Doctors, What Anti-Vax Parent Story Haunts You? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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doctors overdid what are some of your ante VAX parent stories I had a kid comin and was super sick three years old and in septic shock he had the flu and another compounded viral infection or maybe pertussis heart rate was close to 200 respiratory rate in the 50s blood pressure in the 70s kid was so freaking dry that we could barely get IVs into him and I almost had to drill an eye oh we dumped a ton of fluids into him started him on vasopressors and transferred him to the local Children's Hospital I had asked the mom if he was vaccinated she said no vaccines have really bad side effects they'll make you sick I explained to her that not getting the vaccines had made her kid ten times sicker than he ever would have been from any mild vaccine reaction she told me I was a fricking [ __ ] and that I obviously have no clue what I'm talking and that's the reason her kid was getting transferred but she also told me that recommending she vaccinate her kids was racist for anyone not familiar with the jargon and IO is an intraosseous line that means the thing goes inside your bone to deliver fluids when I was a medical student I had a five-year-old patient who looked and acted like a two-year-old failure to thrive his mother was super super weird she shaved the sides of his head somehow like a Marine cut but kept his back hair long she refused to vaccinate him or even feed him setting foods her sister and her husband were trying to get custody of the child because his mother was weird and didn't take care of him properly I suspect she was paranoid she would literally fight and call you names if you attempt to suggest to put the kid on a proper Hospital diet she wanted to inspect the food first and to make sure he eats only certain things long story short the attending calling County and they took the child away from her good holy crap that neglectful nurse and frankly abuse would have severely impacted that child later on as a medical student I went to see a young child one yo in the outpatient clinic before the attending the child was due for vaccines and I talked to the parents about getting them on that day the parents said they had reservations about them so I talked to them about their reservations we talked about all of the things they had read on the internet and walked through each point one by one one of the benefits of being the medical student is that you have nothing but time I explained how vaccines are made and how they work they don't have the mercury preservative they once did some vaccines are live but attenuated and others are immunogenic sequences bound to a protein and why we get so many so early that's when you're most likely to be affected by these diseases they were concerned about the effects of so many vaccines at once this is a common concern that we challenge your system less with a vaccine than you see walking around in the world every day and about them making the child sick not possible with anything but a live vaccine and that's why those are attenuated they had such a small dose at a non immunocompromised individuals should have no problem with them even though you might feel a little sick because we activate your immune system and that's how you feel when that happens the whole discussion took probably half an hour and then they decided to go forward with the vaccines as it turns out most people are just scared and who can blame them with all of the misinformation in the world it's easier to see how parents get to that point but they also are human and when you sit and talk to them like the people that they are intelligent and able to understand your points they respond in a positive way it's one of the moments in medical school that eye reflects on frequently especially when things are tough and I feel like being impatient with people this is a great story as a nurse I see quite a few patients who are misinformed or simply haven't been educated on certain things I was a medical student when this happened my attending pediatrician gave me a heads-up about the parent I was about to see and decided it would be best if he came into the room with me four-year-old kid came in with a horrible cough and difficulty breathing it was almost sure as heck pertussis aka whooping cough the kid was coughing so bad he vomited on the exam table he went on to ask about vaccinating her kid and of course she replied no even though her son was Dania coughing up his lung right next to her I think my attending had seen enough and had enough thought her not vaccinating her kid and had the following conversation with the kids mom attending mrs. I have to ask you do you trust me as your son's doctor mom of course I do doctor attending well there's two problems here that we need to address one you either think you are more knowledgeable than me when it comes to medicine and if that's the case I should no longer be your son's doctor oh you don't trust me as a physician and in that case I shouldn't be your son's doctor mom blank stare on face attending will you please reconsider giving your son a vaccine mom no my attending obviously treated her kid but after this whole ordeal resolved