Undertale - 2 - Game Grumps Stream VOD (05/14/19)

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check one check one pooping check cupped cupped hands check one two check one diarrhea slurry in my cupped hands - cupped hands searching for some semblance of hydration check one two how did this mic sound this sound good Chris all right cool okay hello and welcome to a stream of poop in my cupcake yeah welcome to more undertale this game is amazing and what do you want what do you want Chris why are you coming in or why were you in our zone whooping whooping check one two cracklin little crackle boys you might have to tighten the screw crackling okay crackling into my pooped hands welcome to we're gonna keep playing undertale yes as I like to call it thunder tail no oh that's nice because I'm having such a great time playing it yeah which is not cease at all I'm having a great time yeah this actually is quite an amazing game we got requests from people that I need to explore a little bit more okay so I'm gonna do that all right I'm gonna try to check every [ __ ] thing I could possibly check I'm sorry if I'm not keen enough to check all of the things I'll probably miss a couple not the I don't know this game very well so I don't know the the the funny things to check I don't I don't know flying over the door in the first dungeon in Mario 3 to get the flute trick in this I don't know if there are tricks like that okay but first of all thanks for joining us I have to plug a couple things well did please do if you want to become a member of our Channel which gives you emoticons to use in the chat and also access to our discord and starting next week or next stream rather which I'm assuming is next week okay we're gonna be bringing back the the discord of podcasts pre stream podcasts so you can only listen to those it's me and Dan just chatted up answering questions and such that you can interact with us in the discord if you become a member so click that join button if you're on desktop and if you're on mobile I think if you go to our our YouTube page there will be a join button thank you it really helps us out yeah super super appreciate everybody who's already a member I'm hello discord and yeah I guess that is there anything else we have to plug some star by merge everyone calm slash merge we've got a new game grumps merch launch coming this Friday which is exciting it's gonna be really cool and I'm really really really really excited about this one it's [ __ ] awesome please keep your eyes peeled for that gang gram stomp slash merch it's gonna launch 10:00 a.m. Pacific on Friday this Friday thanks for supporting I see you guys and oh and we have announced that we are doing ace attorney sir yes that's right yeah we're doing Phoenix right we're gonna try to get through all of it I think because it's not super dang long and we're having a really good time playing oh my god we were laughing like crazy also Delta is not going anywhere that Twilight Princess will be back yeah so I think what we're doing right now because we're since we've started this new schedule we haven't since we did that had two long-running series back-to-back that we were sort of interested in finishing so we're sort of gonna experiment with how to upload those so nothing's like set in stone so I think right now we're gonna flip flop so day on day off so one Phoenix right one Twilight Princess one Phoenix right one Twilight Princess and then on the weekend you'll get both and if people like that that'll be cool if they don't like that will try chunks probably try like five Twilight Princess and like four Phoenix right over the weekend or something yeah yeah and then there's obviously overlap on the weekend but yeah we're just we're just trying to figure it out so if you guys give us feedback about what you like what you don't like and we're always roie's listening you know we're thinking about doing something where we can talk to you guys a little bit more because I think historically we haven't been amazing at communicating a lot of things that are going on in our end to the fans and we want to do that and let you know that we're we're always listening so I appreciate everyone giving feedback and being hardcore fans pooping into my cupped fans in context it made sense okay where were we in this game I know this is a shop I remember we were in the town and we've we went on a date with mr. Skelly man this is delightful sorry sorry we got to give you the right controller what's happening right now I Aaron grabbed their own controller this way oh it's charged I believe it was for a long time oh nice Pyrus and then the day turned into fighting that's right that was the last thing that we did was the booth little pyro stay and then he broke up with you because he realized that he will never love you as much as he loves himself question mark you know what he loves the fact that you will love him forever or whatever if more people just realize that up top and you would just tell tell us and at the beginning of relationships I think they'd work out a lot better mhm listen I'm the [ __ ] and you will never match up in my mind cool all right well undertale is underway god this is freaking cute but I feel like I've explored the whole town yeah I think you talked to everyone I don't know if maybe there's more to do than just talk to people yeah I guess I don't know the library just did the library yep [Music] where's the end did I miss the end is the N over here this is like the cafe so we did skip well I walked the whole length so adorable santa came and santa still exists in this world like is that her pet or her giant that bunny oh yeah even go in the end okay my episodes this sleepy could recover your health above your backs of a beige love what's back suburb HP welcome to snowed in Snowden's premier hotel one night is ATG I'm I'm an OG here's a room key make sure to bundle up why are you saying it's cold in your hotel yeah why why is live am I supposed to be like eavesdropping on these sleeping fellows maybe join them make it a hot 4G I mean this is it oh well all right hey you're still sleeping could you get up please which is incredible because you were only there for about two minutes oh nice here's your money back you can pay me if you're going to stay overnight wait what though do I actually like oh yeah my HP is that was extremely meta super meta I got the benefits of it how nice oh yeah as a free stay that's lovely f to the HEA oh and II did this yes did we buy everything we needed to get there's nothing oh you do get it really just like health items and stuff so what is our next objective here I'm gonna get the [ __ ] out of here cuz I'm done yeah I think he did dated papyrus and I was gonna do the I was gonna leave to the right go up yeah so I was gonna go east originally and then papyrus is like let's go on a date let's play monsters and humans ah to be young again when I was merely a tidy disgusting phlegm blob the world sure felt boundless freedom yes I'm a little geez blood is that another tiny blob what this or is that a row to the left what the [ __ ] was like the dark undertones yeah oh what a beautiful nog maybe if I don't answer I'll hear it again I don't know but he saw this I see a strong F that must go somewhere maybe that's how you get across the room Wow can you talk so much [ __ ] yeah I can't even talk to him well alright worry about that later can't even croc talk whoa hmm okay is this just some kind of cliff scum I don't want to I go ahead I'm just a little bit just beginning of the town and okay okay got it no look I want to have a complete experience I'm specifically doing a what's the run a 100% perfect Aaron Hanson run you know how that goes don't you even dream of criticizing right here at the bread L bridge Oh am I go too far I mean it's pretty nice little lake down there you live in the woods - no I can tell us what to do but now everyone ignores us I don't want freedom if it means no one's gonna pay attention to me wow that's yeah that's very American wait did I go too far what do I need to do at the beginning of the town I don't know that sounds like it sounds like the B seems like the beginning of the town alley I'm waiting for someone to tell us we've gone too far okay I like the bridge though it makes me feel high up in the ID thank you take your chat for helping us figure this out oh yeah there were there were some pasta many snow Huff's I feel like there might be something up with one of the paths already I checked all the puffs all right so it's now I remember damnit that's no.1 my head how about going down yeah well did we Oh God yes I do recall creature oh wait he wasn't there before okay I've heard there's a local tradition based off of my own suffering cool that's fun oh yeah he's a Christmas thing oh is this this feels new okay all the way back to you guys messing with us that sounds like a heck control no yeah I should go talk to Dad's impression yeah you've lost your you've lost your backseat gaming privileges Chad well that's the thing the chat is not one thing yeah it's many factions warring like the Seven Kingdoms and undertale is the Belles yeah and there's just some people that want to burn it all to the ground who says those are spoilers I didn't say they were saying words bump-bump bump-bump them inside the house I go suck the sands what does he see welding in there yeah disco welding the door is locked the door's locked the doors Lord how do we get in there guys yes well we can't go in Sansa stir the house this is second strike guys guys stay tuned for a new program MGT yeah I've already done this it's a dirty socket series no sands please but yeah we we we did all this yeah forget it okay all right that I'm going right yeah that's where I was going originally can I go in the no snowman you don't have to what's snowman okay just a lot of the snowman is a word in all caps that people are spamming okay oh is it important it changes one thing about the game is it an important thing pulling up the undertale wiki yeah cuz I'm going to do a snowman thing yeah it's fun I'll do a snowman run dude can we do the the undertale snowman run isn't that what we're in what not we're in Snowdon in town yes okay but the snowden forest is right beforehand what it was at the UM the sans and papyrus snowmen talking about okay I was wondering about those so now I'm curious this isn't a this isn't this isn't just backseat gaming this is yeah what's the Snowman situation sorry it's right here it's just right here it's no interest right here you can check them out see what's going on with that nope there's a new boy who's this everyone's our place now you go ahead everyone's wearing hats should I branch into a different item ice jorts that sounds nice doesn't have the same ring to it what about chance the jeans for your pants the jeans for your whole entire legs it's a jump of lump of snow what's in okay so is there anything that I can do here it's the snow papyrus this is just snowmen I socks and sandals by saying new stuff so maybe to keep talking to him oh yeah never mind up that's the this is it man y'all are trolling me no it's not oh you have to go back further pull the seat back forward ah well isn't that just great all right sorry everyone we're having fun over here isn't that what video games are for Dan yeah oh gosh dang it feel like we're playing et for Atari so should I or should I not is there anybody in the office that's