Doctors Share The Most Incorrect Patient Self Diagnosis (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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doctors of reddit what's the most incorrect patient self diagnosis you have seen late to this but my friend has an incredibly tough alcoholic granmarg Nord a stroke because she thought it was a hangover saw a patient last night who had been having episodes of wind for six months and had comin because of a particularly bad bout massive heart attack with crescendo and China over the preceding year not that uncommon a self misdiagnosis but kind of takes you aback when you see it not a doctor myself my grandfather was a doctor and had a patient come to his office complaining of a slight headache his receptionist told him to wait in the waiting room they called his name but the guy never came up to the desk he actually suffered a major brain haemorrhage died waiting to be seen in the chair man in the rode his bike a sole method of transportation came in for chronic knee and leg pain he had metastases eight cancer with bone lesions all over came in for my legs hurt left with hospice referral as a paramedic I responded to a dispatch for a sick person when we arrived this old guy was clearly having a stroke he said I just ate some bad fish or something before taking a three hour nap luckily his wife finally decided to call 9 double one I had a teenager and her mom come in worried she had some kind of serious circulation problem because her toes were blue I looked at her feet and thought that's not really the right shade for loss of blood flow I grabbed an alcohol swab and proceeded to wipe the blue color off the tops of her toes I think it was from her new jeans this thread is like reverse WebMD think it's cancer you just stubbed your toe think you have a cold 100% cancer I personally knew a guy who was diagnosed with lung cancer in college at the age of 22 he was so young and lived a clean life so it was confusing to everyone even the doctors they progressed very quickly with the treatment and he was scheduled to start chemo he was doing some sort of pre diagnostic meeting and an was involved the intent started asking some very different questions and he eventually asks the patient if he had been in Kansas recently it turned out he had in fact spent the previous summer working in Kansas this was a few weeks after it turned out the intern had been writing a paper specifically about localized diseases and there was this disease in Kansas that he had focused on it had something to do with hay but it wasn't hay fever the intern was basically telling the doctor to humor him and run this one specific test the doctor agrees and the test comes back with results that show the intern was on to something the patient went in for chemo treatments with a grim outlook and he left with ten pills he had to take over the next five days one week later he was completely fine fw IW this was in the year 2001 not a doctor but a psych first responder patient self diagnosed as dead EMTs didn't believe him he was quite insistent though and wanted an ambulance ride because he thought a dead person ought to have one the EMTs argued with him stating that he was both standing and talking he countered that he was in hell in fact he was just pretty high with a bad drug combination I had a fun hour with him while he came down as a medic I had a soldier run up to me and a Mon to see the PA when I asked why he said his girlfriend has BV and now her sure he does too I assured him that he must certainly did not have bacterial vaginosis headed to add a note the soldier in question was symptom free and we definitely still let the soldier see his provider in not a doctor but I'm a medical professional at a hospital patient came in stating that he had blood in his stool for almost a year and was convinced that it was just because of him avoids he only came in when he started to get abdominal pains turned out to be Carla rectal cancer moral of the story is if you have blood in your stool especially dark color don't ignore it I have had an unbelievable amount of patients who think they have stevens-johnson syndrome Thanks WebMD when they in fact have contact dermatitis from you lotion or laundry soap I also advise not looking up that condition edit if you have recently started lamotrigine carbamazepine bactrim or allopurinol and develop a rash definitely call your doctor it may actually be SJS elderly man with dementia brought in for suspicion of toxic epidermal necrolysis a serious and life-threatening reaction where your skin peels often sheets nope it was a very large burn because they left grandpa alone at the house and he spilled a tea pot on himself and the family and another hospital were too dumb to figure it out I was rushed to the air as a kid because I woke up and my face was blue obviously my parents thought I washed breathing in mate or nine years old and every own sudden change in demeanor is making me a little scared and in just getting bluer Adam urge fear running all kinds of tests that are ensuring anything wrong with me until finally my dad realized that I put the brand-new Toronto Maple Leafs pillowcase I just got on my pillow