Worlds Largest Sonic Lost World Review - RadicalSoda

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Im glad I'm not the only one who thinks this

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Known_Boat 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
holy crap he can't believe then the teen don't see me an early copy of Mario Galaxy 3 what a great and unique joke this was another one of those games like Sonic Colors for instance where I didn't actually have the console required but where's I go to we eventually thanks the time I was like you know Mario currently Skyward Sword and Super Smash Bros Brawl and it may tried other in actually I thought it was a right [ __ ] but with the Wii U it was like God it was the Wii U I mean he's got some good games of course you've got the Super Mario 3d World and you know say well Wind Waker and Yoshi's woolly world as sonic boom actually I thought oh no my interest in saw house for the way slowly arose over time also thanks to my time with Sonic house on the DS which is a pretty good game overall but we have the game here today under scrutiny sigh not the Wii U version unfortunately the the PC version which supported a few years later you know that means bugs no anti-aliasing what am i playing Minecraft and of course pre-rendered cutscenes that looked like YouTube from 2005 because they couldn't be [ __ ] rendering them [Music] like a roller coaster sonic lost world more like sonic longboard this is not one of those games where sake a look to their critical acclaim and success of Sonic Generations and just said let's try something else on the one hand I pulled them for trying something new and I will say there are several aspects in this game I really enjoy which we'll get into later but for some reason they just scrapped everything after bonked it's what they always do make a game try something new didn't work let's not improving it a refining for the future let's just reinvent Sonic again we all thought that learn from their mistakes with generations came along you know the refined experience from Sonic Colors and unleashed within a lost world and then we thought that learned from their mistakes again when forces was announced but you're you know so it seems that somewhere in between generations in lost world not only did Sonic Team forget how to do the boost formula but they also forgot how to make a good game a kid of course but lost world is [ __ ] weird for some context here's a graph of my overall enjoyment with generations the little blop right there as the final boss here's my time with forces little blop right there is the whole game and here's lost worlds but unlike sonic generations or sonic forces this game actually has decent riding oh no sorry I was thinking of Sonic oh six no Yuto better let Elise go we're all sold to something Oh regret later I'll use my fists I don't be like Alicia I'll be like well here we are and we've got some plants that clover is textures for the menus that's always a blast because it looks like something blasts up in this [ __ ] so the game starts off with a wonderfully animated CG cutscene I don't mean it's not like it's gonna be live action is it nice looking to me like look at the cutscene please wowzers look at those [ __ ] clouds those some good plants so the game starts off with Eggman stealing a capsule of dreary sonic details are of course there to stop him and they want him to do so in order to shake them off feed does just that I've got Roger Craig Smith Baker Sonic of course and all bottom cubed I wrote robot thank you buddy here too because we've got to have that comic relief oh cool Eggman blast gate love is Sonic and Tails out of the sky they start hurtling towards them so what exactly is this lost Hicks tell me [ __ ] so sorry your tails crash Lando oh just here now okay and he goes heads way himself all right at least they tried to make it green hills that look different this time so as I said before sonic lost world is a sonic lost weird Sonic's natural running speed is not really very fast is it you know down the right bumper or maybe it's the right trigger I've got the feeling my controls with my stuff to make sonic run it's really weird though for some reason sonic moves way slower when moving left or right same for jumping it's really disorienting when you miss up a jump because of it I get that the levels are longer than they are wide but why not just find you the levels and controls so speed isn't an issue like it I don't know you know everything's sonic also runs real gently you'll find yourself having a hard time just moving in the direction you want to go it's like oh six is sensitivity built and none of the accuracy it's really just all using these kind of controls it's literally just super mario 3d world with Sonic I really don't know why they thought the Run button was needed probably because the controls weren't really all that refined Sonic's leagues also do the figure 8 thingy like in Sonic CD in Brawl although I'm like in those games on the clay it's not going nearly fast enough to warn the inclusion honestly look at this does it look like it needs this figure eights pin to you sort of can also jumper the old thing about being this is that he turns completely into a ball no flashes of the real sonic underneath like in the adventure or classic games and it's not a bad thing or anything it's just an interesting tidbit so I can double jump the game like in colors something you all know not fond of just give me the [ __ ] ear - come on but unlike in colors Sonic is completely vulnerable when he uses it which is pretty [ __ ] to be honest it's not the end of the world but golly gee it's sometimes they're righteous pain in the bollocks he could also homing attack with a double jump button and this has been changed up the wazoo - now for some reason he can homing attack multiple enemies at once and also charge it up not to mention it now takes in a big arc rather than a homing straight at the enemy which is odd I mean it's not bad or anything it just looks kind of weird sometimes you could also do the homing kick something completely unnecessary which is only here to make the game more confusing it's actually here to add a bit of variety to the gameplay but most instances is just completely pointless it's literally just a game of chance with you'll need to use it all the homing attack 19 I'm saying the time sometimes you can easily disjoin enemy with the homing attack and other times it'll just stun it or sometimes the only instance of it being used well that I can remember is with the big pig lads they send out bombs he can kick back to destroy the mermen it makes sense but having the egg Poland's only killable via the kick when we've been destroying them for literal years with the homing attack I mean whose idea was that probably the same person we thought this was okay the Spin Dash is back now able to be used infinitely for some reason it's somehow easier to control than Sonic when he's running and mainly due to what acting like your Mach speed segmenting something that oddly enough comes back for this game and I actually really like the running animation here if only something moved his legs faster and if we Sonic evening seems he's just stopped moving them quick enough with the exceptions of course being Sonic 1 to mania and Unleashed for the Wii and ps2 I'm not kidding look at this [ __ ] so I can also bounce something back from Sonic Adventure 2 it's use is limited you only get three bounces and after the third highest bounce sonic uncurls and is vulnerable to attacks and you also can't kick or homing attack anything out of a bounce you can hold down the balance button one on the ground to make sonic crouch though and if you move around sonic will do that now not only does sonic have all these moves but he's also got the new parkour system something which is really never explained very well essentially this means he can run on walls run up walls climb wages and vault over things something I learned from a [ __ ] YouTube video not the game itself I'll be honest I really liked the wall running and it's fast fluid really fun to use running up walls however is a bit of a different story sometimes you'll make the extra height if your spinach on it and other times not timing that think he might be invisible walls on these things so maybe if you jump first you can't get as high and it's not explained or mentioned in the game as to why this is and quite frankly it's annoying the doesn't want you getting to the special paths without going through the proper means first and any thinking outside the box is quickly squashed just like in sonic force and shut up about me going on about forces it's a good example of where I want to explain everything wrong with Sonic there's also that [ __ ] hell I guess just that Sonic team full generation succeeded because classic sonic was in it so too did they think colors was priced because the wisps were in it if you know me you know I don't like the wisps actually no I don't mind the wisps themselves as an idea I just don't like the way they're always implemented in colors it made sense the whole point of the game revolved around the wisps they were a bit janky and paced breaking most of the time but they worked for the most part the because for some reason some people thought they were the best thing on the [ __ ] planet they've been in every mainline Sonic games since problem is they've got no [ __ ] reason to be even if we take into account that Sonic Team backtracked harder than jontron when he said he was gonna start making videos again about the whole wisps leaving the planet free but by mentioning it briefly in a no longer available mobile game in a comic which came out literally years after lost world was released there's still no mention of them hide or hear story-wise any of the lost world all forces they're encapsulated ready to save but for some reason Eggman isn't using their power or mentioning them or even [ __ ] throwing a sneaky sideways glance at one like me sneaking a glance at a pair of big jugs those are some fantabulous [ __ ] mother truck and jugs right there um thanks here we have laser one of the old wisps coming back I don't know whether it was just my controller but it's really hard to aim accurately with this thing it is never satisfying his oiling colors it's never fluid or fun every time you use the whisper the controls are shown too and every time you wake said a wisps form it shows you another message tone you the power is depleted I mean no [ __ ] colors didn't do this it just paused the screen for a bit to help you get your bearings although I wish there was an option to turn that off I'd love to have a fluid whisper control without all the freezing for example princey just instantly transforming or cue just stomping instantly where you are actually the only sauna game to use whispers in any fluid way is forces see I can say good things about forces so they're out Windy Hill they