an undertale head Jory suggested you go to the middle of town and go north that's what I did yeah no there was just like a big it's like a cliff dark blue wall of nothing [Music] yeah it's in the forest somewhere pecking forest but I would say let's move forward because we could be looking forever Joris what do we do George so what do we do it's up to jury now Jewelry is the one that decides this for us so is it worth it what are we what is the all right I got I got it I'm in search of the cute bits how far back is it it's like 30 minutes backer Ally would you mind giving jewelry your mic for a second that's Terrance they said this is Tori everyone he's uh he's a guy yeah so so I foolishly said earlier that you go north from Stony town I remember it being north of a thing and I think you do have to go back to where the boss fight with dog Oh was oh there's a creature I don't want to speak to the creature though he's scary it's beautiful us teams live self-sufficiently off the fat of the land oh and the box lunches my parents bring us every day you didn't like that creature terrifying aesthetically he scares me he's a nightmare the big old here and go right I believe oh shiz knees I'm totally wrong [ __ ] it is the very wrong place methinks feel like we're at the exact right time to have like have everyone forgotten what go I enjoyed this game very much we're looking for the snowmen from which you get the Snowman peace the item code or schooners [Music] I am us know me and I want to see the world but I cannot move if you would be so kind traveler please take a piece of me bring it Barry go away sure thank good you got the Snowman I don't eat that just don't don't eat that snowman why would idea the cinoman but alright now we got the Snowman piece now we will stop I love been in undertale they were brave enough to have graphics go off the pixel grid i admired a lot it is pretty small ways hated that to be honest I've always hated it too but there's something about it where it's like you can tell the people who made this knew not to do it and they did it anyway it's really dope anyway goodbye gamers buy jewelry thank you your dress is nice we're very helpful all right we're back on a on a real time adventure all right off we go an adventure of new discoveries and things that the chat already knows but we don't eat a friend oh well I guess you could go on like a Miss Frizzle style journey to my stomach let me kind of fun I do have a slightly warm Diet Sprite that would need refreshing Thank You snowman okay well while you're doing this I will oh sorry can you bring it back I'll read the first very kind list of doing good god there's so many donations yeah people like under Tillman if you are so in undertale I thank you I'll tell you I'll fly through this as fast as possible I'd like to thank you valiant thank you valiant you nickel forest now new rocky o1 Amelia Isaacson putrid crevasse Mira meme Phoenix akan Akana tan Thalia s purge as Panther king gizzard in the desert Blizzard Ruth auctions Emily spirit Lance Sara Owen David's Tintin zoo Prince key wow you have a lot of consonants in your name my friend the anonymous Randall Jake Randall blurps Top Chef Toriko one two three Jamin Christensen the fading melody Cyrus Paice potato Articuno oh three anaphylaxis noodle soup bossa nova 51 Dakota crane NAT M local Joelle the del W beefy Bidoof [Laughter] Camille Abernathy smiley be in Chandler Cole elder Poe angry noodle 1 Christine O'Brien Victoria Smith Jim's Jeremy Osbourne Roy a Davi Debbie or no sorry Debbie Cameron shat Lauren makes art Dustin Wenzel Judith Hokkien the chemist Caden Murdoch Aurora everybody ska a single pedal sander yeehaw first 34 amar Gaurav eg Ellie Brown the mystic Oh first 34 says much love from hungry by the way EU voters please go out and vote in the on the elections next week apparently there are elections next week and I learned something today Judith Hawkey and wants to know what our favorite song to write and sing from the star bomb album was Erin mom for me it was the tetris song just because I was locked in a room try and come up with lyrics and then I came out with lyrics and then everyone laughed and I was like cool that feels very validating yeah I I would say God probably just the overwatch song because it was the last one that we did and just the sense of accomplishment of being like oh my god we actually finished this album yeah it was a great great feeling because it was very we didn't have too much time to work on it so it was very stressful to do and work on him it just became our lives for 24 hours a day weeks at a time but yeah that that album was aside from the stress involved it was a joy to make what's going on here I don't know some pieces excuse me oh this has a shop sound of rushing water fills you with determination Adam so determines all that gives my life validation is explaining the echo flower no one can know well that's it flowers are incredibly deep in this game yeah yeah well there you go never trust a flower that's one of the constants of this world Wow really yeah well I guess I'll just trust you Oh a dad oh so when I try to talk to the flower to this guy talking to me oh oh no it's like one guys lying and one of the guys telling the truth oh god yeah so which one's telling the truth the flower of the guy I know the other the only other flower killed you tried to kill you oh man flower um but the your other choice is a horrifying orange fish monster yo you sneaking out to see her - hell yeah awesome she's the coolest right yes I want to be just like her when I grow up I know what you're talking about exactly don't tell my parents I'm here haha I think she's talking about undyne I don't know who that is I don't either okay would have you see two jobs before isn't it isn't that Russ from your perfect timing can you remind me what the sands his voice is kind of like a dopey voice it's critical that you torsos like hey everyone is critical fortunately two jobs means twice as many legally required breaks yeah I've seen critical that guy's funny yeah I'm going to grow boosts want to come yeah hell yeah I do well food cyst I'll pry myself away from my work all right I know a shortcut yeah alright let's go huh I remember this place hey everyone sorry it's Peter it's our it's Brian from Family Guy oh hey sans hi sends great exercises hey thanks where'd you just eat for breakfast a few minutes ago having a breakfast in at least half an hour you must be thinking abridge mmm sure I'm comfy laying face down on this table whoops watch will you sit down sometimes we're just put whoopee cushions on the seats hey let's order I wonder if it was sands who do you want ooh fries or a burger I want something with substance let's go burger hey that sounds pretty good will be will have a double order of burg ooh tasty burg that dudes heads on fire well all the I wonder if he just dunks his head down onto ground beef and makes your burger so what do you think you truly made it with love of my brother cool of course he's cool you'd be cool too if you wore that outfit every day nice you'd only take that thing off if he absolutely had to oh well at least he washes it he did take it off though when we were on the date yeah I by that I mean he wears it in the shower Elia is it never nude that's one bird here comes the grub want some ketchup yeah bone Appetit wait so we're like actually having a real date with with sands seems that way the cat falls off and all the ketchup in the bottle pours on your food things will never be the same I've applied too much ketchup to this hamburger that wasn't a whoops whoops that's a [ __ ] on purpose forget about it you can have mine I'm not hungry anyway he's scratching his bony ass yes pelvis anyway cool or not you have to agree papyrus tries real hard that's true like how he keeps trying to be part of the Royal Guard one day he went to the house of the head of the Royal Guard I begged her to let him be in it of course she shut the door on him because it was midnight but the next day she woke up and so I'm still waiting there seeing his dedication she decided to give him warrior training it's still a work in progress so he's like in the middle of training right now yeah I guess so do you like the crosses on my arm under my arms I'm worried for Christ yeah I wanted to tell you ask you something have you heard of a talking flower yes wait this is a big point of contention in this town so you know all about it geez the echo flower yeah they're all over the marsh well there's one say something to them and they'll repeat it over and over what about it well papyrus told me something interesting the other day what did he tell you sometimes we're no one else's around a flower appears and whispers things to him hot flattery advice encouragement that's nice prediction though weird huh someone must be using an echo flower to play a trick on him why just think that I predict he's going to be you committed very shortly keep an eye out okay thanks I'm gonna eat that [ __ ] burger or what well that was a long break I can't believe I let you pull me away from work for that long oh by the way I'm flat broke can you put the bill damn dude he's the one with a job it's just 10,000 gears just kidding groovy put it on my tab click grope he's like we don't we don't have tabs here by the way I was going to say something but I forgot damn Sanz is a really deep dude I like him he's just a little mysterious ooh do you think he's truly evil in the end I don't think so no but I definitely think there's something going on that he's not telling us Spooky's gay alright that a flower that you can talk to Oh interesting no nope dang just walk right through the flowers worth a shot Ice Ice Baby doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo depression that ones do-do-do-do-do-do yeah but his ones dudududu kidding me yeah that was funny to watch him explain that yeah definitely uh whatever Italy lame one of my favorite vanilla ice moments let's hang out again sometime oh yeah Oh echo flower again see if it's all that gives my life validation is explaining the echo flower no one can know oh wait so was that sand saying it I don't know was sands the one who said that to the echo flower and then the echo flower repeated it back to me what am i Siri I don't know Suzanne's said started explaining the echo flowers to me yeah but I don't think he said that exactly oh this is a box you can put an item in or take an item out why would you though you can't you all right sincerely a box oh [ __ ] damn dog um do you have anything in the box you want oh no no I have all the items right now I put whoa whoa it's okay you saved recently walk into that wheat field it was creepy yeah what's happening oh it's papyrus yeah hi I'm dying I'm here with my daily report ah regarding that human I called you about earlier huh did I fight them yes of course I definitely didn't go on a date what did I capture them oh well no I tried very hard Undine but in the end I failed what you're going to take the human soul yourself but I'm dying you don't have to destroy them you see you you see I understand I'll help you in any way I can by running away and doing nothing damn good plan huh holy [ __ ] that guy's threatening this is [ __ ] scary God he's like old-school Nintendo scary can you get out of there it's about to hook that thing like the [ __ ] night King wait what well alright they can't see that I'm here I love it the