he fired her and her son as a patient and referred them to another pediatrician he had enough of her crap I respected the heck out of him after he pulled this move we had a 14 year old female common for abdominal pain one time she weighed 80 pounds looked sickly her mother refused to let her eat anything but a handful of things nothing with very much protein at all she literally had a binder full of articles about how horrible vaccines are all the bad things they put him food these days etc she had completely brainwashed this kid so the kid believed it too her labs showed malnutrition her teeth were horrible just a sad case all around curious if the mother was on the same diet bet not when I was a med student I had a parent who wanted to do a delayed vaccination schedule basically it means that you get all the same vaccinations but you pointlessly and foolishly do it over a longer time period the mom had read a book promoting this practice that was unfortunately written by an MD my pediatric attending had zero gel is that the book written by dr. questionmark yes well then you should know that I was in the same medical school class as dr. but I got much better scores than he did dang that's frickin savage I would have loved to see it nearly qualified pharmacist here so obligatory not a doctor our pharmacy offers travel vaccines for people going away to countries with a hard likelihood of severe tropical disease star parenting goes to the parents who got themselves vaccinated for rabies but not their two primary school-aged elementary for non Brits children med school student here I was getting my hair cut and I was talking to the barber about how more people should get the new meningitis B vaccines since I know a person who got meningitis B and almost died the desk lady went off about how vaccines are dangerous and pretty much every single auntie vac six talking point I explained the actual facts behind vaccines and said that I'm studying medicine I think I might know what I'm talking about and then she went off about professors not knowing what they are talking about in that they just teach what they are told to teach so that we can all be brainwashed into supporting the big pharmaceutical companies in that my proof were all fabricated by them in medical school I saw kiddo whose parents refused vaccines and so when they were given the vaccine refusal form to sign this form essentially said that the parents understood that refusing vaccines was against medical advice that their kiddo could get sick from all those preventable diseases and that that they wouldn't hold the doctor practice liable for any complications that the kiddo may get from said preventable diseases this mom pulled out a sharpie and blacked out the part about the doctor not being held liable the parents thought that we'd be cool with them just changing that form just for them and they wanted the doctor to be held liable for their moronic choice of course this didn't work and they were told to sign the form or they would be discharged from the practice and have to find another they refused to sign and were told to leave after given a list of other pediatricians in the area not a doctor but two nurse and a vaccine advocate once had a public argument with a friend from long ago he argued that by not vaccinating his kids and risking terrible side effects and possible autism he was placing no one else at risk however acknowledged the potential risk to his kids after attempting to explain the potential risk to others and him failing to understand I created an another which I still use to this day imagine if my kids and your kids get into the same car both of your kids don't put on seat belts therefore if there is an accident there is an increased risk that your kids will die and also harm my children and the process this seemed to click with him and he doesn't share his auntie vac propaganda on social media anymore good analogy it's like not wearing your seatbelt because you worried you could get trapped in your car after an accident it's astronomically more likely you will be killed in an accident but hey at least you have avoided the miniscule risk of being trapped in a burning car by your seatbelt I feel like Family Guy said it best there's an episode where listen Peter kidnapped this child to get him to a hospital because the parents believe prayer will heal their kid so Lois eventually has to confront them and says something like maybe the vaccines and medicines are God's answer to your prayers so why keep praying if you're going to wipe your ass with his reply not directly related to my being a doctor but a mutual friend of mine and my wife's is a chiropractor and anti-vaxxer refused to vaccinate her first two kids I didn't want her or her kids coming anywhere near our place when we had newborns or kids - because of the risk her unvaccinated kids placed on my partially vaccinated babies she got all offended saying the usual rubbish like if vaccines work what do your kids have to fear and your kids are more risk to mine because they'll be shedding viruses doubt her third child was born with cystic fibrosis which makes them very susceptible to all forms of respiratory and airborne infectious diseases suddenly the whole hypocritical family is vaccinated against