Kingdom Hearts 2 - RadicalSoda

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light darkness Kingdom Hearts we're not playing this version darkness [Music] it's like a rollercoaster well in white video on Kingdom Hearts 2 oh no I don't remember anymore do I Kingdom Hearts 2 vile mix now if you know me you know my opinion on the first Kingdom Hearts however I quite enjoy Kingdom Hearts 2 with their B because of a bit of combat their zoomed out camera that I played at first yep ain't yes I was confused throughout most of it I mean after switching the saw after three hours of roxor sounds like who's this brown Eid bimbo where's my blonde boy at but don't worry if this is your first Kingdom Hearts game you'll be confused by the story sure but I mean let's be honest 2/3 of the Kingdom Hearts fans are still confused by the story why is this anime kid go to Disney World you have no [ __ ] frozen so let's jump right on in we'll be playing on critical mode of course I've heard good things about it and I mean in standed mode you can just kind of get through the game by flailing your keys about wildly so this will be a nice change of pace also we gotta get that secret ending cross we know Vista Games oh we're Enix they made this game so a story begins in Twilight town obligatory Twilight joke here is that protagonist Roxas wakes up well he's so grumpy about look at the everybod killed every room that cool I'm cool everybody this is about a dream he had which I skipped proxy sent us three friends spend their days having fun and doing drugs in a back alley whoa man I've got hands and stuff oh he's crazy oh hi guys [Music] you might notice that the subtitles are a bit clipped that's because a the only way I can record this game is via an emulator I mean again I actually own the 2.5 remix but I can't record it and B it could have something to do with the fact that this is actually a Japanese version with an English patch as you might already know Japan received the final mix version sometime after the game was released with extra content like extra bosses cutscenes collectibles and hate game even an extra Drive form based on the original Kingdom Hearts version of Sora the rest of the world didn't get this vision until seven years later in the format the 2.5 collection this was actually a running theme with Square Enix in Japan I remember team two having one of these two with the extra tricity is an a creature creative thing as well oh no they're gone our big dicks are gone all our dicks on but you do understand what I'm saying right our big dicks are gone so the gang runs off to find the Ducks but Roxas trips out as he took too many drugs this morning it kills over darkness he'll awaken very soon well I mean I hope so I want to play the friggin game now you might notice rocks is looking a little stretched out there in the bottom right oh that's because I've used the widescreen hanket wide it's the field of view normally for the gameplay but the HUD for whatever reason stretches out to fill the screen I unlike in the Sonic Heroes HEK which would just keep everything their way to originaly was so everyone seems to be accusing Roxas of stealing all them okay there's gotta get confusing so he goes around town trying to clear his name to no avail now I gotta look for some ladies cat all right oh no the cameras a bit I'll call the cameras inverted but I can't change it what am I getting days over here please that was low you know oh yeah Wow nice comeback there blondie nice comeback there blondie uh-oh that was undeniable proof that we totally owned you lamerz really go to there Roxas I guess if you get on your knees and beg maybe I'll let it slide Roxas huh thought I saw a dollar on the ground here maybe over here damn it now it just looks stupid so at this point you mean to pick a struggle back to fight with well cipher and his gang just stand it so you go up against cipher Oh cipher I didn't know you felt that way isn't this romantic has your chicks so a shiny dancing man sifts along and steals the fat gets camera whatever his name is I mean he doesn't seem too upset by this Roxas chases the mysterious dancing man into the woods and eventually to in front of the hornet mansion which i just realized it's actually a Disney attraction and movie surprisingly not the only thing involving Eddie Murphy in this game he surprised to see his struggle been transformed to a keyblade all of a sudden what what is this thing maybe surprises in the right word slightly confuses a little more accurate and bam dad who's a critical mode was hard so the dancing man explodes into a pile of fluttering photographs which if you hadn't caught on yet with the things that stole which Roxas takes back to the gang in the alley they figure out that Brooks is actually in all of the pictures yeah that's not creepy at all there Roxas actually doesn't remember finding the dancing man just saying so Roxas tell us about the picture thief not much to say pictures were just lying there wouldn't it be weird if the thief wanted to steal the real Roxas or something come on get serious why would anyone want to steal a bonehead like Roxas oh thanks guys I'll be worried about you know kidnappers eat children tell your parents so now we catch the two guys in a computer room find that over here this gee whiz it's very confusing I wish that explain stuff a bit more no one bought lumen on a keyblade what where we hear anything about a keyblade man this is what I'm talking about this came to us take any time to explain anything I want [Music] so Haney decides he wants to go to the beach problem is to get there they need to take the train which costs money that they don't have so the group decides to hit around town doing odd jobs until they've scavenged up enough to buy the away there was some extra cash for pretzels of course no idea which kind of prints what they're talking about but whatever weird thing is this is all a simulation right I didn't mention that so why the heck would miss the bandage man program Haney to say hey guy is a [ __ ] great idea let's go to the beach which doesn't exist soon as the bandage man will have to stop us before we leave it doesn't make sense I understand if they need stuff to have any show that Roxas can't leave but why don't pull a truman show and get him to try to leave it and make a bit more sense Lee and it almost been like playing sonic forces and sonic saying hey let's go over there whoops that's an invisible wall so the gang start there are jobs around town mail delivery huh I could do this I can't do this so Roxas does the mail delivery job once and they say yeah good enough [Music] so ever went into the station what roxas fools flat on