How to Groom a Shih Tzu full Groom (Charlie)

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hey thanks for watching TV on my favorite with my favorite groomer on YouTube and this is Charlie and he's like shivering I don't know why he's shivering I've known him so so long I have no news and he just loves me mom's sitting out in the lobby right now and look at his eyes or so they're so dirty I gotta clean those up really good look at that Wow I'm gonna clean those up Charlie you gotta clean those up all you're getting old on me I could see some grays and greatness and your eyeballs yeah wait you read my shivering okay so well he Cynthia I just love her she's my client I sitting out there she's like more of a family member than she is a client but I've known Charlie a long time and we're gonna do a short haircut and he's really dirty she said she tried to bathe him and he was not having it he does love to lay down so this is a great opportunity to use a dog up stand but I know him so well so I may not force the dog up Stan because I know he just loves to lay down so if you have one of those love to lay down ones that you've known a long time and you work hippy you can work quickly with the dog laying down then do everything up here first the head to everything here before you have to make them stand up why not right okay so we're gonna go okay so I'm gonna do a ten all over you can do a seven I'm just going to attend as I might not see she's already scheduled for the year but it's hot here in Texas is 19 and we're still in 92 degrees so I'm just gonna go short on my body and seven teddy bear head I believe that there sometimes dogs that are scared of heights and he is definitely one of them us why he lays down like this if I try to push it he's like pushing back like he's scared he's gonna fall off the table so he stays still but he wants to lay down he doesn't want to see the height where he's at all right maybe this is a client that trusts me Pet Sitting and everything with her baby so I just have known for a long time and he's known me a long time so what may see my shivering he's fine he's not scared or anything like that and we're lucky today David's off of work saying is that helping me here so yay David helps out we get in some really long videos so thanks David remember to groom groom in a way that there's barely anything to do when you get done with the bath so if you want your line you want to try to get your lines perfect now so that after the bath it's like five minutes and you're gone you know we're gonna do a seven anyway so I'm just kind of cutting up the through the megarian here [Applause] really dirty over here like that darkness here from maybe the call and eww I'm not the other caller sometimes all right so we're going down here like this take this off you should went over with him here in a minute I'm gonna use the dog with Sam maybe help him stand up without this through the inverted V here around the eyes got all that gunk out every dog is different you've got folds in here so I want to really clean this out that's just how I like it this smells funky if you don't do that and again I don't like the eyelashes it makes the eggs water more so it's really dirty here and I like it clean all that out so and I don't like the color of maroon so I'll try to clean all that out see with my clippers here it does not wash out and you can use like the whitening shampoos I don't even believe in that crap I mean it's like I don't really see a few different stories you having to pay for that whitening shampoo I'm gonna come down here indeed the hair going into the mouth will cause will stick to the teeth and rotten out faster so I like to clean up a mouth area too like this kind of stuff yeah I like that Charlie when they come in here the hottest part of the body in my opinion is the inside of the ears if you're ever like laying around with your dog put your hand here it's really hot right than right in there that's what your infections are so prone as well so I'm gonna cool down the ears by taking some of this hair off here watch that skin flap in there just a little fold right there you can Nick that really easy change the blade I'm gonna see if he's gonna bear with you on the top stand because he's pretty short I already did before though okay so the dog of channa system you could order these at dog up stand calm I think they're an amazing tool to help assist the dog standing in this case he saw how he was laying down the whole time now I'm able to save my wrist and he's just being supported here he's a totally you to get spotty down and I mean he's let me get it so just go fast and and that way I want to hold him up so cool I had this one lady it was wondering you like does it work I mean this this is working right they have do you think it's working yeah and it's not causing any pain and it's not like a it's not like a rope around his waist either so it's a big difference it's like a plateau hand platform I'm gonna do the tummy without the dog up stand for safety and then I'm just gonna keep going here Tony hoping in those Charlie I don't have to hold you up anymore you got hair on your mouth this is Lewis very loose [Music] we're getting that dog up Sam calm go order one today that's awesome this is awesome right here for me to be able to just wheeze through this fast not normally like that we're still on our 10-blade so we're just keeping