Bayonetta - RadicalSoda

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and boy do I love stealing boo strike on BHS hold it right there scum oh no it's a number wish what are you looking at I'm at me that's right I am now privileged I'm here to stop you from stealing they shrink oh no no daddy cross off the table wait if you look I'm forgetting something oh hey what the hell are you people do to my house district I'm [ __ ] luck Shrek [Music] living in the city [Music] it's like a rollercoaster welcome back ladies and gentlemen to another gritty pursuit of radicals soda we don't always review Sonic games you know we've got other things involving the circle trade we're gonna be looking at Bayonetta don't oh I see they like surprise maybe the [ __ ] title right you read the title so the thumbnail you like boobs Bendita was one of those games any breathing you existed until the sequels under development and for the Wii U of all things Nintendo my boy you're doing great keep it up with these lovely lovely ladies you're expanding the market well you're also expanding those butts no I was interested in looking at the original last time but never enough to fully warrant me buying the game I guess I just sort of forgot about it I hear the ps3 version is pretty bad anyway so maybe I dodged a bullet there no pun intended of course you might get that pump because I haven't explained anything about the game yet beta fans though you got a right oh come now this game just kind of appeared on Steam earlier this year and it was a pretty big surprise for me I'm sure as it was for you I heard that zoomy squad about this game coming to steam and then one day cool there it was like a young spring chicken ready to shield a new PC audience what it's made of no no something's up no sonic references no sonic jokes no sonic callbacks not today today is all about Bayonetta who s the Gertz plain cool a lot of us title screen a little mysterious stylish you got someone whispering fan which I didn't injure like that and now I completed the game on Normal difficulty before I recorded the footage for this video so the player you're going to be seeing here is on hardmode the story hasn't changed or anything like that but there are some things which are different like enemy types how much damage is taken there's no folding Clocktower intro I'll be using moves I shouldn't have yet I'll die over and over and over again well okay that's normal but yet keep those things in mind as we go through the game may introduce an enemy is up we're seeing it for the first time meanwhile we've already killed 20 of the bosses so we start off with a graveyard where a couple of the credits are shown on gravestones you didn't have to highlight them I can read baguette also this the Shrek font some the first cutscene introduces us to three of our main characters Enzo the lovable sleeves road I'm the badass bartender and of course Bayonetta and let's be honest that costume is fooling anyone I mean come on also paying into my dear you might want to take a look at that book you're reading it you might find it a little hard to read upside down so we've had a couple of things in this cutscene the most important one being this game is [ __ ] nuts it's not everyday the opening cutscene greet you with a vagina to the face well I mean it's a little unorthodox but hey I'm willing to give it a shot and then suddenly I'm in at this point ahead and played in a couple days so you see me here trying to remember my combos and which button what which very quickly got me here that's the first thing I learned when playing this game if you're not paying attention it will kick your ass especially on hard mode you can get away with mindlessness from the first couple chapters but after that you either get good or you get stormed I mean it you can do all sorts of stuff with payoneer ground and air combo summoned demon fists wide breakdown so spinning gun thing and beat the ball slow down time when your dog can attack at the last second which is called which time because she's a witch you can also talk but you probably don't want to do that you want to touch me isn't this sexy fainted it is patches the Angels destroy poor Enzo's current processes and birthday by the way and demands an intelligence briefing it never stops with you you keep belly a good like that and you liable to wake Eggman for the dead can I talk about anything else for long video what about Eddie fine you want to reg man alright whoa look over there here he comes I'm back you'll have noticed the cutscenes by now there's two kinds the normal ones where everything is animated and then there's the old film style scenes with a background in camera still moving but the characters a dead stick I don't mind these I know for a fact how expensive animation is and I'm much more happy with the budget going towards the gameplay the music graphics that sort of thing so it's being enter an Enzo right back to regards buy-ins us view some exposition at us like how bane either is lost to memories Who am I and why can't I remember anything stop turns out she has to keep sacrificing angels or us you can put it on for one drag each to help drag adjust that wood well it's not spelled the way I thought but done yeah that's it you see in this world is Inferno which is hell Paradiso heaven and Purgatorio which is where Bayonetta fights all the angels hence wayans Oakland see what was happening in the first cutscene i freaking love me so cute