eye alright well - oh thanks for blowing my cover prickle support yo did you see the way she was staring at you hell yeah that was awesome hell yeah I'm so jealous what'd you do to get her attention huh if it was a human mind let's go watch her beat up some bad guys that was the race that she doesn't like talking about Undine yeah undines is she a nice is she yeah huh dad Hank sue well I mean well she just said it yeah yeah I mean I know who won 9 is when for bridge seeds a line in the water they will sprout ah sprout god damn you one two two three again with the squeaky shoes oh it's proud oh that's great what a puzzle whoa-oh-oh aaron flexes it yeah great Aaron flexes twice as hard attack increases for you too yeah Aaron is ready for your next flex all right flex harder thrice is hard oh my god damn nice nice dude Oh Aaron is ready for your next flex um I guess I'll keep flexing oh yeah he's flexed very hard he flexed himself out of the room cool oh it's these things ah where the true puzzle lies if an error is made the bell blossom can call bridge seeds back to where that Oh ring-a-ding-ding do cool all right Don wait that didn't work no it didn't [ __ ] will for have to be aligned oh dang one two three four one two three one two three now this is a bang puzzle that's its that's tippy tricky okay about mr. Heron woods how about you go to the end of that foot Aaron what go to the end of that footbridge and throw them up would that work what I mean here oh no no perhaps not I just gotta find the four in a row that links the two sides right to t4e I would give that a shot [Music] yeah that works yeah yeah there you go I did it I used the power of my hello this is papyrus how did I get this number it was easy I just dialed every number sequentially until I got yours so what are you wearing I'm asking for a friend cheap-ass shoes are you wearing the gross bandage is that true are you wearing a cross bandage Am I what will you say whatever you're wearing is your item in your yes so you are wearing a gross bandage got it wink wink have a nice day well the virus here is this a long time a long time ago monsters would whisper their wishes to the stars in the sky if you hoped with all your heart your wish would come true now all we have are these sparkling stones on the ceiling was he like repeating what a tour guide said it's the wishing room Aaron have a little respect thousands of people rushing together can't be wrong the king will prove that he'll this did you just say 50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong Washu shuffles up oh boy let's give him a joke tell a joke about two kids who played in a muddy flower garden powers neutralized tweet no chokes too dirty oh well trying to wash your mouth out with soap do the sparkles hurt me I guess smells like detergent I'll clean it hops around excitedly green means clean Oh tweet as in the bird tweets I thought I was talking about like an actual tweet it was like bouncing ah Joshua's friends as a little bird okay so I want to get the green one yes green means clean [ __ ] ah damn it seems like it's the same yeah all right here we go [ __ ] dang it yeah hey clean that was pretty good side from the savage damage to you one I got damaged savaged I wish my sister and I will see the real stuff someday chances are slim of course we are a flower in a cave I'll look through the telescope pretty pretty Oh check wall check wall wait what like check the wall above the telescope maybe interesting I will check the wall I'm assuming it means once you walk up north oh I see ah seems my horoscope is the same as last week's Taurus you're a [ __ ] flower wow these horoscopes are really accurate amazing you know check the wall oh hey Oh ooh ancient writing covers the walls you can just make out the words the war of humans and monsters why did the humans attack indeed it seemed that they had nothing to fear humans are unbelievably strong it would take the soul of nearly every monster just to equal the power of a single human soul cheese dead humans have one weakness ironically is the strength of their soul its power allows it to persist outside the human body even after death ghosts if a monster defeats a human that can take its soul a monster with a human soul a horrible beast with unfathomable power cool meat it's an illustration of a strange creature - something very unsettling about this drawing well I want to see it let me see it ding ding dude am i floating or am i lit yeah oh no before it's amazing oh my god it's amazingly atmospheric for a game with graphics like this that's it for me I said I only saved like a long time ago right I mean I saved the last time there was a safe spot yeah you were near sanz's like little stand that's call that contunue [Music] somebody flipped the thing you got it now it still says the hilarious bit that Layton wrote and will never not erase that it's the best bit that could ever be made with that very oh [ __ ] [ __ ] dude there's good music who did the music for this dang I've heard that name I'm lost in the grass oh I'm dying [ __ ] scary dude yeah oh oh that poor scarecrow oh no oh it's like her dream she's like she finally noticed me goodbye are they dead now little creature yeah oh is that it okay yo did you see that undyne just touched me I'm never washing my face ever again men are you unlucky if you were standing just a little bit to the left yo don't worry I'm sure we'll see her again hell yeah you know wash your face in the hell yeah [ __ ] ah save first sounds great knowing the mouse might want one day extract the cheese from the mystical crystal god damn it I screw that up it fills you with determination hell yeah so determined squeak so the mouse never gets the cheese right I don't know it's kind of like a running story in this no guess I'll let it be hey you gazing at the ceiling I'm thinking about getting into the telescope business it's the only 50,000 goods to use this preview telescope I know you could use it for free I was about it wink dude he's a [ __ ] con artist yeah there's nothing here to see except for rude to thank him at the beginning of a James Bond here ow pinkeye don't worry I'll give you a full refund he's a [ __ ] talker I like him oh he did he played a prank on me [ __ ] jerk oh my god in place the maybe a village of some kind yes yeah everyone and everyone the chat has been wait how did they get there let me pull up the guide I was the iron I remember when I played this baby I actually missed this the first time we played we had to go back yeah it keep keep doing it okay it's a star can you touch it can you eat it can you kill it oh god are you a star no raindrop Michael wants to battle raindrop murderer ooh the ancient glyphs have been painted over with a list of 21 different flavors I relocated my store but there's still no customers fortunately I've thought of a solution punch cards every time you bought an ice cream you can take a punch card from the box we have three cards you can trade them for a free nice cream they're sure to get the customers to come back nice cream it's the frozen treat that warms your heart now just 25 kids already have some well then tell your friends there's ice cream hidden in the depths of a watery cabin it's a great place and turn out all the lights to what end you just like it I just it they make a little squeaky noise boy this is beautiful it's beautiful it reminds me of Avatar but without all the boring damn dog you hear a passing conversation so don't you have any wishes to me wow so exciting hmm just one but it's kind of stupid oh I see yeah they're Echo flowers yes they're like flower parrots no what does it mean that those conversations happen near those flowers or there's another flower that's connected to these flowers that the conversations happening you know I think they just they're like parrots got it so these are conversations that happened next to them like long ago yeah got it it's a little pair of ballet shoes will you take it yeah at the ballet you've got the ballot shoes with the ballot shoes use these to vault I can dance the ballot I'm gonna call hello this is papyrus remember what I asked you about clothes well a friend who wanted to know her opinion of you is very very oh [ __ ] but I bet you knew that already and because you knew that I told her what you told me you were wearing a gross bandage because I knew of course after such a suspicious question you would obviously change your clothes you're such a smart cookie this way you're safe and I didn't lie no betrayal anywhere being friends with everyone is easy all right does that mean you should change wait so if I said no to them then she wouldn't recognize me oh I don't know who can think right now Aaron's flexing tell Aaron to go away your mind underwater barnyard and I guess I gotta flex yeah hell yeah if I could flex it with this boy mm-hmm they're supposed to be like sweat is he such a oh maybe such a beefcake yeah oh yeah a flexing harder man errands are easy yes isn't too bad see ya well done [Music] I was yeah I think just something about me wanted to go back I don't know why though is it more glittery than it was before it certainly looks good oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] go to the ririn well while he flexes in I'll take a moment to read the next round of denominations goodness gracious thank you so much Alan Pritchard Matty more me no SEP - Lee horn Castle game boy Benjy ah sure irresponsible captain Nathan some guy Jace was here forsen said Isaiah Williams Baba the troll CMC can know for Holly McClellan Alex alexis Partington John Knotts saying 1 7 9 no 197 I'm sorry saying th connoisseur a bat Clank Jamie Locke oh god Jenny Locke wanted to know if we consider visiting an animal shelter with pup and pup pup ins and kitties for the 10 minute power hour yes yes we absolutely should dear god yes please Christian pickles Kristin Waddell radius anti constrain jure cerci 25 Tori I Eric see Dorothy hazy boys Krita tonic the mirror plays vampiric misfit Jess M & Williamson Christy Abram Abraham Fluffy's I stab okra beau cadency Nuveen misery misery Nuveen missouri i'm JC payton vibes are paid in v-ups artsy fartsy lizzy sledgehammer hope poops butternut-squash home of mat victor strife we beastie carolyn Gibbs does this rag smell like chloroform Briley and gene Jade belch Isaiah Williams what a my thoughts on Game of Thrones Season eight I love it Dominic Velasquez Velasquez I'm sure everyone agrees Noah Giles aces diva Lloyds aces diva sizers Laura Laura thean may you guys are like a kiss from a rose on the gray and Boehner Soros 69 thanks guys especially you Boehner Soros all you Aaron oh yes madam yeah you have an item and also I figured out how you can get to the place I can wear the ballet shoes are you saying Danny's oh the manly man down ah see looks so different now the power to take this weight am I going the right way [Music] yeah it's in the dark room with leave to turn on the mushroom lights but I don't exactly know where there yet yeah I don't know what is it it's in room two so we think we were at the right spot there's another room with mushrooms correct we do that right yeah there's a light puzzle yeah it's a light puzzle you turn on the right way but so forward so yeah I think so it might be the next room after this okay it's gotta go down cool so next room I haven't played this in years so obviously it's I remember everyone says that we didn't miss it yet okay cool