them out all right [Music] whoa all right team it's time to get out [Music] [Music] well what what got you into this mess yeah whose idea was it whoa how did you get in this mess what is this booger ball thing okay sis it's too much all right sis I don't know we were just playing and like LC and Anja suggested we did it because they played with it before and then we put everything in I wanted to it was your own idea whoa yeah and then I had to get rescued by my friends and you guys I'm sorry for disturbing you let's get our doctor tools awesome they're down all right let's see if you're hurt or something you're our tool we have our tools hey um it's your turn to react okay all right does this arm hurt no mr. Sarma yes all right really hurts I think you have a sprained wrist and a broken leg ah not really hurting all right so I think we should get the casts yeah all righty I'm getting the cast here are the casts but I have no idea how to put them on so Daisy righty yeah all right it's my turn to put these arms get it towed out of the way okay so on your arm yeah right here all right it's done all right so just um we'll bring you to a safer place safer you know out of those booger balls and we'll grab something to take all those booger balls off you so we can help you and just return you to your normal self all right let's bring in guys okay okay are you better Chelsey took a long time to take all the slime out of me I mean booger balls but I mean are you better oh yeah yeah my arm is like spring but it's better now because it's not afraid anymore but my leg is broken somebody take a few weeks to like yeah cure it just don't move it I had a broken leg once oh okay that that's really nice cuz like this I will be able to learn from your experiences yep wait what let's just get in the water okay do you have your waterproof thingy yeah hey guys are you hungry yeah yeah whoa there's a hot dog truck right there I can't really move my leg so complete bring it here yeah yeah of course of course so I'll just go look at the menu okay oh hi welcome to hot dogs um what can I get you today where's the menu right under you do you have like those hot dogs over there oh you mean the green one yeah you've got this okay these hot dogs are the ones that are already done but I'm cooking more sausages and the grills so oh it's definitely burning ok potato chips alright the potato chips oh yeah they're nearly ready ok so just order yeah all right I think I'll get like one of those original hot dogs okay here you go thank you bye hmm what took you so long well hey what do you guys want I want a sandwich and like a hot dog [Music] all right cheeseburger well a burger okay hello again hi what brings you here again well um my friends want a hot dog yeah what type of hot dog any type of hot dog oh I'm just finishing go onto the grill there's some empty like bread and lettuce right there let me just finish the sausages oh they're ready Crypton hmm maybe I should like it get some chips for them yeah come to like boxes of chips yep you can get two boxes of chips okay they're nearly ready okay and a burger yeah and another hot dog more like another sandwich all right okay I'm preparing it too much all right first we'll give you the chips okay perfect my shotgun messages yep all right let's build your hot dog the sausage and there we go all done all right let's put some ketchup on yep all right all right let's put some orange sauce it's kind of clashing a lot but I don't care it's cool all righty it's all yours all right now the chips all right cool all right there we go thank you now the sandwiches okay I think I'll get out for that okay I'll just stand right here all right so I'm the sandwiches right cheese salad yeah a cheese sandwich all right cheese and bologna sandwich to make it more cheesy some cheese sauce yep all right now let's close it up tada all yours all right now the burger so you got the end of the burger we got the patty and we've got the top of the burger with these Desalle 'add [Music] all right there we go some sauces and oh there it is all right right yeah another sandwich all right guys we're up some lettuce allows you grab some tomatoes let's put some tomato sauce on it yeah on the tomatoes it's gonna be fun oh it looks extra tomatoey alright let's put the top on there we go to me so all of this on the table is all yours so yeah I'm gonna go back to my cooking area yay all right um Noah's creepy alright uh I think I can serve them for you all right the potato chips first yeah just bring the potato chips to my friend all right so we got a sandwich for you thank you and hamburger for you thank you it's for my friends actually cool this hotdog who are you it's not for me it's for my friends well you ordered it so I say for you and for you perfect you look so good the potato chips I'm so goody-goody good Hey Oh concern bring me something yeah here you go your cheeseburger oh thank you [Music] it's good here's your hot dog Elsa thank you covet the water if you fell in the water I knew it will fall in the water it always falls in the water what happened it's all said why why I'm gonna die [Music] it's better underwater but all of your food is the water it's so good a sandwich for you Chelsea so good thank you and a Sangma tree you'll see you're eating you just had to under water is good I don't want to eat under water try it out I don't want to eat under water it's disgusting under water I knew you come around mmm it was really good Chelsea oh man how are you feeling are you feeling okay do you want me to bring you food are you hungry I just ate Barbie oh I didn't know Chelsea I'm sorry what ow anyways I brought you into surprises Chelsea oh okay oh yeah I brought you these two surprises because I know you collect them oh how Barbie you can have two well I did and well I know you collect them so here you go yay can I can you bring me out of the pool ah yes here you go thank you okay no it's nothing what I wanted but it's one of the Fire Dragons I think this is chorros and he's a little earth dragon you guys like cutie mark here I don't know why but they really can't so they're Kitty Club cute so how do we open it yeah yeah all right so we got a hat oh [Music] that's so cute oh then we got I have no idea who she is Wow I love my new toys and I love the name yeah and that's not all Oh Sophia Anya I've got something to tell you what is a Barbie well as you helped Chelsea so much you collect baby boom mix of stuff you can have the mini booth they're not Vinnie booth they're mini booth purple for Anya Thank You green fur oh yeah thank you okay I'm gonna open it mine up first okay I'll see ya let's see what it is I'm nervous it's really hard for the sellotape though okay open it all right what's the prize I really want to get pressures or glitter back oh oh they're actually hard look at all of these I like precious and I like glare I don't think we're gonna get them but a Pepsi free get pressure surge Witter oh wow okay my name is Tasha she looks so cute this is her baby boo form and this is her toy bennyboo form it's actually hard but this looks so cute ah beanie boo hug all right Oh luckily they they're not made out of like the beanie boos are not made out of like felt or something like that all right I'm gonna open it up oh wow penny boo please I have to save the baby boom i'm helping you Betty boo don't worry Betty boo I'm open you you know what this is actually pretty cool whoa an orange bag let's see who it is orange bag okay okay I love the way it's wet I can't believe it's wet it's squirt look so cute fuzzy toys but else you can't I run my baby boo [Music] [Laughter] it's a faster way to get to the slide faster way to go to the slide I know don't forget to tell me or like us in the comments what if you have a baby boo or what surprised you that's our line
Channel: Superdoll adventures
Views: 6,992,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elsa, elsa anna, frozen, dolls, toys, elsa and anna toddlers, elsia annia, elsya annya
Id: J4l6j3ThOLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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