then of course as is common in these sorts of games playing here we're introduced to Jean another number in which who Bayonetta remembers getting stand by for whatever reason and we also learn about torture attacks I'll say it again this game is nuts and you know me I love nuts for one for magic bar you can execute a torture attack which consists of be needed summoning all sorts of various equipment we've got the classics like the Iron Maiden the guillotine and then we have some more - and I put unorthodox stuff like a huge spiked wheel a pair of crushing hands or [Music] I draw and flies away and because they were fighting the angels in which time they knit is still as well enough time throw wings over safety when you see the gums in a stone award leader we're up to big red and not so real city in Europe in the search of a seller selling a gem called the eyes of the world I Europe the sunshine the architecture the demons were you for you about the demons I've been to Europe I know what it's like I should probably explain the awards you can think of them like the ranking system and song for your reward depends on how well you didn't every fighter at the level or verses they call it your combo how much damage you took and how long it took you to finish no I'm going to finish real quick on this one each fight has their own middle which then adds together once you finish the level and then that gives you your ward but not before subtracting points to destined items used of course more than two deaths and I can guarantee you ain't getting anything half the bronze also they have characters on them that we haven't met yet so that's not confusing at all this was my total of wards from the story pretty terrible huh and these aren't even from hardmode these are my wars from hard mode man almost looks like I played the game stoned oh I almost forgot about halos when you defeat an enemy it'll drop hey loads which act as the currency with them you can buy techniques items women's accessories and more it regards bar yep they sure are great they don't they're right me of anything anything at all no no nothing that back to chapter 1 look what we still a chapter 1 so whatever the chapter 1 you as well aside from more depth we were actually used to bein in its finishing moves or climaxes they needle will someone a huge demon of some kind in it'll tear apart whether it was unfortunate enough to be nearby there's a bunch of the four demons that each of them is pretty neat designs dragon centipede spider arms one of the things is not like the other which one is different you know speaking of tearing things apart my poor control is almost torn in half because of these climaxes they come all set up with QuickTime events which are always button mashing segments I swear these things can be brutal I can really only make that out about half the time and that's even knowing which but I need to press ahead of time I've got more to say about these things believe me but I'll save that for when we fight Jean in another chapter oh look at yawn what the back of that forget difficulty spikes this is the difficulty good holy [ __ ] what kind of wack ass crack where you smoked and play them games frost off yours are [ __ ] fighting machine doing a combo your break that [ __ ] like he's breaking a goddamn candy cane / bullet who needs chip damage when you're hiding friggin bazookas and your handguns what the hell's that damage in a metric meter what's the magic meter take this quest again again again what's that stop it oh you mean stop it now I equip the shotguns instead of the normal guns for a few reasons hey they do more damage in a shorter time B they make enemies flinch and see they're pretty cool I love that spike - goddamn flashback I ain't got no shotgun see interesting worthless ass pea shooters I don't even what an hour I bet it is have you been using the whip of the closest entire time between the many many did however I did learn some things for one I was quite angry at how [ __ ] fast young can summon a demon hands and feet without the use of a combo but with a little trial and error I figured out that I too could do this just uses up like three points of the magic meter of course they doesn't something going because he doesn't have one is it the game is it me am I really that bad I need answers everybody it's a bloody button 24 times for three things I still lose well what are the what is it we do ID officers is really I'm over here look like a flash jacking it I had no idea what this fight wanted me to do I quite combos I tried shooting I tried only hit me a cactus they'd almost worked by the way and after dance after dance after did I see scrub I quit the level I went to Rodan's bought like four lollipops and whoop Durant's the only thing stopping me from doing this before was my pride does this [ __ ] for white hand you may also notice that I'm wearing a kimono and no this isn't what they need a war in the past once you beat the game you are not the ability to change costumes between levels in the first seat you get it the kimono sit you can buy more suits from rode on at a hundred thousand halos each so I'm four thousand halos Roland how many angels is there there's going to be like at least four teen so what happens after this flashback fight you ask well long story short we need a brand new character soir pants turns out Luca journalist extraordinaire has been tracking being in it for quite some time now as 20 years earlier who