Does Scarlett Johansson Know Her Lines From Her Most Famous Films?

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who am I talking to in it and I know because I go because your feature looks pretty [ __ ] Bleak hello I'm Scarlett Johansson and I am going to guess some of my phone case [Music] you're probably just having a midlife crisis did you buy a portion Lost in Translation you probably just uh having a midlife crisis did you buy Porsche that set was the Park Hyatt in Tokyo it was fully functioning Hotel it felt like very much we were doing a kind of gorilla style filmmaking because we were at a small crew we just were capturing what we could wherever we could get it and it was a really quick shoot my experience shooting it sort of mirrored my experience in the film because I felt so out of my element I was also 17 when we made it the character Charlotte is kind of in that headspace too I've lived a lot of lives but I'm done running for my past is Black Widow I've lived a lot of lives I'm done running from my past I absolutely loved every filming experience I had working 10 years with Marvel and with that amazing cast and I love the character Natasha it was amazing to build that character over such a long period of time and I also feel really good about the whole sort of Story coming to a close and I think she has a lot of dignity and I felt like I did I did it at all you know I did it to its fullest I know it's sad but it's bittersweet yeah no I have two big brothers to look out for me this is from North yeah now I have two big brothers soaked out for me I have kind of those trippy memories that you have of being a kid where you have very specific memories of people and I remember doing a dinner scene and it was the first time I'd ever done an interior and I remember looking up at all of the lighting equipment and I was mesmerized by the whole production I remember that very well and having a crush on Elijah Wood I remember that very well surprise you have an ass that makes me want to dry hump oh God I feel like I said that to a girl is zachos rolled He's Just Not That Into You or an ass that makes me want to dry hump did people usually get all of these I'm supposed to be spinning a nine pound bowling ball over my head at this point but you just have to imagine that part is from scoop I have to imagine that part oh it's is it sing it's Isle of dog I'm supposed to be spitting a nine pound bowling ball over my head at this point but you just have to imagine that part I loved working with Wes I didn't I recorded for an afternoon with him or maybe it was one or two days of work even though we only worked that one day I mean he's just as precise doing live action which I appreciate very much he's probably a better actor than most of them [Laughter] he delivers my line better than I do I read the script for asteroid City I didn't get a pitch for the character it's so specifically written and she references in different parts of her life you know we talked a lot about the character I always try to figure if it's something I I can contribute to and that's kind of how the conversation went and then usually I'll like dream about it and once they start dreaming about it then I know that there's no turning back okay I guess I'll see you on set men always seem to wonder they think I'd be something very special is Match Point men always seem to wonder I think I'd be something very special the one and only time I've ever been to can was for match point it was a long time ago it was such a whirlwind I remember going up those crazy stairs I just didn't have any reference for can at all you know I just was so out of my wheelhouse like growing up and working I had never been to something so involved and massive like that it's like movies and movie stars everywhere I'd been to Venice I'd been to like a couple of festivals before that but Cannon's like something else right enjoy tonight because your future looks pretty [ __ ] bleak oh God what is it I I know it I know because I've said it oh match point is it match point wait wait don't tell me is it Ghost World what is it who am I talking to in it and I know because I go because your your feature looks pretty [ __ ] Bleak but I can't remember where it's from enjoy tonight because your future looks pretty [ __ ] bleak when is the last time you touched someone I feel like it could be under the skin but I'm not sure yeah when was the last time you touched someone I mean I think Jonathan Glazer is such a Trailblazer so I think visually his stuff is often used for references for film and he has a movie out in can I think it's in competitions here so I'm pretty excited I've decided about program I think we should put him down it's not fair to let him suffer is definitely from the horse whisper I've decided about pilgrim oh I think we should put him down it's not fair to let him suffer pristine has played my mom three times in a film that we just did that she directed she played my mom in the other Belen girl and she played my mom and horses for really keep in touch with her over the years but I seen her in different times of my life when I was 12 when I was probably in like 2021 and then now as a mother of two children she's wonderful really strong actors director and formidable and all the wonderful ways movies in porno are different they give awards for movies is from Don John movies and porno are different John they give awards for movies it never really came alive for myself I was only feeding his aliveness is from Marriage story I didn't ever really come alive for myself I was just feeding his aliveness yeah it was it was not that long ago I will work out dialogue for years and I'll make text a director and say I figured it out it's like oh I figured I figured out how to do that scene dialogue stays with me for a long time obviously not as queer in this test but um sometimes I'll I'll think about work that I did from a you know a decade ago and have another idea but that's good that means it's still alive right [Music]
Channel: Variety
Views: 437,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Variety, Variety Studio, Scarlett Johansson marvel, Scarlett Johansson match point, Scarlett Johansson cannes, scarlett johansson, black widow, asteroid city, scarlett johansson interview, under the skin, lost in translation, ghost world, isle of dogs, match point, scarlett johansson her, the nanny diaries, don jon, scarlett johansson north, the horse whisperer
Id: Lx7Pq-46_tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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