everything short I'm pushing up on his John here and I'm holding the use to [Music] you see this one we're almost done [Music] I personally think I like here but like what I'm doing I kind of try to keep my head area clean if you do it while you're grooming then it's totally less cleanup and you can work faster and then in between dreams someone walks in you're ready to go pretty quickly you're not like when I've gone into some of these groom shots there's hair everywhere like loads and loads of every dog's hair it's just it'd be easier if you had a trash nearby and just kind of work it as you go so it doesn't accumulate for like six hours if there was pain here he would be yelping in fun you know I would think he would be saying something so all right we're good there I'll come to you back to the tummy we're gonna finish up the head a little bit and go to back sort of I gotta do the past you don't really want to stand up huh you don't stand up nor squat this is a dog squatting this would be the definition of the don't squatting what are you doing squatting you're not Asian [Music] okay she's hot kind of heavy I'm gonna put him down please he's not jumping up and down and around right [Music] you know stand up for me at least a little bit here and I'm doing this light jab day I'm not even touching the skin so what I'm doing the goal and reverse against this the hair growth and it's not going to take it down to the skin if I'm not pushing down too hard okay we change blades I'm going to do two seven teddy bear heads and when I come back and do the pads and then we go to the back watch the ear flap here and on the other side so last night we did the same thing so the seven heads and three months grows out to be what he came in looking like so that was a seven last time as well seven teddy bear head so a girl's pretty fast right come down and go down here create a box and then if you want to round it later we'll round it come here with your finger like that hold this this is setting the stage here I'm going to come and clean that back up with the ten the seven and ten are very close to each other so just kind of fade that seven into the ears here if I'm not going to take off ears its fade that didn't like that okay now I'm going to the forty we do the pads I'm going to come back into a ten later with the face finish up the face he has dewclaws in the back here don't forget to check all your feet I just I have his memory and I have a file card on every client and it says it on there don't forget the rear dewclaws dogs lay backwards like this so this is not hurting his leg I'm pulling in just how he normally would lay down on a cold tile floor [Music] so there's a Duke all up in here which is not normal but it's fine doesn't hurt anything I wouldn't have it removed it's not worth it if it's there just leave it there don't worry taking the pads down is helpful especially in senior dogs walking on hard floors because it's like a sock so if the pads can't touch the ground then they don't have any leverage like your shoe so if you have an old dog that's slipping definitely get the pads cut and that's on dogs that are not normally groom to like sometimes Rat Terriers or dogs that just need a nail try and make sure your groomers like request that the pads are done to during a toenail trim I do all that for my toenail Tim clients that come into the store when there's wherever I can have electricity [Applause] [Music] yeah my wrist is hurting right now [Music] [Applause] the owner here I like that pad exposed - so I kind of clean that up with the forty or ten [Music] so that's in there these were really long huh come on buddy get out of there [Music] I would love to sell you guys the same clipper I'm using so get with me if you want one of the easier one of the lightest weight Clippers out there I used to use the andis to maroon one that's to speed I had no idea I was missing out on such a light clipper and if my hands kind of sore with this one can you imagine I can't imagine you guys using the Oscar the heavy ones or the andis other ones so you want one of these please get with me on my favorite groomer comm I'd love to sell you this amazingly light clipper so great on your hands you can scissor here too but just if you go light with your 10 you'll be able to just take some off but not a wild dog don't do that with the wild jumping dog my jab the eyeballs but you also my jab eyeballs with a wild jumping dog the scissor so careful it doesn't want you want to lay down I know you want to lay down let me do them here [Music] back with my ten cleaning this out we did the sevinor on the bottom of the chanting everything okay we're good there we did the pads I gotta go back and do the nail trim looking cute what do you think make sure you know where the meets at I'm barely just kind of edging it so I'm not gonna get the skin at all so just making them right I like around see how this is pointy I'm gonna take that round it a little bit she's so cute so you Charlie's getting old too orange jack yeah so just to help me out now I'm gonna do the nails and when you do dog upside down there for a minute okay you did your nails so now I don't have to hold them up saw 'some I can't tell you guys a secret yet on doing nails but I will have a video you'll have to pay for it to watch soon I've been doing a nail trimming on following vaccination clinics for over 10 years and every weekend