excuse me no I just get it by running into the side of the spikes throughout every [ __ ] sauna game you can run it through the side of spikes just find what you need to be so special to run most of the levels you can find animal capsules each housing tenures you can jump with them to open them up just like in the classics and you'll actually want to find them this time because they're the requirement for accessing future levels [Music] of animals you've saved the world's ending you know but all the time for this yeah now my is sorry just all of the rules and regulations that I don't see myself this very morning just they just don't allow you to get through here well I mean boys play green I know you've seen it you've seen it all so Windy Hill is essentially Green Hill in the sky with windmills and that's all there is to it really just to mention of Mario Galaxy went from planets to penises there's also some cloud segments we oppress the jump button to launch yourself into the year I just thought I'd mention that it's kind of its own thing there's also a couple of different collectibles in this game for one the Bell which you find in touch multiple times for reward and the bingo numbers but you just called bingo numbers because that's what they were in sonic era so please let me have this one which gives you an extra life as you collect them all in the right order you finish the level of course opening the animal capsule Eggman dropped in the first cutscene makes me want to have a whole they lived on impact those are some Hardy [ __ ] traitors also we're they mean to go down or are they just expected to live on the sphere floating in the sky I for the rest of their lives well I mean they could probably jump off at any time and still be perfectly fine when they hit the ground I mean if they can survive this they can survive that why kind of catch to speak achoo I'm gonna Pokemon go to the punishment room so he comes and knuckles and Amy and it turns out they aren't on the lost Hicks oh they're seemingly back on planet minecraft what the [ __ ] and it looks like to hear story wise because so Amy asked sonic in a shrill grating falsetto of a voice whether he save the animals or not to which when sonic says just the one that he came and dropped which alright she shrieks it's a nice way to tell his egg man's been stealing a bunch of them without flat-out saying him outright there's a reason for her to say that I mean she's worried about the traitors if this was enforces that probably just get egg man to say it oh like Sonic how I hate him I also stole 184 animals who put them in twenty three capsules dispersed throughout the levels yeah crap that's a nice DLC too isn't it it's really just the same bosses with skins over them I mean no real need to go in there and it also I forgot to record any gameplay but and [ __ ] of this videos already 10 times longer than it needs to be so weak man's back in his black hole of a layer it would have have killed them to give it a bit of detail and he's explaining through the deadly six most of whom is shrouded in darkness who could they be definitely not the characters on the [ __ ] bogs how he goes on about making his robot army transformation 101 yep you heard him right they calling the badniks again because nostalgia I guess also is using animals to power them again because nostalgia I guess makes she'll be telling me that we're going back to the 2d gameplay are [ __ ] christ also what's with zavok he speaks calmly and seems it's quite cunning even able to manipulate the other city into doing what he wants them to but nothing in his visual design shows us this he looks more like a red Bowser he's got the [ __ ] shoulder spikes for shit's sake what's with his whip turquoise mana Bryce there's such a weird [ __ ] design every other City looks pretty good I'll admit but zam ops the only one where I always have to do a double-take of those pants is he wearing pants wait why are they all wearing pants so here we are in the second act why am i running so slow why do I have so many questions here's a new introduced asteroid it functions similarly to void where it destroys everything in its path and sucks it in the difference being with this one is that it doesn't find CG tragically junk flying around you to jump in more junk the higher the jump so high seeing is all the Niger wisps were turned back to normal at the end of Sonic Colors it makes a lot of sense to have a new whisper that somewhat takes the place of the old ones or void comes back in forces okay well there does make a liquor since or did they just half-heartedly throw why they're in here in another mobile game or something nope not even that okay what the [ __ ] so there's it's the first boss fight and it's he just throws his star sound and then easy to dodge fashion and he charges you off your head his giant face thing enough times after a couple of heads he's meant to get back up on it and start over with the star thing he's been he just headed again to knock them off you can apparently charge up the homing attack now it's really weird and it sometimes it just decides not to work but whether that be it just won't charge up or it just won't lock on well it's done and I got a radar from Sonic Riders Jesus Christ I hope you like Springs I don't know let me maybe jump over the gaps you know so I feel like I'm playing isn't this Windy Hill anyway like why we underground now alright because Mario does it even sounds like a Mario song stupid a sunless world on the lack of ideas of billions game what is with these spike foals I don't even have a slowdown before they change direction they literally just jank and bank and forth yeah I get it I have a whisper get off my back haha that's some sweet [ __ ] pumping right there that's a pair of PC ladies and gentleman actually hang on let me check something no Manx graphics just something else about Sonic lost world I sort of briefly mentioned it before the game doesn't bother making sure you know how to play it it doesn't bother pausing the game to give you instructions like in cars or forces and it doesn't bother running it along with you like in generations or heroes if you want to learn something about this game you've got to wait until the question mark icon appears of the corner of your screen and then press the corresponding button to bring it up onto the screen or if you're playing on the Wii U tap it on the gamepad and of course the game doesn't tell you what their button is he took smashing all the buttons of my controller to figure out how to bring up the item menu which for some reason Sonic has and it actually takes the place of items within the levels yet no longer will he find shields or invincibility monitors just by looking around well so you just use them from the menu you can get these items by going into the old world map and talking around I was gonna say you oh right now for some reason the square button is not only the irritation boost but also the homing attack I mean it's really weird oh they would just suddenly change the button it doesn't make much sense if you ask me hang on I'm not revealing this game huh you silly guys the cheeky sneak he's going G so as I was saying the fourth monkey tower I would have talked about in balloons tied up in sports a boomerang thrower hey why is this capsule floating above the ground don't mean to do that I've been looking for you ball d'emic nose hair excuse me did you uh he please stab me in the throat with this please just just a little holding nose here oh my god just a decade man he's wide open just [ __ ] a tanky even at its back to you are you serious sonic do something [ __ ] get out we didn't even know this was back here oh uh just make my way across here honk we'll go flying off to the right there go back to the item thing you before here I can show you one in action let's uh how about the power sneakers Wow I'm [ __ ] speechless first of all what was that exactly reach for the stars what connection does this game after sonic colors other than shamelessly reusing the wisps oh no goddamn reason they should be telling me the invisibility item it's the Sonic Heroes thing that is a sonic Harris thing doesn't it so was it just muted sonic not go an inch faster like like seriously I think all that island did was change it so I can no longer walk what was that length team second sorry what sorry what Rob what are you doing gonna be video or a dad Rebney god they be any more invisible Springs you know son it's gonna move special for traversing walls like these you know what actually annoys me about the wisps in lost world some of them just end whatever they think they want to wither the bar still got some juice on it or not normally I'd be down for this you know just hope you flopping around on your butt like a seal out of water but how about instead we just press the whisper begin to stop the transformation that would give us a better more control and meaningly this kind of crap wouldn't happen don't I meet you that you could only use wisps and specific portions of the levels I understand whispers like rockin and spikes and colors not being able to use it in 3d for fear of break-in the game but why can't I use my whisper here it stops the wisps from being a powerup and just turns them into a hinderance not to mention obligatory in some levels you've got to use the whispers to Pacifica why is the word wisp wisp it makes it so annoying to say anything you've got to use the wisps to proceed that's what I'm trying to say here wait what is that hello what an intense chase ladies and gentlemen Oh apparently stops with Sonic stops and back into the action look at the speed means there's despite his ridiculous I mean how am I mean to do anything stuck behind him I just I don't know man they are the deadly sex and they are your worst enemy [Music] God why do they change Sonic's design yet again you can see here they shrink his spines and legs down to make it more classic II and it just makes it look [ __ ] stupid and forces went even further with this buy a trike changing so its color and giving them even shorter spine so what the hell is tails saying here I've built a TV out of paper yeah and reprogrammed a super computer using dishwashing detergent and a toothpick well so can I put on that stiff the animation is here I'm not asking for [ __ ] Disney quality or anything but when sonic says cool he doesn't even keep his eyes on tails his face I'm sure they technique works wonders when he's talking aru's so they excel as desert ruins we get a small cutscene beforehand weird man plays a six solo for the city so it turns out the neat man is controlling the deadly six and that is definitely not a mutual agreement to destroy Sonic oh that really shows just how dumb the city I Eggman literally shows them the conch that controls them right in front of their faces I mean Zephyr could just slap it out of his head no problem they could easily overpower Eggman yet exhibit them to come up with