Dog Grooming Steps-How to Groom a Dog from Start to Finish (give your dog a haircut)

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this is chubs I am going to show you some basic dog grooming secrets let's consider this a workshop she is a shih tzu mix she typically is groomed oh you're usually groomed about every eight weeks so they they put it off a little bit but she's been having some health problems and she hasn't been able to be groomed and Oh chubbs it's been Jesus it's been on like two and a half months it's been a watch house has a lot of coat she's actually not matted which is wonderful but unfortunately the client likes chubbs to have a short haircut we leave a cute little face fluffy ears fluffy tail and we take the body and the legs down with a seven bleed what that's gonna do is basically give her a low-maintenance haircut so there will be no brushing really involved for mom or dad that's what works for them chubbs is completely an indoor dog she goes out to go pee and poo and that's about it I thought this would be a great groom to share with you guys as beginners if you are a beginner groomer and interested in knowing how to do a simple pet trim this is the one for you today guys Eddie and we have her sister down here carrying on - we're gonna go through the steps and the methods - a basic dog group the first step when I get a dog in is to brush through them and now I already told you that I'm taking her down with a seven so I really wouldn't need to brush her right wrong I am brushing her to remove any dander from her skin so that as I'm doing my pre clip I'm going to clip most this hair off before the bath so I don't have to dry all this hair when I'm only going to be clipping it on that way right I am going to brush her hair right now because I am actually stimulating the skin I want to rejuvenate the skin in the back that's going to be another step I'm gonna share with you guys so stay put however I am brushing chubs out just to stimulate her skin and coat before I pre clip her with a 7 which is going to be our next step so now we are going to just pluck the hair out of these ears guys I can do it with my fingers pretty much she doesn't have a lot but I'm just removing the hair that is inside of her ear canal the hair that I can reach okay so that's that's and we got the hair out of there and pluck that out very easily I'm gonna clean her ears after the bath the reason I did after the bath is because in case any water were to get into shot ups ears during the bathing process the ear cleaning solution will kill any bacteria that may have gotten in there it'll keep it from becoming any type of ear infection or ear problem like that so that's it look I just removed that and we will be cleaning them out with an ear cleansing solution made for dogs right after the back so guys I am using a clicker vac system to do a 7 foot down on chubs and this is the next step in our grooming workshop I'm going to remove her from her grooming leave for a second we are starting at the base of the spa which is called the ossipon and we're going with the lay of the coat with a 7 blade a nice little nose down like this so that she is arched in a way that I can easily put through her now remember this is a pre clip she is a very soft coat so it's not going to be beautiful when I'm done doing the pre clip because I still have to work her skin and coat in the tub she has a lot of dander and just buildup in her coat because she has so much coat it has allowed buildup which will prevent my pre clip from looking wonderful it's not going to look wonderful so we will do a finished clip after she's washed and dried those cuts are coming up so stay put it but this is a simple simple haircut that basically anybody perform and I'm going to show you how to tie it all together in the end this way this is going to be a full groom that you guys can use as steps to achieving grooming at home or for the beginner groomer now I am going with the lay of the coat you always going to be careful this is her flank skin when you're coming off the plank skin you want to come straight off it not into it that's important it's a good little tip I want you guys to be aware of that now we're gonna come down this back leg here I'm gonna come pick up the leg I have her legs and the palm in my hand and I'm just running straight down the leg it's not something guys she's standing in a comfortable position which allows me to get to the legs it's that simple now what I'm gonna do is turn her around this way so you guys can see we're gonna lift up that tail you can see she has a little bit of in here I'm gonna clean this up with a ten blade so we're just going to ignore it for now just a little bit of matting here so I'm gonna be very careful I'm pretty sure I can get that with this seven blade and it's gone I'm gonna come down the inside of her leg this is an easy way to get to the inside of the leg if your dog has trouble standing there are other ways that you can position your dogs so this works just fine for chubs