his face again so the spooky man and a black code Yanks runks us to his feet and say something to him only he can hear but just as Roxy starts to question him he suddenly disappears who spooky he did however steal the money the gang had saved up in a matter of three minutes which actually leads him through the best scene of the game Roxas the money wait no sir Roxas tries to explain that the black guy stole the money that guy in the black coat stole the money but the racist of the group didn't see any black man a guy in black guy he couldn't have gotten too far what are you talking about there was no guy you must already know reviewing a game not a [ __ ] movie they don't sing mean try to take Roxas away again but he runs away let me go hey chicken was that's really a fixer yo I'm the psychic you might want to do a little bit more than just it you know point at it with a stick on you and everyone's frozen and this won't be the last time anything evolving frozen will rear its ugly head it's amazing you can control ice yeah you were you [ __ ] dumbass so nominee who was in a previous cutscene it can be both showing tells Roxas to use the Keyblade to defeat the nobodies use the Keyblade the more potently one of the haters of building a villains Blin so it's up to us to make the important decision which camera controls are we gonna change bloody hell oh no I'm gonna used to the other mode get god damn it is protection important oh here it out on kids man oh man I start off with all these abilities come on yeah sure sweet our office isn't some kinky stuff this is easy photo pop a guy I'd met thankfully I could use my reversal technique so Roxas in the gang hint of the struggle tournament mentioned briefly earlier in the game that is not by me what you think I've got all the time of the world here and get ready to fight each other oh no don't worry about me I'll use my incredible strength Wow oh no for you but what how can I die from this Jesus Christ get away from me not even friendship you smell this kid down Oh murder my friends to achieve my goal he's dead stop touching around me baby but it turns out Vivi isn't Vivi at all it's what the [ __ ] even Roxas is realizing and repetitive this is getting as Roxas gets ready for the toughest fight of his life oh we're done here there's another strange man in a black coat teleports in behind Roxas he's had enough and he wants to know what's going on roxas cumin - exclaiming surprise after the keyblade's teleporter back in your hand and that's one of the main issues about this gamer for a story so complicated and dialogue focused the cutscenes are either badly paced horrific ly timed or dreadfully slow listen to the gaps in the dialogue here I see you're still in top form what did you expect looks like you're doing okay well what did you expect great hey you fee have you seen the King and Riku I swear half the runtime in this game is just pauses in between people talking so Axl says he needs to take Roxas back with him whether he likes it or not at this point the story we have no idea rachel is actually trustworthy or not but any trustee had is quickly tarnished as he tries to murder Roxas well I mean he's supposed to be trying to knock a man or something so we can take him back to wherever he needs to take him but Jesus Christ you don't do them with spinning wheels of fire and death yeah okay it'll calm down give me a second err yes I did it with one HB so after that mr. bandage man appears and I have only just noticed how [ __ ] stupid as designer who is two belts on they need I thought Lulu had a lot of belts when lychee doesn't weigh the [ __ ] bullied of course this does have Weaver lead into another one of the best scenes in the game this man speaks nonsense Roxas don't let him deceive you you couldn't have paid the actors like Inez for 20 bucks to say your ex is his name a little different I'm you really got to use the same line again and again the Roxas cracks and tries to break what I guess he thinks is another strange hallucination I forgot the other one so Sutton's rocks this is one against all the other contestants he's up against the champion a fully grown man what so Roxas wins the fight against somehow the sickened grown man he's full today I lost against the kid god damn it as a third time this week and receives the struggle' trophy which he quickly tears apart I always really liked these little bauble gym thingy so the wet egg didn't hane to get the green one that's pissing me off color coordination Roxas [Music] Oh who's this Kyrie ya don't kick Linux a Roxas and friends remember they have to do the homework assignment before the summer ends so of course they go eat ice cream peeking in my eyes everybody the homework assignment consists of a self picked study so they decide to do it on the Twilight town Sivan won this consisting of things like bowls zoo a mages a spooky shadow man than a sack [Music] who tried to throw away a dog what kid keep a close eye on your dog Jesus the other three have some stairs the Haunted Mansion and a ghost train and Wow's us looking look at that it's real let's go in what um you get hurt or not the rumors were bogus the end we can still make it sound good if we write about all the work we did I gotta say I'm loving Odette's voice actually Roxas has three friends so rule voice pretty well aside from you know a few straight lines oh no they're gone so the next day Roxas is a ghost yeah that's kind of it so Roxas runs into Axl again who again clearly doesn't want to actually hurt him but Roxas is all like yeah Axl is then forced to destroy Roxas but all of a sudden he freezes in place now this was happen a couple times firstly pensando let freeze when we first meet nominee and then cipher and his gang when the nobodies appear and now finally with Axl here the problem with this is that each time because as you remember we're in a digital world yadda yadda yadda is that the only ones to freeze are the digital people it's expected right like ever program pauses the CPUs will freeze alongside it while the real entities such as the nobodies excellent Roxas continue to move around so why is excellent now Roxas receives a message from old Belted via telepathy I guess informing him to head towards the mansion he tray ceiling his friends names once more to break out of whatever's happening again or that's what I'm assuming the scene just kind of fades to black after so it's almost like Roxas just yelled it out for the fun of it when are they more scenes so like for him to chick and see if things have gone back to normal or something whatever so Roxas makes his way to the mansion fighting nobodies on the way eventually leading him to a secret