good thanks everyone good run can you run oh [ __ ] I think it's good okay gotta go visit it was great huh he loved you yeah me too it's my big favor eat even though the waters getting so shallow here huh I have to sit down all the time but hey that's okay it beats moving and living in crowded aquarium like all my friends did and the aquarium full anyway so even if I wanted to I'm okay oh my god well Wow I ain't sends adorable oh [ __ ] siren Oh hides in the corner but somehow encourages you anyway trying to figure out what I'm looking at here it's the back of some creature who doesn't want to look at your smile you asked to see Charmin smile - Sharon gets quieter in the corner aeronauts his head approvingly - to conduct you wave your hands wildly you are now vulnerable to electric attacks oh [ __ ] what damn this is tough hey I'm a sad song shirah follow your melody sorry see oh [ __ ] whoa damn the northern room hides a great treasure that where I'm going the northern room I don't know it's just China oh sweet appiy up up high you know a haunting song echoes down the quarter won't you play along only the first eight are fine okay there's a piano here play it yes what you got Oh got it I'm assuming I don't know the song yet mm-hmm does seem that way am I supposed to listen to the actual song is playing in the game this power has no counter indeed a human cannot take a monster soul when a monster dies its soul disappears an incredible power would be needed to take the soul of a living monster damn there was only one exception the soul of a special species of monster called a boss monster it boss monsters soul is strong enough to persist after death [ __ ] if only for a few moments a human could absorb the soul but this has never happened and now it never will Oh dicks well because all the humans are dead and statue structures at its feet seem dry mm-hmm but it's getting dripped on hold on okay that's it yeah we're cool yeah we good ooh take an umbrella take an umbrella yep I took an umbrella I'm gonna go dry that statue now all right put the umbrella on the Statue hell yeah there we go oh oh there it is oh it stopped right neutral down down right neutral up right neutral down down right neutral up right neutral down down right okay yes neutral oh wait was it down right [Music] oh yeah Wow Wow well then on-orbit it's the legendary artifact ooh will you take it yes you're carrying too many dogs what Oh what we went on dog dang it annoying dog a little white dog it's fast asleep I don't have a dog when did that happen where did I get this dog I deployed the dog Hey the dog absorbs the artifacts I'm sorry it always happen can I take the dog out later no okay all right cool a little cheated by that dog whatever yo you got an umbrella hell yeah awesome let's go oh geez well hey you're not walking under the umbrella guess we're in this together huh there better be some cool effects that happens when I'm over this man undyed is so cool yeah yeah she beats up bad guys and never loses that's right if I was a human I would wet the bed every night does knowing she was gonna beat me up huh does this creature not realize I'm a human oh my god this creature is any human yeah dude are you realizing that the creature is out of you water thank you I've got plenty of water falling from Scylla one time yeah we had a school project where we had to take care of a flower yeah the king we to call mr. dreamer volunteered to donate his own flowers he ended up coming to school I teach you the class about responsibilities and stuff and that got me thinking yo how cool would it be if Undine came to school to give you have all the teachers I'm glad I have this child hanging out with me movie she wouldn't beat up the teachers she's too cool let's ever hurt an innocent person yeah you're right alright no more time for the California way of ending every sentence with a question mark this is this like ninja gaiden hello this is pretty shaky ticka ticka ticka ticka ticka we just like looking up at the castle together tell a [ __ ] joke or something [Laughter] it's still raining hey do you want an umbrella no we're sharing the umbrella that's still raining do not yo this ledge is way too steep you want to see one day right put your umbrella what have you umbrella and climb on my shoulders okay return the umbrella put back you Virginian brother sorry I'm done now oh ah lovely yo you go on ahead don't worry about me I always find a way to get through it what damn what a badass yeah thank you sick exit bruh the humans afraid of our power declared war on us they attacked suddenly and without mercy yeah we did that let's [ __ ] dope in the end it could hardly be called a war United the humans were too powerful and us monsters too weak not a single soul was taken and countless monsters returned to dust sick so cool right it was so cool so cute hey ads thank ya many please whoa whoa oh there's a light puzzle though thank you exe XE XE XE h XE XE XE x holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] pull my gun on my [ __ ] [ __ ] my pants just right now holy [ __ ] oh I'm just about to say not so hard and then I got hit I am scared I'm gonna lose this game and I will let something so brutal about it swatch it woof goodness granny grandpa window Aaron you're playing with fire homie hell yeah that's still going it's a cute doe okay today so it was just reach the ender oh dear it sounds like it came from over here you've fallen down haven't you and you can't get back up are you okay here get up jiggles huh that's a nice name I know my name is whoa is it flowey good Shh this reminds me of a okey dokey literature club in a weird sense she's in the way like it's a totally unique thing with subversion yes a version like Indy it was also like the same kind of like phenomenon when it came out like I had the same kind of splash in like the like community I imagine they deserve it man it's really cool Sheena's garbage I think there's one more thing coming up and then they're able to do it yeah cycle of garbage so much garbage oh look all these garbage piles of garbage quite a few brands you recognize ristohannah rust boy which one wheezes a honker Tom that was that was the hunk of despair beat up just how computer these such empty just garbage it's a cooler has no brand shows no signs of where inside her a couple of freeze-dried space food bars take one hell yeah nice you don't hang too much you mean I'm carrying too much yeah we just do jigsaw puzzle left unfinished by a dog hmm you finished using it an uneasy atmosphere fills the room man okay yes what do you mean okay god damn dog residue I don't like that do it do I need to heal or damn it dog salad I have too much stuff yeah cuz the dog what the hell is a dog Sal I don't know sounds good but I don't damn this Ross is cracking up I don't I'm gonna drop the ballet shoes cuz I don't need them okay right I don't know I don't need the validation I would I would get rid of something you have two of but they're attacking and I don't attack Oh al you want him to put on the ballet shoes why don't want to wear them cuz they make my attack go up [Music] is it important that I keep any of this [ __ ] yeah well what about the bandage what can I get rid of their bicycle number two what but I bought that they're great persistent thing nice yeah did we blow it it's possible that we have blown it by using the dog piece no no so who cares okay well what can I get rid of I'm gonna get rid of the toy knife okay all right I'm doing it drop yes I want to space great it's DVD case for an anime desperate climbers cover the regular training dummy do you want to beat it up no stare at each other's eyes for a moment okay well beautiful hahaha too intimidated to fight me huh I am a ghost that lives inside a dummy oh my cousin used to live inside a dummy too until you destroyed their home us ghosts spend our whole lives looking for a proper vessel slowly slowly we grow closer to our new bodies until one day we too may become corporeal beings corporeal excuse me being able to laugh love and dance like any other and watch anime but you my cousin's future you took it all away despicable despicable despicable human I hope you're not too attached to your body because your souls about to get evicted mad dummy boy that he's more disturbing up close I talk to the dummy doesn't see much for conversation no one is happy with this bed of all up a bit of oh I like his music it's silly exactly I always like hurting himself Wow you dummies watch where you're aiming your magic attacks hey you forget I said anything about magic skills plan all right this guy's can get [ __ ] [Music] it sounds like cuphead music a little bit always moving now uh moving and grooving bossing around its bullets talk to the dummy does it see much from conversation no one's happy and was this gonna die shush probably heal the bicycle hell yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah this [ __ ] rules he's getting cotton all over the dialogue box sounds like a electro-swing you know what's that what's that um set bandwidth thing with the animated video about the cat that goes into the strip club and yeah it's really cool it comes real Seth okay I wish I could remember what they're called cool what was her name again I'm gonna kick myself when I hear that name caravan palace yeah they're great this is gonna die he's getting cotton all over dude hey foolish foolish foolish the [ __ ] is very silly yeah he's tough he's the unicycle foolish foolish fool ah dummies dummies dummies remember how I said not to shoot it be well failures you're all fired raw meat with legs oh my gosh oh ha ha ha ha ha now you'll see my true power but I got people that are garbage ok world worse full room while God the irony was that he was about to kill you with everyone surrounding you like that yeah then it's quite a statement oh goodness [Music] silly doesn't see much for conversate ok [Music] yeah gady yes it is a battle yeah dog he's got to be almost done yes Wow oh that was close the other guys okay okay okay I don't need friends okay I've got knives you can't hurt me in again are you you'll be stuck fighting me is it is it an errand oh forget it yup great oh yeah sorry I interrupted you tonight soon as I came over your friend immediately left oh no you were having fun Oh oh my god well I'm gonna head home now oh um feel free to come with if you want no pressure I understand if you're busy it's fine no worries oh yeah just safepoint pulled together guys oh thank goodness my here in case you want to see wearing jeez you don't all right she economy tranquility I must go tinkle for a second Oh a little tink-tink yeah well uh quick tankers suite um pardon me anything you get you guys cocktail pee in my mouth Ross that's gonna be harder when I leave but all right I'll do it for you Dan's gone I can do that I can does that mean I want to yes cool all right I got a list em Rick österreich Thank You Curtis Betts Thank You Josh funk Thank You Dustin Nikita Thank You Jake the snake thank you rubber man - OH - Thank You Katerina thank you for the $50 holy crap have you guys seen the Umbrella Academy and if so what's your opinion on it I have not and I'm pretty sure Dan hasn't either Joshua Heinrichs Thank You Becca Williams Thank You Shawn Trulock thank you the secret of nificant thank you electro 'no thank you scooby-doo right through chris loves thank you and Isaac Morrison thank you good how's everyone