I've stopped doing that now for two years all going on to two years but that's all I would do on the weekend so I've done thousands of nails so I would say I am an expert at nail trimming but that expertise 10 years of that time I can't give it out for free so there'll be a video coming soon you have to pay for it though just watch for it it's really gonna be educational and if you watch it you should not quit any dogs nails anymore ever very very rarely will you once out one out of a thousand nails you might quick we're almost done here do you want to check the ears when I first started grooming at Petsmart I would not do the ear hair because I felt like it was painful but I realized after your infections are happening that if I didn't do an ear plucking it would hold on to residue in the ears and cause an ear infection and I was the culprit from that so now yours need your hair needs to be pulled out in the ears need to be cleaned it's just a must so I've seen both sides of that cuz I remember a day when I was like I'm not doing it I'm not gonna pluck those ears I know it's painful little did I know it does cause an ear infection if you don't and I go fast by putting the hair right back on to the hair cuz it grabs it for me so I don't have to stop and move it's just really fast to do this and then I'm gonna wash the dog anyway so see how it's getting in my way I can't even see what I'm doing so to move faster just wipe it right there the hair will grab it for you and so you can just keep on going without stopping as someone was like you're abusing the dog I'm like abusing the dog cuz I'm wiping the dirty hair on the dirty here I don't understand that so that's not to me that's not dog abuse it's making it very speedy this is it ear cleaner not the kind that you want to go down into ear canal so just clean the ears just look just right here right around here if I saw residue and black gunk then we would have a problem but I just see dirt like a little dirt all right going to the bath thanks for watching we'll be back thank you I wants to watch the video baths we never do that so why not so here we go Charlie our new back so pick a temperature I do like light cool or neutral temperature not too hot not too cold and I like to use two hands because you know I'm not I try to work efficiently so get the dog wet and don't spend too much time you're getting wet everywhere and then ears down here and a cutting of this cuz you don't want to get water in the air so hold the ears down if you have a dog that has a lot of ear problems put you cotton balls in each ear and get yourself clean facial towel get it wet real nice real nice Trippi towel I really get into the face here and kind of clean it out like this and I told other faders that have one spur to me like if you don't want to clean it but good enough here this is what you're going to do you don't want to get in there I don't care I'll get in there and wash all the little poop stuff did you like that what are you doing don't get mad you don't need a lot of lather depends on the shampoo your you thinking but I'm gonna go check his file really fast to see with you anyway today [Music] [Music] it's really hard to see when a dog has to have eaten plans done especially if you do internally I pet him one time and he knows I'm gonna do anyway he already knows I'm gonna go ahead and do him because just now doing that Tao I can tell they're like oh this is not pretty you guys but this is a veterinary and trading me how to do internal analyze it so it's not pretty because it's not it doesn't feel good and there's an animal and video you can go look at that watch that tells you about anal glands though they're like glands that get full and this is gonna hurt so I have him on the furthest one so I have this much room for him to bite me and I'm gonna pull his body back this way we're gonna use lubricant and he already knows what's going on but we don't do it every time so I just feel like they're really full back here okay this is one side to see all that fluid that just came out that stinks too okay doing the other side Oh God oh my gosh they're so full and then that was the other side stream leaf oh I'm so sorry he didn't scream hey that's what we leave a pressure back there you want the soap residue out of under the armpits and under the legs are the spots that really hold on to like the soap residue but rinsing should be longer than the lathering so you want to make sure you get all the soap residue box this around make sure you get under this loop and I'd like to go like this because it it out of the eyeballs if there happen to be any in there letting my hands tell me if there's any soap residue left one really rinse off good well they'll be itchy and they'll come back or they'll be itchy and they won't come back in the next time they come into our rash from the Sophia left of the stroke good they're good baby not so I remember some comments where people would be like don't spray water in the eyes I have a lot of clients that have pool a pool out here in Texas dogs swim so if you think the dogs hurting itself by jumping in the water or getting a water in the eyes I would rather rinse the eyes with water and make sure there's no soap residue then to not rinse the eye than be afraid of working with the head so don't be afraid to get water on its head water in its eyes okay if you're worried about your infection put cotton