witnessed his father's arms and legs get ripped from his body as she was awakened from some sort of slumber I guess she was using the force here at through Christ here are ladies and gentlemen he can't actually see her when she's in purgatory oh of course and Steve sensing no by smelling her perfume which she also gets wrong by the way but he also manages the since angels as they appear remarking he can smell the same smelly smell that smells the same day as father was murdered Oh golly what kind of crazy mystery does this plot hold to the next time to find out you look is a brilliant character he's always wearing that stupid scoff which doesn't suit his outfit at all but that's the thing even we need to disguise himself it's still prominently displayed I mean how else could we have known that this could was him in his flashback I mean he could have been there's a type of guy who got his arms and legs ripped off the animators had some fun with us cop - one of my favorite jokes is when Luke is chatting up a girl and flings it over his shoulder only to have it slide back down it's subtle but it's hilarious to me for whatever reason later on beta to point the gun at a small child has weird flashbacks about someone singing three sounds awfully similar to Bayonetta and there's that same small child again who what sort of crazy mystery there's a spot three holds who was the small girl with black hair and net and glasses and and red ribbons in her hair blue it's a mystery we've also got a boss fight hair smell - hi but you still gonna pay attention whoops now once we hit into Chapter three we start seeing the angels a little more indict these aren't your everyday run-of-the-mill enemies here they have emotions personality Spears one of us one is scared of spiders that's adorable these guys aren't actively seeking out being in if she's hunting them and it kind of makes you feel sorry for them apart from this thing Jesus Christ as if children couldn't get even more terrifying oh this is a wet dump [ __ ] I don't think I can go on little Luca what do you think you're right kid I'm son I called but I don't see you get me a [ __ ] sweater Bayonetta manages to piss off the matrix line two key to the point where you got the town with lava in order to get rid of it but as always as the case would be Anita she gets out unscathed now I might as well mention the elf I'm here as I actually tried it in this chapter in each chapter there's a portal hidden somewhere that leads to the outline a sort of challenge room in here you're given a task and if you manage to complete it you get a reward as well as another middle for your reward - shit's hard boy in all my time playing I've managed to complete a total of one one elf I'm challenged and well to be honest I haven't exactly found most of them anyway but the ones like this fight were crazy hard stay in the air for 30 seconds which please I can barely stay alive for 30 seconds I'm sure things are a lot easier and easy mode with the game automatically this combos for you but we ain't about [ __ ] yet here on grandpa soda bullets okay plan okay after we've escaped the burning town the next area is this volcano I guess no that's these guys are hard we need these guys in the normal story a little later on and they're not a joke even then but these guys are improved versions meaning they're super aggressive and which time doesn't even work on they ain't as bad as your of course I mean they don't break your combo but when there's two of them and there always is you kill one for possible they're killing you I mean it look those claws and they look around welcome back to red so does being that of tips and tricks episode one kill the finite good because you've got the beyblade and yeah look at that damage oh here are the guys I was talking about earlier well at least not as bad as the improved food I ate three of them I can do better I can do bit I don't want to stone statue wall there demon buddy give them a grabby there are we can you sue how to fix your harassment even if you could I mean I don't know whether it actually go through and off because you know but you need it's done so much of it itself yes I will keep going back to that a little later we find Lucas standing around most curious name is yeah we think John here too and as it turns out she's working for the angels even though she's been killing them I cracked not again I'll wait I've got my mother pocket shotguns Bert bany defines the little girl again who it turns out goes by the name of serezha and this time decides to keep her safe if she's been harassed by there's no good angels that's no good the little girl is also said I'm calling Bayonetta mummy hmm so her mother must look in the whole full lot like bandit or if she's getting the mixed up oh it's still a mystery they need a can greater shield for the child and meanwhile Egypt her spirit soul I don't know to fight angels attacking them and who boy they do not seem to be giving a [ __ ] about me hey over here oh no - rather my dear watch [Music] look at the st. you look at him he's falling in love with the baby Panther bit child this is what I love about the game the humor is brilliant I feel so bad now know they need a hands off the child DeLuca and at the same time realizing the child could see the Angels even when not in Purgatorio oh gee that this is still a mystery I I don't I don't have any idea where this could be going alright I'm getting tired of this PE outfit let's try a