room where he finds a computer room the drugs he's been taking all this time catches up to him and he starts freaking out well all right I mean he starts remembering stuff about what happened up to this point so she's his previous life and then he's a nobody and even the password would be you know knocked out all right that makes sense and Roxas fight so nobody's again all right okay that's one that's two that's me X will somehow breaks free of the freezing and again never explained and prepares to fight Roxas one more time and now that Roxas remembers everything of course he doesn't care so Roxas rips and another key blade because he was keeping it in his butt this whole time and X will finally get serious introducing a QuickTime event which can eradicate half of us helped burn what hit you get on their bad side and they'll destroy you no one would miss me that's not true I would where have I seen this before to the Beltane tells Roxas to join make up with Sora's these as nobody in Roxas say it's no way in hell yeah alright so saw it wakes up to see a big duck a mutant dog waiting from so they all head out into the real Twilight town I'm sorry if I'm doing a terrible job explaining all this this Sora who was sent to a heartless Bank announced one it's changed back to a real person my power of friendship but what someone of a strong heart dies and turns into a heartless they also leave behind an empty house called a nobody which was Roxas now normally nobodies look at the previous self but I'm not even gonna get into white Roxas looks the way it does so anyway Roxas joints organization thirteen which is where axle was from didn't Riku who apparently between games decided the best option for Cole medicine to not see anything capture some takes him down to belted guy who changes Roxas memories around and puts him in a virtual Twilight town which is based on the real thing and that's like one of the easier things to comprehend in this game there's a talking duck Sora Donald goofy walked to Twilight town instantly heading towards the secret spot Roxas and friends used to hang out in the virtual world just making sure how the heck did they know to go back here though I mean it's so out of the way I understand if Sora instinctively went back here you know like Roxas acting through him but no and said Donald and Goofy are the ones to take the lead that's actually another question I have apparently Sora can't wake up until Roxas joins back together with him for whatever reason that is but that's the case why was sore a perfectly fine up until the Castle oblivion events away I know why as was then thought Ahava the Shinto later also why does no one question Donald and Goofy existence there are regular animals all around town do you think this is fine as well as Mickey Mouse the king was that really him away now sorry with the black coat that could be anybody ooh the Soaring gang leaves can be the train that doesn't exist well heinous spew some [ __ ] hey Sora you sure it makes no seeds to put this line and only digital haina Eva made Roxas why are they trying to tug my heartstrings but it doesn't even make sense why do you ask too [ __ ] right you don't know it makes sense for Sora to cry sure but for Haney don't even remember anything you'd have to meet Roxas in the first place and this is a nobody in the virtual Twilight town - I mean I wouldn't put it past them so now we have a cutscene weird no one actually talks this might actually just be a Japanese cutscene with the English patch just taking out the speaking parts though although you can still hear the sound effects it reminds me of that one scene from Sonic Generations with the two weak bands are suppose to be out doing far away so you can't hear them and you can still perfectly hear the quietest of sound effects so the train drops or in the gang off it is how are suspended in space and time and they head towards the front door where they run into Pete your to find something nicer to do or someone they definitely don't know jeez what is it what these characters are not recognizing the most insanely unmistakable characters look at that fat luscious rump so it doesn't know Pete as he actually wasn't in the first game but Donald and Goofy do saying he's a troublemaker who King Mickey Benison to another dimension awhile ago but he's back because the maleficent or something i don't know she died in the last game didn't do they even explain why she's back should I care moving on so they made it what the mystical y insid whose name spelled backwards is dis oh I never actually noticed before what the heck is Sora actually wearing and what is like a weird onesie kind of thing with a tiny answer jacket and a belt why'd you need a belt boy that zipper goes all the way down I'm the key no the keys the key you're just the guy that holds the key on your journey you will meet an alarming number of dusts I would have never guessed no [ __ ] goofy oh just leaving the audience realize that for themselves Beach oh oh it's gonna get the last word and huh well anyway Sora can use the second Keyblade by utilizing the drive gauge and entering his valor form thanks to Ventus being in as heart of enron [ __ ] Kingdom Hearts meant Lenny of you see my skills is gonna be a piece of piss it's our exits the room he drops a small glowing cran no it looks like a small glowing crown you can find these small globin crowns and various places throughout the levels and once you put them all together in the right place in Jiminy's notebook who is also here whom i promptly forgot about because he speaks two lines at the beginning and then nothing for the rest of the game you get rewards like accessories why is the scream leg but we're not making gameplay for this oh right I didn't even look in Jiminy's journal once in my entire playthrough I did actually complete them all on my ps3 game but I couldn't be bothered scavenging around for him this time again you want to get a few accessories and items and each puzzle takes a long time to complete so after many and long drawn-out cutscenes it's time for our three heroes and jiminy to finally hit out into the new Disney worlds so you guys ready to go no no just two moments no shut up so Sora Donald and Goofy hit towards Hollow Bastion in the gummi ship and run into Donald's Uncle Scrooge oh I don't care unsurprisingly they run into more nobodies and after dispatching them out the hick make the Mickey a smell Sam they meet up with Leon and says so so selfie his gang i I think Marilyn's there too or something so Leon explains the Sora that the Heartless are still running rampant and the nobodies and not a welcome addition we'll handle them well that's good to hear so