something smarter than like rigging up the conch to a system where a figment if it seems is any danger the conch could be played over speakers or something with the press of a button as it is now server could just punch Eggman to the gut and while he's wheezing unable to breathe his ever could stave them with his ice cream cone shoulders but this cutscene does raise some interesting questions such as why does the conker fix the city this way where did the city come from the lost Hicks are they more City are they more conks [ __ ] well we never find that [ __ ] out do we so desert ruins desert levels of Sonic games we've always been really creative from San dopplers and Sonic 3 with its ruins sandy traps and spooky ghosts sonic heroes with its rail Canyon and bullet station which combined a grand canyon theme with the train station a stick and sock at least with shemar Middle Eastern inspired living what kind of theme old sonic boss will decide to go with how about you there dizzy level number 35 generic dizzy level number 35 anyone goddamnit song yeah we really know you aren't even trying anymore and you figure 8 of course the level itself isn't barren from new ideas of course you got the sand on which you can't run or spin - on except that you came and that's more [ __ ] that's never explained all means but in the game I learned this [ __ ] from a [ __ ] speedrunner Wow Sonic's abs are not long enough to do this this level also introduces a new trick there being the big sand worms you might have seen one of them at ports or some assuming poured over from the lost Hicks thanks to the Phantom plot device and his rise you think mas world was originally called sonic lost Hicks hey tails I've lost my hexagon heritage Sonic oh thanks tails well that's it oh the whims themselves for some reason are actually in front of the 2d section here and they don't change where they are and according to the camera so it's just whether you've got good timing a weird should be at what time rather than actually being able to outrun them oh stop it oh [ __ ] ah someone doesn't look very happy to be in sonic lost world cheer up buddy it could have been forces oh here's another move I forgot to mention sonic now has a running wall jump that performs pretty much the same as the regular wall jump but now it's always in a more enclosed space in Sonic's continuously moving making it much more of a fluid motion it also kind of reminds me a share of the hedgehogs triangle jump actually come to think that this game to wall jump in 3ds the closest call kontin's of going back to the triangle jump one of my favorite moves ever in a Sonic game sonic eras had a faster more fun version compared to shadows but shadow had the whole running thing if we could have a mix between these two that makes game there'll be great things so here we see that there's a red ring that awaits on the other side clearly it's too dangerous for me to just waltz across the spikes here so what do I do well thankfully sonic law school doesn't treat me like a child and allows me to work out things myself Ike remember that there was a separate path below going up which would allow me to get the red ring there easily without having to deal with the spikes as I could grab the greenery up there to swing to my way across you already know what I did don't you [Music] Oh Oh and now we're here and there's nothing here could they have not just animated Sonic coming out of a building or something like even Sonic Heroes did that well time to get back I guess I wonder what tails is doing right now I'm making a rocket ship so here's another new wisp eagle it allows you to fly fast on the hover and - - it sounds great right so what's its purpose you tell me it's pretty bad pull one you can't go anywhere you want with it you sit along the path literally on Rails you can't go hide in the game wants you to know lower have fun trying to fly but you won't because it controls like ass I think the only was even remotely fun of this game is asteroid and even then I only used it a total of twice both times on the same level I'm sorry but the wisps just really suck in this game oh no was it just me who's annoyed by this toy is anyone else notice that the game keeps changing its Springs one moment will be the modern version and the old the other that will classically I know it's not a big thing that really changes anything but I just I get really pissed off with this kind of thing for some reason I mean just pick a [ __ ] spring if you want to try to sell this game to me using this subject yeah that's fine actually so it's fine what's a little bit but this example it's aiders but don't go try to mix random [ __ ] from different games that don't go together in the last few games it seems though they've been trying to pull random old things out of a hat yeah let's put our Greenhill hair and I did chemical plant here listen our classic sonic show up here I've got a chaos or a song of ancient people on the star to that game now right well let's use him now those people are gonna be pissed I'm still talking about sonic forces I mean how can I not how can I not hey man they just are released a patch for us sonic forces uh games good now what what do you mean like they patched it and it's good now is is he like drifting yeah they are they added that in you what a water by Classic Sonic I yeah now I know they took a mountain like nangka plays tails and steam now all the 2d sections are completely gone and Greenhill oh the first levels cool down its place called scorched Hill it's a it's like a like a green hill completely devastated by like there's the heat of the desert so like all the plants again stuff's pretty cool I like to now it annoys me how quickly this game gets lazy played the first stage it was actually really fun you're running fast finding alternate routes bull running finding secrets exploring around look at this this is a straight [ __ ] line what what why is there spring here what's the deal with this cutscene haven't eat me get the footage for one of the previous Cup seasons monitor why does he keep playing into the background at all time so I can take meta pulled some proper [ __ ] lighting in this place so here we have this honeycomb beehive level there's the level based around the Mach speed segments we've seen before in like the first level when the sliver work better in windy hill zone like seriously trade this one it for the underground ones just swap the green sticky stuff with a sandy for make wanted boom done I'll take my $5,000 through PayPal thanks gosh I actually really liked the running animation here it looks like Sonic's actually making an effort unlike in the other Sonic games where he just holds his head completely forward like he's taking a leisurely jog in the park the bump range in a fan game made by the same guy who worked on green hill paradise tacked to the final mixer British and maybe played some weed on the XE parts of American all things is the end up with a shadow featuring da they from The Devil May Cry series uses this animation for Sonic's final speed and it works really well Sonic also uses his brand new ability here called the multi homing attack it's never used again well all their songs talk war then don't be too eager those almost a faceplant I can't believe a war [Music] now here's a cool little trick not really needed in the PC version because getting a hundred rings actually gets you an extra life that's right in the Wii U version getting a hundred rings didn't even eat you will one up if you keep grabbing these lives then dying over and over again here you can essentially keep farming him forever so they exude a we're fighting as you saw in the previous cutscene is that I never learned his name all right it's za mom what do I mean oh right I don't think they ever mention his name Xenia cause on that once apparently in the entire game actually I don't even know what the rest of them are called I know Zee Balkans Aires and now there's ol mom I'm assuming that's Xena that's the master guy but the [ __ ] I'm never finish this game twice I don't why don't I know his name Zhou what is it called Zhaan oh and Zaire Vox fight I thought he's talking about the master guy but he's a hundred and twelve the youngest waiting on me well what's the masters name masters Icahn sick in my ass sick in my ass really the platform he just teleported on well what if I stumbled onto here so zomom is a unique boss fight that being because he's really really easy oh wait this is every boss fight he's unique because the humming you think is broken here oh wait that's just this game he's unique in the scenes that takes place on a giant floating Minecraft him I don't get it either someone smashes down onto it in order to turn it so make sure you get cool great sonic lost world why the [ __ ] is he falling at a rate of 3 kilometers an hour yeah I'm coming so like you better watch out come on I'm stuck just Sonic I'm coming no Sonic so weak man's bacon his bass talking a cubic way what the [ __ ] what they destroyed the world two zones in what week man apparently is only borrowing some of the world's energy for his machines or something that's what we saw and it was a energy extractor I guess but it looks like the city have other plans oh-ho and again it's not like he commits actually holding the conch I mean it's not like he can hide it in the skin tight clothes can you just waltz over and smash him up uh who cares well guys get ready for dessert ruins who the hell made this place so what does a map of the lost Hicks even look like okay so we have our Windy Hill with those dildos in the sky to the underground path and the desert and the desert there's a dried hive in the sky whenever I get there okay so another giant killer pig problem please know what's that's desert in the sky who's been messing with the natural order of the lost hex man how do you ever appreciate my baking this level's actually got some of my favorite music in the game the others being the city boss fight music and the sea bottom sea según Zhuge Sieg say unfortunately the little designs a bit lacking here it's a fully 2d level and it's clearly trying to Bank off sweet mountain success and then the homing attacks still broken as Bowles trying to do a kick here just let me [ __ ] bounce on my ass off and look at that huge blue frosted sprinkled donut who knows a huge blue frosting sprinkled donut lying around like seriously for some reason there's a bunch of cannons from Sonic to soil ocean hand they make no sense to be here other than to pay it out the little time I mean listen if you want to make the label be longer or seem bigger his idea make the label longer or bigger it's just really unfortunate because with all the really neat aesthetics this level has it's just a shame it's so basic and blocky I mean where's the spinning licorice like in the first few seconds aware of the loops we're the wait for Hills what about drilling through ice-cream so many possibilities