Oh Queen I know cool hunger mm hey let's give my video to monetized if it wasn't the monetized already listened he'd be great pingu you and your plot their fingers to get to jog on Ben we're on the highway of course the Lucas hold on our trail kid included which actually leads to some pretty cute moments and for some reason Bayonetta can run faster than a car I don't know one don't oh this this this an au shaped like a like a car dude this names you cards that's odd now we're going back this bits fun but the dogs and if it gets been annoying after a while Bay neither has been transported to some sort of heavenly version of a grid and I only mentioned this because the climax of the boss fight here is brilliant a god damn volleyball game genius I don't even have to say anything this game is just hilarious it gets humor it really does hold on a minute this isn't the football stadium and to think I was just here waiting ready to yell go Wildcats you know I was wondering why the transitions between came results looked a little weird and scrubbing through the video I found out why turns out for a single frame this just this not no need to cry we'll get you to your mom in no time here because agenda you want hmm Bain it is someone's demon hands Lucas summons candy I would actually really love to see a look among the fists and feet' a giant lollipops SPECT at your friend oh my god the acting in the scene is on par with Sonic Adventure did you bury the body yes I did his name was there hmm Sousa Raisa calls her cat she Shire huh almost just like how bane it occurs Luca the same name oh it's still a mystery just who is this young child fainted or joins them of course but not before taking out a few more angels which the shotguns absolutely demolished by the way holy crap after that we read it to this monstrosity I've seen enough after that we get some Albania to child bonding moments when it turns out the child owns a number and watch just like Bane Ennis oh good that could be anyone's watch and it's still this story now we're on a plane oh hi Deshawn you motorbike I see oh nice skirt young Joan I'm not fighting fear anymore take these [ __ ] job done they never Lynn here's a strange man's voice in her head calling her his child actually this has been happening during the whole story I probably should have mentioned and here we meet another one of my favorite angels he swims he flips he breaks physics seriously what'd it be standing on here he's terrified of spiders it's say beings up after that absolute cakewalk Bayonetta Luka and the and making their way to the island to finally get the eyes of the world yeah remember that thing that hold you no reason the story is taking place oh oh no no okay this seems me to have a need in her regular outfit but this oh those are some good ruffles [ __ ] me and then they all died thus begins the missile flying segment with remixed music from Space Harrier surprisingly actually the whole game is a bunch of Easter eggs and references scattered now affecting the missile flying segment gee whiz it's not hard that the y-axis is inverted and good God knows I hate that and one of you dot you do a spin which after a while gets kind of cut it huh again the section isn't hard it would be nice to be able to change some controls around you can change around camera controls but pretty much nothing else it's very unfortunate because I play games with one finger resting on the bumpers and triggers so holding the right bumper to lock on and then dodging with the right trigger is very hard to do effectively I figured out a little later that pressing the jump button while slopped on allows you to dogs but again I would have just preferred some customization options when I click Nier automata I had a similar problem right mumbles shooting right to reverse dodge but most of the time you need to bridge both the once but in that game I can just switch my shoot buttons the lit bumper Judis it's not a huge problem as I don't use the lock-on very often but using lock-on is the easiest way to use some moves to sit a wasting time in putting double tests and that sort of thing on a more interesting note you can see been ADA on the missile here right which means these angels are huge where they mean this entire time well camera switching let's see we're here - is it it's attuning - attorney fiction that's it's a go that's the best alas [ __ ] spot [Music] after that we meet Sean again and she seems to be a little more unstable than before to her she's all set to destroy the whole omens with standing on an order to stop Bayonetta the luca intervenes and steals the missile launcher control wait guess you could call it but a seemingly blown up right there and then leading into another fight homeboy you know my gripes with the first boss fight with Sean well now she's back and even more aggressive she has new moves the sick of most health and a boss in the entire game yeah she's got more help than this [ __ ] abomination and even has multiple phases in different locations did I mention she was aggressive I spent over 30 minutes fighting her and I probably would have just raised but if I hadn't been recording it took me 30 minutes of trial and error to finally figure out how I was meant to beat her you have to be in her face 100% of the time dodge head dodge sounds simple but there's no other plane the game's similar and unlike other instances when you were awarded four-foot time events and this one you're punished in