Sora [Music] so more nobodies appear because it will meet an alarming number of - hey no no the gates closing yeah well it's a good thing name because I'm not trapped in here with them they're trapped in here with me now so sir of course the site's uses ultimate Keyblade attack smack the wall don't worry Leon I got this guy all right stunt up tomorrow you know me oh [Music] well at least I'm not dead ow ow ow I have an amazing idea though I can't go to drive foam during the fight but if I change before I into the but I should be able to know [Music] can use something other than fire Leon oh my god gosh and I got a run back every time I was are so difficult the Keyblade a truly marvelous weapon would add only a more capable hands oh you know no dog you but that actually so I should probably mention the gummi ship at this point easy to traverse between worlds in yah yah do you know you could build your own you know the drill but unlike in the first game the levels haven't crap and the building is actually doable Wow how about that I thought it was just my incompetence as a kid that stopped me for building anything in Kingdom Hearts 1 but no it turns out it's just really [ __ ] so here it comes my pride and joy the spaceship of the century the spaceship of the century the bowels of but the first world up as either the land of dragons of the beasts castle will heed towards the land of dragons first or as normal people would say Mulan's world so it starts off with soaring the gang walking past moo shu Milan's dragon giving her a pep talk with a help of a fire in some shadows let's get the jump on him it'll be easier to fit in if I'm with guys like you you're pretending to be a boy aren't you you're pretending to be a boy you're terrible at it [Music] yeah rightly so sorry you can't just stand in a line expecting to get feed when you don't even a part of the army what the hell so some heartless show up or something I don't know you know adders and Sora Donald and ping prepare to fight and ping is friggin useless no no don't heal her she's a waste of MP so in order to prove pings worth but not Sora donut of Goofy's because they actually know how to hold a weapon without falling over we must complete three tasks it by Shang the general each one is just a variation of kill all the Heartless or ashame cuts it mum mum mum mum so you see this bar at the top of the screen that's pings uselessness gauge if you or your teammates get hit you'll drop some more mister pleading the bar if the bar hits zero ping will I don't know it's never really explained she probably just runs away the [ __ ] this is actually where I can show up the Vella form I've been trying to use a previously but didn't realize you had to sacrifice goofy in order to do so develop form almost plays the same as Roxas when he had to keep lights meaning you've got no god but you can press the same button to instantly start up your finishes something I didn't figure out until I started streaming a different playthrough on Twitch hey yeah that's right I got a twitch channel - I just really hope they start letting people upload videos because you know YouTube just really doesn't seem to be giving a single [ __ ] anymore maybe a bit a free Glee competition will help them get this [ __ ] together so the second mission is pretty much exactly the same as the first it was also where I figured out these dang ghosts you guys are immune to blessed hope this means we'll get to see also get a [ __ ] kicked out of it by these things meanwhile and why didn't that hit me land Wells Willy is this thing wow talk about spin - winema right here find the hidden heartless little bees you're right here at ping oh my get in there I don't get it I did however figure out that if I leave the hollows come to me you can take down a bunch of em in one go with the totally lit moves fire more like fire my writer well he's I'm getting the hang of us these guys a toast oh no no but words orifice note to self conk out explosions of God leave me alone oh man I gotta leave the hi-potion what I don't want to waste it I did the right thing haha gotta get Texas what I knew best I got him on the ropes now another spin to win I'm just waitin my Blizzard comes back up the limit let me grab those wolves I guess not oh oh oh we're almost there we're almost there yes yup we'll get rid of the ghost guys first I suppose that's a lot of reach oh wow Goofy's gonna stun lock great work goofy I want to switch you in for Donald thanks for the heels Donald and he's dead one of them thanks Donald hang on let us not mean to happen in kingdom hearts Donald does not heal you well that's a surprise is actually being helpful let's just do the third one instead well that was easier than I thought well back to this [ __ ] I guess okay I live in a feliformia how the hell do I particular cell from a double spin to win boy these are spin two wins sure making my head spin Oh Oh finally oh man you oh did I now cool so as we claim the man the two's other this large piles of rubble standing in the way thankfully we have the necessary moves north of God no not that gosh I get debit so we make it to this village in the snow some ways of the mountain and Mushu sees the main villains shame you into a cave off to the side don't know why they called the commander Shang in the villain Shang knew that's kind of confusing but sort of the gang chasing down only to fall into a trap wait how did Shan you get behind them though was he holding himself up on the roof of the cave also he probably could have just stabbed Donald and goofy in the back right there and then I don't know I just walked away all right how's this regular old house nope all right I'm done for you know my goes ping damn it so I developed a strategy over Nene mini dates so firstly you got a I got nothing first fire on the heartless seek it got the whole sky third with your envy de choch please hurry up shut up this is working are you kidding me [Music] Mamamia aya needed hold your horses Sora took out every one of them huh the only thing Pinker to get its cypher isn't this romantic so the trio ping doesn't count as a person thinks it's the cave and they find out that the village has been burned to the ground where they've been fighting usually I'd make a joke that burning a village usually takes a lot longer than just chicken out of cave but with how many times I died I can't say [ __ ] don't overdo it captain it's just a scratch not even that his clothes don't even have any dirt on them captain if you track down the villagers we'll handle this that'll be easy they're all dead at least we can still save here that's nice [Music] hey wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute let me playing for three hours is they making it oh no moving on wait did what did my teammates die in that cutscene Oh God No I gotta fight all these P and G's thank goodness all I need to do is stay alive I don't think I could have killed them all they're all gone didn't he have an army of men in the movie replacing them with big bugs release it as intimidating so fing goes back to being Rulon after that cutscene which I skipped and with that change comes a bunch of new and better abilities including a limit a limit is basically a super move performed by Sauron one of his party members in this case Mulan so the gang head back to the army to tell Shang that Shan Yu was still alive I guess he was still alive in that cutscene I skipped over or whatever but Shang won't believe them because apparently ping was a girl all along gee who got a [ __ ] noun and why should I believe you this time but she's telling you the truth why am I getting Tom and Jerry and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory vibes from this so bunch of Shang's mean turned into heartless because I don't know I guess they felt like it so Soren Mulan say they'll fight them off while the heavily injured man fights off the incredibly dangerous Shan you and no it's not like Shang suddenly bid because you'd seem in the NICS cutscene and he's so horribly injured I mean what the hell Sora soon this boss fight again Shan you they reimplemented a whole gob the gates thing from before in that one battle in Hollow Bastion it's pretty easy to stop the gates from busting open the only thing you've what the I don't want to talk of the bird so here's a nice little addition that I personally was absolutely blown away by when I finally found it as a kid when you died there's a chance that Mickey will show up to save the day he jumps really high is lock-on missiles and beats the ever-loving [ __ ] out of your enemies the whole point of him is to get enough drive gauge so he can revive 4 with 4 ax he can revive 4 ax revive Sora with full HP and MP plus a maxed out drive gauge if you get 2 lowers Mickey without getting a drive gauge full he'll still revive Sora but instead of his HP MP etc being restored he'll just gain a bit of help oh yeah the best I'm the best mu shu is the best well Mu Shu I'm not gonna argue and most of Mulan's abilities revolve around you I mean heck even the limit does I think is Mulan done so far fall over you have saved us all what thank you thank you is that all there is to say captain if you wish to win the heart of farmer who cares really now oh yeah this is my favorite Keyblade so the next word up is beasts castle but first we gotta get through the gummi ship segment and look at that pure la cama technology folks boy this [ __ ] sucks that's what she said so as expected heartless seem to be swarming the castle so Sauron friends Fred of Bernhard downing is Jesus or whatever the furniture thankfully the Beast hears the commotion and comes down to help well so they think they realize something is up with the beat so they decide to figure out what that is and knowing this series would see their amnesia or darkness take your pick skip the cutscene of course they meet Bell who informs them that her friends are trapped in the dungeon thanks to the Beast so Sauron friends head to the dungeon big get killed by fat man's fighting on his stomach they find the entrance to the dungeon that a sentient wardrobe has other ideas blocking their path so this would be a good time to put their fire magic to use so the end of the dungeon and run into a door heartless sounds stupid I know but it's not half there how many guys are immune to poison I hate to tell you make you better think you might be on the losing side oh I guess there was worthless anyway or Mickey's back for the fourth time I thought it was supposed to be rare okay I'm back hey so once you beat the Heartless and story stops hitting the walls the gang finds himself in an empty room very clearly empty room in a house with many living objects yep what an empty room so yeah they meet the other servants which were turned into objects and they tell the tale of how exactly they came to be an old beggar woman came to the castle and now gives a [ __ ] so in order to get out of the dungeon they have to like the lamps in this room because you know who wants to go through the door we came in through that stupid but radical soda go through that door they can't get through because of the armored guards oh yeah you're right they look completely impossible with no large gaps between them or anything at all anything that they couldn't actually somehow just walk between them the servant can order them aside anyway where they don't they just do that anyway this leads into another annoying minigame of sorts we have to light the lamps by quickly utilizing the teapot and the candle dude now I say quickly because Cogsworth the only servant I bothered learning the name of even though the game just calls them friend is the one hanging onto the liver which keeps the lamps low enough to be lit and of course he can't hold on forever you will have to go back at least once if you don't know exactly what to do which isn't even a huge waste of time but it's nothing really at stake here due to the lamps not even extinguishing when you run out of time it's really unneeded what we'll see even the point of putting all this in it just leads to more frustration especially when the teapot can't get here in time so you have to go all the way back and wait for a slow-ass again because Cogsworth needs a water and order to start hanging onto the liver again actually now that I think of it isn't the kind of offering someone your bodily fluids to drink also I I have one question about this pot why don't don't go goofy hang on to the lever instead they don't even do anything here they just walk around uh oh well at least we'll be getting out of the dungeon now I'm assuming we'll end up somewhere deep into the castle if we had to go through all that [ __ ] mm-hmm hmm I see mmm hon gee I haven't even talked about drops from enemies or anything okay let's start with the Diamonds yellow things this is your money although it spoke the same way poof spells honey I don't leave this a director reference or not as poo is actually in the first game too maybe the way I like it you can of course use this money to buy stuff like potions new weapons for Donald and Goofy and etc etc pretty standard stuff the yellow warps on the other hand fill up your drive gauge then I've already explained that so by I guess enemies also sometimes drop items occasionally you'll get a potion or something but most of the time you'll be collecting synthesis