just wastin item but at least they decided to make it a special level rather than just stretching it out before it shows are there at least putting effort into trying something out of place and just for the fun of it but what's with these weird clouds that move with the camera and the chocolate balls that make boring noises I mean I've never jumped on a top the ball before so I wouldn't know but actually screw that [Music] oh you ever a quiz for me why ever a quiz for you [ __ ] off what word of helpful advice exercise that's a stay life sandwich what you make it out of two-year-old grade listening Oh show you how to make them good sandwich yeah my guinea agreeance with sandwich ingredients awk you see we got we got a very classic sandwich coming up hit sonic lost world style sandwich which I will come up with the nail and then tell you pop thanks for watching my video xD Yammer [ __ ] that's a balk thanks for watching my think I could not fill one with a nice netbook rock star [Music] yeah [Music] urine Zachery the tribes [Music] not bad all right I think we're good oh I would give some of these but I don't know budget [Applause] is on it's all for you Oh [Music] okay welcome back to my kitchen we have a Caribbean Sea it let's get started on the same with Shelly pump pumpkin loaf one candy cane pocket just classic classics going in there starting a chives pretty good mmm that smells good if I call it the city's slammin sandwich oh yeah that's nice and moist moist moist moist you join us next time for another slammin sandwich recipe okay guys later so here we are in desert ruins x4 and oh boy it's an autoscroller how fantastic so here's drill another returning wisp from Sonic Colors and it seems mainly the same here as it didn't tell us until he realized he can use it to leap in and out of the ground whereas the former immediately transforms you back if you so much as sniff the air above this is another wisp which could actually really work well with a hold button down to use wisp idea I mean imagine having the drill utilized in a similar fashion to here but when you press the button after jumping sonic will transform instantly and drill into the ground and then you can speed up when you hit back to the surface leap into the air let go of the wisp button to transport back in a sonic and then I don't know do it going attack or something the choice is yours but on this game and this game you don't get a choice yo I appreciate the tornado but it's got no bottom to it also just randomly speeds up and slows down if it's gonna do that why don't just allow me to play the sage normally with a tornado whoa is slowly catching up so someone has a couple moves one of them smashing his fat ass on the ground which knock something down for so long is enough time to rethink his life choices of course that only takes a couple hits to dispatch him as long as you charge it up or it just doesn't charge up alright you go to make sure you stand a good distance away from his core nail move there is a small part the boss fight where you do some drilling it's pretty easy but make sure you thanks of the new wolves on mom setup we can easily avoid it male spin attack and give him some of his own medicine Oh [ __ ] not I guess I hone your abilities oh you mean this I equip you with the most powerful mechs I can create you mean these he created middle sonic did you not you know the robot you're completely overthrew you and then almost destroyed the world moves powerful Rex are you great I even give you a giant sandwich okay you know give you that one I mean oh I can make his past awake so Sonic decides the best course of action mr. Budig means Claire and either way and even though tails trace the warning of course he doesn't listen what is it a mistake to take your toys away when it's the only thing keeping six Angry zeti from controlling my max weight mix I thought they were calling the badniks now but you can't even be consistent in the same game oddly enough the first time anyone used the word Mik for Eggman's robots wasn't Shadow the Hedgehog I remember tails saying it I think or something like that to make its way to lost world I mean correct me if I'm wrong if I remember correctly in Sonic Heroes they just called them robots so the city take control of Big Ben's bad Nicks and they instantly start to gun them down why can the city control the advanced mix I don't know but I do love how that also like oh yeah I'm gonna control these backpacks so hard and zas is all covered up by his hand and some ups [ __ ] [ __ ] whoa his voice chips along again because that was the best part of Sonic Colors hahahahaha so how the hell does it even controlling the bad Knicks in the first place with them the hands and what the [ __ ] is this ride exactly that's something sonic really should have done a long time ago at Tech Eggman directly they even gang up on him like double team in ammo I haven't the city try that with Sonic again like it's not a gig man it's a bigger 3's a fat old man you're kidding me out of every game in every fight this is the one with Sonic's ace tails don't stick around you're gonna die listen if this with colors this final boss and it's just as [ __ ] stupid there as it is now like when the tails forget out of the fight to defend himself and win it so like don't even look at the tails okay yeah well that one's kind of over do you think here we go tropical coast what am I looking at here oh now I get it solid water it makes a noise when you slide down it you know this level doesn't look too bad the music's got a pretty good tune as well a pity about the generic instruments Sonic a is the voice had unique music for the beaches I mean listen to seaside hill and neo green hill zone emerald coast and wave ocean [Music] in that tropical coast seems of an overly generic right like something Mario would have our Beach level it's so good a [ __ ] great Juna part of it though I would if it was better cover of it they have not caught the homing attack here is worsen and forces least I know how it works in that game so the crabs here require a kicking a homing take to destroy meaning you're better off just ignoring him because [ __ ] that [ __ ] y'all that's disorienting sonic lost world more like sonic lost my lunch did I mention that lost world does the see-through camera thing when you go behind something well it does which is nice because there's no camera control in this game Sonic Colors I understand what were there being able to be playing on the Wiimote north but Sonic Generations lost will and forces just have no excuse I oh oh oh oh I see white Sun forces okay let's just try to drill wisp here I guess so you get seem to the other side of the stage where you're underwater which is by far the easiest way to do drill in 3d ping games have tried this but honestly it's a waste of time unless you want to do some sort of radar between for sonic or fuse underground caverns of Secrets I mean okay actually that's a great idea drill could actually work really well in 3d so team make it happen if you can that is you know only switch between two Heights which kind of sucks vegan Jesus Christ with drill always this [ __ ] slippery and wasn't always just Sonic's hit with the drill just slept on his face ah crap I'm missing all the Rings I got a switch I spend a good while trying to figure out if this flower function the same as I did in Kirby and the rainbow paintbrush I don't know why I expected its function the same I just did for some reason forget why don't the hell the bingo numbers go from 1 to 5 instead of the other way around well they do it again I guess [Music] do I do it there we go oh so nice popping - getting it ha ha hit the jackpot here ladies and gentlemen let us collect the reward click click click the reward let me just I got there we go boy boy go sonic lost world and it's controls hang on hang on go back what the [ __ ] is this what is this fascination with the Stelzer and Sonic Team badniks Green Hill classic Sonic Tooting modern sonic into classic Sonic and now they've got so far they've given up animating appalling animations to like make sonic run in the air like in the Genesis titles stop it get some help the systolic addiction is going on - you're managed release an egg solid game she could have oh this looks promising Sonic supremacy yes I know it looks pretty good that son of a [ __ ] excuse me what the [ __ ] is going over this pop up you know these flowers are mine meal scaler B didn't see that [ __ ] coming that's a good thing all these extra lives are here I really need him right now i'ma land on this capsule no I'm not all right oh I knew you'd where is a Shakespearean reference I'm sure your target audience is chuckling at the funny comparison who is your target audience thanks to Sonic everything's gone is that flour moving a to FPS over there does any have an innate ability to manipulate magnetic fields they can recollect Ronix including my necks do interesting things so how valid is it even controlling the bad Nicks in the first place with them the Haynes and what the [ __ ] is this writing thought up I control those powers with the [ __ ] and the sonic punted it away with this typical student [Music] this level is a pretty cool theme I guess or revolves around giant fruit bar even to the first other for some reason some of them are real and some of them are mechanical don't know why that is exactly maybe song came as some sort of agenda again storages oh god I hate how close that was to being on time with the music I really don't like how all the springs don't let you move once you've reached the peak of the jump it just makes the game seem all that more automated excuse me what the [ __ ] bean cannot defeat please [Music] difficult the game up the generations would have me doing this of all things okay apparently you can speed up in the juice with the Run button make sense okay I like the blowing birds no bad Knicks idea just fine generations that are great although lost world really [ __ ] up the designs but this one really doesn't work in 3d at least if it puts me off the edge or something son it can now use parkour moves run up and along walls fault over obstacles and grab onto ledges effective command of these moves allows you to find new routes through the levels keeping the high speed action flowing so the rocket whispers back although this time only usable in 3d you name it wherever you like in the precip areas of course and blast off to another well it's a there's some detailed grass do you kinda just spin around with us huh I don't know a sonic looks like right now [Music] the blue one better ways to make you suffer zabbix Mathis [ __ ] weird is the reboot not his lower jaw I have sort of is more but this but the way he is now what does even look like with that the red oh Jesus but Wells eyebrows to just roll off [ __ ] they pulling out the mega weapon of death and destruction in the third world I'm gonna give these guys is just smarter than we took them