doing today and y'all enjoying this undertale playthrough because I sure as heck am I'm loving this I'm playing Chrono Trigger at home so I'm like all in an RPG mood you know and I'm so mo like it's placement top-down RPGs it's so good you didn't come out in Australia it's so good it's it's one of those games that I've like always wanted to play because I love Toriyama yeah so I just I never I never got to play it so I'm real sad about that it's [ __ ] beautiful man it's a beautiful game I think it like I didn't realize how much it influenced me yeah cuz as I'm playing it it's like it's all about like loops and [ __ ] like time loops and she's so cool so it's like I think Chrono Trigger is where that concept started did like would you say it's your favorite RPG yeah I'm like yeah absolutely yeah you know I don't know I played it a ton when I was a kid and I remember getting multiple endings but I honestly don't know how many I got I did I did get the ending where you can like fight la voz like really really early and I don't remember how that ends up but yeah there's like 14 there's like 17 total yeah that's ridiculous do you have a favorite group or when you go in and fight that's tough cuz I don't remember anything and right now I'm sort of like building all that stuff so right now I'm using Marley Magus and chrono but I don't have like a team up attack with Magus with anybody yet I don't know if Magus get steamed up attacks with anybody I don't know but I love Magus cuz he's super super strong he's just like thirdly strong I didn't know from Chrono Trigger oh I also didn't know that you could end up you could kill Magus you could actually not have him in your group cuz I guess I'm just a nice guy and I'm like yeah let's we can hang out Meg I feel like I guess if you if you're convinced he's a bad guy you can just be like no [ __ ] you and then he's gone then you never have magazine your group and also I love that you can have him around when you have when you walk into um Gardea palace and and everyone's like oh man the war on Magus sure does suck and he's like right there and the palace and nobody says anything kind of wish they like rewrote it they were like why are you here anyway I missed the beginning of that conversation with chrono trigger travel dude yeah fair enough bruh I'm down and continue if you are oh I thought I thought we were just gonna talk about karna trigger for the next hour - but - a fine let's do this okay so there's a sign that says where all the things are have I am I interior yet for the thing that you guys want me to do village whatever I want to go back to my hometown of Heartland that's where I was born and that's where out there [Laughter] use the box yes get rid of some [ __ ] garbage dog salad should I keep the dog thing smart I think nice cream is pacifistic we this run okay and then I'll get rid of the and she need to carry the snowman piece around with you yes oh you want to show them all the places that's right let's see what I got here astronaut food is 21 no dammit the bicycle is 11 dog salad is question mark um also the ghost wanted you to visit him at his house oh that's right that was like straight-up yeah that was pretty direct now tell me do you really want to love me forever which one's his chick Paula Abdul reference makes you really came well you really just sounded like the star to ghost I wasn't expecting that it's not much but make yourself at home [ __ ] you something you need ah this is a ghost sandwich - wanna try it yeah attempt to bite into the ghost sandwich you phase right through it oh nevermind oh he's sweet I have to agree meal I like to lie on the ground and feel like garbage it's a family tradition do you want to join me oh yeah okay follow my lead here we go you lie down as long as you don't move no here we are yeah you feelin like garbage iron it's the last episode of Firefly the last line in Firefly at the Hubble Deep Field oh man feeling like garbage is awesome yeah geez anybody need anything it's getting weirder as it is Alex yeah is it I think it's warping a little bit I know right well here I am I'm even in space just like the guy at the end of Firefly can't believe that's the line that ended the series what is it I can't remember it's just so long it's just a guy it inspires he's he's floating alone in space and he just goes well here I am and the food guy captain tight pants what the [ __ ] was his name no it's just so he's the one episode guy he's like a bounty hunter named 2002 series yeah it's not really a spoiler yeah Jubal Early Jubal that's right Jubal early early yeah you went by early oh god that's right anyway Wow it has been a long time since I watched such a great show yeah if anyone if anyone hasn't seen Firefly I'd strongly recommend it oh that's my TV there's a show I like to watch on it sometimes sometimes it's on or sometimes you like it computers internet browser is open to a music sharing forum yeah I'm surprised I can hear me spider web there's a flyer for a big sale on it CDs labeled Gould a music playing hell yeah yeah yeah pretty bangin it's not pertain I can get in nude tayne spook wave this is my chick hell yeah this is not safe for work Paul Paul your wife is on line I'll get it later and I'm flargan star we've got some important work it's locked dang well maybe I should say like goodbye to him a classic spoon tune they don't make songs like this anymore well good luck dude I like this I like him very much yeah oh because snails are escargot maybe maybes French snails snails only extends in front of you snail snail for each valve and stretch beyond the horizon snail so snail is Sam you long overdue for a second house what about the first one us now for some reason you can't help but wonder what it tastes like oh damn what's up ghost awkward I'm working right now hey meanne welcome to blue family snail farm yeah I'm the only employee this place seems to get a lot of business who remain customer disappeared one day now it's just some hairy guy that shows up once a month cool Wow fun place feel like there's more of a backstory there that I'm not getting but that's fine I'm gonna go ahead and save it yes many things have happened I feel like I've accomplished so hot don't want to miss that [Music] ooh oh is this a snail race oh my god yes do you want to play a game it's called thunders now the snails will race and if the yellow snow wins you when it's time to to play hell yeah do it dog is this is this the movie turbo playing out in front of me okay all right I'll do that [Music] well looks like you're encouraged to stay out too much yeah okay here we go [Music] down yes every time or just not yeah don't encourage it the end look it sucks one more goddamn time alright this time happening and encouraging [ __ ] that's what ever you do Aaron do not encourage your snail maybe she has a hard charge left dinner yeah maybe she'll get like frustrated in the end ability Nina girth are these snails weighted like what the [ __ ] is going on no it's read snail this time I don't think there is come on man it's just a money suck this game with all this game does to you like you don't think they make you play a snail game you can't win is there any way to win the snail race it rinses push it seven times seven times seven like just in a row yeah okay here we go one one two three four five six seven you guys are really is it like complicated if the yellow snail manages to win the race the protagonist only receives nine G's - uh snap-loc needs to make a profit if the snail loses by a slim margin snap blog observes that she thinks she won and rewards 30 d so as to not hurt her feelings to win 30 d consistently encourage the snail seven times at the start of the race while the exclamation mark isn't present when she gets near the finish line in Kircher consciously to effectively stunts belts stall in in place I see seven without the exclamation mark damn god damn it snail racing stream she's a champion I can't believe the two options are your Santhosh now slower [ __ ] the snail wins where your snail catches on fire people you don't want or two this is the best outcome ya lost by a thin margin actually the snails under the false belief much money to have to quite a lot now oh my god now the still dominate dominate the silver medal nothing makes me happy did you win I don't know I don't think so no no it's good I know but I kind of want her to actually win but why but she thinks she won so that's good enough but and you made more money it's not fair though oh my god twenty thousand everyone's quoting the dead deader live stream or no stream episode put it all in 23 Oh God okay like one she's gotta win again for the [ __ ] life of me believe that you're doing this a fourth time it's rigged so you end up in second place by a thin margin every time not true what in God's name makes you think - she's gotta win look she's catching up and then the red snail hits a [ __ ] turbo button right at the end that's not true [Laughter] you made a lot of money though I'm saving that that's the progress that I don't want lost forgotten indicator hello oh [ __ ] uh-oh this is undines house I don't know is that a friendly dummy doesn't seem like anyone's home what what what it's a living okay oh it's all that right oh god yeah I think it's like it's a living person yes I about the same thing all right I guess I'm going over here what's up here [Laughter] looks like a gram I don't need any of this are you [ __ ] items speed up in battle that's kind of cool you know what see you don't be shy now I've been around a long jab I don't be dude I don't like his forearms studying history sure is easy when you live through so much of it yourself you don't know what that is what are they teaching you kids in school nowadays where it's from Zelda that's the down Tarun dambrun Malak a new we have a kingdom I mean we have a title damn it the kingdom the delta room undertale delta room Oh King flappy birds came and oh my god and the whole conspiracy I was hmm how was this guy say I was blown knits cover's blown by Tristan please continue [Music] that emblem actually predates written history the original meaning has been lost to time oh we know was it the triangle symbolizes monsters below in the winged circle above symbolizes death in LT most people say it's the angel from the prophecy no this is Elder yeah [Music] legend has it an angel named Zelda who have seen the surface where they said from above and bring us freedom lately the people have been taking a bleaker outlook calling and winged circle the Angel of Death pleasure as if the princess were in Twilight from the sky destruction waiting to free us from this mortal realm but we're stuck down in your mind better where are - caps is it minish cap completely clear on that it makes you mini is that what that is that's adorable in my opinion when I see that little circle I just think it looks me all right king fluffy means he's friendly happy-go-lucky a cat a guy if you keep walking around long enough you'll probably meet him he loves to walk around and talk to people okay how do I can't dream of fluffy buns oh that's a great story I hope you're sitting down but if you come back much later I'm sure I'll have remember to by the end yeah she's a local here around here through grit and determination alone she fought her way to the top of the Royal Guard actually she just came through here ask about someone who looked just at you I'd watch it