everything well at least they were able to change to protect their vulnerable child it could be worse they could have dug in and endangered bare youngest had a kid comment for generic upper respiratory virus asked mom if he was vaccinated as his routine she said no when I asked why not her response was well my boyfriend was vaccinated and he still got meningitis so they don't even work I told her that's the same as saying your friend got bruised by a seat belt in a car accident so you don't wear them when you drive pediatric resident here in the u.s. our continuity clinic accepts everyone including those kicked out of previous practices for anti vaccination beliefs which is a bit frustrating at times really it's a mixed bag for how we can handle these patients ostracizing the parents is only going to build further barriers between provider and kids so that doesn't help frankly what has worked best in my experience is to try to understand where the families are coming from explicitly asking what their thoughts are on vaccines tell SM voice their misunderstandings oftentimes this is the first time they've been allowed to talk about their questions and concerns regarding vaccines with a trained MD that doesn't just belittle them most frustratingly it takes patience and time assessing where they are regarding change precontemplation contemplation etc helps determine where we are for vaccinating them today in a month or in a few months one thing that I do draw the line on is to make sure that we see these kids more frequently the normal children as they are at higher risks for illnesses because they are not vaccinated no room for negotiation on that point this helps to fold first it helps build rapport with the family but also secondly if they decide to take a delayed schedule which is still not ideal but better than no vaccines we can eventually catch them up to speed with their vaccinations by frequent return visits interestingly it's always the yoga pants' Karen types that or the anti-vaxxer or pro measles as I've been calling them lately rather than the less educated single moms on welfare or the recent immigrants that speak no English ultimately where the kids Doc's and their advocates and are most effective when we are live with the meliss or better put get the families to ally with us and do have to be stern after a certain point it's a mix of being stern but also compromising to work with families to provide their kids as much in the best data supported care as possible not a doctor but so significant other works with children that have autism she has one parent that consistently tells her she regrets vaccinating her kid she then asks questions to my so about which vaccines are the ones that cause autism as if it's a big secret my so tells her that autism is predetermined before birth and signs just aren't noticeable until around two years of age she still tries to justify her logic with other anti-vaxxers parents stories from FB my so has two masters degrees towards this field it blows my mind how they can still argue with overwhelming facts fourth year med student reporting in had a rotation with a pediatrician where we ended up in the classic encounter with an anti vaccination parent this lady was a conspiracy theory magnet she casually mentioned everything from nine stroke eleven to chemtrails of course she loved the idea of the vaccine conspiracy as well opting to not protect her one-year-old to stick it to big pharma I relayed all of this to my attending after my exam I would see the patient first gather history and do my exam to present to my attending physician he got this sort of lazy smirk on his face that screamed watch this we go back into the exam room and we cover all of the important bits of a well-child encounter growth charts behavioral milestones nutrition sleep and then we get to vaccines she lists approximately 15 reasons why vaccines are more dangerous than the disease they protect against law in addition to the various evils of the pharmaceutical industry my attending listened quietly until she's done with our soapbox about one eternity later and then interjects with have you considered the possibility that anti vaccine propaganda could be an attempt by the Russians or the Chinese to weaken the health of the United States population in a moment of catastrophic cognitive dissonance I swear I heard a strange popping noise as her brain fired it actually broke her the elder of the increasingly ridiculous conspiracy theory was just too strong she ended up agreeing to a modified vaccine schedule I was flabbergasted my attending just grinned at me in response to this day I'm not sure the medical ethics of the situation are totally palatable but goddamn the result was amazing you have been visited by dat boy like this video in 7.6 seconds or he won't visit a game until the 22nd of July 2085 if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, storytime, reddit stories 2019, sub, reddit cringe, brainydude, karma, brainy, memes, comment awards, dankify, meme awards, doctor, doctors, doctors or reddit, hospital, anti vax, anti vaxxer, anti vaxxers owned, fails, doctors react, anti vaccinatie, cringe
Id: NRt4dC8GAdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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