balls in both ears two in each year one will probably shake it out mid bath the last one will actually usually stay in there till the end of the bath so don't be afraid to rinse the eyeballs out okay it's not hurting them it isn't hurting them I promise okay we go really dry the more you soak up now the less you have to blow dry so soak up as much as you can and here in my salon I try to keep it at one towel per dog I don't want to do two or three towels per dog it's such a waste so use every inch of the towel I mean like even the edges if it he has hardly any hair left so it's not like I'm gonna run out of dry room but I would be using the tip of this too you know to soak up water if I had to turn around baby so the more I get off the less that time I have to dry it dry him with the blow dryer he might be sensitive with his butt too sorry I'm watching everything he's doing it I've been watching how he's breathing how he's looking around because I mean anal glands it's not not pretty ok and then I dried out the towels overnight and then I washed them when they're dry so that they'll hang up here for the night so they don't mold if you throw them in a bin okay we're gonna blow dry em I guess you could watch it safety equipment [Music] [Music] okay I kind of did that so you can see a different way so if you want to blow-dry this but the body do it real close to the body first head last heads are irritable so if you would do the head first they're gonna get really irritated and then you got to do the body which would have been fine first so do the body first do the feet and then do the head last so that way if it's really irritating on the head you can just skip it you can step back and blow like this come underneath come side to side on the lower volume on the face don't blow an eyeball out that can happen this is why I say it sounds like a jet engine it really does and it's really powerful so it's really hard on a dog that's senior so that's why we skip the blow-dry we don't Pindell dry at all here so cage dry we don't cage right off and then the last thing is you can take the nozzle off which you saw me do last and if you want to really see it really detail up the face and take the time to blow-dry the face you can really get close when you take that nozzle off okay we're gonna go to the group here we go we're going to finish out Charlie here I'm just gonna touch up the tent with the ten here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] got a bump in there I think mama knows about that what I'll tell her today - something to watch [Music] holy jaw [Music] what's he doing recording this what's that now to get back [Music] and check your head again with the seven here [Music] [Music] [Music] take that color you know sutural color but still take it all off just trying not to live here you know he's so still so just trying to keep him still here he's doing great just laying there such a good dog isn't he the only thing he has his fear of heights oh he's like whoa I can't get to the edge of the table might fall off like dd-don't let me get to the edge of the table you hear mommy out there talking he's okay he's not like reacting to mom but that's mom out there talking about fudge lady crush that back take that down thank you Charlie anything let me see one more time move stuff around here you gotta get in there you stand up for me don't cut the dewclaw off but just remember remind it to their just get the hair around it and if you watching just the starting to watch my videos oh my I like to do like just about dulse just a little dull on the scissors so I can go fast and rarely ever have a nicking problem but that's just me some of y'all have really sharp shears that's okay do it do what do you and if you need any of the tools be sure to email me go to my website my favorite groomer com I'd love to hook you up with your tools I've helped so many people already so that's kind of cool he has a curlicue tail so I'm not really gonna take much off of it I'm just gonna round it off here it's like three three months groans so it's not that bad just what three months will get you here so a curl it's actually curling and hooked onto my finger hair so I'm just going to curl around like this so cute you got such a cute you the only I'm really concerned about here is just it touching poop you know something kind of good here so the only way you're really gonna know how a tail affects poop is if you go watch a dog take a poop so go off there and watch the dog you know how to like get that hair out of that poop area like study what you're doing so you can help the client not have to clean that up you're still shivering alright this is Charlie thanks for watching TV with my favorite groomer talk to you later
Channel: My Favorite Groomer
Views: 1,449,032
Rating: 4.1606107 out of 5
Keywords: matted dog, my favorite groomer, i love dogs, dog groom, dog grooming, grooming tips, animal grooming, aggressive dog expert, senior pet grooming, Air Force Veteran, disabled pet groomer, fast grooming, petsmart, petco, best groomer, paw trimming, fort worth groomer, veterinarian, how to groom a dog, safest way to groom, Shih Tzu, Nail trim, Dog upstand, Dog Ear clean, How to Bathe, How to Groom a dog, Rescue Dog, professional Groom, Clipper Tips, Haltom City Groomer
Id: T1Om0mfP2Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
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