for they get right to the point I suppose we'll just ignore the pasty levels and just pretend that we're trying to figure out how it worked during those how do I do I do the how do I make the big metal thing go I think you press the big red button that's the power of unmanned no I already pressed it oh that's gross how did we even get onto here I just want the controls for the big metal swirly death thingy outside ah I think I found it there says it'll be ready in five minutes you said it would be ready in five minutes pedes delivery oh wow wow those levels really pre-op but a pop on there oh man this little is great it's like Planet Whisperer without all that stupid-ass mechanical [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] so available itself has some great music ending almost great theme the main point of it that being the grinding is it just me or some grinding in the recent song games become really really boring it's not a venture - you could lean you know crash for speed and had to make sure you didn't fall off it was a risk/reward kind of thing sort of and heroes the falling off thing was taken away unless you count the whack-ass rail switching but instead now you could actually accelerate as well as switch rails and shut up the hedgehog they made the rail switching more reliable as well as making the acceleration will build up a bolt lift that makes sense but it was pretty similar to hero's version then oh six came along into some reason they stopped us from being able to slow sonic down on a rail I mean he just kind of goes and that - that I mean you can still turn around to accelerate but it does nothing really generations slash Unleashed kept the rail switching mechanic from shell the hedgehog but instead of accelerating here you just boost instead I mean I know in generations you can turn around on the rail but again it does nothing and now we have lost world you can jump in rail grind well I'm assuming forces heads up well you can crash another I mean that's something you have to manually switch between rails by just jumping which is a heck of a lot more engaging than just flipping the stick left and right or they're supposed by hitting either of the shoulder buttons wait what what they're also some new rails read in green and red slows you down and green speeds you up honestly it's kind of boring just watching Sonic grind burn any input whatsoever Oh Oh sonic lost world more like sonic lost his animations don't sound so concerned there sonic did Amy just say all the animals are cold and did [Music] I you know they did hypothermia works fast man I should prepare for you a lesson in respect oh yo man we'll take you at least making your ass [ __ ] kick god damn I mean tell me what is playable and why am i pushing it or is it afraid of me if I'm pushing it why aren't I pushing it and here we see the majestic flying hedgehog in its natural environment I just wanna I just want to smack the monkey can I please oh oh my maneuver Spinoza can kill any enemy in this game I don't have to run either I mean it is running as good as jumping in this game why is this remind me of Sonic o6 I ain't running you can't make me God okay apparently that's the thing seems like they just really dislike explaining things I think I'm back another [ __ ] monkeys again I'm ass Makarova this time and here we have a detailed in-depth look at sonic lost world's homing attack system so here's sonic now we can see that the target is a lock dog for the old man here just like it has in the other boss spikes so we just gotta wait for it to charge up you know what like it doesn't even boss fight it doesn't so we say alright let's just go ahead and just hit him Oh ha looks like the up homie attackers charged up in the air here leaving us plenty of time to press the jump button again to attack him and there's the double jump Sonic lost calls ladies and gentlemen and now the games all like hey want a tug of the old man again so we have another cup seen here with Eggman explaining that the city of control over his new machine what was it designed for doctor sorry what what tails first of all did you just call him doctor like that's really weird when this even done that except when he stays this whole name it was what their delivery have you trying to make the same dramatic here again how the hell did he make it this footage exactly why did we get footage of earth exactly where knuckles and Amy happen to be what does the whole earth just look like that now I'll supply the brains you will supply the Brawn I need to get past the Zeki oh I know it wasn't it really wasn't also we don't know that meekness from before bill just now yeah well teaming up with you feels like the end of the world Eggman you've teamed up with him before I wait and this is a reference to heroes we middle something is gonna destroy the world no no it can't be the right is probably didn't know the game even [ __ ] existed [Music] Oh oh my [Music] this music the sleeveless it's holy grandpa controls like ass houses this music and make any little fun hey are we almost any game Sonic stop skating when he's on the ice which instantly reminds me of shadow speaking of what the hell is he doing all of this is going on how did you even order that - we do we have a credit card other you can still turn really easily making the ice physics feel really wonky he also does a pirouette spin if you jump out skating which is cool well being a bit hard to control I did failed to mention this before but if you hold down the Run button while standing still sonic will start running in place which is a really nice touch although confuse the [ __ ] out of donkey singers you didn't know how to spin - was a thing these clampets are really [ __ ] boring I mean generation said the little cloud fits but they didn't make whole [ __ ] sections out of them oh great now I gotta jumble these [ __ ] captures a little hot [ __ ] blind also there's ice physics Hank this music is really good is anyone got a cover of this one at least oh no they have oh holy [ __ ] dude this is like like if it was in Sonic Adventure 2 or something Wow Wow nice job nice job you deserve most something me that's for [ __ ] sure what is that [ __ ] expression though well overcompensate much Wow then suddenly tails freaks out of 10 it's not - throwing insults around as a trans egg xual myself I do take offense to that then because the writers needed some sort of inner conflict tails er then we have another cutscene with zavok in the stereotypical self-absorbed teenage girl actually come to think of it the other characters are pretty stereotypical - now Amy's a common girly girl now even though she used to be badass and creams now a common little girl even though she used to be badass and the 6e woman who used to not sound like she was permanently stuck on the seduce sinning hey at least we have these three right and now most noble why my snowball oh my god this is a [ __ ] nightmare so as snowball sonic you can jump spin - and roll yeah I don't get it either it has no story reason no gameplay reason and it's not really very fun at this point I think they just do this just to keep the game varied for the sake of keeping it varied is that all you have to say sonic if it was me I'd be saying really cool but I can't breathe it's cute the weight keeps on trying to get past all the debts me hang on a moment oh wait huh oh yeah right yeah all right I do like how the Rings stick to the snowball actually I mean that's a fun idea probably what team did them to do it in the first place what we need to do here do I take them back man oh man you guys sure do know how woman thinks great riding guys is great riding also great level design Wow a boss fight as the snowball that's a fun and inventive so essentially you just have to hit the snow mean without the bombs when they hit something made much harder to do with the angle the camera gives you the edges here god damn banjo I didn't realize there was a painter but before also she has not moved to the direction her legs are who wrote this [ __ ] who animated the [ __ ] that was cool pun entirely intended you know and watching the [ __ ] we did frozen factory go so this level is pretty unique in the fact that it's completely flat Wow Wow so in this level you can lick these little silver coin thingies damn it can you just leave me home please start here we go so in this little top but you get a puzzle them four points well that's useless hey now we're playing pinball because you know sonic two did it although in Sonic 2 it was naturally a part of Sonic's moves it here I'm just playing pinball in the middle of a sonic level this level has some funky music and a cool theme but in all honesty it's pretty boring the level is essentially just a straight line with some enemies sprinkled in here and there what why did this see me do a new place I clearly wasn't going anyway he even started fully Mick down there no come on what is this problem just like that I've won the system folks know I'm gonna get so got to stop sometime here I go OOP a little machine I guess wait what I died dammit dammit yep the point of an optional minigame is that it's supposed to be optional and big old my rings thanks Sonic lost my respect yeah finally and then got my rings again thanks very much appreciate it i'ma grab these points here just what's the plan cuz it go back in there I get the owl oh [ __ ] dammit all that how why is it that the only thing this game does well as good was you know they say that something's off about Sonic skating animation only cruddy you seen these slides even sonic lost world has drifting whoa what the socket or medium jump on the Klan's do I not know still the last time we met you ruined my meal art now I have to reapply a whole new coat oh my gosh are you serious I'm so so sorry for not what I meant to say is I'm so sorry that you have nothing more important to do in life hey what was she gonna save slowly Kevin but it in that she wouldn't fight him man I just love waiting for enemies to stop attacking so I can continue with the game [Music] oh boy 2d sections you're gonna love them me I just love to hate them but whatever ah here we go hold on a [ __ ] signal I just I found the dead button guys you know what this little is actually quite pretty but doing it a lot ain't [ __ ] you Sonic lost world the last seven - pan threw me off the edge was in Sonic oh six ring ring up no way whoa hassles flower grown a nice that deserves a dam and a half why the heck away in Metropolis now I mean people get Windy Hill a bit of [ __ ] about being green hill with windmills at one of those big William me but what about frozen factory just being metropolis from Sonic to go wait a minute this isn't metropolis from Sonic 2 this is just mad gear zone from Sonic 4 I'm not singing sonic 4 music what them that doesn't sound right okay i'ma spin - over to that wall so I can run up at a bit then leap off into the animal capsules there fossil in Xena's wife she's