washed cliff later I was all better he had some belly pain and thought he had a UT also had weight loss night sweats and some other stuff he had terminal pancreatic cancer and two weeks later he is delirious and a death's door not a doctor but I'm a nurse I recently had a patient who claimed that he used to have diabetes but Jesus cured him of it his glucose was nearly 300 on admission and he was in the hospital for an amputation of a gangrenous toe that didn't heal because of said diabetes it'll never forget the doctor's note that said patient had a history of diabetes but states jesus healed him of that button says blood glucose was 289 on admission we will treat him as if he were a diabetic and I'm not a doctor but I'm a medical assistant I did my preceptor at a kidney and hypertension center had a guy come in complaining of painful urination and thought he had a UT gave him a cup and told him to pee and set it in the window the lab took the cup and immediately brought him back to a room which was strange b/c this place stayed packed and it was all first-come first-serve kind of thing well this guy went back BC there was blood in his urine a lot of it this guy was beyond 300 pounds bTW just massive and extremely tall doctors got him in the room and stayed for maybe 15 minutes before we had him transferred to the earth apparently he had a fractured penis and had no idea the nurse above me said they lifted his gut and his entire groin was purple and black and his penis was in a weird swollen angle she said she had never forget it for the rest of her life the guy never did tell us what happened or anything he acted just as surprised as everyone else TL DR UT turned out to be a broken tech I would say after a couple years working in an emergency room before and during medical school that by far the most common egregious self misdiagnosis involved pregnancy tons of sexually active patients coming in complaining of morning sickness and gaining weight and just sure they have some sort of GI issue or infectious disease when it comes around to asking questions oh yeah come to think about it I haven't had my period in 3 comma 4 comma 5 months that's not to mention the people coming and fully in labor and delivering in the ED truly shocked that they were pregnant at all now I understand people can have irregular periods and there are many cases where the patient is reasonable and not guessing what's going on but there is a large group of patients who missed a lot of obvious hints denial ain't just a river in Egypt I guess and I do have empathy for patients in situations where they really don't want to be pregnant and so perhaps are subconsciously blocking it out of their mind but a medical mystery it is not I once thought I had a perforated colon because my poop was bright red I spent an hour on the toilet in pain googling symptoms and then I remembered I got high the night before and crushed a bag of flaming hot cheetos okay so why do you think you have glaucoma well back in zero two I got shot right here and it was a Glock in not creative enough to make this shoot up I had a very nice gentleman come to the ED with severe weakness going on for weeks it all started with chest pain a couple of months earlier he thought he was having heart trouble and he knew you take aspirin for a heart attack so he took a couple aspirin every day for the next few weeks the pain got worse and also started affecting his legs while walking then the weakness started then he pooped blood a lot of it that's what prompted the emergency department visit when I checked his labs his HGB was in the four range which is low enough to make me raise my eyebrows normal is 13 to 15 you'll start feeling weak / tired around 10 usually so his symptoms including chest pain where and from heart trouble they were from severe anemia turns out he had a small bleed from his colon and taking aspirin which thins your blood and makes you bleed more turned it into a large bleed so I get him tanked back up with blood we do a few tests including a Carlin Oscar Peterson why he was leading in the first place and whoops we find locally advanced colon cancer thankfully it hadn't spread anywhere so he eventually ends up getting surgery and chemo and last I checked has doing great so this guy was incredibly lucky by misdiagnosing himself with coronary artery disease he took a totally inappropriate medication which caused a side-effect that set off a chain reaction that led him to me and his diagnosis with cancer at an early enough stage to be cured if he hadn't taken that aspirin that cancer could have sat another year or two undetected and continued to spread at which point it would have been incurable and had likely be dead right now when my husband was eight years old he campaigned about having intense pains in his stomach and became so lethargic that her cold would be woken up his doctor said there was nothing wrong and that he had growing pains for two years it turns out his gal bladder had stopped working and would only function correctly a few days out of the month after the doctor refused him a referral to another doctor for a second opinion his mom took him to the emergency room and within 15 minutes he was going