we have mad free clips her back leg we're gonna move to the front leg you know you want to show everybody how beautiful you are yes you are you're helping everybody dream Chuck yeah you're special so coming around the head we start thunder right where the Adam's apple is and we will clip everything from the corner of the ear to the Adam's apple that's what we're taking off the rest will be left as pet assembly and we will be I will show you what we're gonna do with that and another step still coming down with the lay of the coat you see that guys good job baby coming down her chest just like so we're going to just pull this blade up nice and gently just run the Clipper down the inside of her leg here now we're gonna come down the top of her leg the top of her foot you're gonna take all this off with a seven we're gonna hold that leg out and we're gonna come down the side we're gonna come down the back just free clips shouts front leg now what do we do we're gonna hold this the leg up we're gonna come from the chest under the belly all with the länder coat be careful on the non fit with a seven we can clean this out with a ten guys okay with the lay of the cup here we come under the belly and we have just managed to pre clip this both side of chugs I'm gonna get her back on her grooming lead so I could show you guys so we have right now we have a head assembly that we're going to be working with we have a pre clip body and legs we still have to shape these pads I actually do that after the back I just feel it's more effective that way I will watch this pads really good in the back I'm gonna show you how we're gonna get her very clean in the tub we still have a full tail and we're keeping this full tail we're gonna keep these full ears next thing I'm gonna do for pre clipping is set the length on CHED's peg I have switched over to a ten blade on my wall fan fan clipper and I'm using a zero wall stainless steel comb and I'm going to come from the occiput forward just like this we're just setting the length of the hair on chubbs head okay you can set this link to whatever length you want now we do have some money in here let's work this out good job now I'm gonna come straight up the side with the same comb what setting like this is a little hard to do for camera purposes under the jaw and yes chance is an amazing dog to work with I would take a hundred shows they can't all be easy to work with as this wonderful little girl okay I didn't trim this side of her with a seven yet but you'll get the picture here in a second I've only really pre Clips the one side of chubbs but we're coming straight up the muzzle straight up the side just be careful around the eyes you don't want to be too aggressive with these combs they're a little pointy you certainly wouldn't want to poke poke your puppy in the eye okay not a typical thing happens but I just want to make you aware of it okay so now we've set the length we've only set the length we're going to scissor chubbs we're also going to be cleaning all this out with a ten and we're gonna do that after the bath as well so stay put my friends now chubbs is ready for the back we have pre clipped the length on her head we still have quite a bit of finishing work to do here but at this point this is what I do before the bath we plucked her ears remember guys we pluck the hair out of the ears so we're going to clean those ears after her bath just in case any water gets in there but we're very careful about that not to get watering we've pre clipped her as best we can with a seven we brushed her out prior to clipping pre clipping that is to stimulate the skin now it's time to really work out skin and coat in the tub we're going to be using the table leash that I made on chops today I'm going to demonstrate that this is simple paracord bungee how this works is we put this around chumps like an adjustable leash then we bring it underneath chubs under her armpits under both armpits and we loop it back through that loop and we have just made a much safer tub harness for Chuck you're going to be doing three steps actually four steps in the tub we are going to do a facial scrub on chunks in this area to clean up all the debris around her eyes and mouth we're also going to be giving her a pretty wash just with the gentle tropiclean hypoallergenic shampoo it's all right now and a lot of dogs are reacting to things outside the changing seasons so I pretty much and my baby sister right now I am using the type of shampoo across the board Jenna rinse those pads really good rinse those feet we know they're very dirty remember I showed you her feet I'm going to soak them up we're going to clean a roll we're gonna get that device guys nice and rent so we can get it cuz it's clean you want to over wrench right in the beginning and overrun everything offers a dog after you've watched them now I'm going to get her face wet I'm covering her nose but really want to get this wet in there what do we expect we're gonna use this Davis facial scrub on her right now I'm gonna demonstrate