got these big airs lasers come out of her hands which are pretty cool I guess didn't really expect much when the last fight just consisted of her running away but hey I'll take it come on homie you take homing attack I thought I could smash this but it's not also by the way two hits and she's dead shut the [ __ ] up tails so tails decides to put cubox hit on a crab meets body which results in q-ball getting real aggressive tails I can't figure you out one second you're contemplating genocide and the next you're saving one of your worst enemies what's with Sonic's delivery on these lines they'll feel really whiny yes I've seen it a million times been in boom sonic sounds great you could have gotten yourself killed I was just trying to help what you're just gonna leave it there so I'm so gonna say something like oh I see I appreciate it tails but you're worth much more than cubits body huh huh actually probably business stuff there know me the writer Sonic probably would have just said shut up so the city decide what the [ __ ] is going on with this computer console footage here again why do they just use a previous cutscene for this there's no way they could ever get these [ __ ] shots tongue something Sonic wait hang on they just reuse the same shot there do they just have the scene on loop anyway so they want to make some like a robot the same thing man's been trying to do for I don't know how long in the comics Oh silent forest this will be a nice quiet relaxing level so solid forest actually looks pretty cool let me know we near as good as the cone same table with hick at least it isn't using the same background are we just not gonna talk about that thing oh wow looky here a running animation into my eye for the egg pawns it's almost like this game said if it put into it you know I'm finding myself jumping over - panels - Springs awfully often in this game I really wish they just didn't exist at this point especially with the whole automation thing about them must have missed this one tails acted for the greater good let's make sure his sacrifice isn't for nothing I'm supposed to be the fastest but I was too slow to save my buddy what us of so first off how else they kept you me to capture Sonic it opens from the sides had a sonic open the capsules that's right the side sauce glasses the [ __ ] top also sacrifice where's the series this coming from we're in a [ __ ] cartoon ass jungle and why Sonic's voice know so [ __ ] annoying say Hank no no love house sonic just let the soil just walk away like these your chance of getting your friend back - or just later waltz off if they wanted the story to have a most serious tone it wouldn't mean great to see Sonic in a hostage situation give me my [ __ ] friend maybe all the enemies and death traps will finish sonic you maybe they want does it really matter in the cosmic Wow someone's being a negative Nancy I think you need a little bit of determination did someone say to toe black op Yuri screw Yuri harmonica in a different way watch this mate skill bounce three times to get to the upper platform oh you know here's something I didn't think of before but I'm shoving it here now because [ __ ] I'm not reading through my script to find the appropriate place I mean come on are you gonna sit through and read all this [ __ ] the parkour system in this game was handled really badly the only part of it I think that worked well was the wall running and even then it was a bit janky sometimes with you know how you started it up I really think sonic games need a more fluid control scheme but take a hat in time for instance you almost never have to stop moving in that game because heck could control so well even when the game lays out a solid path you just reverse more often than not you can work around to thanks to your expensive movement options now lost world doesn't completely lack options when it comes to movement it's miles better than forces options and that being with you want to boost on art but I really hope for future games they take the fluid expansive approach to Sonics move said and as I said before the wall running feels good so that's white six out of my mind but also that it's the only parkour option where you don't have to stop and start over and over again pretty much all of Sonic's moves in this game require to either stop will slow down the think ball like a hat in time Islamic teams think more Sly Cooper on crash bandicoot I don't know the game that somehow does rolling better than you and on that note what they'll [ __ ] why's this wisp so big it's just as big as Sonic meaning is three feet tall [Music] I don't get it no not this guy at least this time I can take him out with a homing attack Oh caught he doesn't die like flaming anymore what's with these rings they just pop into existence new super mario has they too but at least they move in from the side or something this is just [ __ ] lazy looks like I can get across it without using the stupid answer wisp oh not O+ what I really don't like he can't double jump out of a bounce especially since the bounce stops your forward momentum almost completely okay I'm flying you so use this thing [Music] I still don't get it okay so in this fight you have to hide from the spotlight so you don't get seen by the big robot ow sorry the bad Nick owl no crap okay peez got me oh no he matters not a shooting star god rhythm just isn't any amount of fun in the wii u version you will meet to tap on the screen with a note swear and sonic would move over to them sounds interactive I guess but now that there's no touchscreen here for the PC version guess what you do you press the jump button over and over again it autotargets the next note and you move to it that that's it you just the jump on over and over and over and over then I mean you have no other control other than prison jump uh here we go so we'll just sit here and wait for the meter to run out that's the proper way to play what does this out looking at every time it raises its hid squirrel okay the thing with this level is that you can skip a couple of the hiding places if you fast enough and what we're gonna do is try to get to the next one before Oh so in this is all boss fight yet they kick back the projectiles he seems around the arena to knock them off as well once he's down you can hoping attack them even though for some reason it doesn't want to charge up listen if you're gonna be making a new mechanics on a team you've really gotta let us know how the hell it works first repeat a couple times and that's that what the [ __ ] happened hits and pin it all over again looks like Zappa figured out how to work the computer so this idiot finally opening the capsule containing what they think is Sonic but instead do they get [Music] [Music] why did that sound like something out of a preschool show right down to the longest pause and the drawn-out words whatever here we are in the next level [ __ ] really honestly I have no idea where the slivers in the forest ages when it's got so much ice however I do appreciate how the music changes when a giant boulders start rolling at you [Music] if I see that before I apologize the videos getting pretty long Jesus the the hole in a tunnel gravity shmoop us just doesn't work properly look at Sonicare he's jumping as if it was just flat ground and he just clips on to the side here ah damn I just hate that you kind of influenced your MIDI air direction with a pirouette jump it's like Castlevania up in this [ __ ] gee doesn't this look familiar okay so here's a great part of the label I'm sure you'd agree so I run down this hole here I jump over the octopus's which have eyelashes for some reason I don't know you tell me jump onto this water climb it and yeah no yeah I made a loss at this point I mean I stumble around for a bit until it hits me that's it this game is [ __ ] of course the thing I couldn't see was the solution all along this is all about removing harassment from gaming what see that one had a spring so now our two zone four shouldn't be act [ __ ] image Mara to zone four I'm so bad okay firstly he's not really on your fast there and secondly so I'm choosing a different running animation there one where he's not doing that stupid s4 great stuff for no reason makes me sick honestly me to nowadays why is sonic so slow and too needy I'm getting sick of Mario's [ __ ] faster the only house are the kicker homie you take work on it what's so special about these enemies okay so I get that I can't kick these big guys okay I get that I get them gotta kick the bomb back that's that's what you got to do alright whatever but when I bounced instead of picking for some reason Sonic thought it'd be a great idea to move lifts you know with their death Pitters this gravity is whacked man I guess I still thought my gravity was at the platform back there but because I couldn't jump out of a bounce so I can do nothing but wait for Sonic to fall to his death stupid ass some of us will just start all over and here we have more drills segments circles in the sky folks because that slipper design runs us radical slowed I never unpause the game for fear of death the chthonic what bloke review what never finish I always do the shades you know by now gee this background trick just doesn't get old just wonderful how they couldn't program the door without some sort of automation so sonic just X to a sudden halt for a second so in the dark section of this level sonic can't homing attack you've got to hang on to these leavers like an oil ocean of sand office in order to light up the place again but I don't really care about doing that I just want to finish this as fast as possible whoa whoa whoa whoa that was a close one there wait we have a hint here what does that say uh okay why is sonic shoot rails so completely visible in the dark it doesn't even know how lightning works I'm sorry they just turn into nitpicking I suppose I mean I know the issues that I'm bringing up aren't that big of a deal so I'll try to leave the small stuff for now on and focus on on the big gameplay impacting issues I just want to show you all this is all boss fight are you idiots it's pretty insane [Music] [Music] only the reaper win and that was the whole bus fight I don't even know what he was doing just hit budding the grandpa what so here we are in sky Road oh sorry I mean reuse assets from Windy Hill and call it a new label Road this is essentially just Windy Hill hard version with clouds and sit at the ground they didn't even try making it different it's just like how they didn't even try changing Windy Hill out from Green Hill gosh wall running really just needs to come back I mean look how cool this looks and it's actually fun night I could have just blow through this with the Eagle West but we'd rather do this you're this wisp so that's something come on give me your honest opinion here geez I do love have a spike balls just start rolling whenever I get close to them and we look not moving moving boy do I love