into surgery to have his gallbladder removed to top it off they jam-packed him with so many pain meds that he became so constipated and he called and used the bathroom for two weeks he complained about his stomach hurting again and the nurses never once asked him when his last BM was claiming that they forgot he had to receive an additional surge of real a term that week in which he had 15 pounds of fecal matter removed from him talk about a shoot eat I'm not a doctor but I did this to myself once I was in high school walking to class when I got a sudden sharp pain in my foot I was running late and didn't have time to deal with it right then but I only really felt it while I was walking it faded quickly when I was still and even then it was minor enough that I figured it would go away on its own after a couple of weeks of dealing with it I mentioned it to my mom who thought it might be gout I was a really lazy kid so it was a definite possibility we go to the doctor and he does an x-ray and it turns out I broke one of the bones in the ball of my foot in short I broke my foot and tried to walk it off for two weeks I was in my work placement years when this happened a man in his early 20s has committed a crime and claimed that he won't be going to jail because he self diagnosed himself with personality disorder from google search police officers brought him in from my mentor to diagnose him my mentor exact word you do not suffer from personality disorder here just in our soul I'm waiting for the day I could use the same line as my now retired or edit my mentor did not diagnose him by the way he knew the guy was faking it and all the police needed was a confirmation from a medical professional physician assistant that works in the emergency department here had a woman around 45 years old come in with her mother for a complaint of a spider bite to her back it was actually an abscess no big deal that's pretty common people think abscess is a spot bites all the time I'm sized and drained it and sent her home on antibiotics pretty standard procedure told her to come back in two days for a check when she came back it was looking better she and her mother thought it was something serious because it still wasn't all the way gone yet but it was healing well and there wasn't much to do she and her mother came back again another two days later and told me it was definitely gangrene I tried to reassure them that they both kept arguing with me that I didn't know what I was talking about it was obviously a healing abscess and was looking a lot better look nothing like gangrene which they had googled had to get two of my colleagues to come in the room to reassure them but they still didn't believe us think they ended up going to another hospital TLDR woman came to the ER three times for an abscess she thought was gangrene I may have told this one before morbidly obese lady terrified she had a lump in her breast demanded to be examined immediately Bremen mother brought in her third child kids listless pale muscle tone is poor mother claims kid has manuscript so doing my checks asking about food and home environment mother tells though little kid is lactose intolerant so we only are summoned milk run a panel not only is the pool little two-year-old not lactose J tolerant dumbass mother has been starving his poor brain of nutrients by feeding him only vegetables but no protein or protein based items like legumes kid is developmental delayed because she saw an Internet article on it ended up calling CPS on the beach and having all of her three children removed had a daughter with bulimia it was horrifying still pisses me off when I think it about in not a doctor but when I went to see a physician a year back for my shaking problem I have severely shaking hands I was told that it was a short-term problem that would likely go away in my late twenties I told him I was on medication and he dismissed it as a nun relative issue recently I went to a different doctor he assessed my symptoms jolting limbs twitchy face shaking hands locking jaw etc turns out I have tardive dyskinesia which is a very rare side effect of one of the medications I was on it is irreversible after age 25 if I had listened to the first doctor I would have permanent brain damage as young as 25 years old edit fixed spelling and not a self diagnosis but I had been seeing various doctors for months with what they thought was post viral syndrome or depression depending on how the doctor felt that day then after being out in the Sun one day I developed him a la rash and my husband decided it looked like something he had seen on a medical program called lupus doctors laughed me and him out of the consultation room for months I was too young not the right race no family history etc etc turns out they decided eventually to order the right blood tests and I have lupus I do love doctors but realize now that often their guess is as good as mine [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Cubed
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Id: Rf1yxtvsQsQ
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Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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