items used to synthesize well items the green orbs of health pickups essentially which come in handy a little time enemies also give you experience points of course which level you up nope [ __ ] I feel like I'm forgetting something so Sora the gang make it up to the beasts room where he's apparently gone apeshit and torn the place of sunder so they all decide to help him in the best way possible beating the crap out of them so they in the beasts head towards Belle's room destroying all enemies they come across goddamn spent a wet lead what so Sauron the game blast their way to beltram avoiding all any enemies along the way unfortunately a demoness possess the Wardrobe till they find Bell in the ballroom other these are harmless there - it sinks into the ground turning it into a deep black oh I guess we skipping this one too now this boss fights kind of a waiting game now although it does have some neat ideas basically the heartless possesses items around the room like a wardrobe hey where'd he go this son oh oh wow he's back and he's pretty much useless I'm not kidding in order to purge the heartless from the items that possesses you get to do a reaction command mickey can't do those well gives this is my life now why do I keep thinking that that sounds like Ursula Oh Oh monster no come back here are you serious okay here we go you're gonna be joking me finally gee whiz I took oh crap because invisible that's good hey got me too odd right this boss still has half an hour of footage left however I will say that this mode has been teaching me how to play the game a little better for instance in standard mode I never got it I didn't even get hit enough didn't warrant even equipping it so I mean what's the point right critical mode teaches you how to play the game the way it was intended at least I think so stuff like Godding magic and dry forms aren't just something you can use all willy-nilly anymore you have to be really careful about what you do and win and every enemy is his own specific pet and strategy and for someone like me who's only ever played the standard mode it's really satisfying to realize that I'm improving with every encounter so take your gameplay relies too heavily on button mashing and shut up your ass GameSpot look at that health he's in for it now whoa what the [ __ ] I swear to God if I have to fight this [ __ ] first face guy one more time time for the big finale what holy macaroni so it turns out that this was all the doing of soldier who's a part of organization 13 he was going to turn the beast into a heartless that way they could get that nobody right I think I can't explain it myself goofy oh what a touching moment so the gummi ship starts hitting off on a toe towards hall a bastion so turns out it was Merlin who some of them and oh to say anyone actually care so sorry's gonna see winnie-the-pooh goofy says his name really weirdly and was aim here we are I'm gonna be honest I'm only here for the AP boost so poo kicks the [ __ ] out of Soros hitting him flying out of the book but there are more important matters at hand like these random heartless boo thankfully we do get one good thing out of this encounter chicken little gray so mix up is the Olympus Coliseum or as I like to call it Hercules land and you know the driller you know dick out the gummi ships top the level kill everyone on board twice three times ok many times hey Liz I figured out how to change the guns from semi-automatic to fully automatic up until now I mean mashing the shoot button so we get to Hercules land and see the rock stein being big by the man himself Dan you know he won't be in Kingdom Hearts 3 he's where another nonsensical cutscene happens it turns out Sora in the gang didn't land on the surface of Hercules land instead they landed the gummi ship in hell before long a hot hot babe as seen running away from the Heartless who promptly do nothing why is the music still going on this point we know she's okay they're the most you'll have a scraped up knee from falling over so here we meet and you're supposed to be a good voice actor wha so Mickey wanted to go down into the underworld to see if she can convince Hades to give Hercules a break for a bit as he's worn out from tackling his monsters day in and day out so Sora unco decide to hit down to see if they could talk to Hades instead but they quickly run into another organization mean but it seems that Peters working together with Hades in order to take down Hercules Pizza of course doing it because he wants Hercules as a strong heartless and Hades is doing it because the he doesn't like Hercules I guess I didn't watch the movie so Hades this apparently had enough of Hercules winning and decides to summon the mother of all bad guys that being Oran from Final Fantasy 10 I knew it so Hades ones Oran to fight Hercules which I mean Oran strong but that's strong but Oran refuses outright leading Hades to bro God so as it turns out in the underworld heroes are made weak by the force of underworld whatever who actually kids we've got James once ladies and gentlemen Hades doesn't want to hear anything from Sauron Co which I mean makes sense if the guys trying to kill Hercules he's not just gonna stop because you asked him to ladies what was that that's funny but it was edited by the way the real version has got this really long weird pause but I've got to talk to Hades what was that so Sora and Cole got a runaway from Hades as they can't seem to hurt him in any way and thus begins a small segment where you must have been each of the Heartless in each of the three small arenas to continue and I hope you like the word steal there he because you're gonna be hearing the Mort so once you've defeated all the Heartless so once you've defeated all the Harlem so once you've defeated all that so once you've defeated all so once you've defeated so once you so much so every time I died there I had to run back up to the top skip the cutscene fight Heidi skip another cutscene and watch the arena intro to get back to that part again so a Soren friends make their way back to the half son of a [ __ ] okay not gonna make the same mistake as the other encounters what does he do what does he do snap his jaws all right he walks around growls a bit okay okay let me try to hit him so I have a new strategy I'm raring to go it's gonna zoom II won this that is not too much damage and I didn't equip any item so great attack attack or to take please Oren get up please I got to do the limit like it'll kill it Oh Oh God sorry don't let me tell I won't MIG wait I already have whoops I didn't think this calls for a woman's touch well there she is what you like to keep a little 3d models everyone line around