this one for you I'm always using the tropiclean I'm gonna demonstrate this one it is just as effective as the tropiclean and it's safe around the eyes it won't burn the eyes and it's a very good facial scrub it cleans all that debris out now I like to let this sit on there for a little bit so I am doing this first because now I'm gonna go and wash the rest of her while this sort of bakes off a lot of the crusty stuff around our eyes and her mouth and if there's anything left I'll take a small little end of a comb and I will just gently remove it because it'll soften everything up zapping so we've got our face scrub really good and guys this is important a lot of people think wow you can really watch the dog's face like ducks absolutely with safe products you can wash a dog's face like this step two is I'm going to be using my bathing suit this should give her an overall wash she's gonna get two washes today I'm gonna use a degreaser on her too but she had such build-up skin it's standard stuff like that I like to watch them fight so this is my friend of a magician usually this is good enough to just use the with one watch but chefs is lucky she's gonna get another product in the tub today just to make sure she's getting clean and that product is made by Davis as well as the facial scrubs once they're in Greece shampoo I absolutely love it I mix that in a bowl and I will show you how I apply that to her [Music] the first watch [Music] coming up to the neck come down off the ears like this try to avoid getting water inside of the ear this product I can get close to her eyes and you know just don't want to shoot it in her eyes because this is a hypo product it's probably just just as gentle as that facial scrub because I'm using a hypoallergenic tropiclean product of my shampoo right anyway we're gonna grab a loofah you like that and I have pre-mixed 1 tbsp in a dog bowl and we're just gonna dip it in there and we're gonna start cleaning her this product here this I love this product it is not safe to get in their eyes they suggest you don't get it in their eyes so we're not getting it in her eyes scrub those pads really good everywhere in the armpits we're scrubbing every little ounce of chops with this degree shampoo and it it's actually rather rather gentle very effective she had a very dirty bum so go and clean up bum she says oh man we're gonna clean it that's really good you can see how wonderful this product lathers that was one tablespoon of soap not soap shampoo of the degrease shampoo that I mixed with water and look at the look at the results that is producing and this will just eat away the grime off of her skin telling you it's wonderful grease is a wonderful product around the ears because we know they get a lot of yucky stuff around there plus dogs typically get dirty around their ears because their ears often falls into their food or whatever I just don't want to get this product in her eyes our next step in the tub we're gonna rinse the majority of this off and I'm going to condition her I recommend you condition every dog every time it just helps to balance out the skin and coat it helps you to be able to get through the skin and coat with your trimming and your brushing and your clothes drying now we're gonna wrench chunks hold the nose down for a second I'll move on to another part I do need to make sure that I thoroughly rinsed out of her anything out of her eye area and her mouth just got to get in there and do it guys that's how you rinse their faces don't be afraid of the face keep that air hanging down and the water will run right off the air you don't want the water running into the ear thoroughly rinse the shampoo off we went the majority off now we're going to condition eye cream next to my conditioner this is a Davis conditioner as well this is their pure planet your planet something and it's it's diluted well it's pre-mixed you ears nice and conditioned the beard every remedies solution bottles are so awesome make it easy to apply product to your dogs these mixing bottles are very inexpensive they're linked in the description all their products are diluted you know that degreaser was diluted all my shampoos diluted all my conditioners diluted it's all day lootable and I like to let this conditioner any conditioner sit on my dogs for you know maybe three three to five minutes just let it do its job in this in the skin now I'm gonna take the largest end of a comb just coming to comb the face a little bit I know there was debris buildup it's all come out very easily we're gonna comb through these little ears this is just going to comb that conditioner through and make this and make her face so easy to scissor finish and fluff dried it's just it's great to use comb from the tub even just to run them down their body like this and gently it's so stimulating for their skin okay and their coat a good bath come like this is wonderful now this is part of the tools that I was sent when I did the demo on the Zion or tools but you can buy this individually through