back in and mathematics it might save her [Music] [ __ ] you kid well I guess I've died alone but that won't happen for another hurt beaten fearful for our lives we surrender to the humans seven of their greatest magicians sealed us undergrad with a magic spell Siegfried Roy David copper buns anything can enter through the seal but only beings with a powerful soul can leave Scientology there is only one way to reverse this spell with a huge power equivalent to seven human souls attacks the barrier it will be destroyed that but this cursed place has no interests or exits which leaves you to find a way out wow you guys made that up on the spot really in tandem there is no way a human could come here we will remain trapped down here forever [Music] something spooky and fancy is this the light puzzle that you speak of [Music] not much of a puzzle you say hello to Tami Tami vibrates intensity geez oh I could just spare her right now okay I don't know feed typical aches to me only with heavy plates [Music] [Laughter] where's the flavor I want the flakes Oh be temmie flakes but I didn't eat any food yeah that's Oh only wants the temmie flakes but I just did so confused Tammy you're confusing I guess you just hit feed Tammy and flakes is not an option I think it's feed temmie flakes kick but it's not working for some reason I thought cute disagree just the two of us [Laughter] knew his flexes away [Music] video taejun man oh man we got a real puzzle on our hands [Music] [Music] I did it he should I go down mode small flirt whoa yeah you attention I didn't mean to make you so excited whoa big gyrates reservedly [Music] needs some distance all right no cut gosh-dang yeah stick on the menus is really bad the hard line you're in bad shape page one [Music] nice my friends Dan I do a lot of damage unhhhh hug you don't hug my bit appreciate your respect in this boundaries [Music] comfortable with your presence that's good all right then so should I try going down let's go to the right what do you so down into the right okay I believe people are you going down oh I see frantically pointing fingers maybe I just go down from here but are the ears on top or there's something your photos determination fantastic I'll have to watch that this game just had like how could this not be made my cool nice people [Laughter] mushroom dance mushroom dance whatever could it mean it symbolizes my inner torment stress my - my struggle to pull away my struggle to escape but alas to no avail [Music] but even if the barrier was open I could see the world above template attempt like on sale excellent [Music] like expensive pursue higher education well I can't afford to pay for college but I guess I'll get the sale time nah you know what I'm gonna get the expensive template well my god let's talk say hello that's standing oh my god this [ __ ] game alright cool thanks for thanks for 10 item Bob alright cool that was worth it you can also get gold there by buying on sale 10 flakes and selling them back repeatedly if you want to make money that's how you do it you farm money that way really [Music] oh sheesh I don't want to do that it's like get like a couple gold so it does take a while so you could do like a stream or something yeah yeah okay okay if you want to get to me to go to college instead send her to ecology cowards Wow damn throwing money dude we'd love to we'd love nothing more than ya to send ten to college four years ago now that she's probably graduated from college I think she knows yeah sure this game is 2015 good for her good for you Tammy way to go I don't like this without candles our magic to guide them home the monsters use crystals to navigate [Music] oh boy this is spooky scary interesting [Music] all right let's clean wash you oh you just saved a 10 village that yeah I need to go back absolute [ __ ] fanger [Music] [ __ ] head banger this [ __ ] you're gonna skank to this has anyone made like a like a hardcore trance remix of that [Music] [Music] clean [Music] [Applause] okay wanna spare this [ __ ] [Music] holy [ __ ] so sweet oh god the flexing god jeez flex flex out of existence nice excellent should probably no I'm good [Music] would you say that most people do a pacifist run when they play this game or wrong there's no wrong way to play undertale there's just different ways to play so I think that when you play through like a blind playthrough if you're playing it by yourself yeah you're not gonna get the best you're not gonna know that killing one particular thing is gonna give you a different anything but yeah most people do the neutral playthrough when their first time the pacifist one is like everybody will want to go for it if they did the neutral I because I want to see the true ending interesting lose a lot of replay value in this game yeah really is because because pacifist run is fun like the way you interact with all the characters is really yea enjoyable hold pic understands life now cool wow that's beautiful so heavy this need some distance on hug mo big takes a lot of turns to fight I am getting worse at this Dan you got 430 gold now yeah man so that well that Tammy actions half way to college for the TAM ster think it's 4th of the way to college but that's fine it depends if she wants to go to grad school I made it well no it's getting done no it's getting dark I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared whoa behind you that's that's not oh [ __ ] because I mean Undine like went over there and say I knew and then walked over there to I don't know make a dramatic 7 7 human souls with the power of 7 human souls our King king özgür dreamer will become a God with that power as gore can finally shatter the barrier he will finally take the surface back from humanity and give them back the suffering and pain that we have endured understand you give up your soul oh [ __ ] ah scary undyne I'll help you [ __ ] god damn it yo you did it undyne is right in front of you you got front-row seats to her fight wait who's she fighting [Music] [Applause] oh cool no see you or or not I thought for sure that was like a way out yes you see that's funny Wow Oh a new path [Music] hmm I say my wish you promise you won't laugh at me of course they won't laugh someday I'd like to climb this mountain we're all buried under standing under the sky looking at the world all around that's my wish hey said you wouldn't laugh at it sorry it's just funny that's my wish too oh how nice how funny however there is a prophecy the angel the one who has seen the surface they will return and the underground will go empty am i the angel oh the occasion I'm I thought that was a path yo yeah it looks like a scraggy to know for me dawg now the pokemons Greg yeah yo I know I'm not supposed to be you know I'm not supposed to be here but I want to ask you something man I never had to ask anyone this before um yo you're human right huh man I knew it well I know it now I mean Undine told me stay away from that human so like I guess that makes us enemies or something but I kind of stink at that huh yo say something mean so I can hate you please hell no you know what so I have to do it here goes nothing yo I I hate your guts man I I'm such a turd I'm I'm gonna go home now no it's like Romeo and Juliet oh you're way help I tripped he tripped what are you going to do now Oh see humans are so bad yo dude if you wanna hurt my friend you're gonna have to get through me first oh damn wow she's gone yo you really saved my skin gets being enemies was just a nice thought huh a nice thought Fred's instead man I should really go home I bet my parents are worried sick about me like I'm your mom later dude see you frickin later hmm I've got some donors to read oh yeah you want me to do that now yeah it looks like I'm about to enter some kind of epic cave oh [ __ ] [Music] seven maybe you can dwarves [Music] okay alright we'll do it real quick thank you to tally mckusker Shawn comped Phoenix Akutan accountant mr. whatever shades Madison Barrow Ethan Smith ray Gonzales Lovato Jonathan delay D mcmean mcmean dream t ty 951 the flying pigs association bunny the tryst Raymond Roberts not a boo 74 Mackel make a riot Christopher Coleman noxious Evan Mary more dose skinny legend please quake me Cabot Campbell gonna play cog a nuns una na newsa excuse me cog a nun's [ __ ] Coggan an Uzi you see me I got - oh my god Yoshimi akitsuki uncle clogged drew Terri Lizzy sledgehammer and Matt Thompson cool thank you so much you guys yeah thanks a lot thanks a long turn seven all right seven human souls and king özgür will become a god six that's how many we have collected thus far five five golden rings understand through your seventh and final soul this world will be transformed first however as is customary for those who make it this far I shall tell you the tragic tale of our people thousands of years ago it all started long ago no you know what screw it why should I tell you that story when you're about to die [Music] that's what unde I'm on site yeah oh [ __ ] interesting you're standing in the way of everybody's hopes emerge alphas history of ultimatum you see humans are cool with their giant robots and sourest orange women but you and that's unforgivable to society [Music] that's right [Music] one thing your life is all that stands between us I'll swim right now I can do everyone's hearts pounding together everyone's your waiting their whole lives for this moment we just got a we just got a we just got some of our new merch that I'd mentioned earlier that's coming out this Friday and oh boy no no the fact that we're doing oh I see [Music] this is so good okay anyway push your button but we're not nervous at all when everyone puts their hearts together they can't lose now human let's end this right here right now there is no other place I'd rather be I'll show you how determined monsters can be step forward when you're ready so I shouldn't do this right now this is gonna be a problem you cheap well you should definitely save it and now do it I guess I should take a try that's it then no more Braddock way here I come oh [ __ ] dude on gal this is Undine steam not used to this one check but what the other music no but there's there's another song it's like popular [Music] this score is actually really smart the Mickey nostalgic for boss battles before they even start so this theme if you slow it down is this is the theme in the caves earlier on so like it's like if you go back and listen to it like it's the exact same time just like slowed down it's really clever if you could be listened to know exactly there's another song there's another Undine song that's like really popular it's not this oh well there it might be was there yes it's in groove coaster yeah is it for the genocide run there's differences depending on how you're playing so I can't really recall I remember this song those are song so that's movies present a face danger head-on you won't last a second against me oh [ __ ] thanks for friends and pounds the ground their fists Chris could we get a lower on the game audio since this theme is extremely loud yeah you twelve Undine you didn't want to fight but nothing happened and how about this Oh watch it okay Oh what she said the face danger head-on you can't like use your shield she doesn't care dreams of a happy and reading smell extinction should I do I guess I'll what's the second page there we go I'll eat some time to eat salad to HP oh good sunlight is just within our reach [Music] this is pretty easy then flash is a menacing smile plead [Music] I won't let you snatch sorry ah stop that damn [ __ ] joystick shakes her head I'm gonna get the CT or drink is this enough warming up hell yeah so freakin to eat whoa I'm dying flash the medicine smile challenge she doesn't care [ __ ] man she's a tough cookie she's throwing spears at me 9 flips her spear impatiently her cookie is a tough the bullets get faster but even if you could beat me holds your fist infirmary shakes her head the bolts get faster Oh dip the human has ever made it past a score [ __ ] holy Sh now it's hard yikes yikes I'm gonna eat the dog salad tasty happy killing you now is an act of mercy oh nice menacing smile plead just want to be friends she remember someone a little less extreme oh so I have to appeal to her emotional side undyne towers threatening me oh man it's tough piece of damn resilient but do I have to like trade-off between being menacing and being emotionally vulnerable which Oh No [Music] what the hell are humans made out of I don't have any healing items anymore the snow piece is what I got from the pka that [Music] okay can't eat something over the part of somebody else's body it's like an animal or dislikes a cow or a chicken or fish or yeah or just anything that tastes good okay let's get unfair alphys told me humans were determined whoa whoa damn that was fast suplex line huge boulders because she can man I see now what she meant by that [ __ ] damn dude damn what a minute yes it's more gets harder man but it's psyching me out because the animation I will give you the directions since the chat is losing did ya just tell us you want to know now right no would it be something that I would figure out probably not at the rate you're going so think outside of the box literally since this game is in a box oh I see okay [Music] okay oh okay okay all right yeah I got it daddy okay got it not bad then how about this arrows arrows arrows and arrows so many arrows okay [Music] for years we've dreamed of being friends with poor people [Music] all right let me break out of this box for my friends are challenged both get faster it was on accident well let's get unfair [Music] I'm facing the head on little on the oct [Music] how do I break out I want out and I'm thanks for friends and pounds the ground with her fists you're trying to get out hold on yeah wait did she yeah or what did she say you could probably get the hint again if you do what you did if I do what I did what did i do first time I'm that flash is an icing smile what do you want I'm deducing based on your reactions [Music] I'm gonna be boat extremely strongly then to guide you in the right [Music] oh she doesn't tell you the same thing so you have to remember what she said at the beginning of the fight sorry oh I'm dying points for Oakley towards the sky I need to I need to face danger head-on do i fighter we're gonna balance - yeah [Music] when I figure that out damn I wouldn't know she gave you a hint at the beginning of the fight she said face danger head-on she said a different thing the second time she said a different thing yep what she said I can't move if I'm green good yes got it stop being so dang resilient okay so I can move now and then bounces impatiently oh I [ __ ] wait in that moment okay okay got it God that was some frantic hand gesturing we're pointing or anything that's very yeah no that's very clever though I it would've taken me a lot longer to figure that half just shakes her head it's too dynamic yeah it's just such like a little wrinkle that you're not necessarily thinking about they're all excited to eat the templates that's hard [Music] fried tennis ball holy [ __ ] turn red please money please [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that's how I feel pretty diggity diggity man freakin island dime you cannot give up just yet jiggles state I want everybody I want to know everybody in the chat how long it took you to figure that [ __ ] out on your own you figured it out well it'd be that way sometimes [Music] oh yeah now I see it she swings at your heart and it turns green oh it does seem obvious in retrospect but well I mean sight is 20/20 yeah yes yeah yeah boy she's [ __ ] straight-up says it and it's color-coded but like I tell you're thinking in those terms the thing but I didn't know what they Carly I did I neither did I oh [ __ ] what literally wasn't there's never been a fleet function in this game has there run run dude yeah but I thought is she meant like like break outside the box or something okay some people say it took them a long time some people say it took them ten minutes that's about how long it took me with him somebody said literally an hour before I searched it full respect to the honesty of that person yeah a lot of people said that they have never used this feature so they didn't know he yeah it's it's such a different thing than you encountered at any other point in the game baby run oh oh well you un tiss yeah you went as fast as you could at least damn she quick [Music] I'd like to kiss you on your fish lips and watch out for the fangs out [Music] so many people like I googled it cool [Music] yeah a little less extreme stop being so damn resilient like that was more extreme I'm not gonna lie escape don't slow me down oh my god she's so quick green she's getting up come on getting down with the sickness you mother get nameday I do love everybody telling us how they handled this fight someone said they challenged her for two hours straight I gotta think they do have to flip-flop Oh like the yellows will just hit you if you don't defend them at first no no as in I have to flip-flop between plead and challenge ah otherwise she doesn't give a [ __ ] [Music] good job time for that dog salad dog no I never mind thank goodness this is [ __ ] by far the toughest thing you've yeah here I come is it worth it to like go back to the box and always take some healthy yeah pull out all of it well my name is brick and I'd like to I mean like as much as I want to show fucking's snowman's arm the world like gotta survive this [ __ ] I don't understand the facing danger head-on yeah you're doing anything but you're [ __ ] them like booking it for the hills at every turn yeah I don't get how that's supposed to be a [ __ ] come on dick dick dick dick in my faces and floppy cuz my face could never get any in one heart nice oh damn dude that was outstanding [ __ ] fast fast fast you covered a lot of ground that time no not my green heart green green green green heart dude dude the green heart hurt say honestly I'm doing you a favor by telling you yeah [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god our house outstanding do you know a gamer moment right now [Music] all right as they [ __ ] up completely never gave them our welcome to die [ __ ] what does that frosty how could a die x-men [Music] I see it's from the x-men Arcadia right the one that had Colossus the war yeah it was like right next to the elevators and though all the elevators the elevators are like broken so it took like people a long time to get on the elevators and there was an x-men machine right next to the elevators it's like literally every one of the entire festival was exposed to the sound of x-men going so it was just a thing and then everybody did it for like three years and then people got really sick of it I remember that this is that Katsucon it was Meg from access that's right that's right they force people to stop doing it I think it just it was it just kick I can see there they're like a real problem they're just kind of hit my dang thing [Music] now you die already you dang fool [ __ ] dad is really tough to get your wrap your head around is there a run button a Run button yeah I mean a game was cuz like someone said you hold shift to run I'm like I vaguely remember that is there a button to actually go faster in in game more like am I just okay I think that there might be but we haven't discovered it yet on the controller yeah on the controller yeah might have been dropped but it's just sound familiar this morning that there was actually maybe a way to go faster yeah you might be able to run is this [ __ ] talk man yes it was right thank you difficult you don't need to challenge her first what I think you can just do the pleading but it doesn't do anything it isn't until I challenged her three times that she ends up well maybe I use complete her three time I think you played her three times yeah there's no run button guys by the way that just released a stranger things Lego set that goes upside down it like you can flip it so it can be displayed in both ways like I love that getting excited about toys okay cool so you don't the Challenger look at the little it has an open mouth head and a closed mouth head yay oh so you build the you build it damn it's something excited about things I can't look at everyone else it is an Erin look at it so I can link it okay then we can get to the net so sweet Lego sponsorships okay you got it yeah it's red Oh will buyers yeah yeah oh you sent us a bunch of the overwatch Legos why would I give you some they're mine do let's get together and [ __ ] I'll put together like diva and well you guys you said you have to you think then I'll put together Reinhard oh damn it okay it is $200 oh my god a $200 expensive his [ __ ] it's a really expensive it's also massive it's two thousand two hundred eighty seven pieces yeah and it was like it was like 200 bucks holy crap the biggest Millennium Falcon is like $600 yeah it's pretty pretty excessive Oh yellow farther that time yeah yeah Legos aren't Legos are so expensive that apparently that's like just how expensive they need to be is when Toys R Us was going out of business and everything was on sale the only thing that was on sale was Legos they also make a killing seen you a comic-con the like exclusive ones like people go to comic-con just to sell those buy them and sell them goddamn yep [Music] it's just a spin yeah [Music] of course this is like seventh time I'm just playing yeah yeah no it's brutal I would be garbage at this ah [ __ ] smells like teen spirit mmm I don't want teen spirit smells like but it's not sushi sweat probably write myself [Music] attack me there you go it's just a spin yeah you me and that side should all hang out sometime I think you would make great pals let's meet up at her house later run really I think we just push spare over and over again - tasty happy oh [ __ ] oh I think I can swing here and read under Haim [Music] god damn it sans well he distracted her yeah pivotal moment Erin pay attention yes armored so hot but I can't give up oh oh undyne oh my god Erin give her hot water okay no you take a cup of water Kevin dan yes it's portable yeah yeah some will get in there now you die stop all right no words spoken do I want to go back and say hi where'd sands go was everyone going where are my friends she's my friend now right she didn't say anything where she go I wanted a big fat thank you from her whoo oh my god Erin you did it but we're sometime very proud papyrus wants you to chill with her oh hell yeah baa today's monsters don't appreciate it make smells great nowadays puzzles are nothing but lasers and moving rocks ah there's no art in that actually mindless schlock it's just timing based drivel give me something that challenges the deepest reaches of my mind you you're young you still got hope yeah hey here try solving this