Oh what I've gauge what's what happy to see you junior heroes always busy okay [ __ ] you Hercules did you say the universal most powerful Atlas I don't think so if you're so powerful why don't you fund your beat and summer what did you beat a big rock yeah we beat Sivir off for shit's sake have you earned your true hero wings yet nope you ain't got what it takes [ __ ] you well [Music] I'm just going to walk out here all purposely and then stand there and do nothing they gain while the others are doing something certainly isn't well meaningful all of a sudden hades appears giving hercules and our three heroes free junior heroes the new cities captured big in the underworld hey we gotta talk sorry i just like that scene so hercules gets it to rescue mink but Hades wants none of that instead forcing her to choke to stay behind to fight the bloodthirsty Hydra can all be heroes you're right apparently even saving the universe doesn't make you a hero anymore can you handle this you and your heroes don't move stop rubbing it in Murphy got a fine Meg not [ __ ] I didn't even tell her what I look did I whoa whoa hang on the logos now got the upper world and the other one that's pretty cool Jesus Christ he looked like Ursula what is with these characters having some sort of feature resembling Ursula as it wasn't here a strength boost Nikki ami use that on Donald so we'll saw in the gang hit to the underworld who the jerk fights and kills the bloodthirsty Hydra what is with me and not bothering to say the names myself and my dad lazy and the non-existent crowd cheers him on as he sits up to help Sauron the gang in the underworld Wow I think we might just skip by these guys no I'm saying about maybe I should figure out their tech pens and stuff oh we might not let's get the heck out of here now a taste of your own medicine Oh God he didn't like that at all the heck is the eggs into this place I feel like I'm going around in circles oh here we go come on come on no time for final we got a same egg I ran around in a circle didn't I yeah so a three junior heroes come across a mysterious man of teenager who's a part of organization 13 he's the thing Sora is Roxas or tries to get Roxas who was inside so I come out somehow actually that can be a really neat idea Brock's was taking over Sora's body for a while you know maybe having a different battled style something I'm sorry I'm fangirling out here but but nothing really comes to that so he's instructed to bring saw Rebecca the organization by force he uses the hero's medallion that I forgot to mention that was stolen earlier which allows heroes they restore they strengthen the underworld which doesn't actually make much sense unless demyx here is a hero some kind he someone just water clones with the power of music which are incredibly easily beaten thanks to the reaction come on are you even looking at me I don't even know those things could hurt you Tim expose the muscle playing his instrument or something I mean because I didn't forget hit him and he drops the medallion door gives Dora - I just called Donald Dora don't give Sora the weakest low five I've ever seen what the [ __ ] was that pathetic prick and they hit onwards to save me who was trapped alive in a rock oh god it's my worst nightmare yeah but all over these shits here first what's wrong can't fight in the underworld better think again anyway after that fight never thought I'd die to Pete I'm gonna be honest well so did I meet you that Mick doesn't shut up [Music] soon enough at junior heroes are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of enemies which happens actually cut off to now and I think about it maybe junior Heroes is right after all but hurt the jerk comes down to save the day you know gonna use the medallion on them or anything Sora Epis overwhelmed within seconds hero can't beat some heartless junior hero defeats the most powerful heartless seems reasonable so hook the jerk and saw a takedown Pete with hook surprisingly having one of those same battle lines as Hades so they both demolished Pete well Donald does [ __ ] nothing but it turns out that the Hydra that hooked the jerk fought isn't actually did I left everyone unprotected yeah everyone old zero of them so Phil decides to help out along with the horse and and Meg seriously we just really do from a bunch of heartless and a you want to take on a Hydra so in order to defeat the Hydra you must follow these very important steps step one Donald must die you doing the same thing as the beasts bossy you serious don't burn prematurely okay studying in jump Donald jump [ __ ] [Music] they asked the fill line no one loves yet don't worry game I heard him the first two times now I'll pick you [ __ ] your meg Pope came Vicky it's up to you I don't think you can hit me over here okay what I want a gun what I'm stuck are you kidding me oh what's that well switch I go in dude there's a truck driver wonder what I come on I'll take anything I'll take any heat yourself I let you down I'm just no use oh I almost forgot the Olympus stone well what what the Olympus stone what was I gonna get in the heros medallion then we get a cutscene about out Maleficent is back in the side shooting REI yeah oh she doesn't even really do anything in this game hey then we learned that Queen Minnie is having some trouble over at Disney Castle turns out that the whole of the corner saw who gives a [ __ ] about this either seriously ah crap no we're here well only one thing to do I guess there's a place that everybody knows it's full of joy and clean in my CKY MOU is he Mickey man Mickey man I'm gonna break into was [ __ ] ass dog Chambord the says it fun this world can suck my tears maybe's Harrell omen fair Mickey as a prey accomplice everywhere and now there are no gods to spare no one's here I don't care let me go to bed the Disney Kingdom likes here an it's gotten herself to things Micek why hey Ric came in he prayed Mickey pray you know I want to talk to the shop making cut wait so we have to get many to the hall of the cornerstone through a horde of heartless Demi thankfully she's got a super okie move which damages the knocks away heartless unfortunately she's a [ __ ] dumbass just follow me dammit a hot assistant move your little mouse legs as soon as the trouble started I made sure to seal this room fat lot of good that did have you ever thought that maybe you haven't heard the words this way enough the sections got you covered this way this way this way this way this way this way this way this way this way this way this so is that one on the Chipmunks said earlier it's true that the whole of the cornerstone is now filled with giant thorns if they figured that the