brief time I don't even know if you can actually beat her hair I'd beat it once in the kick in quick time but the punches I even beat my record of 24 with a whopping 26 yes I know very prison but even there wasn't enough what makes it even more of a big middle finger to the players if you just ignore the prompt and dodge the movement state you're rewarded with which time rewarded for missing a QuickTime event what now that I know all this I can probably beat it without taking any damage probably maybe as Shaun is dying I guess bended hands of the Jill from a witch watch all say that chin hug first and John calls being in ER by the name cereza cereza huh just like 10 minutes elementary missiles the ones that joins it off before laying on the building killing Shaun and sending Bayonetta flying to another buildings window where Luke answer Razer awaiting turns out he survived the explosion thanks to him not trusting [ __ ] I mean witches he seems something was going to go wrong and grab her to safety with Serato all of the sun's rays runs through doors after she to heard that they mentors from before and her hear calling him oh so she's calling the man who was calling bayonet a child this whole time daddy hmm it's almost as if as if it's a mystery ready to be solved but not now though we don't have enough clues yet thus begins the climb to the top of the tower sporting angels would fun than not so fun sections combat day right and it all ends up with being in a confronting her father the lumen said she was exiled so long ago he's lured being in a head you know the eyes of the world and such but twos out the eyes of the world isn't a gym it's the lumen sage himself and Bayonetta oh and also look his father was killed by angels Sean was being mind-controlled and then Luke has thrown out a window sorry what also sir razor is Bayonetta as a child what is that at this point the story becomes plot twist of the game everything that was at least slightly obvious is now brought forward with the most funny part being the main control bit with Sean it's just kind of brought up out of nowhere the lumen season infuses with baby Bayonetta there really is no good way to say that and a boss fight commences this fights pretty cool he calls down lasers has some white telegraphed attacks Sean and even starts killing your demons at one point the Bayonetta gets the upper hand when she shoots him square in the face with a big red lipstick the bullet what is that and seems to raise it back to her time but not before Lucas shows up because of course he does turns out the lumen stage isn't quite did yet though in Texas Bay neither in order to use her at the lip title awakened to Peleus the Creator probably sort of mentioned that that's what the Angels were trying to do this entire game well here you go further now but Sean isn't having any of that because she's alive seriously how many times are they gonna pretend characters are dead Luke has already been presumed dead twice now so razor once the lumen sage one since you're now two anymore as you know about well yes actually after band is Magic Jim frees John from a mind-control don't ask at this point only means know what's going on she leaves to bought the lumen sages building which is turned into a rocket with a statue headed on the face with it what this is so weird I I thought I had something wrong but no that's actually the story yet she leaps aboard the lumen sages building which is turned into a rocket of the statue on and headed to space with her motorbike this game then she quickly saves Bayonetta freeing her from Jubilees his design and proceeds to die yeah I'm sure she'll stay dead also the lumen sage blows up the moon is at the moon what is this mainly their adventure too [Music] no one you can control Jubilees is now its power green pain I absolutely love this guy he somehow sounds so full of emotion and devoid of it at the same time so drew blazes revived at half power thanks to the lumen sage still trapped inside and being it's tough to finally finish oh oh my the final fight is really cool obviously nowhere near as how to join but it's still quite challenging at least on hardmode I really like two Blazers design - never thought I'd ever say I find God sixty but here I am she's pretty sexy right but it's not just me there's a couple of different phases in this fight none of super challenging but you might get caught off guard here and there if you aren't paying attention whoa chill out buddy as we near the end despite veined as some of the equivalents of Jubilees is to inferno Queen Sheba who is quite the summoning spell Oh queenship is quite large in comparison to jubilation proceeds to just beat the ever-loving [ __ ] out of it to the point where soul links into body and collides with the Sun for I mean it would add if I have missed up and hit a planet first credits roll or not turns out John who isn't dead how about that helped out with someone in Queen Shiva hence the way here and now the body of Jubilees is plummeting towards good then it's up to bethe door and jawn to the story before it's too late [Music] whoops they have a touching moment hugging me back to the very first gameplay moment something we didn't see because it's not hard mode and in this look of standing watch from her believing they needed to be did not don't be sad location she's obviously alive I mean look he's in vain you know - isn't she oh it's only you forget it she's dead and then there's the final