nitpicking oh my god minie balls stay tuned based on the really slow plant up in mechanic cool did you just know you do not know how much material you've just given me does cutting really serves no purpose it exists for some comedic relief I guess it's got the upbeat funny music and all but the stuff they're saying is kind of grim like as in if tails is did like what's going on with these cutscenes it's like if I started a video review like this hello everyone and welcome to my video review on shot tale for the ps2 yeah throughout my journey with this game it became much harder for me to keep thinking positively and that's why I'm leaving YouTube forever well here we go this is a lot better than more ominous music the acting's better but we still in happy funtime Green ass hill and now we're here and we're reusing acids from silent forest now alright I'm a speedrunning chat oh god I don't think me to be here who designed this it looks like someone's first Rome Hank so here comes Anna the big baddie and the strongest of the city unless you're counting zomom stomach of course so you hit the end of the snakes tails you can run over it to get desire himself so yep or not I mean what it even continues the same paint in here it's the same places where you can run on it why don't I get spiky or something so it no one have to jump there so we can shift our homing attack down the snake to get deserve it all the reticle just won't appear alright however I did figure out that if you kick the snake instead of helping you take you won't waste time bounced all over the [ __ ] place I'll come on so if you get there in time you can hit Zarek who's just floating there yeah no yep apparently can fly okay maybe what were you thinking then something like 4:30 please jokes like half an hour ago I'm running on nothing it sounds like you need someone just voice I'm looking directly at the camera sounds like you need someone to spice things up no so we get to the mix cutscene and so we get to the mix cutscene and well they didn't really learn from the mistakes from the last time that's for sure look at this scene look at the scenery look at with Sonic standing where did he come from it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] cliff face listen to the music yes let's definitely they gonna turn tails into a robot music that's yes Sonic that is you you think that we the audience should know that by now you could have said something like we've gotta hurry or you know point out that if Eggman wasn't so slow so I probably would have saved tails by now by the way what happened to the tornado is that just gathering rust somewhere but instead we get why do Sonic characters react to life-threatening news with this importance and again this cutscene actually serves no purpose in the grand scheme of things I mean we know that tails is gonna be turned into a robot and we can assume the Sonic will tell Eggman and even the Enigma it doesn't actually interact with tails later on because all his robotic stuff just kind of vanishes and then it cuts even though he clearly I paused the city by himself actually sorry I'm getting a bit here myself here anyway Eggman doesn't even speak in this cutscene anyway so it's just a joke from Cuba and Oliver actually where the heck is Eve man in this see he's not actually here they shouldn't even bother programming human what the [ __ ] and you know how I said that Sonic came from nowhere because you know there's no ground behind him turns it up there's no ground behind anybody in this cutscene so you're telling me they're just standing in the sky somewhere on a floating disc of Earth let's hope the next level makes a bit more sense I'll call the 2d section oh cool flappy bird oh cool mate Walter what it's gone now here's a fun zinger I spend a few minutes dodging this pufferfish his robot thing he's missiles waiting for a weak point to show up or something but haha of course not turns out you have to spin into the regular ass missiles into flick them back at him reminds me of another time you could jump in the missiles to flick them back at enemies oh wait yeah that never happened Oh for [ __ ] sake I'm done here guess I'm doing the first [ __ ] level again here we go shortcut do you think he noticed us never go more i lazy to get them for the next level already what are you doing I'm gonna talk I thought I'd go why me in this way what purpose does it serve listen there's a difference between variety to break up the gameplay and variety to slow it down to a crawl to the giant machine thing he's sucking up the earth Sadducees is continuing to well suck up the Earth's juices and it looks like things are becoming bleak for our heroes on earth the earth with [ __ ] Minecraft trees what the [ __ ] is the serious ass cutscene doing in the game where all the other copies are composed of this why does this game insist on trying to include these serious ass cutscene and admittedly in between all the silly webs I mean remember that cutscene I skip with some excites that was cool pun entirely intended that's also the cutscene where Eggman had a violent meltdown and said he wanted to strangle of ziti yeah does that not just feel completely out of place for anyone else so the final sky road level is ripped off from the desert world where am I oh so this is another one of those 2d levels for the most part with ghosts ghosts with ghosts floating around in front of the stage so technically it should look like this who are these ghosts of anyway are they all the Sonics that have died throughout the game hey look it's the Sony they died from cruddy level design remember this [ __ ] wait what I can die from going back down to with this more ground yeah you know whatever I should expect this [ __ ] by now oh no I do wait wouldn't wet so that part of the ground gets to keep its ground status no I can make it may I sure love how I still don't know exactly how fast I can jump maybe this just because of the constant change of speed depending on what direction he's moving in just reminding you of that so it switches to an on-rails 3d sliding segment after a while and it's okay I mean all you can do is move left and right and shimmy along some holes here and there but for a mechanic that's never once seen during the entire game in the never again afterwards it just feels really odd to have it here of all places using that I've implemented it in the desert levels somewhere to get you at least somewhat familiar with a burst usually the final levels are made for you to show off all the skills you've learned throughout the journey but with this game you're still learning stuff by the time final boss rolls around I really wish that stop we're playing the same voice clip over and over every time I died to just [Music] this this yeah this bit was hard alright you know I would actually say this level is the hardest in the entire game it not to me channel likes to [ __ ] with you just because I can also rhythm is here just wanted to meet in that so here's FX proper boss fight which is gated off of these annoying yes fire bad guys just a minute sonic team you want over fire bars from Mario also excuse me so it turns out that Z box the only one with his own theme in his boss fight the other city share them and with their first and second boss fight respectively but Xebec starts off with the second music in his first fight and is something unique for a second one and for the only unique boss music so far it isn't very unique there have been other times the sonic franchise has done really serious sounding orchestral pieces and each have had their own flair his middle madness from Sonic Heroes [Music] and of course dot gaya from unleashed [Music] we'll just skip that one this one however sounds very generic for some reason even after just listening to it I can't remember it at all tell you what psychic forces as repetitive as its music is actually did Z Vox theme a lot better in my opinion Wow not only am I still talking about sonic forces a whole year later I'm actually [ __ ] complimenting it what the heck this music really doesn't go well with the janky-ass animations though I mean seriously I'm not saying they have to be Disney quality again but at least try not to make them look stupid so here's with a problem in this fight lies ok so I'm in the final stretch here the rest of the fight I mean it's piece of cake you dodged a punch way for the lasers it's fine whatever but here at this part you have to kick ZBOX arm away so he can't guard I mean easy enough to understand he's off balance now so we charged him a homing attack and bottom cool now he's really off balance now we just sit up another charge homie attacking sorry what Oh watch out guys he's chasing me there we go he's making the edge got him wobbling I'll try again I guess maybe gonna kick him apparently not here we go here we go here we know what what do I do what am I doing wrong I'm trying to lead a charge up to 300 why I see I see okay let it try to five times ride rides telling me of course the mechanic which was never introduced explained or using any other sauna game which function is different with every enemy in the cart Dave gave me four bosses we can always assume it touches two three and this the most powerful the text nothing gets trained to have to use it that way oh of course luck yeah well god [ __ ] survived have you ever seen such a scatterbrain game in all your life in all my days I've never been so pissed off in a sauna game it was the second time of beating this fight I played this before and it still [ __ ] me up even sonic forces even sonic bosses doesn't have anything this cheap I mean then it sort of causes is the easiest Sonic game to date but seriously why would they do this just to anger us well it worked NYX warriors what's the stupid-ass question mark what is it okay so it's baby's first rom hack number two and that's all I can stomach so then it's where does the larva world it's almost as if the levels in this game are following you see Patton or something does that book still have that computer I see tails I gotta send an email on this thing I don't know how so the zinnia finally making tails a robot when we return [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's probably a mistake just to just leave him alone I mean and yuppies controlling the computer with one of his tales like how is he controlling the hairs on his tail and what if servo came back or something OOP forgot my keys so in another place in the current time sonic man walking to the base when suddenly no I mean that suddenly the lip-syncing gets very bad very quickly not exactly levels are bad but you know now apparently the city have been powered up by the big old suck machine but says you could hurl a giant middle sphere into the sky and zomom can [ __ ] drill through solid earth these rocks really are they're big of a deal now does anyone else remember that one cutscene of Sonic right of zero gravity with the characters and props keep