Amazon but everything's linked in the description we're gonna heavily rinse her with lukewarm water to cool water okay guys never too warm never too hot it opens up the pores and invites bacteria to get into their skin since there is always bacteria in water remember so lukewarm to cool water to rinse your dolls and also pinch that ear against the side of her face so we can thoroughly rinse the side of her face but you need to thoroughly rinse your dog you want to get all the product off the dog every time guys very very important [Music] I'm telling her off as best as possible and don't be shy about that guys you want to get as much moisture and water off your bed that's possible I have my stand ryr warming up you may not have a stand dryer burned right shut trimming her she's not gonna take a long time to dry that's for sure use of our two basins air cleaning solution one of these mixing battles but this is not that 100% take a cotton ball I put it in half put a good amount of this on the cotton ball we're wiping with this cotton ball the cotton ball we're also squeezing a lot of that food someone should shape like that took out a little bit of debris now try to wipe out any looking much better per fan good here [Music] there's not two [Music] [Music] so that makes it [Music] she's all dried rushed out can't they work men [Music] but I'm going to trim those pads nice and cozy for the 30 [Music] the detachable got our 30 on [Music] [Music] as part of the 30 now you can see [Music] standing on the fabric hood again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a dirty coat [Music] number five [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but when I thought [Music] [Music] [Music] now more 10-blade armpits crippled arm out faith areas be careful so now we're going to turn private so different [Music] away from you like so private area back right off st. thirty is way too short [Music] the man [Music] they're much closer together than say as seven blades so you can see the seven believe there's more blade to catch skin because from here to here is just late there's a big difference [Music] now [Applause] that [Applause] [Applause] one wasn't [Applause] Thanks [Applause] now the last thing left to do is for us to trim at the base of her tail and trim around the feet so if we want to tidy anything up here which I kind of like the way it looks I might just come up here with my dinner and then that a little so that when she goes to the bathroom stays a little cleaner and I also think I'm going to trim the length of her tail a little bit okay so you can do that by taking our stretch here and then feel the bone of the tail going the tails right here so we always want to be aware of where that is now we can fit a lot of this off just to make it look a little more natural and start tail a pretty little fluff tail and are these feet to take our curve shears and we're just gonna trim off anything that is changing the shape of the foot that we want it to appear to be outline of the foot basically and that's it now I'm gonna take my thinners I'm gonna brush anything up anything that's sticking out because we pretty much did a clip down on her we're just gonna turn it away make it disappear it's just such an easy trim off anything that we couldn't quite get to with the Clipper to make it disappear take our straight shear here be very careful in the pan and that nothing so be very careful be very aware where those things are at the top of the foot anything that is sticking out outline a foot around it cross it this way because are you tired guess this morning just tutoring everything off that doesn't the shape baby [Music] this is chaps all finished huh look at this beautiful face say no more hair in my eyes I can see my ears are nicely vented and clean my poor pants are nice and clean and I can walk on my pants and not a bunch of hair and my doodle but ski is all clean and more pokey yes and I'm so beautiful and it's a click down this is a beginner trend guys but it's something you could all do if you need to and this is how you get it done [Music] [Music] and it is absolutely my pleasure to share with you the secrets of the grooming industry so you can provide quality care for your beloved pets at home because together we are going to increase the bond you share with your pet and add even more value to their lives
Channel: Go Groomer
Views: 762,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dog grooming steps-how to groom a dog from start to finish, give your dog a haircut, Dog Grooming Steps-How to Groom a Dog from Start to Finish (give your dog a haircut), pet grooming lesson-step by step workshop, pet trim for the beginner dog groomer, learn to groom your dog at home, find pet products online, how to cut dog hair, basic haircut for dogs, cut a dogs fur like a professional, standard haircut for dogs, groom your dogs coat, easy way to groom a dog, dog grooming
Id: V-Xp2RaG_2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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