block pushing puzzle like if you read that in your normal voice yeah what what are you doing you're pushing it all wrong ah forget it this generation is really hopeless I mean which way do you want me to push it is this guy just a proxy for the Internet ah nevermind alright see ya what can interested in your [ __ ] there's no more music anymore I guess cuz I'm Dynes gone yeah it got dark it got dark and quiet I'm going to visit my friend and dine I gave her water and now she's my friend she is my friend was it this way is the other way yeah let me try this way first just know this is where I she stopped me somebody stop me did you remember that reference the mask right yeah yes a Sven masca Pat did number 23 oh wow that's no way to talk about dr. Robotnik mm-hmm show some respect yeah his you went to doctor school he got his doctorate and being an egg oh boy dan this is far I'm gonna go see that movie what Sonic yes hell yeah opening a sonic nobody gets it nobody gets it man the only reason I rag on Sonic is because I want it to be better cuz I love it true did he say I've got some meat for you it's got some some meat for me to beat was on the far left I think so that big fish one right yeah oh the human arrives are you ready to hang out with undying I have a plan to make you two great friends will you hang out yes okay stand behind me make sure to give her this she loves these it's a dog bones oh my god hi papyrus ready for your extra private one-on-one training hi I don't think we've why don't you two come in my friend a gift for you on their own oh thanks Oh put it with the others so are we ready to start oopsie-doopsie I just remembered so why are you here to rub your victory in my face to humiliate me even further is that it no then why are you here wait I get it you think that I'm gonna be friends with you huh right never oh yes really how delightful I accept let's all frolic in the fields of friendship not oh [ __ ] why would I ever be friends with you if you were my houseguest I'd beat you up right now you're the enemy of everyone's hopes and dreams I will never be a friend [ __ ] now get out of my house I overheard her she's just not up to the challenge challenge what papyrus wait a second darn it he thinks I can't be friends with you food what a joke I could make friends with a Wimpy loser like you any day I'll show him listen up human we're not just going to be friends we're going to be besties I'll make you like me so much you won't be able to think of anyone else for her it's the perfect revenge why don't you have a seat oh yeah oh my god yes comfortable I'll get you something to drink hell yeah me and Undine are we best friends all set what would you like oh oh god no hey don't get up you're the guest sit down and enjoy yourself oh god why not you point to what you want you can use the spear it's just okay hot chocolate tea sticky yellow liquid and sugar goes in tea see ya coming right up if I just threw it at her and stabbed her through the heart it'll take a minute for the water to boil stood up broken glass on the crack so yeah okay it's all done this has taken a surprising turn here we are careful it's hot oh yeah it's not that hot just drink it already take a sip of the tea it's burning but other than that it's pretty good it's pretty good right nothing but the best for my absolutely precious friend so hey you know it's kind of strange you chose that tea golden flower tea that's a scores favorite kind actually now that I think about it you kind of remind me of him Oh you're both total weenies Oh sort of not something the best he would say hmm you know I was pretty hot-headed kid once to prove I was the strongest I tried to fight a score emphasis on tried I couldn't land a single blow on him and worse the whole time he refused to fight bath city I was so humiliated afterwards he apologized and said something goofy excuse me do you want to know how to beat me I said yes and from then on he trained me one day during practice I finally knocked him down I felt bad but he was beaming I had never seen someone more proud to get their butt kicked anyway long story short he kept training me and now I'm the head of the Royal Guard damn so I'm the one who gets to Train dorks to fight like papyrus I could for you know living your living your truth but to be honest I don't know if I can never let papyrus into the Royal Guard oh [ __ ] don't tell him I said that he's just well I mean if it's not it's not that he's weak good buddies weak he's actually pretty freaking tough it's just that he is he's too innocent and nice I mean look he was supposed to capture you and he ended up being friends with you instead I could never send him into battle he'd get ripped into little smiling shreds that's part of why I started teaching him how to cook you know this is spaghetti so good so maybe he can do something else with his life oh this is so sweet oh sorry I was talking for so long you're out of tea aren't you I'll get you some more never asked me about myself it's kind of a bad friend move wait a second papyrus his cooking lesson he was supposed to have that right now and if he's not here to have it you'll have to have it for him [ __ ] combat that's right nothing has brought papyrus are closer than cooking which means that if I give you his lesson we'll become closer than you can ever imagine afraid we're gonna be best friends [Music] let's start with the sauce envision these vegetables as your greatest enemy now pound them to dust with your fists heavily pound strong a punch the vegetables the four floors you knock over a tomato yeah yeah our hearts are uniting against these healthy ingredients now it's my turn damn look just scraped easy to a bowl later a basic but for now oh I haven't watched that in a while we add the noodles homemade noodles are the best but I just buy store-brand they're the cheapest yeah just put them into the pot oh you put them in fiercely [Music] clanks against the empty bottom yeah I'm into it all right now it's time to stir the pasta as a general rule of thumb the more you stir the better it is ready let's do it I'm repeatedly stirring still harder I'm stirring his heart's like that's the stuff all right now for the final step turn up the heat let the stovetop symbolize your passion that your hopes and dreams turn into burning fire ready don't hold anything back I'm turning up the heat wait what's that button button is that just pressing right hotter let me do it I'm doing it see this is how are you oh boy oh my god well then man no wonder papyrus sucks at cooking oh did she just realized that she sucks at cooking huh so what's next scrapbooking friendship bracelets hell yeah Oh Who am I kidding I really screwed this up didn't I I can't force you to like me human some people just don't get along with each other I understand if you feel that way about me and if we can't be friends that's okay because if we're not friends it means I could destroy you without regret son of a [ __ ] I've been defeated by houses in shambles I even failed to befriend you that's it I don't care if you're my guest anymore one final rematch all-out on both sides it's the only way I can regain my lost pride now come on hit me with all you've got yeah Hyundai is letting you make the first step big attack pretend to swing get on dad with all your might what what that's the best you can manage you're in attacking your full force you just can't muster any intent to hurt me huh you know what I don't actually want to hurt you either at first I hated your stupid saccharine shtick but the way you hit me right now it it awakens something very gently for me reminded me of someone I used to train with now I know you aren't just some wimpy loser you're a wimpy loser with a big heart just like him listen human it seems that you and özgür are fated to fight but knowing him he probably doesn't want to talk to him I'm sure you can persuade him to let you go home eventually some mean human will fall down here and I'll take their soul instead that makes sense right for her oh and if you do hurt asgore I'll take the human souls cross the barrier and beat the hell out of you that's what friends are for right for her now let's get the hell out of this flaming house how was that not what happened every time she tried to teach papyrus how to cook I don't know well that was fun huh we'll have to hang out again another time but somewhere else I guess in the meantime I guess I'll go hang with papyrus so if you need me drop by snowed in okay oh and if you ever need help just give papyrus a ring okay since we're in the same spot I'll be able to talk too well see you later Punk well I love her right sounds like only fire lives here now well we did it that's it for undying right is that is at the end of the stream today it is oh man Wow another another epic gamer moment ends the the stream yeah house really cool for pires and this time it's undying is the next one mettaton I don't know what or who that is I only know that it's a character that looks like a robot thank you I know all right let me read the end of those donations only seems like there are a few of them I love that voice does that include these entries okay cool so here's our final list of donate donators who are so kind to do that thank you thank you Erlenmeyer Faye Hannah Jerry whether my Carl Dakota Carter Avalanche Jenn spin James Baker betel muncher Kyle grant Granada Jafar mandate Isaac Morrison Maslow rabbit Dakota Files Kenzie gauss dylan o'brien laineebee 23 your pal tit liquid Kyrie McCain Anna jinx Nadine Dunning fable Gale rice Denis K Olivia Drake his in Claire precision David Eduardo cones Patrice Josh Hudgens dark dingo Mira Jasper the durian mage Joe Horan will be lost ghosts and sick 664 you guys are the best and so generous and we love you Aaron what did you save it I did oh my god save it again just to be super duper duper duper duper duper super sure how far are we in in the game now we must be more than halfway Wiki of the game there 19 chapters chapters and if I'm not mistaken Ondine was number 8 yeah all right we're about half way then getting close well I'm glad there's a lot more game because I absolutely love this yeah yeah I like that you join us for these streams Ross I really like I love lungi tail and I always thought that Aaron would like it because it's definitely got him and even Suzie's like brandy humor side I'm very happy to see you playing it I enjoy it greatly yeah it goes very well with my chrono trigger fix right now no that's good that's good are you gonna have a Mario maker fixed tune they got there they've got the the announcements tomorrow but what's gonna be in the game oh god alright well thank you so much for joining us we really appreciate it please become members if you'd like to help us out you can support us by buying merch at starbomb comm / merch yeah yeah and you guys thank you so much for letting us do this and and for joining us you're just wonderful and on behalf of Chris Aly and Andres and and the lovely Ross this is uh this is Aaron and Dam signing off goodbye I love you
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,100,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, undertale, papyrus, flowey, sans, toriel, chara, switch, nintendo, deltarune
Id: 1hXiXlc9CyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 43sec (10183 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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