moving around between cuts so sonic drop these three peoples off this bridge here and as you can see they're pretty closely getting to the other side so there's and zomom up here at the side they just came from although how they got there without being hurt I don't know I can't imagine zomom is very like footing and zzzz I'd probably be screaming the whole time anyway they destroy the bridge and it breaks here they fall of course and Eggman grabs on to what's left of the bridge on their side and [Music] that's all I'm saying about that anyway so eight minutes not swinging sonica we can get back up in time and well I'm sorry to whoever was on a crunch to try and animate this to Jesus Christ what is this angle no I just saw like look so goofy here so weak man throw sonic up and falls to his death so do you realize what this means three separate characters f ed they did fake that because we already know that Amy isn't gonna die we already know that Eggman isn't gonna die unless they pull a comic situation and throw a wrench into Sonic Hanan and Tails really his sacrifice so that easily six finally realized that the best option is to attack sonic all at once or at least in groups of three it seems although just a tech sonic one at a time again okay at least they said so at least there'll be a challenge no Christ it's all moment somehow easier than before don't know where they will just segregate it to this tiny little planet what the [ __ ] [ __ ] it really this camera sucked ass okay well [ __ ] it move this time we'll something bigs coming oh why the hell are they all using the same shadow size rule these guys unless this guy's a big man who did the model sizing in this game why would they rehired I mean look a middle here he's huge haha I'd always mean to be last year I know the way scales no easy had them and it was zone one of lava mountain we have just just the boss rush but hey at least Act two is a full level bow made of unique shapes and level design no two levels are the same no two levels are the same the visual design hasn't even been changed it's just got purple order instead of blue it's even about the exact same music it just feels really lazy especially for a liberal could love a man and it's a little bit difficult but it is for the most part define it a bit cheap sometimes but whatever but don't just just don't know why it's here well I mean I do it's because it's much easier to rehash a liberal rather than make a new one but why not another underground level or something Amy oh wait yeah knuckles is also apparently did four characters they tried to fake us out with it's a sonic game even when they intend for a character to die they don't really die trying to fake out someone's death in this game it'd be like making the theme of a Sonic game of modern style war with like strategies and torture and destroying cities full of people so something meets up with the rest of the city who have a crazy surprise for us turns out tails it's be turned into a robot oh man he's definitely a robot it's not like he was completely in control of this whole operation of course tails isn't actually a robot he just [ __ ] himself out and some machinery but wouldn't it have made a bit more sense if we didn't know whether or not tails as hacking succeeded like if he was like oh god this is what made me think I could reprogram an incredibly complicated program with a sandwich but using my tale to tell speeds up to three powered-up sideo by himself sonic sees how strong he's become and the two heroes set off together to finally defeat the city just kidding of course what do you think this is a [ __ ] partnership sonic tails tails to sit as a stand and runs off by himself so then X level starts off where I expected the first zone to start off and of course we got a tick for secrets or not but here's where we're introduced to another wisp cover on the second last level anyway puff is kind of well and they'll just let you keep flapping around until it runs out anyway the next section as level is in a building anyone else pitch that anyone looks like they didn't even bother programming the transfer between sections correctly because if we take a look here yeah not to mention we keep running on nothing and then sonic starts ball running and here we have another baby's first ROM heck level segment I mean look at any other Sonic game and you'll see quality made levels these are just [ __ ] platforms but 3d literally just platforms so here Xena again and this time she's relegated to the stomping platform mini-boss she also goes down in two hits again boy and let's don't forget how the game punishes you for successfully attacking the enemy with damage you know that I mean that's great you know it's sonic heroes your homie attack bounce doesn't go very high however if you keep the button held down you can actually move surprisingly high this game will just make the height for you which will normally be way too high however what that could have been a really cool attitude for Xena here you know poke fun at girls stereotypes after all she's a powerful City she can shoot energy beam from my hands how is it that I'm still fighting problems with this game listen if I jump I don't want sonic to have to stop running all over again this isn't Kingdom Hearts all success is to actually you know what it doesn't do that every other Sonic game Hank did this one do it too god damn it how was something hanging out on that conveyor belt here's hover again slipping through platforms and move it up way too fast now how the hell was that mean to see that coming physical you put me near the top of the screen then you set me up was at the rate of a million miles an hour this is you know I don't even get I died I just don't care I'm done with these [ __ ] words you can see why I was so distressed about them coming back in forces although turns out that they were the least of that game's problems so here's or again and eat well he doesn't really last very long so here's a fun alternate path but you get to choose whether you want to go this route running on walls making sure you jump at the right time seeing if you want to nab the read bring as you go dodging the giant missiles or whether you want to use the wisp and just skip the entire section by watching what is essentially a cutscene forget using what you learned you know just watch the game do it for you you are a waste of my time sonic and I despise waste yep yep that's right see here that that is true so here's the waste despiser himself back again and even when he turns gigantic uhmm he's still extremely easy to beat and boom there we go what a [ __ ] final boss oh wait oh wait there's another final boss and boom there we go what a [ __ ] final boss ok no so so Sonic and Tails make it to the second machine even though Sonic tell tales to work there and also where a tails as upgrades he literally took on just three zany by himself and got rid of them they figure out that the machines already been turned off and it turns out that Eggman isn't actually dead Wow how about that and of course he's got another boss fight for us because of course he does there's got a customary at this point they've done the same thing three times now show us the brand new villain hype up the brand new villain whoop segments the final boss man you know there have been quite a few sonic games where the opposites happened and these stories are generally regarded is pretty good or at the very least quite suitable for a Sonic game and the final flight is always a hell of a lot more climactic anyway the final boss yeah it's a well it's got them right I mean you can do I'm telling you you got that some sort of unique it's a it's a unique one I just want to say that the music's good and I can see that I wrote that in my notes here but I honestly can't remember it at all it's just forgettable I guess even if it does sound good so sonic beat seek mane and tail stats heck in the machine telling sonic and that's the moral of the story folks world's ending don't take the necessary precautions to ensure everything will turn out ok just trust them this one plan which may or may not work what if so mom didn't like sandwiches tails what if there was no same which picked a heck the computer with what then what if the city had just killed you instead what then I just his machine to return our world stolen energy tales machines don't work like that you can't reprogram a whisk to unwish something or for a kiddle to embroil things if the machine doesn't have the parts it can't do [ __ ] other than what it's designed to do eight men built the [ __ ] thing if he knew the machine at the capability to do that then he would have done it himself he clearly doesn't want the earth to be destroyed borrowed the exhaust hose did sonic just kill Eggman holy [ __ ] they really did kill of someone this time so tails gives back the world its energy which i think is just the same cut scene from before just reversed and the two of them go back home to Minecraft and somehow they got there within seconds I mean unless Amy's been admiring their flower for quite a few hours wasn't the tornado back somewhere in decent ruins [Music] did they seriously just spell their like that well yeah I don't get I don't forget it and then sonic goes to sleep under a Minecraft tree credits roll no seriously that's how it ends also I can't skip the credits oh cool look at that the cutscene I just watched isn't that interesting then that's that Sonic lost world I think that's an interesting one I'll give it that I'll [ __ ] this more levels out of it so there's one last world and I don't get it I don't get why they included this there are plenty of levels already you think that's been the extra time just testing for bugs and [ __ ] but no more levels I guess while I'm in we can always try the man I guess I mean let's start with the first one wow that was probably the most boring Sonic level in existence the level consists of this literally nothing else and it doesn't have an ending that just ends when you run out of time yep nope now that with a beaten Rubik's Cube land we can move on to the second level which is flying the tornado oh [ __ ] is this the tail stream [Music] we're all alone in my chair just about where's Jen wanna be off one and the third one is the label based around these disappearing platforms it's harmless to say the least which is all I want to say right now I can remember I was struggling to get past these last few levels I'm struggling to even write about them it's giving me PTSD and the last level is you know I guess when you figure out that level is [Music]
Channel: RadicalSoda
Views: 941,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonic, Sonic Lost World, RadicalSoda, Review, Funny, Tails, Eggman, zavok, Zeti, Lost world
Id: xVgZzS_MVE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 20sec (5360 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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