cutscene and it's a blast I mean it's where we started Enzo my good buddy good to see you again it had some genuinely funny moments one weird moment when Luke is all like Ben and I love you and then BAM real credits roll in as funky as you'd expect and then pole dancing a lot of pole dancing and that's just the story and I mean I'm included a lot of other stuff so doesn't get too monotonous but I mean like there's so much more to talk about first up is the music oh I notice the music you got right into the light mysterious destiny I bet other one fly me to the moon probably should remember that one first it can turn cutscenes intercut movies okay they didn't really make sense but believe me when I tell you some of the best music I've heard in a video game ever or even just in general it's that good now I feel like I've spoken enough about the gameplay I'm sure you can tell what sort of game that is better than we see here but just for clarification it's fast it's fun it's rewarding a game with similar combat is near automata and in that game you can just kind of spend the dodge fun forever and sometimes even then it's hard to dodge everything at once but in vain either you get forth I think Dodgers before Bay needle woods or backflip and become animation a lot for a few seconds and those are not seconds you want to waste my freed you will get hit you can of course read skip the Dodgers by not doing it for like two seconds or jumping you know but it stops you from just hoping the Dodgers everything it actually helps you to learn to watch The Telegraph who takes and how to dodge accordingly and you will be rewarded well apart from in the draw points which will get and watch out for the cutscenes - they're all in-game if an enemy is firing something in the screen get ready to [ __ ] dodge because they had kiddin around especially watch out for this when you decide to skip a cutscene you might be in for a nasty surprise it's happened to me more than once you've got bean in his animal transformations like the Panther allowing you to run faster and jump further something which can be utilized in new game+ if you don't feel like fighting the crow which is less useful combat wise but certainly save me from plummeting to my doom a couple times and you can also do a home you take for the cost of some magic and of course you have the contract with Madame Butterfly which not only allows fainted at the double jump and use work and weaves you not red giant fists and feet' but look at that shadow I love Riddle extra secrets in this game just waiting to be discovered as you go along speaking of extra stuff I said I was playing on hard mode well in order to get to hard mode you must first beat normal mode and trust me you don't want to be skipping very to hard mode on your first playthrough and beating out gonna need you with climax most with which time is permanently turned off I don't even want to know how long that'll take me maybe although honey-bunny pisode or something not only the speeding the game meet you with more difficulty options but also an artwork gallery modelled viewers new weapons new costumes you can even unlock new characters this game is brimming with extra content and even now I'm going through again and getting all the Platinum medals at least a normal mode this games got so much stuff in it that it just BP PLC and games we see today it's the perfect definition of what I'm looking for in a game nowadays you've got fun characters great gameplay lots of replayability cool unlockables and then you got of course after then you got the great humoral on top of that it's so great not to mention the environments are absolutely beautiful and even though the story was obvious and even at some point somehow even a little confusing because it's so full of wacky funny crazy moments I don't even care in the slightest if you're sitting on the fence about with you should buy this or not I say go for what he got to lose the game's a masterpiece and it's not for everybody obviously but I mean I didn't think it was from me either and didn't look at me now I wish I was sponsored in fact I have said that I am NOT sponsored by this game because I'd gladly sell myself out for it any day plus the game's really cheap on Steam especially for how much you actually get content like here and people say that being in a 2 is even better I failed to see how they didn't manage to get funding from anyone but Nintendo they're the last people I think to green-light something like that there's also been a cheeky sneaky flowing around AB a leader on the background of each of the Nintendo joi con switch colors and while those are the primary colors of each bein in a game this has led many people to believe the bayonetta games are going to get Porter to switch and that is a smart idea for Nintendo to do that because you know [ __ ] border Wii U but if there's really no chance Bayonetta 2 coming to the PC anytime soon me well I guess I'm just going to buy myself a switch or I mean it t know if you wanna see me one that'd be great - love you hey everybody thank you all so much for watching and thank you to all my patreon supporters again and you later the show happens reviewable on you our play [Music]
Channel: RadicalSoda
Views: 468,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bayonetta, RadicalSoda, Review, PC, Family Friendly
Id: qOldublg8g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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