best person to talk to us about is Marilyn not a [ __ ] Merlin Merlin they set off back to Hollow Bastion can we not just have those in a cup scene so this Donald explains what's going on spouts gibberish wait Merlin could just teleport anywhere at will even between worlds that would be incredibly useful why doesn't he help us more often so it turns out that someone is meddling about with the cornerstone in the past so Merlin summons a magic door which takes out three journey heroes back in time wait what he can travel through time now so Sora the keyblade's chosen one the one who defeated the strongest heartless killed China's most dangerous man walloped a giant clawed diamond decimated a Hydra struggles to open a door and then walks through to travel to the past so the three of them are hurled back in time or the two of them I don't see Donald anyway but this is timeless River or as I kept remembering it as The Land Before Time because I'm a [ __ ] dumbass the theme here is based on the old Disney cartoons or most notably Steamboat Willie which was actually the very first Disney cartoon with properly synchronized sound it's a really neat idea for a Disney World they soon ran into Pete but something seems a little off about him hey around here it's so incredibly clear that this isn't the real Pete and Sid it's pretty obvious that it's timeless rivers vision you know like Steamboat Willie and all unfortunately they don't actually do the whole is he isn't anything more they just kind of give it away within the first few seconds of course our three junior heroes and caught every leaf - stop saying that it's so incredibly stupid that they don't realize that it's not there Pete instead they just beat the crap out of him so after they break his back they've realized that he isn't actually - Pete they've been fighting this whole time and they tell him they'll help him get his boat bank which has been stolen and then they don't even try like they just forget about it two minutes later Jesus why did these three suddenly turn into [ __ ] instead they decide to track down heartless which have made their way into several portals to other places I don't know I don't care so the first arena thinking up is the room I did not hit her it's not true it's [ __ ] I did not hit her well hang on hang on I did not mean the movie I did yeah they see the king or at this point should be fairly obvious timeless rivers version of the king once the Heartless are defeated Mickey shake Sora's hand gratefully and then runs off there's also a video thing in here which is clearly explaining in first person that Pete got in here but as we already know the Pete fight isn't fought one in the perform and the print what what the [ __ ] might brighten here but as we already know the Pete we fought isn't the one from the prison so it's hard to even care right now we just know his big fat ass is gonna show up later so the next one up is giant fetish land no the arena is a miniature town where it'll stop being destroyed the longer the heartless attacking and seeing as the majority of the heartless you have a wide a OE attack you'd better kill him quick if you're not feeling particularly skilled you can actually just jump on this now to stun all the heartless at once this makes the fight pretty dang easy though the next one up is the building site which is pretty easy too and the last one is the burning building and these [ __ ] cars can one hit you so you beat the fire one by spamming Trinity limit goofy tries to break the fourth wall ain't having that [ __ ] so it turns out that Pete soul and Pete's boat in order to steal the corner stone I have so many questions first of all we did knew Pete's tail go and in order to get it back you must parry and he'll the things he psycho kinetically throws at you how about are you some thunder on your ass for some weird reason you have to hang on to this hook in order to break open the cage hold me the corner stone I mean it's right there just reach out of it you know but more importantly what the heck is going on with that thick chin rinse or repeat three times or so and you've got yourself a boss fight so apparently Pete's trying to get away in the gang you have to stop him I mean they didn't try to stop him at any other point in this story why stop there Oh we'd have a reason for another boss fight alright this time you team up with timeless River Pete in order to take him down although when I say team up I really mean he kind of just flails around and as the techs still damage you too but I mean it's a fight against Pete it's really not much of a challenge when Pete gets down to a certain amount of HP he'll change the battlefield to suit one of the previous heartless arenas actually why he doesn't call any heartless in this point I really can't tell you but hey I'm not complaining no I was guarding like it's all the animation Pete actually gains an extra attack when he changes the arena that being sort of a command thing where whatever gimmick he's currently imposing on you would try to get you in some way those Bibles are kind of fast out there so Peter is mainly the same in Texas before like throwing out balls throwing out one big ball much dang I really got to step my game up you can actually guard against the big ball he rolls at you don't got to early though but he has a very simple attack Penn Hill game parry frames all he's yelling I should probably not be in the air for that but you can stagger and pretty easily so you just have to pick your times carefully oh sorry can just whip every time he doesn't get out of my way attack he'll slam the ground creating a shock wave something Donald and Goofy just love being in every time wait no it means wrist circle nuts quit such a hard time with this it's just Pete okay I'm back in the room I got chicken a little bit how bad is dimension II was here Pete's flying around goddammit little chicken chicken little okay I got a good feeling about this one i I don't get I don't get it at out of all the things to be out of all the things to be my assets Peter [ __ ] Pete and every time I fight I gotta go back into my field least turn off retaliate explain it's gonna turn on dodge slash I mean look at all these abilities I have and they're all still [ __ ] worthless hang on [Music] [Music]
Channel: RadicalSoda
Views: 248,151
Rating: 4.9363184 out of 5
Keywords: Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom hearts 2, kingdom hearts 3, RadicalSoda, Review, funny moments, ps2, comedy, disney
Id: WeGG76P1foM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 41sec (3401 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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